DVD Jon's Code In Sony Rootkit? 585
An anonymous reader writes "With some help from Sabre Security, Sebastian Porst and Matti Nikki have identified some stolen GPL'd code in Sony's rootkit. Ironically the code in question seems to be VLC's demux/mp4/drms.c -- the de-DRMS code which circumvents Apple's DRM, written by 'DVD' Jon Lech Johansen and Sam Hocevar."
DVD Jon strikes back! (Score:5, Funny)
Nope (Score:3, Insightful)
Are you saying DVD Jon doesn't have the same rights as Sony?
hmm (Score:5, Funny)
Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Interesting)
Though it wouldn't happen in a million years, I'd like to think this will bring Sony to it's knees. It won't, but someone can dream.
Not that I had anything against Sony in the first place, but since this crap they threw out there and expected everyone to just "take it", they need to be slapped and slapped often.
They haven't even apologized yet. At least I haven't seen it. Though just saying "sorry" doesn't cut it anymore as thousands of computers are now vulnerable in the world due to their greed.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:4, Insightful)
Very Dangerous Reasoning (Score:5, Insightful)
You know, I think that this does make sense. However, this is a very dangerous line of reasoning. If you let Sony get off with no consequences for distributing stolen code, then you will never be able to prosecute any big corporatio for code copyright violations.
All a mega-corp need do is find a small, arms-length firm to launder the stolen code. Let that small firm actually steal it and then hand it on a silver platter to the mega-corp. If the mega-corp is caught, the small firm takes the hit and disappears in a puff of bankrupcy. Then mega-corp goes on to the next small firm.
If Sony truly didn't know about this, then they probably should not be liable for any statutory damages. However, they did distribute the code--which is technically a violation. Sony should be the one accountable for that violation and Sony should be able to sue First4Internet--unless of course First4Internet's license with Sony includes the standard indemnification clause like we see in most EULA's. In that case, Sony will be hoisted by their own petard--and it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people.
Re:Very Dangerous Reasoning (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Very Dangerous Reasoning (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Very Dangerous Reasoning (Score:3, Interesting)
To draw a more potent example (because it's known that the code in this case is active, and not possibly "just a fingerprint"), it is entirely plausible that Geico would be liable for the programs they received from MXS. And they're just a customer using the stoftware! They're not even involved in the development. Another example is that every linux user would potentia
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Interesting)
Except after the initial exposure of this rootkit in their products, Sony bigwigs were on NPR radio broadcast saying essentially (paraphrased) "What they don't know won't hurt them". I'd certainly content that constitutes delayed action, and possibly collusion. Plus the factoids coming out that this rootkit may have possibly been distributed by Sony for over a year now.
Regardless of who wrote it, Sony is still the one who deliberately distributed millions of CDs containing this malware. They should have done due diligence on their own product before shipping. They've supposedly stopped making CDs with XPC, but they haven't done any of the things a reputable company should be doing: Offering complete replacement discs (without foistware), coupons/credit for further Sony products ("Don't boycott our brand, please"), and promise not to abuse their actual customers again. Instead, they've done practically nothing (except some basic CYA by halting further production) and practically promised that they'll be trying this again in some form in the future. Hardly sounds like an 'innocent' party.
Sony certainly deserves to get their collective ass handed to them. Its just a shame it will have to happen through lawsuits and consumer boycotts, as you'd think they would learn not to abuse their own paying customers. I guess not.
P.S. Screw you Sony, your products, warranties, and service have been crap for years, but now I will actively avoid anything to do with you.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:4, Interesting)
"but they haven't done any of the things a reputable company should be doing: Offering complete replacement discs (without foistware), coupons/credit for further Sony products ("Don't boycott our brand, please"), and promise not to abuse their actual customers again."
Actually, it appears that they *do* plan to offer replacement discs [sonybmg.com]. I tried to post this to the main page (a fairly significant development, IMHO), but alas it was rejected. In other news, Mark Russinovich is declaring victory [sysinternals.com] as a result.
I'm not saying that makes everything okay... I'm just saying that they're not being *total* jerks about this (just *partial* jerks). I expect we'll see more of a response out of Sony once that large bureaucratic ball eventually does get rolling. In an organization the size of Sony, I'd bet it has quite a lot of intertia.
And no, I won't be buying any more Sony CDs... or probably anything else - just on principle.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Informative)
If Sony is providing the source code for the programs and restates that the software is unter GPL (thus giving you the right to modify and distribute your modification), then everything is fine between Sony and you though.
There have been several similar cases in Europe about this, and in every case the GPL has been found valid, and the violation of the license has been considered healed, if the final distributor was able to get hold of the source code and distribute this one too under GPL.
Check GPL v2.0 section 4:
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
For Sony this means: They lost the right to distribute the Program, and they will be in violation of the GPL until they start to comply with the GPL themselves (e.g. distributing the source and allowing modifications and redistribution under GPL).
First4Internet could be in BIG trouble. (Score:5, Interesting)
3.(1) A person is guilty of an offence if
(a) he does any act which causes an unauthorised modification of the contents of any computer; and
(b) at the time when he does the act he has the requisite intent and the requisite knowledge.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(b) above the requisite intent is an intent to cause a modification of the contents of any computer and by so doing
(a) to impair the operation of any computer;
(b) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer; or
(c) to impair the operation of any such program or the reliability of any such data.
I think First4Internet's little toy is designed to prevent or hinder access to programs and data held in a computer, don't you? And I really doubt that their click-through EULA constitutes authorisation to do so; it was fraudulently claimed that the Software was necessary to play the music, which was a plain lie as is shown by every Linux and Apple machine that plays it just fine without the rootkit installed.
I might add that even though these discs are not available in the UK, the Computer Misuse Act still holds [opsi.gov.uk].
Anyone know if we could possibly get Inspector Knacker to take a look at these felonious fellows?
The day the music died (err was killed by Sony)... (Score:5, Informative)
I've been chasing down several accounts of government agencies, companies, educational institutions and others banning the use of Sony CDs on their PCs, due to the security risks of having Sony's rootkit DRM infecting their PCs. One government ministry, Alberta Agriculture, has banned the use of music CDs altogether, since Sony is hardly the only music company crippling its CDs with sneaky, malicious software. Here are a couple examples:
Here I thought this would only happen for "secure" workplaces. Sorta makes you feel sorry for SCO, they can't get anyone to even look at the crazy they're selling when Sony's got such a superior line of insane self-destructiveness.
Re:The day the music died (err was killed by Sony) (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The day the music died (err was killed by Sony) (Score:3, Interesting)
Don't you think they're celebrating now that using audio CD's in PC's is a security risk? I'm suprised they haven't done this sooner. Pretty soo
Re:First4Internet could be in BIG trouble. (Score:4, Interesting)
I'd be surprised if there was a DNS server left on earth that hadn't recently handled a query for First4Internet by now.
In any case it's worth investigating, notice that not all of Europe is covered in red, although I'm sure the scandal has been reported there as well. There's a good possibility here that Sony has sold the CDs in the UK, and frankly it should be investigated because Sony deserves to be nailed with every law they violated for this little stunt.
Besides, has Sony ever released a list of all affected CDs yet?
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Insightful)
Actually, Sony were responsible for distributing the software.
That's why they're in trouble.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:3, Informative)
pissing contest. (Score:3, Insightful)
No this is far beyond a "vote with your wallet" story. sony BMG broke some laws they though were important for their business model, and now they should bleed for it.
Re:pissing contest. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Insightful)
All parties involved in an illegal activity are responsible for that activity. Sony is no different.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:3, Interesting)
I do not think it matters who wrote the code in the first place. Sony sells the code and so has the responsibility...simple as that. In the same way that if i buy a PS3 and the disc drive is broken SONY cant tell me to take it up with Toshiba or whoever makes the drive. They sold it and they must deal with the consequences. They themselves are free to take it up with their supplier but this up to them.
Imagine you buy a car and the brakes fail the maunfacturer cant avoid liability by saying tha
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:5, Insightful)
The GPL violations lie firmly on the shoulders of F4I. If Sony did not disassemble the code or inspect the source, they had no way of knowing.
We certainly CAN blame Sony for throwing crap DRM at us in the first place, and we can criticize their PR response to this whole mess. But we cannot blame them for GPL stuff.
And as far as the uninstall fiasco goes, Sony did not write the software, so I am sure that they do not know how to remove it. They have to rely on F4I to supply the uninstall software. But, once again, it IS their fault that they did not pull the uninstall program earlier once the security holes had been found. But Sony is a corporation, with probably 1,000 layers of management, so even that is understandable.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:3, Insightful)
Bush didn't lie to the world, the CIA just enhanced a couple of reports with speculatively extrapolated contingency scenarios.
Satan isn't responsible for the fall of Man, Eve was the one who gave Adam the fruit.
Sony...naw, Sony is as pure as a freshly powdered baby's bottom.
Re:Stranger and stranger (Score:3, Insightful)
Nice link, guys. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nice link, guys. (Score:3, Informative)
I'm suprised that the execs at Sony...... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I'm suprised that the execs at Sony...... (Score:2)
Re:I'm suprised that the execs at Sony...... (Score:5, Insightful)
"First 4 Internet" are idiots for thinking they were more clever than several million computer geeks around the world. Sony are idiots for not throughly researching exactly what the software they licensed did, and how it did it, as well as thinking they had some right to do as they wish with someone elses property.
Re: Digital Camera Code (Score:5, Funny)
A share of profits? (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyway, DVD John can actually sue Sony for all *revenue* that Sony made from the sale of the CDs, if I'm not mistaken (not just profits). That would grab them where it hurts!
Re:A share of profits? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A share of profits? (Score:3, Interesting)
$30,000 per infringement means $30,000 per sale of each CD. This is how they got to such huge damage claims in the peer to peer wars.
Sony's in genuine trouble on this one, and no matter what they look like hypocrites.
I have the strangest feeling DVD Jon's current boss knows a few good lawyers, so this won't be swept under the rug.
Re:A share of profits? (Score:3, Insightful)
However, the people who actually had their car blow up can sue for lost wages, medical expenses, damages, and in the case of the US, "pain and suffering". That is where the big bucks are paid.
In the case of the CDs, i
Re:A share of profits? (Score:3, Insightful)
And what is the range of that amount? Although, likely Sony would settle first rather than admit in court that they infringed on someone else's copyrights.
But persume that it could be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had infringed on the person's code. (That the code is there, and it is actively executed, and not used as
Re:A share of profits? (Score:2)
Re:A share of profits? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:A share of profits? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:A share of profits? (Score:5, Insightful)
*I* would. Are you seriously saying that if they committed copyright infringement to prevent copyright infringement it's ok because they're preventing copyright infringement? And that rootkitting thousands of machines worldwide is perfectly fine because "they're just trying to stop pirates"? wow! I want what you're smoking!
Who guessed it? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Who guessed it? (Score:3, Insightful)
Err, no. Sony licensed a product that was developed by a bunch of ass hats. Sony, while incompetent, could sue the party they licensed the software from for many of their wohs.
Isn't that doubly illegal? (Score:5, Interesting)
Sony ought to be in some severely deep shit here. Of course they're a corporation, so they're mostly above the law, but we should still be able to get something to stick.
Re:Isn't that doubly illegal? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Isn't that doubly illegal? (Score:5, Interesting)
Under UK law copyright infringement is a criminal offence - in other words, report it to the police and they are obliged to investigate.
So if the copyright holder were to let the police know of their concerns and supply some evidence, the company that authored the software could have an interesting visit.
Sony isn't the only one to lambaste here (Score:4, Insightful)
Most folks don't review the sourcecode of software they purchase to determine if its license-tree is clean.
Sony definitely made a truly dumb move by utilizing this DRM software (and several other dumb moves subsequently), but lets not let First4Internet off the hook either.
Re:Sony isn't the only one to lambaste here (Score:5, Funny)
Sony: "Cool, lets see."
1st4: "Its already on, go ahead try and copy it"
Sony: "Oooooooh, and they won't find it will they?"
1st4: "Never. We are teh elite blackhats."
Sony: "Ok be quiet about that one, when you you be ready to ship?"
Re:Sony isn't the only one to lambaste here (Score:2)
Re:Sony isn't the only one to lambaste here (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Sony isn't the only one to lambaste here (Score:3, Informative)
Is "intent" an element of copyright infringment? No.
Do you have to register your copyright to claim damages? No.
Confirming Source: http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ1.html#cr [copyright.gov]
Re:Sony isn't the only one to lambaste here (Score:3, Insightful)
No, they really aren't. The owners are relevant because only the owners have a cause of action. The copyright status is relevant because without registration, only actual damages can be obtained. As the software is given away *for free*, that means that actual damages are $0. The *ONLY* remedy that could be granted is an order barring Sony from distributing the software.
The rights conferred by the
I'm beginning to wonder... (Score:3, Insightful)
It was obviously a golden opportunity to bring the whole DRM BS to a head.
If that's the case, bravo!!
Wow. Just WOW. (Score:5, Insightful)
"pbclevtug (p) Nccyr Pbzchgre, Vap. Nyy Evtugf Erfreirq."
ROT 13 it, and you get
"copyright (c) Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved."
You couldn't make it up, could you?
Re:Wow. Just WOW. (Score:2)
I don't have a copy of the rootkit myself, but... wow. Just wow. First4Internet covered up their naughtiness with rot13?
That's incompetence not seen since the heyday of Wile E. Coyote.
Re:Wow. Just WOW. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Wow. Just WOW. (Score:5, Informative)
Apple's encryption scheme includes the generation of a key. The important parts of this key come from the machine's unique hardware information. But to prevent (at least that's my only plausible explanation for it) people from reimplementing the scheme by using the same information, they also add this copyright string to the key generation. Reimplementing their protocol means the string has to be used.
We just store it ROT13'ed in VLC because it would be confusing to have an Apple copyright in our code. Although technically the string itself is created by Apple, it is too short to qualify for copyright.
Re:Wow. Just WOW. (Score:4, Interesting)
So, quite apart from the fact they've stolen your code, the question now is:
Why does Sony's DRM include code to break Apple's DRM? Are they just scanning for evidence that your code is running, staticly built the library because they were stealing some other aspect of your program, or do they actually want to decrypt Apple files?
This story just gets stranger.
Re:Wow. Just WOW. (Score:5, Insightful)
It is likely that they are not using VLC's code but some other, smaller application that just happens to use our code (and which may or may not respect the GPL itself -- there may be unknown intermediaries in the story). The drms.c file is part of VLC's MPEG-4 / QuickTime demuxer, so it could be a music player or a media tagging utility, for instance.
Even if it was copyrighted (Score:3, Insightful)
Even if the string was copyrightable, your use is purely functional, and thus not subject to copyright laws in this case.
See Sega Vs Accolade [harvard.edu]
Contest (Score:5, Funny)
Oh, too late! Sony already wrote the best story, and it's actually happening before our eyes! Truth is stranger than fiction. And Sony wins many massive lawsuits. Err, I mean they lose them, the prize is they get sued.
Oblig Simpsons (Score:5, Funny)
Good news! (Score:3, Funny)
Is it actually using the code? (Score:3, Insightful)
If these are small segments, used for identifying and diabling the software, then the copyright defence could be fair use. And there's no way I'll say that copyright shoudl prevent this.
Re:Is it actually using the code? (Score:4, Informative)
These pieces are definitely not for identifying or disabling software, they're linked into the executables just like all other libraries normally are. There are execution paths throughout the thing. I was just able to find an execution path from a function that has a string "CDXCP3" to the DeDRMS code. I'd say this first one is XCP specific, although it'd take more research to find out how exactly the code uses this stuff.
Reverse engineering takes times, especially since I don't have access to latest and greatest commercial tools that exist for tasks like this. The only reason this stuff is staying unanalyzed is because the protection is used on a CDs that very few computer experts would ever buy. Or at least I wouldn't
Is the DVD Jon code executed? (Score:5, Interesting)
I mean the DVD john code seems like exactly the sort of thing one might want to search for on someone's computer to stop pirating. If indeed it is used only to identify the code it may be covered under fair use. It's an interesting legal question that I vaguely remember came up in virus/worm/spyware cases. Namely can a malware writter use some kind of simple code modification method to foul up simple hashes and then insist his copyright prevents anti-virus manufacturers from including large enough parts of the malware code to accurately detect it.
It might not be pleasent but if it's fair for the good guys to use code under fair use for detection then the bad guys get to do it as well.
Which reminds me I don't even remember the legal status of this DVD Jon code in the US. Is it illegal under the DMCA? Does this deny it copyright protection or a different measure.
Re:Is the DVD Jon code executed? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Is the DVD Jon code executed? (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyway I made no claim that Sony would be okay with you acting as described. Luckily Sony is not the court. Of course the courts aren't stupid so they aren't going to believe that your huge library of music is really being used and necessery for recognizing songs you come across. If
Thank you, Sony! (Score:5, Funny)
(wait, does it mean MPAA will come after me?)
Sony's apology (Score:5, Informative)
Soon to come (Score:3, Funny)
* First4internet loses Sony BGM as customer
* First4internet cancels XCP development
* Due to First4Internet's huge liability claims, First4Internet closes its doors
* First4Internet bought by Microsoft
* Profit ?
Ah, but who put it there? (Score:5, Funny)
I assume that some grey, suited MBA type didn't put this code in. A geek did. Following on from that, they are almost certainly slashdot readers....
Does anyone have something they would like to tell us?
Re:Ah, but who put it there? (Score:3, Interesting)
I assume that some grey, suited MBA type didn't put this code in. A geek did.
The grey suited MBA paid for it to be done and the geek did what he was paid to do. And obviously Sony BMG marketing would have to approve as it is a change in their product. Legal would have been involved to license the code. Upper management would either have to put their heads in the sand or approve it.
I don't know what world your from but geeks don't have a rats ass of influence with senior management. If a brain dead CS
To understand recursion ... (Score:5, Funny)
Sony uses rootkit to enforce DRM which incorporates code to circumflect DRM and thus can sue itself under the DMCA. C'mon! If this gets any more convoluted or self-referential, either the universe will explode (and be replaced with something even more complicated) or Sony will disappear in a puff of logic.
So let me get this straight... (Score:4, Funny)
Here is the difference (Score:5, Insightful)
There are many types of copyright violations with very different types of severity:
The first type is when someone goes out and downloads a song, lets say "...And Justice for All" by Metalica they have simply avoided paying for it by getting it through illegal means. This does not equate to any directly measurable loss of revenue because when the effective price of something is lowered, people are more likely to get it. Thus it is not only likely that someone would not have bought the CD if the pirate mp3s were not available, but it is actually more likely than not. This is of cause not a wholly moral practice, but it is cirtainly not as bad as many other evils that exist in society today. These are the infractions that occur on Kazaa and the ilk.
The second type of infraction is where one duplicates the media on which intellectual property is contained and sells it themselves at an actual monitary price. This is very different since there is a very obvious minimum bounds of loss of revinue caused by this which is of cause the markup on the pirated media. Motivation also changes in this type since there is a very clear misdirection in the chain of money where the pirate gets a clear financial benifit wheras they recieve none in the first set. This type of violation is criminal in most juristictions whereas the first type is wholly civil.
The third and most severe case is where intellectual property is rebranded and its credit is misappropriated to another party. This historically has been a result of industrial espionage but today, open source software is very vulnarable to it. This is equivalant to the Kazaa casual pirate claiming that they wrote "...And Justice for All". It means that not only does the pirate get the profit for the sale of the intellectual property instead of the legal creator, but those who are convinced to use this thing in future by seeing the rebranded thing will never go to the real author to get a copy for themselves. In either of the previous two types there is a likelyhood that the author will eventually get money or whatever they are looking for (usually an ego boost in the case of OSS) but in the third type this is not the cause. This is a far more thorough missapropriation of this IP and thus the term "stealing" is far more appropriate.
The reason that these three types are so neatly ranked is that as you can see, each one is a subset of the type before. Not everyone gets annoyed by violations every layer since OSS doesn't mind first or second type occuring but hates the third kind. SUN doesn't mind the first type occuring but hates the second and third with Java. Public domain doesn't mind any of the three. But no one will let one layer slide that is above something that annoys them.
This case with sony is clearly not a third type violation (which I would call stealing) but is a second type (which I would call piracy) since Sony did not claim to write this software or even advertise its existence. The GPL says you can do second type scenarios on the condition that you distribute the source code. Sony redistributed this IP for money but did not distribute the source code AFAIK so they voilated the rules on this level. This puts them on par with sleezy bootleg vendors on street courners and ebay pirate CD vendors but significantly worse than some kid downloading Nelly mp3s off Kazaa and significantly better than the jerks behind CherryOS.
So there you have it, why downloading some dumb pop song off the internet isn't as bad as taking credit for someone elses hard work and making millions of dollars off it and why sony are half way in between on this one.
Tomorrow's headline (Score:5, Funny)
Dear Santa, (Score:4, Funny)
Dave Smith
(Aged 34)
Right you lot. I've done my part now it is down to you to ask for enough money to prosecute this imbeciles so that they don't do anything quite so stupid again.
My god, at this rate SCO code will be found next (Score:5, Funny)
Re:My god, at this rate SCO code will be found nex (Score:4, Funny)
Sony VAIOs (Score:4, Interesting)
Mainstream spin (Score:4, Informative)
CNN Europe and other mainstream media providers carried it like this:
The trouble with the Sony software is that it makes your computer VULNERABLE TO VIRUSES.
The mainstream spin is that the Sony software just opens the door to the bad guys. The word "rootkit" is not offered.
It makes out as though Sony blundered and issued some insecure software, and how big a deal is that?
This story deserves to grow and become a defining moment, but there's a long way from the tech community to the mainstream media.
And BTW... (Score:5, Informative)
Let's go to the police! (Score:3, Informative)
Well, it is.
Or at least, it should be in all countries that singed the TRIPs agreement. It says so in article 61:
Article 61
Members shall provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied at least in cases of wilful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale. Remedies available shall include imprisonment and/or monetary fines sufficient to provide a deterrent, consistently with the level of penalties applied for crimes of a corresponding gravity. In appropriate cases, remedies available shall also include the seizure, forfeiture and destruction of the infringing goods and of any materials and implements the predominant use of which has been in the commission of the offence. Members may provide for criminal procedures and penalties to be applied in other cases of infringement of
intellectual property rights, in particular where they are committed wilfully and on a commercial scale.
So, commercial copyright infringement, as is obviously the case here, is to be regarded a criminal offence in all countries that signed the TRIPs agreement. And if it is a criminal offence, the government is responsible to take the offender to court and throw him in jail should he be found quilty!
All you gotta do is go to the police and hand over all evidence you can find regarding this alleged crime. Then the police should start investigating in order to bring these criminals to justice!
This is great! This is the key to enforcing the GPL globally without having to be the author or copyright owner of the code of which the copyright has been violated. That's the beauty of criminal offences. These are prosecuted by the government on behalf of the public.
Let's take a look at what I could find on this in the US law, since these disks have been sold in the US, haven't they?
What I found out is that -- for me -- over the ocean, they have the "Anticounterfeiting Act of 2004":
http://www.publicknowledge.org/issues/hr2391 [publicknowledge.org]
"Provides penalties and jail sentences for trafficking in "counterfeit labels, illicit labels or counterfeit documentation or packaging" of records, software, movies, etc. The original bill also provided penalties for filing false information with Internet registrars, but that portion wasn't picked up in the omnibus. Passed the House Sept. 21, 2004."
As far as I can see, this is the law text that applies and apparantly is in act:
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113 > 2318 Trafficking in counterfeit labels for phonorecords, copies of computer programs or computer program documentation or packaging, and copies of motion pictures or other audio visual works, and trafficking in counterfeit computer program documentation or packaging
Release date: 2005-08-03
(a) Whoever, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (c) of this section, knowingly traffics in a counterfeit label affixed or designed to be affixed to a phonorecord, or a copy of a computer program or documentation or packaging for a computer program, or a copy of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, and whoever, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (c) of this section, knowingly traffics in counterfeit documentation or packaging for a computer program, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both."
"or a copy of a computer program"
Looks like those criminals copying GPLed software can be sent to jail!
DVD Jon works for Robertson (Score:3, Interesting)
Robertson might be interested in bankrolling Jon in any litigation against Sony.
what is even (Score:5, Insightful)
doesn't it really make you look forward to VISTA - it is going to have this crap all over the os - they are working with media companies so everyone has to use windows to watch TV or DVDs.
none of these companies care about the consumer - they are going to give us what they are going to give us and that's it.
this why I chose open source and always will. no one is going to tell me how to use my computer.
Copyright infringement (Score:4, Informative)
Sure, you could redefine theft to include the lack of transfer of funds as may be required by the combination of law and license, or other definitions, but please don't.
The word theft is more useful when it refers to the act of reducing an owner's posession in order to increase someone else's.
When copying, you are merely increasing the posession of one, and not decreasing the posession of another.
Sure, you're violating what he demanded of you.
Sure, you're violating the law.
Sure, you're doing something many consider wrong.
But you're not stealing. Stop changing English in non-useful ways!
This shows us you can't trust "CLOSED" Source (Score:3)
And it is getting easier every day to mine compiled closed source for suspicious blocks of binary.
Re:PS3 vs. XBOX360 (Score:5, Funny)
Dumping PS3 in favour of 360 because you think Sony's evil is kind of similar to dumping Saruman in favour of Sauron.
Personally, I'm rather taken with that nifty new controller they're putting on the Revolution...
Re:PS3 vs. XBOX360 (Score:5, Funny)
Man- this is a tough one.
Re:PS3 vs. XBOX360 (Score:5, Funny)
Microsoft installed more rootkits: Windows XP.
Re:PS3 vs. XBOX360 (Score:3, Interesting)
Sony installs theirs without telling you and then if you try to uninstall it, it roots you even worse
Re:PS3 vs. XBOX360 (Score:3, Informative)
Sony stated that they did not intend to use the patent they filed on this for the PS3.
Re:PS3 vs. XBOX360 (Score:3, Insightful)
Ok, I have friends who work at SCEA. You want to punish them? The idea to use f4i DRM wasn't theirs [fuck they don't even work for Sony Music].
So by your logic we should punish everyone by association. I can think of another group that did that. They were called Nazis
[sorry Godwin...]
Point is if you think
Re:No-one truly cares though (Score:5, Insightful)
Look, it's very simple: people are kicking up a fuss about this because it is hypocritical for Sony to maintain its anti-copyright-infringement stance, and attempt to take the moral high ground in this regard, if Sony itself is infringing copyright left, right and centre.
If a politically powerful, fanatical anti-drug campaigner who constantly lobbied for pot-smokers to be thrown in jail for years and fined huge sums of money were caught smoking pot, I would not be surprised to see large numbers of people demanding that he be thrown in jail and fined millions, in keeping with the laws that he himself helped establish, even if they were pro-legalisation activists who firmly believe that the laws are unjust.
It is a challenge to the legal system to treat everyone equally under the law, and thus either apply an unfair, draconian law to everyone, including powerful parties who have previously used the law against their enemies, or to concede that the law is unfair and change it.
Re:No-one truly cares though (Score:5, Insightful)
I'd say that at least a third of the population condones non-commercial copyright infringement... The point is, when an act is accepted by a significant proportion of the population, chances are that act is ethical
So obviously Sony (or the company that wrote the code if you want to get pedantic) is right to have infringed upon DVD Jon's code.
How is this copyright infringement non-commercial? It was done for profit by an organization whose stated goal is to make money.
So it all comes down to slashdot isn't the place to go to if you want to hear intelligent debate about copyright laws.
True enough, but only because there are so many people like you don't seem able to comprehend the arguments put forth. A significant number of people infringe copyright non-commercially and that indicates that the will of the people might be that it should be legal. A significant number of people do not commercially infringe copyrights or condone it. I'd agree with that argument, as would many people. But to claim it is hypocritical is ridiculous. It is called a false dichotomy. There is no hypocrisy in believing that non commercial copyright infringement should be legal, but commercial should be illegal. There is no hypocrisy in believing our copyright system is corrupt and counter productive, but still believing a copyright system that is better designed can be useful. There is no hypocrisy in believing business and software patents are garbage, but traditional patents are a good idea. There is no hypocrisy in believing Toyota makes reliable cars but Ford does not. Please take the time to actually read and understand an argument someone puts forth before declaring them a hypocrite and ascribing a whole lot of motives to them, even though you obviously have no way of knowing them.