US Gov't Sides Against Microsoft In i4i Patent Case 193
Julie188 writes "In the ongoing patent infringement case between i4i and Microsoft, i4i has won a powerful ally: the US government itself. The US solicitor general, which represents the federal government in the Supreme Court, on Friday filed an amicus brief in support of i4i, saying that the US Patent and Trademark Office should not be second-guessed by a jury. i4i, which won a $290 million patent judgment against Microsoft, has now accrued 22 amicus briefs in its corner, representing more than 100 companies, organizations and individuals, including venture capitalists, individuals from the military and now, the government. Meanwhile, Microsoft has so far lined up 20 amicus briefs, representing about 60 companies and individuals, including Google, Apple, Cisco, Intel, Red Hat, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and 37 law and economics professors. At issue is how much evidence is required to invalidate a patent."
The most respectable party in those briefs for me (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:The most respectable party in those briefs for (Score:5, Funny)
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This is a rare case where the EFF and MS are on the same side. If i4i prevails, it will be another in a long line of successful patent troll cases that will ultimately make it impossible for any independent developer to develop any software or hardware without immediately being hit by a dozen lawsuits.
Re:The most respectable party in those briefs for (Score:5, Interesting)
EFF is a private organization. Right now you respect them. By morning they could be a wholly-owned subsidiary of a holding company owned by Microsoft. And I'm not saying which morning.
You were probably trying to be funny, but the EFF is not a private organization the way you are thinking. You cannot just buy out a 501(c)(3) and start controlling it. It's run by a board of directors and a set of bylaws that must be followed. Unless the directors end up disillusioned with the organization or its mission, there's really not much an outside party can do to influence it.
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Meh. You could be right in theory. Certainly there have been some neophyte political organizations set up by well-meaning but naive activists that were able to get subverted by establishment types because they were not careful in structuring their by-laws and board.
None of that really applies to an established organization like the EFF. They are pretty well protected and have a source of revenue that would be difficult to overcome. If you know of any similar organizations of the type that were able to b
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Any source of revenue can be overcome by a sufficiently larger source of revenue.
-- T. Jefferson
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Which of two their major sources of revenue are you talking about?
Or GPL lawsuits?
Re:The most respectable party in those briefs for (Score:5, Insightful)
Tell you what: it won't be hard to figure it out if the EFF ever sells out. But until then, until we see one single shred of evidence that the EFF is anything but what we all know them to be, which is a highly-reputable organization dedicated to keeping technology and culture as free as possible (free in more than one sense) who has looked out for the best interests of every single one of us here on Slashdot (except maybe a few of those people who have just registered here as part of New Media Strategies' (and other companies of that type) ongoing attack on online communities) - until we get the merest hint that they're not doing a great job and are not exactly what they say they are, then we should assume that any comment here trying to spread FUD about the EFF is probably part of one of those corporate astroturfing outfits (like New Media Strategies and Reputation Defender and others like them).
I'm glad I read this. It's a reminder to send a little chunk of my income tax refund to the EFF for the great work that they continue to do.
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Tell you what: it won't be hard to figure it out if the EFF ever sells out.
Absolutely! It is crazy (dare I say paranoid) to pre-emptively denigrate an organisation because one day that might turn bad. Judge them by their actions today.
However, I can't completely agree with your next sentence because 1) it is 150 words long, and 2) complaining about FUD by accusing people of being astroturfers or shills is itself FUD. This argument is known as "playing the man, not the ball". Just because somebody has a different opinion than you does not mean that they are being paid to argue agai
Re:The most respectable party in those briefs for (Score:5, Interesting)
Ah, but if you look at the new breed of astroturfer, it's not about "opinion", it's about misinformation. The comment to which I was responding did not just say "I don't like the EFF" which is an opinion, it was that "the EFF spreads so much FUD" which is simply a lie. You can say a lot of things about the EFF, but "spreading FUD" is not one of them.
And you say "It is something we are seeing around here more and more these days". But besides "playing the man not the ball" how would you suggest addressing it? We are seeing entire stories and comments threads made unreadable by a first section of over 100 comments alternating anonymous cowards cutting and pasting and newly-minted UIDs dropping in to keep the thread expanded. And there is a marked similarity to the stories that attact these trollbombs. If you go to other sites where technology is discussed, you will see the same attacks in the same manner often on the same stories. I used to believe as you do, that claiming "astroturf" was just a way to marginalize disagreement. But as the companies that are engaged in this organized astroturfing grow, they are hiring people who are less skilled (who are probably making minimum wage) and they're starting to get a little obvious about it.
I understand what you're saying, but I'm getting a little worried that by the time we come up with a response, it's going to be way too late.
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It is true that we are seeing a lot of messages that defy credulity by posting way too early for a non subscriber in a one sided manner. I almost fell into the trap of saying that we have been seeing a lot of posters doing that, but I suspect that it is all the work of one or two individuals with multiple accounts.
In this case however, the pattern of the original message was less like an astroturfer, and more like one of those people who imagines a complicated scenario just for the sake of argument against
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I have a solution... Never trust anyone with a UID of 6 digits or more...
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Didn't the Church of Scientology do something like this to the Cult Awareness Network?
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You're right in theory. Not in practice. I don't really feel like talking about it in more detail, but I know of a non-profit (not sure if it was c3) that was effectively taken over by another one against its bylaws, with not even the AG office doing anything to stop it after an investigation (since it was a group comprised mostly of students nobody had money to fight it in court).
Re:The most respectable party in those briefs for (Score:5, Insightful)
Hey look! It's one a them New Media Strategies types. He's here to make it seem like EFF is the one doing something wrong.
Now I wonder, who would benefit from spreading FUD about the Electronic Freedom Foundation? Anybody care to start a little list?
I think it's time that we got real familiar with New Media Strategies and Reputation Defender and other online astroturfing units. Because if we don't figure out a way to thwart their dirty business, which is basically a much uglier and much more insidious version of spam, except with the intent to harm, the internet is going to become completely worthless as a place to get even the most basic information. I mean, we know not to believe everything we read at Wikipedia, but this is raising the stakes to a whole new level of bullshit. Everyone who runs a social media site has a responsibility to figure out how to keep these new mil-spec astroturfers out of the pool if they hope to exist into the future. And every one of us has a responsibility to out and thwart these new blastroturfers because there is value in the variety of online communities, including Slashdot. If you didn't think so, you wouldn't be reading this.
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Re:blastroturfers (Score:3)
Yes, it has gotten quite bad lately - almost precisely at the 2mil-uid mark here.
Slashdot tries to hold fast to the no-censor policy, so they're rather under fire.
The only system I can think of is some kind of turbo personal comment-blocker like adblock where the comment doesn't come back when you reload the page.
Re:The most respectable party in those briefs for (Score:4, Interesting)
these new mil-spec astroturfers
You may be more right than you intended.
...For a defense contractor with ties to the federal government, Hunton & Williams, DOD, NSA, and the CIA - whose enemies are labor unions, progressive organizations, journalists, and progressive bloggers, a persona apparently goes far beyond creating a mere sockpuppet. According to an embedded MS Word document found in one of the HBGary emails, it involves creating an army of sockpuppets, with sophisticated "persona management" software that allows a small team of only a few people to appear to be many, while keeping the personas from accidentally cross-contaminating each other.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/02/16/945768/-UPDATED:-The-HB-Gary-Email-That-Should-Concern-Us-All [dailykos.com]
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Maureen O'Gara, is that you?
Or maybe "Kenneth Saborio?"
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[citation needed]
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"Bias against software patents" and "having an understanding of software patents" are essentially equivalent, with an exception for patent lawyers whose business it is to execute the cognitive dissonance of doing the latter while avoiding the former.
Why Not? (Score:4, Insightful)
saying that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office should not be second-guessed by a jury.
Why not? If 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of Jury Duty can see the obviousness of some patents why not let them have their shot? Here on /. we almost always second-guess the USPTO.
Re:Why Not? (Score:5, Insightful)
I would prefer to negate the need for second-guessing the USPTO at all, as would, apparently, everybody who actually makes things for a living.
It's got to be getting harder and harder to claim that the patent system exists to "promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts", when regardless of why it was created it clearly now exists to line otherwise uninvolved parties' pockets off of the capital friction.
Re:Why Not? (Score:5, Insightful)
Does anyone bother to still claim that? It seems like the people who have been attacking the real intent of intellectual property, people like the patent trolls and just about every big corporation and the RIAA and MPAA and Sony and Disney, etc etc are dropping a lot of the pretense and are getting a lot more comfortable just letting the evil show through. Because they can.
It starting to seem like a lot of the really really bad actors in our world who have maybe kept a low profile over the past decades or at least spent a lot of money on public relations and image management are starting to just figure "what the hell" and are letting it all hang out. I'm seeing it in the political sector, the financial sector, the corporate sector. Look at the huge "Fuck You" that's implicit in AT&T's takeover of T-Mobile. They're saying to the Justice Department: "Don't even think about stopping us because we're bigger than you". Look at the Koch Brothers and their no-bid takeover of Wisconsin public utilities via the teabagger government. Look at the health insurance companies and their 50% increases in premiums, claiming it's because of health care reform even though the meaningful part of health care reform is still a year away. Look at Sony. Look at the banks and the mortgage servicing scandals. foreclosure scandals and newly announced $5 ATM fees. Look at the oil companies. It's like they feel like there's no longer any need to spend money and effort to appear like their benign because their power puts them out of our reach. Maybe they're right.
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Re:Why Not? (Score:5, Insightful)
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
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And you know why the other 11 people on the jury were morons? Because of people like the original poster, who think that getting out of jury duty is something that people should automatically try to do. You know why it wasn't a unanimous jury verdict? Because your mother did her civic duty.
Want to improve the jury system? Pay expenses for jurors at a reasonable rate.
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Except that dropping the (even slightly) smart people is the first thing they do in a jury selection.
Ok, granted, in this case of "people vs. arsonist" it was probably not so much a strong jury selection. Still.
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Uh huh, let me tell you a little story bud. my mom did her civic duty, even used up her vacation time to sit on a jury. Afterward she came in looking like a ghost and said "NEVER take a jury trial EVER! ALWAYS take a judge!" when I asked her what happened here is what I was told:
It was a simple arson case which frankly never should have been brought to trial. The investigator admitted under oath he didn't know WHAT had started the fire, couldn't even say for sure it was arson, the guy had NO motive as he didn't even have enough insurance to cover the place and was gonna have to file bankruptcy and probably lose his home as well, yet the jury voted 11 to 1 to convict Why would they do that with no evidence? "Because he is Italian and Italians are in the mob and burn buildings. Haven't you seen Goodfellas?" That's right children, if my mom hadn't been on the jury that guy would be 10 to 20 thanks to a Joe Pesci performance.
So the accused guy had a small chance because your mum was in the jury, whereas if it was just a judge he would presumably have had no chance at all.
I can't picture a judge letting a prosecution get to court and then deciding there was insufficient evidence to convict.
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Last jury I sat on this happened:
The usual voir dire questions, state your name, occupation etc. Then they ask you a couple questions, i.e. are you related to anyone in law enforcement, etc.
THere were a few wives, brothers etc.. of police officers. Prosecution and defense both asked them some additional questions regarding ability to be impartial etc., but then dismissed them.
One guy stated he was an engineer. Prosecutor immediately dismissed him with no questioning whatsoever.
Ended up being obvious why,
And what's more (Score:2)
You find that some really smart people sit on juries. Not every jury, not all the time, but it isn't some kind of "dummies only" thing. Heck, look at the Terry Childs case. There was a CCIE on his jury. Not only does that mean a very smart person (it is hard as hell to get) it is an education and experience right on point of the trial.
Actually, when you do a little lookin' you find out that blue collar workers are often under represented. Why? Well jury duty pay is laughably low. It doesn't cover parking in
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Also this idea that they weed out anyone with the slightest problem (or intelligence) is bunk. For extremely important cases, jurors get vetted pretty hard and there are a lot of challenges allowed by lawyers on both sides. For normal cases? Has to be a pretty good reason or the judge won't accept a challenge.
Maybe it's different where you are. Last time I was in a jury pool, the two cases I was assigned were a bar assault, and a shoplifting case. You wouldn't call either "extremely important", except may
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Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals (except the weasel).
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I don't even understand what the Justice Department is suggesting here. Are they saying that any lawsuit involving a patent should immediately be ruled for in favor of the plaintiff??? That's fucking insane.
The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:5, Insightful)
There's no agency in government that should be accorded the singular privilege of not having to be second-guessed by a jury.
Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:4, Insightful)
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http://boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=shrek2.htm [boxofficemojo.com]
I'm pretty sure he already does hang around with furries, as I'm not sure how he would avoid it.
Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:5, Insightful)
TFA says "The amicus brief from the U.S. solicitor general says that the USPTO can be trusted to be the expert, over a jury".
I had always thought the correct procedure was for experts from both sides to present their opinions in court and let the jury sort it out. It seems that the US government now believes their experts are above juries, courts, and all that shit.
What matters to them is that "the preponderance standard would diminish the expected value of patents." Raising the expected value of everything seems to be the golden rule today. I have an absolute right to all the profit I expect. Sigh...
Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:5, Insightful)
What he's saying, in reality, is that he thinks the preponderance standard does not make correct decisions. Which means he questions the validity of all civil litigation.
What the fuck is someone with that attitude doing arguing this nation's business before the Supreme Court?
Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:4, Insightful)
Speaking truthfully?
I was not aware one had to agree with something to be well versed in it.
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What he's saying, in reality, is that he thinks the preponderance standard does not make correct decisions. Which means he questions the validity of all civil litigation.
No, what he's saying, in reality, is that he thinks the proper standard here is the clear and convincing error standard. We can argue over that's right or not, but let's not go off into insane hyperbole and debate whether the solicitor general is unqualified.
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Of course, I think that's complete bull, since it means that a small outfit being challenged by a large one is unduly burdened, since they have to pay the fine, pay the fee for reexamination (which is $3-$10 thousand), and then try and get the fine back after the patent has been declared invalid (which might not be possible).
You've got the order backwards. The small outfit pays for the reexamination. If it finds the claims to be invalid, there's never an infringement action in the first place. Here:
Permitting an alleged infringer to invoke the PTO’s prior inability to consider the new evidence as a justification for lowering the standard of proof even though he has forgone an opportunity to initiate the reexamination process would lessen the incentive to use the reexamination procedure, thereby undermining the system that Congress has created.
See that bit about "even though he has forgone an opportunity to initiate the reexamination process"? The SG is saying that the reexamination process is the proper method for exploring invalidity, and that if the alleged infringer doesn't even bother with that, they shouldn't get a lower standard of proof because of their failure.
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Cheaper rarely works out to be better for the consumer,
What?!?!?! That is a truly bizarre thing to say. Do you really want to go back to a time when books could only be afforded by the wealthy? When computers could only be bought by the largest of corporations? Cheaper has been awesome for the consumer. Not always, but generally. I LOVE the fact that food is so inexpensive that I can afford exotic foods like pineapples and mangos, which would have been prohibitively expensive to get a hold of just a couple of generations ago.
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It seems that the US government now believes their experts are above juries, courts, and all that shit.
You nailed it. Included in "all that shit" would be those complete unqualified to be of, by or for the government: "the people".
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Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:5, Insightful)
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I suspect that is one amicus brief that won't have any traction. Imagine trying to convince a court that a Federal agency should have final say instead of a court.
It's not the final say. The position of the government is that the USPTO creates a presumption of validity in the patent that can be overturned by a court if there's "clear and convincing error". Microsoft's position is that that standard is far too high, and it should be overturned if there's merely a "preponderance of the evidence."
And no, in this, the government's brief will have a lot of traction. Imagine trying to convince a court that a Federal Agency, enacted by Congress and one of the few expressly
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You have confused the court's reaction to the brief with their ruling on other matters. What the Solicitor General said is not the position of the government, it is the position of the executive branch. The position of the government will only be known when the court rules.
The court may wish to reduce their involvement, but they cannot eliminate it because if someone violates the law, it falls under Article III,Section 2 of the Constitution "The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall
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You have confused the court's reaction to the brief with their ruling on other matters.
What? When did I say anything about that? See, this is why we have that "quote parent" button.
What the Solicitor General said is not the position of the government, it is the position of the executive branch. The position of the government will only be known when the court rules.
Uh, yeah. That's why we're talking about the likely reaction. Y'know, like you did two posts previously.
The court may wish to reduce their involvement, but they cannot eliminate it because if someone violates the law, it falls under Article III,Section 2 of the Constitution "The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed." Trials go to court.
Of course trials go to court. We're arguing about the burn of proof necessary in that trial.
I suspect that is one amicus brief that won't have any traction. Imagine trying to convince a court that a Federal agency should have final say instead of a court.
Are you suggesting that the solicitor general's brief is saying that the court shouldn't have the final say, and that patent validity should be out of t
Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:4, Informative)
There's no agency in government that should be accorded the singular privilege of not having to be second-guessed by a jury.
True enough, but despite the article's paraphrasing that's not what the brief from the Solicitor General actually says. The brief says that juries can screw up, and that lowering the standard needed to get claims like this to a jury will create disincentives to both inventing and patenting inventions.
"The clear-and-convincing-evidence standard also furthers the reliance interests created by a patent grant by affording the patent holder enhanced protection against an erroneous jury finding of invalidity. By allowing a lay jury to second-guess the PTO's judgment even in close cases, the preponderance standard would diminish the expected value of patents and would reduce future inventors' incentives to innovate and to disclose their inventions to the public."
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With the preponderance standard, at least on paper, a jury is just as likely to screw up on invalidating a valid patent as it is to screw up in upholding an invalid patent, making it a 'fair' standard.
How is it fair to take to take property from two people, when one of them has a legal right to it? How is it fair to throw two people in jail, one of whom is innocent? How is any standard that is "just as likely to screw up" with a false positive as a false negative is fair?
Clear and convincing being needed for invalidation means that the bias is in favor of the patent holder. It doesn't make sense to me for courts to uphold patents that appear to be more likely to be invalid than valid, which is all that will be protected by a C&C standard.
No, it makes plenty sense if we don't have a mere registration system. In some other countries where there is no patent office that does substantive examination, you merely register your idea - they put a date stamp on it and throw it i
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There are two potential mistakes being made. The first mistake is a an invalid patent being upheld, and thus an innocent party ends up paying. The second mistake is a valid patent being invalidated, and thus the inventor may have wast
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There are two potential mistakes being made. The first mistake is a an invalid patent being upheld, and thus an innocent party ends up paying. The second mistake is a valid patent being invalidated, and thus the inventor may have wasted time and money. If I had to say which is a worse mistake, I'd go with the former, so patent holders are getting off lucky with 50/50.
Your personal bias is showing through. The first mistake is an invalid patent being upheld, and thus an innocent party ends up paying. The second mistake is a valid patent being invalidated, and thus an innocent inventor ends up losing time, money, and their property. In both cases, someone innocent is harmed. The difference, however, is that the inventor has already been harmed, since they had to spend that time and money to acquire the property. The other innocent party hasn't lost anything.
So, if I had
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They didn't have to do anything. You can invent something and not even try to get a patent on it. The time and money the inventor chose to spend on getting a patent was spent because they chose to spend it.
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They didn't have to do anything. You can invent something and not even try to get a patent on it. The time and money the inventor chose to spend on getting a patent was spent because they chose to spend it.
I'm sorry - this is an article about patent infringement. If your argument is "there doesn't have to be a patent in the first place," then you're in the wrong article.
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You seem to be suggesting that because the inventor chose to spend time and money already, they should be getting preferential treatment. However, the time and money they spent was entirely their own choice.
... and was spent in reliance on the patent law system working the way it has for the past 220 years, with a presumption of validity. If you think it's right for the courts to say "here, spend your money and you can have all of these rights... okay, has the check cleared yet? Great, we're taking all of your rights away," then we can have that discussion.
If, instead, your answer is "the inventor never had to attempt to acquire those rights he was promised," then that's a discussion for an entirely different
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Re:The Solicitor General is full of Shit (Score:5, Insightful)
So the PTO issues all patents and says, "Let the courts sort it out."
The Solicitor General says, "Don't let the courts sort it out."
I hope that MS kicks the us.gov's ass on this one, and I am no MS fan.
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The Solicitor General's position, though, has support in actual legislation. (See 35 USC 282: "A patent shall be presumed valid.") If patents are entitled to a presumption of validity, what possible presumption could be said to exist in a system where mere preponderance of the evidence can render it invalid?
The presumption that it is valid unless the defendant can bear the burden of showing that it isn't by the preponderance of the evidence?
Which defendant settles if they think they have some chance of crossing the 50% line?
Which plaintiff litigates? A patent troll doesn't want to risk a larger probability of having their patent invalidated -- better to just move on to an easier mark.
Which valid patent, mistakenly invalidated by a jury, can see that corrected on appeal- when can 'no reasonable jury have found they didn't cross'?
Which invalid patent, mistakenly validated by the PTO, can see that corrected on appeal under the existing standard?
And the winner is... (Score:5, Insightful)
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demand != need
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There is no such thing as a need, only wants. Sometimes in order to satisfy a want there are dependence that you may refer to as a need, but at the core it is always a want.
At least they get their comeuppance (Score:3)
Correct me if I'm wrong... (Score:2, Interesting)
...which usually means I'm wrong, anyway, but didn't i4i have a specific and very valid claim to a patent here?
Software patents are bad, no doubt, and we're seeing a horrible precedent set, but wasn't the specifics behind their use of XML in documents legitimately infringed by Microsoft?
I'm torn here. First, I really don't like the idea of being sued over code I may write.
HOWEVER, I do like the idea of suing any bastard who's masochistic enough to implement XML the way Microsoft did in their office suite.
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I meant, sadistic, however, having to write, test and verify that code works is self flagellation at some level.
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Doesn't that description also fit XSLT/XSL-FO, which have been around probably as long as XML has? Or is this a patent for doing it using a computer?
Re:Correct me if I'm wrong... (Score:4, Interesting)
20. A method for producing form a document made up of metacodes and content, a map of metacodes and their addresses of use in association with mapped content of the document and stored in distinct map storage means, the method comprising:
(a)reading the content of the document until a metacode is found;
(b)copying the content and storing the copied content in a mapped content storage;
(c)noting in the map the found metacode and its position in the content; (d)repeating the process of (a)-(c) until the entire document has been processed; and then (e)providing the document as the content of the document separately from the metacode map of the document.
It seems pretty clear that this applies to Microsoft word, and essentially anything else that stores documents as XML. Note that the patent actually uses xml shaped tags in its example section (not sure how they thought they were being original, since they clearly copied it from SGML).
In any case, this is important because it is a clear issue of patents stifling innovation, which means it will take longer to invent cool stuff. If you like cool stuff to be invented, you want this patent to be invalidated (and really, it doesn't hurt Microsoft all that much, they just have to remove the XML from Word).
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and really, it doesn't hurt Microsoft all that much, they just have to remove the XML from Word
Careful what you ask for - ODF is XML too, and Word supports it today... tomorrow it depends on the outcome, I guess.
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The only bright side, if the patent is upheld, is it might encourage congress to take on patent reform (but I wouldn't expect that to happen before 5 years, based on how long it typically takes for problems to get resolved by congress).
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Careful what you ask for - ODF is XML too, and Word supports it today... tomorrow it depends on the outcome, I guess.
ODF is protected by decades of SGML-related prior art. Microsoft tried to get a patent that would actually cover all XML-based document formats and failed for exactly this reason. OOXML doesn't have the same level of protection due to a number of deliberate decisions by Microsoft; in particular, the reason they're getting sued by i4i is that one of their features is a carefully-crafted and knowing clone of i4i's main product. Even with that feature removed, it's still less safe against patents than ODF thou
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You idiot, you didn't even read the patent. You didn't even read my post wherein I listed one of the independent claims. You probably don't even know what an independent claim is, or that it's the main thing to consider when judging infringement claims.
You're the idiot here, because the person you just called an "idiot" is right. While the patent does actually refer to SGML, it's only in order to explain why the patented invention is fundametally different to SGML (and by extension to XML). In fact, at least one SGML-based document editor is explicitly listed as prior art by the patent! It's actually quite hard to get a patent covering XML-based office documents full stop because there's just so much prior art; Microsoft tried and failed.
What the patent r
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You're the idiot here,
I'll take that as a compliment.
What the patent requires is that you have at some point during the processing one blob of data containing only the text and another distinct blob of data containing the formatting information and referring to the chunks of text to which it applies by their position.
Read the claims man, that's what matters. If you don't know how to read claims, here is a good overview [swpat.org]. The formatting data doesn't need to be 'binary', it can be xml tags.
It's actually quite hard to get a patent covering XML-based office documents full stop because there's just so much prior art;
Riight, because nothing with prior art ever makes it through the patent office. Do you realize that the whole point of this case is how much prior art (and similar considerations) matters in attempts to invalidate patents? We have a 'one-click purchase' patent, we have a 'playing with a cat using a laser po
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No matter what ruling this has, it will not affect you, only corporations
Not true. A few more expensive patent judgements against Microsoft, and they'll start realising that software patents cost them more than they gain. When the flood of lobbyist money dries up for the anti-innovation team in Washington, maybe we can get some actual change.
I thought i4i was shorthand (Score:2)
Think of the products! (Score:2)
Shouldn't be second guessed by a jury? (Score:4, Insightful)
If 12 people "of virtues true" are good enough to decide over life and death of a person, they are more than capable to decide over some insignificant patents.
Ah, an i 4 for i.. (Score:2)
What is the world coming to? MS on the right side of a legal debate? Or is it more about avoiding to reap what they sowed? I'm all confused here :-).
Money vs. EFF and professors, who could win? (Score:2)
"... representing more than 100 companies, organizations and individuals, including venture capitalists, individuals from the military and now, the government." vs. "... Electronic Frontier Foundation and 37 law and economics professors". Capitalists, military and the government vs. the EFF and 37 law and economics professors. Who could win this one? I take 50 to 5 for the guys with the money.
What is the job of the patent office? (Score:2)
Is it still the responsibility of the patent office to determine obviousness and search for prior art? I am certain it used to be. But I recall some quote, within the past decade or so, where the head of the patent office stated that these things were not their responsibility. Am I remembering this correctly? Can anyone find such a quote?
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It's not the first time, MS has been sued by patent trolls before.
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The right way to do things IS to find balance. There has to be a balance between producer and consumer, between employer and employee, between rights owners and rights users. The free market DEPENDS on this balance, and only as long as this balance exists there actually is a free market.
Or rather, once such a balance is achieved we can see how the free market works.
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Oddly, something similar exists in our legal system. A judge can (and actually does, though IMO by far not often enough) throw out cases when it is evident that the sole reason for the lawsuit is that one side just wants to stall the other side, e.g. to keep them from launching a product 'til they have one themselves ready.
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Correction: Microsoft's enemies are not always right.