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Jeff Bezos's Move From WA To FL Has Saved Him Close To $1B in Taxes This Year ( 332

As Amazon's stock hits a record high (rising 32% just this year), long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: GeekWire reports that Jeff Bezos keeps selling Amazon stock after announcing his move away from Washington state — and its 7% tax on capital gains of more than $262,000 from the sale of stocks and bonds — to Florida, which does not have a capital gains tax (like WA, FL also does not tax personal income).

Taylor Soper writes, "Bezos saved more than $600 million by moving to Miami and avoiding Washington's capital gains tax, CNBC reported in February, based on his sale of 50 million shares [$8.5 billion] earlier this year. With the sale of 25 million additional shares [$5 billion], revealed this week in a regulatory filing, Bezos will likely have saved close to $1 billion in total so far. It's a giant chunk of change that would have otherwise gone to the state of Washington."

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Jeff Bezos's Move From WA To FL Has Saved Him Close To $1B in Taxes This Year

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  • I wish that was my tax rate as a commoner.

    • Re:Only 7% ? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Xenx ( 2211586 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @03:06PM (#64607451)
      I mean, this is is an add-on tax. It's on top of all other tax owed. So, it's not a direct comparison.
      • by smithmc ( 451373 )
        What other tax? Neither WA nor FL have personal income taxes. But WA has a capital gains tax and FL doesn't.
        • by Entrope ( 68843 )

          At the state level, sales tax is Florida's biggest revenue source, with other revenue from taxes on corporate income, real estate transactions, insurance and so forth. Within sales taxes, revenue from vehicle sales and tourism are each about half of the revenue from others general sales. Local jurisdictions within Florida rely much more on taxes on real property.

          • Re:Only 7% ? (Score:4, Insightful)

            by sarren1901 ( 5415506 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @06:43PM (#64607965)

            Which is pretty awesome from a taxpayer point of view. You are a high tourism state. People are going to come visit regardless of what sales tax costs. If a large portion of your budget can be covered by the tourists, that means it doesn't need to be covered by the residents. A win win for both the state and the resident taxpayers. Tourist are on vacation and vacation is always expensive. Money spends faster on vacation for many.

            Meanwhile over here in California, my state is taxing us in every way it can come up with and then turns around and burns it on with no accountability for where all the money is going and where are the results!

    • by irchans ( 527097 )
      It's 7% of Washington state capital gains tax in addition to US federal capital gains tax which would probably be around 20% for Bezos.
    • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @03:48PM (#64607563)

      I wish that was my tax rate as a commoner.

      Like Florida, Washington doesn't have a state individual income tax and added the 7% tax on individual capital gains in 2021. My state of Virginia has a (max) individual income tax of 5.75% which *also* includes capital gains.

      Also, keep in mind that while Bezos saved some tax money by moving to Florida, the down side is that he's now living in Florida. :-)

  • But it's still Miami (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Powercntrl ( 458442 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @02:49PM (#64607407) Homepage

    All the money in the world can't save you from that horrendous traffic on I-95. I'm assuming his move was mostly on paper and he doesn't actually plan to spend much time residing in that miserably hot, humid, and overcrowded Florida city.

    • You obviously haven't lived in Seattle. I've lived in both, and the commute into Seattle is far worse.

      • You obviously haven't lived in Seattle. I've lived in both, and the commute into Seattle is far worse.

        I've been to Miami fairly recently and the traffic does not fucking move. The only way Seattle could be worse is if the roadways were under a time dilation field that makes the time spent not moving pass even more slowly.

        • The only way Seattle could be worse is if the roadways were under a time dilation field that makes the time spent not moving pass even more slowly.

          You've obviously never been in Seattle. Sometimes traffic on the freeway is so bad, it seems to go backwards!

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        I'm pretty sure Bezos doesn't commute, and if he has to go somewhere he can either take a helicopter or have someone else drive him while he works in the car.

        Commuting is for mugs like us who pay taxes. Or at least it was until WFH became a big thing.

    • He owns his own helicopter, a $10 million Airbus H145

    • Re: (Score:2, Troll)

      by Waffle Iron ( 339739 )

      Don't worry. Before too long, you'll be able to travel directly between any two points in Miami by boat.

    • All the money in the world will buy your own helicopter, which you can use to fly over I-95 and laugh at all the traffic on I-95.

    • All the money in the world can't save you from that horrendous traffic on I-95. I'm assuming his move was mostly on paper and he doesn't actually plan to spend much time residing in that miserably hot, humid, and overcrowded Florida city.

      One helipad fixes all that.

    • All the money in the world can't save you from that horrendous traffic on I-95.

      Sure it can. The rich could afford to not be stuck in traffic during peak hour before work from home made it cool. That's before you consider that only poor people drive cars, rich people have helicopters.

  • Good For Him (Score:3, Insightful)

    by The Cat ( 19816 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @02:50PM (#64607409)

    Hey Jeff, your company's "fuck the author" approach to publishing has easily cost your shareholders a billion dollars so far this year.

    Then you set a billion more on fire with that retarded TV series impersonating JRR Tolkien.

    Maybe that explains why you're selling.

    • How are most authors getting fucked by Amazon?

      Amazon is wildly profitable, shareholders are happy.

      • Why are you conflating authors with shareholders?

  • Join or die (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @03:17PM (#64607473)
    This is the problem with having a bunch of little fiefdoms. Billionaires are global entities and even a state government can't compete with that kind of power and money.

    Right about now I've probably triggered a bunch of people who for reasons that I find unfathomable think that they're interests align with Jeff bezos'.

    The thing you got to understand about guys like him there is no amount of money that is ever enough and he's already eyeing your bank account. Maybe you will die before he gets it and maybe you won't
    • So you're pissed off because Jeff Bezos moved to Florida?

    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @03:40PM (#64607545)

      This is the problem with having a bunch of little fiefdoms. Billionaires are global entities and even a state government can't compete with that kind of power and money.

      You are obviously wrong on the second point; after all Florida was able to compete and win him away. A person as rich as Bezos could easily simply move to a whole different country but instead chose Florida.

      But the framing of this as a "problem" is a problem in itself. This is the AWESOME aspect of living in America, in that you get to have 50 states vie to attract as many people as they can.

      It doens't have to be financial as in this instance, it can be quality of life, or greta public transport, or all sorts of things. And in the end all of these states competing give people a lot of choice in how they want to live, all while never having to go through the hassle of changing countries and citizenship.

    • Right about now I've probably triggered a bunch of people who for reasons that I find unfathomable think that they're interests align with Jeff bezos'.

      Yes, nobody could just legitimately disagree with you ... they must be "triggered". (eye roll)

    • by Kokuyo ( 549451 )

      Come on, be honest, you're just a tad miffed that Bezos has not yet shown up to your crib, bent the knee and told you that he realizes that despite his success, you're the superior human being for being so social and just handed over a few billions just out of sheer respect for you.

  • I've been really worried about Jeff... he's had a hard time recently.

    • I know, right? Jesus weeps just for the billionaires. Why even bother having brakes on the Gulfstream when you can just line up child orphans on the runway as speed bumps?
  • What a cheap POS. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Eunomion ( 8640039 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @03:31PM (#64607513)
    Where do these degenerates come from who are so rich that money is a pure abstraction, but still act like toddlers when society politely asks them to do the bare minimum for anyone else?
  • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @03:48PM (#64607565) []

    Compared to Washington, Florida has no capital gains tax, no income tax and a lower sales tax. This is a no brainer.

    • by dskoll ( 99328 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @04:05PM (#64607625) Homepage

      Of course billionaires are going to leave blue states for red ones. When you have billions of dollars, even shitty red states can be nice places to live. Lots of money shields you from all the messed-up politics and dysfunctional societies.

    • Compared to Washington, Florida has no capital gains tax, no income tax and a lower sales tax. This is a no brainer.

      For hundreds of thousands of senior citizens living on fixed income. And they finally don't feel cold.

    • At that point why doesn't he renounce citizenship and move to Monaco? They don't collect personal income or capital gains tax. You just have to pay a large cash buy in.

  • He has given up running Amazon in Seattle, and focusing on Blue Origin in Florida. Hell of a commute if he doesn't move. Sure he can afford it, but waste of time.
  • I'd hate for us little people to get a free ride on the backs of our betters. Government funding and social welfare should be paid by those who can afford it the least, because they are the only ones who would use it. It's all very libertarian.

  • Did Washington have a 'Bezos' line item in its budget forecast?

    A billion here, a billion there - you can actually buy a load of groceries.

  • by Pollux ( 102520 ) <> on Sunday July 07, 2024 @06:32PM (#64607945) Journal

    I find it funny how we say, "Jeff Bezos's move saved him one billion in taxes." How come nobody is saying, "Jeff Bezos deprived the state of Washington of one billion in taxes?"

    Fuck our corporate overlords.

  • fool (Score:5, Funny)

    by bugs2squash ( 1132591 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @06:40PM (#64607957)
    JB and his accountants must be idiots, I live in a blue state and don't pay anything like 1Bn in taxes.
  • by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 ) on Sunday July 07, 2024 @06:44PM (#64607967) Journal

    You do know it's perfectly legal to decide what state you want to reside in, right?

    And one of the factors that people use to decide is how rapacious the state government is, with their taxes.

    Some of you really don't like freedom, do you? Or democracy (you do know that democracy is how each state sets it's taxes, right?).

    • The colonies revolted against the King under the banner: 'No taxation without representation'. However when a resident non-citizen claimed that this meant he shouldn't be taxed, SCOTUS disagreed. Funny that...

Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.
