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Government United States

Utah Could Become America's First State To Ban Fluoride In Public Water ( 210

NBC News reports that Utah could make history as America's first state to ban fluoride in public water systems — even though major medical associations supporting water fluoridation: If signed into law [by the governor], HB0081 would prevent any individual or political subdivision from adding fluoride "to water in or intended for public water systems..." A report published recently in JAMA Pediatrics found a statistically significant association between higher fluoride exposure and lower children's IQ scores — but the researchers did not suggest that fluoride should be removed from drinking water. According to the report's authors, most of the 74 studies they reviewed were low-quality and done in countries other than the United States, such as China, where fluoride levels tend to be much higher, the researchers noted.

An Australian study published last year found no link between early childhood exposure to fluoride and negative cognitive neurodevelopment. Researchers actually found a slightly higher IQ in kids who consistently drank fluoridated water. The levels in Australia are consistent with U.S. recommendations.

Major public health groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Dental Association and the CDC — which says drinking fluoridated water keeps teeth strong and reduces cavities — support adding fluoride to water.

The article notes that since 2010 over 150 U.S. towns or counties have voted to keep fluoride out of public water systems or to stop adding it to their water (according to the anti-fluoride group "Fluoride Action Network"). But this week the American Dental Association (representing 159,000 members) urged Utah's governor not to become " the only state to end this preventive health practice that has been in place for over three quarters of a century."

Thanks to Slashdot reader fjo3 for sharing the news.

Utah Could Become America's First State To Ban Fluoride In Public Water

Comments Filter:
  • anti-public health (Score:5, Informative)

    by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Saturday March 01, 2025 @09:44PM (#65204275) Journal
    Through the covid era, Utah became irrationally opposed to public health [], surpassing Oregon in that regard.
  • Next up (Score:5, Funny)

    by ArchieBunker ( 132337 ) on Saturday March 01, 2025 @09:58PM (#65204293)

    Lead water pipes, liberal panic or the taste of patriotism?

    Asbestos, it’s just lung cancer. Walk it off.

    • That's not enough, I demand more asbestos. More asbestos! More asbestos! More asbestos!
    • Lead fluoride is a risk then.

      • I was going to look up the pubchem summary for Lead(II) fluoride, but is down. I'm going to guess it's a sign my government is collapsing in on itself due to acute Leon poisoning.

    • Asbestos works really well and it's cheap. It's difficult to find a substitute that its equal even at twice the price.
      Lead is versatile and cheap, to a chemist Lead is an incredible element, with lots of really cool properties for reactions.

      Too bad our weak human anatomy doesn't coexist with these wonderful materials. We've been betrayed by our own biology.

    • by dohzer ( 867770 )

      Legalise asbestos!

  • Nature wants to make you extinct. It created you, and it created other things whose task is to survive at your expense. Our ancestors understood this, that's why the world modernized. Only idiots started having it good and watching cute animals on wildlife shows they forgot that MOST OF NATURE EITHER WANTS TO EAT YOU OR DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU LIVE OR DIE. We need our brains and technology to help us survive. Up until the year 2004, not even one president had lived past age 91. Now we've had FOUR do it.

    • Nature wants to make you extinct. It created you, and it created other things whose task is to survive at your expense. Our ancestors understood this, that's why the world modernized. Only idiots started having it good and watching cute animals on wildlife shows they forgot that MOST OF NATURE EITHER WANTS TO EAT YOU OR DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU LIVE OR DIE. We need our brains and technology to help us survive. Up until the year 2004, not even one president had lived past age 91. Now we've had FOUR do it. Until 2004 only two presidents (out of 40 something) had even reached age 90. In the 2000s FOUR ex-presidents surpassed that. Oh and they all lived with chronic shit (see their physician notes) that if you had it you'd be crying all day with pain and itching. The previous presidents all ate organic, all non-GMO food. How did they get sick, how did they die?

      Presidents and ex-Presidents are not out there eating cheap food or living the life of a pauper. A good diet alone can be the factor when trying to live beyond 90. So can genetics and the health care you have access to and receive.

      Any number of reasons can be why we’ve had a whopping FOUR live past 90, but most likely it was due to the artificial aide of modern science and machines afforded to that very specific group representing your entire sample size. Quite frankly, it more sounds like all four

  • by Travco ( 1872216 )
    Better expand their Dentistry program, if they have one.
  • Does his right arm have a mind of it's own?

  • Toothpaste and dental care are ubiquitous now so I'm not sure there's a reason to put it into the water.
    • There's no substitute for fluoride. It makes a child's enamel super tough.
      With crunchy conservatives like RFKjr, they'll go after not just fluoride in your city water but in your toothpaste as well. Because sadly, there are lots of brands of toothpaste in the US that are "fluoride-free"

      The social cost of having higher rates of dental caries and of tooth loss is significant. I'm sure someone has worked out a dollar amount. Given that it costs a few dollars per person per year to add the fluoride to all the

      • by gweihir ( 88907 )

        Because sadly, there are lots of brands of toothpaste in the US that are "fluoride-free"

        There are? Seriously? If you want to get something like that here (Europe), you have to go to places that also sell stones to place on your body or other quackery.

  • It's Utah... what ever they want to do, you know the smart call is to go the opposite direction. This is just another case of them proving it.

  • I'm all for preventing tooth decay, but looking back on my own youth we had fluoride in the toothpaste, I was taken to the dentist and had fluoride treatments there and had fluoride in the water everywhere. A family dentist at the time (and would go on to be a very famous dentist in that world) could/did not diagnose the etching on my teeth that was taking place because of the excessive fluoride I was exposed to. (Flurosis).

    Something happened to my immune system in adulthood that doctors could not diagnose.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      And in actual reality, comparative studies in Europe (where some areas do fluoridation and some do not) show no systematic negative effects. Your single example and speculative attribution is worthless.

    • You're forcefully medicating people and it's ethically wrong.

      That's really the crux of the issue, but some people just can't see past "not my team" and are going to oppose change simply because it's Republicans doing it.

  • by zawarski ( 1381571 ) on Sunday March 02, 2025 @12:38AM (#65204531)
    But at least it is not about AI.
    • But at least it is not about AI.

      Maybe we should ask AI why it’s a moronic waste of time. See if AI is smart enough to find root cause. Rather obvious we humans clearly aren’t capable of finding (or admitting) it.

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Hmm. I thought Utah was a mormonic waste of time?

  • And Utah could become the first US state to subject kids to massive dental issues, while enriching dentists.

    I predate fluoride in the water, and I'm sure my parents' bank account reflects it. Multiple teeth pulled thanks
    to cavities regardless of how much I brushed or flossed.

    If I were a dental student today, I'd move to Utah, because if this passes, it's going to be a fscking Gold Mine.

    • If I were a dental student today, I'd move to Utah, because if this passes, it's going to be a fscking Gold Mine.

      Greed N. Corruption is the reason it’s a fucking Gold Mine. Otherwise every dental student would have moved to a country that doesn’t fluoridate their water supply to become multi-millionaires.

      Greed N. Corruption is the reason you should question. Not the excuse to validate.

  • Seems Utah really wants back to the dark ages. Probably a good idea to leave there while free movement between states is still allowed...

  • of their precious bodily fluids

  • Peer-reviewed article explaining the chemistry behind the effects of fluoride on hydroxyapatite (tooth enamel): []

  • What I see as a glaring issue here: I'll assume that citizens don't drink TAP WATER like they used to, almost a century ago. So their fluoride intake has probably changed significantly. It's got to be in your mouth to affect the teeth, no? I didn't hear that it was a blood-level mechanism. And most toothpastes have fluoride; and there are fluoride mouthwashes, too.
  • Our precious bodily fluids!
  • Some Actual Info (Score:5, Informative)

    by PleaseThink ( 8207110 ) on Sunday March 02, 2025 @09:08AM (#65205019)

    Maybe my memory is going, but I used to remember a time when people argued by comparing facts and seeing which side had the better outcome (or perhaps I was too young and naive). Here's some things I know about fluoride. Look them up online to find citations:

    1. Fluoride only protects teeth by contact. Meaning it sticks to your enamel and is harder for bacteria to break it down. Any fluoride you swallow does nothing for your teeth.
    2. Swallowed fluoride is toxic to humans in many ways.
    2.1. In the USA, you have a 90% chance (Wikipedia says 40%, but that's from a decade old study. I heard the 90% stat more recently. Not sure which is more accurate) of having calcification of your penal gland by age 17. That calcification is likely from fluoride. That damage decreases the age of puberty and can mess up sleep and reproductive hormones.
    2.2. Fluoride can weaken your bones.
    2.3. We used to eat a lot more iodine than we used to. Fluoride and bromine (in fire retardants (furniture, cars, clothing) and in nearly all bread (replaced iodine) despite not listed in the ingredients) are close enough in structure that they compete with iodine and our body can use them instead of iodine. In modern humans, iodine is being out competed by those substances. That means your thyroid is making slightly malformed hormones which act slightly differently than they're supposed to. The negative effects of that are not well studied. Why force that unnecessary risk? (look up The Iodine Protocol to learn more)
    2.4. In addition to that, fluoride collects in and damages your thyroid.
    2.5. Dose makes a poison, but damage slowly accumulates. Especially if the body is overwhelmed in dealing with everything else toxic in our modern environment and diet. Stressed systems break sooner. Just because the amount of fluoride in water is small doesn't mean it isn't causing damage over time and that amount doesn't take into account your other intake of fluoride too. Fluoride isn't only in water.
    2.6. Can cause intestinal distress.
    2.7. Can cause Fluorosis.
    3. There are far better alternatives to Fluoride.
    3.1. Hydroxyapatite works far better than Fluoride in preventing cavities and has none of the negatives listed above. It's the same minerals that makeup our enamel so the restored areas have the exact same properties as the surrounding enamel. There's no reason for anyone to buy toothpaste or mouthwash with fluoride anymore. Hydroxyapatite is better in every way except you might have to order it online (don't get the nano, that can clog the 'pores' in your teeth).
    3.2. Eat less of or none of highly acidic foods/candy/fruits/drinks.
    3.3. Brush your teeth twice a day and not right after meals (your enamel is softer after eating). It takes 24 hours for the bacteria to start damaging your teeth, which is why we try to wipe them out every 12 hours.
    3.4. The less carbs you eat the healthier your teeth. The bacteria from meat/fat doesn't damage your teeth. In theory if all you ate was meat, you wouldn't need to brush your teeth.
    4. Nearly everyone gets fluoride from their toothpaste. When these water programs started, that wasn't the case. (FYI, It's perfectly fine to brush your teeth without toothpaste. If you don't want fluoride nor whitening, you don't need toothpaste. It's original purpose was to make brushing more fun and engaging for kids.)

    The people arguing pro fluoride are making insincere arguments. IQ? That's not a factor, only a distraction. Cavities? Yes, but there's so much more to fluoride than that. Why am I forced to pay (tax/water bill used to pay for fluoridation) to have my health damaged because you're too lazy to say no to giving your kids Dr Pepper? Simply switching to carbonated water is a huge improvement.

    Instead of mandating that everyone has to drink fluoride, why not mandate that sodas and other cavity causing foods/drinks add fluoride to their products? That'll at least limit the damage to the people who need it more and not poison the rest of us. Plus it's pro small government since it removes the requirement from water treatment plants. Fluoridnated water vs non-fluoridated isn't the only choice. Stop pretending it is.

    • 2.5. Dose makes a poison, but damage slowly accumulates. Especially if the body is overwhelmed in dealing with everything else toxic in our modern environment and diet.

      Dose does make a poison but the rest of your statement is completely false. We classify substances as bioaccumulating and non-bioaccumulating for a reason. No fluoride does not bioaccumulate and is safe to consume at any normal drinking levels in at the doses used commonly in drinking water.

      Also your entire post fails on point number 1. The discovery of fluoride protecting teeth was the result of an analysis of drinking water in areas with different dental health. So by definition everything we know about t

BLISS is ignorance.
