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Australia Censorship Government The Military Your Rights Online

Australia Moves Toward New Restrictions On Technology Export and Publication 91

An anonymous reader writes Australia is starting a public consultation process for new legislation that further restricts the publication and export of technology on national security grounds. The public consultation starts now (a few days before Christmas) and it is due by Jan 30th while a lot of Australians are on holidays. I don't have the legal expertise to dissect the proposed legislation, but I'd like some more public scrutiny on it. I find particularly disturbing the phrase "The Bill includes defences that reverse the onus of proof which limit the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty" contained in this document, also available on the consultation web site.
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Australia Moves Toward New Restrictions On Technology Export and Publication

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  • What's there to translate? It will always end up being "We own your fucking asses, peons."

  • Tradition (Score:5, Funny)

    by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Thursday December 18, 2014 @03:44PM (#48628157)

    Nice to see Australian politicians are getting back to their ancestral criminal roots.

  • The best spectacularly bad analogy I can think of is a law forbidding the export of water from your leaky submarine.

  • I submitted a public comment even though I'm not Australian. :)

    Dear Australia:

    Congratulations from the USA on making the international news - apparently you're debating a new bill, which includes as part of it reversing the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. []

    We've done some newsworthy things in the last decade about restricting freedoms and civil liberties, but no one on this side of the pond has dared touch that one yet.

    The bill *does* make sense in a way -

    • Especially as it is supposed to be "innocent *unless* proven guilty"...

    • Hate to break it to you, but the US is way ahead of Australia in that regard.

      If you ever get pulled over by a cop while carrying a large amount of cash on you, you'll find out the hard way.

      • by mjwx ( 966435 )

        Hate to break it to you, but the US is way ahead of Australia in that regard.

        If you ever get pulled over by a cop while carrying a large amount of cash on you, you'll find out the hard way.

        Also we can record our cops.

        For every traffic stop, my dash cam records audio. Plus because they use things like breathalisers, I cant be pulled out of my car because the officer "smelled beer on my breath", there is a standard of evidence to be upheld.

        Not that I've ever had trouble with the cops. I get pulled over into an RBT (Random Breath Test) site about once a year and pull out a minute or two later with a "thanks for your co-operation sir". This is in my boy-racer Nissan Silvia S15 with fart can

  • by NewtonsLaw ( 409638 ) on Thursday December 18, 2014 @04:03PM (#48628291)

    Are you kidding... we lost the right to be presumed innocent years ago.

    The police can set up a road-block and demand that drivers provide a breath test and proof of their license at any time. Isn't that a presumption of guilt rather than innocence?

    The taxman can deliver an assessment that says you owe $xxxxx in taxes and you are presumed to be guilty unless you can prove you don't owe that much in tax. Where's the presumption of innocence there?

    Citizens of the USA have given away most of their constitutional rights after being duped by a government that says that those rights must be surrendered to avoid massive terror attacks and Australia (plus NZ) have becom little more than lap-dogs to the US government.

    Here in NZ, Kim Dotcom (love him or hate him) has had his assets seized and was incarcerated at the US government's whim -- even though he has not been convicted of any of the charges laid against him. Where's his right to be presumed innocent?

    I'm afraid that the world in 2014 is a very sad place where most Western governments consider all their citizens to be enemies of the state unless they can prove otherwise.

    The terrorists have won this war completely -- they have done what the Germans could not do in WW1 and WW2 -- they have taken our freedoms from us and we have surrendered them without a fight.

    As Midnight Oil so wisely said: It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees -- what a shame our politicians don't get it.

    • i agree with pretty much everything you said, except for your implicit acknowledgement that the 'terrorists' are who and what MSM say they are.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      It's the people abusing the "freedom" that made it this way. It'll never be the way it was intended to be. The only way to fix it would be to lock the borders down and export the criminals and everyone who has a problem with the US elsewhere.
      • How about we export the politicians that sell our rights away instead? Violent crime is the lowest it's been in decades, and national security is just an excuse to maintain the power structure.
    • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

      I don't know about Australia, but in the US 'presumed innocent' does not mean, and has never meant, what you think.

      Presumption of innocence simply means that the prosecution has the onus in a trial. They must prove you are guilty. The defense does not have to prove anything, they just poke holes in the prosecutions case.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Are you kidding... we lost the right to be presumed innocent years ago.

      What the fuck are you babbling about?

      The police can set up a road-block and demand that drivers provide a breath test and proof of their license at any time. Isn't that a presumption of guilt rather than innocence?

      No. Police don't conduct criminal trials.

      The taxman can deliver an assessment that says you owe $xxxxx in taxes and you are presumed to be guilty unless you can prove you don't owe that much in tax. Where's the presumption of innocence there?

      What crime have they found you guilty of? They make an assessment, if you don't agree with it you challenge it.

      Citizens of the USA have given away most of their constitutional rights after being duped by a government that says that those rights must be surrendered to avoid massive terror attacks and Australia (plus NZ) have becom little more than lap-dogs to the US government.

      You don't seem to understand what a constitutional right is. Or that the US, AU, and NZ have three totally different constitutions.

      Here in NZ, Kim Dotcom (love him or hate him) has had his assets seized and was incarcerated at the US government's whim -- even though he has not been convicted of any of the charges laid against him. Where's his right to be presumed innocent?

      In the courts. Any other questions?

      I'm afraid that the world in 2014 is a very sad place where most Western governments consider all their citizens to be enemies of the state unless they can prove otherwise.

      The terrorists have won this war completely -- they have done what the Germans could not do in WW1 and WW2 -- they have taken our freedoms from us and we have surrendered them without a fight.

      As Midnight Oil so wisely said: It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees -- what a shame our politicians don't get it.

      You do realize that the lead singer of Midnight Oil became a politician?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      The police can set up a road-block and demand that drivers provide a breath test and proof of their license at any time. Isn't that a presumption of guilt rather than innocence?

      No. Presumption of guilt would be to lock you up, then later determine if you actually were drunk or not.

      In the US, it was determined that police may stop vehicles for purposes of determining if driver is driving intoxicated. But they may not do anything else during these stops which includes searching your vehicle.

      The taxman can deliver an assessment that says you owe $xxxxx in taxes and you are presumed to be guilty unless you can prove you don't owe that much in tax. Where's the presumption of innocence there?

      That has nothing to do with anything. There are things like courts that find you guilty or not, not "taxman". Taxman does not determine if you should go to jail for avoiding taxes.

      Here in NZ, Kim Dotcom (love him or hate him) has had his assets seized and was incarcerated at the US government's whim -- even though he has not been convicted of any of the charges laid against him. Where's his right to be presumed innocent?

      You should know

      • by bws111 ( 1216812 )

        No. Presumption of guilt would be to lock you up, then later determine if you actually were drunk or not.

        Presumption of guilt would be 'you have been accused of drunk driving, unless you can prove otherwise you are hereby convicted'.

        • by mjwx ( 966435 )

          No. Presumption of guilt would be to lock you up, then later determine if you actually were drunk or not.

          Presumption of guilt would be 'you have been accused of drunk driving, unless you can prove otherwise you are hereby convicted'.

          In Australia, if you get charged with DUI, the police have to have evidence. This can be in the form of a breathalyser reading or blood test but not in the form of "I smelled beer on his breath".

          Once you're charged you have two options, the first is to contest it and take it to court. The second is to pay the fine which is considered an admission of guilt. Because the requirement for evidence for Australian Police is high, most opt not to go to court. High range DUI (over 0.08 BAC) has an automatic court

    • The police can set up a road-block and demand that drivers provide a breath test and proof of their license at any time. Isn't that a presumption of guilt rather than innocence?

      The "presumption of innocence" is where you begin in a US criminal trial.

      It does not define the geek's every encounter with the law.

      Driving a car or truck on the public roads is not a right but a privilege. It has never been out-of-bounds to demand proof of your sobriety or a show of your license.

    • The police can set up a road-block and demand that drivers provide a breath test and proof of their license at any time

      Driving is a privilege, not a right. Abuse this privilege and it will be taken away from you.

      If you dont like RBT's you have the choice not to drive. A lot of Australians like RBT's because it cuts down on drunk drivers. Whilst we're on that subject, you have no right to drink and drive.

      The taxman can deliver an assessment that says you owe $xxxxx in taxes and you are presumed to be guilty unless you can prove you don't owe that much in tax.

      That assessment is court admissible evidence that you do owe

    • The ATO makes rulings on what you owe, there is no innocent or guilty, simply your bill, if you want to dispute what you owe then it is on you to prove you don't owe that amount. If they wish to charge you with tax avoidance or another crime they are required to prove your guilt.
      Driving is not a right, it is a privilege, you can completely avoid having to take a breath test by not driving.
      finally presumption of innocence is for when you are on trial for a crime and is not now nor has it ever been intended a

    • "The police can set up a road-block and demand that drivers provide a breath test and proof of their license at any time. Isn't that a presumption of guilt rather than innocence?"

      Not really, it's just a requirement to be subject to testing. Like if there is a rule saying you have to take your car to the mechanic once a year to test the brakes and indicators, it's not presuming anything about you being guilty.

      "The taxman can deliver an assessment that says you owe $xxxxx in taxes and you are presumed to be g

  • "The Bill includes defences that reverse the onus of proof which limit the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty"

    How could this be? This would be completely counter to one of the most fundamental and commonly-stated protected in any civilized nation's bill of basic rights.

    Oh, wait, I see the problem. []

    Exceptions in Western democracies

    Australia is the only Western democratic country with neither a constitutional nor federal legislative bill of rights to protect its citizens, although there is

  • And of course moving out of the country, or just going abroad for holiday or business certainly qualifies as exporting or publishing technology, if you happen to know anything which qualifies as restricted information. Australians, better move out while you can!

  • Once information has appeared in a public place anywhere, it's almost impossible to prevent it from being available ANYWHERE.

    Sure, there are cases where the information seems so un-interesting that nobody will bother to copy it before the state manages to seize all copies of it. There are also cases where loyalty to the state (or employer, or church, or fraternity) is so strong that thousands of trusted people may have copies but they won't distribute them and you (the state/employer/church/fraternity offi

  • by bruce_the_loon ( 856617 ) on Thursday December 18, 2014 @04:50PM (#48628689) Homepage

    Firstly, this isn't a general law, it's an amendment to the law governing foreign sales of military technology. It only applies if a specific technology is classified as solely defense or strategic. Yes that classification can be manipulated, but a court would have to be convinced that the classification is valid.

    Secondly, the bill isn't doing away with the presumption of innocence globally. It is saying that if a person selling the regulated technology relies on the exceptions and regulations to decide whether it is safe to supply technology, that they have documented that reliance properly. Basically they want people to do their homework before handing classified military information over to a foreign actor. Seems fair enough.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      " It only applies if a specific technology is classified as solely defense or strategic"

      Really ? Have you seen the list before talking ?

      Is ridiculously broad, including things like "FPGA with more than 200 pins or 230,000 gates".
      Basically ANYTHING could be construed as "defense or strategic" if the government wishes too.
      This is the new legal trend : keep the law broad and vague so that, if someone annoys you, you can charge them of something, anything.

      Also, doesn'

    • This.

      Being a software exporter, I was concerned by this post, so I went and read the material. Not all of it, but fairly large swathes of it. I'm actually a little bit disappointed that Slashdot would greenlight the original submission when the abstract is so sensational and misleading.
  • This is not a new bill, it is an amendment to the "Defence Trade Controls Act 2012".

    I see nothing to suggest that, say, exporting open source cryptographic software without a permit is more illegal under this bill than it is as things stand right now. I did 6 months working for Motorola doing software development back in 2005 or so and I remember they had training and stuff regarding export controls including export controls on cryptography.

    The actual list of what is export controlled is the same list as us

  • Abbreviates "NS"....

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I keep seeing comments that this only "affects encryption" and what a reasonable person would assume is military technology (i.e weapons).
    It DOES not, please, please READ the list before talking :

  • by Anonymous Coward

    This just in. After realizing the country is about to be bankrupt due to low employment and a aging population the Australian government figures out more ways to increase the brain drain.

  • by Harlequin80 ( 1671040 ) on Thursday December 18, 2014 @06:54PM (#48629571)

    Seriously! Let the blood back into the brain your tin foil hat it killing you!

    This is EXISTING legislation. AND the proposed changes tighten the definitions in most cases. Firstly they are removing the prohibition on talking to someone about it, now you actually have to supply the documentation or the item. Another is to allow a project to have the ability to release information not just an individual.

    The publishing rule is being narrowed to be publishing only in direct contravention of a restriction or if something is specifically listed.

    They have narrowed the brokering offence to only part 1 of the DSGL which are military use only items and changing brokering dual use items an offence only if you do it negligently or recklessly and the items will be used for WMD.

    So rather than doing a Chicken Little, how about you stop making yourself look like an idiot and read.

  • ...that Australia is increasingly assuming a Chinese, rather than Anglo-American, system and style of government?
  • What technology does Australia export? Serious question. I don't know any companies that operate solely out of Australia, except companies that only provide services to Australians.

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
