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Schneier: The US Government Has Betrayed the Internet, We Need To Take It Back 397

wabrandsma writes "Quoting Bruce Schneier in the Guardian: 'The NSA has undermined a fundamental social contract. We engineers built the internet – and now we have to fix it. Government and industry have betrayed the internet, and us. This is not the internet the world needs, or the internet its creators envisioned. We need to take it back. And by we, I mean the engineering community. Yes, this is primarily a political problem, a policy matter that requires political intervention. But this is also an engineering problem, and there are several things engineers can – and should – do."
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Schneier: The US Government Has Betrayed the Internet, We Need To Take It Back

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
