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Anti-Game-Violence Legislator Arrested, Faces Gun Trafficking Charges 234

Several readers sent word that California State Senator Leland Yee was arrested today. He's accused of conspiring to traffic guns and commit wire fraud, to defraud citizens of honest services, and bribery. The complant (PDF) also names 25 other defendants. Yee is known for pushing legislation that would ban the sale of violent video games to minors. "Federal prosecutors also allege Yee agreed to perform official acts in exchange for the money, including one instance in which he introduced a businessman to state legislators who had significant influence over pending medical marijuana legislation. In exchange, the businessman -- who was actually an undercover FBI agent -- agreed to donate thousands to Yee's campaign fund, according to the indictment. The indictment also describes an August 2013 exchange in which [former school board president Keith Jackson] told an undercover officer that Yee had an arms trafficking contact. Jackson allegedly said Yee could facilitate a meeting for a donation."
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Anti-Game-Violence Legislator Arrested, Faces Gun Trafficking Charges

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  • by Noishkel ( 3464121 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2014 @11:23PM (#46590297)

    There for a while he was pushing for a ban on a bit of a work around that 'gun-nuts' in California came up with to get around it's ban on so called 'Assault Weapons' A weird little device called a bullet button that makes it so that the magazine in a firearm can't be easier removed. Pretty clever work around for a completely asinine law.

    • by NotQuiteReal ( 608241 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2014 @11:29PM (#46590333) Journal
      Well, yeah... making stuff illegal makes it more profitable, e.g. See "drug trade".
    • by Ungrounded Lightning ( 62228 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2014 @11:36PM (#46590361) Journal

      [Parent poster talks of ONE of his many anti-gun (i.e. anti-gun-in-private-hands) projects.]

      Prohibition of something means the illegal providers of it have less competition and can thus sell for a higher price. So it's very convenient for those sellers. Thus, for instance, drug lords are just fine with keeping the drug laws strong and complex, and opposed to legalization of their product (which would put them in competition with efficient conglomerates who could compete the pants off them).

      (Incidentially: I suspect Yee's opposition to video games was a spinoff of his antigun agenda.)

      By the way: Pro-gunners are celebrating tonight. (The call from a friend a few hours ago with the news made both my wife my own day. B-) )

    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday March 27, 2014 @12:48AM (#46590593)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • But then why is he anti-violence in games? Surely if he is trying to ban guns to increase his profits, why isn't he lobbying for violent games so people are more interested in buying his product? Is it possible that deep down he knows that violent games don't lead to an increase in real-world violence?

    • by nyet ( 19118 )

      “My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this horrific tragedy and their families. These events are shocking to all of us and sadly remind us of the carnage that is possible when assault weapons get into the wrong hands. It is imperative that we take every step possible to eliminate the types of senseless killings witnessed in Aurora, Colorado. We must limit access to weapons that can carry massive rounds of bullets or that can be easily reloaded. SB 249 is a step in that direction and should

      • Don't forget he also wanted to licence 3d printers during the 3d-printed gun hysteria.

        "While I am as impressed as anyone with 3-D printing technology and I believe it has amazing possibilities, we must ensure that it is not used for the wrong purpose with potentially deadly consequences," said Yee []. "I plan to introduce legislation that will ensure public safety and stop the manufacturing of guns that are invisible to metal detectors and that can be easily made without a background check.".

    • (Courtesy John Winterton)
  • What a pieve of work this crook is.

    Glad they nabbed him.

    He'll probably get a month's probation.

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Wednesday March 26, 2014 @11:23PM (#46590305)

    Rule of thumb:

    If it don't have a letter,
    It's a Democrat matter

    • by Anubis IV ( 1279820 ) on Thursday March 27, 2014 @12:53AM (#46590603)

      Most people's first thought when a politician does something they disagree with: "Isn't this just typical of $political_party? Always doing $stereotypical_action."

      Between confirmation bias, the No True Scotsman fallacy, and the polarizing messages coming from the American political camps that are reshaping nearly every American's world views, the everyday Joe has an inordinate number of tools at his disposal to think exactly what I said above. They'll forget the good while making a point of remembering every wrong done by the other side, dismiss every wrong done by their own as someone who never really belonged, have those ideas reinforced by their preferred "news" sources, and get sucked into unproductive back-and-forth "debates" with the other side that only serve to divert attention and keep us from working together.

      I'm a Republican (or at least that's what the card says), and I have no idea what party this politician happens to be, nor do I care. I'd encourage you to stop making it a source of division. Because even if the media favors one side or the other, what I care about is that he's doing something reprehensible and sounds like he deserves some serious jail time. Anyone on either side of the aisle engaged in the same is also a scumbag that deserves jail time. Neither side supports the sort of thing he's doing, so blaming it on either party makes no sense, and focusing on his party does nothing to address the issue.

      • I'm a Republican (or at least that's what the card says), and I have no idea what party this politician happens to be, nor do I care.

        I myself am a Libertarian, and I DO care. I care very much that the press tries to harm as much as possible one major party and tarnish every member with the brush of a few lunatics, while shielding the Democrats as much as possible from any negative behavior by members and making sure that each and any infraction is isolated from any and every other Democrat.

        The reason I car

        • by geekoid ( 135745 )

          " I'm pointing out a major flaw with an institution that's supposed to keep politicians in check."
          without bothering to back up your belief with any rigor.


    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday March 27, 2014 @03:22AM (#46590897)

      As an European, I find it hilarious that you bicker about what edge of The Party someone came from instead of realizing that it just doesn't matter what letter is next to someone's name.

      It's absolutely amazing to watch that fight. It's like watching two religious nuts fighting over who has the cooler imaginary friend, not realizing that they're both being bullshitted by the system behind it.

    • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
      It really doesn't make a difference in this case. He's from California. You just kind of assume he's a Democrat, or maybe something further left.

      That rule is reversed on any of Murdoch's media.

    • by geekoid ( 135745 )

      First off: That's a horrible attempt at a rhyme.
      Secondly, I can find all kinds of article where the pub isn't called out as well.
      You should probably read up on observational bias. []

  • It makes complete sense. If those kids can play GTA, some of them might be inspired to go into competition with him.

    • Or simply go "why should I be nuts and go out and shoot people when I can do it from the safety of my home?"

  • by GoodNewsJimDotCom ( 2244874 ) on Thursday March 27, 2014 @12:07AM (#46590487)
    Politicians like to keep pointing fingers at other people at being the bad guys so less people points fingers at them.

    As long as the law says it is legal to bribe politicians with campaign contributions, the only way someone will get in a significant office is if they're willing to take bribes. The system is designed to get crooks in office and keep honest folk out. Mandatory corruption is generally unsustainable in the long run.
    • Should for some odd reason corruption become a criminal offense at some point in time, most parliaments will be very empty places...

    • Mandatory corruption is generally unsustainable in the long run.

      You actually think US government corruption is only a recent thing? How long do you think it has to run before it becomes unstable? How long do you think it has been running so far?

  • it's wild. Apparently the guy running the show was the "Dragonhead" of a tong in San Francisco. Seriously? They still have titles like that? It's like a freakin' Bruce Lee movie.
  • This is nothing more than a 160+ year continuation of San Francisco Chinatown corruption and bizarre happenings. It has nothing to do with party.

"When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest." -- Bullwinkle Moose
