Checksumming Webpages Patented 234
Just when you thought nothing else stupid could be patented,
Wahfuz noted a story running about a company called Pumatech who has apparently patented storing a checksum of a webpage to determine if it has updated or not. I guess from now on everyone who wants to detect changes in web pages will need to store full copies of the pages in question, because I'm sure nobody thought of anything so complex as piping it through md5 and saving the output.
how quickly? (Score:1)
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:1)
Using ETags for caching instead of if-modified-since was prompted by variants, since the multiple langauge versions usually have the same timestamp. Just because its useful for that doesn't make it any less useful for fully generalized content based caching.
Oh. I see. (Score:2)
Ever heard the story of the CD-WOM? It was a device consisting of two blocks of ordinary wood and a cable connecting it to the user's PC. CD media was placed between the two blocks and data was written to the CD. The process was foolproof (I challenge you to prove to me that no data was written to write-only media!)
That's about how useful storing a checksum of a webpage would be without *doing* anything with the data. Sure, the checksum exists, but if you don't bother to do anything with it, the data is as worthless as a CD-WOM. Obviously, someone creating MD5 hashes of all their webpages would also build some sort of system around it to make use of those hashes!
- A.P.
Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?
urlmon has done this for at least 2+ years (Score:1)
The README [syr.edu] has the lowdown:
DISCLAMIER: I contributed to this project
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:1)
Uhh... ok.. (Score:3)
Yeah- this is one of those "Why didn't I think of that?" things- but I have yet to hear of a web cache or proxy that uses md5sums instead of last-modified headers- are there any out there? And if so, wouldn't that count as the all-important prior art?
Just because something seems simple once somebody else thought of it doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea in the first place.
akamai (Score:1)
This is old hat....patent...no way! (Score:1)
I know I'll get flamed for this but... (Score:2)
Now, perhaps there is prior art for this, but its a damn good idea and I sort of doubt it because I've been around the block a few times and haven't seen ANY caching mechanisms that can determine if a page has changed based on a checksum calculated from just a portion of the page (presumably so things like today's date on a page doesn't affect the state of the cache).
That seems pretty damn innovative to me. I'm no big fan of software patents, but as software patents go, this is a lot more justifiable than most.
So flame away, but there is a lot of posturing going on here about prior art, and none of them seem to come close.
No its not, its a very targeted patent. (Score:2)
I quote:
a checksum generator, coupled to receive the fresh copy of the document from the periodic fetcher, for generating a fresh checksum of a portion of the fresh copy of the document and comparing the fresh checksum to the original checksum, the checksum generator signaling a detected change to the remote client when the fresh checksum does not match the original checksum,
Note the bold part. Contrary to the inflamatory headlines, this patent does NOT cover blindly checksumming webpages, but rather strategically checksumming the critical part of a page, so the fluff doesn't affect the cache status.
Other examples of prior art (Score:1)
Noel Bell has had his web page up since 1996 on signing web pages using pgp. His key is 2.6.3i, which is probably the last "safe" version anyway. :)
Here [pobox.com] is a link to his page, with a copyright on it:
They have heard of this CRC thing haven't they (Score:1)
One less user... (Score:1)
Of course, I also took the time to fill their poll, to explain why I unsubscribed.
Also, look for MD5, Content-MD5 or ETags on the www.w3c.org [w3c.org], their silly patent doesn't fly for a second.
Re:Er ... no ... (Score:1)
cat $cf |
while read url sig junk
test "$url" = "" && continue
if www diagwww -aceh "$url" >$tf 2>/dev/null
newsig=`md5 if [ "$sig" != "" ]
if [ $sig != $newsig ]
reminder $url $sig $newsig
( echo ERROR $url ; cat $tf ; echo -- ) 1>&2
echo $url $sig
done > $nf
For those not familiar with my toolkit, the script retrieves a URL, MD5's it, and mails me a reminder-note when the signature changes due to modification of content.
I would deem this to be an obvious idea, and would happily support an effort to squash the patent.
- alec
Re:Er ... no ... (Score:1)
if anybody wants the real thing, drop me a line. usual anti-spam provisions apply.
Prior Art... (Score:1)
Is this prior art? I was developing a small script or two to do this with arbitary pages, do I have to stop now?
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:1)
Re:Er ... no ... (Score:1)
Better to keep a DB of last-edited timestamps. This is how I work with a site of mine that uses HTML::Mason and needs to know when to serve a cached copy, when not to, or when to update the cache.
Here's the patent. (Score:1)
Ok, there's a little bit more to it than just storing checksums, but is this really non-obvious and original?
prior art for this concept/process DOES exist. (Score:1)
Last change, MD5, Checksum, and size are all applicable methods for checking for updates.
Ancient checksums.. (Score:1)
You think that's bad.... (Score:5)
I used to work at Pumatech. (Actually, I worked in the wireless web-browsing [proxinet.com] end of things, as an engineeer)
Anyways, we were checking our emails one day (this was about 6 months ago) and there's some big "congratulations" email - we got another pattent!
A large portion of the company is based out of synchronization software. (Synchronize your PIM, Laptop, whatever) We'd just received a patent on a revolutionary new technique - time based syncing! Sync data, based on their TIME STAMPS!
We had a good laugh.
Re:Your own evidence refutes you. (Score:1)
I also want to point out that in theory Communism is a GREAT idea, it just sucks in pratice because of corruption on the part of people in power. I don't think that a single person should be able to have well over a billion dollars while other people die of starvation.
Re:Individual patents, no. Collective patents, yes (Score:2)
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
IOW, the mechanism is there, but I'm not aware of that particular policy (tag==MD5sum) ever being used.
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
You have an old copy of the page and a checksum of that copy. You send a request to the server saying "If the checksum is no longer X, please send me the new copy, otherwise send me a 304 Not Modified message". The server has a checksum Y of whatever version of the page is current. If X==Y, send "304 Not Modified" (a few hundred bytes). If X!=Y, send the new version. This is standardized behavior (see ETag and If-Match/If-None-Match in RFC2616).
You and Taco must be smoking the same crack today.
defeating it (Score:2)
If they're using md5sums, well, I guess this won't work.
Re:Individual patents, no. Collective patents, yes (Score:1)
Well, the us can force (to a certain level) other countrys to do things they do not want to do. Also if someone has a us-patent it is not to (unfortunately) hard to get an eu-patent for it.
However, why is the us the only country that has a right to have a good economy? The people in Japan worked hard. Why do us-pharmacy-concerns have the right to tell african states which pills they have to buy?
You say, that so much good can be done by a proper patent system. Good for whom? The us? Perhaps you did not realize it, but there are human beeings outside the us as well.
Re:Your own evidence refutes you. (Score:1)
I suggest you read Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions, a few other historical documents and then get back with us when you have some familiarity with the subject.
The "sad, sick thing" is that you put personal profit above intellectual honesty.
Anything obvious is unpatentable. (Score:3)
And just because they (allegedly) were the first to think of it, doesn't mean it's patentable.
Patents are supposed to be given only for things that aren't "obvious to anyone skilled in the art". In practice, this isn't assessed well by the patent office, but that's another can of worms.
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:1)
Damn Ketchup Packets.
The only issue was how to get the endusers browsers to use the system. IANAProgrammer so I was relying on the technical ability of my lunchmates.
With the success of the new.net dns plugin [new.net] and other such plugins I see that writing a plugin to the browser is the simplest way to do this.
Re:Previous Works (Score:2)
Re:When? (Score:2)
Likewise. Company I used to work for did something very similar, using a CRC calculated using the text of a web page to determine web page "identity". I would be surprised if the Lycos (or Altavista, or Webcrawler, or Hotbot...) spiders didn't do something very similar.
Which brings up an interesting question - if, by 1997, there were enough companies implementing this sort of "technology" already, then can't it be argued that the Pumatech patent is obviously invalid because at the time they applied for it, it was already in use by multiple companies... which seems to me to indicate that their "innovative" technology is "obvious to a practioner skilled in the arts".
Re:New business model in the New Economy (Score:1)
tripwire = prior art? (Score:1)
Re:Anything obvious is unpatentable. (Score:2)
Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
Re:Patents become irrelevant (Score:2)
So this is one of the factors that causes many new companies to fold. Think of it as a social control mechanism
Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
Re:Indeed (Score:2)
You have an extremely low standard for what should be patentable. Considering the cost of defending against a patent, if trivialities are patentable, soon only the rich will be able to legally initiate any action. Is this a social good? Is it in compliance with the constitutional provisions enabling the patent law? (I don't remember the precise pharsing, sorry. It isn't "To promote the general welfare
E.g.: There may be no prior are in the archives of the patent law covering eating using a metalic or otherwise ridgid, or somewhat stiff, divided instrument to convey the nutritive material from a holding container to the grinding apparatus. Should this be patentable?
Caution: Now approaching the (technological) singularity.
Prior Art - August 1998 (Score:1)
I presented a little paper at a small gathering in '98.
see the pdf [usyd.edu.au]
Anyway, I can't remember thinking this was novel enough to patent. Obviously I'm never going to be rich.
Re:Akamai does this already (Score:2)
Can they testify that they have been doing this since prior to Feb 18, 1999?
Is there not prior art for this? (Score:1)
Still, this should be easy to defeat.
I've been checksumming files on file servers for years, to verify that they have been changed. How is that any bit different than this ?
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:1)
So no, its not different. And yes, its an obvious extension. So obvious that the HTTP/1.1 people included it.
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:5)
January 1997 -- rfc2068 HTTP/1.1
See section 14.20, 14.25, 14.26, and 14.43.
It describes the "ETag: " header, which is usually a md5 hash of the resource.
The client can then validate the resources in its cache by sending a request with a "If-None-Match: " header with the ETag associated with the copy in its cache.
The server will either respond "Not modified" in which case the client simply uses the version in its cache, or the server will resend the resource if the ETags don't match.
Since this patent was filed for in 1999, this is pretty clear prior art, in the most commonly used protocol on the largest network in the world. If the patent office can't locate prior art in incredibly obvious (obvious to anyone skilled in the art, that is) cases like this one, what hope do we have for them intelligently handling more subtle cases?
Yeah....uhhh (Score:1)
"I'm not gonna say anything inspirational, I'm just gonna fucking swear a lot"
Akamai does this already (Score:1)
check_www did this since 1-Dec-2000 (Score:2)
People, people... YHBT! (Score:1)
Re:NetMind SUCKS!!! (Score:1)
If you've found a site that can tell you when AND HOW a web page has changed, and can be taught to ignore simple date-changes, and preferably attach the page to an HTML-format email, and do it punctually, I'd appreciate knowing about it!
md5 (Score:1)
Used in searchengine (Score:1)
Oh yes! Finally! (Score:1)
Lawyering... (Score:2)
Now I know you can go after the police for malicious prosecution, and I know people have sued to recover court costs before. Could something like that be used to go after companies that file obvious patents that have been in use for a long time?
Say you're an independant coder, and you create a way to check if a file is current using checksums, and you use it on your personal web site, never thinking about it. Years later a company patents exactly what you're doing.
A normal reaction might be to yell and scream about how you were already doing it and how the patent is worthless. What about if you instead copied their product, using their supposedly patented technology. Seeing that, they'd come after you for patent violations. You could then show you were using the algorithm for much longer than them. Then, after you won the case, you could sue them to recover the costs associated with defending the case.
I dunno, maybe some variation on this might work. It sure would be nice to be able to turn the screws on the screwers.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer liscensed in your jurisdiction or in any other jurisdiction. I'm not a lawyer at all, and I'm probably not even in your country. If I were in your jurisdiction and were a lawyer I'd probably not want to give out free legal advice anyhow... but who knows what I'd do, cuz I'd probably be pretty depressed at being a lawyer.
Re:Prior art. (Score:1)
rsync and rproxy. (Score:2)
rsync [samba.org] does a block by block checksum of a file, then searches another file for matching blocks, thus making it a generalisation of this idea to /any/ file. It's been around for a /long/ time - the mailing list archives go back to 1991.
rproxy [sourceforge.net] applies the rsync protocol to http caching. I first heard about it at CALU in July 1999, and checked out some cvs code that worked at that time.
The general idea has been floating around for ages, though - look on the rproxy site for links to other people's ideas about this kind of thing.
This /is/ yet another case of a really dumb patent.
Hey Pumatech, HEADs up! (Score:2)
% telnet slashdot.org 80
Connected to slashdot.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 05:22:53 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_perl/1.24
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Connection closed by foreign host.
Prior art (Score:1)
Actually, the problem is harder than that, because you have to filter out things that change every time you access the page, like embedded banner ads, counts of how many times the page has been accessed, and so forth. Another approach I considered was to compare a vector of word counts, and consider the document unchanged if the new vector was sufficiently close to the old one.
Cisco CSS (Score:2)
It stores an MD5 checksum of a webpage to determine if the page it retrieved is complete. This is part of its timing mechanism to determine load. Pretty sure they did this prior to Feb. 99.
Bandwidth... (Score:1)
If the machine that's doing the checking is on a nice, big, fat pipe - it can check a page regularly (very quickly) - then send a notification to the user, who may be on a slow (dialup) link... this way the user doesn't have to keep visiting a page (they just wait for the change notification)
It's all been done before. (Score:2)
No, it isn't.
but I have yet to hear of a web cache or proxy that uses md5sums instead of last-modified headers- are there any out there?
No, because that's a completely different question.
Just FYI, this has been going on for _ages_ There was a 'web page change detector' available back in my 14.4kbps modem days (early 1995 - I can't remember what it was called, tho - been too damn long) that used this very technique... you fed a URL into a CGI, and it would poll the page every so often and email you if it had changed. And guess what? It used a checksum of the page to determine if it had changed (since storing all those pages would just take way too much storage space.)
This is _NOT_ new, and it's _NOT_ non-obvious.
Too many prior art (Score:2)
URL of patent (Score:1)
"Oh, Lisa, that's a load of rich creamery butter." - Homer Simpson
Tripwire prior art and USPTO (Score:2)
lots of postings here from 1995 about tripwire and it's predecessors. . .
maybe the USPTO should post their patent requests to slashdot and let us find the prior art before they issue patents.
How about a site like http://find-prior-art.com that pays out money to the first people to find prior art for patent requests?
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
Re:ahem.. (Score:2)
First, it's a considerable expense and hassle. Patent attorneys are not optional - the claims have to be properly worded for the USPTO office to accept them *and* to prevent some business from stealing your idea by rewording an ineffectual claim ever so slightly. If you're a business and want to create market entry barriers to your competition, $10-20k might be a good investment. If you're a working stiff, that's a lot harder to justify. If you're still in college, forget it!
Second, by seeking patents for "obvious" things we're implicitly accepting the validity of all other obvious patents. A sadly too common analogy is elections in corrupt regimes - you can organize a voter boycott because the election is corrupt, you can run your own candidate, but you can't do both.
Re:Right on. Enough of this irresponsible hype. (Score:2)
He thinks that if you disagree about a patent you are a communist. What kind of a moron thinks like that?
Content-MD5 already in HTTP/1.1 (Score:2)
But in general a server using the last modification date of the file as 'Last-modified:' header would well do the job. Else an entity-tag would do the job. The hash would only make sense, if the Document could be retrieved under different URLs. Even then sensible creation of an entity Tag would do the job.
Then there is the Content-MD5 field for an integrity check (from rfc 2068):
The Content-MD5 entity-header field, as defined in RFC 1864 [23], is an MD5 digest of the entity-body for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check (MIC) of the entity-body. (Note: a MIC is good for detecting accidental modification of the entity-body in transit, but is not proof against malicious attacks.)
This is in the rfc dated January 1997. There are also guidelines, how Proxies or clients should use these Tags to check for expired Documents. It's all there.
Ok patent zipping parts of files (Score:2)
I would like to patent transporting morons. In parts.
Re:smells like troll but ... (Score:2)
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
Their design was more geared towards hashing something like redball.gif and allowing a single instance in the cache to be referenced for multiple sites, thereby saving space in the cache.
stupid idea (Score:2)
While we're at it. I'm going to rush to the patent office and see if I can "patent" 64bit date time stamps, so I have a lead in on the next big crisis!
Re:already found prior art (Score:2)
Obviously not: http://www.google.com/search?q=web+checksum [google.com]
Hit #2 is prior art: "BIBLINK.Checksum - an MD5 message digest for Web pages" [ariadne.ac.uk] . Note that: "This article last updated/links checked on 23-Sept-1998"
Prior art (Score:2)
It's more than it seems (Score:2)
The process in the patent allows you to select a portion of the web page, and then the server only tracks changes in that portion. It also generates a checksum for each portion of content between HTML tags, and it is smart enough not to tell you that the content changed if certain sections got reordered, but the content's the same. It will also show you exactly which portions changed, since it has a separate checksum for each section.
It's not fusion power, but it's an ok idea, and I don't think anyone has used it before. So, let them have the patent.
Pumatech has fallen down before... (Score:2)
It figures that they'd come up with yet another harebrained scheme....
False assumption (Score:2)
Integrity Checkers (Score:2)
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
Infact, getting the whole page and doing an md5 sum, and then comparing it to a stored value in a mysql database is exactly how mine works. This patent can go fuck itself, thank you very much
I dont remember if I actually coded the sum/compare part, becuase by the time i got to that part, i was sick of the idea anyhow. But the bookmarks db and all its entries are live on my machine at home, and i use it for storing and retriving bookmarks from anywhere i happen to be using a computer.
A patent for this is ridiculous. I am fucking tired of people patenting totally naive and obvious approaches to trivial problems.
Prior art in the HTTP Protocol? (Score:3)
The only difference I can see is that they generate an Etag like entity for tect highlighted by the user as well as the entire webpage. Doesn't seem worthy of a patent though.
Pretty Broad Claim (Score:2)
Claim 1 of the patent reads:
1. A change-detection web server comprising:
a network connection for transmitting and receiving packets from a remote client and a remote document server;
a responder, coupled to the network connection, for communicating with the remote client, the responder registering a document for change detection by receiving from the remote client a uniform-resource-locator (URL) identifying the document, the responder fetching the document from the remote document server and generating an original checksum for a checked portion of the document, the checked portion being less than the entire document;
archival storage means, coupled to the responder, for receiving the URL and the original checksum from the responder when the document is registered by the remote client, the archival storage means for storing a plurality of records each containing a URL and a checksum for a registered document;
a periodic fetcher, coupled to the archival storage means and the network connection, for periodically re-fetching the document from the remote document server by transmitting the URL from the archival storage means to the network connection, the periodic fetcher receiving a fresh copy of the document from the remote document server,
a checksum generator, coupled to receive the fresh copy of the document from the periodic fetcher, for generating a fresh checksum of a portion of the fresh copy of the document and comparing the fresh checksum to the original checksum, the checksum generator signaling a detected change to the remote client when the fresh checksum does not match the original checksum,
whereby a change in the document is detected by comparing a checksum for the checked portion of the document, wherein changes in portions of the document outside the checked portion are not signaled to the remote client.
So, the usual flame-before-reading crowd isn't entirely unjustified. (That's not to endorse flaming before reading, much less thinking, but hey, even a blind pig finds the occasional acorn.)
Oh, btw, the priority date is January 14, 1997. Leave it to the guys who do the press release to give the wrong impression of when the thing was invented. Not that doing a checksum and not recording non-changes wasn't just as obvious in 1997 as 1999.
When? (Score:2)
Anyways, its a silly patent. Checksums are a pretty fundamental thing to do! I don't even think my last company tried to patent it because it was so blatantly obvious!
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
Er ... no ... (Score:3)
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
I know of a website which kept an index of lists to people's weblogs (it's a semi-private thing on a cable modem, so sorry but no link). It polls the websites every 15 minutes to see whether they're changed, and orders the list of links as such ... so you can visit the page an see at a glance who's updated their weblog.
This was all accomplished using a homegrown Perl script. Originally, it stored a checksum of the pages it retrieved for later comparison, to determine when a page was last updated. This was later replaced with a simple byte count of the page's size - using a checksum or the whole page generates "false alarms" when people are using hit counters on their page, wheras the size of the page tends to be more stable, yet it unlikely to remain the same between updates.
Re:Er ... no ... (Score:2)
Re:Umm you ARE responsible for what your pet does, (Score:2)
Re:already found prior art (Score:2)
Re:first claim (Score:2)
A new and improved diffAgent server [industry.net] has been released which includes additional mediators. "A diffAgent watches information sources available via the web and e-mails you when it detects changes. In particular, it can:
diffAgent had two modes. In the first mode, it stored a CRC checksum of the page, periodically compared checksums, and notified you of changes.
In the second mode, it stored the whole page, ran diff --context=3 over it to detect changed lines, and then grep'd for user-specified words of interest.
I believe The NetMind web page was already up at that time, but they may not have had all of the features important to the patent. IMO, the NetMind technology is not worth a patent, but it is a bit beyond the diffAgent, and not entirely trivial to implement even if it is trivial to think of.
Re:Uhh... ok.. (Score:2)
I use hashes for database work...for example, when I want to make a link to a data element I just added, I create a hash of that record to refer to (because you don't know the primary key ID that was assigned by the database, and that's how you would call the record.)
Anyway...yes it is obvious, and yes there is quite a bit of prior art. Even if neither were the case, patenting processes is fscking stupid anyway. If you have a prototype of a device, by all means, patent it. Otherwise go away.
New business model in the New Economy (Score:4)
Dang! What next? (Score:2)
I've ALWAYS used checksums to do that kind of stuff. Unfortunately in scripts that aren't distributed publicly, but cripes, any damn fool could come up with that idea!
Another trick I've used is in scripts that generate static .html pages from a database: take the data used in the page (not the page itself), and make an md5 of the concatenation. Since most md5 routines can take data in chunks, you can generate it as you're getting the data. Then save the md5sum in a comment at the top. Then in the future you can compare with md5sum of the page with the md5sum of the data. If there is a "last modified" date on the page or something this will only update it when the data changes.
I also use this trick for an automatic DNS updating script that creates zone files from a master data file. Can't just update the zone files every time because then the serial numbers would be updated constantly.
So if anybody patents this silly idea (maybe they already have?), I've been using it for like eight years!! I'm publicly announcing it here on /.!!
Besides I don't use NetMind anymore, I use SpyOnIt [spyonit.com].
already found prior art (Score:2)
I note that Linux Focus already uses md5 to allow mirrors to check for updates to the pages. See that here [linuxfocus.org].
Did the patent office even try a Google search before stamping its approval on this patent?
Re:Previous Works (Score:2)
Now to get on topic, does the patent office do any background checking on anything dealing with a computer program? Or do they just assume that since this was the first they read about this function, that it is obviously the first time it was implemented?
Prior art. (Score:2)
The HTTP protocol itself has had Jeff Moghul's cahce optimization protocol in it since at least 1996.
It is yet another bogus patent. Time to use the proposal I made of issuing a civil action for perjury against people making fraudulent patent claims. I suspect that approach would cut down on the number of bogus applications.
Re:Prior art. (Score:2)
I had forgot how Harvest worked, I suspect that the number of like cases is very large.
Patents become irrelevant (Score:3)
The danger of patents like these is not, IMHO, that someone is going to ask you to pay a license fee for your two line Perl program that uses checksumming but that when you really invent something original and worthwhile, patent protection will have been rendered meaningless by people simply ignoring it.
Re:Your own evidence refutes you. (Score:2)
Hello? Heelllooo?!
No one makes a billion dollars by working 100,000 times harder than someone making 10K.
They make a billion dollars by having a horde of people who are earning 10K work for them. Check out Nike.
Phil Knight doesn't work any harder than the Vietnamese girls who make the shoes. Those girls are not *lazy*.
He makes his money by siphoning off the value from their labor, since they work in a corrupt government where unions and occupational safety codes are written by dictators who have no interest in protecting these "lazy" poor people.
There is no relationship, for example, between executive compensation and productivity.
What really lets people make huge amounts of money is not hard work (the mexicans who wash the dishes in the restaurant where you dine are working very hard) and it's not intelligence (the college prof's who taught you are probably pulling in 60K on average. The grad students are making 15-20K) but it's being able to position yourself into a role where you either manage people, or money, or both. Or maybe get a fat government monopoly on something (i.e. patents) that others use and skim off of their income. That, or just let your money "work" for you.
In either case the key to making big bucks is to park your behind right in the middle of some productivity intersection, and start taking tolls..
And if any one objects, there will always be Ayn Rand worshipping idealogues such as yourself to keep up the PR war, believing that this is somehow the ethical way to do business.
Individual patents, no. Collective patents, yes (Score:2)
You see, when a patent is granted to an individual, the benefits aren't accrued solely by the individual. The entire society benefits, because that country now possesses a citizen who owns the patent and can wield it against other countries' citizens. The GNP is in whole raised because of efforts like these.
You can imagine how much richer the US economy would have been if we'd managed to patent the transistor before Japan got its own electronics markets running. You can imagine how much safer the world would be from nuclear warfare if the US had successfully patented atomic weapons before the Russians got their own projects going. Though the lifespan of a patent is only about 18 years, that would have been enough time to get some diplomatic solutions in place and prevent the escalated arms races of the Cold War.
What does this have to do with checksumming? Not much, I'm afraid. That's a stupid patent and we all know it. But let's not cut off our nose to spite our face when so much good can be done by a proper patent system.
No worries (Score:2)