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Taiwan Asks Microsoft To Open Windows Source 473

Andy Tai writes "According to this China Times article (in Chinese), the Republic of China government has asked Microsoft to open Windows source code. The official, Lin Jua-Cheng, in charge of the 'e-government' initiative, says many other countries have also sent similar requests to Microsoft. Lin explains that without Windows source code, the government cannot add custom firewall functionalities to Windows based systems in wide use, and that is very bad for the information security of Taiwan. Microsoft refused to publicly release the source in the past using reasons of copyright protection, but Lin emphasizes this request is reasonable since it is based on (government users') necessity." Read on for a bit more, too. (Can anyone suggest an online Chinese English translation engine that produces other than gibberish?)
Andy continues "Lin points out that GNU/Linux systems, because of their freeness and high security (due to the availability of the source code, which can be modified to add firewalls and other security measures), have become widely used in government computer systems (especially in militaries and intelligence agencies) of many nations and the Pentagon, the FAA, and the air force of the U.S. Lin says the government cannot rely on a single vendor, and to promote the alternatives, the government has set up a 'Free (libre) Software Steering Committee' directing government efforts. The two aims of the ROC government's current software policy is making Windows source code openly available and the development of Free (libre) Software in Taiwan."
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Taiwan Asks Microsoft To Open Windows Source

Comments Filter:
  • Okay (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    , the government cannot add custom firewall functionalities to Windows based systems in wide use, and that is very bad for the information security of Taiwan.

    Sure, because I need to look at the windows source to know that I need to enable HTTP to this server, SMTP to that server, etc etc.
    • Re:Okay (Score:3, Insightful)

      by klocwerk ( 48514 )
      I think that the kind of custom firewall they want to implement has more to do with blocking access to certain sites than routing traffic.
    • Re:Okay (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Havokmon ( 89874 )
      Sure, because I need to look at the windows source to know that I need to enable HTTP to this server, SMTP to that server, etc etc.

      Nobody ever said there was a deep understanding underlying political motivation. :)

  • by Verteiron ( 224042 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:51PM (#4670401) Homepage
    ... I think I'm going to have to say "fat chance". I don't believe that MS will reverse its stance on security-through-obscurity... not even at the request of a nation.
    • Oh, sure. Well, sort of. Microsoft will probably work with select
      partners to ensure that this need is met within a trusted computing
      architecture via the shared source initiative, or somesuch. (When
      translated into English, this rougly means they'll allow half a
      dozen NDA-bound persons from the government in question to peek for
      a couple of minutes at copies of what they claim is the requested
      source code, with strict provisions in place to ensure no useful
      information ever comes of it to anyone. The government of Taiwan
      will be pacified by this just enough that nothing more interesting
      will come of the matter.)
    • by Micah ( 278 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:56PM (#4671161) Homepage Journal
      Actually I think there's a reasonably possibility that Windows will eventually be open sourced, but ONLY IF it becomes apparent that Linux has a serious chance of taking over the desktop market (and I am personally 100% convinced that will happen; it's just a matter of how long it will take).

      Once that happens, Microsoft will pretty much HAVE to Open Source Windows to have a chance. Everyone will realize the benefits of OSS and they won't want to lock themselves into a proprietary platform.

      If/when Windows becomes OSS, I may or may not endorse using it. At that point I'll judge it vs. Linux technically.
      • Once that happens, Microsoft will pretty much HAVE to Open Source Windows to have a chance. Everyone will realize the benefits of OSS and they won't want to lock themselves into a proprietary platform.

        You're assuming that the users would judge the OSS factor in their decision in choosing bewteen Linux and Windows. I doubt that, for 90% of people, the source being OSS would even enter into the choice. People decide on their OS by the price, availability of software, hardware requirements, and what their friends/clients use. If Linux does make a serious challenge to Windows then MSFT are much more likely to just try to compete on these factors rather than the ethics of software engineering. They may well make Windows free, but thats certainly not the same thing as OSS.
    • ... I think I'm going to have to say "fat chance". I don't believe that MS will reverse its stance on security-through-obscurity... not even at the request of a nation.

      At least they're taking the first small step. At least they're politely asking for the source code, which is more than any other country has tried.
  • Also (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:51PM (#4670406)
    See here [] for more discussion.
  • Uh...duh? (Score:4, Funny)

    by MikeyLove ( 546652 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:52PM (#4670420) Homepage
    It isn't surprising to me that Microsoft won't open the source. I've even asked them a few times, and they just won't budge!
  • by bmajik ( 96670 ) <> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:53PM (#4670437) Homepage Journal
    I am highly dubious that the person quoted here is smart enough to write any kind of a firewall, much less a ruleset for linux or Windows. ... which is all secondary to the point i am going to make:

    In W2k and later, the entire network stack is completely pluggable. You can insert any layer you want to that sits between NDIS and a protocol driver, and you can create other layers as required. I'd be very surprised if they couldn't do everything required with windows exactly as it sits today.

    I think this is just making political noise, and not based on any shred of technical accuracy.

    • I know McAfee Firewall, for example, is a network driver/snapin.
    • by Spock the Vulcan ( 196989 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:03PM (#4670556)
      Sure, you can insert whatever layer you want in the network stack, but the point here is, how can you trust the rest of the stack if you don't know what's in it? How can a government/organization/individual be sure that Microsoft didn't put in backdoors into their software?
      • so, you compile your compiler from source, right and build everything from scratch?

        cuz thats the only way to be sure.
        • by 3-State Bit ( 225583 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:33PM (#4670909)
          so, you compile your compiler from source, right and build everything from scratch?

          wrong. you compile everything from source BY HAND.
          The first FORTRAN compiler was written in FORTRAN and hand. Of course, without any optimizations. A very un-optimized and bulky and messy FORTRAN compiler now existed, and it was used to compile a clean version of itself from the source the reasearchers usd to create it. So you see, the first FORTRAN compiler was really a person. (This is taken from slashdot comments from awhile ago.)

          More famously, there was a version of a very popular C compiler that would put in a back-door whenever it noticed itself compiling a common bit of Unix login code, so that the author could use a certain password and get in on any system running a unix compiled with that compiler. More deviously, the author also made the compiler detect when it was compiling a version of itself and to add in the same code with which it itself was modified. (ie. 1, to change unix when it noticed it was compiling it, 2. to change a compiler, when it noticed it was compiling it, such that the changes make for a compiled compiler that both changed unix and detected/changed a version of itself, whenever it was asked to compile one.) In this way, the backhole remained through many versions of the comiler, since it did not appear in the source and could not be detected. Imagine if gcc 3.0 changed Linux every time it was compiling it, because it was compiled using gcc 2.x, which was compiled using gcc 1.x, which was changed in such a way as to change the gcc compiler, whenever it was compiling it.

          So changes can propagate through the executable compilers, from generation to generation, without appearing in the source. Unless you step through the compiler as it's compiling a version of unix (hairy stuff!) or of itself (even hairier!!), you'll never be any the wiser.

          Devious stuff!
          • (This is taken from slashdot comments from awhile ago.)

            So it must be true, right? ;-)

            (Relax, I'm kidding. I don't doubt what you're saying. Your citation, however, cracked me up.)

            More famously, there was a version of a very popular C compiler

            "Reflections on Trusting Trust," Communications of the ACM, August '84. Read it here [].
          • Clouded minds... (Score:5, Informative)

            by Inoshiro ( 71693 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:57PM (#4671175) Homepage
            "More famously, there was a version of a very popular C compiler that would put in a back-door whenever it noticed itself compiling a common bit of Unix login code,"

            Nope. This was a theoretical attack presented by Ken Thompson []. It was never out in the wild, to the best of anyone's knowledge.

            The point still remains that you can't trust code unless you can personally verify it at any level, because the moment you give any important code trust, the code can potentially use that as a way of subverting the entire system.
          • by Karpe ( 1147 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @03:19PM (#4671426) Homepage
            ...can be found here [].

            Pretty entertaining reading...

      • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

        by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:28PM (#4670855)
        Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • by SirSlud ( 67381 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:39PM (#4670973) Homepage
          > You have to trust someone at some point.

          Of course, but you'll find people want to trust groups of people more than one person.

          If _everybody_ is using a compiler, you can trust it. (or trust that if there is a backdoor, _everybody_ has the backdoor, so you're still on a level playing field.)

          But not _everybody_ is using windows to install custom firewalls. The trust can't come from a wide community of users, so it has to come from examining the actual construction of the product itself.

          People don't trust a company nearly as much as they trust groups of people who should have already encountered the problems youre attempting to avoid should a problem in the product exist. Since that is impossible (or at least difficult) with respect to Windows as a custom firewall platform, because of the lower visibility of use and the lesser amount of people using it in this fasion, I'd realize I had no groups of users to trust and this I'd only trust the innards of the product once I could examine them myself.
          • Uhhhh, you speak for yourself. I, the people I work with, and many, many others DO use a custom firewall in Windows. My personal choice is Tiny Personal Firewall. It installs itself in the Windows network layer as the orignal poster said. From watching traffic with sniffers and scanning it with things like nmap it is easy to confirm that it indeed is doing its job. Only trafic as per its rules gets passed.

            Tiny Software is not affiliated with MS and the product is theirs alone. Also, they aren't the only ones that have a firewall that operates like this. There is plenty of verification that Windows will not interfere with a custom firewall and has no backdoors around one (the way the network stack is built it really couldn't).

            This is a non-issue.
        • by Tungbo ( 183321 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:45PM (#4671030)
          Look. You may not balance your checkbook every month. I know I don't. I DO trust that my bank will do the arithmetic correctly most of the time.

          However, would you like to get a bank statement that just list your beginning and ending balance?

          Not me and I doubt you would accept it too.
          While I don't check the arithmetic usually, the bank knows that I CAN CHECK it any time I want. Thus, they work to make sure that there're no problems.

          Similarly, knowing that the source code is visible makes the vendor think carefully about what to put in it in the first place. And that's worth a lot.
      • you can't be sure.

        but then, you can't be sure of anyone elses software, either. The advantage of OSS in this facet has been debunked time and time again. Thousands of people that depend on sendmail, bind, tcpdump, libpcap, etc. The source is there for them to look at it. They look at it. They dont find anything because they're not looking hard enough or they're not qualified to do security analysis of software.

        Using publicly available tools you can single-step execution of the Windows operating system. You can get the names of all the symbols in the kernel. You can set kernel mode breakpoints on any peice of the network (and rpc/app) stack you want. It's not the same as having the source, but you can isolate exactly what the OS is doing at any time if you want to. And you can just disassemble the body of any function you like, once you've isolated it (which is easy, since Microsoft publishes full symbol information).

        An experiment i did in about 30 minutes of poking around (im a novice at kernel debugging) had me to a point where i could make a machine drop to a kernel mode debugger when someone connected to a SMB share on that machine. I could then examine the file they were looking at, what operation they were trying to do, etc etc.

        Naturally, this can all be automated. You could write a _kernel mode_ SMB debugger if you wanted to, and were worried about the CIFS implementation.

        I'm not even sure if debugging tools like that for linux _even exist_.

        And it's a moot point anyway. The overwhelming majority of people that think source availability is the difference between secure and insecure software aren't qualified to look at the source of either side, much less make objective measurements of the security/correctness aspects of the code in question.

    • You're correct -- this is total bullshit. In fact, I think NDIS intermediate drivers have been around for longer than win2k.

      Having said that, they're a pain in the ass to write. There's quite a dearth of information on this type of driver, which means you have to rely a lot on MS sample code -- never a good thing IMHO. I'm not sure how having the source would remedy that, though.

      There's also some kind of IP stack hook independent of MS made specifically for this type of thing. Last I checked, though, it could only be hooked by a single caller.

  • by bsharitt ( 580506 ) <{bridget} {at} {}> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:54PM (#4670444) Journal
    I guess the obvious answer would be to use something other that Windows. I hear this Finnish kid is working on something.

  • translation (Score:2, Interesting)

    Open Sherlock 3 under Mac OS X 10.2.

    Click once on the Translation channel in the Toolbar.

    Copy and paste the Chinese text within the top half and make sure you have the "Chinese (Simplified) to English" filter selected.

    Then click the Translate button.
  • Lame (Score:5, Interesting)

    by PtM2300 ( 546277 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:55PM (#4670456)
    If you ask me, this request is quite lame. Microsoft has created a product, and the government of China can use it if they so desire. If they need it to create a firewall-type software package for their machines, why not ask Microsoft to create that instead? Something just seems overly fishy here. Besides, an external firewall would most likely provide better control and better performance for all users.
    • Re:Lame (Score:5, Insightful)

      by SirSlud ( 67381 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:25PM (#4670813) Homepage
      > why not ask Microsoft to create that instead?

      You're right. And instead of the Army servicing their own F14s, the hoods should be locked shut, and they should outsource all their service and development to Kinkos. And police shouldn't be allowed to tamper with their bullet proof vests to confirm that there really is kevlar in them. They should just trust the company that made it for them.

      Am I the only person who understands that software companies build software .. this isn't like some magic voodoo cult. They're just building something. Why shouldn't I be able to actually confirm that what I bought is what I'm getting, and why shouldn't I be able to customize that product I just bought? Why the hell should I be forced into forking over more cash when I can just do the goddamn work myself.

      The gall people have. When folks bitch about the government wasting money, your proposal is the PERFECT example of wasting money. Why waste the money when you can do it in house? WHY, GOD, WHY?

      WHY do we support the abject protection of intellectual 'property' in order to keep the market functioning when that goal of protection can be used to tamper with market forces? Think about it; a market isn't just somewhere where you can get what you want. Its important that you have the option _not_ to be forced to go back into the market when you can just do the work yourself.
      • by Inoshiro ( 71693 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @03:10PM (#4671336) Homepage
        "Why the hell should I be forced into forking over more cash when I can just do the goddamn work myself."

        This breaks your entire rant right there. If you were getting more value for doing the work yourself, you would've already chosen that path. By saying that the money spent is a smaller cost than the personal time needed to master the concepts and develop the software, you are making an economic decision. The type that drives forward the economy. Why eat out when you can cook at home? Why buy carrots from a store when you can grow them yourself?

        You have to specialize at some point, otherwise you'll end up being a person who is ok or decent at many menial tasks, while not really enjoying the benefits modern society has to offer. If you're whinning about how expensive something is when you can do it yourself, you're only trying to distract us from the fact that you haven't done it yourself! Actions do speak louder than whines.

        Before you whine about trust, you should understand the economic underpinnings of these decisions. Since software is digital, the cost is all in the creation phase. You should tell your government to look in to escrow software development. Have a fixed dollar value attached to projects + the condition that it be GPLed upon release, then drum up the funding for it. Some company wanting to make money will invest time in it to reap the money returns, and the government gets software that it can again set contracts on ("we now need to to collate documents. We'll give $4,000 to anyone who gives us this feature").

        You could take the alternate route that customers enter in to a limited-trust scenario. Complete access to source code, provided they do not provide it to anyone else. This lets clients pick over everything, while keeping the accountability that would allow a traditional software company to continue to sell the software + support to other people until the escrow method becomes more popular.

        If today's software companies were to just give away everything as you state, they'd die. When you develop some great algorithm that suites a problem, you've done the work. When someone else comes along and copies it, you have no way of recouping the cost of the work because the copy cost is 0. Without some sort of escrowed payment system and trusted-client relationship for these innovations, software development would mostly grind to a halt.
    • One more thing; had it been illegal to disassemble competitors' physical products (ie, not actually TAKE the ideas, but see what they are doing and how their product is designed and assembled), we'd have tossed 20 years of technological progress out the door. Technology would way furthur behind without the ability to do anything you like to a product you purchase because thats one less way for scientists and engineers to share ideas or be inspired by ideas or improve upon ideas.
    • I agree with you Pt, but I don't think it is overly fishy. It could be as simple as an implied threat to discontinue purchasing from MS, who will in turn have to consider how much revenue they will lose.

  • Will this mean... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by BeBoxer ( 14448 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:55PM (#4670459)
    If Microsoft actually goes along with this, will it mean that I'll be able to buy a CD-ROM of the Windows source code for $0.99 or whatever on the streets of China? Probably. Which makes me think that Microsoft isn't ever going to go along with this.
  • I'm surprised they even bothered asking. What motivation does MS have to disclose their source code? None. Why take the risk of leaks to the general public? Why take the risk of even more lawsuits (this time with definitive proof that code was stolen) from angry competitors?

    Maybe a long time from now all software will be open source and the world will be a better place but until that happens, MS has too much to lose and nothing to gain from this.

  • Let them eat SH[ared Source]IT.
  • We could see cheap Taiwanese copies of Microsoft software on the black market fo... oh, wait. We can already?

    We could investigate and fix bugs in... Wait, you mean Microsoft -really- intends to kill all the bugs in the code?

    But we... Oh, I knew you were just joking about the bugs too. Really, I did.

    I don't really want Windows to go open source. I -really- don't want it to go restricted source, because they'd use that as a weapon against Free Software like you wouldn't believe.

    "The Samba team looked at the Windows XP source code and took components, putting them into the Samba tree."

    "No we didn't."

    "Yes you did, look here. See this contribution from X? He plead with us for immunity so we can bust your asses."

    "But he works for Microsoft, according to..."

    Behold, the power of plants.
  • by aussersterne ( 212916 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:56PM (#4670480) Homepage
    For those going on about the Chinese spy plane incident, rampant mainland Chinese software piracy, etc...

    Taiwan is not China. Taiwan is a very urban, very modern nation which participates fairly in the world economy. Much of the technology used in America and throughout the world is manufactured in and imported from Taiwan. Though "officially" it is a Chinese province according to the US government, Taiwan and China have a very antagonistic relationship with one another -- Taiwan wants independence from China and is basically already fully independent in every way except in name. China considers Taiwan to be a 'rogue capitalist province' and the two governments hate one another (going back to the battles between the Chinese nationalists and communists early in the 20th century).

    In fact, the US (if I understand correctly) has a very unusual agreement with Taiwan to jump to their defense if they should ever be invaded by China, even though at the same time the US also officially supports the "one China policy."

    It is entirely possible that Taiwan wants to enhance its information security to protect itself from mainland China.
  • Lin explains that without Windows source code, the government cannot add custom firewall functionalities to Windows based systems in wide use
    Sure they can! Have 'em switch to Windows 2000 Server on the desktop and load up ISA []. All their problems will be solved with $2500 per seat in licenses! </microsoft>

    I don't know about you, but I rather like iptables.
  • TW: You will open your source!

    MS: Ha ha! We refuse!

    TW: Than you bring great dishonor upon yourself!

    MS: Ha ha! We care not for honor!

    TW: You leave us no choice! We will switch to Open Source!

    MS: Ha ha! See our secretly built navy and missile launchers? We scare even the Great Dragon itself!

    TW: We make the world's motherboards! We can defeat you!

    MS: Just try!

  • Built-In Firewall (Score:2, Informative)

    by _bug_ ( 112702 )
    Windows 2000 has built-in support for IPSec and the ability to filter port. It's similar in function to personal firewalls except it might be a bit more difficult to configure properly.

    I don't think MS would see this as a valid reason to open it's Windows source up. I'm guessing instead they'll simply tell Taiwan to go by XP which has similar functionality.
    • It all comes down to whether the ROC trusts MS's implementation. You may write a filter that is wonderful, but you always have the possibility that someone comes in through another route.

      The provided filter with RAS sucks and is not stateful so you *must* write your own (the interfaces are documented). The XP solution only adds a prettier interface to the W2K filter (i.e., you can name protocols rather than use port numbers), but it isn't stateful either.

  • by mao che minh ( 611166 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:58PM (#4670500) Journal
    I want to know what other governments (as mentioned in the post) have submitted similar requests to Microsoft. I would imagine that this can't be an all too uncommon occurence when it comes to Microsoft. Afterall, this is a very legitimate concern for all governments (and it should also be a point of interest for all businesses that handle sensitive data).

    Microsoft products should never have been chosen for government implementation to begin with.

  • Translation (Score:4, Funny)

    by tmark ( 230091 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @01:59PM (#4670504)
    (Can anyone suggest an online Chinese English translation engine that produces other than gibberish?)

    Here's a translation:

    - We would like Microsoft to open the source code for Windows.
    - We would also like the drug companies to develop a cure for cancer in the next year or so
    - It would be ideal if the Israelis and Palestinians could come to some sort of agreement
    - We propose that all record companies make their content available for free, so that all consumers who like the songs will send in a reasonable payment for each song, while consumers who don't like the song will delete it.

    All completely reasonable propositions !
  • Quick China Note (Score:4, Informative)

    by TellarHK ( 159748 ) <tellarhk@hotmai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:00PM (#4670519) Homepage Journal
    Remember, folks. Taiwan is the Republic of China (ROC) and mainland China is the People's Republic of China (PRC).

    This is dealing with the ROC, not the PRC. The PRC claims the ROC is a renegade province, the ROC is just sitting back with the US covering its ass waiting to be able to truly flip the PRC off.
    • This is dealing with the ROC, not the PRC. The PRC claims the ROC is a renegade province, the ROC is just sitting back with the US covering its ass waiting to be able to truly flip the PRC off.
      Actually, not anymore, since the last elections, the old party line "we will take back the mainland" has been abandonned. The new plan is to become a independant country, which has angered the PRC governement a lot (even more that the invasion stance) the idea that China is not one cannot be tolerated...
  • I don't see the argument that Taiwan needs Microsoft to publicly open the Windows' source code so that Taiwan may add custom firewall software.

    Why can't Taiwan privately contract with Microsoft to add such capabilities? Does Taiwan seriously want to use Windows for it's most secure information, and therefore need to know all the internals to Windows? And to release the details to the masses? That seems a bit unrealistic.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm a big fan of open source. But this one sounds more like industry politics than a technical shortcoming.

    I say open up Window's source code in order to curb Microsoft's monopolistic stranglehold on business and individuals and government. Not to add "custom firewall software for Taiwan".
  • (Can anyone suggest an online Chinese English translation engine that produces other than gibberish?)

    I dunno. Can anyone suggest a slashdot story submission engine that produces other than gibberish?

  • Interesting news. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Dot.Com.CEO ( 624226 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:03PM (#4670560)
    First of all, China is a huge, EMERGING market. This means that most people there do not have PC, but they are starting to buy them. Microsoft cannot just say "well, yes, we would like to help you but, actually we won't".

    Secondly, China will much rather build its own version of Linux (it already has a project underway). It makes sense for them. If you are starting from scratch, you do not have the biggest problem that prohibits Linux in the office: retraining of non-IT personnel.

    Microsoft has not been the first one to feel the wrath of China. China has developed their own x86 chip and, thus, do not depend on either AMD or Intel. They, in fact, are in a position to make 100% Made in China PCs.

  • Yeah, Microsoft is going to open the source to Windows for a country that has a 98% software piracy rate. A country where the latest version of Windows will run you $5 on any street corner.


  • Nation A asks Microsoft to let it see source code, obstentatiously for development reasons, but actually because they wish to insure Nation A didn't put a back door in it, and also so they can put a back door in it themselves.

    • Nation A asks Microsoft to let it see source code, obstentatiously for development reasons, but actually because they wish to insure Nation A didn't put a back door in it, and also so they can put a back door in it themselves.

      Huh? Do you mean, "to insure Nation B didn't put a back door in it".
  • by KjetilK ( 186133 ) <(ten.omsnrejk) (ta) (litejk)> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:14PM (#4670705) Homepage Journal
    If MS opens the source, will it be Open Source?

    What does this question mean for what we understand by "Open Source"?

  • by airrage ( 514164 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:27PM (#4670845) Homepage Journal
    Honestly, I don't think the article is as straightforward as it seems. We must ask, why even ask that of Microsoft? I believe the answer is politics. Somehow, there is a struggle going on over there, dealing with which road to take technically. I think Microsoft is probably over there pitching and wooing as hard as it can, but Taiwan laid down the guantlet: open up or your out.

    I would also assume that Microsoft has its supporters in governemnt, and this official is simply trying to keep the argument on it's technical merits so as not to upset any politicos. It's framed in such a way, that it's essentially a state-security issue: if Microsoft doesn't open the code, then we are more open to [Chinese] hacking and snooping. Who can argue they're not in favor of a more secure state. Actually, very, very smart on this official's part. Played this way, it appears as though it's Microsoft's problem and not about any particular government official.

    There are probably many other culture differences that we cannot even begin to understand.
    • So you think this is an ultimatem? Open up your source or we will switch to Linux?

      I think it would be great if the end result of this was the Taiwanese government deciding to switch to Linux. The money they would save on future licenses could be better spent on furthering development of the tools that they need, if they aren't already available to them with Linux, and since the underlying code is open source, that problem is eliminated. Seems like a win-win situation for the Taiwanese government and Linux users world wide.

      I don't think this will happen though. More likely MS will do the minimum that it needs to do to keep Taiwan happy. The source code will never be open, but they may add some features or create a firewall that will fill the need. They may even end up profiting off of this. They can tell Taiwan that they will do it for Taiwan, instead of the Taiwanese government using it's own programmers whom would not be familiar with the source code. Who better to modify Windows than the people that work on Windows day in and day out?

      Maybe someone high up in the Linux community should step up and make an offer to the Taiwanese government. Maybe make them a package deal that would include training their IT people on how to properly install, configure, and maintain Linux as well as training some of them to be able to teach others how to use the new software.

  • Many government contracts out there exist with MS.

    First I (Bill) will deploy my OS in all of the countries in the world with the help of the US government, CIA, etc. then I will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

    Sort of strange that someone like Bill might have both delusions of grandure AND rule the world at the same time.
  • Hundreds of Universities and corporations already have access to the Windows source code. Taiwan just may get it too.
  • This is ridiculous (Score:4, Interesting)

    by scrytch ( 9198 ) <> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:41PM (#4670993)
    This was a publicity stunt from someone who wanted to plug Linux. There are thousands of source licensees for Windows, and I wager the government of Taiwan is one of them. Maybe this person's particular firewall project didn't get a source license -- not to mention how it didn't need one, as MS's network stack is absolutely pluggable and documented in the SDK -- but this doesn't immediately translate into a mandate for MS to give the code away and satisfy one person who could easily vote with his feet and use FreeBSD+netgraph, OpenBSD+ipf, or Linux.
  • by Capt_Troy ( 60831 ) <tfandango&yahoo,com> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:45PM (#4671023) Homepage Journal
    So the Chineese can add "Custom Firewall code" to the Windows source???

    Why don't they just buy a damn firewall and put their computers behind it? That's what the rest of the world does?

    Am I missing something?

  • ...but the actual motive here seems pretty obvious. Half the people reading this post could layer whatever kind of supercomplex, 3 megs of IP tables firewalling that the State wants into a cheap Linux box that could be placed at all the gateway points to a particular section of country.

    Filtering and control of TCP/IP doesn't require anything remotely like OS source. Right now, millions of people in Asia with their bootlegged (we hope) copies of Windows enjoy a great deal more freedom of information than they've ever had. They can share, they can organize, and keep company with people all over their continent in a fashion that should scare the socks off any but the most open of societies.

    If I wanted to regain some control of information flow in any of those countries, I would want the Windows source. I would release the State version of it for a cheap price, and I would declare anyone using the non-state approved version a subversive and a law breaker. Each time the state approved version hit a website, or made any contact with any piece of software it would ask for that software's State ID. It would report all such information at its next opportunity to State sponsored computers. In filtering this data it would become obvious where the IP addresses were in your country that were not running the State version of the OS. Filtering the logs to distinguish subversives versus 'normal' folks would be a snap.

    The only kind of filter that you can't add to Windows after the fact is one you don't want the user to be able to remove or refuse to install.

    Welcome to the Panopticon.
  • If Microsoft actually opened the source, how long until we see the Taiwanese operating system called Doors 200X or something?
  • by Moirke ( 613197 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:48PM (#4671062)
    I may be alone here, but I do not think Microsoft should open its source code. I believe if Microsoft did publicly release Windows source code, every open source project would live in fear of a lawsuit. Microsoft's would sue everyone that released anything for copyright infringement.
  • Eminent Domain (Score:3, Insightful)

    by namespan ( 225296 ) <> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @02:51PM (#4671102) Journal
    The local city government can eminent domain away property rights of a street full of homeowners to accomodate the construction of a freakin' Costco. The United States government can install puppet juntas in Latin America to prevent the spread of communism.

    Taiwan getting a looky at the the Windows source code to protect their national security from a large, powerful, local, and real communist threat seems pretty tame.
  • by nurb432 ( 527695 ) on Thursday November 14, 2002 @03:02PM (#4671243) Homepage Journal
    This way they can control content even if you get an illicit internet connection out of the country and by pass the national firewall of content..

    Interesting concept.. near total control of incoming information..

    Just add a dash of DRM to control local content.. instant 100% suppression of 'non authorized' information.
  • Maybe they just want to compile it themselves to make sure there aren't any NSA/CIA/FBI backdoors installed in it. []

  • by Bruce Perens ( 3872 ) <> on Thursday November 14, 2002 @03:27PM (#4671524) Homepage Journal
    MS might disclose its source code, as so-called "shared source". Shared source does not have the list of rights [] available for it that are included with Open Source. I think the request we are seeing is for MS to disclose its code, not for it to change its fundamental business model. There is a technical term for what is being asked for. It's called disclosed source code, not Open Source.


  • Microsoft responded to Taiwan's requests by recalling to Pearl Harbour the USS Carl Vinson and her battle group, currently in the Taiwan strait observing Chinese naval exercises. Micrsoft also suggested that further extensions of China's "most favoured nation" trade status may no longer be contingent upon Chinese non-aggression towards Taiwan.
  • by Esperandi ( 87863 ) on Friday November 15, 2002 @05:45AM (#4675878)
    Ummm... so the government of China says MS needs to open its source because it stops them from doing firewall stuff for Taiwan?

    Taiwan is a separate country not owned by China, so what the hell does China have to say about anything? The headline should be CHINA asks MS to open its source. If the guy from China actually mentioned Taiwan, he was probably talking about how China has been itching to bomb the crap out of them and take it over for decades now.


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