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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 29 declined, 51 accepted (80 total, 63.75% accepted)


Submission + - Slashdot Alum Samzenpus's Fractured Veil Hits Kickstarter

CmdrTaco writes: Long time Slashdot readers remember Samzenpus,who posted over 17,000 stories here, sadly crushing my record in the process! What you might NOT know is that he was frequently the Dungeon Master for D&D campaigns played by the original Slashdot crew, and for the last few years he has been applying these skills with fellow Slashdot editorial alum Chris DiBona to a Survival game called Fractured Veil. It's set in a post apocalyptic Hawaii with a huge world based on real map data to explore, as well as careful balance between PVP & PVE. I figured a lot of our old friends would love to help them meet their kickstarter goal and then help us build bases and murder monsters! The game is turning into something pretty great and I'm excited to see it in the wild!

Submission + - Stephenson Mentions Slashdot in Reamde ( 1

CmdrTaco writes: "It's total navalgazing and I wouldn't post it if I was still working here, but I thought my heirs would be pleased to know that Slashdot got a mention in Neal Stephenson's Reamde. Be proud and keep up the fight. It's page 161 if you have the hardcover."
Star Wars Prequels

Submission + - Make It Happen: Boba Fett Carbonite Crunch Ice Cre (

CmdrTaco writes: "Check out this clever faux product someone created that will make every Star Wars fan scream WANT! It's Ben & Jerry’s Boba Fett Carbonite Crunch Ice Cream, a vanilla ice cream with salted caramel swirl and chocolate Han Solo miniatures frozen in carbonite — you can see the frozen chocolate Hans in the background! Would this not be the fastest-selling ice cream in history? I can see the supermarket display now: a big cardboard Slave I replica that lights up and says,Eat up! You're no good to me dead. Oh, imagine the possibilities!"

Submission + - Happy Pi Day

CmdrTaco writes: "Just wanted take a break to wish everyone a Happy Pi Day. It's 3/14, so I hope you are all enjoying your day off, and remember not to bother checking your mailbox."

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May Euell Gibbons eat your only copy of the manual!
