FCC Asks 'Opt-In, Or Opt-Out?' 14
FrankHaynes writes: "The U.S. FCC seeks comments on this proposed rule
in which they seek 'to obtain a more complete record on ways in which
customers can consent to a carrier's use of their CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information)'. They are debating an opt-in approach versus an opt-out approach. Commentors have until 1 November, 2001 to submit their opinions." Opt-out puts the burden on the victim; opt-in encourages a responsible, sustainable customer / company relationship. What am I missing here?
Opt-in (Score:5, Interesting)
And I don't know about you, but when I opt out, I feel like a bit of a heel: "Here's all my information, my email, my address, my phone number...now, please don't use any of this information, dear spammer."
I wonder if the day is not too far off when those of us who have opted out get on a big list of "people who've opted out" and get a mass "So, you like to opt out, eh?" mailing...
The FCC should go with opt in. It's for questions like these that "duh" was invented.
Re:Opt-in (Score:3, Insightful)
What, I should have to WORK to be left alone? (Score:3, Interesting)
What Timothy's missing (Score:3, Interesting)
Uh, a clue, perhaps? Of course opt-in is better for the public than opt-out. That's why the FCC has never before supported opt-in for anything. Wake up! The news here is that they are even considering opt-out, but I suppose that can be written off to posturing so they can claim they asked for public comment. Asking doesn't mean they have to listen to our replies. But reply anyway -- tilting at windmills will give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside while you rot in jail for opposing the will of our corporate government, you terrorist.
Gee let me think... (Score:3, Funny)
So in the long run I could get atleast 2 times more mails than there are companies in the world.
Sounds good eh?
Uh...where do the comments GO?... (Score:2)
Maybe it's buried in there and I just didn't see it yet, but while the document does indeed say they are looking for comments, I don't see anything saying where to send the comments in question...
Perhaps the FCC has "Opted-out" of public commentary...
They go here... (Score:2, Informative)
For Consumers: The Rulemaking Process [fcc.gov]
Comments can be filed online at:
Electronic Comment Filing System [fcc.gov]
Perhaps this would be more logical? (Score:1, Insightful)
Perhaps a "is it OK for us to sell your information to the highest bidder?" Opt-in or Opt-out law would be more productive.
Opt-in means NO forms... (Score:2, Insightful)
Contact the FCC (Score:3, Informative)
It has the e-mail addresses for the comissioners as well.
Chairman Michael K. Powell: mpowell@fcc.gov
Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy: kabernat@fcc.gov
Commissioner Michael J. Copps: mcopps@fcc.gov
Commissioner Kevin J. Martin: kjmweb@fcc.gov
Re:Contact the FCC (Score:2, Funny)
Ummm... okay. (Score:3, Informative)
Opt-In is best for the consumer... Opt-Out is favorable for the business.