GNU is Not Unix

Toward a Better Open Source License 113

Rene S. Hollan has sent an insightful piece regarding the use of a non-GPL license that is still fair to the free software community, and might even win the approval of RMS [?] .
It's funny.  Laugh.

Nitrozac Answers 169

Monday we got a whole bunch of questions for Nitrozac, the shadowy, boot-wearing creator of the After Y2k! online comic strip. We tossed out all the "Are you really a woman?" questions; I've talked to her more than once and assure you that she is indubitably female and, as she puts it, "slightly over 25." A little inside note for y'all: Nitrozac has lots of female fans who think Taco and Hemos are "hot." This should give hope to all male, female-lacking geeks out there! But let's have Nitrozac speak in her own (laughworthy) words. The complete Q&A sesion is below. Enjoy!

Steaming Heap of Quickies 119

I've been so busy on the code frenzy that I've been behind on the quickies! Tragic! First lets get the serious quickies out of the way: chris sent us the Atlanta Linux Showcase Tutorial and Conference program for the 3rd Annual ALS, comming up October 12-16, 1999, in Atlanta Georgia. Registration is open. Bl0w0ff noted that The dockapp warehouse has been upgraded and redesigned. k-rist sent us SimShatner. Here is a site selling a video history of Atari with interviews with the guys that did Pac-Man and all that early stuff. Someone sent us a link to another place you don't want to see a BSOD. Want some Blair Witch Parodies? irishmikev sent is a Southpark Parody and stairs sent The Blair Family Circus Project. How about a pair of strange places to put a server? Gareth Walwyn sent us one in a potted plant and GFD noted thatLinux Today has a story about a box that runs in a real Pizza Hut Box. If strange Linux boxes ain't your bag, someone submitted Apple Fritter which contains strange cases for Apples (Legos, Radios, and more) Jade wrote in with how to apply for the position of Sith Apprentice. and rjh pointed us to the iMaul (seems like a lot of stuff is coming in pairs today) Evan Vetere noticed that despair.com has new de-motivators. Matthew McCabe sent us tuxtiles which is taking votes on designs for "Linux Blankets". Since we're mentioning merchandise, I gotta plug Think Geek which is the first place I've seen with good stuff. They mailed us a box of freebies, but I actually woulda bought most of the stuff they sent me (mugs with #include <beer.h> and some sweet perl shirts and other cool stuff). Most of the "Geek" sites just sell crap but most of this was actually clever. We probably should also note that Copyleft finally has the new Slashdot shirts from our contest winners, they look great. ralphb was the first to say that Time Digital has an article on Slashdot.

Brain Teaser: Who Owns the Fish? 21

So I was looking for something new and different to do for this weekend's Ask Slashdot. Lo and behold mallocat submits a logic problem! "I wanted to try and use the Slashdot effect to attack this brainteaser. A couple of my friends and I each sepeartely solved it in about an hour..." that's the time to beat, but I'm giving you all till midnight Sunday to figure it out, and then I'll post the solution on Monday in forum. It's simple: First person to solve the problem (determined by timestamp of comment submission), with proof, wins. Winner gets a hearty, virtual slap on the back. I'd offer more, but since I have no budget, that makes it rather problematic. <grin!> So without further ado, click on that link!
The Internet

Prodigy "Classic," We're Going to Miss You 82

Ralph Wiggam writes "A heartfelt, if somewhat sappy, article about the upcoming demise of Prodigy Classic. It gives credit to Prodigy for pioneering, or attempting to pioneer, things that history will probably not remember it for. Read the Time.com article here, and on October 1, pour some beer on the sidewalk for an old friend." Prodigy was my first online experience beyond local bulletin boards, back in 300 baud modem days. The original Prodigy was clunky as hell, but it was the first service to put "the masses" online. We knew the end was coming. Now we know exactly when. RIP Prodigy.

Interview: Mandrake Answers 49

Monday a whole bunch of people had questions for Mandrake, one of the heavies behind Enlightenment. Slashdot Moderators picked the best ones. We forwarded them, unedited, to Mandrake on Tuesday. His (excellent) answers appear below.

OLS Wrap-up 42

The Ottawa Linux Symposium has come and gone. It was a superb, very technical, conference that was also a great social event. Dana has put up her pictures, and the lovely Alix has put up hers. Last but not least, Alan Cox has put up his large collection. Finally, I've included my report below.

Wrap-up of LinuxWorld 35

Having finally flown back home, recovered from the gain/loss of sleep, time zones, and of course, the obligatory luggage being lost, we're trying to wrap-up the latest installment of LinuxWorld. If you are interested in some commentary and stories coming out of LWCE, click below.

Linuxbierwanderung Report 28

Wired News has an enjoyable report of the Linuxbierwanderung (Linux Beer Hike). It sounds like it was a wonderful event, and you can't beat the admission (free)! I almost feel stupid for missing out on this, even if I don't drink. As a bonus, they even got to see the eclipse.

Party with Slashdot Tonight! 203

So if you're in the Bay Area tonight, you definitely need to show up tonight at the Park Side Hall (across the street from the conference hall) at 7:30 (until 10) for the Slashdot/Freshmeat/Andover shindig. Free beer, and loud music (from San "Single White Female" Mehat), good times shall be had or your money back! You're all invited. It ought to be a rip roarin' good time. At least, after Guinness #3 ;)

Get Sloshed with Slashdot at LinuxWorld 124

Andover.Net is springing for a party for Slashdot readers at LinuxWorld next week Tuesday. The shindig will be held at the Park Side Hall accross the street from the conference center immediately following Linus' keynote. Tunes will be provided by VAs San "NeTTwerk" Mehat, and the Beer will be provided by Andover. (Let me just say that it is super wierd throwing your own bash at a conference instead of just leaching off everyone else's, but hey, free beer, right?).

x10 Foo

So like so many Slashdot readers, I got one of those x10 starter kits that allow remote controlling your lights. Who knew that this was addictive? Since installing the starter kit, I learned that magnavox makes clones of the lamp modules. So I bought a motion detector, a pack of those, and an x10 capable light switch. Now my bathroom detects when I enter and turns the lights on (this is great because I'm almost blind without my glasses, and the morons who designed the duplex decided that a light switch isn't necessary anywhere near the door between my room and the bathroom) plus my Lava Lamps are now controllable via remote controls.

The next step is of course computer access. Maybe a gnome panel applet. Or a CGI application (Control-Taco's-Lava-Lamps.com?). It's really all down hill from here. I mean, they sell security cameras. My receiver has a spare RCA video input just waiting. Soon I'll never need to leave my couch- I'll just sit in all my paranoid splendor in complete control of my environment eating corn chips [?] , drinking beer [?] and hacking perl [?] . Probably ought to wait until I get better bandwidth than 56k before I go ahead and donate my legs to science.


New iCE Web Site 86

Slothy writes "The old ansi group (and modern art group of all media formats), iCE (Insane Creators Enterprise), has unveiled our new web site. The new site allows you to search through all the art we've released since 1992, and it's viewable online. And for the icing on the cake, we're giving away some free (libre) software to go with the free (beer) art. Our code to convert ANSIs to hi-resolution images is released under the GPL. Drop by and find some old ansis you may have loved or see some modern work that's truly eye-popping. " Rob and I were talking with one of these boys at LinuxExpo and thinking about the BBS days of yore. This is making me so nostalgic, I might cry.

May Ten Quickies 159

Paul wrote in to point us to the GNU Jobs Page. ^BR wrote in to say that the may issue of Daemon News is out for your BSDies out there, and CaVi wrote in to say that the Linux Gazette is out (sorry that these took so long to announce... moving was a bitch). Bitscape sent us a Salon story about Coding in Vampire Mode. Mikesch noted that www.palmcolors.com is selling colored Palm Pilots rsn. Looking for new backgrounds? President John F. Kennedy wrote in to tell us that the Volume 7 of Propoganda is up. And for those who are curious, he actually did send me beer! robert@budzynski.ddns.org sent us this art gallery with fodder and dayeight sent us a photomosaic picture for you Lara Craft Perverts out there. HighJack noted that the latest version of JWZs X Screensaver distribution contains a new one that looks like those funky falling charachters from The Matrix. And finally for some crazy fun stuff, dave sent us hilarious proof that Star Trek is Satanic, and chrisd sent us one of the best ebay auction items in recent memory. Psst-this is Hemos. It was Rob's birthday on May 10-he thinks he escaped. E-mail him and tell him how much you love him.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Pizza Vending Machines 86

ldspartan writes "A small company called TelePizza has created a Pizza Vending Machine. Now all we need is one on every street corner. " I believe anything that achieves "Vending Machine" status is essential. We've got candy, cigarettes, mountain dew, even fruit and sandwiches. Pizza rounds it out nicely, but how long before whiskey joins the pack? I'd settle for a beer in a movie theater. I gotta move to amsterdam.

EDtv 93

In "EDtv",the much-hyped movie about media hype, Director Ron Howard blinks. He gives us a mellow sit-com instead of a biting film about the dread and eerily relevant convergency of media, technology and voyeurism. "The Truman Show" never looked braver or better. "EDtv" is too creepy to be funny.

Assorted Slashdot Changes 138

I've attached a summary of the major changes and bug fixes below. These are regarding Nested Mode, Anonymous Posting, Highlight Thresholds, and Login Problems. Also some comments about moderation. If any of these things are on your mind, read on.

Quickie Fu 100

b12arr0 sent us a link to a quick little GNOME article. An anonymous reader wrote in to say that GNUStep.org has had a major makeover. Nice to see that project still alive and kicking. chrisd wrote in to say that VA has made its first acquisition: ElectricLichen, possibly best known to most of us as the Beer Hike guys. OGL wrote in to give us the heads up to Linux Game Tome for info about a a work-in-progress video game starring Tux in a 3D environment. The screenshots alone are unbelievably cool. Brian Gue wrote in to tell us of a new a beer called Fubar. Why not fubeer? snorkel sent us a link to yet-another-dancing-animal-page. This is the Cow Dance Finally Vik Olliver wrote in with the most impressive Linux Fan act I've seen (narrowly edging out the dude at LWCE with the Tux hairdo). It is of course, Husband and Wife matching Tux Tatoos. My largely tux based fashion sense pales by comparison.

Quickies for You, Quickies for Me. 66

VinceV sent us a link to a new site he's started up called Control-Escape.com which aims to be a help site for novice linux users making the migration from those less known alternative OSs from Redmond. jedgar wrote in to announce the Feb. Edition of DaemonNews and FreeBSD 'zine, and Squeezer wrote in to say that the feb. issue of Ext2 is out. (Mention one, ya gotta mention 9 more. Sheesh *grin*) Several other folks wrote in to note that The GNOME Project has released 0.99.5. Justin Clarke wrote in to show us Rioport.com which is Diamond's new site to connect Rio owners with legal MP3s. danmil noted another Slashdot reference in the mainstream- this one is in a NY times story. Now we have a few funny bits not for the Moral and Pure: the_gimp sent us a link to what is probably the most amusing patent in recent memory. Glad that's patented. Don't want that technology uncontrolled. Somewhat related, behhl sent us a site that was bound to happen- AdultLinux. You can guess what it's for. And lastly, for the strangest bit of the day, Hans sent us a link to Furniture Porn. Fear. And hide your children.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Review:The Story about Ping 71

Doc Technical, one of our highly trained book reviewers, has submitted for us Marjorie Flack, Kurt Wiese's book The Story about Ping. A rare technical manual, this is one of the few computer books in the field in which the illustrator is as important as the author. To truly understand the glories of Ping, click below to read more. Yes, we know it's on Amazon. They stole it from us. Or Doc provided it to them.

Slashdot Top Deals