NYT On Online Reputations 118
prostoalex writes "New York Times analyzes the importance of online postings for the company images and product success/failure rates. Intuit's TurboTax DRM "feature" is mentioned as one of the bad ideas, that was quickly and vociferously opposed by the Internet folk. The movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding got quite a nice cash flow even though the advertising budget was low, but opinions on the Internet regarded the movie highly. Rating systems of Epinions and Slashdot are also discussed briefly."
Slashdot (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Slashdot (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Slashdot (Score:2)
Quick, someone mirror it!
Re:Slashdot (Score:1, Funny)
Re:big media (Score:1)
Anyway. Assuming news reporters are liberal (there is some evidence that they lean Democratic in their voting patterns, which doesn't necessarily mean they're liberal but that's a different topic) the stories they write must be approved by assistant editors, "full" editors, and to an extent their fellow reporters. The stories cannot defend one side too much more than the other and a factual basis is needed.
But to get back on topic - the lack of diversity you sp
Re:big media (Score:1)
You're right - and if you read what I said, I wasn't arguing otherwise. When I wrote that, I was referring to the fact that these conservative owners do have the final say in what the newspaper publishes - and whether or
NYT On Online Reputations? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:NYT On Online Reputations? (Score:5, Interesting)
Was this, by any chance, mentioned in their article?
Re:NYT On Online Reputations? (Score:1)
Well you could READ the article and find out! O wait...forgot where I was, sorry.
Re:NYT On Online Reputations? (Score:1)
Remember Bernie? (Score:2)
Re:NYT On Online Reputations? (Score:1)
A modest proposal... (Score:4, Interesting)
What about a system that would let you transfer your "karma" or "reputation" from one site to another?
And, specifically for Slashdot: what about a system that would give you precise stats about the state of your karma, such as the number of negative karma moderation?
Just a suggestion...
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:1, Funny)
seriously, /. karma has as much worth as a Pu [igd.fhg.de]. Similar, apart from the fact that it's much easier to obtain.
interesting, mr. gulliver... (Score:5, Insightful)
1. most sites don't use a comparable method to rate karma. the slashdot staff describes how the karma system was homegrown in the article, and i'm sure that's true of each site's analogous feature.
2. even if these systems used some kind of standard rating system for users, i strongly suspect that user behavior and reliability might vary from site to site. f'rex: i'm not really an IT guy, which shows in the comments i make. however, i'm a serious movie fiend. accordingly, users here should not necessarily take my thoughts on technology matters, but i can speak w/ much greater authority on IMDB.
3. let's assume, for the sake of argument, that all the various sites whose user opinions are well regarded (slashdot, et al) agree to develop a method such as you propose. there would still be 2 separate and mutually exclusive methods: either a highly decentralized method (likely to be the favored tool here) or a highly centralized method. naturally, the latter would be susceptible to exploits, etc., and the interested site operators would therefore split into (at least) 2 camps, thereby rendering the universal solution impossible, IMHO.
You're missing some assumptions. (Score:2)
So about your points:
1. most sites don't use a comparable method to rate karma. the slashdot staff describes how the karma system was homegrown in the article, and i'm sure that's true of each site's analogous feature.
Same code=same method of determining ratings.
2. even if these systems used some kind of standard rating system for users, i strongly suspect that user behavior and reliability might vary from s
yes, i suppose i am (Score:3, Interesting)
you make some good points. i have a few thoughts:
1. even though the same code may be in use, the implementation within each distinct site may very well vary and possibly enough to render an apples: apples comparison irrelevant.
2. agreed, but this is again (IMHO) an implementation issue. all of which is to say (unclear from your response whether you're conceding this point or not): results from site to site cannot be compared apples: apples fashion, which (it would seem to me) would be the rea
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:2)
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:3, Funny)
CmdrTaco doesn't like Karma to be a game, in his world, it's a tool to select moderators. Since he instituted a karma cap, then replaced numerical karma score with adjectives, and then replaced the number of mods to a post with percentages, anything measurable isn't likely to happen.
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:2, Insightful)
A vague value scheme (one of 5 or 6 words to descibe your karma) gives an overall impression, but does tell you whether meta-moderating or getting a post modded up as under-rated will boost your karma more. It does not let
Slashcode is free software (Score:1)
Of course, if it was open-source, I'm sure the community could find ways of optimizing it such that abuses could be nearly eliminated.
Slashcode is free software [slashcode.com] under the GPL. The biggest abuse I see here on Slashdot is abuse of the M2-immune "overrated" moderation.
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:2)
Hmmmm... Mint sauce boiled +50 trolls... =)
Not a bad idea overall...
Re:A modest proposal... (Score:2)
I thought you were going to suggest that the NYT sell it's reporters for liquor.
Googlewashing, PageRank and Online reputation... (Score:5, Insightful)
Try getting your hands on an article on Microsoft and Schnazzle using Google and you can see Online Reputation at work!
And on the lighter side: Karma - Excellent; Reputation - Whore!
Re:Googlewashing, PageRank and Online reputation.. (Score:3, Interesting)
When Googling second-superpower [google.com] we now get articles about your famed "googlewash effect" that whine endlessly about people not using the "Official anti-war Sanctioned Definition by of second-superpower".
I really fail to see the point of this complaint, unless it is an effort by a handful of people to control the language, then I see it quite well
Re:Googlewashing, PageRank and Online reputation.. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Googlewashing, PageRank and Online reputation.. (Score:2)
Re:Googlewashing, PageRank and Online reputation.. (Score:2)
Please. That whole Register rant was an instance of googlewhining. [jamesbritt.com]
As others have pointed out, Google ranks tend to even out fairly quickly.
Its not only the online reputation (Score:3, Informative)
Then OBVIOUSLY gag orders are needed (Score:5, Insightful)
There have already been reports about gag orders over product criticism. I wonder when the alarm bells began ringing in the advertising industry, and how their response will develop. (Astroturfing Slashdot?)
Remember E-Mail (Score:5, Interesting)
Another area where e-mail is a killer are computer games: I don't know how many people I have told not to buy Master of Orion III because it is simply a piece of crap that should have been taken out to the back lot of Infogrames (now Atari, I believe) and shot.
Word of mouth is powerful, even if you don't stand on a soap box.
Re:Remember E-Mail (Score:1)
This method is working great for you as you have a trusted group with similar interests that exchanges information but I doubt that it makes up more volume then public places like Usenet, IRC, and WWW. I take 'reviews' from friends into consideration but I always check online also before buying just about anything of value (maybe $50 or more?).
And brace yourself for a major bloom of astroturf (Score:5, Interesting)
Of course and UNethical company - which may be a requriement for a PR firm - will simply put one or two people to work posting through pseudonyms to create the illusion of a vast population of enthusiastic supporters. (Like the paid endorsements and fake man-on-the-street interviews in commercials and political ads, written large on the internet.)
The term of art is "Astroturf" - for phoney grass-roots.
And after the NYT article you can expect a sudden wash of it, polluting the net as a reputationg system for some time to come.
Re:And brace yourself for a major bloom of astrotu (Score:5, Informative)
Re:And brace yourself for a major bloom of astrotu (Score:1)
Here's an article about him (He apparently makes a hobby of being first in line to meet celebrities)
http://www.timessquare.com/bway/features/feat_guy. html [timessquare.com]
And here's a picture of him...
http://www.newsday.com/news/local/newyork/nyc-3r03 20,0,6305134.photo?coll=ny-nynews-headlines [newsday.com]
Re:And brace yourself for a major bloom of astrotu (Score:2)
Even talk radio screens out the too-frequent callers!
Re:And brace yourself for a major bloom of astrotu (Score:1)
Re:And brace yourself for a major bloom of astrotu (Score:2)
When I read or see something, and they are obviously selling the sizzile, not the steak, my hockey-meter goes up pretty quick; the other thing is if the online reviews and comments are just plain wrong, it gives the companies entire line bad-karma (accountants would call this crediting the Goodwill account).
NYTimes (Score:3, Funny)
Correction (Score:5, Funny)
The New York Times regrets the error.
It's ok as a sounding board, but not 100% reliable (Score:3, Insightful)
I happily continue to buy movies, music, and Blizzard games to this day because in the end, when you get through all the griping, they're quality products. What's the alternative? But if you looked at the amount of complaints online you'd think these industries had been run into the ground by upset consumers.
I'd buy from the nice companies, but they've been run into the ground by pirates.
Different purpose? (Score:2)
When you go to epinions.com and look up a car, digital camera, or whatever, you're not checking to see whether Honda/Kodak has a reputation for their execs running over small babies, you're checking on the quality/popularity of the product.
Similarly, if I am "Joe Average" checking music, somebody ranting about the evils of the RIAA whilst I'm trying to see
Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:3, Interesting)
Reveals a problem with reputation systems... (Score:5, Insightful)
This was obvious to me this weekend, when I went to a food flavor contest, and the items that won popular vote were the most bland and boring in every category.
The problem with reputation systems--including Slashdot--is that your reputation can be based on the opinions of individuals who are not necessarily the best for assigning reputations. They may be unknowledgable, unduly biased, etc.
In the case of classes, this gets to be a problem because students don't always like material that's necessary for them to learn. This has become painfully obvious to me as a university statistics instructor. I lecture in a department where statistics is required, but not the primary focus of the undergraduate major. My ratings tend to be good, but stats class ratings tend to be much lower than that of other classes on average, simply because the students don't want to be taking statistics. There are plenty of times when, in order to learn, the students must do something they might not want to do or not see reasons for at the time.
And so it goes for things like food flavors, movies, music, Slashdot topics, and so forth. Even within fields you see this: the majority is not always best. Popular opinion is not always the best index of quality, just what's popular. Many of us see this on Slashdot, I'm sure--a certain opinion being reinforced because it's majority, not because it's informed or insightful.
This isn't a new phenomenon of course--it's something people have wrestled with since the dawn of man, I'm sure--but it seems to have become more salient to me recently. It has become especially relevant with popular anti-critical-establishment inclinations in many domains of culture, such as music and movies, and also in online social sorting mechanisms such as Slashdot.
Re:Reveals a problem with reputation systems... (Score:2)
Strikes me as silly to say something like that. Students are obviously who should be rating the teachers, thats what the site is for.
You shouldnt court the rarified 'expert' opinion all the time as it (a lot of the time) doesnt reflect what the general masses think. And its THEM who will be taking a class. I find if everyone in a class hates it, there is generally something wrong with
Re:Reveals a problem with reputation systems... (Score:2)
But... You need to know whose opinions these are or you're basing your choices on the opinions of people who may be nothing like you. If I watched a sporting event I'd rate it by completely different criteria than someone who knew the rules. Similarly, two people with different goals and levels of experience could rate digital cameras differently.
I either go by reviews with reasons at
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:5, Interesting)
It also encourages teachers to teach in the manner that influences their grading (ever see the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where the new teacher institutes a ranking table?), just as exaqms encourage students to memorise what's required to pass a unit rather than learn the material so they know and understand it. But I'll get off my soapbox as I'm starting to go off on a bit of a tangent.
And, as is the case with almost every survey that wants opinions, negative opinions will far outweight the positive simply because people rarely bother to comment when the job is well done.
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:1, Informative)
Could these positive reviews don't come from the professors? No - because the system has a unique verification system that other professor review sites do not have that makes it difficult to post bogus reviews without it being obviously known. Even when bogus reviews are posted, it is typically obvious when you read a gener
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:2, Informative)
The survey was performed by the dean of the department, and was somewhat anonymous (i.e., no names assigned, but certain guesses could be made by class rosters). This has the benefit of not being available for any Joe Internet user from falsely adjusting the statistics for a specific teacher, but the drawback was that the general student popu
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:4, Interesting)
I can testify from experience that what you describe is exactly the way this sort of thing goes down.
Back in 1995, I was a clueless undergraduate at a university that shall remain nameless [american.edu]. I was helping the student government get its office LAN issues straightened out, and when word got around that I knew my way around a computer they volunteered me to be the one to process the data from those very surveys you mention.
Now, being as it was 1995 and this Web thing was still new and shiny, I had the bright idea that instead of publishing a book with the results, like they did every year (at great expense), they should put up a Web site and let people generate reports from a database instead. After tracking down a few other students who knew way more about the Web than I did, we hacked it all together and launched the puppy in short order -- the first time, as far as we could find out, that any university had provided such data through the Web (anyone have any earlier examples?). A technical triumph.
Not, however, a political one. The faculty union went through the roof when they discovered that anybody on the planet could look up the rating of a given faculty member. They demanded that the site be completely taken down, and that disciplinary action be taken against me and my merry band of miscreant geeks.
In the end, we managed to negotiate a compromise -- the site would be blocked by IP to anyone not on the campus network, and we would get away with a stern talking-to for having the temerity to do something innovative. After I left the project, though, the faculty leaned on the student government types hard enough to convince them to abandon the project altogether.
That experience was what convinced me that I wanted to make a career using Web technologies; I figured that anything that frightened complacent incompetents *that much* was something worth being a part of :-)
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:2)
For picking a teacher you probably want to pay more attention to the opinions of people who finished a class with them and share your major. Someone's opinion of the teacher could be unfairly colored by failing, or by them taking a class they didn't really want to be in. For a digital camera you want to find someone in your rough experience range using the camera for tha
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:4, Informative)
The only portion of student-submitted ratings that were helpful to me were the free-form comments where some took the time to make constuctive criticisms and suggestions. That was the feedback that helped me improve, not trying to boost my score to college's most favored instructor...
So, to get back to topic, ratings without some sort of backing context, removal of biases and favoritism, planted comments, and consideration of reputation of reviewer, is next to worthless.
Re:Reputations of people, specifically teachers (Score:2)
Assumming the reviewers write fair, intelligent reviews, this is a good thing. If 'the manner that influences their grading' is quality, than the teachers will be encouranged to be better treachers by bad reviews. This is clearly a good thing.
Shaping how movies are made, as well (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Shaping how movies are made, as well (Score:3, Funny)
"HULK STOMP! HULK SMASH! HULK- er -- go cover privates..."
(maybe it's the stretching that distorts their color somehow?)
Re:Shaping how movies are made, as well (Score:2)
Re:Shaping how movies are made, as well (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Shaping how movies are made, as well (Score:1)
Moo (Score:2, Interesting)
Low ad budget?? (Score:5, Informative)
I live in Winnipeg (where Nia Vardalos is from, originaly, and yes, that's in Canada). I think they spent their entire advertising budget in my city alone, if the above quote is accurate.
I'm enough of a movie buff that I see about 2-3 movies in theatres a week, and let me tell you: 6 *months* before MBFGW was released, I was seeing trailers for it every few weeks. The month before it came out, the onslaught started. Every single movie I went to had a trailer for it, and I do mean *every*. During its run here, ditto. Of course, I could somewhat ignore this, until the TV campaign started in about 2 weeks before it premiered. Suddenly everyone I knew was talking about how 'good' this movie looked, well before seeing it. By the time it actually was making any money in theatres, very few people I knew hadn't yet heard of it (hell, even my parents were asking what all the fuss was about, and it's been several years since they've seen a new movie).
In a city like Winnipeg, all they had to do was mention once or twice that a film created and starred in by a 'Pegger was coming out, and the local media would have done all the free promotion they needed. Instead, we were bombarded with more trailers than I saw for Spider-Man and LOTR:TT combined, and yes, that's a lot
Maybe the rest of the world was spared from this, but up here it was insane. Then again, maybe a 'low advertising budget' just means no superbowl commercial these days.
Re:Low ad budget?? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Low ad budget?? (Score:2)
Re:Low ad budget?? (Score:2)
What happened *after* it had been out for a few weeks, yes. But it's been decades since any movie has seen general release in the US *months* before Canada.
Re:Low ad budget?? (Score:2)
Re:Low ad budget?? (Score:2)
Regarding Epinions (Score:5, Interesting)
Read their history, they've been around since the dotcom boom and are founded by former employees at top technology companies. Unlike other dotcom companies, they've adapted and survived by making tough but sound financial decisions. When I first signed up, each review was awarded 30 cents per view by an Epinions registered visitor, but then people began abusing it. Slowly they've adjusted and lowered the payment rate and have implemented a new reward system.
I'm not surprised that companies are starting to quote Epinions' users regarding their products. They have a well established "Web of Trust" system and top reviewers are entrusted by the general Epinions' public to give objective reviews. Check it out!
web/circle of trust... (OT) (Score:1, Offtopic)
I prefer "circle of trust" because it sounds so much more caring - a circle being an unbroken line that joins itself, enclosing a given area as tightly as possible, etc. It just sounds so much warmer, cosier and friendly. Robert de Niro clearly agrees [imdb.com] with me, and who's going to argue with him?
Re:Regarding Epinions (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe one out of a hundred things I search for reviews on has a useful epinions page. If only google would have a way to include '-epinions' in every search by default, I wouldn't waste so much time loading what seems like a good page from the search results but turns out to be yet another useless epinions listing with no reviews attached.
For a review site to be useful they need to have access to the things they're reviewing before they go on sale so the review is available when the product comes out, or at least shortly afterward. Epinions only seems to have reviews available for things that have become common. If something has become common enough to have a epinions listing I've probably already seen one and don't need a review. Reviews about new, unseen products are the useful ones. That makes the entire Epinions concept flawed.
Re:Regarding Epinions (Score:2, Funny)
Reducing the importance of advertising? (Score:3, Interesting)
Rather than this revolutionising the current marketplace, it instead opens up a new one, based around the interests of people who have access to information, and can create their own reviews. So Open Source, and small-budget but high quality productions will do much better than they would in the "real world"
It's only when we have no choice in the matter that "dumbing down occurs" - which alienates a section of the populace that don't benefit from blandness - they turn somewhere else - the internet.
Re:Reducing the importance of advertising? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Reducing the importance of advertising? (Score:1)
What do we really do. (Score:2, Insightful)
like SCO for example
And when you do look back over the new and the articles that make on here there is about 60 rant about how bad whatever x is, 30 take the piss out of whatever x is and the last 10 is good natured honest to goodness praise.
Are we really becoming know as the cynical ass of the internet body or should we us
This is great news! (Score:5, Funny)
Any minute now...
They sure let Intuit off the hook easy... (Score:5, Interesting)
Not how I remember it. No mention of the scribbling crap into your boot block or inability to install into vmware machines, etc, etc...
I switched to Tax Cut.
Re:They sure let Intuit off the hook easy... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:They sure let Intuit off the hook easy... (Score:1)
Re:They sure let Intuit off the hook easy... (Score:1)
It isn't the hard stance, it is the "what can I get away with" stance.
Intuit really annoyed me with that garbage. (Score:2)
I rarely complain about the install problems with Redhat or Mandrake because they enable me to go around the problems in advanced text mode. That is just smart programming. Don't mess with your base of knowledgeabl
doesn't always help (Score:4, Informative)
Amazon (Score:4, Interesting)
When I saw a copy in the bookshop and glanced through it, it was bulked out with badly written C code and didn't have nearly enough theory, and in one place seemed to lack the courage for an ambitious feature.
So now this makes me wonder how so many books get high ratings. The denizens of comp.lang.c++ might disagree with Herb Schilt getting 4.5 stars for his C++ books also.
Re:Amazon (Score:3, Interesting)
The secret is that people tend to push their opinions to the extreme. If they like something, they love it. If they dislike something, they're offended at the wasted time.
If someone finds a book rotten, you can read about it at the bottom of the reviews at Amazon, or wherever. I always read these reviews, even though many of them are along the lines of, "THIS BOOK SUX0RS!!!" OR "I HATED ITS BAD LANGANGE AND IT WASNT VERY F
You know what this means... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:You know what this means... (Score:1)
Re:You know what this means... (Score:3, Funny)
Clueless Tech company, has immediate positions for nerds with karma to burn.
Duties are trolling
Pay and benefits, $65,454/yr, health/dental/optical; Use of company leased 8xSMP computer, segway, and paid DSL or cablemodem.
Post resume online at evilSpammer.com
ecommerce, please do not abuse these services... (Score:4, Insightful)
Because I think that would lead to a downfall of the quality of those services, and they would cut themselves in the fingers.
btw, on a side note, I find this quote rather funny:
"I think that, now, the power of the Internet is captured in the ability of everyday Americans to give their opinion on any product or event that they want," Mr. Gulbransen said.
As if no other inhabitant of other countries in the world uses the internet to express their opinions about certain products.
Of course I realise that this is an American Newspaper, read mostly by Americans, but still, its content is on the global internet
Re:Mmmm... full screen... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Mmmm... full screen... (Score:1)
Or not.
Banner Ad... (Score:2)