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US Consumer Watchdog Cautions Businesses on Surveillance of Workers ( 13

The top U.S. consumer finance watchdog warned businesses about potential legal problems they could face from using new technology such as artificial intelligence or algorithmic scores to snoop on and evaluate their employees. From a report: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Thursday said "invasive" new tools to monitor workers are governed by a law designed to ensure fairness in credit reporting, giving employees specific rights. Employees have the right to consent to the collection of personal information, to receive detailed information and to dispute inaccurate information, the CFPB said in the newly released guidance.

"Workers shouldn't be subject to unchecked surveillance or have their careers determined by opaque third-party reports without basic protections," CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said. More companies are leaning on AI and other powerful tools throughout the employment process, using software that can, for example, interview candidates and surveillance tools that can look for unsafe behavior. Americans have expressed concerns about Big Brother-style surveillance while they are on the job.

US Consumer Watchdog Cautions Businesses on Surveillance of Workers

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  • "Workers shouldn't be subject to unchecked surveillance " The government does not like competition
  • LAWRENCE: What would you do if you had [complete control of the government]?

    PETER: I would [allow powerful interests to exploit the less powerful with no interference].

    LAWRENCE: Well, you don't need [complete control of the government] if that's all you want. [Wild animals] do that, and they [don't govern] shit!

    • Obviously you've never read Ayn Rand if you believe this is what she thought. Sheesh.
      • I read that whole fucking _Fountainhead_ book, and 95% of _Atlas Shrugged_. She believed that the strong owe nothing to the weak, who are by their nature parasites. And that being raped by a Nazi was a hell of a nice way to spend a Saturday night.
        • Clearly you are merely a national socialist. Freedom is a total anathema to you. So is compassion and charity.
        • by sjames ( 1099 )

          Also that if you put in money, the hard labor of thousands means nothing, YOU alone did X great thing. As if you even have the strength to swing one of those big hammers used to drive railroad spikes even one time.

  • Because under Loper Bright, Congress had to have said that the CFPB could do this; and at the time the authorizing act was written, AI was just a gleam in HAL-9000's eye.

  • Employees have the right to consent to the collection of personal information, to receive detailed information, and to dispute inaccurate information

    These are very good rights for employees to have.

    Unfortunately, I think it is a stretch to apply consumer credit reporting laws to employee - employer relations. I don't think this will hold up in court when the inevitable challenge arises.

The beer-cooled computer does not harm the ozone layer. -- John M. Ford, a.k.a. Dr. Mike
