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United States Your Rights Online

California Opens Office of Personal Privacy 7

Cy Guy writes "Legislation signed by California Governor Gray Davis today establishes an Office Personal Privacy within the Office of Consumer Affairs, where consumers will be able to file greivances if they feel their privacy has been violated. Read the Press Release for more info." Says it will open for business in 2002. Why the delay?
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California Opens Office of Personal Privacy

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  • This is a step in the right direction, but being a state office and not a federal bureau will make it difficult dealing with the majoraty of the offending people / buisnesses. How well do you think a california OPP is going to help if the company is located off-shore? how about a buisness out-of-state?

    Any attempt for this office to deal with out-of-state buisness would be shot down under the interstate commerce act unless they are committing a crime.

    But as I said it is a good start, esp if the publish statics about the offenders.
  • I'm down with that. Are you down with OPP?
  • Why the delay - this is a tool to get privacy abusing companies to cough up enough money to kill the office before it opens. Follow the $ - they won't lead you wrong...

  • This simply will not work:

    All the complaints will be anonymous.

    My mom is not a Karma whore!

  • California is the only state I know of that guarantees privacy only to criminal defendants, not to ordinary citizens. Go ahead, READ the state constitution carefully.

    Will californians have to get arrested to use this new office?

    Just glad I don't live there...

  • An even more cynical synopsis:

    Why the delay - by the time they open (2002) federal anti-privacy laws will make the department illegal and it will be forced to close.

    Meanwhile, undisclosed parties will be able to make out with the large sums of taxpayer dollars spent in creating this department in the first place (you seriously don't think that they will give the money back do you?)

  • The ribbon cutting ceremonies for the California Ministries of Truth, Love, and Plenty were announced for next Monday afternoon.

The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much.
