North Korea's School For Hackers? 386
Makoto writes "How do you launch a cyber-war with no IP infrastructure? South Korea claims that North Korea is training about 100 "cybersoldiers" per year in electronic warfighting tools and techniques, including writing viruses and hacking. But according to a story at Wired News, North Korea can barely keep its electrical grid up - not to mention feed its people. Even the Pentagon says North Korea's hacker academy is probably just propaganda by South Korea."
Or maybe it's true (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:3, Funny)
Message from DPRK Hacker! (Score:2)
No, if they did we wouldn't have electricity, or heat, or fuel, or food, or . . .
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:5, Insightful)
Who keeps all their spies in their own country anyway?
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:3, Insightful)
In addition, you underestimate the value of propaganda. Some of those guys are seriously brainwashed. Just because you can use a computer exceptionally well doesn't mean that you have a lick of common sense.
Re:Or maybe it's true (Score:2)
Heh. In 'civilized' countries, spies are usually self-selected from the population that has no family of any sort.
The backwardsness is so incredibly thorough.
You don't understand...look at the evidence! (Score:2, Funny)
2) Little available food
Obviously, they [North Korea] is training its entire populous to live like geeks [top ramen noodle rations] and use the ultra-low power Via C3 platform. Why can't you see this, beallj? Their power grid is pressed to the limits because North Korea bounced a check to purchase a shit load of computers and is now in the process training everyone to fight the Matrix^H^H^H^H^H^H United States corporation. If they were using Athlon or Pentium4, they wouldn't have
Or... (Score:2)
Look at California (Score:2)
I think not!
It just shows to go ya, if you can't keep your electrical grid running, you can't have hacking!
Well, c'mon... (Score:5, Interesting)
While that's true, they've also managed to turn out atomic weapons, which is quite a bit more complicated than training someone to use nmap. So, really, a lack of a reliable national power grid and insufficiant will to feed the masses does not necessarily exclude the possibility that they're training script kiddies....
that's true. (Score:3, Informative)
It may be just for "propaganda". Propaganda is very important to them. Blocking legitimate communications, astroturfing and sabotage a
Re:that's true. (Score:4, Insightful)
Why that would be like asking the United States if there were WMD in Iraq.
Do you think Eritrea and Ethiopia joined the "coaltion of the willing" because they believed the US and felt a moral obligation to stop Saddam, or do you think maybe they just both wanted the US on their side in a border dispute, and couldn't give a shit whether the US was telling the truth about Iraq.
The point of all of this is when there is a dispute, its best to hear the account of imparital bystander than that of the people involved in the dispute.
Re:Well, c'mon... (Score:2)
Re:Well, c'mon... (Score:4, Insightful)
You've gotta love our fellow
No, I didn't mean to insult you, skyshadow (sorry if I did), but seriously, when was the last time we could trust what we hear from the media in general or the whitehouse in particular? Even South Korea now says that most likely the Noth is bluffing, and there is precisely zero conclusive intelligence results to substantiate the claim that they have any nukes. They are bluffing and trying to blackmail US and others into giving them energy (they really don't have much of a choice, BTW). It's that simple.
Also consider that according to intelligence, N Korea possibly has enough radioactive material for a bomb. No proof of the existence of the bomb itself though. No word of whether they have sufficient expertise to build one. If you consider that we have an 'undeniable' proof that Iraq has chemical, biological and possibly nuclear weapons, and we haven't found squat there yet, I wouldn't be very convinced that allegations about Korea are anywhere close to truth at all. After all, if we can't find evidence to back up the 'undeniable proof', what are the chances of finding evidence to support the 'possibility'?
And claiming that they were preparing hackers for 20 years... Give me a break! If 20 years ago we knew what computers would become now, chances are everyone would've given much thought to such things as security, Y2K problems, etc, and we wouldn't be seeing a few dozen new M$ holes a week. I doubt any country, including (and especially) N.Korea could've had that much foresight. US didn't see that; Europe didn't; N.Korea did. They must have a really good magic 8-ball or something!
It's very easy to declare someone you don't like a terrorist, an axis of evil, and blame them for all possible sins while attaching every negative label available. Especially when no proof of such allegations is necessary, or even expected. While I don't know much about N.Korea in particular (besides that they aren't the nicest guys on the block), I am very sceptical that any of the allegations made can stick to them. The only reason why these allegations aren't seen as totally bogus is that it's not in their best interests to refute them. They want to look scarier than they really are so they can blackmail others into giving them what they need (in this case energy, whether in petroleum from US or otherwise). And all that cyber-terrorism crap is nothing more than a FUD that is a result of someone's sick imagination.
IP connectivity (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Well, c'mon... (Score:5, Interesting)
Except for the fact that -- unlike Iraq,which did it's best to prove that it didn't have any -- North Korea admits to having them. This is also confirmed (to some extent) by US intelligence.
Consider also: The US is pussey-footing around N. Korea.
Re:Well, c'mon... (Score:2)
North Korea admits to having [nuclear weapons].
I take it you arn't a Poker player....
Re:Well, c'mon... (Score:4, Interesting)
North Korea fired a test missile that landed in Alaska. [hankooki.com] How did Iraq's alleged WMDs become our top priority?
Simple, Iraq is in a hotspot (Oil, proximity to Saudis and Israelis), and N. Korea would remind the public of the horrors of Vietnam. Which invading president would you vote for?
Re:Well, c'mon... (Score:5, Informative)
Hmm...Practice (Score:5, Funny)
Come and get me Script Kiddies! My IP address is
Re:Hmm...Practice (Score:2)
Re:Hmm...Practice (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hmm...Practice (Score:5, Funny)
Hah! I just scanned and all your ports are open, prepare for the system halt of your li+++ATH NO CARRIER
Re:Hmm...Practice (Score:2)
That's so 1993. I think you meant...
Hah! I just scanned and all your ports are open, prepare for the system halt of your liConnection closed by foreign host
Re:Hmm...Practice (Score:2, Funny)
No, just checked - is still up, and all ports are still open. Nuking again!
Re:Hmm...Practice (Score:2)
Quoted from... (Score:2, Informative)
Good for them. (Score:3, Funny)
So what do you think? Can government-spondored hacking (I really hate the "cracking" euphemism, sorry) be considered an act of war?
A pattern ? (Score:2)
Thank you Slashdot !
Re:A pattern ? (Score:2)
Uses (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:MOD PARENT UP (Score:2)
Trust noone (Score:3, Interesting)
Spam Training (Score:5, Funny)
Why Not? (Score:4, Insightful)
In other news... we still have not found any weapons of mass destruction In Iraq despite our government telling us that they there.
Even if they do have a hacker school, so what? Like we here in the states do not teach a subset of our military these skills. Hacking is cheap and easy way of causing a lot of damage. It's a smart thing for them to try.
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
Re:Why Not? (Score:2, Informative)
Why would this matter, to you or to anyone else? Whether or not Hussein was able to successfully build stuff to kill us, he was still able to kill his own people, and we put a stop to that.
Do you think that it really doesn't matter what the wogs do to each other? I think that the people there are human, and it would have been terribly inhumane to leave them to suffer from Hussein and the Baathists.
There were three entirely adequa
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
If the USA was going in there to liberate the Iraqis from the start, then that should be the reason given from the start... not to find and destroy "weapons of mass distruction".
The fruit should have been called a lemon all along, instead of an orange just because it is sweeter... the handling of the affair by the american government is a disgrace and an offence to its citizens and residents.
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
The cops kicked down the door, thinking the guy inside the house was a serial killer they were looking for. No, it turns out he's not - but it also turns out he had slaughtered his 3 kids and wife.
I think we can still call the bust a success even if we didn't catch the exact guy we were looking for.
Re:Why Not? (Score:5, Interesting)
When do we start?
Sudan - watch out! Burundi - take that! Zimbabwe - you're next!
Re:Why Not? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
Would you feel as justified if someone attacked us on those grounds?
I have zero problem with military action in the national interest (i.e. get them before they get us), but let's not get a nosebleed from that highhorse when the US is by far the most militarily dangerous country in the world.
(as a side no
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
Legal means nothing between nations. Law implies a higher power, and there is no such thing (that all the nations will recognize, all the time).
We (America) have, are, and will build offensive weapons to use on whoever we deem a significant threat.
Yep. A reasonable person might say that the government of Iraq (and now N korea) were building WMD because we are a very real threat to them. Not because we
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
That said, it is our duty as citizens of a 'free' country to keep an eye on the government. I love the relative freedom I have, but that doesn't mean I'll fall in line with the 'party line', y'know?
Again, if the govt made the honesty assertion that 'we're attacking threats' instead of 'we're spreading democracy', etc. I'd have a lot more respect.
When heard Rumsfeld (I think) asserting that 'we're not trying to enforce our way of life... we just want
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
Legal means nothing between nations. Law implies a higher power, and there is no such thing (that all the nations will recognize, all the time).
There is this thing called the UN. And yes, they have laws for this kind of thing. Even if nations aren't abiding them all the time, most nations have agreed to them. By your logic, there is no such thing as law at all, since all the people in a nation aren't abiding all the laws all the time. Enforcement got nothing to do with the laws themselves.
[Lot's of jing
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
I did. That's why I say that so confidently.
Re:Why Not? (Score:2, Interesting)
Thanks for weighing in on that. I was waiting for a patriot to clear that up for me.
Quothagain: 1) Its government appeared to be trying to build weapons which it could use against us, and would surely have used them against us if it could.
I don't know about you, but somewhere around the 10th grade I learned about the difference between appearance and reality. If you lack recour
It matters that GWB lied about it (Score:5, Interesting)
Because GWB and his hawks claimed that they knew Iraq had WMD, and led their nation to war on that ground. It seems clear that was a lie.
This wasn't any little white lie either, tens of thousands of people were killed as a result of it.
Re:It matters that GWB lied about it (Score:3, Funny)
I would have thought it was obvious Bush was lying when he was talking about WMD's, seeing as how he's a politician and his lips were moving and all.
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
Finally, we're fixing some old mistakes. Better late than never!
Maybe it'll be the government of Germany. We put'em there, about 50 years ago, and it begins to look as though they've gone sour. With France as an ally, they wouldn't stand a chance.
Seriously, I'd push for Syria, since we're on a roll in the region, but Saudi Arabia or N. Korea (notice how
Re:Why Not? (Score:5, Interesting)
They're trying to make nuclear weapons, and they have the resources necessary to do so, but they haven't yet demonstrated any success.
Re:Why Not? (Score:2, Funny)
Anybody have a troll to English dictionary on them?
I wonder why this is insightful ? (Score:2)
Re:Why Not? (Score:2)
You're right about the point I missed:
My point was the following:
Regarding any topic, our government is not always knowledgeable nor honest.
I think that it's pretty sad that with the unassailable reasons which I listed above, our government focused on the WMD, which might have been the least plausible and certainly the most tendentious. Having focused everyone's attentions there, our government shouldn't be surprised that th
I wanna go to hacker academy (Score:5, Funny)
Military vs. Civilian (Score:5, Interesting)
There was a very interesting documentary special on Cinemax last month about a visit to North Korea. Sounds like quite a surreal place.
Re:Military vs. Civilian (Score:5, Interesting)
This article [csmonitor.com] tells the story of a defector who had served in the North Korean army. Their barracks didn't have electricity, so they tapped into a nearby electrified railway. They got eggs on only holidays and meat only on Kim's birthday.
All that, of course, is a huge step above what the rest of the people have to endure. In this article [ucla.edu] a prison camp survivor talks about picking the corn out of cow dung.
why would the infra in Korea bother a hacker ? (Score:4, Interesting)
Pentagon not always right (Score:5, Interesting)
They've shown a high-level of professionalism when it comes in infiltrating the South and they did pull off the siezure of the USS Pueblo.
Sure the country's electrical grid is dodgy, but so was Israel and Jordan's until the late 80s. The DPRK military doesn't usually have the same electricity or food supply problems that the rest of the country has.
I'd not listen to everything the RoK says, but don't discount them as far as the Pentagon might*. The RoK is heavily infiltrated by the DPRK and I'm sure thier "cyberwar" planning would have agents in the South kick it off from that broadband rich area.
"The KPA (Korean People's Army) is still predominantly an analog and vacuum-tube force," said Alexandre Mansourov, a professor at the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. "We tend to overestimate the level of information-technology expertise in the North Korean military, and South Korea is especially guilty of this."
That might be true for the majority of thier systems, but the DPRK has been buying modern SAMs ECM, Navigation and other systems from the FSR and China. Some of the more elite units in thier vast special forces have at least Gen 2-3 Night Vision and GPS recievers.
* - I've not read either link yet.
Re:Pentagon not always right (Score:2, Funny)
N Korea (Score:4, Funny)
not the first time... (Score:2)
Let us not forget that North Korea has also had enough time and money to make atomic bombs... that is quite a few food stamps spent on R&D.
This does not shock me (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think any other problems North Korea may have has any bearing on whether or not they have high-tech hacking schools. I work for a large multinational and am repsonsible for IT in all areas outside US and Europe and the bushmen with bamboo computers and blow-guns myth is precisely that. Goddam Nigeria buys Pentium 4's, you think North Korea still uses vacuum tubes as the article laughingly asserts? Hell, India is considered one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, have nuclear weapons and a space programme, but have barely 50% literacy [censusindia.net]. North Korea builds 8-lane highways that go virtually unused for future growth, don't think they don't have the resources and bright minds to throw at a military problem they think is pressing. I'm not saying the school is real, I really wouldn't know, but don't subscribe to the myth that everyone else in the world is using Lite-Brite instead of notebooks...
Do as I say... (Score:3, Interesting)
Seems to me this is very similar to the nuclear situation with north korea. At the same time the pentagon is pressing for new research [nytimes.com] in nuclear weopons they're pressing Iran and North Korea to cease they efforts.
I can see it now... (Score:2)
Koreandude: Hehehe... head-shot
AmericanPl8r: Dude, you haxor, cheater!
KoreanDude: You calling me a cheater?
AmericanPl8r: Yeah. You suck. Cheating hacker.
KoreanDude: You want to see sum real hackin?
AmericanPl8r: ?? Brb, I smell something bur..[NO CARRIER]
Yeah... as if we aren't seeing enough overseas hacking in games, etc as it is... now they're being trained for more serious stuff? Luckily, Canada is already producing a counterforce [slashdot.org]
Real Purpose (Score:5, Insightful)
While it may be difficult to get into large systems here in the United States and do a lot of damage, it it much easier to install backdoors and logging programs.
One large threat to the North Korean government is its own people. Knowing what these people are reading and saying online is a great step in repressing rebellion.
War on Morons (Score:2)
Viruses/Worms run Rampant on Windows machines.
Win2k Server becomes an easy target
Microsoft Stock plummets.
The Geeks inherit the earth.
Someone had to say it (Score:2)
S Korea captain: We get signal - main screen turn on!
N Korea : Hello, how are you gentlemen. All your base are belong to us.
-What you say?
-You have no chance to survive, make your time... ha ha ha
Re:Someone had to say it (Score:2)
Re:Someone had to say it (Score:2)
The links in the FAQ however now point to p0rn.
Here's the famous shockwave and song. [martnet.com]
North Korean developers are better? (Score:2, Funny)
Sure, but they probably shoot the developers in the head execution-style if they don't turn out a certain number of lines of code per hour. I'd say that's an incentive to perform. No North Korean coders wasting time on Slashdot, that's for sure.
and... (Score:2)
There are only two countries currently positioned to take advantage of this new low cost resource... South Korea and China.
The cheabols (large domestic corporations) in South Korea have been positioned to take advantage of the resources in the North for at least the l
Just 1 question? (Score:2)
A good degree from a competant comp-sci school and you could probably do a lot more damage.
Actually, North Korea has that and more... (Score:3, Funny)
North Korea has advanced tech weapons... (Score:2)
Who will win in a fight? (Score:2)
Of course, I use BeOS, so I am immune from all attacks except the dreaded, "Lack of Developers" attack. *Shiver*
Command and Conquer: Generals (Score:2)
If there isn't a mod out there to change the Chinese over to the North Koreans, there should be.
You want to learn about hacking (from Koreans)? (Score:2)
I tell you I've learnt so much about (*nix) security from this it's not funny.
(The site [hackerslab.org] is so comprensive it also support other language options: Korean, Chinese and Japanese)
ps: See you on level 17 and on the "Hall of Fame" [hackerslab.org]
asymetrical warfare (Score:2, Insightful)
It is also far more difficult to wage war against the US, since North Korea's fleet wouldn't stand a chance against Aircraft carriers. So they would not be able to reach the American coast with enough forces to conquer the territory of the US. Considering the overwhelming force
Re:asymetrical warfare (Score:2)
Propaganda, by who? (Score:2, Insightful)
Ignore the man behind the curtains (Score:2)
And some U.S. defense experts accuse South Korea of hyping the cyber threat posed by its northern neighbor, which they claim is incapable of seriously disrupting the U.S. military.
Excuse me?? We're talking warships running (or not [slashdot.org]) on NT.
That's like me trying to convince you that you can't outrun my Hyundai because I've got a turbo-charger in it.
North Korea - a picture is worth a thousand words (Score:5, Interesting)
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I think this picture [nasa.gov] says more about North Korea than any article ever could. It's a Nasa compsite image of the Earth At Night. It shows man-made light levels. It beautifully visualizes a combination of population density and "development".
For anyone weak in geography, look at the top and all the way to the right. The bright snake shape is Japan. Go to the bottom-left of the snake and look up-left a smidgen. That bright squarish area is South Korea. It looks like South Korea is an island floating in the sea, but it isn't. North Korea is directly above South Korea. North Korea is a big black hole. If you look carefully you can see a single white dot directly above the top left corner of South Korea. That dot is the capital of North Korea.
That black hole of a country has the world's THIRD LARGEST ARMY and they want to build NUKES. They are diverting their entire economy (what little there is of it) to supporting that army and building weapons. The North Korean government is incredibly isolationist and paranoid. They claim various international organizations are "conspiring" against them. They make no secret of the fact that they want/plan to "liberate" South Korea.
North Korea is like some homeless guy who doesn't have any shoes or food because he spends all his money hoarding knives and bullets. His brother happily lives in a nice house with his wife and kids, and this guy wants to invade that house on a "liberation mission". To top it off, this guy actually has a nuclear reactor to build a nukes with.
Anyway, another facinating thing to look for on the map is the Nile River. It on the top right of Africa. It's a very thin bright line with a kink in it. Each bank of the river is densely populated and well developed, but beyond that it is pitch black and empty.
Re:North Korea - a picture is worth a thousand wor (Score:3, Informative)
That black hole of a country
On that map North Korea is in fact a "black hole". It looks like ocean. The United states is by far the brightest region, with "the whole of euorpe" coming in a close second.
You are demonstrating pure ignorance.
Even if it's true, how important is it? (Score:5, Insightful)
And that's just the hobbyists. We aren't even addressing the ones who do it for money.
So why hasn't computing crashed and burned forever under the weight of all of these? It's because, in our sloppy suboptimal way, we have learned to respond. The procedures for identifying a new attack or vulnerability aren't great. But they are good enough. Our collective immune system responds.
If North Korea is training 100 l33t hax0rs a year it's a drop in the slop bucket of pros and amateurs already out there doing harm.
If the numbers aren't that impressive, then how about the kinds of attacks they can do? My suspicion is that it isn't nearly as bad as it seems at first glance. This is North Korea we are talking about. There aren't that many people who have grown up living and breathing OS source code. Of the few really skilled people they have many (most? all?) are probably needed in other capacities making them unavailable to write the next Big Worm.
And how good will they be? Creativity, the free play of ideas, and the ability to see things from a different perspective - all of which are important to being a really good code monkey let alone a world class security breaker - are capital crimes in North Korea. Praising the Great Leader and lock-step conformity don't cut it when you are trying to come up with the unexpected and the truly creative.
So even if it's not pure propaganda from Seoul I'm not all that worried.
So they can cheat in games. (Score:3, Insightful)
More believeable than you think... (Score:3, Insightful)
In 1996, North Korea sent well-trained and well-armed infiltration agents into South Korea on an information-gathering mission and if it hadn't been for one sharp-eyed cabdriver, we might never have known that it had even happened.
With leadership resembling a Stalinist 'cult of personality' possessing total information control at its disposal, the North Korean government can create and has created effective personel resources in areas pertaining to espionage and infiltration. This well-documented fact makes the idea of North Korea's running a military 'cyberacademy' a lot more credible than the Iraq-obsessed U.S. Government which has a stake in playing down a North Korean threat would have you believe.
Two incidents show go far to prove this:
The first is the aforementioned infiltration of Nouth Korean reconnaisance troops by submarine.
After the infiltrator's accidental discovery, they were hunted down by south Korean Military and police units. After a series of bloody firefights, rather than face capture some of the infiltrators and submarine crew were shot to death by their own officers.
Here is a link to the story. http://www.koreascope.org/english/sub/2/nk10_7.ht
The second is the discovery after thirty years, that North Korea sent agents into Japan to kidnap individuals to serve as tutors in masquerading as Japanese nationals for the North Korean intelligence services. These people, among others, were flown to Japan for a brief reunion after decades of captivity during which their families had long since given them up for dead.
North Korea may have a very low GNP by western standards, but it is an industrialized nation and the ability of its government to divert resources from one segment of society to another certainly lends strong credence to the threat described in the article.
Re:Training (Score:4, Insightful)
So you're saying it's tougher to be a script kiddie than it is to, say, fly a commercial airliner?
You can teach anybody just about anything, and given a large enough population of people you can even find those who are naturally good at certain things to begin with. Or maybe you don't think that smart people would ever be opposed to America and its allies?
Re:Training (Score:2)
same thing.
Re:Training (Score:2)
And suicide bombers of today are muslim/arab. All of them (or a majority substantial enough to be significant). Deal with it. They tend to have dark skin, believe in allah and live in poor, theocratic countries located in the middle east. Nothing racist about pointing out the obvious, even if you'd rather not hear it. Oh my god, di
Re:Training (Score:2)
If I told you your family was being held captive by a suicide bomber and the only way they'll be set free is if you can guess whether the bomber is muslim or not (yes or no)... you're telling me there's a pretty good chance it's a member of the LTTE? Bullshit. You're the one blinded by political correctness. More people named mohammad have blown themselves up in the past 6 months than members of the LTTE throughout its entire existe
Re:Loyalty (Score:2)
Re:Training (Score:5, Interesting)
The goal of such hackers isn't to create kewl programs, but to find clever tricks that waste the resources of others; so working at the fundamental machine level might give you an in. Sometimes having obstacles to overcome helps you acheive your goal. My experience is that people who learned to code on slower machines write tighter, more efficient code.
Of course, most of the security holes the hackers discover have probably been patched, but the fact that you have older equipment doesn't necessarily mean your training is worse.
Re:Training (Score:3, Informative)
The 486 was only the latest intel chip for 3 years: 1991-1993. If you are 15 now in 2003, this means you were 3 to 5 years old at the time.
There is a difference between learning how to USE a computer and learning how to "hack".
Re:So what? (Score:3, Insightful)
Huh? Perhaps I'm compleatly off base here, but when has the US used Nuclear weapons against defensless countries on a regular basis? We've used them twice, against a country we were at war with, over 50 years ago. I would hardly consider that 'regular' useage, and I would har
Re:I needed a good laugh... (Score:2)
Re:The immorality of Open Source (Score:2)
Why exactly is that I should actually be in favor of supporting democracy over another system of government... I certainly haven't seen any evidence that our government is less corrupt than any other, actually all I've seen is t