FEC May Regulate Online Political Activity 302
jgarzik writes "A recent federal court ruling ordered the U.S. Federal Elections Commission (FEC) to rewrite rules that currently exempt, rather than regulate, political ads and speech on the Internet. Well, it's looking more and more likely that the FEC will not be able to avoid some amount of Internet regulation. I always thought that freedom of speech originated in part because the framers wanted to protect political speech. I guess I was being naive..."
'Bout time (Score:2, Funny)
Re:'Bout time (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:'Bout time (Score:2)
Does this mean that Politicians.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Does this mean that Politicians.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Nah, remember, (Score:3, Insightful)
Let me just say,... (Score:3, Funny)
* In order to conform to future FEC regulations on online political speech: I'm nharmon, and I approve this message.
Internet ads should be treated like TV and print (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually.. it was...
Re:Then I AM protected in saying THIS: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:4, Interesting)
gwbushsucks.cx or similar (made-up URL, not a real site as far as I am aware) might be hard to trace to an identifiable political body
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:3, Insightful)
I see no problems with that, so long as everyone is able to do it.
The only threat the printed word has is that it can be controlled, and that's just what the FEC is proposing.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:5, Insightful)
Attempts to do this may well backfire and amplify the power of those with deep pockets -- they will be in a much better position to afford the lawyer time to look for loopholes in the laws and regulations, use them, and then defend that use in court.
And as the regulations are incrementally patched to fix each loophole, they will increase in complexity, increasing the risks that the well-intentioned little guy will accidentally break them and end up muzzled.
There's no good answer here, alas.
I feel much better about regulations requiring a public audit trail of where the money came from and where it went, rather than attempting to create complex rules and "soft", "hard", etc., classes of money and donors.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
> Attempts to do this may well backfire and amplify the power of those with deep pockets -- they will be in a much better position to afford the lawyer time to look for loopholes in the laws and regulations, use them, and then defend that use in court.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:4, Insightful)
First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
What part of "Congress shall make no law" don't you understand? It didn't say "Congress shall make no law except where it *really really* needs to. You either have free speech or your don't. Once you start limiting, there is no stopping how much you limit it.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:4, Insightful)
Wrong. That power was self-invested by the Supreme Court in the Marbury vs. Madison case in 1803, as an act of partisan politics against the Jeffersonian Republicans. Nowhere in the Constitution is any court given the power to "interpret" law.
So, what you're saying is... the First Amendent is wrong? That is what you're saying, because the First Amendment patently disagrees with you.
Now if we're gonna argue about whether or not the First Amendment means what it says, then I'll just go ahead and suggest we ought to make the Presbyterian Church in America the offical religion of the US, since the Constitution isn't supposed to be taken literally, or anything.
You haven't read the constution, have you? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:You haven't read the constution, have you? (Score:3, Insightful)
The only question is whether "The Judicial Power" mentioned at the beginning of the sentance conveyed more than jurisdiction over law and fact of Cases (in other words, the ability to choose which laws applied to which situations, and to judge which situations actually happened). On the face of things, it seems like a weak claim to say that this phrase conveys more power than is explicitly stated through th
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:3, Insightful)
Not at all; to interpret law is one of the primary functions of a judge. To find and argue interpretations is the main function of a lawyer. This state of affairs is a logical necessity, not a cruel and arbitrary caprice. Humans are not capable of writing laws that require no interpretation. The delicious silliness of your post is that the position you are trying to argue itself requires interpretation. Here is the text of the first amen
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
just 2c
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:4, Insightful)
That is known as a slippery slope fallacy. There are, as another post puts it (in different words), reasonable and unreasonable limits. There are also different levels of protections based on what kind of speech.
While your argument has a point, free speech doesn't protect you from a libel or slander suit if you said something that was libelous or slanderous. The incitement claim is pretty valid too. You can't expect to use your freedom to deliberately hurt others without merit and expect there be no legal consequences. The constitution apparently can't be used to protect a right to lie, there really doesn't seem to be one.
Another example, if you take your first Amendment claim and apply it to the second, wouldn't you argue that the Federal government has no claim to prevent you from owning fully automatic machine guns? Or SAMs or fighter airplanes for that matter?
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:5, Insightful)
You're taking the naive approach to freedom of speech. There is a concept that has been around for a very long time, and which the courts have hammered out quite clearly as the standard interpretation of the first ammendment called "protected speech".
If, for example, protected speech included everything you say or communicate in any way, then assault WOULD NOT BE ILLEGAL. Assault is clearly a case of laws being passed which restrict speech. Why should I not be allowed to say, "I'm going to kill you at 5PM tomorrow"? Why? because it's not protected speech.
Political speech is, for the most part, studiously protected, but there are strong exceptions when it comes to the funding that speech and consuming massive amounts of advertising "real eastate". These are reasonable measures taken to prevent one canidate from "buying" and election (and, in fact, I feel they're not strong enough as they do not prevent a small handfull of candidates from locking in an election among them).
If free speech were an absolute, a large fraction of the laws in this country at the federal and state levels would have been shot down by the Supreme Court over a century ago.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:3, Funny)
I, for one, am all for that being protected speech. I certainly hope anyone planning on killing, injuring, or otherwise harming is polite enough to give me 24 hours notice. Ideally they'll say it in a recording I can provide to police. It's the criminals who commit crimes without announcing it in advance that worry me a bit more.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:3, Informative)
"I'm going to kill you at 5PM tomorrow" is a DEATH THREAT. Assault is when I beat you up
You're thinking of assult and battery. Assault is the threat and/or attempt, not the act of doing harm:
This highlights my point about the law surrounding free speech. The on-the-street defintion of assault and of free speech are
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:3, Interesting)
I was with you up to there.
I know of no such restriction. I do know of restrictions on political speech which limit candidates to the point (at least this is the intent) where they cannot un-hinge the democratic process by spending more money than their opponent.
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
You either have free speech or your don't. Once you start limiting, there is no stopping how much you limit it.
The more money you have the more "free" speech you can buy. Corporations are inaccurately classified as "persons" under the law so they get the same rights as real persons. Corporations have way more money than real persons so they pretty much own "free" speech. These silly laws that nip at the edges of our free speech rights are necessary to preserve the fiction that corporations are "persons
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:3, Insightful)
Actually the first amendment does allow you to say anything, anywhere, anytime, but due to the courts believing that the framers of the consitution couldn't have possible meant ALL speech, they have contrued it to mean what you said. So know we live in a censored society, where speech is anything BUT free!
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
So I'm the only one here that thinks that having incumbent politicians in charge of voter education is a really, really bad idea?
Or then there's this angle: If citizens can't be trusted to make the "correct" decision come election time in the middle of a sea of misinformation, why are we even bothering to let them vote at all?
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
True enough. However, the First Amendment WAS meant to protect your right to political speech, i.e. advertising in favour of your favoured candidate.
This particular slippery slope reached its own inversion point when the BCFRA (Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act, aka McCain-Feingold) became law a couple years ago. Since that Act was specifically aimed at regulating political speech (can'
Re:Internet ads should be treated like TV and prin (Score:2)
FEC announces regulating politics on the internet. (Score:2)
In other news, the servers of an online community called Slashdot were bombed by the USAF for "gross violations of goverment regulations"
Film at 11. Stolen Honor at first, Fahrenheit 9/11 after commercial break.
Re:FEC announces regulating politics on the intern (Score:3, Insightful)
Fahrenheit 911: facts never disputed. Mike's still waiting for someone to dispute:
Bush's connections with the Sauds, the 7 minute wait (actually more like 19 - there was a photo session after "My Pet Goat"), the redirection of the "war" from AQ to Saddam with baseless accusations, the creation of a police state, the profiteering, the ignored death of the Iraqi civilians, the SS guarding the Saudi embassy... it's all true, and frankly not exactly news to people who read the news every day. Th
Re:FEC announces regulating politics on the intern (Score:2)
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Silly rabbit, Trix are for... (Score:5, Interesting)
If they're going to regulate political speech from candidates, that's one thing. That's not regulation of the Internet, but regulation of campaigns no matter where they are executed. Regulating political speech on the Internet for the regular user won't happen - not likely in theory and definitely not in reality.
Re:Silly rabbit, Trix are for... (Score:3, Insightful)
Regulating what an individual can put up on their home page on the net would be, IMH(IANAL)O, unreasonable, as long as the "value" of the resources you put behind such an effort fell within the unregulated end of campaign contributions.
What's quite reasonable is saying that a candidate or corporations and lobby groups supporting the candida
Re:Silly rabbit, Trix are for... (Score:2)
Slashdot does it again! (Score:5, Informative)
If you RTFA, once again, you'll find the submitter has no idea what they're talking about:
U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly in Washington ordered the FEC to rewrite 15 rules, including regulations exempting Internet ads from the 2002 campaign finance law. The law bars outside groups from coordinating television and radio advertisements with candidates.
To exempt certain types of communications runs completely afoul of this basic tenet of campaign finance law,'' Kollar- Kotelly said in a 157-page ruling. Two members of Congress filed the complaint that led to the decision.
This has entirly to do with campaign finance, and whether Internet ads are included (or excluded) from campaign finance. It has nothing to do with free speech.
Re:Slashdot does it again! (Score:2)
read parent (and RTFA) (Score:2)
Money in politics is like Radon in my house, seeps in through every tiny crack and kills me slowly...
Re:Slashdot does it again! (Score:5, Informative)
Campaign finance law is all about free speech. Another poster commented that political speech by private parties is still protected; but that speech by candidates for office is in a position to be regulated. Accepting that statement as true, if you have actually read any campaign finance law (specifically the McCain - Feingold Act passed recently), it specifically restricts the speech of private citizens, basically prohibitting them from mentioning a specific candidate in an ad, among other things.
(Not sure if the "Gun Shows Elect
To reiterate, campaign finance reform specifically restricts the freedom of speech of private citizens, and their ability to make statements through the use of public broadcasts.
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 [fec.gov], specifically the section on Electioneering Communications.
Re:Slashdot does it again! (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't want George Soros or the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush to have more free speech than I do. I want them to have exactly the same amount, regardless of how much money they have or can gather. Simply because I get paid more than someone else does and can contribute more to someone's kitty for political ads doesn't mean that my views should be more widely disseminated.
Re:Slashdot does it again! (Score:3, Insightful)
Look at the majority of gubernatioral, congressional, and senate races around the country. There is almost always at least one candidate who has a significantly greater amount of money available to them, and they are almost always leading in the polls. (If they are equals, the incumbent tends to lead.) When was the last tim
it has everything to do with free speech (Score:3, Insightful)
This has entirly to do with campaign finance, and whether Internet ads are included (or excluded) from campaign finance. It has nothing to do with free speech.
"Campaign finance" is a proxy for regulating speech. It's what the political class is using to stifle criticism. There are jail terms associated with broadcasting a political message that regulators do not approve of, now. The framers must be turning over in their graves.
This is the very speech that the 1st amendment was designed to protect.
Re:it has everything to do with free speech (Score:2, Interesting)
Exactly. If you put up a web page that advocates voting for someone, that can be called an "ad" and your cost to put the page up counted as a "contribution" to the candidate you support. These contributions are strictly limited, and ad c
Re:it has everything to do with free speech (Score:2)
This is the very speech that the 1st amendment was designed to protect. Not nude dancing, not obscenity, not flag burning, but political speech is what they were trying to protect. How can the 1st amendment be so expansive as to include t
Re:it has everything to do with free speech (Score:2)
When the constitution was framed, most news was word of mouth, candidates actually debated *each other*
True ...
and there was no TV spreading any message that anyone with money wants to the vegetative masses.
If you think that the "masses" are "vegetative", it's not clear why you want democracy at all! And how can you trust the political class to regulate what the "masses" can hear? Won't they just try to manipulate for their own interests?
With out some form of regulation we would end up with t
And the money? (Score:5, Insightful)
Except... (Score:5, Insightful)
Free and unfettered speech means living with big money, and eliminating money from the equation necessarily means restricting free speech.
Except that corporations are considered "persons" under the law (with all the rights that entails), are psychopaths [thecorporation.com] , and are vastly more wealthy than real persons. Their vast wealth is swamping the speech of real persons and elevating their agenda over the agenda of the people.
Corporations are not persons.
Not "Political Speech" (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes, they wanted to protect political speech. That is speech from a private citizen regarding the government. That is currently still supposedly the most protected speech there is. Someone running for office is *not* involved with political speech. The candidate is a public figure that is involved with the government from the moment that they start running. As such, they are regulated similarly to a political figure.
I know it is a contrary to common sense, but speech related to running for a political office made by the candidate is not political speech.
doubletalk (Score:2, Interesting)
From the article:
"I don't think anybody here wants to impede the free flow of information over the Internet," Weintraub said. "The question then is, where do you draw the line?"
This statement makes no sense. I could see regulating the flow of money, but that is obviously not the issue here. The issue is at what point do they impose rules on SPEECH. The money will still flow from the corporations to the political parties, but we will no longer be allowed our little sandbox of freedom.Story time! (Score:3, Funny)
lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a
boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you
help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour
ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied,
"You're in a hot air balloon approximately 30 feet
above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level.
You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude
and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude."
She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be a
"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything
you told me is technically correct, but I have no idea
what to do with your information, and I'm still lost.
Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a
"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where
you are or where you're going. You've risen to where
you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a
promise that you have no idea how to keep, and you
expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the
same position you were in before we met but, somehow,
now it's my fault."
Re:Story time! (Score:5, Funny)
"You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude."
And none of them thought it was peculiar that the man was in a boat in the middle of the Texas desert, thust demonstrating the complete ineptitude of both parties.
Here's a wrench for you (Score:2, Interesting)
It's a file that I have on my computer.
I told some other people where I keep my file, and I let them come look at if they want.
If there's too many people looking at my file on my computer, I may pay my friend with a bigger computer to keep my file for me. And if some people want to look at my file, I may send them to my friend, who is keeping my file on his computer.
So, you see, it isn't speech at all.
It's property.
And the government responds thusly... (Score:2)
That's not a wrench, it's a nail. (Score:3, Insightful)
It isn't speech at all.
It's a file that I have on my computer.
When you're done with your sophmoric semantic quibbling, you can try applying the same idiot logic to, say, newsprint. "It's not speech, these are ink marks on a piece of paper." Speech is not an effect of the media used to transmit it, but the intermediation of ideas from one interlocutor to another regardless of medium.
Re:That's not a wrench, it's a nail. (Score:3, Insightful)
Freedom in general (and of speech) are something of a religion to me. It's all about tolerance--anybody can accept what they like. Freedom of speech happens when society accepts the right for people to hold or even proselytize points of view that most of society *doesn't* like.
Which, paradoxically, means that if one claims not to be a bigot, then one must accept the right of other people to be bigots. (Note, bigotry has nothing to do with race; it's far more offensive to freedom of thought th
Re:Here's a wrench for you (Score:3, Insightful)
And the DVD is our property, and we can do whatever we want with it. It's not protected in any way from our own whims.
This is a direct result of finance reform (Score:3, Insightful)
Its just like a complicated tax code; people find, exploit and profit off of loopholes and an unneccessarily complicated system. Make the system simple (flat tax for example) and stupid things like this don't happen. Let the candidates take as much money from whoever they want and spend it in any way they please and you'll find these awful "side-effects" of dumb legislation go away. You can't tell people how to spend their money and suggesting that gagging political organizations (or in the Sinclair/Moorse cases passionate individuals) during some artifical timeframe before an election is appropriate is simply unacceptable.
amen? (Score:2)
Get rid of the money factor. Give'em the ability to raise unlimited funds to buy all the airtime they want. They're all in the back pockets of cor
Just a reminder (Score:2, Informative)
"Abridge (v. t.) To make shorter; to shorten in duration; to lessen; to diminish; to curtail"
Someone circle the word "abridge" in the dictionary and mail it to Congress.
RTFA (Score:5, Informative)
They're talking about regulating the ads used by the different campaigns and them working with groups like 509's.
Hardly a "OMG MY RIGHTS" issue.
Re:RTFA (Score:2)
Re:RTFA (Score:2)
The Internet is exempt from a ban on the use of corporate money for radio and TV ads targeting federal candidates close to elections, part of the new campaign finance law that took effect this election cycle.
Unless you're getting paid by some corporation to put up banner ads then no, you're just jim dandy fine.
Re:RTFA (Score:2)
I don't think that's allowed. If it was you'd have rich politically oriented guys buying up most of the TV time around elections (durring the black out period) and running ads.
So I'm pretty sure if I tried to run a banner ad on Slashdot the day before the election, I'd get in trouble.
Re:RTFA (Score:2)
Hardly a "OMG MY RIGHTS" issue.
Unless, of course, you happen to support one of those 509's, and would rather contribute to them and finance their speaking for you rather than learning to build your own web site, hosting it and putting up a redundant page.
In that case, it is an OMG MY RIGHTS situation, because I'm being told that I can't help someone speak for me, even if they can spak lo
Here we go again (Score:2)
Another attepted by the unknowing to led what they do not understand. They will pass their laws, they will rattle their chains, they will bang their fist and in the end what will it mean. Zip and shit is what it will mean.
Look at that past few years of what all the attemps to control the Internet have done. Not much. They have tried to stop music on the net. It is still there just as available as it always was. They have tried to stop the spread of pornographics, legal and illegal, it failed. Porn
Re:Here we go again (Score:3, Funny)
God, when I get on my high horse my spelling goes to shit. Sorry about that.
Just look twords McCain-Finegold Finance Reform (Score:2, Insightful)
503? (Score:2)
I'm Embarassed (Score:3, Interesting)
Candidate B is a bad man! Click here to help us raise money to stop him by donating to Candidate A.
The message is clearly intended to sway the viewer, but they technically are fund raisers, not advertisements. In other words, campaign laws shouldn't apply to them in the same way they apply to TV or print ads.
I've seen these come out of both parties and their respective PACs. It is the same argument used to defend Michael Moore. "This is different because we're making money... not spending it."
I'm embarassed that our politicians and political organizations are so willing to follow the letter rather than the spirit of the law. And I'm sure we'll see many more laws trying to reign in abusers. And we are just as likely to see a lot of new creativity to skirt the laws that are implimented.
what's really embarassing ... (Score:2)
I'm embarassed that our politicians and political organizations are so willing to follow the letter rather than the spirit of the law. And I'm sure we'll see many more laws trying to reign in abusers. And we are just as likely to see a lot of new creativity to skirt the laws that are implimented.
What's embarassing is that they need to jump through such hoops. As I pointed out in another comment, we don't have President Steve Forbes. Unless you enact very comprehensive, draconian rules, people will try
Foreign website political ads (Score:2)
Naive (Score:5, Insightful)
I guess I was being naive...
What's naive is granting free speech (and all other human rights) to corporations as if they were "persons" and then wondering why the whole system went to hell. We wouldn't need this kind of regulation if only corporations were treated as the legal fiction they are. Allowing corporations to roam our society with all the rights of a person exposes us to ultra-wealthy psychopaths. [thecorporation.com]
A lot of money buys a lot of "free" speech. Real persons have no chance in hell of competing with corporations on the "free" speech playing field. It's time we recognized reality and revoked these misplaced rights and overturned the fallacy that corporations are persons.
Remember "No Face" from Spirited Away? Best to keep them out of the bath house.
"I always thought..." (Score:2)
Well yes, that is what the framers wanted. You don't equate the FCC of 2004 with the framers of the Constitution do you?
Money != Speech (Score:2, Insightful)
Money is not Speech
Summary is incorrect (Score:2, Informative)
Active vs. Passive (Score:4, Insightful)
Television and radio ads are effectively because they are active advertising. The consumer _must_ participate in the advertisement in order to get back to normal programming. The advertisement takes 100% of the media stream. There are no ads for Kerry or Bush playing in the background while Metallica is playing in the foreground.
Advertising on the internet is much different. Let them spend all they want on internet advertising. Google will love it, Yahoo will love it, MSN will love it... but the consumers? Really I don't think internet advertising has much impact. I'm positive that search engines and launchpad websites can produce hundreds of studies to prove me wrong but their business relies on convincing people to spend money on internet ads. To the regular consumer, however, it's all too easy to ignore banner ads and get to the real content on a page. I have yet to meet anyone who has tried a new product or service due to internet advertising. I've bought things that were reviewed (eg. books) on a network bulletin board, but I've never bought anything from a paid advertisement. Internet advertising is passive advertising because it requires the consumer to willingly participate in the advertisement. If Bush or Kerry want to spend a billion dollars employing web monkeys to write a webpage then that's good for jobs and the economy. Unless they (illegally) hijack my browser, though, I'm still not going to view it.
So, again, why is the FEC wasting our taxpayer dollars arguing over 15 rules and trying to make them wrap around the internet?
Why am I not suprised? (Score:3, Insightful)
But let me say this. I will never submit to any law regulating my speech, and when the time comes that the Democrats pass a law that does infringe my speech, and it gets upheld, that is the day I use the 2nd Amendment to invoke that most primal right so well expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."
Nice political threat (Score:2)
Ummm...is that John Ashcroft knocking at your door? Nah, he'll let this one go because you only threatened Democrats.
Offshore webservers? (Score:3, Insightful)
What about fringe candidates - i.e. HULK for Pres! (Score:3, Funny)
Regulation (Score:3, Insightful)
In the more gray area would be online commerical speach since the courts tend to view commmerical speach rights as being less than those of actual humans.
Big difference between Internet and TV/Radio (Score:4, Insightful)
Campaign reform is a joke (Score:3, Interesting)
Now they are going to regulate the Internet. Thanks guys!
Speech is Free, Money is Regulated (Score:3, Informative)
It's definitely a good thing to keep shadowy monied players from buying an election to keep their political machine churning.
Now the trick is to do these things without burying the system that is basically good but needs guidance.
Aside from direct person-to-person verbal (and non-verbal) communication, every form of communication requires an economic transaction to buy pen and paper, buy email or web bandwidth, print flyers or newspapers, etc. Campaign finance laws don't sweat the small stuff, so I don't think I have to worry about how much I spend on my web site (<$100/mo) that happens to express my personal political views and voting recommendations.
This may also be a case where Freedom trumps Privacy. Privacy means other people don't have to know what you do; Freedom means you're allowed to do what you do even when other people know about it. If we're going to have Freedom of speech, we might have to give up anonymity and admit where the money's coming from and how much it is. What would people think if they knew the money trail for the ad campaign from the Swift Boat Veterans for Bush? Would they be suprised that people X,Y and Z spent $bignum to put that out? Would it affect their appraisal of the message to know who the messenger is?
A lot of this stuff is already out there, to the credit of the campaign finance rules. I think it just needs to be a little more widespread and a little easier to find.
[This message paid for by slashdot. I'm Brian Olson and I endorse this message.]
Re:BULLSHIT (Score:4, Insightful)
Are you saying that if bill gates wanted to spend $500,000,000.00 in advertising on google, amazon, ebay, msn, slashdot, etc., that you'd be able to match him to express _your_ opinion?
i doubt it.
President Forbes? (Score:3, Insightful)
Are you saying that if bill gates wanted to spend $500,000,000.00 in advertising on google, amazon, ebay, msn, slashdot, etc., that you'd be able to match him to express _your_ opinion?
So, why didn't we have President Forbes? If money can buy an election that way, why did it not happen? Remember, he ran before McCain-Feingold.
Re:BULLSHIT (Score:3, Insightful)
Google is presumably not subject to graft if you are referring to the results of searches done using their software (in any ostensible way).
As for the rest, they are all subject to the mitigating effect people's affinity for personal blogs. Compared to whatever banners MS puts up and however much their marketing campaigns
Re:The Internet is too big (Score:2)
I could be wrong but after a scanning the article it appears the FEC just wants to extend spending limits to the WWW.
How the Republicrats can pervert that to maintain their monopoly on the control of governance wasn't discussed, though, so let the speculation begin!
Re:The Internet is too big (Score:2)
Republican + Democrat == Republicrat
I would rather have someone intelligent and fairly able to be responsible for his actions.
And someone interested in the people's interests.
Re:I nominate the McCain-Feingold... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:If you're going to have rules... (Score:2)
I agree about your controls on the candidates selection of domains insofar as they don't take those their opponents would have. I don't think, though, that any individual or grassroots organization should be restricted. And that's where the confusion and subterfuge begins, precisely where the individual has a chance to be heard.
Complicated. So: I don't think the FEC should get involved where it is unclear and could restrict the individuals right to be heard with as strong a
Freedom of speech issues (Score:3, Insightful)
However, it seems to me that there is a difference between free expression and large-money campaigning before elections. So while I would not be unhappy about regulations regarding paid advertisements, it seems to me that blogging and other forms of free expression should be protected. It should be noted, however, that this is not a big issue.
Also political and commercial spam s
Re:Jurisdiction (Score:2)
Re:No way (Score:3, Insightful)
I can't believe that the American people will continue to stand for much more. I know I won't.
Yes, you will -- and the American people will too. The fact that you are bitching on Slashdot rather than doing anything constructive indicates that you will. Mainstream politicians know this, and use it to their advantage. If enough people were outraged, they would vote for a third-party candidate who would do what they wanted, but they won't for two reasons:
Re:No way (Score:3, Interesting)
Right, you can say all you want as long as you don't spend any money to deliver the message, I think I can see how people might "misinterpret" the intention of campaign "finance reform".
Does anyone remember that guy that set up a web page on his server that was either pro or anti someone and the FEC went after him considering the cost of the computer and internet connection were over