World Sousveillance Day 189
Sousveillance Cyborg writes: "Sousveillance is inverse surveillance, and a worldwide community of cyborgs is promoting sousveillance as a way toward more privacy and less secrecy.
Today is World Sousveillance Day (WSD).
See http://wearcam.org/wsd.htm. Transmitting live from around the world at noon (moving with time zone)."
It's a bit late to announce this (Score:1)
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:1)
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:1)
certainly its food for thought. Perhaps next year, or they could arrange for
this to happen on every holiday or event that carries a high survellience
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:3, Interesting)
I did however read it and there are a few scary points brought out. What do I think? I think I want a "Federal Government Comment Card".
Here's a link [brianwillson.com] to some interesting things about the governemt that most people don't know.
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:3, Interesting)
The essays may be "interesting", but that doesn't mean there is any more truth to them than the X-Files.
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:1)
Likewise, just because Wilson might have written some real doozies, doesn't mean he couldn't get on right. Hell, quantum mechanics is even on his side on this one.
Re:It's a bit late to announce this (Score:2)
I'm surprised I didn't see an essay on how NASA faked the moon landings [demon.co.uk] on there.
Given Recent Events.. (Score:3, Insightful)
For that matter, shooting photographs of security stuff in general may be a bad idea. You could easily get arrested for such stuff, even if it is an invasion of privacy.
But, as always there's an alternate.. there's the middle finger.
Re:Given Recent Events.. (Score:1)
Re:Given Recent Events.. (Score:2, Insightful)
and monitored, surely the govt. or whomever is doing the monitoring should have
no problem with the people responding in kind. I remember when the greatest
thing about America was that we the people were the ones who held the power.
Re:Given Recent Events.. (Score:1)
I remember when the greatest thing about America was that we the people were the ones who held the power.
You must be quite advanced in age...
World Subjectrights Day FAQ (Score:2)
Re:World Subjectrights Day FAQ (Score:1)
hmmmm... (Score:2)
Might be just me though. Maybe it helps to wear a "I am not a terrorist" t-shirt. Maybe not.
Re:hmmmm... (Score:2)
False arrest is a sure-fire way to a civil lawsuit and huge punitive damages.
Re:hmmmm... (Score:2)
Re:hmmmm... (Score:1)
Re:hmmmm... (Score:2)
!!However!! they cannot touch you in order to escort you off their premises, that would be criminal assault on their part. They can however call the police who will be more than happy to put a razor-sharp steel toed boot up your behind.
Taking pictures isn't a crime, but trespassing is.
Of course, they can only force you off the premises to the nearest public property. If that public property happens to be the sidewalk right in front of the door of the train station, tough noogies for them.
places for sousveillance cams (Score:3)
-Hidden in your cellphone, to record in all those forbidden places. What do casinos and department stores have to hide?
Re:places for sousveillance cams (Score:2)
You should make sure there are no laws against [boston.com] this before attempting it.
Re:places for sousveillance cams (Score:1)
Re:places for sousveillance cams (Score:1)
Bad Date (Score:5, Insightful)
Just about anybody that celebrates Christmas is busy on Christmas Eve. Mom's gotta clean the house, Dad's gotta find a Turboman actionfigure for Young Jimmy, Highly Paid IT Businessman is busy partying, Joe Homeless is busy begging.
The only people that are going to have no problem doing this on Dec. 24 are people that don't celebrate Christmas at all. Typically these would include various racial groups which the US has declared war on right now....
So, would it be a great idea to have lots of people that (dumb) Yankees would consider to look like terrorists running around, taking pictures of things and getting security all riled up?
I think this WSD should be on a more relaxed time of year. Maybe some time in April or something.
Re:Bad Date (Score:2, Insightful)
Like us Atheists. Or those who celebrate Chanukah. Or those who celebrate Ukrainian Christmas. Or....
"I think this WSD should be on a more relaxed time of year. Maybe some time in April or something."
From the site:
"Q. Why was Christmas Eve chosen ? The shops will be rather busy.
A. that's exactly why. 12:00 noon dec.24th will be the busiest day, and the best expression of corporate culture, and the best time to shoot. It's a human element.. crowds of people herded like cattle, overseen by the surveillance. Also the lineups will be long, so it was felt that folks could entertain themselves while waiting in line by shooting. When you get bored waiting in line, liven it up with some camerafire. Shoot when you're bored. Shoot when you're frustrated. Shoot when you're being shot!!! "
Give you a nickle if you read the article in question before posting.
Re:Bad Date (Score:1)
Natural Date (Score:2)
Re:Bad Date (Score:2)
Second of all, it's not intended at racism. Go read my comment. I don't say these people are terrorists, or that they do anything wrong.
I am saying that the circumstances would arise in which it would be people who don't celebrate Christmas, who are therefore less busy Dec. 24, that would have the time to participate in WSD.
I don't mean racism and I am sorry that you viewed it that way. It's kind of sad that a person can't even MENTION other racial groups without people thinking she's racist.
Re:Bad Date (Score:2)
You cannot under any circumstances declare war on a race of people.
If you typed it out wrong, ok. This is very easily misinterpreted as racism. If I am the confused one, I apologize.
Re:Bad Date (Score:2)
sure you can..
people do it all the time.. its call genocide.
Re:Bad Date (Score:2)
Re:you stupid shithead (Score:1)
I don't know what your response is supposed to mean. I don't hate Russians, I don't follow the politics of my homeland anymore (why should I?)
the right thing to do (Score:2, Interesting)
As Brinn said, there is no stopping the spread of cameras now, but why would anyone want to stop them anyway? People need to simply accept the cameras and use them instead of fighting them every step of the way, missing out on the great things that cameras can provide average citizens.
I don't understand... (Score:4, Insightful)
What I can imagine, though, is a scenario where once the system is in place, the scope of its use is gradually increased until it is being used not only in ways that are unacceptable, but also in ways we were specifically told it wouldn't be in the beginning.
An example of this would be the "anti-terrorist" cameras installed all over London. These are now being used to detect and prosecute all sorts of lesser crimes. Of course, many people don't have a problem with that, but you have to be extremely careful where the lower bound gets set. Is that a nudie magazine in your pocket, visible in frames 237-512 when you crossed Market Street?
Maybe you can't imagine any activites/liberties you presently indulge in which the government might eventually decide are nonsat, but my paranoia meter jumps a couple of clicks every time this stuff makes the news.
Re:I don't understand... (Score:2, Insightful)
Last I checked, it wasn't a crime.
If you're so paranoid about it being found out, put it in a bag first, but don't blame the cameras, as any Joe Schmoe can see you too.
You cannot expect privacy in the street:
If a camera can see you, so can a human eye.
The only reason to fear being filmed by cameras is if you're planning on lying in your side of the story, hoping to have a word-against-word case, rather than a word-against-video. And then - what are you lying to protect?
Re:I don't understand... (Score:1)
The point of resistance to these things isn't to save kiddie porn salesmen an inconvenience, it's to point out the obvious abusability of these systems. Yes, you like your government today. And here in the US people often whine about term limits but when it comes down to it they like their gov'mnt enough to keep voting the same people in.
But you do not -know- the future. You do not -know- that your home will never be swept with a tyrranical fervor in the future (USSR, Germany, Laos, Vietnam, China on and on). So it is not "paranoid" to build governmental systems that would work poorly for tyrants. That is why (hypothetically) the US is built on three counter balancing branches of government, that's why the constitution here checks the powers of those balancing branches, that's why it is stupid to talk about powerful governmental systems (like the "anti terrorist" cameras in London) in these good soldier Schwiek terms. Was Jefferson "paranoid"? Did he have "something to hide"? No, he knew good government from bad government and he knew that inefficiencies (as some foolishly label our checks and balances) in the longest running experiment would ultimately make it strong. All IMO.
Re:I don't understand... (Score:1)
Cameras, enough of them, will show the truth.
Re:I don't understand... (Score:2)
Well arguing the point verbally doesn't seem to get anywhere. I have yet to see a slashdotter write "Now I get it! Privacy really does matter!"
Which seems to be (partly) the point of "sousveillance". Find those (in the real world) who are willing to defend their organization's surveilling ways, and point a camcorder at them. Find out if they're hypocrites.
Re:I don't understand... (Score:1)
Not necessarily, and that's the problem. You can be far away from any people, yet still viewable by a hidden camera, or telephoto lens.
But there is a way to beat that. (Score:1)
The definition of privacy, at least in the USA where I reside, has the words reasonable expectation of usually put before it. IF the police deaprtments have used telephoto lenses without a search warrant, then it looks like they are using unusual methods of search. Most police do not sit with binoculars, so therefore, using advanced technology on minor crimes can usually be considered inadmissable in court, and that being the primary evidence of apprehension, be thrown out of court.
But if they are speifically looking for you, then you are, as they say, up shit creek without a paddle.
New definition of the elite (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:New definition of the elite (Score:2)
There's a book dedicated in part to this point.
It's by Michel Foucault and it's called _Discipline
and Punish_. (The title is confusing at first; the
trick is that "discipline" is used as a verb.) I
enjoyed it a lot, though the language can be a little
dense. I recommend it in general.
a visit (Score:1)
but i wonder what would happen if i took a picture of them or started videotaping them... my guess is they'd beat the shit out of me
Re:a visit (Score:1)
Being connected means losing privacy (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Being connected means losing privacy (Score:2, Insightful)
How much surveilence is too much? How much privacy is too little? Is there a real benefit to this surveilence or am I "subject #23"
I have a name and I have a history, you can learn these things from me by asking. If I choose to invite you into that level of closeness/community with me, I will share these things. My objection is simply that I want to have some say/control over how much data is gathered and how it is used.
One of the big issues here is when is surveilence de-humanizing. In a small town, folks can know each others business and though there are busibodies, they are usually ignored by the population at large. Now we are dealing with semi-legal entities which want to know our business. A corporation is a piece of paper which is recognized by the courts as having standing as a 'person' humans in service of this 'person' want to watch us suspiciously.
I will live with people and I will submit to a certain ammount of friendly inquiry into my life. I'm not all that interested in being suspected of $NefariousThings and watched like the criminal I am suspected of being.
Re:Being connected means losing privacy (Score:1)
Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:2, Insightful)
Give me a break, this type of paranoia is so vogue it's disgusting. There are real threats to civil liberties, but "sousveillance" isn't going to counteract them. Though the group claims they're turning the wheels of democracy, they would be more appropriately observed to be a factional group.
Even if they're right, nobody in the paranoid realm has ever given me a good answer to the question, "Why should the government even care what you're doing?" If you pay your taxes, walk the dog, and tune into Must-See-TV on Thursdays, you're in line with the rest of society, and the government could really care less what you're doing. Even if you *gasp* use Linux or program computers, the government really isn't interested at all in what brand of toothpaste you buy from the grocery store.
In related thoughts, there needs to be a Godwin's Law for 1984 references, such that a reference to "Big Brother" or other Orwellian terminology immediately invalidates what you're saying.
Re:Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:2)
Re: Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:1)
Actually, it does [tuxedo.org].
Godwin's Law prov.
[Usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress. Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an upper bound on thread length in those groups. However there is also a widely- recognized codicil that any intentional triggering of Godwin's Law in order to invoke its thread-ending effects will be unsuccessful.
Re: Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:1)
[...] There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress.
It's not part of the original law, it's a practice a number of people adopted. So, strictly speaking, the previous poster is correct.
Re:Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:2)
American history.
The value to the authorities of widespread surveillance
is not that they can or want to arrest everyone who
smokes a joint. The value is that if someone becomes
a pain in their collective ass, and it turns out that they
smoked a joint, they can be neutralized.
This isn't blithering paranoia. Just read any
historical account of the New Left of the 1960s
and 70s.
Re:Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:2)
your common sense, you can get a pretty good
idea of what the real story is.
I understand that reading books is frowned on around
here if it keeps one from spending enough quality
time with one's Playstation.
Re:Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:2)
"Why should the government even care what you're doing?" If you pay your taxes, walk the dog, and tune into Must-See-TV on Thursdays, you're in line with the rest of society, and the government could really care less what you're doing.
You are right, if you are being a good little consumer and behaving as the government wants you too, they will not care about you. They will let you watch TV, walk the dog, pay taxes and die and that life may suit you just fine. However, I would prefer my children and grandchildren to be brought up in a free and just society, not one were practicing ones constitutional right to free speech and disagreeing with the government will get you marked UnAmerican and a Terrorist Sympathizer.
Re:Warning: Clicking on story leads to typicality (Score:1)
I completely agree. Notice I did not say *I* agree with those things. I do none of them myself (well, I pay my taxes) and I don't look favorably on people who's life consists of the mundane and the trivial. However, my point is that, if you're in that sleeper majority, the government doesn't give a hoot what you're up to most days.
I also want my children to grow up free and just and atypical of the apathetic Western mentality. The difference between me and the "sousveillancers" is that I believe I will not have to go to extraordinary measures to ensure this: I have a degree of trust, maybe hope, that the state will afford myself and my children that liberty. If it will not, it will not be America.
Snow crash (Score:1)
It does sound interesting, but are not cops legally entitled to use violence against you and you cannot exercise any violence against them? So I would imagine that if you were to go and start taking pictures and such wouldnt the cops simply hit you on your head and take you to jail for being a nuisance?
Re:Snow crash (Score:1)
to either turn them off or cover them up right before they started whupping
somebody's ass.
Re:Snow crash (Score:1)
Footage of a cop running up to you right before your camcorder dies makes for pretty compelling evidence in after action civil suits. All IMO
Re:Snow crash (Score:1)
Re:Snow crash (Score:2)
allowed to just start whupping somebody's ass.
Of course not, but I do happen to live in the United States, born and raised in
Washington DC and I can tell you quite assuredly that even tho cops are
NOT allowed to whup someone's ass, they can and often times
do. In my hometown of Washington DC, there have been several cases of police
brutality. I have witnessed with my own eyes, a person being assaulted by 2
police officers, and after about 15 minutes of being beaten, (not resisting,
mind you, the guy was basically huddled down in a doorway covering his head) he
started to fight back, more in an attempt to get away then to cause harm. This
resulted in about 15 cops arriving on the scene, standing shoulder to shoulder
obscuring the view, while 3 more cops proceeded to "whup his ass". When I made
my previous statement, I was referring to an incident where a couple of police
officers were assaulting a motorist. What made the incident memorable was that
one of the police officers had forgotten to turn off his dash camera (which
recorded part of the incident) and went back to turn it off. I can dig up the
incident if anyone wishes, I believe it happened in Florida. Check http://www.hrw.org/reports98/police/ [hrw.org]
for more reports of this nature. Sorry to have made such a lengthy post,
but it needed to be said.
Also see here [http]
[http://www.copcrimes.com/] for more info.
Re:Snow crash (Score:1)
[http://www.copcrimes.com/] [copcrimes.com]
Freedom of Authority? (Score:1)
document police brutality, sexual harassment (Score:3, Insightful)
If you're gathering evidence that relies on tone of voice to document wrongdoing there's nothing like a tape recorder. And if you're gathering evidence that relies on gesture and facial expression to document wrongdoing there's nothing like a pinhole camera.
In fact, digital video cameras is how the human rights abuses of the Taliban were first documented by RAWA [rawa.org].
But pick your battles, carefully, kids. This isn't a contest to see who can be the most annoying to security people who are doing their jobs honorably.
As a followup... (Score:3, Insightful)
Come on, guys. It's simple economics. If a store wants to reduce losses due to theft, they install cameras. Or they install domes that look like cameras. If you're going to be insulted about that, why aren't you insulted that you can't leave without going through the registers, or that they lock the door after hours, or that the "Employees Only" areas are only for employees? Why not require retailers to move their entire stock outside under a large awning, and turn their backs to us to show how much they trust their customers?
Come on, dude, you're living in a paranoiac techno-Robin-Hood fantasy that would have been only moderately tolerated even before 9/11. Now, your implication that the security guys in Wal-Mart are worse than the terrorists who blew up WTC, makes your opinion worth less than sludge.
Re:As a followup... (Score:1)
It's not about harassing Wal-Mart guards, it's about making the general population think about questions like:
1) Why exactly don't they want me videotaping them, but they can videotape me?
2) In what other ways am I being watched/monitored/tracked? Should I care? (GPS enabled cell phones, anyone? M$Passport anyone?)
3) How much is enough rights to give up for the sake of security?
Re:As a followup... (Score:5, Insightful)
That's good, because he's just harassing salespeople from the looks of things.
1) Why exactly don't they want me videotaping them, but they can videotape me?
Because it's their store, and they're responsible to the owner to make sure that, though anyone can come in and freely handle millions of dollars' worth of goods that doesn't (yet) belong to them, the employees won't let too much of it walk out unpaid for. Just because someone works in a place that uses video security doesn't mean they want, or deserve, to see themselves on a 'gotcha!' website.
And conversely, if this fellow posts his videotape of Sears employees [wearcam.org], does that make it okay for Sears employees to post whatever tape they have of him, or of any of us?
2) In what other ways am I being watched/monitored/tracked? Should I care? (GPS enabled cell phones, anyone? M$Passport anyone?)
He could make a better case for this by attacking these issues directly, rather than claiming that storecams are akin to terrorism. Now more than ever, that sort of rhetoric will lose credibility for his 'cause' quicker than anything.
3) How much is enough rights to give up for the sake of security?
Store cameras aren't about giving up rights, any more than my home security system limits your freedom of movement. If you don't want to go in, just don't go in. Our society is free to bankrupt companies with unpopular business practices simply by denying them our trade. Simple, isn't it? But before you ask how we get everyone to boycott Wal-Mart, let me suggest that nobody really cares that they're videotaping. In December 2001, it's just not that big an issue.
Someday we may have to accept the fact that if nobody else seems concerned about our cause, it may indicate that our cause is only important to us, and not that everyone else is an idiot.
Re:As a followup... (Score:2)
We are at an interesting inflection point in surveillance systems. I worked on engineering several such systems through the mid-90's, and the only thing really changing was that cameras got smaller, cheaper and better. Storage was always on VHS time-lapse, because computer storage was too expensive. Tapes were rotated on a cycle based on legal or liability archive needs.
In other words, these systems were great for providing a record of an incident after it occurred. If no incident occurred, the tape would get reused because nobody really wanted hours of repetitive footage.
But increasingly powerful computers are starting to enable some extraction of data from the raw video before it is lost. For example, facial recognition could turn that unwieldy bank of video feeds into a list of people with locations and speeds. You could put a camera at each register (which they should do anyway, for an anti-fraud record of check/credit card users) and use it to tie faces to names.
There are more benign applications - a retail analysis company has software that will process camera feeds and yield statistics about the effectiveness of merchandise displays. This seems harmless to me because once the raw video is gone, all that's left is aggregate data.
Anyhow, I just want to emphasize that we haven't had to think much about commercial surveillance because the technology didn't permit any really interesting applications. Computers are changing that. We will be faced with some tough choices.
Re:As a followup... (Score:2)
Unlike cameras, your other examples don't infringe on the tenuous (and poorly defined) personal right to privacy. What this guy's doing (with admittedly questionable implementation) is to highlight the privacy infringement going on. He's not forcing it to stop. He's not claiming it should be outlawed. He's just using videotaping to bring attention to videotaping, which has a certain poetic justice to it.
Now if a lot of people feel uncomfortable with such videotaping when it's pointing out to them, and if he gets sufficient media coverage, then companies will be forced to react to the negative publicity. If a lot of people don't care about such videotaping, then nothing'll happen.
In short, it's a rallying call for an issue that everyone's already semi-aware of, but which people may not have really thought about. It's also even more of an issue now. Just look at a recent "Ask Slashdot [slashdot.org]", where someone wanted to indefinitely archive footage from over 1000 cameras. Even though the application there may or may not have been a privacy infringing one, the technology is definitely there to exacerbate the privacy problem.
Re: Missed the point? I don't think I did. (Score:3, Interesting)
Did you see the Sousveillance video [wearcam.org]? He's not doing exposés of concealed cameras in dressing rooms; he's strolling through department stores, asking employees idiotic questions about the "mysterious dark domes" in the ceiling as if they were part some massive coverup, and none of the poor idiots (non-University of Toronto CE students [netsol.com]) around him were totally unaware that they were being watched in a department store. It inspires no social change (except perhaps more stores banning video cameras), and has no effect outside of feeding his overinflated ego. This is nothing more than stupid camera tricks posing as citizen activism.
While we're on the subject, let's throw it out to the group—how would you like this guy to walk into your employer's business and start following you around with a camcorder? "Why do I have to have a password to use one of these computers? What are those weird white boxes with red lights in the corners of the ceiling? Why is the server room locked? Why did you call the police?" Seems pretty juvenile when you think about it.
Re: Missed HIS point or YOURS? (Score:2)
When you say "department stores need cameras to protect their stock - but they need to do it in an accountable way," do you mean that if they misuse the video, they should be subject to lawsuits? Or are you saying that they should have a CorpWatch [corpwatch.org] representative overseeing all videotape loading, unloading, and archiving? Does the corner 7/11 store need to hire one as well, since they have a camera behind the register? Where do you want to go with this?
"What recourse does the victim have?" The same recourse that they would have if a peeping tom videotaped them at home and posted mpeg's on the Internet—except that in the store's case, it would be much easire to prove liability, and to get a lucrative settlement. Which is why stores are very careful with such tapes, and only show them in the executive breakroom, where they belong.
"I posted anonymously because I don't have a login ID for slashdot, and I can't be bothered to get one." Yet you have the time to post anonymously ad nauseum? I'm simply dumbfounded by this statement.
Go in peace, my child.
Re: 2-way peepholes vs. 2-way mirrors (Score:3, Insightful)
In a similar manner, you can see through a one-way mirror by reducing ambient light as much as possible and placing a high-powered light flush against the surface of the mirror. See, if the guy at wearcam.org had constructed such a setup, with a rubber-gasketed camera and flash which he used to take pictures of the folk watching us in department-store dressing rooms, and filled a website with those photos (preferably alongside statements, denials, and changes of policy from the stores in question), then he'd be performing what would arguably be a public service.
As it is, he's filming camera domes as if they were UFO's and salespeople as if they were MIB's. For all his bravado, he isn't coming close to anything like a controversy.
Is this how I'm supposed to burn karma?
Does one dare to hope? (Score:2)
A better way to hurt CCTV operators (UK only) (Score:2)
It may well, however, require a small fee. This is defined in the DPA as a maximum of £10.
Go to a shop (only do this in big chains, no-one wants to hurt independents). Go when it's busy. Very busy. Make sure they have plenty of CCTV cameras. Make sure you get in as many of them as possible. This increases your impact.
Then, go to an employee. Under the DPR's `Code of Practice,' `All staff should be aware of individuals' rights.' If not, ask to see the `Data Protection Controller' or, the Manager.
You may well need to fill out a Data Protection Subject Access form, or write a letter with proof of identity to the Shop's Data Controller.
You are entitled:
to be told if any personal data are held about you AND, if so:
to be given a description of the data;
to be told for what purposes the data are processed and
To be told the recipients or the classes of recipients to whom the data may have been disclosed.
to be given a copy of the information with any unintelligible terms explained;
to be given any information available to the controller about the source of the data;
So, they'll be required to give you copies of information they hold about you. You probably don't want this, but the administrative burden is the aim here.
If they don't provide the said details with 40 days, complain to the DPR and they will be likely to be fined.
Re:A better way to hurt CCTV operators (UK only) (Score:1)
This is just plain wrong. "Anonymous" data is not covered by the data protection act. The CCTV frames would only become covered when they link your image to your identity. And even then there are suppliments to the 1984 DPA which provide exceptions, i.e. faces of suspected football hooligans can be stored.
Good waste of £10.
Be careful... (Score:2)
This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:5, Informative)
Does he have a valid concern? Yes, I think he does. I'm not thrilled with the pervasiveness of cameras either. But how does harrasing the clerk at the register change anything?
Re:This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:1)
It's fun to screw with people. Try it some time. Go down to the Bose store, and ask that chick if she wants to make out on that leather couch. Or, if you're old enough to make that inapropriate, try screaming "BACK THAT ASS UP!!!" to the next Chevy Suburban you see backing out of a parking space.
Almost anything will work. It's fun. Try it.
If you're lucky, maybe she'll accept (although, considering the forum...) or maybe the SUV will pump the brakes and make the back end bounce.
The people in the video were pretty much just laughing at him. It was fun for everybody. And maybe they got some of his message in with it, but who really gives a fuck?
Re:This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:2)
While I can't watch the video here and the political ramblings on the webpage sometimes wandered off into the slightly kookier side of the issue, I wouldn't completely discount the value of acting like a jerk. Such behavior is just a level of refinement away from the brilliant social satire done by Michael Moore [imdb.com], the genius behind "TV Nation" and "The Awful Truth".
One such example of his behavior (from the first season of "The Awful Truth") was heading to the headquarters of an insurance company that had refused to pay for a life-saving liver transplant for one of their policy holders. The policy contained two conflicted clauses, and the company had chosen the least expensive option (rejecting the claim). Attempts to resolve the matter via traditional grievance procedures had failed, and the person in need of the liver wouldn't have survived the multiple years necessary for a court battle.
So Mr. Moore, with the man who needed the transplant, went to the office and gave out invitations to the man's inevitable funeral. He harassed employees. He made a pest of himself. He even held a mock funeral down in the street once getting thrown out. Obnoxious? Yes. Funny? Hell, yes. Effective? Well, the insurance company authorized the liver transplant, and the guy was in the audience (post transplant) for the host segment of the show.
The point is that sometimes the deck is stacked so heavily in favor of large companies that acting like a jerk is your only resort. The result is to (hopefully) focus a large amount of negative publicity at the company so that they can't ignore it. Anything else tends to get lost in the crowd. A company could care less if one person writes a letter complaining about their use of video surveilance. But if that one person sits in a store and videotapes the surveilance system, in clear view of all the other shoppers, it's suddenly an incident that must be addressed.
If that person then puts his/her videotape up on the web, you've just magnified that publicity. If that site gets slashdotted, kick the audience up another order of magnitude. If the footage is interesting enough (either via humor or insight) that you've get television coverage, your audience has skyrocketed, and the company is forced to respond.
Still, sometimes acting like a jerk is just plain obnoxiousness, but if done right, it's the key to humorously getting your point across.
Re:This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:2)
On the other hand, it's just a level away from the work of Tom Green, too, whom I won't dignify with a link.
Anybody can walk around with a camera and act like an asshole. Saying "I'm doing it for artistic reasons" doesn't make it art, unless you also think Yoko Ono scrawling "fuck" on a museum ceiling is art.
This guy has a valid point, but the only people who are going to listen long enough to hear it are those who already get it.
Re:This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:2)
You mean the guy responsible for an increased awareness about testicular cancer [usrf.org]? While most of his antics are immature "look at me" stunts, he did use the attention people gave him to bring attention to a very serious problem. Admittedly, it was something that he had a personal stake in (just as Michael J. Fox has a personal stake in Parkinson's research and Christopher Reeve has one in spinal injury research), but he did do some societal good.
Re:This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:2)
I don't recall saying he did no GOOD; I said he did no ART.
A sewer does societal good, too, but I ain't hanging what comes out the other end up on my wall.
Hell, some guy owes him a debt of gratitude for making Drew Barrymore all weepy and vulnerable, too.
Re:This guy is just a jerk. This isn't a story. (Score:2)
True enough. But I'm still trying to provide at least some validation for the technique. The post I replied to could be converted to the analogy of, "What's the point at smacking a little white ball around a big green field?" My reply, by citing someone who actually gets it right, is trying to show that sometimes that little white ball gets hit into the hole on the far side of the field. A lot more people appreciate golf (even if some people deride it as not being a sport) versus the number of people who at least appreciate what this guy's attempting to do.
Futhermore, there's at least some hope for the guy. Just as someone can get better at golf, this guy can hopefully learn from his mistakes and refine the process a bit. While I'm not going to automatically give him a gold star for effort, he does have some theoretical potential. Maybe he'll do some direct good. Maybe not. Either way, he's at least spawned an interesting Slashdot discussion.
You know.. (Score:1)
Problems... obviously (Score:1)
Sousveillance is stillborn (Score:1)
Within a few years, unauthenticated video footage will be useless, because anyone will be able to conjure up whatever fakery they like. All those underground sousveillance cameras will be producing data which could have been made just as easily on a high end workstation.
Only authenticated video will be trusted. That means that the police and government will trust their own video cameras and be able to use them at trial. But video records from private citizens will be no better than hearsay.
Technology giveth, and technology taketh away. So it will always be.
not stillborn (Score:2)
I'm not sure why there are so many negative comments here. It's like 50% of the posts say, "Slashdotters are paranoid weenies." Great, there's nothing like reading insults all day, except being so lifeless as to write them.
Way to ignore every other culture (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
I've got a solution. (Score:1)
Then we give everyone a choice. You can go where you might be watched and pay the regular price OR you can go to a surveillance-free store and pay 20-50% more. Of course, advertising that you are a surveillance-free store might make it even worse than a standard store and ease the pressure on the other stores.
So if you are fine buying half as much stuff then you can support the surveillance-free effort. But the rest of us will just deal with cameras.
I don't entirely disagree with the sentiment behind this effort, but I believe that it must be directed at the right targets.
It's just a model.
I'm a genious. Heres an idea. (Score:1)
Spoofzilla. Use a gnutella-alike protocol. You can spoof packets to any ip address running spoofzilla. This allows you to choose not to be classified by IP addresses...
Also alows you to do DOS attacks, and get around your IRC ban.
Oh my bad. He's just retarded (Score:1)
I thought his intention was to actually meaningfully counter invasions of privacy... The only way to do that is to add more layers of privacy. My idea was aimed mainly at the FBI's main target... If you keep fighting where someone else is fighting, but doing it 10000x better, then you hold them back from other fields of war.
Its like the prisoner struggling in vain through the jaildoor for the keys, when there are no walls. If you make sure the prisoner never realizes he could just walk around the door, then he stays trapped.
Most people just don't care. (Score:1)
If crime is just moving around avoiding the cameras, then some will say that we need more cameras EVERYWHERE and then the evil criminals will have nowhere to hide. Is there any data showing that there is NO way this will happen (cost ineffective or otherwise) and that there would be no way that crime reduction would actually happen?
The rhetoric that we are losing rights doesn't make a damn bit of difference to the average person. How can we show them that cameras can be a BAD thing? Showing them why losing our civil liberties over time will lead to a worse life may help a little tiny bit.
Hell, if you know how to present your case even moderately well, you will be able to convince the average person that having a surveillance camera in their home is a GOOD thing.
First you need to ask them how they feel about the effectiveness of cameras to deter crime. They will probably answer "I think that they are effective."
Build on that. Ask them that if since they are so effective then they wouldn't mind more of them to monitor the idiots on the road and the areas that they go shopping and visiting at. They will probably answer "Yes".
Again, build on that. Ask them if they would like to make their streets safer in their neighborhood by installing cameras. They will bleat "Yes". Ask them about installing a camera in front of their house to keep it safe and they will again answer "Yes".
Inform them that the most common form of crime in the United States is domestic violence. Appeal to them how it rips apart families and causes pain and suffering. Ask them if they have watched the TV show "COPS" and cite examples.
Now convince them that since it is such a major problem and that there is no way to protect those people that it might be best to install the cameras for the interm in previous offenders homes, just for safety mind you. They will grudgingly answer that it might be prudent.
Now inform them that since there is no way to spot the offenders BEFORE or WHILE the first offense is comitted that it would be safest for the community for ALL people, including them, to have a camera in the house.
I have had a person answer (and I quote here), "Yes, I see what you mean. That might be an idea that I can live with."
Reread the previous quote. How in God's name are we going to get the average person to:
A) Think about the consequences of their actions or inactions.
B) Start caring about their civil liberties.
C) Understand HOW this technology can be misused.
D) Understand WHY this technology could be misused.
E) Understand the need for people to watch the watchers. And have the PEOPLE watch THEM.
How are we going to get the average person to start processing information with their brains rather than with their feelings?
Wal-Mart fun (Score:1)
Re:What a stupid idea (Score:1)
Re:What a stupid idea (Score:1)
Maybe a site like that exists, but I have never heard of it. A weak argument I know...
Re:What a stupid idea (Score:2)
They will attack you, they will steal your camera (use a throw away and have a second peron covertly photograph. Espically photograph you getting assulted by the security team.
It's a helluva rush, and it get the point across. I reccomend everyone doing it at lest once. if you have the guts.
I know I'll get modded down here. (Score:1)
Alas, I don't I think that you really aren't trolling on this one. If you are, hell, you deserve the points for being an excellent troll.
Really people. If there is this big conspiracy, then where is the proof, other than kook words on the kook internet with no pictures, no concrete evidence but a ton of kook ranting? What posesses a person to believe them more than anyone else without proof? In almost any side of an issue, both lie. I want some dang evidence. Independent evidence of Big Brother.
Where have all of your liberties run off to compared to the massive slaughters that the populations of *say* China, Russia, or dictator held lands have suffered? The things that politicians are doing in the United States today might also be the result of the one thing that we complain about on Slashdot all the time...
Ignorance of technology. With a lack of independent voice in tech issues, they listen to companies. The movement should be independent. I know, we've been complaining about this forever... it is a legit idea.
Make action with not the seemingly exciting "counter-terrorist" agenda setting weirdness, but the boring, write-your-congressmen ways that the rich corporations beat over your heads every day. Granted, sign this petition is not as fun as storming a mall with security cameras, but it gets more action and less arrests.
It is not very slashdottian to say this, but your rights are not disappearing, they are being adjusted. They have been adjusted of every session of congress since it was founded. So please get out there and readjust them back in a way that you think is right. Real concrete movements to counteract real concrete laws. It isn't glamorous, but it does work. And it doesn't require harassin' working stiffs on the job.
Re:I know I'll get modded down here. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I know I'll get modded down here. (Score:1)
Now that is amazing. Someone can get higher points than my original post with an incomplete thought... GREAT. I didn't say here is my comment... I said that we should apply our force into peaceful, political action that can really change something.
This guy sneers, and gets points, because he agrees with all of the conspiracy theorists... and believes that right now, someone is sitting behind a mahogany desk making a concerted effort to take away his rights.
*Sigh* If only they really cared that much.
Honestly, if I could get points through sarcastic remarks, my Karma would still not be that great.
Re:I know I'll get modded down here. (Score:2)
Anyway, I wouldn't say that I *agree* with all the conspiracy theorists. (I happen to think that they have some valid concerns, but that's a different matter.) What I was trying to say was that you *can* take action to try to stop things before they've happened. And that's generally the preferred time to take action.
Why wait for 1984 to come true? Won't it be too late by that time?
And if it doesn't and never will or never can, as perhaps you seem to believe, then what harm is there in some crackpots wasting their energy rallying on about it? Doesn't it essentially become just another trekkie sideshow if Orwell's dark prophecy proves to bear no fruit?
One final correction... I wasn't sneering at anyone. If anything, I was smirking. Didn't mean to make you feel personally disrespected with my comment, there -- sorry.