EU Board Votes To Allow Software Patents 143
scamp was one of the folks who wrote from Europe with the news that
an administrative board for the European Patents Office has voted 10-9 to allow patents for software in Europe. There's still a final conference to be held in Novemeber to ratify the decision - so there's still time to sign the petition against it. The conference in November should be close - the multinationals, US and Japan are applying heavy pressure. BTW, if you can't read German, use the fish.
go to school (Score:1)
Secondly, I don't think these guys are online often enough, because they forgot to divide the duration time for software patents by 10.
Thirdly, in a world where monopolies are supposed to be BAD, monopolies over information is still allowed.
Now, no protection is also BAD. But the current patent system is destructive. We are no longer all farmers!
What should we do? Any suggestions?
Re:Excellent point. (Score:2)
Amazon's patent is *stupid* as in it is obvious.
At least the title "one-click shopping" is. In reality, I assume the content of the patent is more specific and it doesn't apply to all shopping carts.
It is also a combination of technologies... cookies, databases, etc. Sure they have a formula, but that is what they have. Not a monopoly on everything that is "one-click". And the technologies they use are not theirs.
Programming is very systematic. And answers are better off shared, because they always lead to the next thing. And you usually are already using shared code. Once you have specific pieces of code patented, every programmer suffers because they ahve to work around them. And yes, it is almost always possible to work around them. Just a pain in the asss.
What if certain tags in HTML were patented? What if cookies had royalties?
It usually isn't the programmer who goes to the patent office... it's the guy who hired him/her.
Can the ignorant masses be informed? (Score:2)
I approached a major Finnish newspaper (Finns consider it an institution, if you would say) with the suggestion that they should write an article in a way that laymen understand for the following reasons:
-These patents threaten the success of small Finnish IT companies, who have to hire an army of lawyers, or perish. Besides, Finnish is not going to be one of the languages that can be used in the patent filing.
-Many methods have already been patented in USA and Japan and it is logical that the protection for these would easily be expanded to cover Europe. European companies are worse off.
-The public sector is currently actively trying to find ways to develop and make public services available over the internet, or utilizing telecommunications and computers (education, care of the elderly, etc.). Patents can prevent the use of these methods even for non-profit government activities.
The issue is not a new one. However, there are great economic values at stake yet so few people are aware of these and can portray the consequences of bad decisions! It should be interesting for small investors (not professionals, but common folks) that the share price of those highly popular IT companies (reflecting expectations) could be seriously affected by this. Therefore this is certainly worth an article.
Let's keep the thumbs up that these concerns get mainstream media coverage!
Price for a patent (Score:1)
Grammar, grammer, spelling, to bad this is slashdot and not english, eh?
software patents are not evil - if they're smart (Score:2)
a) It ensures that the money invested in a commercial development (invention) can be earned back from the work before others just copy and paste. That by itself is fair and forms an incentive for inventing things.
It is important to keep in mind that this only applies for commercial activities. As long as you're not commercial, you don't have to care. Unfortunately, courts seem to regard everything as commercial. That's a problem.
The other problem is, that funny things are considered to be inventions. An invention by definition is something substantially new. Unfortunately, patent offices seem to consider things to be substantially new, that are more of a joke (click a single button instead of two to order the book). You wouldn't be able to do a PhD with that so why should that make a patent?
b) The second purpose of patents is to make them public. This is the point always missed. If you want to patent something, you will have to publicize it. That's the deal. The idea was, that others can learn from that and maybe develop something based on that.
This is actually what the whole open source community is demanding all the time: opening the source. So patenting e.g. Windows should mean, opening the source. You can't compile your own windows then (because the patent protects it), but you can see how MS has done it and finally write the nice software that really integrates. You even would be able to see, what backdoors are in there and how good security really is.
In order to not block markets and developments forever, patents expire. The time is quite long because when the laws where set up, most inventions were of mechanical nature, complicated machines and you needed many years to get your investment back. Not so with software! Since software is trivial to duplicate, the money for the investment comes back in much shorter time.
The logical consequence of all this is to allow patents for software, but adjust their expiry date. So make it running for a year and then the stuff becomes public domain. If a company doesn't like that, it can't patent. By adjusting the protected period to nowaday's needs, everyone is treated fairly. And then there is nothing evil in a patent.
Just my humble opinion,
Re:Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:1)
*That* is what software patents are about. Patenting things that a lot of people are bound to implement and 'invent' independent of the patent holder, not even knowing someone has done it before
No. When you want to get a patent for anything, you have to provide evidence to the comittee that your idea/thing is compliant to the rules the comittee has setup. For example, an obvious idea that can come up in every skilled person's head during his work will never be granted a patent. When you want a 20 year patent, you have to prove with examples and materials that your idea is indeed unique and worth the 20 year patent. This is NOT easy (as in: easy to convice the patentcomittee). So don't worry someone patents a forloop that searches a single linked list :). It's more about patents on CLEVER IMPLEMENTATIONS of algoritms that for example do real time LOD on meshes for example, stuff that is now patented using not the sourcecode but ideadescriptions.
Software patents are about clever implementations of an algoritm, not the algoritm itself. That is already patentable. Because, as I said, the rules are strict, it's hard to proof that your 'clever' implementation is unique. A good example of a clever implementation is Dijkstra's semaphoreless concurrency program.
time and money to take an idea to market (Score:1)
That said, I think software patents are still a good thing, although not in their current incarnation. I think patent offices should recognize the differences between hardware and software, and allow patents of software and mathematical algorithms for much shorter periods of time.
I also agree that dumb patents don't deserve to live. However, instead of making us challenge all of them individually, shortening the time period to maybe three or five years would make the problem disappear quickly enough that in many cases it would not be worth the bother, either to fight the patent, or even obtain it in the first place.
Re:Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:1)
I DEMAND TO BE JUDGED BY MY PEERS! Fuck the rest of you...
...now where's that vodka gone?
Re:Will they ever learn? (Score:1)
You're quoting Crowley here, not Thoreau...
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:2)
What worries me is that them kids around here are neglecting that the software industry was built around very proprietary and very profitable platforms. OSS is a great engineering practice (and I support it wholeheartedly) but its not a panacea and it's not orthogonal to making a profit off your code or IPing it.
Most importantatly them kids forget that OSS (or FS or whatever) is *dependent* on copyright law to impose their licenses, not least of which restrictive ones like the GPL.
I wish we could both voice this opinion without facing the
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:1)
They slashdotted the fish! Those bastards!
Damn them all! (Score:2)
Next thing we'll know, some long-haired freak will come up with some viral license that will restrict people's rights to their code so as to keep it open! thank God we're gonna file that petition so that hare-brained schemes like that are gonna fail and everybody will be able to do whatever they want!
Don't people think around here before launching into tirades against patents and laws? don't they realize not all regulation is bad? has Atlas Shrugged too much or are you just making too much money for your age?
Re:WHY (Score:1)
Yeah, right, yankee boy. Something like your own 0.5-click-shopping, no?
Another detailed article by german handelsblatt (Score:1)
http://www.handels blatt.com/hbiwwwangebot/fn/relhbi/sfn/buildhbi/cn
Re:Patenting ideas ? (Score:1)
I though ideas where non patentable !
Take for instance the 1-Click patent, if someone comes with a different implementation of the 1-Clik scheme, he is still considered as violating the patent ? so in fact he is violating the idea of 1-Click for shopping not it's application!?
Where is the logic? And why this can't be brought to a court?
Re:To my fellow Europeans (Score:1)
...Despite the fact that a good number of the companies pushing for this probably have American branches and/or parent companies...
Dumbass? Only Americans call it that. (Score:1)
IDEAS are not patentable (Score:1)
"Did Einstein patent 'The Theory of Relativity', or 'Special Relativity'"
Umm, Einstein didn't patent The Theory of Relativity because pure IDEAS ARE NOT PATENTABLE.
The implementation of an idea IS patentable. So you can't patent the Theory of Reletivity, but you could patent a time machine based on it. (or something.)
When it comes to software, the line between the implementation and the idea is very fuzzy. I can't help you more than that.
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:1)
Re:WHY (Score:1)
Perhaps not as silly as it sounds... just link the 'buying' action to an 'onmousedown' rather than an 'onclick' and voila, 0.5-click-shopping.
Woo woo woo, let's make some money!!
Azrael - The Angel of Death
Moderate this up (Score:1)
What's the point of hyperlinks on that petition? (Score:2)
If they're going to submit the petition as a URL, with a note reading, "Hey, here's the petition, fire up your web browsers," then I hope the European politicians aren't as dismissive of web-based text as the American ones are.
(Yes, I'm an American, and yes, I signed it.)
Re:Can I find who voted for ? (Score:1)
(In some rare cases with the approval of the European Parliament.)
But as stated before it's only a bunch of directors of the European Patent Office. Which happens to earn money on every issued patent.
Re:Effort Does Not Mandate Privilege (Score:1)
Hahahhahahah! At least it's not PYTHON
Re:Oh, great... (Score:2)
you cant ... copyright something that should instead be trademarked
Then what should we do with cartoon characters? Copyright them and get perpetual copyright [8m.com]? Or trademark them and get perpetually renewable trademark? Most companies <cough>Disney</cough>do both.
( \
XGNOME vs. KDE: the game! [8m.com]
Re:Excellent point. but very egocentric (Score:1)
The danger here lies within the problem that small company who had it implemented before didn't patent it as its a common thing. and just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
So the scenario here is that small company implements it, you don't see it. Big company implements it and patents it, you see it. And now you protect the big company's patent which infringes small company who had it implemented before. and small company are to remove the function, or pay royalties to big company.
So Is this what you really want? - Think NOT!
Ich bin interessiert ..... n/t n/t (Score:1)
Re:What about PNG (Score:1)
Ahhh, but .PNG isn't animated. .MNG is.
Those Bastards! (Score:3)
Apparently in the US, computer programs strictly by themselves aren't patentable, but once they start doing something, (method for dimming lights in a greenhouse...) they are. I was reading through some random patent law the other day, the US patent office has strict, brain-dead guidelines as to what is and is not enforced.
My question is, if most source is closed anyhow, how do we demonstrate 'prior art'? And, for that matter, how can you tell the code is really that old? Find an old backup tape as proof? Hope no one asks you if you faked it all yesterday? This could be somewhat hard to do with computer software...
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Re:software patents are not evil - if they're smar (Score:1)
It seems to me that if software patents were to expire after one year, the application process would have to speed up correspondingly.
Re:Effort Does Not Mandate Privilege (Score:1)
Well, you probably didn't invent C++ or Java either.
So I guess he can only patent certain "ways" of driving. Like driving by stepping on the pedal "once".
Re:Damn them all! (Score:1)
Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:1)
I've written code. Not a whole lot, but enough to know that a lot of work goes into things. I'm all for free software, but I also think that if the programmer of something wants to make money from his work, then he should be perfectly entitled to. If I ever wrote something original and cool, I'd want to be reimbursed in some way for the time that I put into it. I don't know that I'd patent it, especially under the current system, but it'd be really nice to see that my work is recognised, at some official level, as my own.
Just my two cents. Moderate away, but please, don't do the usual "Slashdot says it's bad, so I'll moderate down all posts saying otherwise."
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:1)
A patent only lasts 17 years. A copyright can now go for about 100.
Are you sure?
Two years (Score:1)
Copying != stealing. (Score:1)
Regardless of whether you think that it is right or wrong that an author should possess the right to forbid copying of his work, unauthorized copying is not the same as stealing.
It's a broken analogy used by those who wish to exagerrate the seriousness of the offence of unauthorized copying.
In short, copyright does nothing to hinder theft. It hinders copying.
rectification (Score:1)
> held in Novemeber to ratify the decision
YM "rectify"
Re:Bruce Perens on patents (Score:1)
Isn't that because patents cost $$$$? Even if all the little guys band together they'll have a hard time coming up with the cash to patent at the rate the larger companies do. It's really very unfair. I'm working on developing some algorithms, relevant to engineering computations, that I hope might be profitably patentable (with the intent of taking money from large companies and letting everyone else use them for free) but I don't even have the cash to consider filing a patent (and, to be honest, my work, while I think it's promising, isn't ready for prime-time yet.)
It seems to me that, while we won't ever make the system so cash-neutral that unpatented prior art establishes an implicit patent (in contrast to copyrights), small-time software houses and programmers should collaborate on establishing a database on prior art. Unfortunately, I'm not sure who would pay the legal fees for defending it. Right now patents seem to be an exclusive right to any idea you want, so long as you have big money to defend your dubious claims in court.
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:1)
...and every citizen of the EU despises you back.
'Innovative corporations' my arse.
Re:Try working around this one: (Score:2)
You can make GIFs with no LZW compression, but the file size is quite a bit bigger.
Try five times bigger.
Also, I thought not even Mozilla supported MNG yet
Depends on which build you run.
( \
XGNOME vs. KDE: the game! [8m.com]
Here's one of the basic articles on the subject (Score:1)
The article is a little bit out of date, but it does a good job of explaining the problems of software patents and has many specific examples. It's still a good introduction to the subject.
Re:What the f? (Score:2)
These unelected people have no law-making power. They were just given their opinion.
It's exactly this kind of crap which makes so many of us in England against tighter integration with the EU.
It's exactly that kind of ignorance from England that make English people so out-of-touch with reality.
What my MEP said (Score:1)
Wrote to MEP Neil MacCormack (Scottish National Party, Scotland) saying what a bad idea software patents are and he replied...
Which I didn't expect at all. Can anyone suggest what I should say in reply?
Jonathan Riddell
Re:I signed! (Score:2)
One other important point is that Einstein once worked as a patent examiner. His level of cynicism appears badly missing from current patent offices world wide. At some time in the rescent past some moron came up with the idea that passing patents should be financially advantageous...
Re:Will they ever learn? (Score:2)
Thus someone needs to find out something as vital and easily disruptable as motor fuel deliveries which will affect the patent office.
Re:Non-Babelfished translation (Score:1)
Well, I think it should be liberally applied to fish and deep fried, and I will be advising my Euro MP to vote for this.
Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.
Re:Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:2)
Except with something like the US situation where the examiners are simply not competant, in the area, to judge if the idea is obvious.
But rather than having a default of "fail" they operate a default of "pass" (and if it's invalid expect someone to be able to fight it out in court.)
Re:Agree and disagree (Score:2)
If some large organisation spent more that the GDP of a small country to come up with something "obvious" then more fool them.
In fact, patents are MORE defensible for the little guy, the backyard inventor, the small startup with a good idea.
Wasn't the original purpose of patents to protect the "little guy" from having their inventions ripped off by large companies anyway?
Re:Damn them all! (Score:1)
Software license != patent
Patents are quite a different beast.
Applying patents to particular combinations of code or even resemblance to such would make for a bleak future. How meager our literature would be if, rather than programs constructed of computer language, it were possible to patent stories or genres constructed of written language?
Copyrights and laws against plagarism are used to protect creative works, because patents have horrifyingly destructive long-term effects in such cases.
You shouldn't be so quick to assume nobody around here thinks before taking a stance on something they strongly disagree with.
Where can the word be found, where can the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.
Re:Damn them all! (Score:1)
Patents should be used with care; if say Wankel hadn't patented the rotary engine, it's conceivable that more widespread use would've allowed technical and market success. OTOH, he could have died a poor(er) or less well-known man. It was his choice and he had to live with the consequences.
I am against generalized patents as much as everybody else around here; what I am criticizing is the knee-jerk reaction on
So, you're right, patents != licenses, but you wouldn't know it from the reactions around here: infringing on licenses (a form of IP protection) = bad on
Re:Can anyone see their point of view? (Score:1)
Alfred patented a Bug then is Charly not allowed to use Bugs in any way without the explicit permit by Alfred.
Contrary to the German patent system where patents don't apply to the research.
(But it's surely common that the research is granted as it's completely in the interest of Alfred that Charly discovers something interesting which relies on Bugs)
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:2)
Rather this is what patents SHOULD be in practice all sorts of trivial, simple, obvious and derived things are getting patents.
If they really did work this way then in excess of 90% of applications would be rejected.
Re:software patents are not evil - if they're smar (Score:2)
However the original point of patents is the protection of innovation and invention. A creative process which is not really related to money. Hence it being possible to patent an invention without having to manufacture it...
The second purpose of patents is to make them public. This is the point always missed. If you want to patent something, you will have to publicize it. That's the deal. The idea was, that others can learn from that and maybe develop something based on that.
The other part of making it public is that it should mean that anything obvious (or plagurised) in a patent should result in an invalidation PDQ.
Re:Effort Does Not Mandate Privilege (Score:1)
Do you not agree with intelectual property rights? Do you have a better solution? If so please enlighten all of us. I'd like to think I have an open mind.
Re:Can I find who voted for ? (Score:2)
Apparently France, Germany and the UK voted against. Maybe the rest of Europe has little software industry of their own, so they don't see the problems.
Simple Solution (Score:3)
Problem Solved!
Oh, great... (Score:4)
Written works are certainly protectable by copyright, and this is a Good Thing. A person's work should be protected. But copyrights, patents, and trademarks are meant to be mutually exclusive (you can't patent something that you could instead copyright, nor copyright something that should instead be trademarked, etc), and for a good reason. To claim patents on written works is to claim ownership of thought itself (not a specific thought, mind you, but ideas themselves); this can never be allowed.
How to prove software is a written work? How does this strike you:
"Mary had a little lamb."
This is obviously a written work. Well out of copyright in this specific instance, but that's irrelevant; all we're looking for is written work (and preferably a short one, as we're going to be doing a lot with it). Were I to use the whole rhyme, and were it an original work, it could be copyrighted.
María tenía un cordero pequeño.
The same sentence, translated into Spanish (my Spanish is, sadly, somewhat rusty, so forgive me if I got something wrong). Still obviously a written work; it's well established that a translation of a written work is still a written work.
program MaryLamb(output);
lamb: integer;
Mary: array[1..10] of lamb;
The same thing, translated into Pascal (as with Spanish, my Pascal is very rusty, so I'd appreciate any corrections). 1 is certainly a "little" value relative to the set or integers, or "lambs" as I'm calling them here, so we still communicate that Mary had a little lamb. It's been established that source code is a written work. Translation, therefore, still has not violated that, and source code as itself should, as a written, copyrightable work, not be patentable. But let's take this a little further...
#define LAMB int
int main() {
LAMB *Mary;
Mary = new LAMB;
*Mary = 1;
return 0;
A very rough translation of the MaryLamb program to C (and once again, my C is rusty). Translation from language to language doesn't make this a non-written work, does it?
"Zmel umq m yvggyr ymzo."
The English sentence again, but now it's ROT13'd. A simple one-to-one mapping of characters onto other characters; in other words, a cipher. However, it has been established that putting a written work into a cipher like this still does not affect its status as a written work.
"Blue green red yellow orange."
Same sentence, but I've mapped whole words now instead of characters. I've encoded it. But again, I haven't affected its status as a written work. I could get really crazy and map it to, say, Japanese katakana, but I'm not good with katakana and I would be willing to bet that the browsers of most Slashdotters wouldn't be able to display it anyway. But this is another type of encoding, where I've mapped parts of words (the syllables) rather than the whole words. And I still haven't affected the status.
Now, let's go back to the C-language version. Suppose I were to translate that into assembly (substitute your favorite architecture's ASM here; I'm not about to start flamewars by picking one in particular). Still human-readable, still the same message. And still not in dispute over whether or not it's a written work.
But now, let's run that through an assembler. What does this do?
In simple terms, it maps the individual instructions in ASM to their machine-language equivalents. Nothing but a re-encoding (I'll deal with linkers momentarily). This is still human-readable, though relatively few people except chip designers ever take the required study to do it (reading machine code is hard though by no means impossible). In other words, simple translation and encoding. We still have a written work, unless you're going to apply a double-standard.
Now, a program is more than the object code alone; other things are added to it to put it into an executable format (this is why linkers are necessary). But this is all still human-readable, if you take the time to learn it. In other words, by the definitions set earlier in this post, a program, in source or object form, is still provably a written work, and written works have been legally defined as unpatentable.
There are other ways to prove that software cannot be legally patented, such as proving the fact that all software is, at heart, a mathematical equation (these are already defined as unpatentable). I've just taken a more unusual route, and one which negates the argument that programmers' works need to be protected by still allowing for that protection, but only for the actual work (by means of copyright).
Comments? Corrections for any of the translations above?
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:2)
But can you get an American and a Scot to agree who deserves the patent? The invention of this kind of electric lamp is still a highly political issue.
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:1)
It's also so very unfair that Metallica, having investing so much effort in creating their music, aren't allowed to patent it so that no other band can play the same kind of music as them. Music should be patentable too. And books - it's horrible seeing all these authors writing books in a genre someone else have created without being recompensated for their hard toil.
Niklas Nordebo | nino at sonox.com | +46-708-405095
Re:Will they ever learn? (Score:1)
A big pile of incomprehensible crap in the main, but there you have the famous lines, attributed correctly.
Re:Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:1)
Thats great. Many of us share your sentiments. But what does it have to do with Patents? Patents don't help you sell your software -- they give you legal redress if another person writes software that uses some algo. that you've patented.
Are you, by any chance, confusing patents with copyrights?
Re:Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:3)
*That* is what software patents are about. Patenting things that a lot of people are bound to implement and 'invent' independent of the patent holder, not even knowing someone has done it before.
Then you get sued for writing your program.
Re:Damn them all! (Score:1)
I try not to get too discouraged by knee-jerk posts. Some contain interesting points, and those that don't... well... the posts I see don't neccessarily represent the views of the majority, just the more vocal slashdotters.
I believe algorithms fall under unique mathematical procedures (I could be wrong about this reason) and are therefore patentable. As for insightful concepts, I see nothing wrong with patenting an innovative (real definition, not the "tack on an extra feature" application definition) procedure using software... just not broad coding concepts or processes, or pieces of software themselves.
Where can the word be found, where can the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.
Re:Anarchy State and Utopia (Score:1)
Re:Agree and disagree (Score:2)
Now where are those mod points...
Re:Damn them all! (Score:1)
Have you seen all the Wired or Cnet, or Red Herring or Upside or whatever articles that mention
And I am speaking from experience too, with a very open-minded, young boss who's nothing like Dilbert's PHB. These kids do not only discredit me, but OSS itself as a practice. Thus, I shall generalize
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:1)
This patenting thing is mostly bullshit: companies patent things to gain value and to have ground to pick up legal fights at any time they wish. Patents are just food for lawyers..
If tomorrow a caveman comes out with his wheel patent we are all screwed and we are going to have to "re-invent the wheel".
The reason why most people here don't like patents it's cause we are coders not bullshit businessmen.
Thank you.
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:2)
Just because we believe in free software and because we would like to see companies put less restrictions on their software does not mean that we should complete take away people's right to their intellectual property when they really deserve it. What we should really be doing is asking the EU to be more rational than the US in granting software patents. Either way, we haven't gotten this far by whining. The strongest way of protesting is by showing that our way works better. So why don't we just keep on doing that?
wow. i'm really drunk. i better get to bed.
Re:Try working around this one: (Score:1)
Also, I thought not even Mozilla supported MNG yet...?
Re:Hmm (Score:1)
> link-checker in their production system.
No, they will buy all the rights to the Hitchhiker's Guide and change the story. It is easyer then trying to persuade the
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:2)
You seem to miss the point that people write software without IP protection. They even write software to get around IP. Virtually every useful but patented software has gotten its own unencumbered workalike. RSA has multiple replacements. GIF has multiple replacements. mp3 replacements are in progress. And they are obviously *not* clones or copies, but new 'inventions', considering they are workarounds for patents.
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:1)
(17 years is a ridiculously long time to have complete control of something in computing; 17 years ago, we didn't have the Macintosh, and Microsoft actually had competition!)
However, the real reason I'm against software patents is that it comes down to patenting code, and algorithms, which is just as bad as patenting math. It would piss me off to no end to spend some time inventing a new, awesome, fast sorting algorithm (for instance), distribute it, write papers about it, whatever; and then get a cease-and-desist letter telling me that some other company just got a broad patent on *my idea* because they had something like that in the works a year ago. Screw that.
Or, for that matter, think of any significant advancement in computing or math or physics in the last 17 years, and say "what if this had been patented instead?" I can give you a few that have: GIF and RSA. In both cases, they became standards, so everyone used them, but because they were patented, everyone found alternatives, too; and now we have PNG and Blowfish and whatnot. (But what if *those* had been patented.... Sheesh.)
I wish most posters on slashdot were as kind and polite as you are. If being drunk is what it takes, then I say to you all, drink up!
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Faking prior art and not-smart people (Score:1)
Ok I'm being silly... the one click shopping BTW would be a BBS instead of a website and it would be a SID napster instead of MP3s..
Then what.. Then they look in the copyright database and find none of it existed...
If you can get old enough then it's during a time when copyrights had to be regestured to be recognised.
With public domain you can find a user group with a software libary that can conferm the software is from the 1970s or 80s... or a company like WC Cdrom that can certify the software was on an old CDrom sold during the early 1990s.
For newer stuff you need FreshMeat who tracks when the software was first announced on FM what version and what features came later on...
One of the first software patent horror storys I heard was a patent on a software tecnque allready in commen use. I suspect the patent itself was long sence eliminated due to heavy amounts of prior art..
Proving it isn't much of an issue.. it's pritty easy to provide at least a whitness if not documentation of age...
The problem is the patent office dosn't seem to care about doing any real prior art search...
Re:Effort Does Not Mandate Privilege (Score:1)
1. Walking backwards. Now you can travel and see where you've been! Protect yourself from surprise rear attacks! Check you haven't left anything behind!
2. Walking sideways. Keep an eye out for cross-winds. Ideal on pavements (US=sidewalks) to avoid cars straying off the road way, and for looking in shop windows.
3. Walking on hands. Don't dirty your shoes.
4. Walk on one hand and one foot. Cut your shoe bill in half!
I am going to patent all these methods of locomotion. True enough, they only took me 30 seconds to think up, so the 0.05 cents I'm planning on charging per pace may be a little disproportionate. Still, nobody said life was fair.
Another reason for the UK to pull out of Europe. (Score:2)
Firstly the proposed scrapping of football transfer fees, which would put my club, and others, out of business within a few years. Now we have this.
It looks like the revelution is starting, judging by the few days of chaos resulting from blocking the fuel depots. Maybe an anti-EU one is just around the corner?
To my fellow Europeans (Score:5)
Herbie J.
Agree and disagree (Score:5)
The problem in the US is not so much software patents *per se*, but how badly the US Patent Office has gone about issuing and regulating them.
I have no problem with people being able to patent something truly innovative, whether the product of lots of hard work or a sudden flash of inspiration.
One should not be able just add '... on the Internet' to existing ideas and patent them, for example.
One thing I will take issue with: your bringing up the millions of dollars companies spend. An idea is not and should not be patentable simply because you've spent millions on it. In fact, patents are MORE defensible for the little guy, the backyard inventor, the small startup with a good idea.
If you spent a million dollars and came up with a poor, lame-ass idea that's not all that original, you don't deserve a patent for it.
Anarchy State and Utopia (Score:4)
The gist is that a patent is perfectly just as long as the idea is sufficiently non-obvious that nobody else would think of it for the duration of the patent.
1 click shopping wouldn't take 20 years to come up with, but vulcanized rubber is another matter entirely.
I think that 5 year patents for software are perfectly reasonable, it's the 20 year deal that makes it absurd. The industry just moves too fast.
What do you guys think?
My problem with software-patents (Score:2)
Now in progress of your programming, you have the idea to modificate the algorithm, (e.g. like Boyer-Moore).
Now you have to search wether this modificated-algorithm is patented or not. Which costs money or at least time.
If it's not patented, you'll have to patent it in order to protect your idea. This does surely costs money (a four decimal number AFAIK).
For a company like, say Big Blue or Microsoft, which have a legal departement as large as most small companies it's no problem.
But for a small software company or even a single programmer this are major obstacles.
Of course, if someone has a revolutionary idea, like solving the Travelling-salesman-problem in O(n^2), one surely deserves the money.
But wouldn't you think, that the same programmer would get a fairly decent job for his further work.
Re:Damn them all! (Score:2)
Here we go again....
> Copyright!? on software!? unbelievable!
Patents have NOTHING to do with copyrights. They are TOTALLY independent entities.
I'm not going to explain it all here, as it's been said many times before by better ppl than me in better ways than I could say it. Go and read about it.
All I will say is that copyrights and licenses are about choice (if you dont like the license, choose another product - there are likely many others)
Whereas patents are about monopilies (albeit temporary.) You will have fewer choices when finding a product containing patented code because not everyone can afford the royalties they would have to pay to the monopolist(s).
Copyright & Licenses bring choice for the consumer and a more competitive market.
Software Patents will (IMO) result in few big rich companies, and the small ppl will suffer.
Why does the patent office decide? (Score:2)
BTW: citizens of EU countries, sign the petition if you haven't already.
Got a solution. (Score:3)
If that don't sink this bill... I don't know what will.
could be ironic . . . (Score:2)
hmmmm . . .
hey, wait a minute .....
- - - - - - - -
"Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem."
Re:Will they ever learn? (Score:2)
Um, I think that was Alasteir Crowley. :)
Try working around this one: (Score:3)
yes, it is almost always possible to work around [software patents]
Let's see how you'd work around this:
( \
XGNOME vs. KDE: the game! [8m.com]
Re:Great News for Innovators (Score:2)
Re:Those Bastards! (Score:2)
To me at least, all a computer is is an automating machine. So a "paint" program couldn't be patented because the prior art would be using paint brushes and such. It causes the same results, though perhaps the computer can make it faster. However, the code itself can be copyrighted, as it is... well... something you did- a specific way to acheive a specific effect.
Now, when you start to patent things such as "1-click shopping" you have to think this, "Was there ever a similar idea WITH OR WITHOUT A COMPUTER?" Because a computer is just a tool to make life easier (or in the lawyer's case, harder) I would say that there was a very similar thing to "1-click shopping" called "put it on my tab". If you were reconized by the bar (or Starbucks or whatever), they would know you would come in later to pay it off. You could quite litterally say "Hey, I'm buying this but I don't have the money on me now." and the manager wouldn't mind.
The real problem is that most people don't see a computer as just a tool that helps to automate work. They see it as a psuedo-magical thing that just does... stuff. And because this magical thing just does this stuff, its prior art would be different then any other prior art.
Is the light bulb really THAT different from a fire? I'm for copyright, but not patent, if it is used for the same purpose.
IP vs Copyright vs Patent (Score:2)
In the real world, you can only patent a specific process, for example, using such and such robots in such and such way to automate the process of making a car as Volvo no doubt holds - but other car companies can use a different process that is equally automated. That's the way it is now with copyright on programs. You can't do it that specific way, but you're free to make something compatible that does the same but in a different way.
With the ability to patent software, you're not patenting a specific process anymore, but all processes that do the same thing, effectively ruling out all competition.
Software is already intellectual property, and that's a good thing. Nobody can take the Linux kernel and put it into their commercial program without keeping the kernel's source open, because Linux is the intellectual property of Linus Torvalds. Anybody is able, however, to create a kernel that does the same things as the Linux kernel but with different code, but under patent that wouldn't be possible anymore. If the UNIX kernel were patented instead of copyrighted, Linux wouldn't have existed...
Never underestimate the power of stupidity
What the f? (Score:2)
What the hell is an unelected bunch of managers of an organisation doing making wide-reaching policy decisions such as this which should a matter for elected lawmakers
It's exactly this kind of crap which makes so many of us in England against tighter integration with the EU.
oh!! (Score:3)
Will they ever learn? (Score:3)
What kind of contingency plans do we have should software patents to be approved? If we can't get the governments to listen to us, what do we do? Keep on trying to draw support, or simply take Thoreau's advice to "Do what thou wilst will be the whole of the law" and ignore all this patent crap. We can't let the future of technology be placed into the hands of a few corrupt individuals, and it looks like we're going to fight them at every turn.
Effort Does Not Mandate Privilege (Score:2)
Make it fair (Score:2)
Re:Copying != stealing. (Score:2)
Ofcourse laws and regulations don't prevent theft, because theft by definition breaks those laws and regulations. Copyrighting your code doesn't prevent it from being stolen, but it does give you a weapon to fight the thieves.
As for copying not being stealing - if what you copy is copyrighted and the way in which you copy it breaks that copyright, then it quite definitely equates to stealing.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity
Re:Patents aren't necessarily bad... (Score:3)
That's why they can copyright their code, to prevent it from being stolen. If they stay on the ball, they'll be able to outpace those who pick up the concept after them, because they have to start working on making something that does the same as your program all from scratch.
Unless ofcourse if the one who picks up the ball is Microsoft, but in that case you'd be screwed under patent too. Instead of outpacing you, they'd then simply buy you out or otherwise crush you and in the process get a hold of your patent.
See, when you patent code, you prevent anybody from making a program that does the same thing. You can sit back, relax, and rake in the cash. Under copyright, you'll have to stay on the ball, keep innovating, and Goddess forbid, actually fix bugs, otherwise other companies will pass you with their superior implimentation.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity
Re:software patents are not evil - if they're smar (Score:2)
Arguments & info needed (Score:2)
terrible decision that is about to be made,
and I need some help in presenting the arguments.
The most difficult thing is to briefly explain
newcomers that although patents seem to serve
protection of Intellectual property, they do exactly the opposite.
Does anyone have (pointers to) examples of US
startups that had their innovations taken away
from them by a large company with a trivial patent
If it is all so bad, my audience asks me, how
come the american IT startups are still in existence and drive the stockmarket booms?
I noticed it is very difficult to find (european) politicians that know about the issue, or even
ones that know which fellow party members are
supposed to cover this topic.
Well, still two months to keep trying to convince
some people...
Disclose Early and Disclose Often (Score:2)
It is therefore vitally important that if you want something from getting patented by someone else, you publish it or disclose it. That applies no matter whether you want to use the method for proprietary or for open source purposes. The best thing to do is probably to make a disclosure directly to the patent office, in addition to publishing on USENET and (if you can) in some forum that is archived on paper.
And if you are with a commercial entity in the habit of patenting stuff, consider disclosing instead: it's much cheaper, quicker, and requires less time, and it protects you against infringement claims by others just as well as a patent.
Non-Babelfished translation (Score:5)
The board of directors of the European Patent Office voted to allow the unrestricted patenting of software. The authority recommends the cancellation of the current clause of the European patent convention which states that computer programs "as such" are not patentable.
In doing so, the EPA placed itself in the same boat as the proponents of software patents -- mostly international corporations that want a change in the European legal situation towards one more similar to the United States and Japan, where where software is practically patentable without restriction. The German delegation in the 19-member EPA committee voted against the raid in 10-to-9 decision.
Programmers of free software as well as smaller software houses stand against software patents, since the potential danger of patent suits from larger corporations makes their work practically impossible. Already today large American companies protect themselves with numerous patents on minor developments - a move which also allows them to resist by counter suits if another enterprise files a patent infringement suit against them. However, free programmers and small companies do not have the financial means in order to be able to exact such a strategy and therefore formed an alliance against software patents.
The endorsement of software patents by the EPA modifies nothing in the existing legal situation, but serves as a preliminary decision for a conference in November, where the nations that have taken part in the EPA want to finally rule on the batter. At the beginning of of July, leaks from the European Union indicated that the organization did not want to permit American-style software patents in Europe. However, organizations, like the EuroLinux alliance and the Linux federation LIVE, pointed out that the commission had, at the time, already ruled itself as being basically unopposed to software patents.
Bruce Perens on patents (Score:5)
Some noteworthy ideas, including that of "open patent" development, which keeps resurfacing whenever patents are discussed, but doesn't really seem to have taken hold yet.
Violence is necessary, it is as American as cherry pie.
H. Rap Brown