The Parking Meter Turns 75 Today 126
nj_peeps writes "75 years ago Carl Magee filed a patent application for what would become one of the most hated inventions in history: the parking meter. From the article: 'Magee's brainwave was to install a device that had a coin acceptor and a dial to engage a timing mechanism. A visible pointer and flag indicated the expiration of the paid period, meaning you either had to move, put in more money, or face the wrath of the local constabulary. The design continued largely unchanged for more than 40 years.'"
So.. (Score:3, Funny)
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75 is fairly old... maybe it will die soon.
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Hey parking meter... (Score:1)
Hated, but necessary (Score:4, Insightful)
You really think it would make it easier to park in large cities for short errands if they didn't exist? Thank God someone actually thought enough to address the problem.
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Re:Unintended Consequences (Score:2)
As did most of my neighbors, I got quite a thrill when the local miscreants escalated the war on the meters from coin slot jamming up to decapitations. Someone figured out a way to blow out the front of the coin slot with some explosive device, and I guess that was it. (I got over forty bucks in change off the sidewalks after a particularly spectacular night of destruction.) Now the People's Republic of Bezerkley has those computerised sensors with the central pay-stations, and all the spaces collect money,
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Re:Hated, but necessary (Score:5, Interesting)
Where I live(that mystical place called Canada), they figured out that it cost businesses more money if there were meters then 2hr free parking, along with 15min errand spots. When we switched from meters to non, business downtown went up by 40%, and so did the available tax revenue.
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Can you provide any citation? I'd love to have it on hand in case this subject ever comes up in future.
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I live in a small town in the UK, and I sincerely believe that parking costs are the biggest factor in driving people from the town businesses to out of town supermarkets. I really believe upping business rates a little, and making parking free except for a few key places would spur growth in the town no end. For those who don't know English towns, space is _always_ at a premium, and generally there is little to no roadside parking - what parking there is is generally a council owned extortionate multi-st
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I'm an American, but I lived in England for several years. Maybe it's my American bias, but we would always pick stores that had free parking over trying to find a garage or meter to park at. Lots of British stores are starting to figure it out (ASDA and Sainsbury's, in our case).
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Vancouver City Council is actually deciding to extend the parking meter hours to include Sunday as well. Turns out that the meters get moderated traffic, but on Sunday, it becomes a royal PITA to find a parking spot, short of pa
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Yeah, I'm not buying it either without a citation.
I have one, though--In his book 'Traffic', Tom Vanderbilt explains why having meters actually IMPROVES business. Without meters, people park their cars in front of your store and leave it there all day, preventing new customers from coming to your store.
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Oh wait, I guess you said "2 hour parking spots"... I posted too quickly...sorry.
Anyone got any coins? Please? (Score:2, Interesting)
They won't accept pennies. 99% accept only coins. San Francisco is talking about 7 day a week
parking meter enforcement, Many at $3 per hour (or more?). And in San Francisco the
collection/enforcement departments spend more money than the meters take in! Net loss.
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And in San Francisco the collection/enforcement departments spend more money than the meters take in! Net loss.
Is that per ticket, or the department as a whole? (i.e. if the number of tickets went up, would the department start to turn a profit?) Because any use of financial penalties should ALWAYS cost more than it brings in per use.
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Simple solution switch to credit card based machines with camera enforcement. This lets you reduce workforce and raise/lower rates based on time of day.
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Sure not everyone always has a mobile phone handy. But not everyone always has enough coins either
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Cool Hand Luke . . . (Score:5, Informative)
Captain: "Maliciously destroying municipal property while under the influence. What was that?"
Luke: "Cutting the heads off of parking meters, Captain."
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What we have here, is the successful ability to communicate!
I had the same thought.
Not a fan, but.... (Score:3, Interesting)
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Meter feeding is supposed to be against the rules just about everywhere there's parking meters, but enforcement can very considerably. The really strict places don't count on catching you feeding more coins in--they'll chalk mark your tires to track how long you've been there, and ticket you if you're over the max time even if you have time on the meter.
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I treat chalk marks on my tires like any other form of graffiti. If you don't remove it immediately, the taggers assume you don't care, and then there's no end to it.
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Not every place with a parking meter has a maximum parking time...
Why is this in YRO? (Score:4, Insightful)
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Parking shouldn't be free, we already subsidize driving enough as it is without allowing people the unlimited ability to park their private property on public land, as long as they would like. Make them pay for the privilege, it's part of the "privilege" (not right) of driving.
I also enjoy the turnover parking meters create, ensuring that most of the time when I need to run an errand downtown and have to drive, I can find a spot with minimal trouble.
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By the way, the curb is technically not public land. It's on an easement. In the USA, deeds usually extend into the roadway. I doubt this differs any even if you are in a big city. Evidence? You have to clear snow from your sidewalk in many cities. Either I'm right (I know MY deed extends into the road), or everyone is a bunch of morons who enjoy involuntary servitude to the government.
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Is parking for free an inalienable right now?
It should have been since the beginning. I guess the founding fathers forgot a couple.
End of an era... (Score:5, Informative)
Parking Meter is dying...
Cheaper operations and ones that produce more written tickets for violators are more productive.
Being replaced by 'buy a ticket for half-day or full day' or more modern digital ones that detect when a car moves from the spot so the next person doesn't get free time.
Let us not forget the 'Parking Meter Fairy' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKTFCdpBsAA [youtube.com]
Although only to find out it is illegal to put coins in other peoples time slots, those things are nothing but a source for parking tickets and as we call the Ticket writers around here 'Vultures'.
Oklahoma City site of first parking meter
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZQgPRFgkOA [youtube.com]
How to Hack a Parking Meter
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2CZ6yHJdBs [youtube.com]
How to hack electronic parking gates
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BA37BmMgBc [youtube.com]
How to Rip-off a Parking meter
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOz7cdNaQ3c [youtube.com]
Hi Tech Parking Meter, Los Angeles
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y76VFJ0LoOU [youtube.com]
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I mean the only way to get a ticket at the parking meter is to not pay for the meter. Those of who live in the city know how valuable meters are. They encourage the flow of traffic so that everyone gets an opportunity to park
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We've got reserved spaces for parents with children at all our supermarkets in the UK now - Personally, I think that if your kid can't walk the extra 50 yards to get into the sugar laden crammed supermarkets you've got bigger fucking problems than not being able to park right next to the door.
No, I'm not bitter...
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In our city, we've got a bit of both, the meters are slowly being phased out.
But the new ones are basically an electronic booth that covers about half a block, or an entire parking lot. You go up, you pay the alotted amount, and enter your license plate. You don't have to leave anything on your dash, you don't have a timer to look at, there are no sensors for your spot.
Every once in a while a meter maid drives by, checks the database for that booth. If you aren't in the Database, DING.
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Alternative method for ripping off parking meters.
[trailer park boys clip: not for young or sensitive viewers] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyOHuddEp14 [youtube.com]
I remember those. (Score:1)
Security easily defeated with a McDonald's straw. Or a reasonable facsimile of the official "out of order" bag they used to place over the broken ones.
Real Men of Genius (Score:2)
The spandex inventor gets recognition.
The guy who invented the parking meter not so much.
Exact URL/link to the story. (Score:5, Informative)
http://www.wired.com/thisdayintech/2010/05/0513parking-meter-patent/ [wired.com] since http://www.wired.com/thisdayintech/ [wired.com] is just an index and will change soon.
I am fine with the meters themselves (Score:2)
Why hate the meters? They are there to make parking easier and more reliable for everyone. It's the enforcement that pisses me off to no end. Writing a ticket for a meter one minute expired, or for not having a front license on your car (like it somehow creates a hazard?). And the pricing... Why should meters be $2/hr? Ever? Who carries that much loose change?
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Re:I am fine with the meters themselves (Score:4, Insightful)
I agree. Now the guy who invented the pay toilet, that's another story.
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Parking meter enforcement is proof that government can be incredibly efficient and productive when it decides to. Here in New Orleans, we just finished 8 years under one of the most useless mayors imaginable, the police department is in shambles, oh and 75% of the city was underwater a few years back, but it'll only take a few minutes for them to ticket your car.
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Perhaps they have a merce- private contractors doing it. When I lived in Los Angeles, Lockheed had gotten the parking ticket franchise and they seemed awesomely efficient. If someone got two free minutes, it was news around the neighborhood, and just forget about not paying for your oversight on street-sweeping day. (the metermaids did have to hold off until the sweeper actually passed your car, but I'd see them waiting every time, lined up behind the sweeper, and pre-entering data so they could jump right
Ah...city revenue in a box... (Score:3, Interesting)
And as nice and selfless as that was, that hurt the city income enough that they made a local ordinance against filling other people's meters. They even tried to ticket him more than once. Then they started chalk marking tires to see if they went past a certain time and ticketed them anyway. Just another reason I grew up to be the anti-tax, anti-government program person I am today.
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It amazes me that we find that we have to pay for parking on a public street. Because someone turned off the engine and got out makes you liable to rent the curb time. What if my car moved asymptotically slowly?
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Parking fines are are a non-democratic means that the city uses to fund certain operations that, for whatever reason be it lack of popularity or laziness, are not otherwise provisioned by legitimate sources of revenue that are approved by the public opinion. Its a clear conflict of interest and the injustice of fining is so obvious that its one of the leading frustrations that people cite in discussions of government annoyances. But I think we should differentiate between objections to what is essentially
There's something worse (Score:5, Informative)
Downtown Portland Oregon got rid of their curbside parking meters. Used to be, you got out of your car and put in a quarter or a dime (or a nickel if you're an old fogey), twisted the little thingy and went on your way.
Now you get out of your car, lock the doors (this is Portland...), walk a half block to the ticket vendor machine, and go through the five discrete steps necessary to print a ticket. Assuming you're successful, you walk back to your car, unlock the door (this is Portland...) affix the ticket to your window with the sticky back, lock the door, and go on your way.
During rush hour, you may wait in line for a significant amount of time to get your ticket. Especially if the moron in front of you can not read directions, but I digress. Parenthetically, what happens if the meter maid happens by while you're in line for your ticket? I haven't had this experience yet.
When you get back to your car, peel off the ticket and throw it on the ground. Just kidding, you're supposed to hunt for a trash can, or throw it on the floor of your car along with the empty coffee cups and breakfast burrito wrappers, but looking at the gutters downtown it appears that a lot of people just drop them on the ground.
So we've replaced the purely mechanical, non-waste-producing (but generally hated) parking meter with an electronic, waste-producing, geographically distant, ticket vending machine that's even more hated.
Time marches on.
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What's with the "this is Portland" thing? Portland has car prowlers like any city, but nothing particularly out of the ordinary. And anyway, why lock your door? Do you WANT a broken window? What are you keeping in there, suitcases of $100's?
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How expensive would it be?
A few months ago my wife learned the lesson the hard way. She left her cheapie cell phone on the seat of her car, parked in front of her parents house in boring suburbia. Somebody smashed the window to take the worthless phone. The best part? Door was unlocked.
Lock the door, get a smashed window. Don't lock the door, get a smashed window. The solution is to leave the window rolled down and remove everything of value from the car.
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That's ridiculous. If a thief wants to get in my car, he will. What would be "rolling over" is paying $150 from my own pocket every time a window gets smashed. No fucking way dude.
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We've had the same system in Sweden for decades, except we don't affix the tickets to the windows, they're just paper tickets that lay on the dashboard. I've never seen a curb-side parking meter here, seems like a waste of money to me to build one for each spot... But then I don't have a car, subways and buses work fine.
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We have a better variation on this system in much of Western Canada (and likely the rest of the country). First of all, there are no more paper tickets to put on the dash. When you pay, you enter your license plate number and the zone you parked in, and that plate is then entered into the system with the appropriate amount of time. Secondly, you don't _have_ to use the kiosk--you can phone in your payment, as you're walking away from your car. On average, there are two kiosks per block on each side of the s
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"no free loaders from the last person leaving before the time is up"
I think I could make a case that having to buy 15 minutes of time for a four minute transaction, and the next person has to buy 15 more minutes that overlap my minutes, the city is the one freeloading.
Paging Luke Jackson (Score:3, Funny)
I don't mind parking meteres. (Score:5, Insightful)
Parking meters don't just take in money, they help moderate the usage of the space.
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I truly hate parking meters only when I see them in front of a whole streets worth of empty storefronts. Parking costs almost can't be high enough in big, bustling cities because automobiles tend to destroy the urban environment. Take transit. Or, park it in a garage and walk. Or just walk. Driving isn't a right. Owning a car isn't a right. And parking it where ever you damn well please isn't a right.
Parking is only a problem for those too lazy to walk.
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Concrete, asphalt and steel isn't my idea of an "environment".
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So what you're saying is I'm too lazy to walk 45 miles to class or walk the 5 miles to the bus station to get to class 2 hours early and leave 2 hours late after an 8 hour day?
Cars are only a problem for those too stuck up to realize their fucking HUGE utility.
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I work in a busy downtown area with parking meters but they are hardly used because anyone with a handicap tag can park all day without paying so all the metered spots are always taken. Might as well remove the meters and just designate it as handicap parking.
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I mind parking attendants and "revenue operators" (Score:2)
I'm perfectly OK with the principle of sharing that such meters are there to "help along".
What gets me is the abuse. London has plenty of it:
- when a meter is not working you're NOT allowed to park in some places. Yes, that's right, unless they can make money off it that space is going to stay empty!
- parking wardens do not have a formalised process for checking their watches, yet some of them use that to determine expiry. There is plenty of evidence that some don'^t even bother to wait for expiry
- I am
And in other news... (Score:2)
74 years ago today a psychotic Norwegian Brown Rat coupled with an unknown venomous reptile released by a frightened owner into the New York City sewer system. Several months later the first Parking Cop slithered up out of a storm drain, and life has never been the same since for car drivers in various cities around the world.
The horrible new creature was able to subsist on little more than dung and rotting garbage, produced a new litter with every single case of copulation, and gets horny when abused.
Have a happy retirement... (Score:1)
Cool hand Luke... (Score:1)
sneers at your money grubbing parking meter.
In other news man eats 52 eggs.
I'll miss them when they're gone (Score:3, Funny)
Happy 50th Birthday to the Laser (Score:2)
And, thanks to the technological advancements represented by the parking meter, just 25 short years later, to the day, we had the laser [jklasers.com].
Re:Yes, they piss me off (Score:4, Funny)
To keep spaces open for customers (Score:3, Interesting)
So, taxes pay for the roads, the sidewalks, etc. If you pay taxes, and you park where these fucking abominations are, then you get the pleasure of paying another tax
Do you use the same complaint against toll roads?
I'm assuming there was no vote when these things were put into play?
Imagine that you run a coffee shop. You want your customers to use the space in front of the shop while in the shop, and you don't want someone who works across the street to hog the space for 8 hours straight. So to keep the spaces open for customers, you restrict parking time to how long it takes to buy and consume coffee and a sandwich.
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So, taxes pay for the roads, the sidewalks, etc. If you pay taxes, and you park where these fucking abominations are, then you get the pleasure of paying another tax
Do you use the same complaint against toll roads?
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So, taxes pay for the roads, the sidewalks, etc. If you pay taxes, and you park where these fucking abominations are, then you get the pleasure of paying another tax
Do you use the same complaint against toll roads?
However, toll bridges in the bay area are mostly supported by the tolls, as the population decided to slowly lower the effective tax rate in the state. many decades ago.
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However, toll bridges in the bay area are mostly supported by the tolls...
Huh, and all this time i thought they were supported by pylons, towers, and cables. Fancy that...
Nope, unicorn farts.
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Imagine that individual businesses had the power to set meter pricing and time limits... You would be on another planet, somewhere in a different solar system. The meters are there at the whim of the city. Properly used, they can be great tools. Misused or overused, and they can be a headache and a deterrent to regular customers.
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Do you use the same complaint against toll roads?
Oh heck ya I do. I lived in Atlanta after they put in the 400 toll road. Allegedly, it was only going to be a toll-road for as long as it took to "pay off the cost of the construction". It was built in...I wanna say 1995? I know it was there for the 96 Olympics. I left Atlanta for Northern VA 3 years ago. I went back to visit ~3 months ago and the damned thing was still going strong.
Imagine that you run a coffee shop. You want your customers to use the
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Allegedly, it was only going to be a toll-road for as long as it took to "pay off the cost of the construction". It was built in...I wanna say 1995?
My parents tell me the Tri-state tollway in Illinois (built in the 1950s) was sold the same way. It's still toll today.
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My parents tell me the Tri-state tollway in Illinois (built in the 1950s) was sold the same way. It's still toll today.
That would be frustrating. If something is built with a toll system to pay for it, you should be able to call a number (or visit a website these days) and see how much is left to pay off.
The only other reason I could think that a toll is still levied is that it continues to pay for maintenance. In that way, the people who actually use (and wear down) the road are responsible for paying the upkeep.
Here in Oregon, the Astoria-Megler bridge connecting Oregon to Washington was a toll bridge for a long time. T
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Yep. There's no such thing as a temporary tax.
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Imagine that you run a coffee shop. You want your customers to use the space in front of the shop while in the shop, and you don't want someone who works across the street to hog the space for 8 hours straight. So to keep the spaces open for customers, you restrict parking time to how long it takes to buy and consume coffee and a sandwich.
Except that you can still hog that space for 8 hours, it's just going to cost you.
Instead of parking meters you put green zones in if the true intended effect is space turn over and not "revenue" generation.
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Except that you can still hog that space for 8 hours, it's just going to cost you.
The hog still has to visit the space every few minutes to feed the meter. The time on the meter is capped at a reasonable amount of time to get in, order, eat, and get out, and any further minutes are forfeited.
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That'd be great except that you, as the coffee shop owner, do NOT own that road. That road belongs to the taxpayers. You have no right to restrict who parks on the PUB
Taxpayers elect the city council (Score:2)
That'd be great except that you, as the coffee shop owner, do NOT own that road. That road belongs to the taxpayers.
And the taxpayers have decided through their representatives in city council that the owners of local small businesses have the entitlement to use the taxpayers' resources to deter people from parking like a dick [wikimedia.org]. Small business owners pay good property tax money for this entitlement.
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The money collected from the meters may not amount to much, but the revenue from parking tickets for lapsed meters is spectacular.
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Especially when the meters run fast (yes, Philadelphia, I mean you. If I put an hour in a meter and come back 58 minutes later and it says "expired", something crooked is going on. My watch isn't that slow)
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So, taxes pay for the roads, the sidewalks, etc. If you pay taxes, and you park where these fucking abominations are, then you get the pleasure of paying another tax on top of what you've already paid to park there.
It isn't a tax, it's a deterrent to prevent too many people trying to park in the middle of downtown. In my city, there are areas with meters and areas with free parking. Guess which areas I can never find a parking spot?
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Sounds better than driving around for an hour trying to find a parking spot. Putting a price tag on a spot encourages use of public transit or private parking. It can also discourage even visiting in the first place, so municipialities and businesses have to consi
Parking meters are democratic (Score:2)
What would you do about the freeriders who come from out of town and park here? They don't pay any taxes in this town. And what about people who don't have any cars? Should they pay taxes for your parking place?
The best thing would be to get rid of all taxes and charge directly for every public service. Can't pay? Get a job! Or look for a charity organization that's willing to support you.
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Spoken like the typical ignorant American "libertarian"... Try walking in the shoes of that person who can't find a job for a day and see how you like it...
HOW? They wouldn't have shoes in the first place!
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It's either let the city collect parking fees, or pay more in taxes to make those parking spaces available for free to everyone. Pick one. But remember, "free" parking isn't really free. Those spaces could be put to a more lucrative use. So by not charging for parking, you're cheating yourself as
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By occupying a parking space, you consume a limited resource. The meter (standing in for the resource's owner) extracts a fee proportional to the amount consumed. It's like something right out of market economics 101.