
LAMP Grid Application Server, No More J2EE 615

An anonymous reader writes "Check out this blog entry in Loosely Coupled about ActiveGrid's new open source Grid Application Server based on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stack. Not to start another PHP vs. Java flame war, but it looks like LAMP is starting to grow up, and that it is much better suited for next generation applications than J2EE."

Why IBM Open Sourced Cloudscape 108

An anonymous reader writes "A common and a consistent framework for accessing information enables developers to do more things with more people more often. This article shares how Derby fits into IBM's developer strategy, the Java application stack, its intention to drive more innovation around Java on Linux, and why they want to make the Derby database become as ubiquitous as the Apache HTTP server." (Derby is the new name for the project based on the formerly commercial Cloudscape database.)

ApacheCon 2004 Registration Open 7

Orbital Sander writes "Registration is now open for ApacheCon 2004, held on November 15-17 in Las Vegas. The conference features over 65 sessions about topics as diverse as the Apache httpd web server (which drives over 67% of all web sites on the Internet including Slashdot) to the foundation's Web Services projects. The weekend preceding the conference has a program of tutorials, three hour hands-on sessions presented by the finest minds in the Apache community. Wanna rub shoulders with the developers and power users of the Apache software? Registering before October 31 gets you $100 off."
The Internet

Accelerating IPv6 Adoption With Proxy Servers 341

jgarzik writes "IPv6 presents a catch-22: the most popular web sites on the Internet don't have any incentive to switch to IPv6 until a large portion of their userbase is on IPv6, and their user base does not have a large incentive to switch to IPv6 until many of the popular Internet destinations support IPv6. My proposed solution is simple: Configure a proxy server that serves IPv6 requests, passing those requests through to underlying IPv4-only servers that not have yet been transitioned to IPv6. This article describes how to configure Apache's proxy server to fill this role, and suggests a few ideas for use."

Derby Source Code Released 19

Matt Rosenberger writes "Over a month ago, IBM donated the source code to Cloudscape (now dubbed Derby) to the Apache Software Foundation. Last week, the Apache Incubator Project released a snapshot of the source code to Derby. Derby is an open-source embedded database written in Java."

Apache httpd 2.0.51 Released 15

djh101010 writes "apache.org has announced version 2.0.51 of their webserver, which is a bug-fix (rather than a feature) release. There are 5 security vulnerabilities addressed by this release, so if you're using mod_ssl, IPv6, or a couple other things, it's worth taking a look at what was fixed."

APR 1.0.0 Goes Gold 111

cliffwoolley writes "After several years of development, the Apache Portable Runtime, which is the portability library underlying the Apache HTTP Server 2.x, has finally reached its own 1.0.0 release. If you want to write a portable app without the headaches, APR is the way to do it. Grab a copy and check it out. The full announcement is here."

New Apache Tomcat Branch 5.5 Released 29

darthcamaro writes "A good week for Apache Tomcat users - an incremental update to the latest stable version - 5.028 - and a new branch - Apache Tomcat 5.5. According to a story running on internetnews.com, the most notable features include the move to Eclipse from SUN's SDK, which according to one Tomcat user quoted in the story means that Tomcat will be faster than ever before. It's kinda funny that the way to make Java run faster is to take Sun out of the equation..."

Apache Rejects Sender ID 351

hexene writes "In an open letter to the IETF MARID Working Group, the Apache Software Foundation has rejected the patent-encumbered Sender ID specification. This means no Sender ID support for SpamAssassin, Apache JAMES, etc. They state that the current license is generally incompatible with open source, and contrary to the practice of open Internet standards."

Hardening Apache 241

Gianluca writes "If security is not a concern, installing the Apache web server is a simple task even for an inexperienced system administrator. The problem is that security should always be a concern, and in case of Apache the information about making it secure can be sparse and fragmented. This is probably the reason why many web administrators are pretty clueless when it comes to Apache security. Needless to say, this creates a worrisome situation (to say the least): many web servers are vulnerable and exposed to thousands of potential attackers." Read on for Gianluca's review of Hardening Apache, a book intended to consolidate and clarify that information.

Registration for OSCOM.4 with ApacheTracks Opens 4

Thalinor writes "Registration for OSCOM.4 with Apache Tracks at ETH Zürich, Switzerland from Wednesday, September 29th - Friday, October 1st, 2004 is now open. The program has many interesting talks for people interested in content management and Apache technologies."

IBM Donates Java Database App. to Apache Foundation 261

the_pooh_experience writes "IBM has announced that it will open up Cloudscape by giving it to the Apache Software Foundation. Cloudscape, a small footprint Java database, is primarily used for small scale websites and point-of-sale systems. Its new, opensource name will be 'Derby.' Cloudscape (originally created by Informix, and purchased by IBM in 2001) has been valued by IBM at $85M."

Apache Maven 1.0 Released 167

darthcamaro writes "internetnews.com is running a story on the release of Apache Maven 1.0 this week. Maven is a very robust project-management and project comprehension tool that is unparalleled in either open source or proprietary software. 'Maven has a long history of pushing out beta after beta, so this is definitely an important release,' Jason Van Zyl, Maven architect release manager, told internetnews.com. 'For users it means that they will have something reliable now for their production builds.' From some of the comments that Van Zyl makes in the story though, it look like the upcoming 2.0 version will be the real killer app, though 1.0 is certainly nothing to sneeze at either..."
The Internet

Apache 2.0.50 Released 40

Gruturo writes "The Apache Software Foundation just released version 2.0.50, which, apart from the usual incremental improvements and bug fixes, addresses security vulnerabilities such as CAN-2004-0493 (Memory leak which could lead to resource depletion == DoS) and CAN-2004-0488 (a mod_ssl buffer overflow). Be kind to their servers and use a mirror."

Suggestions for Apache Tomcat Support? 15

tgrissom asks: "I work for a municipal government whose policy is to have support contracts on all software that operates mission-critical applications. Some of our web mapping applications have begun to use Apache Tomcat as their preferred java servelet engine. (They used to use Macromedia jRun, needless to say I am ecstatic about the change as I use Apache at home and in various other project arenas). My issue, however, is that I am being asked to find someone to be the 'supporting agency' and myself, my friends, my geek network, and the open-source community at-large are not acceptable replies. To cut to the point - does anyone out there use a reputable open source contractor to provide technical support for Apache Tomcat and if so, can you provide their contact information? Thanks for your consideration and response."

SpamAssassin Gets a Promotion 168

darthcamaro writes "The folks at internetnews.com are reporting that the Spam Assassin project has been promoted to a full top level Apache Software Foundation project..the project has been in incubation for a while and it's finally made it through...the article also reveals that Apache is now using Spam Assassin themselves: 'I think spam filtering is now a critical part of the network infrastructure and Spam Assassin is a leader in the area,' said Daniel Quinlan, chairman of the Apache Spam Assassin Project Management Committee."

RFP For OSCOM.4 With ApacheTracks 6

Thalinor writes "The RFP for OSCOM.4 is now out. The theme of OSCOM.4 (Open Source Content Management Conference) is "Cross-Pollination". This will be a conference with assistance from the Apache Software Foundation for the ApacheTracks content. OSCOM.4 happens from Sept 29 - October 1, 2004 in Zurich, Switzerland. The deadline for proposals is July 15, 2004."

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