JPEG Committee On The Ball, Seeks Prior Art 219
Sangui5 writes: "It seems as if the JPEG Committee has noticed the recent patent fuss, and is working on the prior art angle. Good to know that even though there's a new standard, the committee is standing by their previous work."
Good! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Good! (Score:5, Informative)
The only recent time Philips has got upset with the RIAA was when they weren't sticking to the Redbook standard [slashdot.org]!
Re:Uh-oh: time running out? (Score:3, Informative)
Whether Phillips holds a patent or not is irrelevant.
The reason Phillips (rightly) got upset is because the offending companies were still using the CD-logo, which is trademarked by Phillips.
Trademarks don't expire, as long as the company that holds them continues to pay for and police them.
Jpeg (Score:1)
Re:Jpeg (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Jpeg (Score:2, Informative)
GIF isn't lossless for pictures (Score:2)
Once you've taken all of the colors out of the rainbow, you've got nothing left to lose.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2, Informative)
Gifs are lossless. Just because you can't use more than 256 colors, doesn't mean the format is lossy. And Gifs don't have an alpha channel, per se, you can just define one of the 256 colors as being completely transparent or not.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2, Informative)
GIF only appears lossy because what you're compressing with it requires more colours than it can provide. The GIF format itself uses only lossless compression.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
The dithering that takes place to reduce images with more than 256 colours is lossy. You probably don't want to use GIF for photographs, for this very reason. But the actual compression scheme is very similar to zip compression, which isn't lossy either.
Someone needs to learn the difference between compression and dithering. In fact, two of you do...
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
"Are you on crack? Take a photo, compress it via png... what are those nasty artifcats, diffusion paterns, etc, etc..."
PNG is lossless. You can run some optimizations to lessen the amount of data in it before compressing, that's where some of the compression comes in. If you run the same compression twice, you don't get a worse image.
"And what the hell are you doing compressing a photo with gif in the first place? Jpeg is meant for photos, and gif is meant for low-color pictures. When you draw line-art that has at most 256 colours, gif is lossless."
There are valid reasons to go with
That clarify things a bit?
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
That is an excellent response to something I didn't say. I didn't say '.GIF compresses smaller than
You misinterpreted me. I was explaining why
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
Remember this: I don't live in a world of absolutes.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
Okay, I did an experiment you can recreate yourself.
I took a 720 by 480 image and resized it to 10,000 by 6667. I made a
I then opened the
I win.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
I never was talking about download speed.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
Are you intentionally being thick? Our debate lapped itself.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
Not only did AC tell you how to recreate the effect in Photoshop, but he also explained why it happens. If you take a web page, for example, and put a bunch of 1024 by 768 images on it in JPEG format, it won't scroll very smoothly.
The reason it slows down is you'll eventually run out of RAM that the browser can cache the decoded image into. So it has to JPEG decompress the images on the screen. It takes quite a few operations to do this. The faster the computer + the more RAM you have = the less likelyhood you'll notice this.
Is it a problem? It used to be. Back in the older days of computing, say around P 200's. It is still a problem with PocketPC's though. Their processors are slow and they are low on memory. Browsing the web with them is painful for those reasons. If sites used
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
"There are reasons to use
That's it. That's all I was saying. You illustrated one of my points. Thank you. It's all about tradeoffs.
- GIF: Faster decode, sometimes larger files
- JPG: Smaller files, longer decode
Simple. When I was a web developer, I made that choice all the time.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
There is no absolute rules here, only guidelines.
Re:Jpeg (Score:2)
*hopes one day it's supported properly.*
Re:Jpeg (Score:2, Interesting)
So how will this impact the whole GIF vs. PNG thing?
GIF's continue to be bad; PNG's continue to be good
Ignoring the philosophical reasons, PNG's are better:
PrOn to the rescue (Score:5, Funny)
Im sure some one has an image that can show prior art.
Re:PrOn to the rescue (Score:1)
Yeah. it's at www.goatse.cx. That image certainly seems to apply...
Re:PrOn to the rescue (Score:1)
- HeXa
eww... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:PrOn to the rescue (Score:4, Funny)
Thank you, thank you, I'll take those groans as my applause
Re:PrOn to the rescue (Score:2)
<tool>This is necessary</tool> (Score:5, Insightful)
"We wanted to ensure the investment community and the general public are clear about the terms of our valuable JPEG data compression technology, one of the many technologies we have in our patent portfolio," stated Richard Snyder, chairman and chief executive officer at Forgent. "We are in ongoing discussions with other manufacturers of digital still cameras, printers, scanners and other products that use JPEG technology for licensing opportunities."
I'm not sure I'd even praise the JPEG group for taking swift action - I'd say they're doing what's necessary to combat Forgent's crime. Doing their job as a standards body like an officer does his job as a member of the police. Read that press release again, and try not to grit your teeth.
If you want my opinion (and I'm sure you don't), a company whose business plan involves sitting on a patent for eleven years, then springing back to life to collect, doesn't just need to be stopped. They need to be prosecuted - for a calculated conspiracy to defraud the general public and standards bodies.
Sorta like Rambus (Score:2, Interesting)
Nope (Score:5, Informative)
The big difference here is that Rambus was a member of the standards body in question (JEDEC). The agreement they signed to become a member of this standards body obligated them to disclose patents. They didn't and thus violated a contract.
As far as I can tell, Forgent is not a member of the JPEG organization, nor did they ever propose to the JPEG body that they adopt their IP as a standard.
The two situations may look similar on the surface, but that is where the similarities end.
Re:Nope (Score:5, Informative)
The last time Forgent's patent (actually Concurrent Labs) was discussed, one poster said that he had been involved with JPEG, and Concurrent Labs was a member in 1992-95 (IIRC). This patent was granted several years before CL joined JPEG. All the members, including CL, signed agreements to reveal all patents and applications related to the standards under discussion. CL never brought up this patent. This means one of three things:
1) CL was in breach of their contract with the JPEG organization.
2) CL reviewed this patent vs. JPEG's compression methods and decided it did not cover JPEG, so it didn't have to be brought up.
3) The left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing - that is, their still-picture people on the JPEG project didn't even know about the video compression patent.
When Forgent bought CL, they bought up their liabilities along with their assets. So they had better be arguing #3, because #2 is an admission that their suit is groundless as far as anything in the JPEG standard before 1995 goes, while with #1 JPEG can sue to be "made whole" by requiring Forgent to license it's patent(s) for free for JPEG applications. And I doubt that CL was ever big enough to make #3 very believable...
Depends on how they rolled over... (Score:2)
set up to become null and void if the RAMBUS patent claims were ever successfully challenged
in court.
Perhaps some of the companies rolling over on the JPEG claims applied a similar loophole
in their agreements, hoping that a challenge to Forgent's patent claims would prove a
more viable approach than trying to defend thier own company in open court.
Sorta like Unisys (Score:3, Informative)
It wasn't too much later that slashdot came around and posted a link to http://burnallgifs.org/. I wonder how long it will be until they post a link to http://burnalljpegs.org/.
re: burnalljpegs (Score:2)
Seriously, the user community should hold off on trying to mass migrate from JPG until a)we have a viable alternative (is JPEG2000 ready for mass adoption?) b)Forgent actually wins a case against someone for violating this patent.
While I think patents on what amounts to math are ridiculous, I also think there needs to be some recognition that Forgent has forfeited its right to profit on this invention by waiting several years for the technology to spread into wide use. Forgent should have been filing C&Ds several years ago when JPGs were already all over Usenet (I remember seeing JPGs in 1995 at least). I realize this is patent and not trademark law, but had they tried to enforce these rights earlier probably an alternative to JPG would have been generated a lot sooner.
Re:Sorta like Unisys (Score:2)
This is a nusance lawsuit. It has no merit.
Re:This is necessary (Score:3)
I agree. If it's not illegal yet, it should be. It doesn't even matter whether or not this particular patent is applicable to JPEG, this is yet another case of abuse of the patent law to do things that the law was not intended for. A big part of the problem is that fighting this nonsense required ridiculous amounts of time and money, making it really effective for the "plaintiff" even if they are not holding a valid and applicable patent. And that is just sad.
Doctrine of laches (Score:2)
Of course, all of this requires large stacks of money to go to court. This is yet another example of why allowing software patents was such a big mistake in the U.S.
In other news... (Score:3, Funny)
They had no choice but to do this... (Score:5, Insightful)
They could say two things:
1) We've got a new standard. Just move every image on the web to it.
2) This is absurd. We're going to fight this, but if all else fails, slowly adapt the new standard.
At least now, with option number two, they maintain credibility, as they don't have unreasonable expectations.
Also, a bit off-topic, but is there any real competition for a web photo-quality image format? PNG is an obvious GIF killer and is slightly entrenched (IE, has browser support), but JPEG2000 isn't as far as I know.
The role of standards bodies (Score:2)
The irony in this is that standards bodies are part of the Great Word Capitalism, which is the same general philosophy/entity that created frivolous lawsuits and absurd patents. At least the first group Forget (intentionally misspelled) contacted wasn't the developers of The Gimp or something.
Re:The role of standards bodies (Score:4, Informative)
Why would they? When you're doing something like this, open source people don't have cash to pony up, and help keep people dependent on the technology in question.
Besides the obligitory "Forgent-ery" joke... (Score:5, Insightful)
If that is true, that alone should be enough to tell Forgent to piss off.
Re:Besides the obligitory "Forgent-ery" joke... (Score:3, Informative)
The steps applied to the delta are the core of the JPEG compression. However, they are not mentioned in the list of claims in the patent! Further, the patent itself points out prior art on the use of DCT quantization.
Basically, there is no way for this claim to stand, especially when it affects far too many people with deep pockets (possibly more important than the technical points).
mod parent up (Score:2)
Thank you, not only for the info, but for the peace of mind.
Re:Besides the obligitory "Forgent-ery" joke... (Score:2)
The parent post [slashdot.org] to that comment is where I got most of my information from, although it seems slightly less than gramatically sound and is definately not formatted to be easy on the eyes. I had a hard time fully understanding, as I also am no expert on Wavelet/Fourier/Cosine/Etc. style JPEG-type math.
If there is some compression using the JPEG-type algorithms for compressing video which stores not only the compressed image but information about changes across frames then the patent will hold against only that. Is this the way Motion JPEG works, or does it merely use JPEG compression to reduce each frame and simply string them all together for playback? The latter case would be legal.
Something I don't get. (Score:5, Insightful)
Does this same thing not apply to patent law at all? A company has a patent, allows it to be deluted, and then goes after everybody. In trademark law, this would be thrown out of court.
Now you could say "Trademarks and Patents are two different things" but they are really aren't. And so I'd like a laywer to explain to me WTF gives companies the right to broadside tech firms every few months with bullshit patent claims.
Re:Something I don't get. (Score:4, Insightful)
Be glad the IP laws are different - otherwise, the owners of books and movies *WOULD* be legally obliged to sue fanfic writers.
Re:Something I don't get. (Score:4, Insightful)
First of all, many claims against fan fiction are based on trademarks. However, if the trademarks are used in a non-commercial way, things get murky with regard to having to enforce the trademark.
Second, I think it would be good if companies were required to enforce all of their IP claims quickly and fully. Then, writers of fan fiction would have clarity, and companies would be force to make a choice. Does company X want a thriving communities of fans, or do they want tight control of their "property"? Right now, they have people enhance the value of their property, but then they go after them when a buck is to be made.
Strict enforcement of laws is good even if you disagree with the laws: it is only through strict enforcement that the general public sees why some laws don't make sense.
Re:Something I don't get. (Score:2)
If you force them to choose, they'll sue, because that's the only way to retain the copyright, without which they can't make their money - they're publishers, after all. If you allow them to politely ignore some instances of copyright violation, you get the best of both worlds.
Re:Something I don't get. (Score:3, Interesting)
I think the reason why patent holders don't have to immediately prosecute is that patents are considered less readily visible than trademarks. For example, if another company opens a burger chain named "McDonalds", a lot of people are going to notice. If, on the other hand, a company infringes on McDonalds' (made up) patent for cooking a hamburger for 98.742 seconds, it might take awhile for it to become known.
In short, it takes 30 seconds to find out what someone is publically calling themself, but it can take considerably longer to reverse engineer one of their products. IP protection/enforcement laws seem to reflect this disparity.
That being said, I do think that something has to be done about people pulling the submarine patent non-sense. But I still think you'd be doing a disservice to treat this IP identically, as there are differences. Heck, even the length that the IP exists is different in both cases (as patents need to have a fixed life while trademarks should continue as long as the manufacturer makes the product; there's no compelling reason to suddenly declare that anyone can make a car called a Ford simply because it's been XX years since Ford began using the trademark).
Trademarks vs. Patents (Score:2, Informative)
If a patent holder is aware of infringing activity and doesn't do anything about it for a period of time (six years in the United States) then the infringer is not liable for damages.
However, unlike a trademark, a patent does not lapse without enforcement. As soon as the patent holder does get around to notifying the infringing party, then they can start claiming damages from that point on.
In other words, they can't sue every instance of 'infringement' that took place over the last fifteen years--they have forfeited that right. They may, however, demand royalties for further uses of JPEG compression. Assuming, of course, that their patent does cover the method in question, and that it holds up in court, and no prior art is found, and so forth...
Re:Something I don't get. (Score:2)
I suggest you go to uspto.gov and read up.
You can loose a trademark from non-enforcment NOT a patent.
A court can decide you can't collect any royalties on it, but you can't loose it.
So let me see if I got this straight? (Score:1)
Re:So let me see if I got this straight? (Score:1)
Prior Art? (Score:5, Funny)
Course, to prove that this file really was old, we'd have to find the subject and maybe pose them the same way to show it's the same person, and then.. uhh.. no, wait.. old person porn.. Eww!
Please disregard!
*opens wallet, prepares to just pay the stupid royalties*
Re:Prior Art? (Score:1)
Re:Prior Art? (Score:3, Funny)
Oh wait... bad idea. that would kill the art in prior art
Re:Prior Art? (Score:2, Informative)
Check her out here [homestead.com]. (Nope, not nude.)
Re:Prior Art? (Score:2, Insightful)
Google has usenet posts from wayback when-the-fsck. There may be prior art there even though any binary encodes will probably be blown out.
Re:Prior Art? (Score:3, Interesting)
Isn't JPEG just a FFT? (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Isn't JPEG just a FFT? (Score:3, Informative)
Some thoughts and questions (Score:5, Insightful)
2) The jpeg.org page seems to indicate that the patent only affects the baseline implementation of JPEG. If this is true, then it should be possible to write a new baseline implementation that doesn't infringe on the patent.
3) I'm curious what prior art will show up. In 1986, many people were still using BSAVE/BLOAD to store images.
Re:Some thoughts and questions (Score:2)
Re:Some thoughts and questions (Score:2)
Re:Some thoughts and questions (Score:2)
Re:Some thoughts and questions (Score:2)
Whoo, what a long link [uspto.gov]!
Re:Some thoughts and questions (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Some thoughts and questions (Score:2)
Uhh, baseline is already supposed to be the minimal implementation. Anything that implements JPEG at all has to implement at least the same features as baseline. The only ways to redo baseline to remove the parts Forgent feels it owns would be to move to arithmatic coding. Arithmatic coding is part of the JPEG spec, but not baseline, because there's more patents surrounding arithmatic coding than slimy lawyers to sue over them.
You could change the spec to move to a totally new type of coding, but then it wouldn't be JPEG anymore.
It'll Expire Next Year (Score:2)
Re:It'll Expire Next Year (Score:2)
Re:It'll Expire Next Year (Score:5, Informative)
Patents files on or after June 8 1995 are 20 years from date of filing; before that, patents were from date of issue, not of filing, and their term was 7 or 14 years, and grew to 17. One of the reasons for the change to a 20 year term was the move to date of filing as the baseline date.
Either way, it's too damn long a period for this industry.
-- Terry
OpenGL/Microsloth patent dispute is the same deal (Score:2, Interesting)
It seems to me that a patent that has been released into the public domain (at least for non-commercial use) should remain so if and when the patent is sold. I don't believe that there is any law requiring this, but anyone selling an 'open patent' should include a requirement that it remain open as terms of the sale to avoid this very situation.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if someone should decide to challenge a patent that was open only to be closed at a later date. Think about the series of events: Group A invents an image compression algorithm and grants me license to use the patent free of charge. I develop a group of products based on this agreement. Everything is cool until Group B buys the patent and says I can't use the patent anymore (or worse, demands back royalties). But wait, my products were based on a agreement I had with Group A, not Group B. Group B came in after the original agreement and is trying to change the terms of my agreement with Group A after I've executed the agreement. I would argue that Group B would be compelled to honor any agreements that Group A had in force at the time of the purchase as part of the package of buying the patent.
All your patents are belong to us.
The patent process needs good prior art databases (Score:3, Informative)
To see why, consider the standard process for creating a patent in a large company:
The most obvious (and easy) database is the existing patents DB. Now, I'm sure they have other databases they use, but whenever I've been through the process, nearly all the potential prior art which has been returned to me via the patent agent has been previously published patents. So if an idea hasn't been patented before, then it's got a good chance of getting accepted as a new patent.
So if the JPEG group build an extensive, easily searchable catalogue of prior art (with times, keywords, etc.), then it will make the patent agents life a lot easier, thus increasing the quality of patents.
Computers are not magical beings (Score:2)
The problem is that the default for patent applications, since the PTO reform of several years ago, is "granted".
It should be *harder*, not easier, to prove lack of prior art. The failure of a database query hardly constitutes "lack of prior art". It also does noting with regard to the uniqueness or obviousness provisions.
Your suggested database would result in *more*, not *fewer* bogus patents being granted, because it would accelerate the application process without adding any protection above and beyond what's already there.
-- Terry
Re:Computers are not magical beings (Score:3, Interesting)
There is no way they are going to go trawling through archived usenet postings/search the web for detailled date-stamped documentation for every case. They *need* an easy way to search for something to compare the proposal against. I'm not suggesting that the time/patent is decreased - simply that the patent agent has more powerful tools to prove the (in)validity of a patent in that time. That has got to be a good thing.
How will a database fix things? (Score:2)
Even if it's "the bestest database ever", it still has to be searched by humans with a sufficient understanding of the practice of the art to select appropriate search terms, by way of a common lexicography with the filing mechanism which was used to load the "magic database".
In other words, why is the problem ammenable to a fractional technical answer, in your opinion?
I really don't understand what a database will do, other than identify what has or has not been patented previously -- and therefore, it will not contain anything which would otherwise fail the obviousness test, since such things are not patentable.
Also, FWIW: In the U.S., they are called "patent examiners", not "agents", and the filer bears the brunt of the search for prior art, in a seperate process called a "patent search". It's not up to individual examiners to prove that something was not patented previously.
The only thing your database does is make it easier to file patents by making it easier for the non-patent-office-personnel to do their searches.
In other words, the suggested database does not address any of the process issues that are the root of the problem in the first place.
If you want to dicuss fixes... fine. But creation of a database is not a fix, it's just a means of exacerbating the problem.
-- Terry
Re:How will a database fix things? (Score:3, Interesting)
This works legally, but not practically; because the patent office is unaware of what is not in their database, they are quite likely to grant a patent on ideas which an expert _working_ in the field would recognize as not new. Most notoriously, the Australian patent office granted a patent on the wheel; yep, there have been no prior patents on the wheel, even though there's 5,000 years of prior art. I am not sure if that patent examiner was remarkably stupid or went along with the joke, but fields where the existing technology is less well known (image compression software, for instance), it will certainly always be possible to slide public domain ideas by the examiners as long as they do not have a database of public ideas that is as well indexed as their patent database.
Of course, if there was prior art, you can always go to court and invalidate a patent. The problem is that once the PO signed off on it, the courts consider the patent valid until proved otherwise. If you have unquestionable evidence of prior art (e.g., the patent description is copied right out of Knuth), it's still very expensive and takes years to get to present it in court. If the equivalence between the prior art and the patent claims is murky - and it usually is, because people filing questionable patents never use the normal industry terms to describe their "invention" - it's going to be a long, expensive court case, with the outcome depending on whether the judge and jury manage to comprehend the issues. Or it might be quite difficult to prove that the shareware source code you are presenting as prior art actually dates from 1980. And after you go through all this and win, in the US usually you can't get your legal costs back from the company asserting the bogus patent.
You can recover your costs and more if you can prove it was truly fraudulently filed - but that's one reason the filers use odd jargon, so at worst they can claim they invented the algorithm independently and never saw the writeup of it in "Proceedings of the ACM".
The "odd jargon" issue will limit the usefulness of database searches, but still there is a much better chance of finding non-patented prior art if the examiner has a database of non-patented art to search than if he only searches the patents... If a patent has to be taken to court, a database of public domain source code and algorithms would make it easier to find the prior art, provide proof of the original date, and make it more difficult to file and assert bogus patents without being found liable for fraud.
Given the patent office's recent record of errors exceeding even the norm for government agencies, I would recommend a different approach. Reduce the role of the patent office from approving patents to merely recording patent forms in a public database; putting the forms in the database does not imply that it's a good patent. This database will include both patents and public-domain ideas. Patents require a filing fee sufficient to cover the PO's expenses, but there is no fee to post an idea to be free to the public (if it doesn't infringe on prior patents).
Along with the forms and filing fee, the inventor has to send a $20,000 bond to pay off anyone who successfully challenges the patent within the first three years. As soon as the forms are posted to the database, the inventor or agents can start asking anyone else using the idea to stop or pay royalties. But anyone can also challenge the patent, whether or not they are in infringement.
And we need a special, technologically sophisticated, court to rule on patent issues. That is, you need judges with degrees in engineering or science as well as in law. The initial challenge requires a brief summary hearing before a judge, with an informal presentation of evidence. (Brief and informal so that $20K bond will be sufficient.) If the patent is less than 3 years old and has not been previously upheld by a court, there is a presumption _against_ the patent - that is, the inventor must present a preponderance of evidence to uphold the patent. If the inventor withdraws the patent or the judge rules against the patent at this point, the challenger gets reasonable and necessary expenses plus a $5K profit, or $10K if the prior art was in the database before the patent was filed. The inventor does have a motive to withdraw if he's likely to lose, because the longer the proceedings go on, the more he'll pay. If the challenger loses, he does not have to pay the inventor's expenses; defending the patent once at a summary judgement is just a normal expense of getting the patent.
All prior art presented to the court goes into the patent and public ideas database. If the patent is invalidated, it stays in the database - marked as invalid, with the court ruling given, and so anything in it that wasn't in a prior patent becomes public-domain.
The loser in the summary judgement can request another hearing before a 3-judge panel, or request a full jury trial - but in either case he has to pay the court costs and the other side's expenses until the final judgement. In jury trials, the jury pool will be working scientists and engineers, and be paid appropriately, so this gets rather expensive... The court will have to power to assess costs and the winner's legal expenses against the loser, and to fine either party if egregious behavior such as knowingly filing falsely is revealed during the trial.
Re:Computers are not magical beings (Score:2)
The simple way to fix this is for the patent applications to be published shortly after being submitted. The public could then have six months to submit proof of prior art to the patent examiner.
I work for JPEG2K, posted this story Friday.. (Score:2, Interesting)
Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Now come back to reality. They do not have a personal "out to get warpedrive" cabal meeting every week, nor did they reject your story because of any reason other than they just rejected it. Things which are bad in the world happen because they do, not because someone or something is out to get you. HTH. HAND.
I've worked on slashcode backends before. (Score:2)
What you need to do is just try again.
Hey.. (Score:2)
Some class of problems.
Eh? You misread me. (Score:2)
As for voting for people in office, maybe you shouldn't be trying to always read the negative into statements.
Software patents should be abolished (Score:4, Insightful)
I used to write software for a very large corporation. We were frequently encouraged to file patents for anything that we invented. We were rewarded even if our patent application was rejected. A successful patent application was a big deal. The corporation was quite sensibly trying to build up its portfolio of patents.
Eventually, you may have to work for some big corporation to write software. Only someone with a big software patent portfolio will be in a position to cross license with the other big players and thereby receive legal permission to use a basic set of key patents. I expressed this concern to a lawyer at Unisys, and his response was basically 'So what?'. He said that he thought that this had already happened in the chemical industry.
I guess that I was something of a crackpot to voice these views inside the big corporation where I worked. It was very encouraging to find out that the folks at the League for Programming Freedom(http://lpf.ai.mit.edu) share my reservations about software patents.
Simple solution (Score:3, Funny)
Hire Google to overhaul the USPTO prior art database.
Even simpler solution (Score:2)
Or, hire Microsoft to wreck^H^H^H^H^H maintain the entire USPTO database.
Then I'd sue the Patent Office for infringement. (Score:2)
I think that the patent office should go back to being a not-for-profit organization or government departement, ASAP.
This was a STUPID idea from the get go.
Blatant attempt to get a "Funny" tag (Score:2)
Oh no! They've been shanghai'd!
(incoming rotten tomatoes in 3... 2... 1...)
Not reading the article, eh? (Score:5, Informative)
Submarines (Score:2, Interesting)
As the Forgent mess shows...
Re:Not reading the article, eh? (Score:3)
Contrast with the MPEG L(icensing)A(uthority), which is working overtime to ensure that the proposed MPEG4 standard is encumbered with royalties, both for encoders and players.
Let's express this in simple terms:
JPEG: good
MPEG: evil
Re:Does JPEG 2000 have an open license? (Score:3, Informative)
which are owned by companies that take part in JPEG.[1]
And mentions some nice licensing guidelines: But earlier on Slashdot in Slashback: Alternatives, Ads, Apple [slashdot.org] A discussion regarding the licensing scheme to Jpeg2000 pointed to it (the license) being open. Can anyone verify that Jpeg2000 has an unencumbering license?
Re:Does JPEG 2000 have an open license? (Score:2)
The way these standards work (or are supposed to) is that everybody who owns IP related to them agrees to license without-fee for implementers of the "baseline". They (usually) also agree to licence on RAND (reasonable and non-descriminatory) terms any nifty extras (optional features not included in baseline).
The one catch is that it's only free if you follow the standard. Using JPEG2000 technology in something that isn't JPEG2000 can get you in trouble, because the free license is only for ppl. who follow the standard.
You can purchase a copy of the standard directly from ISO [www.iso.ch], or from various local standards bodies. In the US, that would be ANSI [ansi.org]. You can buy from ANSI here [ansi.org]. They recently dropped their price (it used to run ~$140), probably because of price competition from ISO [www.iso.ch] and Standards Australia [standards.com.au] (note that prices from ISO and SA are *not* listed in USD, an that the Australian price includes a 10% tax that will be waved for foreigners). And electronic copy of a standards document is about as fungable as you can get.
Other than the requirement that you stick to the standard, it's totally free (barring submarine patents). You don't even have to notify anyone that you're implementing it. And the JPEG people have worked really hard (even harder than with the original) to ensure that J2K is unencumbered, so even the threat of submarine patents is small.
Re:about jpeg web site (Score:2)
Considerable interest has been expressed in the views of the JPEG committee concerning claims made by Forgent Networks Inc on their web site that intellectual property that they have obtained through their acquisition of Compression Labs Inc.
If they can't proofread text for a website, it makes me worry about them proofreading other documents... such as standards, or the fine print that says "we own the IP we're touting in these proposals."
Re:Perhaps I should patent the "off by one" error. (Score:2)
Lost art (was: 16 colors,?? HA!) (Score:2)
I guess you could think of it as half-tone the geek way.
Re:I doubt that Forgent have read through the pate (Score:2)
Of course patent, and all IP laws need to be revised. They are starting to do exactly what they were intended to prevent...
What incentive do I as a creator, inventor, artist have to produce if doing so simply puts me at risk of being thown in jail and or financially ruined by someone with a previous vague patent, purchased at auction.