It's funny.  Laugh.

The Effects Of The ApachePDA Aprils Fools' Gag

Anonymous Coward writes: "/. gets an honourable mention in the current issue of Apacheweek. Admitting that ApachePDA was an April Fool's joke, Apacheweek says the gag snowballed beyond expectation when the story was posted on /. and the alleged PDA took 80000 hits in two hours. The good news is that Apacheweek claims a PalmOS web server port is already in the works and Perl has already been ported. The article is at link " Also noted in ApacheWeek is the article in PC Week where it's stated that "neither PC Week Labs nor Sun recommends its (Apache's) use in high-transaction environments". Then again, PC Week themselves run Apache. Hmmmmm.

Apache On NetWare

dlc writes, "Someone with too much free time and an insane streak has ported Apache to NetWare. It's still in the experimental stage, and only runs on NetWare 5.1, so don't ditch Linux yet, but still, it's pretty interesting. Only time will tell if the Apache team takes advantage of NetWare's strengths, such as NDS, in this port. The Apache site has an official page for the project. "

Send In Your Stories!

Lately, the number of submissions for the Apache section has been pretty small, mostly things like release information. The hope is that this section becomes a valuable resource for the Apache community, so please if you come across any information that would be interesting for Apache developers or users, please submit them. This includes things like other Web servers or technologies, HTML or scripting issues, things like that. If you feel more comfortable e-mailing me directly, that's cool too.

Apache 2.0a2 Released

gavinroy was the first to write in with the news that Apache 2.0a2 has just been released. And it runs on FreeBSD! :)

Apache Ported to PalmOS

ApachePDA writes, "Apache Week includes an announcement of the first alpha release of Apache ported to the Palm Pilot. The ApachePDA project is looking for developers to help port other modules. The server looks pretty neat according to the screenshots, but seems to have some serious functionality missing. " Next step: the TI-85 port. And, BTW, you might want to check the date of the page it links to. ;)

Zope's ZEO Goes Open Source

BwanaZulia writes "Paul Everitt (of Digital Creations) has announced that Digital Creations will soon make ZEO (Zope Enterprise Option) a standard part of the Zope platform. In Paul's words, "ZEO turns Zope into a *distributed* transactional object system, allowing people to add processors, machines, and networks to scale their web applications." This bring Zope into a while new class of web application servers."

mod_perl 1.22 Available

dlc writes,"Apache/Perl programmers will be happy to note that Doug MacEachern has released mod_perl 1.22. It's been sucessfully built with Perl 5.6.0 and Apache 1.3.12, without any problems. Doug's announcement is here." The main mod_perl page can be found at perl.apache.org.

Netcraft Reports Apache Market Share Over 60%

The March 2000 Netcraft survey puts Apache at over 60% of all surveyed servers, with an impressive increase of 1.97%, or 1.4 million domains. All other servers showed a decrease in percentage, except for the mysterious mod_x-httpd-php3_script server which appears to be an Apache/PHP setup with a somewhat mangled Server: line.

Reflections On ApacheCon 2000

It's been a week now since ApacheCon 2000 ended. There's been some discussion over the events, with the release of Apache 2.0a being the main topic of conversation. But AC2K was more than just the venue that 2.0a was announced. It was an important and noteworthy conference in it's own right. If you're curious about what happened at AC2K, read on.

Apache 2.0 Alpha Release Announced

At the closing ceremony at the ApacheCon 2000 conference in Orlando, FLA, the Apache Software Foundation announced the availability of an Apache 2.0 Alpha release. 2.0a offers a number of improvements over the 1.3 codebase, including support for threads and the inclusion of the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) library. 2.0a is being released in order to really kick development into high gear. Let the hacking begin!! UPDATE And how, exactly, did the ASF announce 2.0a? By posting the news on Slashdot, projected on a viewscreen in front of the closing ceremony audience. A first!

Zend Goes Live

cybermalandro noted that Zend now has a Web site. The company is helping support the very popular PHP Web scripting language that powers freshmeat and Server 51 among countless other sites.

Adding System Level Accounts from chroot-ed Apache? 11

roadoi asks: "I have a Web server which is running RHLinux 6.0 and Apache 1.3.9+PHP 3.0.12 in a chrooted environment. This machine also runs an ftp server which authenticates off of the main /etc/passwd file. I want to have the ability to add system level accounts from the Web server (by running a script, etc.) and have accounts added to the main /etc/passwd file rather than the cut down /etc/passwd file lying within the chroot environment. Accounts should be active immediately so polling a database or the like at regular intervals is out of the question. Is this at all possible?" I see why polling some file would be such a bad idea, but maybe some kind of solution could be arranged where a daemon could be set to watch a port for account data. This opens up very large can of worms, however and is probably not the best option. Does anyone have any better solutions?

PHP 3.0.15 Released

The PHP Group announced the release of PHP 3.0.15, which fixes some bugs and addresses some safe mode security concerns. Also available is a short patch file for PHP 4.0 Beta 4 which fixes a problem with "magic quotes" not working properly.

Audio Interview with The PHP-ers

cybermalandro sent us an interesting interview with Rasmus Lerdorf of PHP fame. The interview talks with him about the origins of the project. Also heard are Stig Bakken, Andi Gutmans, and Zeev Suraski about working on PHP and where it's going. You can grab the MP3 from the site, as well as a QuickTime version.

Apache 1.3.12 Released

The Apache Software Foundation has just announced the release of Apache 1.3.12, the latest version of the Apache Web server. The main improvements in this release are designed to handle the "cross site scripting" issues reported in http://www.cert. org/advisories/CA-2000-02.html and http://www.a pache.org/info/css-security/index.html. The full announcement goes into more detail.

PHP 4 Beta4 Released.

The PHP Group announced today the latest and greatest beta version of PHP 4 (download here). PHP 4 is a rewrite of PHP 3 and incorporates the super-fast Zend engine. Noteworthy in this beta is built-in XML support, a PHP core repository and better session tracking. There's also a bunch of bug fixes as well. According to Netcraft, mod_php is the most popular Apache module in use.

Apache Hits All Time High

The February Netcraft Survey is out with Apache showing its highest share ever: 58.08%. The number of hosts surveyed also passed the 10 mill mark. The survey also has some other notable nuggets, such as Apple introducing their MacOS X Server (which runs Apache) into the load balancing pool serving their site.

A Patchy Server Gets Attention

Project Gamma writes,"In this Wired News report they give credit to Apache, naming it one of the most overlooked yet one of the most successful Open Source projects. (Paraphrased) "

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