RIAA Loses DMCA Subpoena Case Against Charter 372
BrynM writes "According to an opinion published today (PDF), the RIAA has lost its case against Charter Communications regarding subpoenas for the cable ISP's users to be identified for copyright infringement in the Eastern District of Missouri. You may remember that Charter Communications filed a motion to block the RIAA's subpoena back in late 2003. Now Charter has prevailed. Here's the blurb from the Court 'Civil case - Digital Millennium Copyright Act. District court erred in issuing subpoenas on internet providers to obtain personal information about the providers' subscribers who were alleged to be transmitting copyrighted works via the internet through peer-to-peer programs; the internet providers' function was limited to acting as a conduit for the allegedly copyrighted material, and Section 512(h) of the Act does not authorize subpoenas in such circumstances; case remanded with directions. Dissent by Judge Murphy. [PUBLISHED] [Bye, Author, with Murphy and Bright, Circuit Judges]'"
I am safe! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I am safe! (Score:5, Funny)
Stop reading slashdot and stand in the middle of the room!
Yes, you!
We've had our eye on you for a while and our agents will be there shortly to aprehend you for your criminal acts, and yes, Room 101 is waiting!
/obscure "1984" reference
Friend Citizen... (Score:2)
Please report to the nearest self-incrimination center for summary Trial-And-Execution immediately.
Have a Happy Day and remember that The Computer is your Friend!
Re:I am safe! (Score:2)
Re:I am safe! (Score:2)
Serious. I'm in Ballwin.
Re:I am safe! (Score:2)
Re:I am safe! (Score:2)
Score one for the good guys (Score:4, Insightful)
Stick it to the man!
Re:Score one for the good guys (Score:2, Insightful)
It ain't the rights they care about, it's your cash.
Re:Score one for the good guys (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Score one for the good guys (Score:2)
Re:Score one for the good guys (Score:2)
but keep up on the bad guys (Score:5, Interesting)
We receive threats from the law firms of content owners, such as the publisher of the Harry Potter series. Their demands are not only unethical, but are clearly not consistent with the provisions under the DMCA (we have a registered agent, for instance, yet they refuse to go through it).
Here's what the Harry Potter publishers like to do:
1. send you a demand that you shut off the alleged offending party immediately. I stress "alleged" because they provide no evidence other than an IP address.
2. send your upstream provider a threat that if you don't permenantly cut off the alleged party, they will send their attorneys on the upstream as well. Our upstream (a large national NSP) is occasionally competent, but unfortunately has low-level clerical hacks that deal with DMCA complaints. They have no legal training, are unaware of the registered agent process, and make representations regarding the alleged party that an attorney could easily construe as defamation (one must *always* be careful what one accuses another party of; god forbid the other party can afford competent counsel and wants to rub your nose in your errors). Threats of litigation are also in this dangerous category; one must not threaten unless one has the will and means to follow it up, as well as bear the legal and financial consequence of having a big mouth.
We have a polite but legal response to these content owners, reminding them of their responsibilities under DMCA. In most cases they go away, looking for other easy targets. Once they're aware that the recepient ISP is not unaware of the law, they're off to easier hunting. Because people like me rarely mention their unethical and potentially illegal actions, they believe they have no consequence. Harry Potter's publisher certainly has no financial consequence - who is going to boycott them? Heck, they could propose and contribute money to genocide, sacrifice babies and exterminate little old ladies and they'd still have record sales.
Perhaps it's sufficient to patronize competent service providers...
Re:but keep up on the bad guys (Score:3, Insightful)
Alright! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Alright! (Score:5, Insightful)
The fourth safe harbor, under section 512(d), protects an ISP when it merely links users to online locations containing infringing material.
So, under the DMCA, ISPs are immune from being sued for linking to copyrighted material. IANAL, but with the recent bittorrent suits, it would seem that this would help. It also seems that if an ISP runs a tracker or a torrent website, they can't be sued under the DMCA...interesting, very interesting.
Different definition of link. (Score:3, Informative)
Link here means relaying information by providing the physical link to the end user - I send a request from my computer destined for a remote computer, the ISP is not liable if they merely forward my request, and/or return the reply.
That's different than "Here's a list of copywritten stuff you can download without the owner's permission!"
Re:Alright! (Score:2)
U.S. Constitution: Fourth Amendment (Score:5, Informative)
Re:U.S. Constitution: Fourth Amendment (Score:3, Insightful)
no, but it sure does mean that they can't go on "fishing expeditions", demanding the records of 20 people looking for that one in twenty that did commit a crime.
No, it doesn't... (Score:4, Insightful)
1) Nowhere in the parent was it stated or implied that this was the case.
2) Nowhere in the Plantiff's complaint did they really, really meet the criteria of identifying a specific infringer (Required by law, both for Copyright and for the obviously Unconstitutional DMCA...)- ergo, a very probable instance of where the DMCA's provisions are at odds with the Fourth Ammendment. If they don't have anything on you specifically, they can't go on a fishing expidition- which is what the RIAA was on.
Re:Alright! (Score:5, Insightful)
Yeah, your right... the constitution nor the bill of rights don't say anything about the right to pirate music, movies and software.
However, this *IS* a win for public rights. Look at it this way, I can effectively turn your IP address into a real name and address just by sending a legal threat to your ISP. All I have to do to be able to do this is hold a copyright I think you might have infringed.
Would you want basically anyone in the world to be able to turn your IP address into your real name and address? That's what this case is about, not the morality of copyright infringement.
Although, I will argue that point since that seems to be what you want.
Well, since you brought up the constitution... one thing it does say, is that copyright is to last *17* years. Currently, if my memory serves me right, copyright lasts for the lifetime of the author, plus 100 years.
Mickey Mouse won't become public domain until at least 2066. He was created in *1928*! Disney has profitted off him for 77 years, and still has another 61 to go, unless they buy another extension law from our government, and you can safely bet the farm that they will.
The public domain, is the *PEOPLES* main benefit to copyright law. It has been stolen from us by these copyright extensions.
Anything copyrighted you read, watch, or see today, will *NEVER* become public domain, in your lifetime. Not here in the US, or any other country that has signed any of the many worldwide copyright treaties.
Now, ask yourself, is *NON-COMMERCIAL* copyright infringement that much worse then stealing the public domain out from under us?
I won't argue the commercial infringers... I support going after them, and that was how our copyright law was intended to be used back when it was written.
We used to have something called fair use. This would allow you to use copyrighted works in non-commercial ways and not be punished.
Ever record something from the radio, or the television? That's fair use.
Ever make a backup copy of your $999.99 software install disc or rare first run only played twice Elvis album, to protect it from damage or loss? That's fair use.
Have you ever copied a cd to a tape, to listen to it somewhere where you didn't have a cd player? Or, converted a cd you own to mp3 to listen to it on the device of your choice? That's fair use.
Have you ever photocopied sections of a book from the library to use for research? That's fair use.
Thanks to the DMCA, there is now a way to close all those legal loopholes too. Just encrypt the data somehow, and breaking, or even talking about that encryption is a violation.
This has already been done with Audio/Software CD's, DVD's, radio(satellite) and Television (Broadcast Flag). The only example left above that you could legally do if the media companies don't want you to in 2066 is copy a book. Let's hope e-books never replace the real thing.
Now, is non-commercial copyright infringement morally worse then stealing the rights of the public domain, AND fair use from the entire American (and damn near the whole world's) people?
Interesting copyright factoid: The song "Happy Birthday" is copyrighted. This is why resturants don't sing it. They have to pay royalties to do so. You are a copyright infringer every time you sing it in a public place and money is directly, or indirectly involved, you dirty pirate.
Finally (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Finally (Score:2)
what's next? (Score:5, Insightful)
If it can, then it's not really news at all, is it?
Regardless of the outcome, kudos to Charter for realizing that they, and their users, actually have rights.
Re:what's next? (Score:5, Informative)
It can be appealed twice more yet: to the Circuit Court sitting en banc and to the United States Supreme Court. The Circuit can decline to hear the case en banc and the Supreme Court can refuse certiorari, but the right of appeal is still there.
Re:what's next? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:what's next? (Score:4, Insightful)
Now, say Comcast is seen as ratting out their customers to the [MP|RI]AA, and suddenly those users decide downloading those files isn't worth the risk anymore, and by the by, they no longer need broadband. Big impact on Comcast.
That's not to say this isn't a good thing for them to do, but it isn't out of the kindness of their hearts. They did the math.
Giving in has a future cost (Score:3, Insightful)
I for one... (Score:2, Funny)
Judges Rule! (Score:2, Insightful)
What gets me, though, is that he cited the DCMA on why they CAN'T subpoena.
Re:Judges Rule! (Score:5, Insightful)
Well, duh! The DMCA (and all of the Copyright Act for that matter) are just like the U.S. Constitution, they grant limited rights and powers. If a power is not explicitly granted by the statute, it is not available. Obviously, you must look to the DMCA to see if the DMCA grants the right to subpoena common carriers.
voluntary cooperation (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:voluntary cooperation (Score:5, Insightful)
In addition, once an ISP gets a reputation for cooperating against their customers, it will lose far more customers than just the 'hogs'.
mod parent up (Score:2)
I think Charter is scared of looking like they're customer-unfriendly in the face of possible "future" competition. Future competition could mean a proliferation of companies (like SBC) which offer things like 3mbps DSL service in the same area (in my city) as, say, Comcast (my ISP).
Then again Charter's motivation could be nothing more than corporate sovereignty (or: "How dare they tell us w
Re:mod parent up (Score:2)
Charter may be afraid that by not siding with their customers they may end up encouraging additional government regulation into their monopoly. While I'm sure they're grateful for the regulations that keep their monopoly safe in those areas, most companies would do nearly anything to avoid more because they usually just end up raising the price to do business.
Another option is that they're looking to protect their customers from entities other than the RIAA/MPAA. I
Re:voluntary cooperation (Score:2)
Re:voluntary cooperation (Score:2)
Re:voluntary cooperation (Score:4, Insightful)
Hellooooo.... ISPs sell bandwidth. DSL costs more than dialup. A T3 costs more than DSL. Don't take my word for it - check with your ISP. It's actually true.
You might as well say that a gas station owner would do well to ban trucks and SUVs becuase they're fuel hogs.
Re:voluntary cooperation (Score:4, Insightful)
I agree with the guy who said that most broadband subscribers are folks who check their email daily and won't want to wait for cnn.com to load. It has also gotten to the price point where dial up over a dedicated phone line doesn't make economic sense. From personal experiences, a lot of people just don't want the mess of a second phone line, connect times and having to "dial in."
RE: flat rate vs. sales by units (Score:3, Insightful)
The whole "MP3 music player" fad is certainly driving up orders for DSL and cable Inet connections. (And let's be frank here... How many of those people are really just buying it so they can quickly download
Power (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Power (Score:3, Informative)
Like so many things, its not the thing itself, but how it's used. Consider:
1. P2P software can be used for perfectly legal purposes, or infringing purposes.
2. Cars can be used to go to work, or smuggle drugs
3. Guns can be used for personal defense, shooting sports, hunting, or to commit crimes and kill people
4. Speech can be used to inform or slander
5. Knives can be used to cook or kill people
P2P use is growing, and that i
Freedom (Score:2, Insightful)
Why? The Judicial branch is mostly the only form of government that is not corrupted. They don't take bribes like Senators and the Executive branches do. This allows them to speak sense without restriction. This is a rare example of how the United States is supposed to function; it is a little glimpse into our great paste. Savor in this moment people, for it is rare.
Re:Freedom (Score:5, Funny)
Even though it has at times been a sticky paste.
Re:Freedom (Score:2)
Re:Freedom (Score:2)
Re:Freedom (Score:2)
Give us time, we're still charging people by the 8.5"x14" double-spaced printed page for court transcripts!
Re:Freedom (Score:3, Informative)
Why? The Judicial branch is mostly the only form of government that is not corrupted. They don't take bribes like Senators and the Executive branches do. This allows them to speak sense without restriction. This is a rare example of how the United States is supposed to function; it is a little glimpse into our great paste. Savor in this moment people, for it is rare.
You're generally right, except for judges in states where they need to be elected. There is growing concern in the judicial community tha
Time and effort (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm sure this trend could have very easily gone the other way.
Re:Time and effort (Score:3, Informative)
Still, I'll take a win that keeps the corporations from usurping law enforcement's role, regardless of the motive that brought it to us...
Enemies List (Score:5, Informative)
Lotta folks on this here fishin' trip:
Association of American Publishers
Association for Independent Music
AFM (U.S. and Canada)
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists
American Society of Media Photographers
The Author's Guild, Inc.
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
Business Software Alliance (BSA) - (Is there anything these assholes won't stick their noses in?)
The Church Music Publishers Association
Director's Guild of America
Entertainment Artists
Graphic Artists Guild, Inc.
Office of the Commisioner of Baseball (wtf?)
Professional Photographers of America
Recording Artists Coalition
Screen Actors Guild, Inc. (SAG)
Songwriters Guild of America
Software and Information Industry Association
Writer's Guild of America
West, Inc.
Re:Enemies List (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Enemies List (Score:4, Funny)
Possible response to your comment (Score:3, Funny)
Now God is going to damn you to hell.
Trading our songs has raised our ire,
Now thou shall burn in the Lake of Fire!
Re:Enemies List (Score:2, Funny)
I guess they wanted to stop baseball card trading...
Re:Enemies List (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Enemies List (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Enemies List (Score:2)
Re:Enemies List (Score:2)
Office of the Commisioner of Baseball (wtf?)
Re:Enemies List (Score:2, Insightful)
What part of may not be recorded without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is hard to understand?!
Re:Enemies List (Score:2)
Three Words... (Score:2, Insightful)
This doesn't really change anything... (Score:3, Informative)
In fact that very method is suggested in this decision as an alternative.
Charter (Score:2, Interesting)
Armegeddon? (Score:5, Funny)
Dunno 'bout you, but I'm going to start stockin' up on canned food and shotgun shells.
Re:Armegeddon? (Score:3, Funny)
Do it properly by first coating your cans in wax, boxing them up into crates, and burying them 10 feet down in your back yard with metal mixed into the fill dirt to confuse treasure hunters. Bury the shovel you used on the cans elsewhere with more metal in the fill dirt. Also, learn how to live in a nice tree. The looters will find you in your house. Oh, and don't forget your copy of Klingon dictionary. You will b
The subscribers are screwed anyway (Score:5, Informative)
What is noteworthy here is that Charter is appealing the case (and racking up legal fees) even after it already had to hand over the goods; the battle (not the war, yet) was lost, but Charter is now saying that the court should have stayed the order. If they're fighting on principle, I say good for them. Maybe they just want to set a precedent so that the next request (maybe for 20,000 names) won't go through.
Most of the posts I see right now say that it's great they care about their subscribers' privacy, to which I say bollocks. Charter, like every cable company cares about one thing: money. Think about it: with all the extra digital channels, what do they have? At least 20 channels of pay-per-view and another 10 or so of home-shopping. Most of the rest of the channels are pretty craptastic, too. And no, they won't sell you just the few channels you want to watch; buy a package for an inflated price, or suck eggs.
Anyway, Charter stands to lose money by having to hire people (PLURAL!) full-time to handle all the DMCA subpoenas, and they stand to lose subscribers (money) if they just roll over to the RIAA, as subscribers will opt for DSL in the hopes that the phone company won't roll over so easily.
Re:The subscribers are screwed anyway (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:The subscribers are screwed anyway (Score:2)
Maybe, maybe not. The process is far to complex for me - not a lawyer - to understand, but in some cases the courts will not throw out all cases brought as a result of these subpoenas. With the case also goes evidence gathered as a result of them.
However this does not cover all cases. As a result of too many loopholes that were getting criminals off, this does not apply universally. However if you are one of those who's name was given, you have some hope on these lines.
Re:The subscribers are screwed anyway (Score:5, Informative)
This matter is hereby remanded so the district court may:
(1) Order the RIAA to return to Charter any and all information obtained from the subpoenas;
(2) Order the RIAA to maintain no record of information derived from the subpoenas;
(3) Order the RIAA to make no further use of the subscriber data obtained via the subpoenas; and
(d) Grant such other relief not inconsistent with this order the district court deems appropriate in these circumstances.
Basically, from the way I read that the RIAA has to give all of the information back, and cannot keep a copy, or act on it. What would be fun is, if they do act on it, or continue action on it, they might end up violating a court order and get smacked down by the courts. But, I'm guessing that won't happen, the RIAA people are scum, but they aren't stupid.
Re:The subscribers are screwed anyway (Score:4, Insightful)
It doesn't matter that if they were not on the list that Charter supplied, becasue the RIAA can't check if they were or not without violating the ruling!
They lost the battle... (Score:3, Insightful)
I have no hope for any sort of just or fair resolution to this situation.
Well, that and filesharing -is- wrong, IMO. But that isn't really the issue...To me this is more an issue of the inescapable march towards total corporate rule.
Re:They lost the battle... (Score:2)
And now the courts are trimming back the DMCA with these legal decisions. Cool.
Re:They lost the battle... (Score:5, Insightful)
You have bought into their marketing bullshit my friend, filesharing cannot be "wrong", as it is simply the technology that allows people all over the world to share files between each other.
Now if you are talking about copyright infringement, that is a whole different ballgame. Please do not confuse the two.
What about the ANT technology (Score:3, Insightful)
This method, however, does slow the rate at which files are obtained. But for a lot of users, the extra security is worth the extra couple of hours.
Don't Get Too Excited (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Don't Get Too Excited (Score:2)
as it should be - Charter only wants itself cleared. i doubt they are wanting to either support or denounce copyright infringers using their network for p2p. they just want to stay away and have nothing to do with it.
Re:Don't Get Too Excited (Score:2)
the waves (Score:2)
so what? (Score:3, Informative)
Yes and no... (Score:3, Insightful)
You can't have an action held against you unless they have good reasoning to do so, they can have sanctions handed down to them if they do attempt it without backing, and you can countersue the Hell out of them for trying.
It may protect the ISP, but it makes it pure Hell for them to get at you because they can't identify you specifically. Now, I'm not one that does the fileswapping B
RIAA Will Claim Victory Anyway (Score:2)
Them's fightin' words (Score:2, Informative)
Don't provoke Congress...they'll just come back with Section 512(h) VERSION 2.0.
This is more complex.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I've little time for the RIAA and they way that they function, but the others who signed on represent a number of creative people that I work with. I am still troubled by the amount of copyright infringement that goes on in the world.
It's one thing when you are getting material, it's another altogether when your material is used without permission. On one occasion, I had a school ask if they could make 500 copies of one chapter in a book I wrote for distributiuon to their students. They had no desire, or intent, to compensate me for my work.
The artists are the ones who get screwed in this- they deserve just compensation for their work and should be given such. When you can't pay the bills with your craft, you change to another craft. How many decent artists does that deny us the pleasure of seeing or hearing?
It's always about the money, but in the case of a number of industries, it's about keeping the money coming in for those who did the work. I've paid a bar tab with a royalty check- and I needed the drink. How many of us will pay the tab for artists?
A loophole that may be plugged? (Score:2, Informative)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but given that interpretation it's basically impossible to use the subpoena power of the DMCA against anyone other than a web hosting company. Not that I'm complaining, but I doubt that's what was intended in the law, and I can definitely see that either being reversed higher up or ammended if necessary.
On the other hand, it basically leaves the
The RIAA is being monopolistic (Score:5, Interesting)
From what I've learned in economics, the price level should be determined by where supply and demand meet. Therefore, any price should yield similar profits, just from more or fewer people paying it. But the recording industry is attempting to operate as a monopoly (price fixing, etc.), which changes the model. Since it has no competition, it probably bases it's pricing not on where demand and supply meet, but at the most efficient point of the production possibilities curve, which guarantees the most money for the cheapest product. However, the price it fixes at is higher than what most people want to pay, so many people would rather pirate the stuff. The correct decision in a free market economy would just be to lower the price, but the industry is instead trying to take out piracy (using very shady tactics) so it can keep pricing music without regard to supply and demand.
The way I see it, the only way to lower the prices on CD's and reduce piracy and make everybody happy is to keep the music industry from operating as a single entity.
So the only logical answer I can think of to end all this suing and gestapo-like behavior is to get something truly done about the RIAA's monopolistic actions (attacking them for price fixing is good).
The process of law (Score:3, Interesting)
What this ruling does do is make pursuing the actual infringers more expensive and annoying for RIAA and the like. Instead of getting blanket subpoenas en masse from a court a jillion miles away, they have been told to hire local council, file a John Doe lawsuit, and then file a subpoena for the information. Judicial oversite of the process is preserved, and a bunch of local lawyers will make more than the average amount collected from the alleged infringer for each suit filed.
I actually don't have an issue with that... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The process of law (Score:4, Interesting)
"The dispute arose when the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) requested the clerk of the district court to issue subpoenas under 512(h) to Charter Communications, Inc. (Charter),1 in its capacity as an ISP, requiring Charter to turn over the identities of persons believed to be engaging in unlawful copyright infringement. The district court issued the subpoenas and denied Charter's motion to quash. We reverse."
This was not a blanket subpoena. Plural. Multiple subpoenas.
This Circuit has never determined whether music downloaded from P2P systems violates the copyright owner's rights or is a fair use. The RIAA, to our knowledge, has never prevailed in any infringement actions brought against individual downloaders.
Sounds more like the courts think that maybe, after filing a mere 7,000 or so civil cases, the RIAA ought to have to prove, oh, one of them.
Not for long (Score:2, Flamebait)
an analogy (Score:3, Insightful)
A private courier company, FedUPS, carries packages all across the country. It has come to the point where, say, 75% of its packages contain illegal narcotics. Drugs have been identified as harmful to people, and it is a legitimate interest of the government to stop the flow of drugs. Is it not reasonable to require FedUPS to provide the addresses of those packages intercepted and known to contain drugs?
of course, in this RIAA case, it is a civil matter, and this story is about how the DCMA explicity protects ISPs from being targeted for traffic they cannot control. Plus, reasonable people are disagreeing over how illegal/unethical it is to copy pirated music. But the structure of the problem is similar, right? If we decide to make copying copyrighted music illegal and we declare it is a problem, what are we going to do about the conduits of that illegal traffic?
perhaps it's a signal to lawmakers that we have two very different competing interests both attempting to use the laws to advance their ends...
momentum (Score:4, Insightful)
You got first post... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:So what? (Score:4, Insightful)
Anyway, a sibling post before mine claimed that copyright violation isn't criminal, and as others said, that's false. However, the RIAA cannot bring a criminal charge. They can ask the government to bring one, but then the government prosecutors will run the case their own way.
I think it likely that the RIAA doesn't want the risks associated with a trial they can't control or settle.
Re:So what? (Score:3, Funny)
Oh, so is Copyright infringement...
Re:So what? (Score:5, Informative)
17 USC 506 [cornell.edu] describes the criminal copyright offenses.
Re:So what? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:So what? (Score:2)
It'd also prevent again the (hypothetical *cough*) case where a post you're responding to is modded down to -1 thus making you look like a dweeb who is saying something completely out of the context of the conversation. Not that that happened or anything...
Re:Charter can awesome but... (Score:2)