Stallman on Software Patents 394
An Anonymous Coward writes "On Monday Richard Stallman gave a speech at the Cambridge University (UK) Computer Lab. Over at ZDNet UK they have a transcription of the speech - the most eloquent discussion of the subject I have yet seen. Software patents victimise developers, he says, but there are ways to get around them. The best part is his comparison of writing software to writing symphonies: 'Oh Beethoven,' they would have said in 1800 if there had been patents on music, 'you're just bitching because you've got no ideas of your own.'"
Other Talk: Copyright vs Community (Score:5, Informative)
An audio version of the talk can be found at:
http://www.odl.qmul.ac.uk/stallman/ [qmul.ac.uk]
Someone did create innovative software! (Score:2, Funny)
Nobody is so brilliant they can create completely new music that everyone wants to listen to, and nobody can create software that does not use existing ideas.
...end of quote
Well excuse me Honorable Stallman but I know a really original piece of software that does not use existing ideas. Its revolutionary in itself.
Check it out at http://freshmeat.net/projects/gtktrue
Re:Someone did create innovative software! (Score:2)
> GTK interface to the popular console application
'I know a really original piece of software that does not use existing ideas.'
An interface - or even a reimplementation - of a program can hardly be said to not use existing ideas.
<thick mode="off">
Re:Someone did create innovative software! (Score:2, Insightful)
Of course people create original music all the time.
Sure there are a small set of notes, and only so many ways you can arange any two notes in any tempo.
After two notes, it is all in the arrangement, and composition.
But four notes is enough to get sued (Score:5, Interesting)
Sure there are a small set of notes, and only so many ways you can arange any two notes in any tempo. After two notes, it is all in the arrangement, and composition.
The Yes! We have no bananas! [everything2.com] case set the precedent that four notes is enough to get a songwriter sued in the United States. Given that there are only about 30,000 ways to combine four notes in the Western music theory (reply if you want a more detailed explanation of the math), it appears that the only reason songwriters haven't exhausted the melody space [baen.com] is that the big "all your right are belong to us" publishers have entered into cross-licensing agreements with one another. This is part of why you should write your legislators and request a repeal of the Sonny Bono [everything2.com] Copyright Term [wikipedia.com] Extension Act [openlaw.org].
Re:But four notes is enough to get sued (Score:2)
How do you count it? Using only 13 sounds? It's quite off-topic, but interesting. Could you explain your math and especially why is it Western-specific?
Re:But four notes is enough to get sued (Score:2)
n C p = n!/(p! * (n-p)!)
I assumed 7 octaves of the Western scale (has to do with the intervals of the frequencies of the notes) which gives 91 possible notes (also assuming that middle C is a different note to say C above top F)
That gives an answer of: 91!/(4! * 87!) = 2672670
If you plug in 13 notes (a single octave) then the answer is: 13!/(4!*9!) = 715.
Either way, I'd also appreciate a discussion of his maths
Melancholy Elephants by Spider Robinson (Score:2)
I recommend that everyone who can find a copy read "Melancholy Elephants", a short story. One of the places that it appeared was in a collection of short stories called Melancholy Elephants, and I believe that it was originally published in Analog Sience Fact -> Fiction, but I don't even remember the decade.
This was a prediction of the problem, and it predicted about this time frame (though the world was rather different!). And it predicted that the cause of the forseen problem was the extension of the copyright laws.
I recommend it highly. If you are a publisher, please consider reprinting it, as it is quite topical, and will be for quite awhile. If we aren't quite lucky it may be topical for a century or two.
Music (Score:4, Insightful)
Can Music be patentable? I mean software is just a bunch of zeroes and ones being processed and when they're in a certain order something cool happens. Music is just tones at different pitches and when in a certain order it sounds cool.
If one-click shopping is patentable, shouldn't one-hit rimshot be aswell? Why is copyright enough to protect music but not enough to protect software?
Re:Music (Score:2, Informative)
Harley "music" (Score:2)
Re:Music (Score:2)
If you make interactive music, then you have a program that generate music, that is.
You may however GPL your music and send it to my web gallery (see
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
But here is my take on the analogy... and a pretty good analogy I think it to be.
In Music, there is copyright on pieces of music. You cannot distribute copyrighted music nor resell it without the permission of the copyright holder. I am all for this. In software, if you make a piece of software, you own the copyright and people must get your permission or a license to use the software or source code. That works well too.
Now patents are about ideas. There are no patents in music. You can't stop people from copying the idea that major scales and minor scales sound good. You can't patent the 12 bar blues but you can patent any piece that uses the 12 bar blues. To stop people from using the 12 bar blues seems ludicrous... and it is just as ludicrous as people in software engineering patenting quicksort, mathematical algorithms and compression techniques such that others can't use them for 10 years
I like the music analogy
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2, Interesting)
I don't. You're forgetting the purpose of patent protection: to encourage innovation.
There's no real cost to innovating in music or art. It doesn't take ten years and three billion dollars to come up with a new melody. So there's little barrier to innovation in music. Anybody can do it, and many people do.
But-- to take a counter-example-- consider engines. We've been using internal combustion engines for a long time. To come up with a better engine-- one that runs on water, or chained hamsters, or the moral power of virginity-- would be a huge effort. Ten years and three billion dollars. Why bother doing it? Because you can patent your invention, and for a period of time you can have the exclusive right to build it, or you can collect royalties from other folks who build it. Without patent protection (so the theory goes) nobody would bother building new kinds of engines.
So ask yourself: is software more like music or more like engineering? It certainly has elements of both: one person, working alone, can churn out page after page of software, just like music. Ninety percent of software is crap, just like music.
But software-- and more importantly innovation in software-- is a really important thing. To a large extent, our society and our economy are powered by software. It's in our best collective interest to encourage innovation in software by whatever means we find appropriate, including granting exclusive rights in the form of patents.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
I agree that software is important part of our economy. An important part of the entire economy. Not some isolated junket that should recieve all of our accolades and money.
Most of us want the same thing: high quality software produced and distributed as efficiently as possible. (Of course there are also those who simply want to take as much as they can get.) I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Fewer high-quality programmers who have access to each other's code will produce better code faster than a whole bunch of overpaid amatuers working in isolation.
Forget the handwaving theoretical arguments for a moment. Look around. We have examples of both points of view to compare. On the one hand, we have the closed, proprietary, patented, buttoned up shrink wrap license vendors. On the other hand we have free software. Compare the amount of resources each consumes relative to its output. Tough measurement to make, but I'm strongly inclined to believe that the free software movement is producing better software faster per unit input than their proprietary counterparts. All we need are a few more sponsors like IBM to fuel the fire, and this race will be over.
And this is in spite of the fact the free software crowd oven has to route around existing copyright and patent encumbrances.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
If we were talking about pure research, or the sciences, you'd certainly be right. That's exactly the model that scientists follow: publish early and often, and read everything.
Maybe we should talk about the difference between academic programming and commercial programming. It's the same as the difference between biological research and drug manufacturing.
If computer programming is a science, then pure research in the field should be in the public domain. But the use of that pure knowledge to achieve commercial gains is something else entirely.
On the one hand, we have the closed, proprietary, patented, buttoned up shrink wrap license vendors. On the other hand we have free software. Compare the amount of resources each consumes relative to its output.
I don't mean to be a grouch, but I disagree. I deal with quite a bit of commercial software, and I have to say that a fairly small percentage of it is complete crap. Of all the freely available software out there, though, there's a lot that's poorly documented, buggy, maldesigned, or all three. A few outstanding exceptions-- like Perl or Apache-- do not an argument make.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
Woah--you're on really thin ice there, comparing the value of artistic and software innovation. Technology is nice, but I'm damn glad that when I turn on the radio, I don't hear grunts and stone pounding on every station.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
It's the same basic premise, though, implemented in two different public policies. Artistic development is encouraged through subsidy. Commercial development is encouraged-- among other ways-- through the granting of patents.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
I admit that I didn't read the article slowly or carefully, but that's not how I understood it. (Marge: But you liked Rashomon! Homer: That's now how I remember it.)
It sounds to me like RMS is arguing that patents are an obstacle to the writing of software using well-known algorithms or principles. The example RMS gives of LZW compression, for instance, says that the programmer who wrote Compress "use[d] an idea he had found in a journal, just like software authors had always done."
That doesn't sound like innovation to me. It sounds like the programmer wrote a utility using an algorithm that was under consideration for a patent, and got burned by it. That has nothing at all to do with innovation, which is the process of starting from scratch-- or from a foundation of public knowledge-- to come up with a truly new idea. Not program, idea.
The larger question is this: should the LZW compression algorithm have been patented? This kind of goes back to what I said in a previous post about pure research versus commercial research. There's an argument to be made that fundamental algorithms-- like the stuff in TAOCP-- should be part of the field's collective body of knowledge, unencumbered by rights or ownerships. Maybe things like LZW compression should be included in that category.
Of course, Unisys disagrees with that assertion.
It's a tough question, and it's hard to know what to do.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
There's no real cost to innovating in music or art. It doesn't take ten years and three billion dollars to come up with a new melody. So there's little barrier to innovation in music. Anybody can do it, and many people do.
I think that you are quite silly. Masterful composers can take years to write innovative new symphonies. There are few people who even are capable of doing this. It is not as though any old Alfred E. Neuman can write a symphony.
OTOH, any old Alfred E. Neuman with a copy of VisualBasic can choke email servers around the world.
But software-- and more importantly innovation in software-- is a really important thing. To a large extent, our society and our economy are powered by software.
Let's take a REALLY good example - the spreadsheet. It was not patented, and its inventors made next to nothing from it.
Did we not benefit from this innovation (and this would be considered by ANY standard in use today to be innovative and patentable) ? Is this innovation not broadly in use today ?
In what way would we, as consumers, be better off if the spreadsheet had been patented ?
I guess the argument is that the spreadsheet may never have been invented if its inventors cared about IP. But that is a moot point; they didn't and we still have the spreadsheet. There are scores of other examples of patentable ideas that were not patented (TeX typesetting is another good one) that are REALLY broadly in use today. I doubt as a consumer I would suffer AT ALL if software patents did not exist.
Let's not forget - the entire purpose of patents is creating the largest repository possible of public domain IP. Patents encourage disclosure so that the invention becomes public domain after a limited time, and that makes all of our lives richer, because eventually we use the patent for free.
Software patents rarely become public domain in a meaningful way. They are choking the industry.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
Bah. The fact that you're asking the question means that you fundamentally misunderstand my point. The question to ask-- which is admittedly hard to answer!-- is "What innovations would we, as consumers, have access to if the spreadsheet had been patented, but that were not invented because no patent protection was available for them?"
I know, I know. It's impossible to answer that question. But that's kind of the point. If we don't offer patent protection for software innovations-- truly deserving ones, I mean-- then we'll never know what we missed.
I have yet to see a single piece of evidence that software patents truly discourage innovation. In fact, the converse is likely true. Today, it's not legal for me to use LZW compression in one of my programs without licensing it from Unisys. If I choose not to ignore that fact, I can do one of four things: give up, or license the algorithm, or use some other algorithm, or develop my own. If I don't want to license, and I don't want to give up, then I have to innovate! (Or I have to use somebody else's innovation that is freely available to me, but that's basically the same thing.)
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
You missed MY main point. Patent protection exists to promote the transfer of inventions into public domain. Software patents barely if at all fulfill that role. By the time a software patent expires, it is usually not useful at all. And throughout its lifetime, it prevents others from using it.
Software, like music, is fundamentally expression based, and copyright was invented to protect expression. And, copyright NEVER protects concepts or ideas embodied in some expression - merely the specific expression of them.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
Ah, but there's the rub. What's a "truly deserving" innovation?
Patents vs. Innovation (Score:2)
Examining the history of the past couple of decades I see scant evidence that the current patent law fosters this. I appears more likely that it suppresses it.
Definitely, software patents, as administered by the USPTO, are an anti-innovation mechanism. Except for legal innovation. There's been a bunch of that. Why isn't there a "legal argument patent"? That would make as much sense as a business process patent. Software patents are MUCH worse. The examiners don't have a clue as to what they are regulating. They don't do any search of prior art. And they are paid (well, not exactly, I believe it's performance rating) based on the number of patents that they approve. This is heading toward the worst scenario. Also the process of challenging a patent is rediculously expensive, especially considering the totally slipshod method in which they are granted.
I increasingly find it impossible to believe that this incredible structure occured by happenstance. However, if it did, is certainly isn't maintained by happenstance. It is to the benefit of a specialized class of lawyers and of large corporations. Is it surprising then that public benefit is of scant concern?
When I was 20 I was a pacifist
When I was 30 I decided that anarchy was too unstable to be a good system. So I became a libertarian.
When I was 40 I took a good look at the leaders of the libertarian party, and decided that they didn't speak for me.
So now I am without affiliation. But I'm sure not a republicrat or a demmican.
The primary difference between the democrats and the republicans is that the democrats are more concerned with people liking them.
The primary similarity between the democrats and the republicans is that they will both support whatever the people who pay to get them elected want.
The primary danger of both the democrats and the republicans is that what is good for the people who buy elections is not what is good for the country.
General Bullmoose lives!
Compared to the current flock of ??rulers?? he was a patriot.
And one of the things that the people who buy the elections like is a patent system that allows them to buy up things that nobody previously ever considered property.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
You're going to eat these words. The reason our society depends on software is because there were no patent restrictions hurled upon researchers. Our society benefits from a commons of software much more than if it were locked away in patents.
Paraphrasing Alan Cox, we have the great Internet and software we do today not due to intellectual property laws, but in spite of them.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
I respect your opinion but my opinion is that software is much more like music than engineering when it comes to generating ideas and implementing ideas. Or maybe it is just because the patent system sucks. For example, you bring patented engines as an example. Sometimes I feel that the software world is bringing the equivalent of patenting any and all types of engines as opposed to one type of engine. Many people have a problem with the patent system because the cover of software patents is too wide whereas most physical patents are specific enough to feel fair
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2, Insightful)
So my go-kart company buys your engine, and connects a drive train to it. Now my product is a go-kart powered by a foobar104 model 1 engine. This is fine. Software companies do this all the time. I don't neccesarily mind this, credit where it is due, you get a return on your investment.
Now if i want optimise my go-kart. I put a supercharger on your engine. I use special high performance spark plugs. I bore out the cylenders, and put in brand x valves that have less chance of sticking under the conditions my go-kart will experience. Its still a go-kart powered by a foobar104 model 1 engine. But the engine was modified. You still get your return. Its not a new product. Im allowed to do this.
Joe down the street decides that my modifications are perfect in his dune buggy. He doesnt know how to modify the engine himself, so he buys the engines ive modified to put in his dune buggies. This is still allowed. Joe now makes dune buggies powered by the foobar104 model 1 engine. You still get your return.
foobar104 is also a songwriter. (S)he (sorry not sure of your gender) has an extremely popular song called foo love. I can't buy a copy of foo love, and change the tempo and the fix the grammer, and sell it on my CD. Thats protected by copyright law. Joe cant buy my cd singles, and use the modified song in his CD. That too breaks the same copyright rule.
If foo love covers new ground conceputally, say he expresses his love for misquitos. I can write a new song called I love misquitos, only i explore further into it, say i love gay misquitos. I use his concepts, in my own original way. this is allowable.
Joe loves this. He writes a song about loving gay misquitos. This is still allowed. The concept transfers. loving misquitos (straight or gay) is not patentable.
This is where patents get sticky with software under the current system. Software is both patentable and copyrightable. I buy foobar104soft's misquitolove engine (c) US patent number baz. I can't make a gaymisquitolove engine mod and sell it to joe, because i violate his copyright. Fine, is cool, foobar104 doesnt like it, i respect it.
So I engineer the new gaymisquitolove engine that uses the misquitolove concepts. and get my ass sued because i violated his patent. So because of this foobar104 has his cake and eats it too. Unless i pay him lots and lots of money, I can't make my gaymisquitolove engine. This is where the problem lies. Software is the only industry that allows this. Its fairly rediculous.
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2)
But the code itself isn't what's patented. The patent goes for the "process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof." The code itself is covered under copyright, and possibly under various protections of trade secrets.
So you don't patent Adobe Photoshop. You could, possibly, patent software for editing digital images in such-and-such a way. It has to be fairly specific. For example, consider patent number 6,337,901, "Customer billing relationships software." (Read it here [uspto.gov].) This patent doesn't cover the software itself. Rather it covers the design, methodology, and architecture of the software. In this particular instance, the meat of the patent describes the process that the software implements for generating its output.
So it's not about whether or not you can reverse-engineer Photoshop. It's about whether you should be given the right, for a limited time, to exclude others from writing software that does the same thing Photoshop does.
(This sounds silly because Photoshop is neither patented nor patentable.)
Re:Music Patents vs Software patents (Score:2, Insightful)
And that's where the problem lies. If you look at the current patent system in most Western countries, it is about protecting process, not ideas. Even the infamous business patents protect a process by which a business objective is achieved. When I went to law school, our intellectual property prof always insisted about the difference between patents and ideas. And then suddenly the legislator introduced these patents on software ideas..
The problem with software patents is that you're not really protecting a mean of solving a problem, you're actually protecting the very idea that such or such problem exists and that it should be solved by some automated process. This is wrong. If I invent and patent an embedded microwave window defroster, it doesn't prevent you from inventing a different approach to solve the same problem. In the software world I would prevent you from addressing such problem in the first place.
And this in my view goes against innovation, disclosure and publig good, all honorable objectives for which the patent system was created in the first place.
Mod parent up (Score:2)
+1 Insightful to parent?
Re:Music (Score:2, Informative)
Concentrated interests beat diffuse interest AGAIN (Score:3, Insightful)
If you're in the patenting biz, or have some patents (copyrights, environmental problem, any sort of valuable asset/liability), it's worth alot to you. You will spend alot of energy [money,time,...] defending your interests and trying to make things go your way before the Courts, Legislatures, Regulators, media, markets, public opinion.
Your very-numerous prey/antagonists do many things. You little asset/liab is a small part of their lives. It's hardly life-or-death for most of them to put up with you. [Parasitic!] If they ever found out, they might not like what you're doing, but it's not worth enough to them to be worth fighting. A whole reservoir of opposition gets trapped below the inaction thresholdaa.
Now some people will always complain, and more do if the inaction threshold can be lowered [email & Internet]. But how do you _prevent_ the squeeky wheel from getting the grease?
Is RMS a closet Windows user? (Score:2, Funny)
Hmm, but wouldn't you have thought someone like him would use "cp"
biotech? (Score:2, Interesting)
patents obstruct biotech in the same way as they obstruct software development. everyone is holding on to their little precious idea and tries to make as much money from it, and if that's not possible, lock up the idea with a patent.
Re:biotech? (Score:2)
The alternative to patents is secrecy. With the patent system, you have the benefit of access to published research, and the publisher has the right to charge you a fee, NOT for reading the research, but for doing something yourself that uses the idea to make money.
The software industry is unique in that the barriers to entry are low and the distribution os very cheap (like the music industry) but also that it is based on techniques - algorithms - that may also be as easily duplicated. Listening to a professional musician play won't make you a professional musician, but using a developed algorithm can make you an effective programmer. Given that research costs money, there must be a mechanism by which researchers are rewarded, and that's the patent system.
Re:biotech? (Score:2)
For biotech, secrecy may be preferrable in many cases. So much of what's being patented (genomic data) is obvious or easily reproduced that patents are simply destructive. They may speed the pace up a little bit, but eventually they'll be a huge stumbling block for anyone interested in doing real science rather than leech off the hard work of others.
I have nothing against Celera keeping its results private (though they shouldn't be allowed to publish in a peer-reviewed journal). In fact, I'm all for that business model. There's nothing stopping a public group from duplicating their work and providing a free, open version. Sort of like the effects of the BSD license (a bit in reverse). If the data is patented, it's useless to anyone who can't afford to pay license fees- and there's no way around it.
Re:biotech? (Score:2)
Quite. The problem is not the legal concept of a patent, it's the incompetent way the system has been administered, granting patents without proper diligence.
Stallman is very annoying (Score:2, Insightful)
Richard Stallman is very annoying. Often he comes out with rabid driven that just makes me want to shout "shut up you idiot!" for the damage it does to the OSS community. Then he comes out with eloquent, intelligent and thought provoking prose like this. Most annoying.
I was at the talk (Score:3, Interesting)
Allow an "independant discovery" defense (Score:5, Insightful)
The issue is that if something was independantly discovered, the patent should hardly be granted since it doesn't induce anything that wouldn't otherwise happen.
Re:Allow an "independant discovery" defense (Score:2)
Simply allow the fact that an inventor discovered/invented a thing independantly of the patent as a defense against patent violation. Of course, there are evidentiary problems
In the case of software what you are proposing is just copyright: you can duplicate as long as you don't copy (and can prove it).
Re:Allow an "independant discovery" defense (Score:2)
Re:Allow an "independant discovery" defense (Score:2)
Surely that's the basis of most plagarism suits; it's pretty rare for a copyright case to be on the basis of an exact duplicate (I doubt that sort of case would get as far as court), particularly in the music industry.
I think he's on to something. (Score:4, Insightful)
Just think of all the trouble.. (Score:2, Funny)
We'd all be paying out the ass!
Public key cryptography patents, not "PGP patent" (Score:5, Informative)
The "transcript" is abbreviated which is acceptable, maybe even laudable, but it is also an inaccurate record of what RMS actually said --- which is not.
IMO, Stallman gave an extremely good talk aimed at those who were not experts on how the patent system works in practice. Far more eloquent than I'd anticipated from his previous writings on this and related subjects.
Re:Public key cryptography patents, not "PGP paten (Score:2)
ZDNet coverage (Score:2)
Having written a patent application (Score:5, Interesting)
Now of course the lawyer gets paid each time you file, so it's just fine by him. The management tends to side with lawyers, but honestly, patenting ideas, especially in software is stupid. People confuse patent with copyright. Software should use copyright only, because you're protecting the actual work that went into building the application. It's both impossible and idiotic to patent ideas. Unfortunately lawyers run the country and now we have things like patented business process. Like the company that patented the use of Prozac for treating PMS for women. Ideas should not be patented, since it's not possible to police thought. Well that doesn't stop corporations and the government from trying.
Just because RMS can be a raving nut at times, that doesn't automatically discredit every word out of his mouth. Now if only there were more clear thinking people in government, we can fix this damn problem.
Off Topic: When!? Where!? (Score:2)
When!? Where!? It bothers me on how many here agree with this yet I find no evidence of it. Stallman is a very concise writer and rather than "preaching" as so many put it (which I've never seen it done) always supports his opinions and philosophies with rational argument.
I've been following the GNU project for a while now and have usually read RMS's articles and interviews with interest. Have we de-evolved so much that everyone we disagree with is suddenly a "raving nut" or is just easier to dismiss opposing arguments that way?
All this time I've seen few actual counterarguments against Stallmans position. Certainly I've seen unrational responses. Most of these are based upon misconceptions on Stallman's position. The rest are usually mixing together ethical arguments with economic arguments, which Stallman has seemed to traditionally avoid. Arguments like "It is ethically wrong because there isn't a business model that supports it," which is obviously an invalid argument.
Are people still upset about KDE? Is it the copyleft that people feel threatened by? Are employed developers afraid that free software will put them out of work?
Please oh please, where are these misconceptions coming from?
Boohoo (Score:2)
The lawyer likely didn't feel like explaining the reality to you. The reality is that these cases are tried in courts and if you try to make it too specific to what you are doing they often don't hold up well. For instance, there have numerous cases where competitors have done things like adding a third wheel to a two wheel device to effectively render the patent worthless. Now you can argue that the system is flawed till you turn blue in the face, but: a) the system is not as evil as you make it out to be b) this is real life and there are flaws in most things, that doesn't mean we should try to radically overhaul a system that has worked quite well.
Music comparison is an interesting one (Score:5, Insightful)
One moment I recall quite clearly from my college years is the day in class when the teacher of the survey course in music asked the question "What makes American music American?" This was something I hadn't considered before, and the answer wasn't clear to me until he asked more precisely "Why is the 1812 Overture so distinctly Russian? Why is Appalachian Spring American?" The answer is that both borrow themes from the folk music of each country. The Russians knew that Tchaikovsky was writing Russian music because it had recognizable themes that reminded them that they were Russian. The Shaker melody in Appalachian Spring is something many Americans had heard many times before, when that piece was written. (And even moreso now, as "Spring" is itself a common piece of music to hear performed.)
So without the ability to borrow ideas and themes and work them into new compositions, music would be a barren landscape.
One could argue, similarly, that if we impose stronger and stronger restrictions on what we can build into software, then we are resisting the natural cultural synergy that results from algorithms and features being shared among the community members.
Re:Music comparison is an interesting one (Score:2)
Bingo. You get it. This is exactly the idea that Lawrence Lessig argues in "The Future of Ideas". Intellectual commons are a good thing.
Protecting prior art (Score:2)
Another tactic I've heard was to writee up your ideas and bring them to a notary public to have them notarize the document (being sure to stamp each page).
Perhaps these stories are akin to urban legend. I don't know. But it leads me to wonder what is the best way of recording your work so as to be able to prove prior art. Is publishing your work on SourceForge sufficient? Do you need to have your work recorded in a source control system? Even if you did this will you need to hire a high priced lawyer to prove it?
Re:Protecting prior art - Yes, Urban legand (Score:2)
These tatics are urban legend. They don't work well.
With a good lawyer, such protection is better than nothing, but not much. You have to pay a lawyer, and then you are taking your chance in court. At best you have even odds of proving that you invented something. At worst you pay all the lawyers, and a pentialty for a frivious law suit.
If you want real protection, get a patent, or publish your work everywhere when you do it. In the former case the law is on your side, in the later you can supenia half the world as witness that your invention was known at the time of the patent (but not nessicarly that you are the inventor, people tend to forget that)
Re:Protecting prior art - Yes, Urban legand (Score:2)
Maybe so, but what you have is still nothing like having a patent. You might possibly prove you created the invention, but that's not at all the same thing as patenting it.
So you're right, it is an urban legend, but you didn't go far enough dissing it.
Re:Protecting prior art - Yes, Urban legand (Score:2)
Since you automatically own the copyright on anything you write originally the moment you write it, this method works to prove you are the copyright holder. If you can come up with a dated work with an earlier date than whoever is contesting you, you win. BUT, if you try to go after anyone infringing on your copyright, all the sealed envelope method can get you is for that person to cease using (publishing or whatever) the material and you can go after lost revenue (which is hard to prove and usually is negligable). If you've filed your copyright properly with the government and sent in the necessary stuff to the library of congress and all that nonsense, only then can you be entitled to some substantial monetary damages.
Does anyone know who else was there? (Score:2)
Anyone that was there fit the bill?
RMS' Intellectual Dishonesty (Score:2, Interesting)
RMS creates a paper tiger and is nearly mauled by it... One does not patent ideas, one patents implementations. He knows this as should you all. The expression of ideas is covered by copyright and, indeed, the creation of a symphony is thus covered and the questions of originality that RMS warns us that a composer would have to be wary of do indeed exist - as copyright violations.
Patents would cover aspects of the implementation of the idea. For example, the use of a bow run across tight strings to produce sound might be a patent. Stretching animal skin across a hollowed cylinder could be patented. These might limit the choice of instruments a composer would utilize in his production if agreements could not be arrived at but, remarkably, both the composer and the patent holder seem to nearly always find some terms if the invention and idea are truely useful. It would be folly for a composer to consider how to create a 220 hertz tone from a stretched catgut while writing his composition so RMS' comparision is specious at best.
RMS' apparent confusion does betray his underlying premise, however. That is - his belief that no one should own the fruits of their own labour if they are not tangible. This is to deny the very existence of real property rights by reducing the argument to that of how one can physically control and protect what is his. Societies come into being as a result of the voluntary creation of rules governing how people will deal with each other and conduct trade. Intellectual property is fundamental to the peaceful progress of such societies and, without them, everything does break down to the very concept of "might makes right" that RMS claims to fear now. While the well known problems with the current process of granting patents do hurt the rights of legitimate owners, they are reparable. RMS's efforts, however, attack the very foundation of these rights which, once lost, will not be peacably regained. RMS' folly is his blindness to the fact that the result of his efforts will not be the utopia he seeks, but rather, a condition several orders of magnitude worse than what he decries today.
Re:RMS' Intellectual Dishonesty (Score:2)
Re:RMS' Intellectual Dishonesty (Score:2)
This is totally unlike any previous situation that the patent system has ever been applied to (or attempted to be applied to). Within the US, how many programmers are writing Javascript every day? How can they be checked for a patent violation? How could a fair system ever hope to regulated this industry in the way patents regulate the physical industries? It just can't be done and any attempt to do so is doomed to be unfair to the majority of people while favoring the minority that can afford to throw their legal weight around.
I have no problem with copyright on code, but patenting something as ephemeral as the idea behind a program is less workable and more unjust than prohibition ever was.
Re:RMS' Intellectual Dishonesty (Score:2)
Certainly the original intent of US patent law was to not allow patenting of ideas, but the current practice has changed.
Ideas are being patented on purpose. I saw the head of the USPO being interviewed on the television and he specifically said that he had no problem with issuing patents on ideas.
So the reality is that RMS is right in saying that ideas are being patented and it is not due to oversight, it is current policy at the USPO which in turn has the tacit agreement of the Dept of Trade.
I thought from your reply that you wished to see "good" patents being issued to cover software and I argued that this, even if desirable, is impossible to do correctly. Were the points you made directed at non-software patenting only, then?
When you say that you never proposed patenting the idea behind a program I assume that you understand that patenting software is the same as patenting the idea behind the software unless this type of patent is synonymous with copyright.
Look - every one acts in their own enlightened self interest.
No, they don't. Many people act on their percieved short term interest which is very different.
Perfection/utopia is not an option so don't give me arguments that insist upon this objective
I was arguing against making things worse, not for giving up trying to make them perfect. Again, I'm not clear here if you are restricting your argument to "normal" patents or are arguing that the safeguards you suggest would make software patents acceptable.
Re:RMS' Intellectual Dishonesty (Score:3, Insightful)
And your proof is
Methinks you need to read:
Against IP [danny.oz.au]
The Libertarian Case Against Intellectual Property Rights [libertariannation.org]
Reply using RMS's words (Score:2)
(RMS really doesn't need a defense here. But since pretty much everything said in the parent post was addressed in the talk, I though I might as well use Stallman's words for his defense. Everything here is out of context but I try to preserve the meaning.)
RMS: For instance, in 1984 the Compress program was written. At that time there was no patent on the LZW (compression) algorithm, but the LZW patent was pending at the time, and was granted in 1985. Over next few years those who distributed Compress started getting threats. All the Compress programmer did was use an idea he had found in a journal, just like software authors had always done.
RMS: Most people who tell you about the patent system have a stake in it, and so they want you to like it. But patents are like the lottery because they only rarely bring benefits to people. Lotteries invite you to think about winning, never about losing, and it is the same with the patenting system.
RMS: However, one so-called freedom that we do not advocate is the "freedom to choose any license you want for software you write". We reject this because it is really a form of power, not a freedom.
This oft-overlooked distinction is crucial. Freedom is being able to make decisions that affect mainly you. Power is being able to make decisions that affect others more than you. If we confuse power with freedom, we will fail to uphold real freedom.
Proprietary software is an exercise of power. Copyright law today grants software developers that power, so they and only they choose the rules to impose on everyone else--a relatively few people make the basic software decisions for everyone, typically by denying their freedom. When users lack the freedoms that define Free Software, they can't tell what the software is doing, can't check for back doors, can't monitor possible viruses and worms, can't find out what personal information is being reported (or stop the reports, even if they do find out). If it breaks, they can't fix it; they have to wait for the developer to exercise its power to do so. If it simply isn't quite what they need, they are stuck with it. They can't help each other improve it.
RMS: Publishers and lawyers like to describe copyright as ``intellectual property.'' This term carries a hidden assumption---that the most natural way to think about the issue of copying is based on an analogy with physical objects, and our ideas of them as property.
But this analogy overlooks the crucial difference between material objects and information: information can be copied and shared almost effortlessly, while material objects can't be. Basing your thinking on this analogy is tantamount to ignoring that difference.
Even the US legal system does not entirely accept this analogy, since it does not treat copyrights just like physical object property rights.
Me: ?
(Okay, so not entirely a successful excercise but interesting nonetheless. I hope some of what RMS is trying to say is seen from this post. You are certainly allowed to disagree with someone but I doubt you can accuse him of "Intellectual dishonesty or any such nonsense.)
Re:RMS' Intellectual Dishonesty (Score:2)
Somehow I get the impression that you think that there are no problems in this universe other than ensuring each owner is properly enjoying his rights.
Software patents (Score:2, Insightful)
If I, sitting in a darkened room with no internet access, design and implement a software solution to a real-world problem I can make money from it because copyright in the program belongs to me. No effort involved, copyright automatically belongs to me.
If patents are available as "protection" then wealthy corporations and individuals will take advantage of them, most of us won't.
Pretty soon I won't be able to sit in my darkened room anymore because I will have to conduct exhaustive searches on my ideas just in case somebody, somewhere, has a patent on one of its components.
Is this really the best environment in which to nurture creativity, innovation, self-reliance, etc? Or is it merely the best environment to enable wealthy corporations to stifle competition and get richer?
GPL and public domain confusion (Score:2)
The whole idea of GPL and Copyleft in general is to not put the software in the public domain. Read What Is Copyleft [gnu.org], my emphasis:
It's GNU General Public License, by the way.
Resolving grey areas. (Score:3, Interesting)
Obviously, trying to patent something like the wheel is silly, and a patent granted for something so obvious is wrong.
On the other hand, consider something like Olestra (a non fat butter substitute that never really went anywhere). Proctor and Gamble spent tens of millions of dollars trying to make this work, and had a decent product, but by the time they had finished development and gotten past all the government regulatory testing and hurdles, the patent life was down to 5 years or so left. Thats a lot of investment to re-coup in such a short time. After that, it all became public domain, though last I heard P&G was trying to get an extension. Lots of companies took note of this, and I promise it has resulted in lots of products we would all like to have being abandoned for fear of repeating this scenario.
If someone was trying to patent or copyright a "network communications system" to prevent other people from using networks without paying royalties, that would of course be wrong. On the other side, if a certian Redmond software company took the latest RedHat distribution, ran a sed command s/RedHat/Microsoft/g against, slapped a new label on it that read "windows XP extreme", and started selling it at CompUSA, then Red Hat should have legal recourse to have them stopped.
The first time I bought a house, when I was going into the process, I thought the mountian of legal documents were an idiot pain in the rear. By the time I was done, I thanked God for every one of them. Arguing that "legal documents are too complicated and too confusing" is like saying "why can't C++ be more readable". It has constraints and requirements for precision that do not easily translate to high readability. It should always be a goal, but you can't sacrifice precision and completeness for "friendlyness". You hire a coder to understand your C++, you hire a lawyer to understand your contracts.
Last year, an associate came to me with an interesting idea for a very simple but very usefull piece of software. He had the business sense and the capitol, I could code. I threw together a fully functional prototype in a weekend, worked perfectly. It would have been sold to larger hardware companies for free inclusion with products, would have gone for pennies a license, and would have been very usefull (though certianly not revolutionary by any means).
It would have cost us about $15,000 to develop, market, and release it (much of which was simply the paperwork for setting up the corporation and doing the marketing). We were on track to pull the trigger until our legal counsel managed to scare up a public domain program that was remotely similiar (though never used and out in a completely different context).
The day we found out, we immediatly dropped all efforts, had a nice dinner, and went on our seperate ways. We had no way to recoup the investment of time and money we would have had to put into it to get it finished and out to the public. Anyone that argues that patents and copyrights do NOT foster innovation is simply wrong (and more then likely on a government payroll). I have had a firsthand experience where lack of patentabilty stopped an otherwise useful project dead in its tracks.
And before you go flaming, I have written and released open source software. That was my idea, it was interesting to me, and I wanted of my own free will to give back to the community. That model works fine also, but it is not the only viable one.
Stupid patents are granted, but they don't often stand, and they are not easy to get. Don't make a fool of yourself by being a knee jerk reactionary and making blanket statements like "proprietary software is evil" or "there is no such thing as intellectual property". The laws exist to help manage these grey areas, and they will always be compromises between different needs.
First, grow beyond just talking about things, and start doing things. Second, grow beyond just doing things, and grow to doing things that get results. Tilting at windmills might make you feel morally superior, but you will never accomplish much and you will be a real bore at parties.
If this stuff really bothers you, Either develop, improve, and release open source software, or work to improve the more idiotic aspects of the laws that exist or are being proposed. Do something that actually results in an improvement in the situation, don't just bury your head in the sand and keep believing there is no good reason for copyright and patent law. No one will take you seriously.
Re:Wimp!!!! (Score:2)
The particular idea was only workable if distributed with a particular type of hardware. If it had to be seperately obtained and installed, it ceased to be very useful. I can't go into much more detail then that (the IDEA was not mine, and not mine to give away regardless how unmarketable it turned out to be).
As I stated in the post, I had an idea of MY OWN, that I did publish open source. It is used by a small number of people, but they do find it useful. (see backburner on freshmeat). I did it because the idea was mine to give away (I came up with it), I had the time and interest available to do the work, and I wanted to give back to the community.
Software does indeed have to be better then the rest, I agree. But copyright and patent law do have a place to enforce contracts and to foster innovation. When Linux was released, it built upon a well established architecture and used a widely available set of tools and resources, so a gifted hacker from Finland could throw it together in a year while in grad school. We are lucky he did.
But it was not innovative, and was not a lot of research and development, it was mostly implementation.
If a company wanted to develop the next huge paradigm shift for computers and computer use, and it required new hardware, new software, and completely new ways of thinking, and required thousands of staff and tens of years and millions of dollars in investment, they would NOT DO IT unless they had some legal protections to recoup their investment down the road.
That's not to say some "open" group could not go together and do the same thing, but it is a lot less likely, especially on the hardware end of things where the capitolization costs really start to eat you up.
And that does not even begin to consider how much of the open source movement is actually funded by "the evil corporate empire". Had I not been working for "the man", or by government funded by taxes taken from "the man", I would have been far more worried about where I am going to get my next meal then worried about writing a tool that facilitates backing up software across widely varied mediums.
In hindsight, I would say Microsoft DID aggressively improve windows constantly, and that was the only reason they stay one step ahead of everyone else. It's just that their idea of "improvement" is to add features, not to improve stablity, portability and interaoperability. Not the direction I would have gone as an engineer, but sure as heck the direction the stockholders (the people funding the work) wanted. It sold.
And with that same hand on your heart, where would software be in general, or for that matter the hardware we run our beloved Linux operating system on, be today without patent and copyright law? Would Linux exist at all if AT&T could not have made a business case for funding an "idea incubator"?
The whole hardware versus software thing as being fundamentally different is a flawed argument as well. Is software worth "nothing" because it can be easily reproduced? Why is that different then an integrated circuit, which can be duplicated for pennies if I don't have to design it. I asked Stallman this question personally, and he refused to even address it, and proceeded a few minutes later to sexually harass (by any definition I have ever seen) a member of the local Linux Users Group.
In Stallmans case, M&M's should be free, unless you are an attractive blonde, in which case he may publically pressure you to eat them from his hand, shortly after expressing how marriage is an exploitive and oppresive patricharical institution. Sheesh... talk about exploititive.
(but I digress
Patents on Symphonies (Score:4, Insightful)
You can make an argument that says that protecting a composer who pioneered the glory of God through music is important, maybe patentable. But the REAL issue (in every patent argument I've seen) is that patents are being issued for processes where there is prior art and where the method does not qualify as "not-obvious".
The real issue for Beethoven (and all other composers) was copyright and royalties. Scores might only be distributed hours before a performance. Otherwise, they would be swindled and the composer could not get paid for his/her music. The strong (but not too strong) protection of copyright is a pillar in the Capitalist develompent of Intellectual Property.
Re:Patents on Symphonies (Score:2)
Composers don't just create their compositions out of whole cloth. They borrow techniques and ideas from other composers.
There are many many aspects of a musical composition that are are regularly used by all composers. For example, what if somebody had patented syncopation? Other composers would not be able to use that technique in their pieces. What if somebody had patented the concept of the chorus? What if somebody had patented the guitar riff? The whole punk rock thing would have never happened. What if somebody patented the drum solo? No more drum solos at rock concerts. Actually, that wouldn't be such a bad thing, but you get the idea.
Australian Patents Study? (Score:3, Informative)
In his talk, Stallman says:
And I thought to myself "Wow! My home country has a progressive attitude to patents, even back in the eighties! Good for us!". So I went looking for that study and instead I found this PDF [arc.gov.au] (here [google.com] is the Google HTMLised version) of a press release from the Australian Government announcing a more recent (1999-2000) nine-month study into patents, competitiveness, and the "new economy" entitled Inventing Our Future: The link between Australian patenting and basic science. The press release says, in part, that the study found:
This is a good thing in itself or as an indicator of activity in those sectors? And also:
This seems to imply that a higher number of patents as a proportion of GDP is a good thing. Is comparing the number of patents in relation to the GDP really a recognised measure of... something? :-)
Here's [arc.gov.au] the PDF of the actual 1999-2000 report, which I have not yet read. Does anyone have a link to the 1980's Australian report into patents that Stallman refers to? It would be interesting to compare them.
Thanks in advance.
Knuth quote (Score:3, Interesting)
In the recent All Questions Answered [slashdot.org] article, Knuth says
I'd take that a step farther, and say that I'm against patents on things that any competent developer should be expected to discover. I'd like to see a much greater burden of proof put on patent filers to show non-obviousness, beyond the current requirement that appears to be "no one has filed a patent on that yet."Promoting Progress (Score:2)
I don't think that RMS's point about promotion of progress can be emphasized enough.
One of the main goals in disclosing patentable ideas is to promote progress. The original intention was that you'd see something patented, and since the problem was solved, you'd go on to work on something bigger and better. That you'd be able to use the patent to help solve problems, because paying a license fee was much easier than developing your own solution.
However, the software patents I've seen or heard about seem to fall into one of two categories:
1) Blatently obvious. Any resonably skilled practitioner of the art would have found a similar solution to the same problem. How does this advance the state of the art?
2) Unusuably obtuse. I have tried reading though the legalese in some of the patents before, and I couldn't make heads or tails of it. At any rate, if the public (or even practitioners of the art) can't understand what the patent's about, how does that advance the state of the art?
There are a few gems in there. Actually, I think most of the patents around public key crypto are indeed novel, and perhaps patent-worthy. At any rate, since software patents don't seem to advance the state of the art (at least in most instances), they shouldn't be allowed.
Why software patents are different (Score:2, Interesting)
The way software patents are used, on the other hand, is different. Once some idea spreads openly (e.g Lempel and Ziv's compression algorithm), anybody (or at least hundreds of good programmers around the world) can implement it on their own. There are no real secrets that people would be shaking their heads about saying "how did they do that?". None of the software patents that I know of ever gave the companies making them any incentive to publish the code they patented.
Summary: patents were meant to promote sharing of information and research. I don't see software patents doing that. Ergo, software patents suck.
The Future of Ideas (Score:4, Interesting)
If you want to read a great book on the topic of copyrights and patents, you must read "The Future of Ideas" by Lawrence Lessig. In it he explains how the current battles are not a Left vs. Right issue, but a New vs. Old issue.
The book is filled with good arguments and strong references. He argues that patents are only one tool in the aresenal of the old that are being used to protect the dinosaurs and destroy the freedom of the end-to-end Internet.
It is key to remember that when deciding whether or not we should have patents, the question we need to ask is "do we as a society benefit from patents." I argue that patents for software, especially as they currently are, have no practical benefit for society. Society is supposed to benefit from patents by studying the disclosure of the design, but noone does this because they are not written legibly. Furthermore, the lifetime of patents greatly exceeds the lifetime of software, so by the time the patent clears, society gains little from it. Also, software patents that are also protected by copyright is ridiculous.
Society gains most in a fast-growing sector by having a large commons of ideas to pull from. It is from this commons that innovators are able to flourish.
The Internet is the greatest proof that patents are not the solution. Only because there was a lot of freedom to innovate, unencumbered by patents, were researchers able to develop one of the most freedom-promoting tools for society.
Solution to patent abuse (Score:3, Interesting)
Solution: The length of patent protection is equal to the amount of time it took to develop.
So, if you spend 10 years perfecting some technology, you get a 10 year patent. If it took you 5 minutes (ie 1-click shopping), you get a 5 minute patent.
Of course, you have to PROVE how long it took you to develop it. Some type of verifiable documentation should do it. Anyone seriously interested in getting a patent for something should have no problem keeping accurate documentation. The patent period starts from the date of first sale. If someone else sells the same technology before you do, no patent (prior art). This will prevent people from artifically extending the development period to get a longer patent.
Note all the benefits. Software patents will pretty much disappear, since it doesn't take THAT long to create it. And it seems fair. If you spend a year developing a piece of software, odds are after about it year it will be pretty much obselete anyways.
Will they ever implement this policy? Of course not. It goes in the bucket with all the other reasonable patent-reform ideas. *sigh*
Patents should include source code (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:3, Interesting)
What problems? I see no problem with having no patents on software.
Nobody seems to ask the question, "What problem does having software patents solve?"
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:2, Insightful)
Just because they are abused doesn't mean they should be abolished.
Do you like eating sound with your bare hands? I mean spoons could be weapons and abused!
From what I gather the biggest flaw with patents are the clerks not the laws. They allow things with blatant prior art or generally vague claims pass through. That is not in the spirit of the Patent office and shouldn't reflect on it.
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:2, Insightful)
I hate to be the first to call "Bovine Excreta!" but you are so full of it it's a wonder it doesn't come out your nose.
How about the obscure legalese in which patents are written? The lawyers who draft these things are desperate to minimise the amount of useable information contained in a patent, with a great deal of success. Slashdot runs many stories claiming "XYZ Patented!" followed by hundreds of comments by qualified engineers who have scrutinised the patent and come out completely confused as to the scope of the patent claim.
Of course, yet again, all this is covered in the main article. Why don't you read the main article? Read the article, you pathetic apologist. [zdnet.co.uk]
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:5, Insightful)
It seems to me that what they do is strike fear into the heart of all but the richest inventors, the legal fight to prove that you are not infringing a patent is more than most people can afford even when they are right. Patents encourage the small inventors to scrap the whole thing and just keep their day job, then everybody loses.
This is not an effect we need in the software industry where so much progress is made by individuals.
From what I gather the biggest flaw with patents are the clerks not the laws.
Software moves so fast that no prior-art system is ever going to be able to keep up. The only way to fix the clerk problem is to slow down the entire field to the point where they can cope. Sacking the idiot in charge of the USPO would help, too; paying clerks on the number of patents they approve is hardly professional or responsible.
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:2, Insightful)
See you have probably never invented an algorithm before but breaking new grounds is always important.
Look at the RC5 block cipher or JPEG compression codec. RC5 is the product of years of research and at the time was very unique as far as ciphers go. It was a welcome addition to the field of cryptography. Then JPEG, before that sending photorealistic images meant sending 100's of KB of data at the least.
In utopia patents are never filed, but unfotunately we don't live in utopia. You have to make money to survive and that means securing your legal rights to make money off ideas or inventions you yourself researched. Actual money was spent to design RC5 so why shouldn't RSA have the right to secure it for the purpose of licensing?
I always find it ironic that people want to make money in software, but find that when others charge for it its off-beat.
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:2)
Dad's response "thats perfect. Unfortunately, its exactly what our competator uses, and they've the patent." So the competator took a naturally occuring idea and patented it giving them that much closer to monopoly in the industry.
I don't have an alternate solution, but its obvious something's broken here.
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:3, Insightful)
Look at RC5 [sorry I'm a crypto nut so I have to pull from what I know]. Its a trivial looking cipher and doesn't look like much design was put into it. You might think that was "an obvious design" e.g. not worthy of a patent.
Don't let simplicity be mistaken for obviousness.
In your case you might have a legitimate claim, but you have to realize that its no the spirit of the patent system to lock out obvious ideas. I'd say get others on your side of the story and see if you can invalidate the patent.
Re:Maybe something new? (Score:2)
So we are always told. Very interesting theory, but practice disagrees. That's the problem with this patent mess. It just seems so counter intuitive to think that in reality many patents have the absoulte opposite effect from the one that it seemed so obvious would happen.
Re:Stallman strikes again... (Score:3, Insightful)
You don't know the difference between patent and copyright, do you?
Microsoft would make just as much money if the patent system was done away with... it would be just as illegal to copy Windows under copyright law, and, with the closed source code, it would be just as hard to reverse engineer.
Patents have little to do with open-source vs. closed-source, the majority of closed-source software is unpatented.
Re:Stallman strikes again... (Score:2)
I'm not sure whom you're addressing, but I would think that most of us do.
Just because both copyright law and patents are dangerous in the hands of a monopolist, does not mean that anyone is equating the two. Nor does it mean that they are necessarily wrong. Your point about copying software whose license forbids such behaviour is perfectly valid. However, what if Microsoft had been granted a patent on the concept of "an operating system with an integrated graphical user interface", or something similar. This would be much more serious, because any (potential) competition would be stifled by such a restriction on creativity.
I think the root of the patent/copyright confusion stems from the verb "to copy". If you make a verbatim copy a piece of software, or music, or film, when the creator of that work has requested in its license that you do not do so without paying them money, then you are in breach of copyright law. If you take someone else's idea and copy it, in order to produce a competing product, and the creator of that idea had sought patent protection for it, then you are in breach of patent law.
The latter scenario causes markets to stagnate as the company with the most lawyers goes round racketeering from their ability to file more ideas at the patent office in a given period of time. The former scenario royally pisses off the customers who suffer from the copy-prevention madness that is currently circulating in the form of the bill-formerly-known-as-SSSCA.
Stallman's point is that software, like music, art and speech, is not by its very nature amenable to patent protection. In my opinion, enforcing software and business process patents is like legislating water to run uphill. Whereas enshrining some level of copyright protection in law can allow many business models to survive where software developers want to make a living, patent protection on software does nothing for the wellbeing of its creators nor its consumers.
In conclusion... I think I'm agreeing with you, but in a rather roundabout way
Re:Stallman strikes again... (Score:2)
Name a patent that MS has made money off, or even enforced.
Patents on lists of thing to do are a stupid idea, even when you get a computer to do them for you.
Very very few companies have made money off software patents and many have made money off non-patented software.
It is very hard to make money off free software but that's got nothing to do with patents, and nor is the fact that it's a lot easier to make money off private software.
you'll go wtih Closed-Source proprietary, patented software.
Closed-source software is not normally patented, and there's no reason it should be.
Too broad (Score:5, Interesting)
If you want to make nice, solid, constantly evolving software, go with Open-Source. Otherwise, if you're like the rest of the worl, you'll want to make money along with nice software (hopefully). Then, you'll go wtih Closed-Source proprietary, patented software.
The problem with patented software is that the patents that the USPTO has issued in the last 20 years are so d*ng broad that instead of "promot[ing] the progress of science and useful arts," they have precisely the opposite effect. For instance: data compression by dynamically building a character-to-string dictionary? Patent 4,558,302. Falling blocks puzzle game whose goal is to remove a specified initial set of colored or shaded blocks from the playfield (in other words, B-type Columns)? Patent 5,265,888. Image analysis by blocks against a smaller version of the same image? Patent 5,065,447. Heck, even topological sorting and XOR drawing were once patented in the U.S. [mit.edu]
And don't count on waiting for the patents to expire. Just as Hollywood managed to get a Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act [everything2.com] passed with tons of soft money and (possibly mandatory) individual contributions [opensecrets.org], watch the pharmaceutical industry propose a Cherilyn LaPierre [imdb.com] Patent Term Extension Act.
Re:Take a look what someone can do with "software" (Score:2, Insightful)
And now look at the second line of the article you're linking to:
We hope to dispell the myth that this covers all application service providers.
And now say the same thing again...
Re:Music Then And Now (Score:4, Insightful)
Copyright yes. Patent no.
That's the fundamental issue here.
Code is an art form. What is intersting about code is that it is also functional. Typically art forms are copyrightable, and not patentable, while functional works (like cars, apple corers, or microwave ovens) are patentable, and not copyrightable.
This puts code into a bit of a legal grey area. Do we treat it as an art form - a form of expression - and give it the protections (copyright) that we give ot other forms of expression? DO we treat it as a functional work, and give it the protections (patents) we give to other functional works?
Do we give it either one or the other? Do we give it both?
What implications does this have for other forms of expression?
If we patent code - then reuse of *any* of it becomes criminal. Under traditional copyright, fair use protects the ability to reuse bits and pieces for interoperability, research, etc... Now - the danger isn't clear - but what would happen if a large company (oh, let's say...Oracle...just for an example) patents the codebase for their product. That codebase contains millions of lines of code. Now let's say someone (or a group of someones) builds, from scratch, a competing product. Let's also say (for sake of argument) that they are both (coincidentally) written in the same programming language, and the person(s) who wrote the competing product had no access to the the code of the large company's product.
With copyright, they're pretty much set. Any similarities in their codebases are coincidental, and inconsequential.
With patents, things become a bit more hairy. If the competing product's implementation of a feature - or possibly (depending on how fine grained the law is worded) even a subroutine - is found to be "too close to" the large company's product - it's a criminal offense, whether there was prior knowledge or not.
That's the danger I see. IANAL, so I'm not sure exactly how feasible/realistic my fears about this are, or if my inderstanding is even correct - but the whole thing scares the bejeezus out of me.
Why Europe didn't suffer the slump as badly (Score:2)
Also, our economy has pretty strong links with the US (as the US is a pretty big market) but there is much more outside the US than inside, so basically we'll get some impact from US issues, but barring worldwide economic meltdown we're mostly fine:)
Re:whats new? (Score:2)
Fact: corporations don't patent things, individuals patent things. If an individual is contractually bound to assign control over the patent to a corporation, that's between the individual and the corporation, no-one else. This is enshrined in the way patents are granted.
A patent doesn't say that no-one else can use an idea. In fact, it mandates publishing your work so that others can benefit from it. Patents merely provide a legal framework that says that you can publish an idea that has cost you time and money to develop into something useful, you can still get some benefit from it, by licensing other people to do things based on your idea. Also, one of the conditions of getting a patent is that your idea must not be one that is obvious to any reasonably experience practitioner in your field - loads of patents have been shot down as "prior art" because a practitioner had already used that idea, but simply not bothered to patent it themselves.
The concept of a patent is all good - it is the current implementation, with the US patent office granting patents where it shouldn't.
Re:whats new? (Score:2)
Fact: you need patent lawyers to apply for and to protect patents. Applying and protecting patents is extremely expensive. While the legal patent holder, in name, might be an individual (well, usually a few individuals), patents are virtually unattainable and unprotectable unless you're a corp. So, by the letter, you're right. In practice, nothing could be furthur from the truth. Note that this is not due to the US patent office granting patents where it shouldn't. (Although it could be argued that some of the cost of interfacing with the patent system is due to the large volume of patents in the US patent office collection, although I contend that its a classic example of how unchecked capitalism leads to the 'creation' of industries and 'middlemen'.)
> In fact, it mandates publishing your work so that others can benefit from it.
Can you explain to me how making the world aware of your idea, but a slave to your licensing terms for the next 20 years, benifits people? As RMS pointed out, people shared more often before all this IP furor began. While patents may mandate publishing, the fact is, there is plenty of historical evidence to show that most people will share their discoveries with others regardless of any 'inventor protection' system put in place.
Re:whats new? (Score:2)
Sure, they benefit in the case that renting a wheel from you is cheaper than re-inventing it for themselves.
Re:whats new? (Score:2)
The problem with software patents is that reinventing a software "wheel" is often cheaper than renting it. Such a patent produces a net loss in overall economic efficiency.
The especially annoying part is that people often unknowingly reinvent somene else's "wheel", only to be harassed later.
Re:whats new? (Score:2)
There's a nice little article here [acton.org] you might want to read, called "The History of Freedom in Antiquity" written in 1877 by Lord Acton. Read it. You might learn something.
Re:IP laws aren't inherently evil, but. . . (Score:2)
There are some very serious problems with this viewpoint. The first is factual - it is not possible to patent a human genome sequence in the US. http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/com/sol/notices/
The second aspect is that patenting of naturally occurring materials is a long established and important incentive for invention - for example most antibiotics are naturally occuring materials.
What is key is that much of R&D is based on finding new uses for materials that already exist in nature - and in reality this is highly beneficial because otherwise we would be rewarding the development of only new materials that do not exist in nature - and as we well know through hard lessons the introduction of new materials into our biosphere often results in very undesirable unexpected effects.
It would be very bad public policy indeed if we were to ban patents on naturally occurring materials as it would incentivize only the development new synthetic materials.