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Spammers Land Optusnet On Blacklist 160

downundarob writes: "In Australia there are essentially only two major backbone suppliers; eventually all traffic either rides on Telstra (Part govt. owned) or OptusNet (part of C&W Optus). According to this page OptusNet has gotten itself on blacklist, potentially causing issues for a large percentage of Australian Internet users." Update: 09/30 12:01 GMT by T :DanielS writes: "Looks like Optus did indeed back down; according to the SPEWS listing & delisting info page, Optus were removed after shutting down the DNS service."
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Spammers Land Optusnet On Blacklist

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  • Mulligan. (Score:1, Funny)

    by 1337 $14X0r ( 445930 ) perhaps?
  • by jelwell ( 2152 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @01:21AM (#2369776)
    How did that porn sneak into the article?

    Someone is not checking the (non) links!
    I highly doubt a porn site that pops up banner ads is a well regarded spammer blacklist site.
    Joseph Elwell.
  • huh? (Score:5, Informative)

    by dcardamo ( 260476 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @01:21AM (#2369777) Homepage is a porn site for sale.... on the other hand. Might want to change that link before 18 year olds go to it.
  • All internet companies have a duty to stamp out spam. If they do not they get blacklisted. Maybe optusnet should try and do a better job at bringing joustice to spam throwers.
    • by bakes ( 87194 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @02:24AM (#2369863) Journal
      Maybe optusnet should try and do a better job at bringing joustice to spam throwers

      Yes, I agree that skewering spammers with long pointy sticks is a great idea.
    • If they do not they get blacklisted. Maybe optusnet should try and do a better job at bringing joustice to spam throwers.

      For those of us on Telstra, there was an earlier problem with Telstra's mail servers being open in about (that is, someone from outside the T$ network could use the mail servs to send mail).

      If Optus has a prob like this - it should be fixed fairly quickly - I'd expect to see something on one of Australia's Broadband Community Websites: Whirlpool [] shortly...

      -- Dan =)

  • New SPAM logo? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Could it be that /. is finally respecting Hormel's trademark? Was it out of goodwill or did the lawyers come a-callin'?
  • by term0r ( 471206 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @01:30AM (#2369789)
    Mr Barry said Optus had been fooled by a simple ruse as the spam gang split its operations, setting up the computer with sites to be spammed in the US and hosting the domain name server at Optus.

    It seems that the server running on the Optus network is only acting as a Domain server for the spamming. I would hope if this is the case, that the server actually doing the Spamming, which is in the states, has also been black listed.

    Plus, as the article says, running a nameserver is not against the Terms and Conditions of Optus, so there is little they can do about this.
    Anti-Spam people often seem to be so wrapped up in their cause, they often don't realise they are doing more harm than good, i.e. blocking half of Australia's email.
    • One would assume that the spam server in the states is indeed blacklisted as well, if it hadn't been already.

      i think the push of this article is that since aus only has two backbones. the blacklisting of Optus is really going to effect the population at large (in australia).

      now. back to drinking.
      • i think the push of this article is that since aus only has two backbones. the blacklisting of Optus is really going to effect the population at large (in australia).

        Only to those utilizing the blacklist (which is done by choice).

        If I were an ISP using such a blacklist, and something this large were blacklisted, I'd stop using it. It seems thousands of people would get denied in the name of blocking one spammer...
    • by COAngler ( 134933 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @02:30AM (#2369871)
      Plus, as the article says, running a nameserver is not against the Terms and Conditions of Optus, so there is little they can do about this.

      They can change their TOS. They can forbid spam-support services from using their networks. They can refuse to renew their contracts with spammers.

      Anti-Spam people often seem to be so wrapped up in their cause, they often don't realise they are doing more harm than good, i.e. blocking half of Australia's email.

      Well, Optus got listed because they failed to respond to spam complaints. For this past month, I've been getting more spam volume than the volume from my Bugtraq subscription. About a quarter of that was connected to Optus in one way or another. In other words, Optus has been filling my mailbox with crap. I lose nothing by blocking them, and it makes my life easier.

      The one response I've had from Optus that wasn't an autoack amounted to "Screw you. Hosting spammers is legal." If their customers consider that to be acceptable net behavior, then they don't need to email me. There is no legal right to send email, anywhere in any Constitution in any nation at all. Or any legal need for me to accept it.

      • Well, Optus got listed because they failed to respond to spam complaints. For this past month, I've been getting more spam volume than the volume from my Bugtraq subscription. About a quarter of that was connected to Optus in one way or another. In other words, Optus has been filling my mailbox with crap. I lose nothing by blocking them, and it makes my life easier.

        Optus didnt "fail to respond to spam complaints", they chose not to act on the complaints of a few millitant anti-spam types who think that everyone associated with whatever they decide is "spam" should be blackballed from the Internet. It's boycott blacklisting, and it's a blackmail tool, pure and simple.

        They are, in effect, saying to Optus 'You cannot have this person as a client, or anyone else that we decide is involved with spam, or we will blacklist you to force you to accept our demands'. It's complete BS. Who died and appointed the spam police? It's organised extortion, and good for Optus for not backing down. Hopefully they will sue and put them out of business.

        • they decide is "spam"

          Then tell me who should get to decide what is spam?

          A) People who are bothered by unsolicited e-mail?
          B) People who're trying to make money with it?

        • by Anonymous Coward
          Please "ghostrider_one", post your email address. I'd like to mail you today, and tommorow, and again, and again... Now if you decide to block me or try stop me, I'll just sue your censoring ass.

          Now what was that email addy?

          * GOAT *
        • Like it or lump it. If other people don't like the crowd a certain someone hangs with, those people are free to be as judgemental as *they* feel inclined to be. This goes for companies too. It's the curse of free markets around the world; people get to choose who they deal with. It hardly rises to the level of extortion, but who am I to interupt bad analogy theater?

          Maybe one bad apple spoils the bunch, or maybe one shouldn't throw the baby out with bath water. But who is anyone, to tell anyone else, who they MUST associate with, and what odious behavior they MUST endure in the process?

          In short: "Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is pull."
        • Who gets to decide what's spam and who gets blocked? For me, I do. If I don't like what someone on the network is doing, who they're hosting, what color their hair is, or anything else, I can blacklist them. If they value having connectivity to my little corner of the network, then they can change whatever it is I don't like. If they don't care that I'm blocking them, they're free to go on doing whatever they want, and they'll never get off my blacklist. You can call it blackmail all you want, but there ain't a thing you can do about it. There is no right to connectivity. If you don't like that, tough. Build your own network, and you can do whatever you want. Just don't piss in my pool and expect me not to do something.

    • Anti-Spam people often seem to be so wrapped up in their cause, they often don't realise they are doing more harm than good, i.e. blocking half of Australia's email.

      Spam people often seem to be so wrapped up in their advertising, they often don't realize they are doing more harm than good, i.e. pissing off 99.9% of their victims to the point where the victims engage in irrationally angry responses to the ads.

      Email advertising is theft. Thieves must be punished. Corporate entities have proved more than once (AGIS, "Pink" contracts) to be basically on the side of spammers. Half of Australia's emails is blocked? Tough. I only hope that half of Korea's spam I mean email gets blocked, too.

      • Yes, there is a right way to handle spam - make it cost money. Every other advertising vehicle, from web banners and pop-ups to bulk mail in your mailbox costs money. Spam email doesn't.

        The solution today is to let ISP charge for mail being sent out. A very, very tiny amount of money would go a long way to eliminate the problem. Oh, and yes - there needs to be a clear precident that use of an open relay to bounce mail is a theft of service with a minimum $10,000 fine.

        Spam is a problem, but I don't think for a moment blocking email is a solution to it.
    • Picture this: John Q Australian can't get his email and calls Optus. Now in reality he'll get some runaround, but if he were to have a logical conversation with Optus it would go along these lines:

      User: Why can't I get my email?
      Optus: We've been blackholed by a large U.S. blackhole list.
      User: Why?
      Optus: Because of some spammers using Optus.

      Naturally, this is not the way the actual phone conversation will go. Doubtless Optus will explain it away, if they explain it at all, with "technical difficulties". But the sheer number of angry letters, calls, and emails will put pressure on them to fix the damn problem.

      What YOU don't realize is that spam is everyone's problem. I'm glad of blackholes like MAPS and spews. I'm glad my ISP uses them, and if my ISP stopped using them I'd find a new ISP. Because I don't enjoy having my time wasted, I don't enjoy having my ISP costs being inflated by the cost of handling spam, and I don't enjoy being treated like a cash cow by rude assholes the world over. If an ISP gets on a blacklist, they need only throw the spam in the trash to get out, and they all know this. Lazy corporations uninterested in stopping spamming customers because it mostly eats OTHER people's resources, does not impress me favorably.

      Blocking half Australia's email? I see that as a GREAT thing. This will focus LOTS of anger and pressure on Optus, who will either shape up quick or begin to lose money. Corporations tend to hate that second option, I've found.


  • When did this happen? I actually like the new icon. The old one was a little disparaging to Hormel.
    I could never stand SPAM anyway. I guess I'd eat it if I were trapped in a fallout shelter. Maybe.
    • When did this happen? I actually like the new icon. The old one was a little disparaging to Hormel.
      I could never stand SPAM anyway. I guess I'd eat it if I were trapped in a fallout shelter. Maybe.

      Hormel's official policy is that they object to the use of their logo to refer to junk -mail. It was only a matter of time before Slashdot changed it (either voluntarily or involuntarily).
      • Hormel's official policy is that they object to the use of their logo to refer to junk -mail. It was only a matter of time before Slashdot changed it (either voluntarily or involuntarily).

        Changing the icon to a little pig carved from a block of spam is truly poetic justice, in that case. Maybe someday Hormel will choose to market a product like that and this image can be used as an example of prior art.

  • Not *all* optus (Score:4, Informative)

    by sprayNwipe ( 95435 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @01:33AM (#2369795) Homepage
    Note that this is only for people who subscribe to Optus's OptusNet dial-up service. If you use Optus@Home, an account through another provider that uses C&W's bandwidth, or even if you use another Optus dial-up service besides OptusNet (Dingo Blue?), you won't be affected.
    • I'd say that Dingo Blue would have been affected as their hostnames are still (for some strange reason).
    • Dingoblue users would be affected, as it does use the optusnet mail infrastructure, just it's a different hostmask for incoming messages. Otherwise it's just the same servers et al for the dialup customers.

      It would also affect optusnet perm. customers (ie: isdn) who use the optusnet mail servers.


    • How could this not affect Dingo Blue accounts? The hostmasks are identical to an OptusNet one.

      I personally use Dingo Blue, and (on IRC for example) there's no way to tell that I'm not an Optus user.

      I'm going to be somewhat annoyed if stuff stops working....
  • We're really in trouble if a porn site is running the spam blacklist! What's next, blocking all sites with non-sex content?

  • Removed already (Score:5, Informative)

    by cdraus ( 522373 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @01:35AM (#2369800)
    from, reports they have shut down the dynamic-DNS spam service run by the Dean Westbury gang on their network. In response, the SPEWS listed network addresses were removed from the list.

  • Spam natzi say: OptusNet users, no /. for you 1 year.
  • dear lord... must be an international date line or something., reports they have shut down the dynamic-DNS spam service run by the Dean Westbury gang on their network.

    In response, the SPEWS listed network addresses were removed from the list.

    Updated listing for Dean Westbury:

  • Contracts ? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by antv ( 1425 )
    Umm, why those blacklists are implemented on public backbones (like, etc) ?

    It's not like one of those anti-spam guys filters all connections to his personal machine,. If I pay to my ISPs and they pay to backbone, aren't they supposed to provide me with all the bandwith I want without filtering it ? How come someone on ISP could decide which mail I want to receive ? I'm paying for Internet, not for a part of Internet, and if I want to filter out spam, I would do so myself w/o anyone's help.

    There was a recent case when wasn't accessible because some idiot mistaken it for a spam house - but WFT public backbone started using it ?

    Shouldn't OpusNet be able to sue whatever ISP was doing filtering for breach of contract ? I presume contract does not say "any psycho could censor all IP packets if he thinks one of the name servers is might be used by spammer", so ISPs that do this filtering should be open for a lawsuit, at least from their users.
    • Re:Contracts ? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Phroggy ( 441 )
      The ISP can easily take the defense that they have the right to protect their network from abuse, and an RBL is an acceptible means to help do that. I'm sure the fine print allows them to do it; if you're not sure, read your contract again.
    • Re:Contracts ? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by seebs ( 15766 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @02:13AM (#2369846) Homepage
      The terms of service never guarantee connectivity, and frankly, not blacklisting spammers means overall worse connectivity than blacklisting spammers.

      It's a "cooperative network". If you don't cooperate, we don't network with you.
      • This blackmail method of dealing with spammers is wrong and obviously just doesn't work given the amount of spam everyone is still getting. Taking down innocent, third party sites via blacklist in order to extort action from the ISP seems hard to justify ethically, no matter how much you hate spam.

        Playing whack-a-mole with spammer ISPs doesn't work. they get a new dialup, they bounce off mail relays, they up the ante in this arms race. We should spend more effort making these spammers not want to spam: take away the incentive to do so and the problem goes away without hurting bystanders.

        Some very simple legislation that targets the *businesses* (not the spamhouses that they subcontract to) that are advertising by spam could be very effective. Similar to the fax laws in place, the business would have to show that each and every email sent was opted-in somehow. When actual businesses start getting sued for $500/email, they will simply stop doing business with spamhouses that don't work via opt-in. Selling giant email address lists becomes useless, and harvesting the free webmail accounts via vrfy becomes useless. Necessarily, the advertising business must be findable. No need to crawl through ip logs of hacked relay boxes to find the spamhouse, go straight to the TRUE source of the spam.

        While this does little for foreign owned, foreign originated spam, it goes a long way towards reducing spam responsibly. Any foreign companies who continue to do this could have some of their assets in the US frozen. If any employee of the company were to set foot in the US they could be arrested Dmitry style. Other governments can implement similar laws if their people hate spam enough.

        no matter how much you hate spam, taking action against non-spammers in order to force action from an ISP is unjustifiable. Shame on organizations that use such reprehensible tactics, they must be staffed with persons of "leisurely moral growth"*.

        *Thank you, Larry Wall, for such a great phrase. :)

        • I disagree with you.

          You haven't seen an internet without blocking lists, hence you can say nothing intelligent about the volume of spam now vs the volume of spam on such a hypothetical network.

          The internet is a COOPERATIVE. You become antisocial, I cut you out the group. Customers can move to a ISP that is a good netizen. Using a blacklisted ISP isn't like death - it's easily fixable.

          I for one would be very pleased to give my own ISP the what-for if I found out they were abetting spammers. Then I'd move elsewhere. It's part of being a good netizen.
        • I disagree. What is working with SPEWS is the amount of "collateral damage" that ISP spam support policies are having on innocent bystanders. Nothing talks louder than an irate customer telling their ISP to clean up their act or lose business! It has certainly gotten optus to change, while polite requests were simply ignored. Time will tell if SPEWS actually makes a dent in spamming. Things look good so far -- some huge ISPs are using the SPEWS list, while other huge ISPs are paying the price for harboring spammers. However, a lot of other things started with a lot of promise but proved to be too slow or ineffective.
    • By failing to blackhole traffic that causes network problems, especially on the mail systems, I can guarantee real downtime for the end users. ISPs are left with little choice but to filter bad connections, and it is what 99.9% of the users out there demand of us in the first place.

      There was one evening some months ago where I made a CVS error which resulted in Earthlink's MX servers accepting connections from every single IP attempting to connect. Two servers (of many) died instantly and the previous version of the blockfile had to be reinstated just to get sendmail accepting connections again. The rest of the servers slowed to a crawl. Mail that was in the spool at the time was delayed up to an hour and a half. And that was missing the denyfile that we use for... I'd say 7 minutes.

    • antv, your ISPs may be sick of spammers crashing their mail servers. Your ISP has every right to control the property they own and decide whom they communicate with. Would you also be annoyed if your ISP prevented DOS attacks or other security risks from reaching your machine? Why are you so anxious to spend time, money, and bandwidth to receive junk e-mails? Seek out one of the ISPs listed on SPEWS if you love spam so much.
  • by BlowCat ( 216402 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @01:56AM (#2369827)
    From []:
    [29/Sep/01] OptusNet listing removed, reports they have shut down the dynamic-DNS spam service run by the Dean Westbury gang on their network. In response, the SPEWS listed network addresses were removed from the list.
    • I'm sure that the moderators who moderated me as "redundant" were not browsing at -1. Maybe it's time to enforce this rule in software instead of expecting moderators to be honest? Anybody browsing at -1 would surely find a better use for their mod points.
  • Story errors (Score:5, Informative)

    by kimba ( 12893 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @02:02AM (#2369834)
    1. OptusNet is owned by Optus which is owned by Singapore's SingTel. Cable and Wireless sold Optus some time ago.

    2. Optus and Telstra aren't the only backbone providers in Australia, to say that all traffic in .au ultimately goes through them is a lie. For example, UUNet is a very large backbone provide in Australia. (Probably bigger than Optus)

    I think we can mark downundarob down as +1 Troll.
    • Your first point is accurate. OptusNet, the old Microplex, was purchased by C&W Optus prior to the listing of CWO on the ASX. They've had a spam problem for a while now.

      Optus and Telstra are the major backbone providers out of Australia. Yes, UUNet is a in-Australia provider, but they will ultimately be using Telstra for their last-mile connections. The last time I looked, UUNet was still using Singtel Optus for upstream connectivity, mostly because of the big fat OC-3 pipes to C&W's Global.Net. And they certainly have to use the transit connections to Telstra to reach the Telstra connected sites, as I don't recall seeing any IX announcements of Telstra, SingTelO and Connect/UUNet being made.

  • Did Slashdot get tired of hearing from lawyers and remove the can of spam???
  • Even though I support any move against spammers, as would most /.ers, does it worry anyone how much influence these groups can freely wield over the net? We complain about ICANN being undemocratic, but when it comes to spam... argh, between a rock and a hard place :).

    If that situation did perpetuate itself, would there be any legal liability on behalf of either Optus or for the intentional breach of service to the rest of Optus' customers? You would think that after a while the customers would start suing either or both parties to the dispute.
    • If that situation did perpetuate itself, would there be any legal liability on behalf of either Optus or for the intentional breach of service to the rest of Optus' customers? You would think that after a while the customers would start suing either or both parties to the dispute.

      Spews set itself up in a way that makes it hard to sue and harder to serve. It's not exactly incorporated, and most if not all the principals are unknown.

      FWIW, spammers have tried suing blocklist operators before. MAPS [] has, thus far, beaten pretty much every legal challenge against them, although the latest one with Media3 came to a somewhat questionable settlement. At least in the US, the precedent is in favor of the blocklist operators.

      As for suing the providers...I frankly don't know. If my own ISP managed to get itself listed, I'd consider suing them for failing to enforce its AUP and therefore interfering with my service.

      • Spammers may have tried suing blacklist operators, but have any innocent (non-spamming) victims who have also been blocked ever sued either the blacklist operators or the ISPs who use these list?
        • Almost - we were recently blocked and the "operator" of the blocking list (not SPEWS) just about got served papers. They listed us because of how our IP address was once used. Wonderful. Then, the "operator" was out of town and PacBell implemented their list as the "main" filter for their mail. Of course, this resulted in a deluge of complaints. Because this is a "hobby" for the operator, nobody was around to answer the phone, faxes, FedEx'd letters, etc.

          Finally, after about a week of not being able to respond to tech support inquiries and such we got ahold of the operator and it was fixed.

          The impact was fairly limited, but I assure you blocking a business and intefering with their revenue is a very serious business. We were certainlying willing to "go to the mat" over this - because capitulation in any form says you're wrong on some level.

      • Never setup a company that does any form of business with the United States without listing its primary contacts. You could find yourself in jail upon entering a state where a judgement was found against you even if you were never served with the lawsuit in the first place.

        Doesn't matter whether you are American or not. Several states allow lawsuit to proceed if the other party cannot be contacted. Note: The lawsuit will likely NOT be in your favour if you cannot be contacted.

        This has happened to a few Canadian companies, the president of one such company entered the state where a lawsuit had been filed and completed a year before. He found himself in jail for failing to follow the judgement. (Details sketchy because I do not remember enough details to find it. Was about 3 years ago.)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 30, 2001 @02:25AM (#2369865)
    A few minor facts.
    #1. Spews has very minor penetration. Going via
    the optusnet mailservers I can't find anywhere
    that actually bounced my mail while the block
    was in place.

    Consequence of which is that basically no-one
    would have noticed the spews block.

    #2. 'half of australia's traffic is unmitigated
    nonsense. 'Optusnet' is the dial-up arm of
    Optus and it currently ranked as the #3 (or #4
    depending on who's counting) ISP in australia.
    Their market share is nothing like 50%. 10% maybe.

    #3. 'won't be able to reach large parts
    of Europe and the US' is sheer junk. As mentioned
    about, the number of sites that use spews appears
    to be near zero. Does anyone know a major site
    that actually _uses_ spews? I couldn't find one.

    • by richard-parker ( 260076 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @04:06AM (#2369956)

      Does anyone know a major site that actually _uses_ spews? I couldn't find one.

      I couldn't find any statements (definitive or otherwise) from any big players saying that they are using SPEWS []. However, by looking at the reports in and the bounce messages that I asked to be forwarded to me I think the two largest users of SPEWS are:

      Pacific Bell [] - a large telecom on the US west coast.

      Outblaze [] - a mailbox outsource company which handles mail for such sites as Mail.Com (a free mailbox provider).

      • While there is little that can said in favor of spam, the rabid anti-spam crowd is often doing more of a disservice than a service.

        My company was recently blocked because of an incorrect identification of an IP address as dialup. This took 7 days to resolve because the person responsible was out of town. So, for seven days we could not send mail to some customers that had purchased our products and could not respond to some tech support inquiries.

        Damn right we were going to sue. Not because we couldn't "spam" people, but because the blocking was interfering in our business communications and the "operator" of the "service" that was blocking us was utterly unreachable.

        We finally did get it resolved, but it took a while. This might be a way to deal with open relays. It is NOT a way to deal with anything else and it there needs to clear understanding of the potential liabilities to blocking email.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Hello fellow Coward,

      I could find two, a "little" company called Outblaze [] who seems to do quite a bit of email outsourcing (quote: "over 30 million mailboxes under managment"), and a real "tiny" one with a market valuation [] of only $158 billion called SBC Communications. Better known to 'net users as Ameritech, Nevada Bell, Pacific Bell (PacBell), SBC Telecom, SNET, Southwestern Bell.

      Probably more, but I didn't look too hard. Maybe Optus should subscribe, it'd sure cut down on all than Yank spam sent "daan-unda" - Oui!
  • How to deal (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Lothsahn ( 221388 )
    At times like this, I kinda wish that ISP's would create an e-mail system where anyone wanting to send me an e-mail was charged, say, .02c, for instance. My e-mails could pay for part of my internet connection, and spammers wouldn't spam as much, because it'd highly raise the cost of messaging me. When the user read the message the first time, he would also have the option of waiving the fee for his friends, family, etc. I know it'd take a lot to implement this, but it'd be a really great system.

    On another note: I've been getting Chinese spam at my e-mail address for quite a while now. At first, it was only coming from one address for a while, but now it's coming from multiple addresses. This would all be well and good, except I DON'T SPEAK CHINESE. Feh. We've gotta do something.
    • Large amounts of spam from the far east, I quit trying to deal with it, Our site just forwards it all to user bitbucket and bitbuckets mail all goes to the bitbucket.
      At first the chinese and japanese porn links were amusing, but they're pretty tame by american standards. What does surprise me is some of the stuff that comes from otherwise reputable american companies. I'd have never thought that a company like HP would resort to sleazey SPAM adverts and earn a place on my never-buy-from list but they do. even got one signed by Carly Fiorina herself, so I guess that it means that she can't claim plausable denieability now.

      ISP's charging for SMTP wouldn't really work because it just as easy to send from somewhere else, i.e. our verio account lets us send mail through our server, it's marked as having originated at our site with no real way to tell where it came from before. inshort the SMTP traffic goes through the ISP as packets, they don't realy know whats in 'em just where they are going.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    The new logo is a pig made of SPAM. Why can't you see that? Personally I think it's better as it's slightly more bizarre than the all-too-obvious can of spam. Actually, they should rotate the various things the spam is made out of - pig, squirrel, sponges, Steve Ballmer, etc.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Has all the coolest spam songs. :w

    My favorite lyrics in k.txt

    and Favorite acompanying song k. mp3

    Enjoy! Laugh! Be Happy!

    Death to spam.
  • by Anonymous Coward []

    1. Cybernet Business Professionals (hosted by UUNet)
    2. Qwest (
    3. Sprint (

    Now that I know of your policies, I'll be making sure to take my business elsewhere in the future.

    • Qwest and UUNet I can do without, but Sprint has some darned nifty services (Sprint ION, if it ever gets out the door). That, and us USAA [] members get all sorts of discounts from Sprint (EarthLink, long distance, PCS, etc.). So my current solution to that problem is to send a letter to USAA (who seem very privacy-oriented) and asking them if they really want to associate with a company that has such a reputation. I figure they can put more pressure on Sprint to change their ways than I can.
    • Bounce ALL originated spam to and

      Make their sales staff deal with the consequences of selling pink contracts. My accounts almost never receive spam from spammers anymore. They have been told to leave me alone because they are tired of dealing with the backlash.

      If everyone would bounce spam from unresponsive isps like this, it might discourage the sale of pink contracts. Its not like can turn of sales@ without a major headache. Serves the vermin right

  • Big debate (Score:4, Informative)

    by macdaddy ( 38372 ) on Sunday September 30, 2001 @03:43AM (#2369938) Homepage Journal
    There's a big debate on the [] newsgroup about Spews and their policies about not allowing contact from blocked people except for a newsgroup which isn't their own, NANAE. I have mixed views on it. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, not accepting mail to abuse@ and postmaster@ for a given domain is a blatent violation of the RFCs. I reject around 32k pieces of spam a week. Abuse@ and postmaster@ always accept mail, even from blocked domains. There should be some reliable way of contacting these people if I get listed. My $.02 anyhow. Night all.
    • appears to work. does not, but this is not relevant. Not all domains are required to have an abuse address.
  • The black-listing meant that Optus dial-up users would be blocked from networks that participate in the ban - meaning they won't be able to view websites or send and receive email on participating networks.

    Blocking general IP traffic in this manner is a very disturbing trend, one that seemed to get started with, notably mentioned on /. when was blocked.

    cue all the zealots who believe this is a good thing

    • This trend that you claim to be disturbing is eclipsed by a far more disturbing trend of spammers raping relays, crashing mail servers, promoting scams, and basically stealing. What is so disturbing about denying traffic from an IP block that harbors known theives? Network owners are free to do with their property as they please, even if it means denying rogue traffic.
  • notch one up for the anti-spammers,

    total score: spammers - billions upon of billions of emails, antispammers: 2 or 3.

    the this battle's been won, but we still have the entire war ahead of us.
    i can see the MPAA using this as an anti-digital audio tactic, spamming people from a specific network that has alot of MP3 traffic, until the network is blacklisted, and threaten to continue to spam/keep the network blacklisted until they limit the transmission of MP3's across that network.

    just an idea.
  • spam (spm)

    Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.

    And a couple more definitions just to be clear on what the above is saying:


    1.Cheap, shoddy, or worthless
    2.Having a superficial appeal or utility, but lacking substance


    unsolicited (ns-ls-td)

    Not looked for or requested; unsought rules.
  • Hmmmm... (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    In checking some of the listings for the spammers involved, I noticed that several of them list their HOME TELEPHONE NUMBERS on their whois records...

    Shouldn't we show them how much we LIKE their
    service(s)... say by calling them up and telling them 3 A.M.?

    I think that's a great idea myself....

    • Not really. It's been known to happen that spammers will list someone else's number or e-mail in their domain registration, usually someone who's reported them in the past.

      • All the better to stop them. Now that means they're probably violating the terms of service at the Registrar they got their domain name at. Last time I checked, providing false info on a domain record for most registrars was grounds for account termination. You can't spam real well without some form of domain name.

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
