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AT&T Files Patent Infringement Suit Against Microsoft 194

wiredog writes "The suit alleges Microsoft infringed on a patent for technology that reduces the size of computer sound files that contain voice recordings. The story, from Reuters, at the Washington Post." Well, I'm posting this because apparently everyone and their brother has decided to submit it. But, well, yeah. It's a compression codec. That crap shouldn't be patentable in the first place. Of course, in the US you can patent math.
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AT&T Files Patent Infringement Suit Against Microsoft

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    First, to the idiot who thinks it is okay to patent such things; consider this, some of the compression codec's that are REQUIRED and MANDATED by international standards are in fact patented. I do not like patents in general, and a mandated and required standard that in effect says you must pay X to Y seems as fundimentally wrong and decietful as what Rambus tried to do.

    I also do not see any real good that could come out of this suit. If AT&T wins it could enforce or try to control which vendors can and cannot provide interoperable equipment, or extort even higher license fees. This does nothing for the developer wishing to create new and creative services that interoperate as may be mandated by law and treaty.

    If Microsoft wins, it's just something else they embace and extend and one less company or entity that has any potential leverage with them.

    Does anyone else benefit from this kind of nonsense? Where is the "to promote useful arts and sciences" means standard of the US constitution met by this kind of patent and nonsense?

  • Do you think that there is a net economic benefit from allowing IBM to patent this algorithm?

    IBM? Maybe not. Sprint, Ameritech, Nokia, Motorola? Absolutely. Voice compression, believe it or not, is not just used in recording audio files for our listening pleasure. It is also used in voice communications. That cell phone of yours doesn't sound slightly warbly from time to time because its a fashionable thing to do. That's the voice compression that you're hearing (that and losing voice packets). So yes, AT&T definately has something to gain by patenting everything and anything related to voice communication.

    Ever wonder why Qualcomm is still around? They pretty much own CDMA and are living (largely) off of the profits that patent licensing provides them.

  • >Mindlessly obvious.

    once someone else has done it, yes.

    Same thing with the shaving cream can. Other companies immediately came out with knockoffs and tried to invalidate the patent as obvious. THe ruling was that the amount spent by those companies, without success, in an attempt to develop a dispensor was sufficent proof that it *wasn't* obvious until seen . . .


  • Simply spending money doesn't mean that IBM (or anyone else) should be guaranteed a profit through a government enforced monopoly. The purpose of patent (and copyright) law is not to make profit for corporations, but to advance the sciences and useful arts. How does preventing other people from using this codec advance the sciences and useful arts? It is clear that codecs can be written without the incentive provided by patent law (just look at ogg vorbis), and so patent law doesn't actually benefit the sciences and useful arts in this case (nor does it do so in the vast majority of other cases where they are applied - particularly in the software industry).


  • It doesn't prevent someone from using it, it prevents someone other than the patent holder from selling it.
    Not true, do you suppose that the creator of an Open Source implementation of this codec which was not sold, but given away, would be open to legal action?
    Allowing the scientist to recoup the investment made in his research is how patents advance the sciences (or, at least, how they are supposed to).
    The operative words here are supposed to. My point is that they don't.
    It's not a government-enforced monopoly guaranteeing a profit, it's discouraging theft.
    Ah theft, only property can be stolen. It is the coopting of the ideal of property to cover intangable things such as a "design" or a piece of information that is at issue here. Perhaps Thomas Jefferson said it better:
    "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density at any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being, incapable of confinement, or exclusive appropriation. Inventions then cannot, in nature, be a subject of property."
    Letter to Isaac McPherson, August 13, 1813.


  • If it weren't for those patents then the creators of PNG and OGG could have spent their time improving GIF and MP3 rather than having to start again from scratch.


  • Starting over from scratch isn't necessarily a bad thing. bladeenc was built "from scratch" using the iso specification of an mp3. This didn't stop the Fwhatever institute from threatening them, and for many applications (higher bitrate), it was a better encoder.
    Are you arguing for or against patents - this makes for a good argument against them, which puts you on my side of the debate.


  • the fact that it is an obvious idea to any programmer [..] is not something an examiner can use to reject the application.

    Yes, it is. That's stated specifically in 35 USC 103(a) [bitlaw.com].

    A patent may not be obtained [..], if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains.
  • This will make a great example for my next lecture on classic flaws in common argument.

    Non sequitur
    The essence of your last paragraph is that "non-obvious" code should be patentable.

    Putting aside the difficulty that some large corporations have with the definition of the phrase "non obvious", my (and many other people's) objection to the patenting of code is a fundamental philosophical one which applies to all code: patenting logic is absurd. The underlying logic for this is, I assume, that patenting intangible algorithms is like patenting things you can walk up to and fire a nerf gun at---which also have to be "non-obvious" to qualify for IP bodyguards to protecting from geeks with projectile toys. The point is patents are (or should be) about specifics, not about generalities and the definition of an algorithm implies generality (cf. the patenting of a gene, vs the patenting of a specific antagonist to a specific gene product).

    Sure, copyright the implementation and (do your best to ) control its distribution if that's what you want, but don't prevent me from tackling a problem with a similar approach. You can patent a water pump, but you should not be allowed to patent the idea of water pumps.

    Unsupported assertion

    "Research should be protected"

    "No patents, no more R&D."

    This is demonstrably rot. I used to work at the Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford where they developed the therapeutic use of penicillin. They didn't even patent the method of extraction let alone the application. The researchers' incentives were saving lives and winning kudos (like GNU/Linux). It's very likely that you are only alive to write your post because they made the fruits of their research freely available.

    Now I work in bioinformatics with the fruits of the ("Open Source") Human Genome Project at the Institute of Cancer Research. Perhaps someone here will find something in The Code that will save you from cancer so you can carry on posting nonsense into your 90s.

  • > What did microsoft put in to Windows 95,98,ME,NT, etc.?

    The only thing these have in common are the Windows Media Player..... so it's probably the windows media file format (whateveritsnamed)

    // yendor
    It could be coffe.... or it could just be some warm brown liquid containing lots of caffeen.
  • > Get off this socialistic attitude people, if things lose their value whats the point of striving to make it better.

    [Value == money, right, since socialism doesn't affect any other form of value?]
    You strive to make it better because for the respect and honor of your peers, because the inperfections annoy you, because you want to help others, or just because it's in your heart and soul to make it better. Socrates, Jesus and Budda would all probably take umbrage at your suggestion that money is the only reason to make things better.
  • Sorry, my mistake, of course it is AT&T not IBM. The point is the same.
  • Hmm... but this criterion is clearly not applied in practice. In Europe, 'obviousness' or common sense is not allowed to be taken into account - I just assumed that the same was true in the US, given the quality of many granted software patents.
  • The problem is that no matter how well-trained the examiner, he is not allowed to use common sense to reject patent applications. Was there any prior art for one-click? Not in the way that the patent office understands it, although of course it was just applying an existing well-known idea to a new situation. But the fact that it is an obvious idea to any programmer, or that there is no economic justification for such business method patents, is not something an examiner can use to reject the application.
  • Specific patents are not subject to any economic test on an individual basis, and that is sensible. The patent office cannot make judgements like that, and the law must be the same for anyone. The point is to make the laws so that you get the best balance _in total_.

    It is not a good idea, on balance, for the government to grant patent monopolies on computer program techniques. Some are economically beneficial, most are harmful. The net effect is negative.

    What you say about the whole system of patents passing or failing is not true, because there is a clear distinction between physical goods and pure information. It is quite possible to make legal judgements based on this, as was and is done in many countries which don't allow patents on software. (Definition: if you can download it, it's software.)
  • I didn't mean 'will this company make more money by having this patent'. I was asking whether it is beneficial to the American economy for the US Govt. to hand out such a monopoly.
  • by Ed Avis ( 5917 ) <ed@membled.com> on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:35AM (#175170) Homepage
    Absolutely. That's one reason why proposals to keep software patents, but somehow magically restrict them to 'difficult' inventions, are not sensible. The patent offices cannot reliably distinguish the two in the case of software, and certainly cannot work out the difference between those patents that are a useful reward for research, and those (the majority) that do not reward any real development but are just weapons to harass competitors. Not granting patents on _any_ programming technique or mathematical discovery would be more economically sensible than the current situation.
  • by Ed Avis ( 5917 ) <ed@membled.com> on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:51AM (#175171) Homepage
    But software patents work _against_ disclosure. Few swpat applications contain a working implementation, most do not even give enough information for a skilled programmer to implement what is described. Often nothing of value is disclosed.

    Then you have to ask whether the information revealed would otherwise have been kept secret. Clearly this is not the case for cryptography or for anything which is intended for adoption as an Internet standard. Any useful discovery of a new algorithm will be published anyway - unless you think there could be 'secret' algorithms in use at some companies which programmers are somehow prevented from remembering when they leave the company.

    In the case of file formats, the patent does result in disclosure, but how useful is the information? Without swpats you can at least reverse engineer the format and develop compatible software. If it is patented, you will not be able to do anything for the next 20 years. And how useful will information about an obsolete format be in 20 years time? Furthermore, often only a small part of the file format is patented (and thus disclosed), enough to stop anyone developing their own software to read it, but most of the format stays secret.

    But I said that swpats actively hinder disclosure. Why is this? Because publishing your source code exposes you to being sued for accidentally infringing on patents held by others. Swpats act as a major disincentive to publishing source code, which is by far the most important form of 'full disclosure' in the software market.
  • by Ed Avis ( 5917 ) <ed@membled.com> on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @06:54AM (#175172) Homepage
    Do you think that there is a net economic benefit from allowing IBM to patent this algorithm? Would compression codecs not be developed if patents were not available? Do the increased incentives outweigh the effects on competition and the risks for smaller developers?

    I'm not saying there isn't a case to be made, but you have to balance both sides. The patent system is there solely 'to promote progress in science and the useful arts' (as the US Constitution puts it), so any granting of patents on algorithms must pass this test.

    And since patent offices are unable to distinguish between 'difficult' things like codecs and trivial things like one-click (the criterion of 'obviousness' is not something a patent examiner understands very well), you have to ask whether we wouldn't be better off without patents on any field of software. Sure, in some cases there might be an economic loss because codecs might not be developed - although projects like Ogg Vorbis show that patents are not necessary to finance such research. But on balance I think it's clear that swpats do more harm than good.
  • A royalty based system, if one could design a good one, appears to me to be far superior.

    With the possible exception of a schedule of fees and enforced licensing, how does this differ from patents?

    A patent grants exclusive usage to the holder for 20 years (renewable once). That usage can either be direct (I build a product using the patent myself) or indirect (I grant you a license to use the patent). If I license the patent, I have to pay you a fee that you set. How is that not a royalty system?

    The only difference I can see would be instead of me negotiating each license separately is a royalty system would bundle a fee schedule with the patent and once the check clears you have a license, instead of now where I can grant or refuse at will and grant two licenses for different prices.

    While that might seem nice, such a flat fee might do more harm than good, if patent licensing is similar to trademark licensing (not sure if it is, mind you) because there the price changes depending on the product. Multiple application patents with flat fees would risk being underpriced for some uses or priced out of others.


  • You really need to READ the article you're flaming ..
  • by josepha48 ( 13953 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @06:56AM (#175175) Journal
    .. I've patented 1+1 = 3... it deals with warped planes of existance ...

    You should see the patents on sex toys...

    I don't want a lot, I just want it all!
    Flame away, I have a hose!

  • f the did dis-assemble the codec, didn't they break the EULA ?

    Nobody says the reverse engineers had to buy a site license from MS. They could have just gone to a retail store and bought Windows, or it came preloaded on a computer or something. No license is involved in that case (did you ever sign a EULA?).

  • As far as I can see, they've actually manage the reach that point. It took lots of shear mindlessness, and occasional total idiocy (some of it on the part of congress), but I think the patent office has reached the point where even taken as a whole it does much more harm than good.

    Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
  • by HiThere ( 15173 ) <charleshixsn @ e a r t h l i nk.net> on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @10:22AM (#175178)
    The "patent mentality", being the search for a monopoly, is inherently dangerous. When only small economic units are involved it can be easy to overlook the danger. In the current day, the only thing that blinds people to the danger is that they are used to it. Unless one believes that it is good to create and maintain monopolies, it is hard to justify supporting patents.

    It is definitely true that the goal that patents were intended to accomplish is a good and worthwhile goal. But patents are an extremely flawed method of reaching that goal. A royalty based system, if one could design a good one, appears to me to be far superior. Still a bit dangerous, but it doesn't inherently create chokepoints in the system (depending on proper design).

    OTOH, if I were pressed, I would have to admit that I haven't actually come up with a better system. Still, I would maintain that this is partially because I don't have any real hope of getting it enacted. But that there are certain design principles that need to be applied to any potential system. One of them is to discourage the formation of monopolies and cartels. We have ample evidence that those two economic devices are quite injurious to at least the economic health of the citizenry, and occasionally to their physical health as well.

    Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
  • Fat Rat Bastard: .. that Microsoft owns part of AT&T ($5 billion's worth at the time of the investment).

    Microsoft does indeed own 7% of AT&T, an investment worth $5 billion when it was first made.

    AT&T sued Microsoft before, in 1996 or 1997, because Microsoft changed the terms of their NT source code contract. It was the same reason Bristol sued, except AT&T settled its suit out of court for an undisclosed amount of money before it got anywhere near a trial. (Bristol eventually settled as well, but only after it won the case and was awarded $1 by a jury).

    Regardless of past settlements, its nice to see there's still one large company mostly outside the computer industry that has the balls to stand up and protect itself against these kinds of tactics.

  • I would agree to the extent that the patent claim is specific to what was actually invented. Too often, some specific thing was invented, then the patent claim that is filed is written more broadly (and overlooked in a government office by people not smart enough to be doing the inventing), and finally, an even broader inter-corporate threat is made, with the likelihood that it will end up being settled in such a way (the claimed infringer preferring just to not go to court) that the patent owner now has even more weaponry to fight against more principled smaller firms and individuals.

    The problem is that many of these codec inventions actually overlap so much, no one can tell what's what anymore. How do we really know that what AT&T is claiming is indeed infringed by Microsoft (even if we had the source code to check)?

  • Mathematical algorithms that have not been reduced to some type of practical application have been held to be unpatentable. However, a claim to a system or method that recites a mathematical algorithm and produces "a useful, concrete and tangible result" may be patentable.
    So if the CODEC is not an abstract idea, they are patenting their implementation. Is AT&T does not find MS is using the same source code (machine) they have no case??????
    In conclusion, the system DOES allow abstract mathematical ideas to be patented..period.
  • That's the theory, but there are many patents on purely mathematical transformations.

    Wrong. The patent is on the application, not the transformation. I can sit down and use the LZW method by pencil and paper and avoid the patent completely.

  • by the eric conspiracy ( 20178 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:16AM (#175183)
    Of course, in the US you can patent math

    Slashdot scores a 10 again on its lack of knowledge on patent law.



    Abstract ideas and mental conceptions are not patentable. Discoveries of scientific principles, laws of nature, and natural phenomena are not patentable (although applications of such discoveries are). Mathematical algorithms that have not been reduced to some type of practical application have been held to be unpatentable. However, a claim to a system or method that recites a mathematical algorithm and produces "a useful, concrete and tangible result" may be patentable. State Street Bank & Trust Co. v. Signature Financial Group, 149 F3d 1368 (Fed Cir 1998), cert. denied, 525 US 1093 (1999). The software process involved in the State Street Bank case was used by a computer system to recompute the share prices of a pool of mutual funds after each day's trading activities ended, taking into account the day's gains and losses and expenses attributable to each mutual fund. The final share prices were the "useful, concrete, and tangible result."

  • The net economic benefit for allowing this patent is simple. It will show that there is profit to be made from designing better Codecs.

    Had patents not been available, would we have WMA? MP3? And for that matter many of the other popular codecs we have become used to. I'm sure you'll spout some pithy comment that translates to yes, but the truth of it is that Frauhumper and Microshaft hired a bunch of people to design these coding algorithims, actively promoted them, and made them popular.

    Projects like Bladeenc and Ogg Vorbis are a response to a proprietary codec. Not the origin. I mean no disrespect to any of the members of these projects, but the fact remains, that bladeenc was developed after many had put their paid work hours into defining how it should work. And more importantly, these engineers provided proof-of-concept, which as we all know, is really the most difficult part of any science.

    How many times do we see someone say "That can't be done" until someone does it, and then the same person sits there and says, "I could do that." And really this sounds much the same.

    Sure the GIF patent sucks, but the GIF patent is only a problem because the GIF format was designed well with a lionshare of features that were needed for an emerging new media. (Which was not new and emerging at the time.) PNG can come in and copy the functionality, but hats off to the original GIF team for creating the spec. So, does this mean that we should only be allowed to hold patents for things that are only useful to my clients, my apps, and my machine?? Horse Hockey.

    projects like Ogg Vorbis show that patents are not necessary to finance such research

    Odd... You mean after a proprietary company has come in and created demand?? This would be similar to saying "Linux shows that the personal computer is a marketable (or desirable) device." No, Apple and IBM/MS did that. Before then, the PC was dead in the water. (Yeah, you should know)

    So sorry to tell you, the prospect of making money drives business to invest in R&D that creates products. When OSS comes along and actually furthers the software industry instead of copying the work and functionality of current systems, I'll begin to have less faith in patents.

    Besides, look at Visi-Calc... Everybody agrees that this guy got screwed for not patenting the spreadsheet, most tell him it was a colossal blunder, but we all hate swpats, don't we??

    Your reality check was returned for insufficient funds.


  • Does MS have to pay out billions and billions of dollars?

    Or will ATT be happy with MS removing the offending code from all versions of windows present and past? (in addition to a "smaller" fine?)

    I am particularly fascinated by the idea of punitary damages, which traditionally triple damages.

    Or will AT&T settle for having a link to AT&T Worldnet (their on-line service), be placed on the desktop of all newly installed machines running Win2.002? And would microsoft love to let them, place their MSN icon next to them (and slightly higher of course), and then drop AOL from the CD, since they are obviously being pro-competition by letting AT&T have a place on the desktop (traddtionly an MS only space).

    Sounds far-fetched, but eerily possible.

  • Yes, but if all the big businesses keep suing each other, that leaves fewer lawyers available to sue us.

    The unfortunate flipside to this is that this creates a lawyer deficit, kids will go into law school because of the extra mad money to be made in the field, and when everybody gets their heads out of their exhaust pipes, we'll have more lawyers than before. And they'll be looking at us.

    At that point, you could get sued by somebody you never met for strangermony.

  • I think what I was missing was the surrounding the text...
  • Patenting compression codecs protects the work and research of those who develop them.

    That's nice, but has nothing to do with the reason that patents exist (or only a small amount).

    Patents exist in the United States (where this patent is held) to promote the sciences and useful arts. Specifically, the promotion is not for the benefit of companies, but for the public good.

    Early on, it was determined that mathematical laws and other aspects of nature should not be patentable because, unlike the safety pin, these are inescapable aspects of our world. If they are patented, the damage to the public good far outweighs the benefit that we derive by getting these laws to be public (again) in 20 years.

    So, the bottom line is a) would compression research and development continue without patent protection (certainly, there are many benefits, and this research was very lucrative before it was patentable) and b) will the public be harmed by the lack of published results in such research? I think that the answer to the latter question is yes and no. Some compression will be done in embedded processors and marked as trade secrets, and this may be lost. On the other hand, we've seen that computer programs can be reverse engineered for their algorithms, so I don't think that anything ever implimented in software will remain secret more than 5 years.

    What's more, most of the research in this area starts in the accademic circles, and that work is almost always public.

    Math patents are bad for research, bad for business (even the ones that get some benefit from the patents that they hold) and bad for consumers. Please, can we move on as a culture to questions that make sense?

    Aaron Sherman (ajs@ajs.com)
  • by edremy ( 36408 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:30AM (#175194) Journal

    Would R&D stop without patents? I doubt it very much... there will always be a competitive advantage to being the first to market with innovative products,

    Not even close. I used to work for one of those huge, evil drug companies.

    Could you give me even one reason why a drug company should spend the ~$250 million over 8-10 years it takes to get a drug approved, only to see a generic maker clone the drug the day it comes out at half the price?

    That's only one example. There are tons of others. Without patent, you'll see huge sectors of R&D collapse overnight


  • I think the answer is that different industries need different levels of patents. Some industries don't need them at all, and some need very strong protection.

    Having said that, I think drug patents is one where reform is needed. You get the same protection for a totally new type of drug as for one which is a copycat of an existing one, with just enough changes to get past the original patent. The patent system should be jigged to encourange the new drugs, while currently it's better for comapanies to make the copycats.

  • That's the theory, but there are many patents on purely mathematical transformations. For example, the LZW patents (Both of them, the IBM one and the Unisys one).
  • If you are correct that the patent to which you refer claims a mathematical algorithm as an abstract idea, then you are, by definition, incorrect that it is valid.

    The fact that an invalid patent had not yet been judicially declared invalid or subjected to reexamination has no bearing on whether the patent is, in fact, valid.

    If you want to get into specifics, feel free to e-mail me and we can discuss the details of this particular patent off-line.
  • With all due respect, you appear to be relying upon the assertion of a non-legal academic in Croatia's view of United States law. I would prefer, instead, to rely upon the findings of the United States Court for the Federal Circuit, which has exclusive jurisdiction on such questions.

    It is one thing to say that a patent is valid, it is another to determine whether it is so. It is one thing to say that the scope of a patent covers an algorithm, it is another to actually construe the claims to see that it does.

    In short, United States Patent law is substantially more subtle than the average engineer's view of the subject. It is well-settled law that you cannot own a valid patent on a pure mathematical algorithm (with the caveats noted in my original post).

    Someone who says differently is just selling something -- either overselling a patent he owns, or overselling a criticism of the patent system.

    Although I am both an accomplished software engineer, programmer and patent lawyer, I'm just reporting my own study of the applicable law. Responsible readers should decide for themselves what is, the truth. But only after reading the primary source matter: the Patent Act and the relevant cases. (State Street Bank and the AT&T v. Excel cases are great places to start -- those would be the strongest from which I might argue your position if I had to do so. I suggest you review them and then consider how I might respond to that argument!)
  • by werdna ( 39029 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @09:09AM (#175199) Journal
    This is a fine point, in practice, but a significant one at the end of the day. Notwithstanding the Federal Circuit's results in State Street Bank and AT&T v. Excel, it remains well-settled that you cannot patent a formula, mathematical algorithm or a law of nature. Each of these cases reaffirms this general principal of law.

    That being said, it is likewise well-settled that the mere appearance or recitation of a formula, mathematical algorithm or law of nature in a patent claim does not invalidate the claim. What you can patent is a concrete application of these abstract ideas.

    A patent directed to a novel catapult (assuming there were none in the prior art for the purpose of this example) can be described as a method for projecting massive objects through space with a parabolic trajectory. However, to be patentable, the claims must be directed to both the structure of the solution (the steps) and the context in which they are applied. A mere recitation of a method of using an inverse square law of physics would fail.

    This is a fine point, of course -- good coverage can be obtained in practice going to the essence of the commercial benefit of a formula or law of physics. But the fact of the matter is that you can't patent math, even here in the United States of America.
  • Courts have always rejected the "sweat of the brow" argument for copyright and (IIRC) patents. Simply, "IP" (terrible term, I know) is not awarded on the basis that it is hard to develop. For patents, this is obvious, as a patent restricts even independent invention - if HP were to put all the CPU time and research into developing a codec that IBM had, and ended up with the same codec, they would still not be allowed to use it.
  • Research grants are indeed there to provide research for the benefit of the corporation providing the dough. You think corporations are in it for charity? As a shareholder, I sincerely hope that when they provide millions of dollars to some university or another, they get something out of it. Advancing the state of human knowledge is a valuable thing. But it's not going to keep those share prices hopping...

    Seriously though, having worked with numerous professors who get research grants I can tell you that it's all about approaching useful technologies, and developing intellectual property that is at least potentially useful for the corporation.

    By the way, much of the Internet was developed by the government, for government use. This is a good thing, I agree. But it didn't become wide-spread until private corporations put in the money to connect the world. Before that, the connections only existed between specific Universities. I don't think you would want to leave the development of all future technologies to the government. And corporations are, and should be, motivated by money.

    I know open source is a grand thing. But you'll find that open source programmers are either employed by corporations (who generally believe in IP), work for Universities (supported by corporate and government grants), or are still kids living off their parents (who work for corporations.) With the exception of a few open source based companies, everyone relies on intellectual property...


  • by td ( 46763 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:36AM (#175204) Homepage
    It's not a requirement to sue that you have solid evidence of infringement. (For that matter, it's not even a requirement that you think they have.) If AT&T thinks MS might be infringing, they can sue and then find out -- civil litigants are required to make full disclosure of relevant information.
  • The safety pin is obvious to us because it's been in our culture for many years. The real question is how obvious was the safety pin at the time it was patented?

  • by joq ( 63625 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:11AM (#175212) Homepage Journal

    That's right effectively immediately I'm going to sue everyone who uses the alphabet to type their letters to submit to the courts.

    Ok enough fscking around. Of course someone shouldn't be able to sue for basic things like math, etc., but when someone creates something unique and patents it they should weigh the factors entirely and determine whether or not someone else is going to rip it up and use it on another product. Wait... That's stealing the entire concept isn't it? So what's the big deal about another company trying to protect something they've worked hard to invent.

    Don't lose site of the issue by claiming that someone is patenting math because that's not the case so one shouldn't be so biased. If you invented something in a method previously unfound and patent it, you have every right to protect what is yours. If you don't like it, then you should set out to create something on your own without having to rip someone elses work plain and simple.

    Too many people want to be legal experts here without looking at the full scope of a case, and often everyone gets it distorted for many reasons. So if you invent someone would it be right if someone infringes on something you worked hard to perfect? Place yourself in the same situation as the company who owns the patent.

    Yes patents are meant to innovate ideas not duplicate them and rewrite your name over them.
  • by joq ( 63625 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:24AM (#175213) Homepage Journal

    They don't mean compression as in bzip or gzip, they've patented a method to lower the file size of audio which you can play on demand not bunzip or gunzip.

    It's the comments like these that make me wonder how biased some people can be when dealing with reality surrounding these cases, so here's a scenario for you:

    You create a file folder mechanism to store data. This system takes files and says stores them in the following order (using your login name) h a r d a k e r and by placing them this way saves x amount of space. Now you patent this since it saves space and is innovative. Along comes someone else and takes your entire idea and recreates it word for word except they don't use your name to store the data they use m i c r o s o m e t h i n g ...

    Is it fair for them to take your work and do this? Sure they could create something similar but by ripping your work word for word without your permission their wrong plain and simply.

    It's fun to have a laugh at the expense of others but in a situation like this where everyone is suing everyone else its only a matter of time before things become so full of misplaced regulations, someone will sue you literally saving a file. This is the scenario you want to avoid
  • Funny you should use this example. Reform of pharmaceutical patents is needed at least as bad as software patents.


  • by StressedCoder ( 69160 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:01AM (#175216)

    Compression Codec's are absolutely something that should be patentable.

    Yes, UniSys dropped the ball then behaved badly with LZW and GIF. Yes, it is often better to not patent a codec, and the Fauhenfoer (sp?) institute has a questionable claim on LAME because their patent only covers the aucoustic tables which LAME does not use, but that doesn't mean compression patents are bad.

    Developing new compression codecs is hard work. It requires a great deal more mathematical ability than I or the general slashdot community posses. They are a form of math, but they are a form you must go looking for. You must run experiments, put in long hours, and do a lot of work to successful design a new compression codec. They do not jump out and say "here I am" to the causal practioner.

    Patenting compression codecs protects the work and research of those who develop them. PhD. in computer science do not come cheap, and neither do grad assistants, sysadmins, numbers chruncers, and everything else required to keep a research institution operating. No patents, no more R&D. No more compression codecs. No nifty new toys like the web, 3D graphics, or most of the other major developments in computer science. No more Real or QuickTime because you could never recover your R&D investment. No more MPEG.

    Are many, many software patents bad? Obviously. Are the all bad? Absolutely not. Not all code is obvious. Not all "simple" code is easily deduced. Research should be protected. The patent office is the problem, not the idea of software patents.

  • you seem to have a poor grasp of what patenting is, or rather, what it has become thanks to the ignorance of the USPTO.

    what you seem to be trying to protect is the copyright of an owner over their work. this is not disputed. if someone, or a business, spends lots of time developing a compression algorithm (for instance), then their work should be protected from being stolen. i agree with you 100%.

    however, taking out a patent on something like a compression algorithm (or rather, the USPTO being small-minded enough to grant it), is tantamount to "all your compression algorithms that you may develop in the future, regardless of whether they're based on this work or developed entirely from scratch, are belong to me." a patent protects the whole idea of something (eg, in these days i'm sure Ford would have tried to patent the car.)

    the problem is the USPTO is awarding very vague patents, such as this one AT&T is claiming, not on the basis of doing groundbreaking work, but simply because they apply for it. it's like domain-squatting, but with intellectual property. and that's what's sick about it.

  • First the obvious... Which T or soon to be mini T is sueing. Also I would have thought this patent would have belonged to AT&T Labs (Lucent). Or Bell Labs (whoever they are now).

    Now the less obvious, this patent actually has roots back to at least 1971 and the switched digital network (ESS). How long should a technology/math patent live? Should the exist at all.

    Even less obvious, Micro$oft has unleashed a very expensive new license system in the XP model. T's suit may be an attempt to obtain a more favorable arrangement. MickySoft should prepare for more from other corperations, technology does not operate in a vacuum.
  • Sounds like a chicken & egg thing - are those companies making more profit mainly because they can take advantage of their government-provided monopoly on a concept to milk money out of consumers that they would not otherwise be able to get?

    The REAL question is: does SOCIETY receive a net benefit by granting entities (either individuals or companies) these hopefully-temporary monopolies on ideas?

    Of course, this is complicated by the idea that nobody can agree on a good, quantitative way of measuring the overall health of a society (I submit that simple macroeconomic numbers like GDP are probably too myopic to be good measures of the health of an entire society).
  • One example & an assertion doesn't prove a case. And I'd argue that the intellectual property environment today is not what existed when patents were generally perceived as "useful".
  • Part of the reason it has been difficult to challenge new types of patents is because of a ruling by the Supreme Court that specific patents are not subject to this constitutional restriction, only that the patent office on the whole must do more to promote business than to harm it.

    • I'm not saying there isn't a case to be made, but you have to balance both sides. The patent system is there solely 'to promote progress in science and the useful arts' (as the US Constitution puts it), so any granting of patents on algorithms must pass this test.

    So this is unfortunately only true if you can argue that the whole system of patents fails the test, if I understand correctly.

    IANAL by the way.

    • "Microsoft said it had not been served with the lawsuit and could not comment."

    Those are of course two disconnected statements. After they've been served they will say:

    • "Microsoft representatives were unable to comment on the active lawsuit."

    And after settlement they will write:

    • "The Microsoft .v AT&T patent infringement lawsuit has been resolved in a private settlement. Microsoft couldn't comment on the details of the settlement."

    Just a guess ;)

  • by kevinank ( 87560 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @09:39AM (#175227) Homepage

    If you really think that you can prove to the satisfaction of a court that the net impact of software patents is negative, and that they can and should be distinguished from other sorts of patents (which flies in the face of established US legal history where software patents are permitted primarily because they are considered technically indistiguishable from a black box that performs the same function as the software program), then why not go ahead and appropriate a few US patents.

    You should be able to use any software patents with impugnity. Apple in particular seems litigous toward individuals who borrow their IP.

    Personally I think it would be both difficult and problematic to prove. The best chance for repealing software patents IMO is to lobby congress to specifically change the law to make software patents illegal. If on the whole they cause more harm then good, they should be willing to listen... of course major corporations might disagree with you on which way the balance should go. And in the US both the courts and congress tend to believe that business knows what it is talking about when determining what has a net positive impact on the economy.

  • Sorry no. Apple and Micro$oft 'settled' the matter as part of the $150 million Microsoft 'invested' in Apple back in 1997.

    Odds are this will get 'settled' in a similar way. AT&T will be given a 'special price' on some M$ technology. AT&T got paid $5 bil by M$ for the Windows CE based cable box, so this will happen again.

    Not much to see here. Time to move to a safe distance and watch the titans dance.
  • How absurd is it to make a patented codec part of the H.323/H.324 standard? In this case, Microsoft is wearing the white hats for a change... they needed to implemented patented algorithms to make their audio conferencing truly interoperable. And they, uh, gave that software away for free, didn't they? Sounds like Microsoft is now getting sued for doing exactly what they keep accusing Open Source of doing, doesn't it?
  • How does preventing other people from using this codec advance the sciences and useful arts?

    It doesn't prevent someone from using it, it prevents someone other than the patent holder from selling it. Allowing the scientist to recoup the investment made in his research is how patents advance the sciences (or, at least, how they are supposed to).

    It's not a government-enforced monopoly guaranteeing a profit, it's discouraging theft. If it's a really lousy codec, nobody will buy it and therefore no profit is made. At the same time, nobody else can try to sell this lousy codec. If it's a really great codec, and lots of people buy it - or software companies pay the agreed-to licensing fees - then the scientist/author gets the benefit of his research.

    If that scientist/author chooses to release it under the GPL, then that is his perogative as well. The GPL will, under the same set of protections, prevent this codec from being used in a manner other than that which the scientist/author intended.

    It seems fair to me, but then again, IANAL. :-)

  • No the patent still lasts for the rest of its 18 (or whatever that number is) years and the proceeds go to the estate. IP patents should be no longer than 2 years.
  • Few swpat applications contain a working implementation, most do not even give enough information for a skilled programmer to implement what is described.

    That may be true for some software patents, but (for example) the United States patent on Nintendo's Dr. Mario game [] gives a full description of every variable and subroutine. Of course, I stumbled upon this patent after I had worked it out in my head after about two days of non-stop Dr. M play and after I released my clones of Tetris [pineight.com] and Puyo Puyo [8m.com].

    The first claim of the patent also seems to cover Tetris 2, Blastris B, and some popular variations on Columns and Klax. Prior art? Not only that, the recent Dr. Mario 64 doesn't mention a patent number on the box, in the manual, or in the credits. (Dr. Mario 64 sucks [everything2.com] anyway.)


  • Printed recipes are as copyrightable as any other text; with that out of the way, let's discuss patents.

    Should my recipe for chocolate-chip cookies be patentable?

    I haven't looked that deeply into it, but I'd think the food produced by following a recipe is probably a patentable composition of materials under patent law. Many materials patents include a recipe, that is, a method (methods are patentable) for producing the material.

    Of course, nothing you read on Slashdot is legal advice.
  • Moderation points go to whoever can tell us:

    What (specifically) was the patent about?
    What did microsoft put in to Windows 95,98,ME,NT, etc.?
    How about mp3/ra/ogg? Are they subject to this patent as well?

  • I would suspect AT&T will not be looking for cash from Microsoft (OK maybe a little cash) but the REAL thing they have to gain is influence. AT&T having a voice in the future evolution of Windows. Imagine how AT&T must salivate when they think they might have a voice in MS architecture, networking, etc...

    Also, AT&T Worldnet might enjoy embracing, extending, and engulfing MSN. The idea of becoming a real competitor to AOL gives AT&T a woody.
  • Blockquoth the poster:
    Math is work, and deserves compenstation.
    There is nothing intrinsic in the economic system of the US, or in fact, any industrialized nation that "work" must be rewarded. Surfing is work... it can be quite hard work. Is the government obligated to pay for you to surf? Is it obligated to force others to pay a "beach fee" to see you surf? Of course not.

    I'm a little tired of people saying that the Intellectual Property laws should be left alone because society owes them a living doing what they prefer. It does not. Would a loss of copyright lead to fewer musicians? Would a loss of patent lead to fewer codec developers? It could well be so.... and so society must weigh the costs and the benefits, and set the level at a reasonable place.

    But under no circumstance must we protect these people as if they had a right to the money, just because it's hard work. No one cried for the horse-and-buggy makers, either. It's a cruel fact of cold economics: Skill and hard work do not ensure success. Society doesn't have to pay to support your habits. And if the rewards aren't enough to justify the effort, do something else.

  • Blockquoth the poster:
    And despite of what some others have said, most economists have concluded that countries/companies which have strong Patent Law/initiatives are more successful.
    Don't take this the wrong way, but do you have references for that? Hard facts or, failing that, an economics study :) would be appreciated.
  • Blockquoth the poster:
    Hey, we live in a capitalist society (or at least we hope we do) where we get paid for our labor.
    No, we live in a capitalist society wherein we get for supplying something someone wants at a price that someone is willing to pay. Often, that "something" is our hard work and our time. But just because you've invested your effort, time, and sweat into something doesn't mean I am obligated to buy it. If what you offer is offered by someone else at half price, the consumer will go to the other person, no matter how many nights you've agonized over your product.

    The issue is, software is easy to duplicate and an algoithm, once described, is usually "easy" (meaning "possible") to implement. So in a purely free-market world, you could never make much money from an algorithm: Someone else would use your research to make whatever product, and, since they don't need to do the R&D, they'd sell it cheaper than you could.

    Patents are a direct governmental intervention into the free market (take that, all your uber-Libertarians) that artificially enhances the value of an algorithm by artificially restricting supply to the discoverer. Artificial scarcity works just as well as real scarcity, in that it pushes the price up. The theory is that this actually promotes more innovation because now people can reasonably expect to make a living at the R&D.

    But there is no inalienable "right" to be rewarded for hard work. It only makes sense in IP law due to the secondary effects.

  • Blockquoth the poster:
    He is pointing out that he has a right to own his work and sell it if he can
    Ah, but what does "own" mean in the context of an idea? Can you own an idea? A process? An algorithm. Obviously, you can patent it: The state gives you an artificial monopoly, which creates artificial value and encourages other to "buy" access from you. But of course that value wasn't intrinsic, because it required the state to grant you a monopoly.

    In other words, I simply don't buy the logic: "He has a right to own his work. Therefore the state has an obligation to create a legal framework in which the actions of others are restricted so as to create something he can sell."

    I'm not intrinsically opposed to patents but the debate never seems to focus on the actual justification for them; to wit, to promote science and the arts. We focus on whether failing to grant patents would lead to "theft" of a thing that can't be owned at all except through the patent.

  • Blockquoth the poster:
    Call me a cynic, but I think that most people would not produce under a system like this. You would have very few producers and many people who just take what is there and return nothing.
    There's nothing wrong with some healthy cynicism. :)

    Let me offer this thought, though: What if the few people who produced in an unfettered world outproduced the output in the fettered world? In other words, if freedom from software patents enables and energerizes the right people to the right extent, it could very well still be in society's interest to abolish them, even though most people would not produce.

    Put another way: It's not clear that the current system yields a high output. Look at what comes out of Big Music.

    That said, I am far from convinced that this wonderful state would occur. I am just equally far from convinced that it would not. It is much too early to be cutting off debate and foregoing thinking on the subject... the world is changing.

  • by _xeno_ ( 155264 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:13AM (#175260) Homepage Journal
    In a way, though, it seems that patents do indeed encourage research...

    After all, would PNG exist if Unisys hadn't tried to kill GIF? Would the zlib compress algorithm be developed if it weren't for software patents on other alogrithms? (From RFC #1951 [ietf.org], "The format can be implemented readily in a manner not covered by patents," and, later, in the purpose section "The purpose of this specification is to define a lossless compressed data format that ... [c]an be implemented readily in a manner not covered by patents, and hence can be practiced freely[.]" And Ogg Vorbis is an attempt to create a audio codec not covered by the ... um, Fraven.. Frahuen... uh, the F whatever Institute's patents.

    So it would seem that these patents do encourage innovation... to get around them!

  • by peccary ( 161168 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @08:05AM (#175262)
    Research grants to universities, be they government grants or private grants, are not provided to purchase intellectual property. They are provided to advance the state of human knowledge.
    It's interesting that you cite the web, for instance. Was the web developed in the course of establishing a patent? Hell no! How about the web browsers? NO again. How about other internet applications: email, netnews, file transfer, file sharing protocols like NFS or AFS. Are these patented? No. no, non, nyet. And yet they were developed anyway. Curious, isn't it?

    It is not at all clear that even a perfectimplementation of the patent model would generate innovation in software more fairly and rapidly than would be the case if there were no software patents at all. When you consider that the patent office is so badly broken as it is, well, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is justified if I can't get rid of this fetid bathwater any other way.
  • "That crap shouldn't be patentable in the first place. Of course, in the US you can patent math. " That's like saying that you shouldn't be able to patent a new pharmaceutical becuase you think it's silly to patent chemistry. Allan
  • Do you really need to ask?

    < )
    ( \

  • It's mostly subjective whether a software patent is obvious or not, and what's obvious to a technical employee may not be to a patent worker.

    I think you misunderstand how the patent process works. The patent office pretty much bypasses the issue of obvious being subjective by replacing it with an objective measure instead via insane reasoning along the lines of "if there is no prior art, it can't be obvious".

    This works just fine with the sort of things a garage inventer might come up with - a new type of child-safe latch f'instance, but in computer tech, the result is an economic disaster. it's obvious to all that when technology X achieves speed Y, then it can be used in conjuction with technology A to make product B. Yet obvious as this is, there usually won't be any prior art until X is about to achieve Y, at which point, a bunch of companies start working on the idea (it's obvious to all, eg one-click shopping) but the first to the patent office gets to strangle competition, because as there is no prior art, there is no "objective" proof that it's not obvious and without that objective proof, you better have something absolutely amazing up your sleeve to get the patent office to do anything about the damper they've just imposed on the eonomy, but of course, you don't. Thus one-click shopping is not obvious.
  • Could you give me even one reason why a drug company should spend the ~$250 million over 8-10 years it takes to get a drug approved, only to see a generic maker clone the drug the day it comes out at half the price?

    That's only one example. There are tons of others. Without patent, you'll see huge sectors of R&D collapse overnight

    No, you're thinking well and truly inside the box of current (bad) habits. Someone looking into that box from the outside might be shocked at how much R&D money is wasted by having patents, and thus how many drugs are never invented. How so? Because if it costs $1M to solve a problem, it is insanely inefficient to have 10 companies seperately spending $1M each in a race to solve that problem, when one tenth of that expenditure would solve the problem. 90% of the R&D money is being wasted because the patent system rewards secracy and punishes cooperation.

    You ask why a drug compnay would spend so much if the results weren't protected by patents, the answer is simply "the company would not have to spent anything even close to that amount to develope the drug without patents. Problem not so much "solved" as "never really existed except in the limits of people's thinking".

    Does no one remember times when institutions of R&D, funded by governments as well as by commerce, developed knowledge, and that knowledge was shared, so that new technologies allowed the creation of yet more technologies?

    As opposed to today, where every time you try to develope something, you can be assured that 90% of your money is being wasted on solving problems that have already been solved a hundred different ways by a thousand different people, but the solutions kept secret due to an insane patent system that only nominally requires disclosure of patented tech, yet effectively puts the brakes on all attempts to avoid re-inventing the wheel over and over and over and over...
  • by Fat Rat Bastard ( 170520 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:12AM (#175268) Homepage
    ... that Microsoft owns part of AT&T ($5 billion's worth at the time of the investment). *Not* a small chunk of change. Since M$'s investment was to grease the rails for its interactive TV inititive I wonder if this is a case of one hand (of AT&T) doesn't know what the other hand is doing. In any case, it paints a pretty interesting picture. You would think that M$ would have come to an agreement over licensing fees for the patents a long time ago to keep from pissing one of the largest cable operators in the country (thus, one of the largest potential customers for M$TV). Of course, without knowing all of the details I'm just speculating here, but it does seem like MS just may be being penny wise and pound stupid.


    If you don't have anything nice to say, say it often.

  • by volume ( 172477 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:04AM (#175269)
    Decide for yourself. The patent is on the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office site []

    If you have problems with that just go to http://www.uspto.gov/patft/index.html [uspto.gov] and search on American Telephone and Speech Coding for 1988.

  • Heh... now that's funny... oh wait... it's true...

  • by Alien54 ( 180860 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:03AM (#175273) Journal
    If ATT wins this, then what?

    Does MS have to pay out billions and billions of dollars?

    Or will ATT be happy with MS removing the offending code from all versions of windows present and past? (in addition to a "smaller" fine?)

    I am particularly fascinated by the idea of punitary damages, which traditionally triple damages.

    Say the damage is assesses at 10 billion. times three is 30 billion, larger than their (MS) current cash on hand.

    this is going to be fascinating to watch. After all ATT has enough money to feed the lawyers. And there could be a side effect to this in terms of ATTs ability to retain control of other market sectors.

    Check out the Vinny the Vampire [eplugz.com] comic strip

  • A very well thought out and eloquent post. I think it really kinda hits the root of why a lot of whiny /.'ers want things open soureced: they don't have the mathematical skills or the drive to go out and discover or create something totally new. They'd rather ride on the success of others.

    Not meant as a blanket statement for all /.'ers. I know there are some brilliant developers out there, but the "fp'ers" and people who blindly scream "open source" without thinking about all the consequences come off sounding just as bad as "Apple zealots"... a brand I reluctantly wear.
  • by pressman ( 182919 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:04AM (#175275) Homepage
    Um, Xerox knowingly and willingly gave away their GUI to Apple. It was MS that came in and stole it. Apple already tried to kick M$ in the can for that infringement and was soundly beaten down for the attempt.
  • ~$250 million over 8-10 years it takes to get a drug approved, only to see a generic maker clone the drug the day it comes out at half the price?

    That's quite the hyperbole. If it takes 8-10 years to develop, somehow I doubt it will be "overnight" before someone figures out how to knock it off,

    Well, yes, it's hyperbole in the sense that it might, in reality, take a few months.

    The bulk of R&D costs in the pharmaceutical research are not how to make a compound. That is trivial. Once one company comes out with a drug, it's relatively trivial to duplicate it--any competent chemist could do it in a matter of weeks, at most. Scaling up to production levels takes a few weeks more.

    The bulk of the cost (both monetary and time) are in a) finding out which chemical is the most effective, and b) doing all the testing--cellular, animal, and human--that is required. But once a brand-name pharmaceutical company comes out with a drug, both (a) and (b) are already done, and the generic company does not need to do either.

  • by Sodium Attack ( 194559 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:22AM (#175281)
    The patent seems to be US Reissue 32,580. (Of eight patents granted to AT&T on the date listed in the article, this is the only one remotely close to what is described.) Below are the claims, since the URL from the USPTO site is some ugly long thing that likely won't work if someone else tries to use it.

    What is claimed is:

    1. A method for processing a sequential pattern comprising the steps of: partitioning said sequential pattern into successive time intervals; generating a set of signals representative of the sequential pattern of each time interval responsive to said time interval sequential pattern; generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said interval sequential pattern and the interval representative signal set responsive to said interval sequential pattern and said interval representative signals; forming a first signal corresponding to the interval pattern responsive to said interval pattern representative signals and said interval differences representative signal; generating a second interval corresponding signal responsive to said interval pattern representative signals; generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; producing a third signal responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for altering said second signal to reduce the interval differences corresponding signal; and utilizing said third signal to construct a replica of said interval sequential pattern.

    2. A method for processing a speech pattern comprising the steps of: partitioning the speech pattern into successive time intervals; generating a set of signals representative of said speech pattern of each time interval responsive to said interval speech pattern; generating a signal representative of the differences between said interval speech pattern and the interval speech pattern representative signal set responsive to said interval speech pattern and said interval speech pattern representative signals; forming a first signal corresponding to the interval speech pattern responsive to said interval speech pattern representative signals and the interval differences representative signal; forming a second interval corresponding signal responsive to the interval speech pattern representative signals; generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; and producing a third signal responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for altering said second signal to reduce the interval differences corresponding signal.

    3. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 2 wherein: said interval representative signal set generating step comprises generating a set of speech parameter signals representative of said interval speech pattern; said first interval corresponding signal forming step comprises generating said first interval corresponding signal responsive to said speech parameter signals and said differences representative signal; and said second interval corresponding signal forming step comprises generating said second interval corresponding signal responsive to said interval speech parameter signals.

    4. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 3 wherein said speech parameter signal generating step comprises generating a set of signals representative of the interval speech spectrum.

    5. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 4 wherein: said third signal producing step comprises generating a coded signal having at least one element responsive to the interval differences corresponding signal; and modifying said second interval corresponding signal responsive to said coded signal element.

    6. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 5 wherein: said coded signal generating step comprises generating, for a predetermined number of times, a coded signal element responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal; and modifying said second interval corresponding signal responsive to said generated coded signal elements.

    7. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 6 wherein: said differences corresponding signal generating step comprises generating a signal representative of the correlation between said first interval corresponding and second interval corresponding signals.

    8. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 5 wherein said differences corresponding signal generating step comprises generating a signal representative of the mean squared difference between said first and second interval corresponding signals.

    9. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claims 2, 3, or 4 further comprising the step of utilizing said third signal to construct a replica of said interval speech pattern.

    10. A sequential pattern processor comprising means for partitioning a sequential pattern into successive time intervals; means responsive to each time interval sequential pattern for generating a set of signals representative of the sequential pattern of said time interval; means responsive to said interval sequential pattern and said interval representative signals for generating a signal representative of the differences between said interval sequential pattern and the interval representative signal set; means responsive to said interval pattern representative signals and said differences representative signal for forming a first signal corresponding to the interval pattern; means responsive to said interval pattern representative signals for generating a second interval corresponding signal; means for generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; and means responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for producing a third signal for altering said second signal to reduce the interval differences corresponding signal; and means for utilizing said third signal to construct a replica of said interval sequential pattern.

    11. A speech processor comprising means for partitioning a speech pattern into successive time intervals; means responsive to each interval speech pattern for generating a set of signals representative of the speech pattern of said time interval; means responsive to said interval speech pattern and said interval speech pattern representative signals for generating a signal representative of the differences between said interval speech pattern and the interval representative signal set; means responsive to said speech interval signals and said interval differences representative signal for forming a first signal corresponding to the interval speech pattern; means responsive to said interval speech pattern representative signals for forming a second interval corresponding signal; means for generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; and means responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for producing a third signal for altering said second interval corresponding signal to reduce the interval differences corresponding signal.

    12. A speech processor according to claim 11 wherein: said speech interval representative signal set generating means comprises means for generating a set of signals representative of prescribed speech parameters of said interval speech pattern; said first interval corresponding signal forming means comprises means responsive to said interval prescribed speech parameter signals and said differences representative signal for generating said first interval corresponding signal; said second interval corresponding signal forming means comprises means responsive to said interval prescribed speech parameter signals for generating the second interval corresponding signal.

    13. A speech processor according to claim 12 wherein said prescribed speech parameter signal generating means comprises means for generating a set of signals representative of the interval speech pattern spectrum.

    14. A speech processor according to claim 13 wherein: said third signal producing means comprises means responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for generating a coded signal having at least one element; and means responsive to said coded signal elements for modifying said second interval corresponding signal.

    15. A speech processor according to claim 14 wherein: said coded signal generating means comprises means operative N times to produce an N element coded signal including means responsive to said differences corresponding signal for generating coded signal elements; and means responsive to the generated coded signal elements for modifying said second interval corresponding signal.

    16. A speech processor according to claim 15 wherein: said interval differences corresponding signal generating means comprises means for generating a signal representative of the correlation between said first and second interval corresponding signals.

    17. A speech processor according to claim 15 wherein said interval differences corresponding signal generating means comprises means for generating a signal representative of the mean squared difference between said first and second interval corresponding signals.

    18. A speech processor according to claims 11, 12, or 13 further comprising the step of utilizing said third signal to construct a replica of said interval speech pattern.

    19. A method for encoding a speech pattern comprising the steps of: partitioning a speech pattern into successive time frames; generating for each frame a set of speech parameter signals responsive to the frame speech pattern; generating a signal representative of the differences between the frame speech pattern and said speech parameter signal set responsive to said frame speech pattern and said frame speech parameter signals; generating a first signal corresponding to the frame speech pattern responsive to said frame speech parameter signals and said differences representative signal; generating a second frame corresponding signal responsive to said frame speech parameter signals; generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; and producing a coded signal responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for modifying said second interval corresponding signal to reduce said interval differences corresponding signal.

    20. A method for encoding a speech signal according to claim 19 further comprising combining said produced coded signal and said speech parameter signals to form a coded signal representative of the frame speech pattern.

    21. A method for encoding a speech signal according to claim 19 wherein said speech parameter signal set generation comprises generating a set of linear predictive parameter signals for the frame responsive to said frame speech pattern; and said differences representative signal generation comprises generating a predictive residual signal responsive to said frame linear prediction parameter signals and said frame speech pattern.

    22. A method for encoding a speech signal according to claim 21 wherein said coded signal producing step comprises generating a coded signal having at least one element responsive to said differences corresponding signal; and modifying said frame second signal responsive to said coded signal elements.

    23. A method for encoding a speech pattern according to claim 21 wherein said signal producing step comprises generating a multielement coded signal by successively generating a coded signal element responsive to said differences corresponding signal and modifying said second signal responsive to said coded signal elements.

    24. Apparatus for encoding a speech pattern comprising means for partitioning a speech pattern into successive time frames; means responsive to the frame speech pattern for generating for each frame a set of speech parameter signals; means responsive to said frame speech parameter signals and said frame speech pattern for generating a signal representative of the differences between said frame speech pattern and said frame speech parameter signal set; means responsive to said frame speech parameter signals and said differences representative signal for generating a first signal corresponding to said frame speech pattern; means responsive to said frame speech parameter signals for generating a second frame corresponding signal; means for generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second frame corresponding signals; and means responsive to said frame differences corresponding signal for producing a third signal to modify said second signal to reduce the frame differences corresponding signal.

    25. Apparatus for encoding a speech pattern according to claim 24 further comprising means for combining said produced coded signal and said speech parameter signals to form a coded signal representative of the frame speech pattern.

    26. Apparatus for encoding a speech pattern according to claim 24 wherein said speech parameter signal generating means comprises means responsive to said frame speech pattern for generating a set of linear predictive parameter signals for the frame; said differences representative signal generating means comprises means responsive to said frame linear prediction parameter signals and said frame speech pattern for generating a frame predictive residual signal; said first signal generating means comprises means responsive to said frame predictive parameter signals and said frame predictive residual signal for forming said first frame corresponding signal; and said second signal generating means comprises means responsive to said frame linear predictive parameter signals for forming said second frame corresponding signal.

    27. Apparatus for encoding a speech pattern according to claim 26 wherein said coded signal producing means comprises means responsive to said difference corresponding signal for generating a coded signal having at least one element; and means responsive to said coded signal element for modifying said second signal.

    28. Apparatus for encoding a speech pattern according to claim 26 wherein said coded signal producing means comprises means for generating a multielement coded signal including means operative successively for generating a coded signal element responsive to said differences corresponding signal and for modifying said second signal responsive to said coded signal elements.

    29. A speech processor comprising means for partitioning a speech pattern into successive time frames; means responsive to the speech pattern of each frame for producing a set of predictive parameter signals and a predictive residual signal; means responsive to said frame predictive parameter and predictive residual signals for generating a first signal corresponding to the frame speech pattern; means responsive to said frame predictive parameter signals for generating a second frame corresponding signal; means responsive to said first and second frame corresponding signals for producing a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second frame corresponding signals; means responsive to said frame differences corresponding signal for generating a coded excitation signal and for applying said coded excitation signal to said second signal generating means to reduce the differences corresponding signal.

    30. A speech processor according to claim 29 further comprising means responsive to said frame coded excitation signal and said frame predictive parameter signals for constructing a replica of said frame speech pattern.

    31. A speech processor according to claim 29 or claim 30 wherein said coded excitation signal generating means comprises means operative successively to form a multielement coded signal comprising means responsive to the differences corresponding signal for forming an element of said multielement code and for modifying said second signal responsive to said coded signal elements.

    32. A method for processing a speech pattern according to claim 5, 6, 7, or 8 further comprising the step of utilizing said coded signal to construct a replica of said interval speech pattern.

    33. A speech processor according to claim 14, 15, 16, or 17 further comprising means for utilizing said coded signal to construct a replica of said interval speech pattern.

    34. A speech processor for producing a speech message comprising: means for receiving a sequence of speech message time interval signals, each speech interval signal including a plurality of spectral representative signals and an excitation representative signal for said time interval; means jointly responsive to said interval spectral representative signals and said interval excitation representative signal for generating a speech pattern corresponding to the speech message; said interval excitation speech signal being formed by the steps of: partitioning a speech message pattern into successive time intervals; generating a set of signals representative of said speech message pattern for each time interval responsive to said interval speech pattern; generating a signal representative of the differences between said interval speech pattern and said representative signal set responsive to said interval speech pattern and said interval respresentative signals; forming a first signal corresponding to the interval speech message pattern responsive to said speech message pattern interval representative signals and differences representative signal; forming a second interval corresponding signal responsive to said interval speech message pattern representative signals; generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; and producing a third signal responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for altering said second interval corresponding signal to reduce the interval differences corresponding signal, said third signal being said interval excitation representative signal.

    35. A speech processor according to claim 34 wherein said interval differences corresponding signal generating step comprises generating a signal representative of the correlation between said first interval corresponding signal and said second interval corresponding signal and said third signal producing step comprises forming a coded signal responsive to said correlation representative signal.

    36. A speech processor according to claim 34 or 35 wherein said speech message interval spectral representative signals are time interval predictive parameter signals.

    37. A method for producing a speech message comprising the steps of: receiving a sequence of speech message interval signals, each speech interval signal including a plurality of spectral representative signals and an excitation representative signal; and generating a speech pattern corresponding to the speech message jointly responsive to said interval spectral representative signals and said interval excitation representative signals; said interval excitation speech signal being formed by the steps of: partitioning a speech pattern into successive time intervals; generating a set of signals representative of the spectrum of said speech pattern for each time interval responsive to said interval speech pattern; generating a signal representative of the differences between said interval speech pattern and said interval speech pattern spectral representative signal set responsive to said interval speech pattern and said spectral representative signals; forming a first signal corresponding to the interval speech pattern responsive to said interval spectral representative signals and said differences representative signal; forming a second interval corresponding signal responsive to said speech pattern interval spectral representative signals; generating a signal corresponding to the differences between said first and second interval corresponding signals; and producing a third signal responsive to said interval differences corresponding signal for altering said second interval corresponding signal to reduce the interval differences corresponding signal said third signal being said interval excitation signal.

    38. A method for producing a speech message according to claim 37 wherein said interval differences corresponding signal generating step comprises generating a signal representative of the correlation between said first signal and said second signal and said third signal producing step comprises forming a prescribed format signal responsive to said correlation representative signal.

    39. A method for producing a speech message according to claim 37 or 38 wherein said speech interval spectral representative signals are speech interval predictive parameter signals.

    40. Apparatus for producing a speech message comprising:

    means for receiving a sequence of speech message signals for the successive time intervals of the speech message, each time interval speech message signal including a set of coded spectral representative signals for the time interval portion of said speech message and a plurality of pulse amplitude and location coded signals representative of the differences between the time interval portion of the speech message and the time interval portion of the speech message formed from said spectral representative signals;

    means for converting the plurality of pulse amplitude and location codes of said time interval into a signal representative of the excitation of the time interval portion of said speech message; and

    means jointly responsive to said interval spectral representative signals and said interval excitation representative signal for generating a speech pattern corresponding to the speech message of said time interval.

    41. Apparatus for producing a speech message according to claim 40 wherein said converting means comprises means responsive to said amplitude and location codes for forming a sequence of pulses within said time interval representative of the excitation of the speech message portion of said time interval.

    42. A method for producing a speech message comprising the steps of:

    receiving a sequence of speech message signals for the successive time interval portions of the speech message, each time interval speech message signal including a set of coded spectral representative signals for the time interval portion of said speech message and a plurality of pulse amplitude and location coded signals representative of the differences between the time interval portion of the speech message and the time interval portion of the speech message formed from said spectral representative signals;

    converting the plurality of pulse amplitude and location codes of said time interval into a signal representative of the excitation of the time interval portion of said speech message; and

    generating a speech pattern corresponding to the speech message of said time interval jointly responsive to said interval spectral representative signals and said interval excitation representative signal.

    43. A method for producing a speech message according to claim 42 wherein said converting step comprises forming a sequence of pulses within said time interval representative of the excitation of the speech message portion of said time interval responsive to said amplitude and location codes.

  • by DmitriA ( 199545 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:36AM (#175284)
    Algorithms/Designs (unlike ideas like "hey, i'm gonna patent that single-click online ad idea even though it's plainly obvious to everyone") have always been patentable and should remain so.

    Hey, we live in a capitalist society (or at least we hope we do) where we get paid for our labor. If you spend 10 years developing a really cool and original sound compression algorithm, like Fraunhofer Institute's MPEG Audio Layer-3 (MP3), which becomes really popular, why shouldn't you patent it and make some profit for all the work that you had put into creating it? We all have to make a living...
  • And since patent offices are unable to distinguish between 'difficult' things like codecs and trivial things like one-click (the criterion of 'obviousness' is not something a patent examiner understands very well), you have to ask whether we wouldn't be better off without patents on any field of software.

    Did you know that the safety pin was patented? A ridiculously simple device, a metal coil with a protective clasp at one end. Mindlessly obvious. But it's an invention, and patentable, and very profitable (at least, for the guy who owned it.)

    It's mostly subjective whether a software patent is obvious or not, and what's obvious to a technical employee may not be to a patent worker.

  • IBM has also filed a lawsuit against all Operating Systems for infringement of their second patent.... deleting data from a hard drive.

    OK it wasn't funny but it's not far off.

    Pinky: "What are we going to do tomorrow night Brain?"
  • That crap shouldn't be patentable in the first place

    That "crap" should be patentable, especially when it cost years and millions of dollars to develop. Without those patents, we wouldn't have had mp3, and you wouldn't have been able to run all those stories on Napster versus the RIAA and linux-based mp3 players.
    Yes, some software patents are silly (I mean, XORing a cursor? Come on!), but some are genuine inventions, and should enjoy protection similar to what a physical invention would enjoy. Perhaps not as long as physical devices though, since time seems to run much faster in the software industry.

  • Prior art:

    The Fundemental Theorom of Arithmatic

  • by Reefa ( 234913 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:25AM (#175305)
    Ok...so this might sound like a dumb question, but how did AT&T go about figuring out that MS infringed on their patent. Did they take some audio, put it thru the MS code and look at the output to see if it was similar to an output of the AT&T codec ? Or did they dis-assemble the MS codec and compare it to their own ? If the did dis-assemble the codec, didn't they break the EULA ? R
  • "Um, Xerox knowingly and willingly gave away their GUI to Apple."

    This is not true. Xerox actually considered taking legal action against Apple.
  • Its easy to be a Socialist with other people's stuff.

    I have no problem with someone making a profit off an new computer program or even a codec. If it is that good then they deserve to get paid for it. If that means requiring a patent then so be it.

    Life isn't free, and just because you want something doesn't mean you deserve access to it for free.

    Get off this socialistic attitude people, if things lose their value whats the point of striving to make it better.
  • by SmackDown ( 246562 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @06:49AM (#175312)
    Think about all the CPU time IBM had to devote, and all the research on the part of scientists to come up with the perceptual encoding and other technologies involved in creating that codec. That wasn't free CPU time and those salaries didn't magically appear. IBM owns that codec, and should be protected by patent law.
  • No patents, no more R&D

    Your post was pretty well developed right up until this non-sequitor. Why does R&D disappear if patents disappear, exactly?

    Patents are government enforced monopolies, and government enforced monopolies are the antithesis of a free market. Would R&D stop without patents? I doubt it very much... there will always be a competitive advantage to being the first to market with innovative products, even without the government granted monopoly on said products.

    Ryan T. Sammartino

  • ~$250 million over 8-10 years it takes to get a drug approved, only to see a generic maker clone the drug the day it comes out at half the price?

    That's quite the hyperbole. If it takes 8-10 years to develop, somehow I doubt it will be "overnight" before someone figures out how to knock it off, in which case your company still reaps the benefits of being first to market.

    And even if there's an overnight clone, there's a lot to be said for brand name recognition. Generic jeans are much cheaper than CK or Levi's, yet CK and Levi's are still in business. Why? And why couldn't this apply to drug companies as well? If you have $250 million for research, I'm sure you can scrounge up a couple of bucks to put together an effective information campaign about why your product should be supported over the generic knock offs. You don't need government enforced monopolies for any of this.

    Ryan T. Sammartino

  • No exclusivity/license fees, no means to recoup costs

    Another non-sequitur. Why do you need exclusivity to recoup costs, exactly?

    Do you really think companies are going to spend money on research which they can't reap the rewards from?

    You still can without government enforced monopolies. You're begging the question here... this whole thread has been quite the zoo of fallacies.

    Ryan T. Sammartino

  • any competent chemist could do it in a matter of weeks, at most

    Well, I'm not a chemist, so I guess I'll have to take your word on that.

    The bulk of the cost (both monetary and time) are in a) finding out which chemical is the most effective, and b) doing all the testing--cellular, animal, and human--that is required

    Yup. That's about what I figured.

    So, in your information campaign, you get your name out there, stressing what Good Guys you are for doing all this research and testing ("Our quality products meet the highest level of testing for your safety", blah blah blah), and "the extra dollars are for quality and continued service" blah blah blah.... just like jeans ads, only less sexy.

    Again, government enforced monopolies are not required for any of this.

    Ryan T. Sammartino

  • And since patent offices are unable to distinguish between 'difficult' things like codecs and trivial things like one-click (the criterion of 'obviousness' is not something a patent examiner understands very well), you have to ask whether we wouldn't be better off without patents on any field of software.

    Or, er, better trained and more clued-in patent examiners? I mean, throwing out patents because they restrict freedom or whatever is one thing, but throwing them out just because the process needs to be improved a bit is another.
    Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.
  • by tb3 ( 313150 ) on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @07:54AM (#175329) Homepage
    So was barbed wire, I think. The idea had been around for a while, but the manufacturing process was the clever part.

    "What are we going to do tonight, Bill?"
  • by Ubi_NL ( 313657 ) <joris.benschopNO@SPAMgmail.com> on Tuesday June 05, 2001 @06:56AM (#175330) Journal
    No it's not

    Lawsuits cost money. They get their money from selling their products. If everyone keeps on suing each other, only the public will pay the price.

  • "Microsoft said it had not been served with the lawsuit and could not comment."

    Yeah, see, they don't even recognize the fact that it exists yet, something tells me not much is going to come out of this. But still, there's nothing more exciting than a big fight between corporations that nobody seems to like, am I wrong? Maybe once AT&T loses, they'll try to get back at microsoft by stealing their patents, and it'll start a vicious war, we'll eventually be getting blue screens of death on our cell phones and getting calls during dinner time asking us to switch to Windows ME.

A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. -- Klipstein
