DOJ Dot-Narc 67
GigsVT writes: "Wired has a story about how the DOJ wants to "[Target] five types of people [on the internet], including previous drug offenders, legalization advocates, anarchists and people promoting 'an expanded freedom of expression' that pushes the boundaries of the First Amendment.""
Let me be the first to say (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Let me be the first to say (Score:1)
Re:And let me be the first to say (Score:2, Troll)
Then your uncle was short sighted. Who would you be more angry at: a) The confused dimwit who hit you over the head in a fit of rage, or b) the evil, plotting megalomaniac who rapes your dead body and grinds it up to feed to your children and then marries your widow so he can abuse her?
Ashcroft is NOT honoring the memories of the dead, he is using them as a pawn in his sick twisted Orwellian game to bring about dystopia.
Yes, the actual murders are BAD PEOPLE. But they are also lame and stupid people who don't really have any clue about what they are doing. Ashcroft knows full well that he is dirting the values your Uncle held true, and he doesn't give a damn.
I'm sorry (Score:1)
Re:And let me be the first to say (Score:2)
Re:And let me be the first to say (Score:2)
And it's obvious that it was a very terrible misfortune that YOU were not killed in the attack.
Using the deaths of innocent Americans to set up a Nazi-like, anti-American police state is an INSULT to those that died.
Those who died in the attack were, for the most part, proud of this country, and it's long tradition of freedom and liberty. To use thier deaths as an excuse to take those very freedoms that they died believing is worse than insulting, it's vile, it's abhorant. I would rathar forget forever and spit on the graves of the dead than let thier memory be used to corrupt the world for thier children. And if you really used your head for a minute, you would say the same.
What limitations? (Score:3, Insightful)
The only possible valid limitation I could see would be the "don't shout fire in a crowded room" one; any other is precisely what the ammendment was designed to protect.
Re:What limitations? (Score:2)
The prohibition exists only because people can't rationaly evaluate the merit of those words in a potential emergency, and the resulting panic if there is no emergency is harmful.
Re:What limitations? (Score:1)
Re:What limitations? (Score:2)
The point was that while you can say what you want, doing so when it will likely cause a panic that can be expected to cause more harm than not saying anything, is considered subject toreasonable restraint on free speech -- it isn't what you say that is harmful, it is the consequences of saying it.
Laws aganst incitement to riot are similar (though, when the Meech Lake accord died due to a sunset clause, Quebeckers were told that flying a Canadian flag on the aniversery of Canadian independence from Britian would be considered incitement to riot) but, like "reasonable restraint of speech" laws, can be used to oppress perfecly reasonable speech.
Re:What limitations? (Score:1)
Just like if you hire someone to murder someone else, you get arrested for murder, not 'telling someone to murder someone else'.
Same thing with libel and slander. Telling falsehoods about people is legal. Damaging their reputation with falsehoods is not. (Hence the reason that Larry Flint got away with calling someone a pig fucker or whatever, as there's no way anyone thought he was serious.)
The speech is legal, but the results (or the attempted results) of the speech, which have caused (or tried to cause) direct harm to others, are not. Which is the reason this doesn't apply at all to what the DOJ is trying to do, these sites aren't causing harm to anyone. Encouraging people to break the law isn't illegal in any form or fashion in the United States. (Unless you don't tell them it's illegal, in which case you could be causing harm to them, but that's more a civil matter they would sue you over then anything illegal.)
Re:What limitations? (Score:3, Insightful)
Well, let's see what the first amendment says:
Congress shall make no law [snip] abridging the freedom of speech [...]
abridging is a big word, lets see what that means:
To cut short; curtail.
So if laws meant anything, Congress would be forbidden from limiting the freedom of speech in any way.
a. The legislative branch doesn't actually believe that (famous quote: "the constitution is a living document" - Al Gore) other quotes available on request.
b. the judicial branch doesn't actually believe that. Witness the limitation on shouting 'fire' in a theatre. In a truly free society no one would suggest that you were not free to shout 'fire' only that you would be held responsible for doing so.
c. The executive branch obviously doesn't belive this. As evidenced by Ashcroft. To be honest though, I am far less worried about Ashcroft than I was of Janet Reno. Sure Ashcroft has said some scarry things, but Reno actually did scary things.
The libertarian party is looking better and better all the time.
Re:What limitations? (Score:1)
No it isn't.
a) the Constitution *is* a living document. Screw Al Gore. The Founders themselves said so and provided the amendment process to make sure of it. The checks and balances are there to ensure the possibility.
b) The libertarians would suggest that shouting fire in a crowded room was a form of fraud (and therefore a form of aggression) which would allow everyone in the room to sue the shouter for damages, and if he/she couldn't pay he would have to work it off in a corporate prison. Either that or anyone injured in the panic gets to sue everyone else in the theater for panicking-- or maybe doesn't get to recover any damages at all since there wouldn't be any good witnesses to the trampling. And all of this would be adjudicated by private judges and enforced by private police forces, each apparently using their own set of laws.
c) Name five things Reno did that were scary that would've been handled all that differently by Ashcroft. Let me know when you get past Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Gonzales Boy (and I'm not sure how these would've been all that different under Ashcroft unless he would've managed to avoid them altogether, but they are the only things that spring to mind that Reno did that were scary). Ashcroft has been in office less than a year and already we have a Microsoft getting a slap on the wrist, soldiers carrying M-16s in the airports, some bigoted remarks about Islam, and now a prime example of the sort of chill-power these guys want to apply to free speech. That's pretty scary when you consider they seem to be targetting drug users and political speech. And it's only the beginning.
And before you jump on me. I didn't like Clinton/Reno either. Personally I think our best bet for true freedom and equality at this point is the Green party. They promote the end of the drug war (wonder if they'll start to be hunted by the FBI now) and they say they support freedom of speech (with the usual restrictions: "fire!", threats, incitement).
Otherwise if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Become a born-again Christian or a conservative Jew and as long as you're male and have a senator for a father, you too can run for President.
Re:What limitations? (Score:1)
Name five things Reno did that were scary that would've been handled all that differently by Ashcroft. Let me know when you get past Ruby Ridge, Waco,
I've always wondered why Ruby Ridge gets lumped in with Reno's "atrocities". It happened in August, 1992 - months before Reno took office.
Re:What limitations? (Score:1)
The full quote (Score:4, Insightful)
Advocates of an expanded freedom of expression are purveyors of information with yet another agenda. These individuals and groups publish information on the Internet to push the boundaries of self-expression and the First Amendment. The information they provide may induce minors and young adults to break drug laws or to become a danger to themselves or to others by abusing illegal drugs.
I find this infuriating... that the our government considers people who "push the boundries" of the amendment that gives the freedom to do just that criminal, and that they feel that it is within thier purview to control the content of the Internet. *grumble*
Re:The full quote (Score:3, Insightful)
Quite frankly, if I knew a kid who wanted to do drugs (parental/adult advice be damned), I would send them to a site like the above for at least some decent high-level info about some drugs. I'd rather someone make an informed choice about drugs than an ignorant one, regardless of the law.
Drug laws are pretty amusing, anyway. I can go to prison for possessing weed, but not nutmeg? :) Anyone with half a brain and a local library card can read up on things legally attainable in the produce department, the spice rack, or a local plant nursery that are just as potent and fun and the banned substances.
Besides... this entire "agenda" thing is bunk. Show me a Pepsi ad (pushing caffeine), a Marlboro ad (pushing nicotine), or a Budwiser ad (pushing alcohol) which doesn't have an agenda! Granted these are legal substances, but they are arguably responsible for more social grief than all the banned substances combined (plus they make a few companies a lot of money).
Disclaimer: IANAP (I am not a pharmacist)
Caffeine? (was Re:The full quote) (Score:1)
How did caffeine get onto your list? I might understand the tobacco (causes lung cancer) and alcohol (causes traffic accidents), but why caffeine??? What happened? Did you spill coffee on your lap in a McDonald's drive up once???
What is "arguably responsible for more social grief than all the banned [controlled] substances combined" is the fact that medicines are controlled in the first place. IANAL or doctor, but I understand if you are a doctor, it is perfectly legal for you to possess and administer cocaine and heroin. However, if you're a terminal patient, you have to ask the FDA if you're allowed some new experimental medicine, which most likely they will say "no!" How is that protecting anyone?
Re:Caffeine? (was Re:The full quote) (Score:1)
Caffeine has some level of addiction, it could definitely cause illness, and it can cause death in sufficiently high doses (a lot lower doses than the LD50 of many illegal drugs, BTW)
Re:Caffeine? (was Re:The full quote) (Score:1)
Yeah if you take enough caffeine, you can cause death. Same thing with vitamins and window cleaner. However I dont see how any of these three items cause "social grief."
Re:Caffeine? (was Re:The full quote) (Score:1)
Re:Caffeine? (was Re:The full quote) (Score:2)
To place it in its rightful rank along with other addictive substances. Tobacco and alcohol are not supposed to be directly marketed to kids. Caffeine can and is, which makes it even more of a problem. Britney singing, "For those who think young." That overly-cute little Pepsi girl. The teen targets of the Mountain Dew and Surge ads. Hell, there's a bloody Coke/Pepsi machine in damned near every public school, now.
Why do you think caffeine became an additive (in addition to the natural caffeine in Kola nut) after its original addictive ingredient (coca -- natural cocaine) was outlawed? Gotta keep 'em hooked!
Like most drugs, it isn't inherently bad. It's just that it is consumed far in excess (by most people, at least) of what is healthy. If you drank alcoholic beverages of any proof as frequently as most consume caffeinated drinks, your liver would revolt. The chronic presence of any toxin in your blood will trash your liver, which in turn causes all kinds of grief.
Re:Caffeine? (was Re:The full quote) (Score:2)
Re:The full quote (Score:2)
Sleepless nights (Score:2, Interesting)
Sometimes I wish I was an American so I could (pretend to) make my vote count, and get rid of this 2nd wave of Reefer Madness. (Don't get me started on the ridiculous amount of resources wasted on marijuana enforcement).
Now I guess I just wait until the FBI text scanner picks up the word marijuana in my post, eh?
Let's not overreact just yet... (Score:1)
When is enough, enough? (Score:2, Insightful)
DOJ can't count (Score:1)
Re:DOJ can't count (Score:1)
Re:DOJ can't count (Score:1)
Other lawbreakers use drug websites to encourage minors to perpetrate crimes unrelated to drugs or to lure them into being victims of crime. Pornographers and pedophiles would fit this threat group.
The fifth group is essentially "miscellaneous"
Paul B.
slashdot (Score:2)
So, slashdot then.
A S S H O L E ! (Score:3, Insightful)
If we cannot discuss the flaws of our current system of laws, then how can we ever hope to create new and better ones?
Here's a very simple way to understadn what is so incredibly wring with everything that is going on in that guy's head: Take every single argument he makes and place the replace the word "legalization" with "slavery".
Imagine if a hundred years ago people were hunted down by the government because they were against slavery laws?
The current stance our country takes on drugs was NOT handed down by God. It was written by men who had motives. Maybe the laws are good, maybe they are NOT. ANY attempt to squash the discussion and merits of changing the laws is tantamount to advocating totalitarianism.
A republic or a democracy where the "people" can not advocate new and better laws is not a free place. It is a banana republic.
Re:A S S H O L E ! (Score:1)
Following in the footsteps of....
"I was just following orders"
"Everyone else was doing it"
"I figured someone else would take care of the problem"
"I didnt speak up for them because I wasnt one of them"
Re:A S S H O L E ! (Score:2)
No sir, I will happily bitch about both. If those who enforce the laws are not able to make descisions based on judgement, then they are not fit to serve in this position. If I were a police officer, and a new law was passed proclaiming that I must shoot all red-head people on sight, I would not do so, even if it cost me my job. Yes, it makes me responsible for the power that I am given, but at the same time, it makes my concience guide my actions. And when the concience guides law enforcement, the only people who need to fear are those who are morally wrong but legally right.
Re:A S S H O L E ! (Score:1, Insightful)
Yes, and you will also apathetically do nothing other than bitch about it. That's sure to bring about the change.
"the only people who need to fear are those who are morally wrong but legally right"
How is it morally wrong for me to have an interest in preventing my children from having access to drugs? How is it morally wrong for me to vote a politician into office who will pass laws helping me protect my children when I am unable to be around?
How is it morally wrong to target known offenders for heightened survelience? How is it morally wrong for law-enforcement to monitor publically accessable web-based communities for drug activity? How is this different than using paid informants to monitor drug activity?
Re:A S S H O L E ! (Score:2)
Once assets are seized, even if the owner is not charged with a crime, it is a long court battle to get them back, and how is the person supposed to pay for a lawyer after all their assets, including bank accounts are seized?
You must have your head firmly in your nether regions if you don't see what is happening here. It's not right and it needs to stop.
Re:A S S H O L E ! (Score:1)
How would it be established that someone is a "known offender"? Maybe that jaywalking ticket you got 10 years ago. Maybe your roommate, brother, sister, or friend used drugs in the past, and by associating with them you must be a "known offender"--because if they do drugs, you must be doing them too.
I remember reading a news story about how the Dever police had put nearly every African-American in the city on their "gang" list. Basicly what would happen is: The police would pull a car over. An officer would check to see if anyone in the car was on the list. If so, everyone in the car would then be listed as a gang member.
This could be used by officers or even politicians to target a specific person for harrasment. You don't think abuse could happen? Maybe in your self-righteous mind you think no bogus charges could be brought against you, however you'll find in the real world, plenty of people are willing and able to defame you or bring you down--including those "sacred" public officials you seem to have so much trust in.
IANAL, however I don't think this is any different from broadcasting a place to sell drugs on the radio, or yelling it on the streets. I don't see any moral or legal problem with this, but I don't think that's what most people here are complaining about. In fact, on thing that confuses me about Wired's story is that the majority of the article talks about this specific issue, but they also drop the NDIC's list of people who should be "targeted" without really discussing it.
"access to drugs" (Score:2)
The issue is whether your old college roommate should have access to marijuana so he'll survive his chemotherapy. Maybe the pot will help him, maybe the pot won't, but that's a matter for him and his doctor to decide, not some bureaucrat who can't see past the kids. The kids that we all agree need to be protected.
The issue is whether you can have your car legally stolen from you because some cop thinks you looked "suspicious." Nobody disputes the need for drug kingpins to have their profit motive removed, but the fact that "drug" seizure proceeds are shared with the seizing agency has resulted in the predictable results in some jurisdictions. Tell me again how it protects your kids when a popular restaurant just off the college campus is closed, and threatened with seizure until the public made its displeasure known, because an employee accepted payment for some 'shrooms at work. Without his employers or the owner's knowledge or consent. N.B., no drugs were ever on the premises (at least in this incident
The issue is whether any of us will be needlessly exposed to future terrorist attacks because the INS staff (which tend to be dedicated but overworked, unlike their totally incompetent management) has been told to focus on drug traffic instead of terrorists. You might think this would never happen... unless you've been reading the news during the past 6 month.
People with good intentions can raise the questions. Note well that I am not suggesting that liberalization need apply to hard drugs, or major smugglers, or even necessarily anyone other than the "medical marijuana users" that the VOTERS of many states have approved referendums that liberalized local laws.
But according to Ashcroft, since I;m willing to let people fighting for their lives to use some pot if they think it will help them keep a bit more food down - possibly requiring a doctor's prescription to obtain joints from their local pharmacists - then I'm an equally valid target for surveillence as the guy who just got out of the state pen for the third time.
Re:A S S H O L E ! (Score:1)
Anarchists... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Anarchists... (Score:1)
This is the supression of a whole group of people. I don't rave, I don't see what the appeal in raving is, but I sure as hell will fight to protect their rights.
Arresting people for possession of water bottles and glowsticks as "paraphenlia" is total and utter bullshit. This has to end. I'm glad that Slashdot saw it fit to post this story.
The problem with anti-liberalization restrictions (Score:2)
Replace "drug laws" with "slavery."
We can't discuss ending slavery. We can't discuss the social costs of the misguided attempts to enforce slavery (e.g., the "recovery" laws that allowed abuse of free citizens of free states.) We can't even discuss the really braindead proposals, like the time Maryland (IIRC) proposed a law making all black freemen (and there many) slaves at the stroke of a pen.
No, we gotta keep our head in the sand until the legitimate grievances blow up into a civil war. I don't want to do drugs, but I am terrified of "law enforcement agencies" who want to see kids FUCKING DIE from bad Ecstacy rather than be flexible enough to realize that DanceSafe saves lives... and is a far more effective anti-drug message than the official efforts.
<B>NOTHING CANNOT BE DISCUSSED.</B>. I don't give a flying fuck about the morons who still think that we should be worker's paradise. Where I draw the line, and the only place I will accept this line being drawn, is at discussion of the violent overthrow of the legitimate government of the United States. The government that was duly elected by the majority of the voters, or at least the plurality.
Like President Bus... Oh shit!
...or is it Herr Ashcroft? (Score:1)
just another group of people lobbying to change
their country's laws peacefully. I see, Comrade
ACLU has misguided priorities? (Score:2)
You must have JavaScript enabled in order to use the Wired News Multimedia Player.We apologize for any inconvenience. That has set off alarm bells at the American Civil Liberties Union.
God damn. Is there nothing the ACLU won't complain about?