Anti-Spam Webforms Leave Out The Blind 757
geekee writes "An article on CNET claims that a technique whereby a user enters a code word displayed in an image in order to register for a service such as an e-mail account discriminates against the blind. Advocacy groups for the blind are even hinting at lawsuits against companies using this practice. A proposed audio workaround for the blind still has problems since it has to be garbled to the point where most people can't understand it to prevent a computer from recognizing the letters. Brings up some interesting issues surrounding the Turing test."
Monitors. (Score:2, Troll)
Re:Monitors. (Score:2)
Check google. Why is that so insightful moderators?
Re:Monitors. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Monitors. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Monitors. (Score:4, Insightful)
For those with no sense of humor (I'm fully expecting this to get modded down in record time...), you need to stop and take a look at yourself for a second. A reality-check, as it were. No matter a person's condition, there are some things that they simply cannot do. If a group of people want to work on a way to fix whatever is perceived to be wrong, fine. Don't force it on everyone. This is way out of hand. For Pete sakes.. Is it such a problem with email that it is impossible to get an account that can't be used? Has *every* provider gone and made it impossible for the blind to use email? Short answer: NO. If some service doesn't work for you, find another. My local phone company didn't work for me. Did I force them, via lawsuits, to bring all sorts of new equipment to my lil' town of 1400 (or so) people just so I could have high speed internet? No. I went with someone else (satellite - not that I use it anymore). If every company on earth were to try to set themselv's up for blind access, nearly all of them would go bankrupt.
Get over yourselv's. So you've got a handicap. Deal with it like adults. You are not going to have everything handed to you all of your life. This is such a non-issue, it's not even funny...
Re:Monitors. (Score:4, Insightful)
What you would think if passing your calculus class required turning you to pass an advanced spelling test? If getting hired for a programming job meant you had to learn to pick your nose and fling it? If UPS required your mother to be drug-tested so you could send a package? Or if an e-mail service made you decrypt some visual obfuscation in order to use their system?
It's not about having things handed to you. Duh. A grown-up blind person will realize he/she is not going to be able to drive a car. But to tell someone that, because they can't see, they can't use e-mail? Sure, you could always go to another service, but what happens when all of the free services are doing this, and all of the services which don't do this vision exam require you to pay? That's discrimination. How about if I charge you more to eat dinner, just because of your gender, or your hair color?
Plus, the problem with these obfuscated letters and stuff is that it makes using robots to sign up for online services more difficult, since you have to write more code to decypher these images, but neural networks can be good at filtering out noise. (Shhh!)
Re:Monitors. - actually... (Score:5, Insightful)
There are other challenge response systems that can be used in place of graphics. I think the only reason that graphics are being used is because the designers haven't given any real thought to users who don't use graphics. This is the same kind of mental blind spot that has people using javascript and flash on major sites.
I guess the blind community finally had enough - a lot of major sites apparently are not following the recommended accessibility guidelines [w3.org] set down by the W3. This is their version of the stick, to convince companies (and lazy designers/programmers) that ignoring them is a bad idea.
Re:Monitors. - actually... (Score:4, Insightful)
That's kind of silly. Consider a vision-impaired user with a screen reader to render text (blind doesn't necessarily mean completely inable to see - they might use one of those screen utilities to blow a 64x64 chunk of the screen to fill a 20" monitor). Normal users might glance at a banner ad, and mostly ignore it. A person relying on a reader would have to sit through a text version of the ad being read. Which version of the ad is going to make a bigger impact? The one that's being ignored, or the one that is being read and listened to?
Turing Test? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Turing Test? (Score:2)
Re:Turing Test? (Score:3, Informative)
The Turing Test is a method for distinguishing between humans and machines. These poor quality recordings and distorted images are good ways to prove that a human is involved, because they are hard problems for machines to solve.
They are cheap, automated Turing Tests. When we have better AI, these will no longer work to sort humans from scripts.
Re:Turing Test? (Score:4, Funny)
Why? What's the use? (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously. What problem are these methods hoping to solve?
Re:Why? What's the use? (Score:2)
Re:Why? What's the use? (Score:2)
Re:Why? What's the use? (Score:2)
4 5 7
9 a 1 b c
z h 4 q l
per shift. How many faked accounts would you need, anyway? Do spammers really go through 10,000 per day each?
Re:Why? What's the use? (Score:5, Insightful)
I was attempting to buy some concert tickets from a large, evil corporation recently. The letters were so contorted that I simply COULD NOT read it ... I got several friends' guesses on what the word was, and each opinion was different. If the problem is really so bad as to necessitate these word games, it might be time to try a different tactic.
For instance, couldn't you simply direct the user to perform a few simple tasks? (e.g. select the bubble with the picture of the fish next to it, then type the last name of the president of the united states in the second box from the left) I doubt AI would be able to cope with as system like this, especially if you had varying combinations of tests. If you had a variety of these tests, you could also make some that accomodated the disabled, too.
Re:Why? What's the use? (Score:2)
Do you think that there are OCRs in modern webbrowsers for the blind? Besides, OCRs today are made to work with a much higher DPI than is present in those little images usually, and encoding things in jpeg, as these images do, screws up OCRs even worse.
Also, it's to hard for the browser to figure out where there might be some text it could read, and where there is just plain picture.
It's a lot easier for the distributor
speech recognition probably not that good. (Score:5, Funny)
Is speech recognition so good now that sound would have to be played back from inside a '73 Pinto at the bottom of a swimming pool to keep a computer from parsing it?
Years ago, I told my Powermac 660AV "Computer, open window", and it shut down instead.
Granted, it was the only computer on the market that could do speech recognition thanks to a builtin DSP, and the integration with the Macintosh environment was superb- but it still would do the most amusing things.
Re:speech recognition probably not that good. (Score:3, Funny)
But boy, was that funny.
Turing test (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Turing test (Score:2)
I asked a buddy of mine who's working on text to speech and voice recognition and he said that after about the 5th iteration you'd get all kinds of high pitched howling...
How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:5, Interesting)
This reminds me of new 25-cent public bathrooms tested by New York City awhile back. You paid 25 cents to go use it, and it cleaned itself and smelled great and so on. Then people in wheelchairs complained they couldn't use them (because they were too small), and were being discriminated against. So, the company made a larger version. Except now, you had bums popping in a quarter, and having a free room for the night. More lawsuits ensued.
When will it stop?
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:5, Insightful)
Free cookies to the first person that sees what's wrong with this sentence.
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:2, Insightful)
*hungrily waits for cookies*
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:5, Funny)
Free cookies to the first person that sees what's wrong with this sentence.
Ok, I will tell you, but do I have to give you a quarter to get the free cookies???
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:2)
Bah! No cookies for you!
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:5, Informative)
For example:
The nuns of the Missionaries of Charity believed two abandoned buildings in New York City would make ideal homeless shelters. The city agreed and offered to sell the building for one dollar each. Yet the shelter project faltered: the city's bureaucracy imposed such expensive remodeling requirements on the buildings that the shelter plans were scrapped.
ISBN: 0446672289
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:3, Insightful)
Pick two.
Seriously, the only way you have the situation you describe is to have extremely few laws, or extremely complex ones. Like, it's only grand theft auto if you didn't need the car (with a full definition of what consitutes need), AND you didn't look around to ask permission of the owner (for x minutes, in which you talked to y people trying to find the owner). - And that's a law that would be pretty clear-cut!
Re:How much to concede to please everyone? (Score:3, Insightful)
I would really find it amusing if you got permanently paralyzed and had to ride around in a wheelchair. Or lost your vision. I think you would change your tune pretty damn fast.
Also, I don't see why the hell Slashdotters are so upset
Maybe I'm wrong, but... (Score:2)
Of course, voice recognition could be used by bots... but I expect OCR to start thwarting the visual trick as well.
Turing test (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Turing test (Score:4, Interesting)
These little distorted text images are cheap automated Turing Tests that work quite well for our current level of AI. What's your problem?
Hotmail (Score:5, Informative)
Although or blind and deaf, you're still out of luck.
Re:Hotmail (Score:2)
Re:Hotmail (Score:2)
I was thinking of something like this:
Computer says: "Please say the word that the following letters form: C...A...T"
User says: "cat".
Sure, an automated system could 'hear' the original question, but we are a hell of a long ways away from a computer being able to correctly say "cat" based on that prompt.
Re:Hotmail (Score:3, Insightful)
Err, of course, they'd probably have a hard time on your web page to begin with.
Re:Hotmail (Score:2)
Kinda like Step 2) goto step #2...
I dunno... I just found that intresting...
Re:Hotmail (Score:2)
Why no "Braille" Display? (Score:3, Interesting)
Which brings up a point... what're the only other senses left? Well, touch, taste, and smell. Taste and smell are probably not well suited to the interpretation of data... but we already know that touch can be. Braille and raised lettering on important signs is generally considered one mark of an accessible building. There's braille terminals even, as anyone who'se seen the movie Sneakers knows.
So... why isn't there a tactile "braille" image renderer
Re:Hotmail (Score:5, Funny)
You ain't shittin'.
Re:Hotmail (Score:4, Insightful)
No shit. Read my journal for more info. Suffice to say that my wife is SOL. Straight text (or html-ized text) is the only legitimate output that she can read. Anything else doesn't meet ADA requirements. Will we sue? No. We'll find other sites.
I've been seeing more of this lately (Score:2)
I can see it now.... (Score:5, Funny)
Wall....Wall....Intruder's leg....Intruders stomache....Intruder's head
Re:I can see it now.... (Score:2)
Re:I can see it now.... (Score:4, Funny)
"uh oh... hey, you might wanna... oh, it's O..... SHIT! RUN!"
Case in point: (Score:5, Interesting)
And yes, I can see how this can be viewed as discriminatory, but the problem of devising an alternative is far from trivial.
discriminatory? (Score:5, Interesting)
If I were to provide a service (even a paying one) of some sort (for example a dog wash) but then require that any customer that wants to use my service and pay me for it must hop once on their left legg as a way of verifying that they are in fact a biped and not a snake in a human disguise (just go with it). . . this would clearly be discriminatory against people missing their left legg. But that doesn't mean that I am some how liable financially or legally! I just have a clumsy authentication system and need to improve it. If I don't, then the left legged people of my town will go somewhere else to get their dog washed.
Re:discriminatory? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:discriminatory? (Score:3, Insightful)
If I offer a service or a product, why am I obligated to make it so that EVERYBODY can use/buy my product/service?
Because, once upon a time, we had a country (here in the US anyhow) where many stores had signs that said "NO BLACKS ALLOWED" on them. Was that fair? "Hey, if I don't wanna serve them darkies, why should I? It's my right, ain't it?" Should we roll back the clock and say "screw it, discriminate all you want" just because some Slashdot nerds are offended that they might have to think about s
Re:Case in point: (Score:4, Insightful)
Anyone could have seen this coming (Score:5, Funny)
*sigh* (Score:2, Interesting)
solved (Score:4, Interesting)
Sounds like a good solution to me! Besides, if they do this for the blind, and use that audio test thing instead, the deaf will be all over them.
Re:solved -- for now (Score:5, Insightful)
And will be immediately unsolved as soon as a spammer purchases and hooks up a Braille translator to his computer.
Bonzai Buddy (Score:4, Funny)
Would you like to.
1. have the selection recognized with ocr, and read to you.
2. send your personal information to us, along with the new e-mail account so we can send it to spammers.
3. Profit!@!@
(except in soviet russia where the OCR owns us)
I think many, many websites do.. (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think it's bad will, but rather that seeing is such an integral part of the normal experience they just don't even think about it. I normally wouldn't.
If not image recognition, they need something to prevent mass registering bots... Hashcash perhaps, that should work even for the blind.
Well.. (Score:2)
Well, if the word displayed in an image serves a a turing test, and if a blind person is unable to pass said test, it can only mean...
Blind people are robots!
As we all know, robots are not protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and thus have no standing in court. I don't think these companies have anything to worry about. Oh yeah, IANAL. In fact, you'd be better off with the Chewbacca defense than this one.
A better way... (Score:5, Interesting)
"Thirteen red small dogs went to the zoo."
What size were they? (to which the answer would be "small")
You could mix and match questions and adjectives to keep spammers on their toes. The only drawback is that this is only effective for as long as you have a bigger dictionary system than the spammers. Using a larger sentence or paragraph with more complexities should help.
"[count] [color] [size] [age] object [and [count] [color] [size] [age] [object]
Re:A better way... (Score:2, Insightful)
Simpler way Re:A better way... (Score:2)
The extra words ("The secret pass-phrase") would be very hard for a computer to deal with, and they would vary slightly from site to site.
Re:A better way... (Score:3, Insightful)
Solution ask a question? (Score:2, Interesting)
What is the first vowel in your last name? (leave blank for none)
If you added all the digits in you phone number up what would be their sum?
I am sure some text to speech software could produce good text, and someone could parse the sentence, but if you randomized the questions enough it should deter most automated attacks.
Then again these type of questions may offend those who just can't figure out the answers.
Re:Solution ask a question? (Score:2)
Not all alphabet systems have the concept of vowels.
Not all people have phone numbers
Re:Solution ask a question? (Score:2)
Has anyone here worked on an alternative? (Score:3, Insightful)
Has anyone here worked on any alternatives? The report indicates that the Microsoft sound-based alternative was totally non-functional. Is that even a worthwhile path to work on?
Perhaps some sort of text challenge/response scenario that would require an explicit understanding of the challenge part: "Take the second-to-last letter of each word from the below text, reverse the order and write them capitalized" . With a wide enough range of such challenges, spambots would be out of luck.
Sooo.... (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm deaf.... Now what?
How about that website doesn't get business from those who are handicapped (is that still the kosher PC term?)
I don't force sites that don't have SSL to use SSL so I can use them... I JUST DON'T USE THEM...
Everything isn't made to fit everyone..
My butcher isn't going to start a produce section for vegetarians
My barber isn't going to start a hair replacement facilty for bald people (not a bad business idea though)?
and My office isn't gonna start using Linux because I say so (had to throw that one in)
I don't believe any of these websites are "public services" so if they don't wish to cater to this specific demographic (is that more PC or less?) then they simply don't get their business. If my website sells tools that help those who are disabled use the web you'll damn well bet my website is able to be viewed by their machines. If I'm selling video game systems, I dunno but, probably not....
Re:Sooo.... (Score:3, Interesting)
"My butcher isn't going to start a produce section for vegetarians"
1) People are vegetarian by choice, not handicap.
2) The vegetarian can still buy meat from the butcher, even if they don't want to eat it.
3) The butcher, by being open to the public, has to serve the general public without practicing racial, religious, sexual, or handicap-based discrimination. (By law)
4) The butcher has to provide _resonable_ accomadations to the handicapped. (By law.) He doesn't have to perform
just ask a question (Score:4, Informative)
Can't you just ask a question, like:
how much is 2 + 2?
what number comes after 10?
type in a 4 letter word beginning with "k".
okay, the problem would be that each website will need to come with its own set of questions. but we can have few templates where you just substitute new parameters each time.
I am sure, no software is intelligent enough to crack all these questions. by the time, the software becomes intelligent enough to answer these questions, we can come up with something else. it is cat and mouse game except that mouse keeps winning.
Unenlightenment (Score:2)
Tactile graphic display? (Score:5, Interesting)
(Hold on...after a little Googling, I found this instance of the exact thing I'm proposing [nist.gov]. Go and buy it, blind people! And not just for anti-spam graphics; as with any new medium, just imagine the pr0n possibilities.)
Accessibility (Score:2)
Imagine being blind, never being able to experience the majority written works, and then discovering the Web: a huge body of knowledge that can instantly be transformed into voice or braille.
Then imagine discovering that most of that has been obfuscated so thoroughly by shitty authoring tools or lazy developers that it too is useless to you.
Put yourself in the shoes of your fellow human being
Re:Accessibility (Score:2)
So your organisation represents the blind, and you find services that use visual methods to make sure a human is at the keyboard. Do you:
a) try and come up with alternative methods to check for a warm body at the keyboard, or
b) sue.
Why not simple questions? (Score:2)
"What day comes after Wednesday?"
"Will you get wet if you stand in the rain?"
"How many fingers does the average person have?"
"What is that hair-like stuff on the top of most people's heads called?"
"Will you burn yourself if you put your hand in a fire?"
"Is snow cold?"
Make thousands of these questions, don't use cultural, historical, geographical, or trivia questions. Make them so easy, all
outrageous consequences of a bad law (Score:2)
Porn Sites (Score:3, Funny)
Before you all start pissing on the blind (Score:3, Insightful)
To give you an example, this technical feature also discriminates against the color blind as well, and 10% of Americans are color blind in some fashion. 10% of americans. Not so insignificant any more huh?
Some great information on accessibility is located here [diveintoac...bility.org], and you can probably find plenty of papers on accessibility on google, but if you need to go looking for them, you obviously aren't disabled enough to be able to look for them yourself.
Workaround: (Score:2)
Costs wouldn't be too bad, as most people who are able to use the image-based form would do so for the convenience, while those who can't would have an alternative interface, and the inconvenience would be minimized by the fact that they only need to call once.
Why is this so hard? (Score:2, Insightful)
The user can then just type in "two" and get access. Even if a bot could successfully translate the audio into text, it won't be answering the question (unless it defaults to "calc" when it translates).
P.S. I know...this would discriminate against the stupid, but so does everything else in our society. That's why I'm s-m-r-t!
CAPTCHA Test (Score:4, Informative)
I seem to remember one of their earlier tests involved determining which word didn't belong in a particular phrase. They would give you something like "The girl went to the mall to buy a giraffe" and the answer would be "giraffe". This sort of test could be given either visually or aurally, and would require a lot of NLP resources to crack (would have to determine part of speech and some amount of the syntactic structure). This kind of system might be the answer.. theoretically it would be accessible to all english speakers, blind or deaf.
Blind person's perspective (Score:5, Insightful)
That said, I have mixed feelings about this lawsuit. On the one hand, I know where the blind people are coming from: they want an equal opportunity to use popular websites, just as everyone else (with a computer) is able to. On the other hand, being blind means you live under a different set of circumstances, so not everything is possible. It's just a fact of life when you're blind.
I think a lawsuit is the last thing that should occur; rather, people should focus on developing new technology that assists the blind and allows them to gain equal access to websites. There should be more standards that dictate accessibility, and the browsers should do all they can as well.
After all, the Internet is a text-based medium at its core.
what (Score:2)
no it doesn't.
You just make a call to a database for each letter, before building the page with the code, then insert that sound into the web page.
I did this in 1997.
If anybodu wants to know how to do it, send me an email and I'll quote you my rates.
friends? (Score:4, Interesting)
b) sites like yahoo could make a work around, you could call up for a username and password
c) the turing test only has to be passed once. i've never had to pass it a second time, once i'm a verified human being i'm verified... so why can't the blind have someone do it for them the first time? it would even be cheaper than hiring a lawyer, exspecially for a case they are going to loose.
Re:friends? (Score:3, Informative)
Wrong. A private organization that constitutes a public accomodation (restaurants, most clubs, stores, sites like Yahoo, etc.) is prohibited (in the US, YMMV in other countries) from discriminating on several bases, including race (various Civil Rights legislation, and the 14th Amendment) and disability (Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA). Racial minorities and the handicap
I hate to be harsh.. (Score:3, Insightful)
While I am for making reasonable accomodations (That is what the Americans with Disabilies Act calls for) for disabled, spam is an incredible problem and I dont think we should give up our best efforts at fighting it just because a few blind people are unable to gain access. The greater good of society is served by removing spam than letting it all flow in to make the blind minority happy.
Find a way around it.. get a friend who can see to fill out the form for you.. or call up the company that runs the webform and I bet they'd be eager to do it for you too
It's *bleeping* FREE! (Score:5, Insightful)
For crying out loud. How much money does a site have to spend to offer a FREE service? If someone wants to open up a hearing- or sight-impaired IM or webmail service that prevents spam from being delivered, then *go right ahead*. Why should the services mentioned (OK, most of them probably could afford to do something) be *forced* to do anything when they are offering stuff for free?
Some posts have stated that the impaired folks can choose to use services that manage to make it easier for them to exist on the Net and perform those types of activites. Why do we have to force anyone to do anything with their content when other folks can make choices of their own?
Other posts pointed out that some of us folks who are not using Idiotic Exploder are being discriminated aganist by various sights. Hello? Clue-impaired organizations? I *just* *don't* visit them. I chose a bank who'se web site was Mac, BSD and Linux friendly. I visit sites that actually render properly according to standards and I avoid Flash sites like the plague (mentioning Flash, are those sites next on the hit list? Quick everyone hide your Java applets, the Web Content Police are coming!)
Next thing we'll be told that we need to use only a certain select few color schemes and ensure our sites are spell-checked thoroughly before going live.
We're doomed, absolutely doomed, as a society.
Humans are Cheap - Use "Sweatshop Labor" (Score:5, Insightful)
All these "obfuscated words/sounds" solutions are geared around a pair of concepts:
1. Spammers use computer automated systems to sign up for accounts.
2. These solutions are near impossible for computers to figure out.
It's all for nothing if the spammers set up sweat shop slave labor in countries where someone can be "hired" for US$0.50c per day. Just have them do it.
One of his best ones was the concept of having a "Free Porn" service where every (x) minutes you have to answer one of the obfuscated word thingos. Of course, it's one that's been generated by HotMail and then forwarded to the porn-viewer. Bang - don't even need a sweat shop - just rely on all the people who want free access to good porn on the 'net...
Garfinkel raises a really important issue here. All this crap just fails if you consider that there's a cheap human solution. He also notes that it's becoming *really* offensive to many to have to prove that they're a human...
Food for thought gang - all too often are technological barriers easily thwarted by cheap human solutions (if you've ever worked somewhere where labour is dirt cheap, the last thing you consider/promote is "reducing your head count" when selling computer systems
disabled? Ask for some fucking help. (Score:4, Insightful)
As a side note, if they are going to sue someone, sue the spammers who make this picture-word system necessary.
Newspapers (Score:5, Insightful)
And radio stations are completely leaving out the deaf audience.
Nike doesn't make shoes that fit people who have no legs.
The list goes on.
Re:What's the big deal? (Score:5, Informative)
Yes, but that set of things would not logically include Hotmail, Yahoo! Instant Messaging, and Verisign's registration database, which are the specific websites that are listed in this article as using image-based anti-bot techniques...
Re:What's the big deal? (Score:5, Insightful)
Now I understand that baseball is not life-threatening but it is just an example. I think you would feel differently if you or someone you loved was blind.
Re:What's the big deal? (Score:2, Interesting)
So basically, you want a company offering a free service to go out of their way, spend thousands of dollars and man-hours to create a system for the blind that won't benefit their company? Sure, it would be nice if humanity was that kind, but its not.
Re:What's the big deal? (Score:5, Insightful)
This isn't anything to do with the blind at all, and never was - it's about lawyers smelling a way to use someone else's misfortune to make themselves a quick buck. So much easier to chase a blind man than an ambulance, see.
As an aside, if these so-called advocacy groups have a better solution, let's hear it. All they are saying is that they'll block one of the few solutions that does exist, which isn't very constructive. That is further evidence that they're only in it for the money.
Yeah, I read the article about the audio solution, but the article also says it doesn't work nearly as well, and it wasn't thought up by one of these lawyers anyway, but by their intended victims.
So, Shut Up and Code Something (Score:2)
And who gets to decide what that is? You?
No thanks.
Instead of whining, why doesn't the fabled open source community get busy and code something.
Re:What's the big deal? (Score:2, Funny)
Remove the test altogether and let spammers have their way with free email accounts? If anything, why not create an e-mail service just for the blind that requires some other type of verification that they can use, but will still stop spammers?
Re:The Blind (Score:2)
Says who? It's primarly a digital media. And digital information (text, etc.) can be represented in any number of ways, a monitor is just one of them (think braille lines, text-to-speech software, etc.)
Much like driving.
Yes, but in the physical world, blind people can still walk. And many cities do take action to make traffic easyer for blind people (pedestrian traffic lights that buzz, elevator buttons wit
Re:The Blind (Score:2)
Re:Ignorance (Score:3, Insightful)
The blind are asking companies to basically invent new technologies to appease them, and that's not realistic. We're all very sorry you can't see, but that's why it's called a disability. We already make every reasonable accomodation to suit the blind...maybe they should just find other websites that don't use this verification technique. Or get someone who can see
Re:Sound? (Score:5, Interesting)
So not only is this approach discriminatory, but a short-term measure that won't work in the long run.
What IS unique to humans, that machines have little or no chance to emulate and master in the forseeable future? Abstractions, perhaps? Arts? Or humour? Trivia that can't easily be answered by a machine would be one way to go.
To prove that you're human, answer this:
- In Alice in Wonderland, Alice fell down into a?
- Who's the boss of the strip of land south of Canada?
- To gain access to this site,
please identify,
the type of verse this text is.
- What would be an appropriate response to "Knock, knock"?
- What's the air speed velocity of a coconut-laden swallow?
Even better would be questions without fixed answers:
- What's your name spelled backwards?
- Who won yesterday's baseball match between the Mariners and the Mets?
- How many points did NASDAQ rise or fall yesterday?
- What's tomorrow's date? Please reply in the form "February 13, 2003"?
Block for a minute every time there's a wrong answer, since people are prone to error, but might accept waiting a minute more than a machine would. Add new questions every day, and drop off old ones before they can be fed into machines by humans.
And, most important, provide a human-to-human contact method as a fallback to prove your species, if everything else fails.