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Crime The Almighty Buck United Kingdom United States

FBI and Join UK Against Forces Against Spread of Dridex Banking Malware ( 70

An anonymous reader writes: The UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) has issued a warning to UK online banking consumers to guard against the possibility of having been infected by the Dridex malware, which spreads via macros in infected Microsoft documents and is currently estimated to have cost £20mn to UK consumers. The NCA says that it is working with the FBI and several European authorities in a concerted campaign to take down the botnet behind the current crop of infections. Dridex is a derivative of the Cridex strain of banking malware, which itself stole many techniques from the GameOver Zeus malware package.
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FBI and Join UK Against Forces Against Spread of Dridex Banking Malware

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  • Title errors (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 14, 2015 @04:37PM (#50730367)

    That's one of the worst cases of non editing I've seen in a Slashdot title

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Wow, haven't seen a title butchered like that posted online.....ever. Well done.

  • by Roger Wilcox ( 776904 ) on Wednesday October 14, 2015 @04:49PM (#50730507)

    Is someone trying to be cute with that absurdly convoluted headline?

    It is impossible to parse at first glance and difficult after several times.

    I have come to expect better from the editors here...

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Are you suggesting that you were able to eventually parse it and produce something meaningful? If so, would you mind sharing your results?

      • As near as I can tell: (FBI) and (Join UK) Against (Forces Against Spread of Dridex Banking Malware) ...not that it makes much sense even so.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I read the title as "FBI and UK join forces against spread of dridex banking malware."

      It wasn't until I read your post that I saw that it was butchered horribly. :)

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Kneo24 ( 688412 )
      I love how all of the comments so far are about the god awful editing of the title instead of the actual story itself.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 14, 2015 @05:37PM (#50731019)

        Right. The real story is Word macros are still an attack vector. That's fucking sad. It's been 20+ years and they just remove the broke feature that nobody uses except to infect others. At least with Flash they have to come up with a new exploit every now and then. With Word macros, there is no exploit, you can just infect all you want.

      • by KitFox ( 712780 )

        I love how all of the comments so far are about the god awful editing of the title instead of the actual story itself.

        The focus is on what is important to readers.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 14, 2015 @04:54PM (#50730591)

    English motherfucker - do you speak it!?!
    that title is worse than yoda speaking when on crystal meth...

  • WTF? (Score:2, Troll)

    by tuxgeek ( 872962 )

    "FBI and Join UK Against Forces Against Spread of Dridex Banking Malware"

    4 words: Spell grammar check and
    it Use whenever thinking posting about on /.
    moron ..

  • I'm not sure I understand. Is this a bitcoin article, an Uber article, a VW article, or a drone article?
    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Something about phishing "infects users via macro actions which launch when opening infected documents.". The OS is not clearly mentioned :)
      The "online banking consumers" are now safer as the botnet is now connected to a sinkhole.
    • I'm not sure I understand. Is this a bitcoin article, an Uber article, a VW article, or a drone article?

      Never under estimate the value of an Uber driver in a rabbit diesel with a trunk full of bitcoins surveiled by a drone.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    You see there are very important conclusions to draw from the story.

    Fuck Microsoft Windows.

    Fuck Microsoft formats.

    Fuck Microsoft Windows with anything financial.

    Fuck ATM's running on Windows XP.

    Fuck Windows 10 with intentionally coded and intentionally obfuscated spyware.

    Fuck Microsoft.

    There ya go. Those would be the first comments without the seemingly innocent stupid typo in the subject. So many "people" thought it was clever to immediately come in and comment on a typo... you can basically see who the

    • by Maritz ( 1829006 )
      Why leave 'Fuck Microsoft' til last when it encompasses all the earlier fucks? That just made all the stuff above redundant. Could've saved yourself a bit of time there. But yes you don't like Microsoft, that did come across.
  • by nickweller ( 4108905 ) on Wednesday October 14, 2015 @07:52PM (#50732045)
    Does this Dridex Banking Malware run on Apple OS X, Android, Linux or Microsoft Windows ..
    • Does this Dridex Banking Malware run on Apple OS X, Android, Linux or Microsoft Windows ..

      Dude you lazy. Three seconds on Google:

      "Dridex is a strain of banking malware that leverages macros in Microsoft Office to infect systems." []

  • A simple text message in the title can cause so many brains to lock up... Is bad editing now malware of sorts?

  • by dbIII ( 701233 ) on Thursday October 15, 2015 @03:06AM (#50733785)
    Normally it's a vector of infection that should not be there.
    Most of the time when somebody sends you a word doc or an excel spreadsheet it is only for you to read and not to change. We've had the PDF format freely available for far longer than this website has existed yet we still get that shit - word docs for birthday invites - do they want us to change the date :) Invoices as spreadsheets - can we fill in how much we want to pay?
    • by Maritz ( 1829006 )
      I only use Office in work, but I always have to click 'enable editing' after I first open something, so it sounds like that's already a thing.
  • use mod points to downvote titles against forces against malware FBI.

  • FBI and Join UK Against Forces Against Spread of Dridex Banking Malware

    It's been two days, there have been numerous posts pointing out the error, and you still haven't given a shit and fixed it.

    You are simply bad at running a website.

Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed. -- Neil Armstrong
