U.S.Laws May Make Online Job Hunting Harder 433
j00bar writes "CNN/Fortune is reporting that applying for a job online is going to get harder. 'New federal guidelines meant to standardize how employers track data on the diversity of their job-applicant pool are taking effect starting today for jobs at federal contractors -- and similar rules will kick in later this year at U.S. companies with more than 50 employees. And resumes and search approaches that worked perfectly well before may no longer do the trick.'"
Might be difficult.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:3, Insightful)
This may mean that companies have to stop from the absurd practice of over specifing what they need.
The jobs I have really excelled at have been the ones where I didn't have all the qualifications.
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:4, Interesting)
"5 years of..." is the mantra of the human resources department. 5 years makes you experienced, 10 years qualifies you to lead a group, 15 years qualifies you to lead the department. I recall passing up one ad that required 15 years of Windows NT/2000 administration experience in 2001. I remember wondering if maybe NT was really that old and I'd missed something.
If we're lucky, this will push employers to scale down their listed requirements to something realistic. Like others here, I've never landed a job where I met anywhere near the listed requirements.
Required vs. Nice to have (Score:3, Interesting)
For the applicant we are saying "let us know if you have these things, but still apply if you don't."
The idea is that the more accurately the applicants understands the requirements, the more effective they can be at communicating their suitability.
I recommend this approach to everyone. Oh, and don't let human resources write, or e
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:5, Funny)
Required skills are:
Linux Operating Systems (RedHat, CentOS)
Linux Run Levels and Services Configuration (both xinetd and individual services)
Server/System Troubleshooting Skills
BASH scripting
Basic PERL
IPTables and Firewall Technologies
Load-Balancer Technologies
Intel Architecture Hardware Troubleshooting
Windows Server Administration
MSSQL, MySQL, and Sybase Administration
SSH Protocol Key Authentication
PHP Scripting
Apache Configuration
Mail Technologies (qmail, milters, spamassassin, clamav)
Tomcat Configuration
The importance of documentation and repeatable process.
Long-term architectural planning.
3 to 5 years of experience required
Job is located in downtown Portland
Job location is Portland, OR
Compensation: $15/hr
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:3, Interesting)
For even more fun, require all of the above in the same job posting! It's no wonder that applicants get creative with their resumes. Human Resource Managers don't want to hear "But the langua
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:2)
Are you kidding me? Those are halfway reasonable. (Though not at that pay scale.)
Take another look. You appear to be good at using bold and italics for emphasis, yet appear to have a problem seeing that in others' posts.Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:2)
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:2)
Compensation: $15/hr for first 2 - 4 weeks: Likely leads to $30K - $35K annual compensation + benefits and 401K
While not great, the job isn't quite as bad as misquoting by ommision.
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other hand, I know that some managers just don't understand it well enough to write a good position description. I've had to write several PDs (sometimes for a job I was leaving, sometimes for a position I was hiring, and finally sometimes because the higher-ups didn't like my level of job security). It's usually best done by someone who can do the job himself, but the next best thing is to define the roles and very basic requirements - will need to create web applications in a Linux-based environment.
Just because it could be done in PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, or Java doesn't mean you have to list all of those. And if the language hasn't been selected yet, why bother listing it at all? There are excellent developers with PHP and Ruby experience that will be turned off from the suggestion that they need to use Java.
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:2)
Yes i DO have 14 years of experience in
If you play the game you gotta play by the rules... simply find the loopholes in their rules.
I have been on the NET and working with NET related systems for 14 years. and anyone posing that requirement dont know what
being a really good BullShitter is key in jobhunting today. because they put in redicilous requirements now.
Last posting for a w
Re:Might be difficult.... (Score:2)
So you didn't really have 10 years of experience in Windows 2003?
Ok, I'm lost. (Score:5, Insightful)
So in order to get a more diverse and random selection of applicants, we're going to shrink the qualified applicant pool by making it more difficult to apply for a job? Can someone explain to me how this is supposed to increase diversity? I would think that if you want a more diverse selection, you would want to increase the qualified applicant pool so you have more people to choose from.
Whatever happened to The Most Qualified Apllicant? (Score:4, Interesting)
Sorry, but you do not have a RIGHT to a job. And especially to any PARTICULAR job. You only have the right to compete for the position. But what's REALLY boggling my mind is this is coming out of an administration that is supposedly so far in bed with business interests, that the resultant child is several weeks overdue. . . .
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:3, Insightful)
The answer is...it doesn't matter. What is should be "obvious" to everyone, according to the Feds, is that the more diverse you are in your employment pool, the greater quality and better worksmanship you get. This is one of the great P.C. truths!
Geez..I don't get it. I think they should actually BAN the listing of race and sex on
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:4, Funny)
Oh, good frickin' christ! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:3, Funny)
Ah I see (Score:2, Insightful)
What's that saying about two wrongs...
Re:Ah I see (Score:2)
think about what you're saying (Score:3, Insightful)
But many of those "white Europeans" that you are so fond of complaining about didn't come to the US to rape and pillage, they were facing starvation o
Re:think about what you're saying (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:2)
If the first whites thought that the Native Americans were East Indians, then why did they call them "Indeo" meaning "With God"? Or if they really were naming them after the East Indians, then why did they name them after a number of different groups of people that were not yet united under the name of India? And if they really thought this was India, then why did they wander from place to place naming it after themselves and
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:5, Funny)
I can't explain the rest right now, one of my servants just informed me that my favorite endangered species platter is ready for lunch.
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:5, Interesting)
I was lucky that a few years later, while I was bartending, A mexican man gave me a chance to program for a small company when I told him I had taught myself C++ years before. I became a software engineer and worked my way up. I am now a senior level engineer and make a nice middle class income. Suddenly though, I find myself attacked for being a "priveledged white man". WTF? Everything I earned I did through blood, sweat and tears in SPITE of the fact that I'm white, not because of it. I was poor and underpriveledged and didn't qualify for your scholarships or health care or anything else that the underpriveledged sometimes get because the color of my skin was wrong.
Somewhere along the line I must have misplaced my white priveledge coupon book because I missed out on all these favors I was supposed to receive. I'm not bitter or anything, just absolutely offended that people look at me as an excuse why they CAN'T be successfull because I'm white instead of seeing me as an example that anyone can make something of themselves regardless of origin.
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:3, Funny)
Your lobster dinners are delicious, by the way.
Re:Ok, I'm lost. (Score:2)
I don't see how this penalizes any one group.
Good (Score:2)
Re:Good [using what twisted logic?] (Score:4, Insightful)
What nonsense. If a corporation was only hiring people "to make a dollar," then they'd only hire the most effective, efficient people possible. You know, hiring people based on their actual merit. For that matter, if "making a dollar" is partly accomplished by lowering your overhead, then hiring the people willing to work for the least (in non-demanding retail positions, for example) would also be standard practice... and based on demographics, that would disporportionately result in the hiring of minorities and recent immigrants. So, no need to worry about quotas, right?
Or, am I confused about what you think is the "subtle discrimination" as it relates to how a corporation "makes a buck?" How, in your view, does discrimination help a large corporation actually make a buck? Or are you making a very sly, dubious, stealthy comment implying that minorities aren't as able to help an employer make a buck? Make some damn sense, or be more honest about your biases.
How can they do this (Score:2, Insightful)
It is our place and decision to run online employment boards how we see fit and put up descriptions of our jobs and post our skills to our own likings. We are free to find the people who we think may be good at the job by looking at their resume
Plus, what the crap, if I "apply" for a job online they look at my resume and they talk to me, they setup and
Re:How can they do this (Score:2)
Best, Paul
Re:How can they do this (Score:2)
So in other words (Score:4, Insightful)
Good one.
Here is a question (Score:5, Interesting)
What would happen, if I just tell them that my grand-grand-grand father came from Africa so deep down I feel like I am part of a minority?
Actually I never check the "White" or "Caucasian" box on the race section on the forms, because putting myself in a race category just reinforces the fact that there are race categories and people are somehow treated differently because of it. Actually the word "Caucasian" comes directly from studies of eugenics at the turn of the century and I consider using it just as offensive as someone using the "n"-word, because it implies endorsing the values and attitudes of the time.
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
Stupid standarized testing.
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
But, he was entirely justified in clicking the "African-American" block: after all, he WAS an African who became an American. . .
Re:Here is a question (Score:3, Informative)
The bottom line is that 'race is an unscientific construct'. And here is another small excerpt:
Blumenbach, the German anthropologist and anatomist, first used the word "race" in 1775 to classify humans into five divisions: Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American, and Malay. Blumenbach also coined the term "Ca
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
Go for it.
Teresa Heinz-Kerry, of Mozambique, is an African-American.
Nelson Mandela, of South Africa, is not an African-American.
If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for you. Any company that would circular-file an application when you remind them of those two facts, isn't
Re:Here is a question (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
Yeah. Funny how no body puts checkboxes for "Negroid" or "Mongoloid" anymore, but "Caucasian" still gets the thumbs up.
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
"Caucasian" (Score:3, Interesting)
Besides, one of my German great-grandparents was a Jew, and one half of my Dad's Italian ancestry is Black African in origin.. Should I then claim Asian or Black?
Heck, my wife is a Black Angolan immigrant. Our son is technically "African-American" since his mother is African and his father American... but he's not really an "African-Amer
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
By the way, I could claim I am Asian too, I come from Russia and my father definetly has mongoloid face features --
Re:Here is a question (Score:2)
Re:Here is a question (Score:3, Interesting)
I have thought about this issue quite a bit. What started it was that when I was a freshman in college in the Computer Science program, my university had this Affirmative Action Scholarship program, that helped Black students from bad neighbourhoods of the city to get into college with a full ride, all-payed scholarship. I really liked the idea, and we had about 5 or such students in our CS fr
Re:So in other words (Score:2)
So if you have a position, and 10% of the qualified applicants (people that met all post
Re:So in other words (Score:2)
Oh like it's not hard enough already!? (Score:5, Insightful)
Keep your resume up-to-the-minute current. "The rules allow companies to pick a random pool of applicants by searching the job boards for 'most recent' qualified applicants," Crispin notes. "In those cases, no one will even look at a resume that is more than two or three weeks old." Yikes.
Oh whatever, if the company is looking for someone with experience that most don't have they are going to look closely at the resumes. If anyone can do the job in the applicant pool they aren't going to care one way or the other.
For the jobs that I have interviewed for through monster.com and careerbuilder.com applications, I have received a few offers -- none of which bettered my current job security and benefits (the pay was better).
We don't need laws to make it more difficult to find work -- we need laws that make the jobs we have better than they already are.
Re:Oh like it's not hard enough already!? (Score:3, Insightful)
Has someone looked at the low unemployment rates recently and decided something had to be done to raise them, or what?
Re:Oh like it's not hard enough already!? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Oh like it's not hard enough already!? (Score:2)
This happens for on-campus interviews as well. At one law school, for example, every firm interviewing must interview 20 people. However, because the resumes are submitted beforehand, the really prestigious firms basically pick who they are going to "call back" for a second interview before the interviews even start. (The people at the top of the class
Re:Oh like it's not hard enough already!? (Score:2)
Leave it to the gov't (Score:4, Insightful)
Lets all sue for discrimination. (Score:2)
How long after they require all this tracking till they specify how many of X applicants you must have to obtain a federal contract? I would figure only a few years.
The only reason to track diversity is to punish when it does not meet that requirement of the day.
um.. (Score:5, Funny)
Surely you wouldnt work in a place you have no interest in!
I wonder... (Score:2, Interesting)
I wonder, though, if this isn't going to be a good thing for job applicants. Qualified applicants, anyway.
Re:I wonder... (Score:2)
This works b
I think this is BS (Score:5, Insightful)
Isn't it hard enough already? (Score:5, Interesting)
It's great to protect people from shitty employers but not a good idea to create so much red tape that you're keeping a significant number of your citizens from finding work. All this red tape is a good part of the reason temps and illegals are so popular as employees.
Re:Isn't it hard enough already? (Score:2)
So they want the companies to hire people "in a diverse" kind of way. Are they going to have race, gender, sexual orientation q
Re:Isn't it hard enough already? (Score:2)
Scare phrases (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Scare phrases (Score:2)
Big deal (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Big deal (Score:2)
Re:Big deal (Score:2)
Re:Big deal (Score:2)
He is payed in cash (taxed too) and then distrubutes out the money to the illegal aliens. Therefore the company never hired any illegal aliens. They just have a spanish speaking worker making $200/hour
Don't forget to look them in the eye (Score:2)
Remember folks, Ostrich Corp's first policy is to get your head out of the sand and start winging it.
TFA? Useless and Misleading. (Score:5, Insightful)
Then it spins into a collection of rather bizarre "tips" for job applicants, most of which don't really seem to have anything to do with the alleged changes in government hiring practices, or even reality.
Even for slashdot this is pretty weak.
Teach HR to write real Tech Job listings (Score:3, Interesting)
Also having to have exact skills to the job listing would increase the ammount of people lieing on their resumes which means that employers no long could trust that the resume was valid.
Support our Troops
Impeach our President
This will actually make matters much worse.. (Score:3, Informative)
Of course, if you do want to give a lot of people a shot, you just state "requirements: carbon based lifeform, literacy" and "the following are a plus:
So, really, this helps the government hiring cheats.
What this will really do... (Score:2, Interesting)
Why? Because candidates are not going to reword their resume for every employer--that's tremendously expensive for the employee. Also, many qualified applicants probably won't have the skills to "search engine optimize" their resume to get noticed. And companies won't want to fall afoul of the law, so they're unlikely to relax rules and "read between the lines."
This will pr
Law of unintended consequences again (Score:5, Interesting)
But these days we have, if anything, overshot equality and went to tribalism amok. These days it seems the only ones who quotes King's "I have a Dream" speech's line about judging everyone on their ideas instead of their skin is Jack Kemp and Newt Gingrich because the entire 'Civil Rights' establishment has invested all their political capital on maintaining quotas and pretending to be victims while having all the trappings (limo, jets, mistresses, etc) of the wealthy. Listen up folks, when (in theory if not in practice) the left, the right and just about everyone in between are in agreement on an issue it really isn't much of an issue anymore. The only reason it is still an issue is because too many people have made an industry out of "Oprah Nation" style victimhood as career.
Actual Details from Ars Technica (Score:5, Informative)
The actual rule:
Obligation To Solicit Race and Gender Data for Agency Enforcement Purposes
Do you know what the OFCCP is? It is the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, and that little taste of bureaucratic alphabet soup is a part of the Department of Labor's Employment Standards Administration. The OFCCP's job is to ensure "that employers doing business with the Federal government comply with the laws and regulations requiring nondiscrimination." In essence, that makes the OFCCP one of the many departments that exist within the government to monitor activities and make sure things are done properly and fairly. A noble goal, to be sure, but the OFCCP has distinguished itself with a new rule going into effect this week regarding the tracking of those who apply for jobs on the Internet, and it may have repercussions for anyone using electronic means to search for a new career.
Simple solution.... (Score:2)
It's hard enough to find clued people now. Thanks for making it harder, asshats.
You got what you asked for.... (Score:2, Insightful)
*You* elected 'em.
Think before voting, next time.
Try holding your fave politicians ACCOUNTABLE for once. Sure, career bureaucrats are responsible, but they are told what to do BY CONGRESS.
- A disgusted native-American male-lesbian libertarian activist
Re:You got what you asked for.... (Score:3, Interesting)
Online job hunting doesn't work anyway (Score:3, Insightful)
- 20 years professional experience.
- 7 years IT manager
- C, C++, C#,
- 10+ years project management
No interviews or contact whatsoever.
The only way to really get response is through personal and direct contacts with firm you are interested in.
Re:Online job hunting doesn't work anyway (Score:2)
On the other hand, I don't have very generic qualifications that everybody and their brother has like "C, C++, C#,
Friend Computer! (Score:2, Funny)
Friend Computer has randomly chosen you! Yes, YOU CITIZEN! out of all the applicants for reactor-core cleaning duty!
More thorough, less retarded analysis (Score:2, Informative)
This Annie person ought to be fired, IMO.
Nothing new (Score:2)
I loved the tips section about using correct spelling! If your resume doesn't have the correct spelling then you may not be found during a search....Duh!!!!
Hrmmmm... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Hrmmmm... (Score:3, Interesting)
During the boom he never had any trouble getting work. There wa
READ THE PDF! (Score:3, Informative)
The rule is for FEDERAL CONTRACTORS!!! Hello, can anyone read around here. This does not apply to NON-FEDERAL CONTRACTORS. Again, READ THE PDF. It's prefereable to having morons posting comments.
Does anybody check for age diversity? (Score:3, Interesting)
Why do employers demand you tell them your gender and race, but the employers are forbiden to even ask for your age?
In IT especially, age discrimination is far more prevelent than gender or race discrimination.
Re:It only applies to FEDERAL JOBS (Score:5, Informative)
Yeah that's what it SAYS (Score:2)
I'm not even aware of any CURRENT rules that state that HR departments have to keep applications stored for x amount of years to verify EEOC/Diversity requirements.
(Current employees yes... applications? No.)
Re:It only applies to FEDERAL JOBS (Score:2, Redundant)
Re:It only applies to FEDERAL JOBS (Score:4, Funny)
Re:No end to the red tape, as usual (Score:3, Funny)
Remember, it's not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes!
Re:Real qualifications (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Points up that Networking is still King. (Score:2)
So far, I've had at least 3
No: It's dumping the self-taught from job market. (Score:3, Interesting)
Drop out of college in the '70s just short of a degree to pursue your consulting practice or carreer (when a 4-year degree was considered a handicap) and work yourself up into a 6-figure income and a position in the top of your field by hopping between consulting and salaried positions for 30 years as you became one of the people that in