
Tour Of Apache's Mod_Info

On the O'Reilly section of the ApacheWeek Web site there is another article in the tour of the Apache module series. This time Rael Dornfest goes into describing the output of mod_info. Check it out.

Apache Now Serves 10 Million Web Sites

denisbergeron writes: "According to Netcraft, 10,704,306 Web site[s were] running Apache in June. That represents 62.53% of all the Web sites in the world. It's an augmentation of 1,609,166 or 2.09%. " The graph is pretty cute, too.

Oracle bases their Application Server on Apache

Anonymous Coward writes "Missed in the PI revelations was the latest announcements from Oracle regarding their Application Server. If you know the former OAS and compare it with the new iAS ( internet Application Server), you will see that what Oracle really did is ditch the former architecture and adopt Apache plus some well thought-out proprietary mods. See the main iAS page, as well as their detailed page concerning how they are using Apache to power their Oracle HTTP Server."

PHP 4.0.1 Released

PHP Group announced today the availability of the first maintenance release for PHP 4.0. PHP 4.0.1 includes increased performance as well as some bug fixes and new features. The full list can be found here.

Vote In The Appaloosa Awards

Want some way to show your appreciation for the efforts of those who helped make Apache what it is today? Then place your votes for the 2000 Appaloosa Awards. The Appaloosa Awards are new this year, and are designed to give the Apache community the opportunity to select those who they believe have had the most significant influences on the Apache Software Foundation's open-source projects.

WebDav For Apache: mod_dav Goes Golden

mod_dav 1.0 has been released, providing WebDAV functionality for the Apache HTTP Server. mod_dav is an Open Source, fully functional, standards compliant WebDAV add-on for Apache, providing remote authoring capabilities through clients such as sitecopy, cadaver, GoLive and Web Folders. In addition, the Apache Software Foundation is announcing that Apache 2.0 will directly incorporate mod_dav's functionality into the standard distribution.

Apache 2.0 Alpha 4 Released

An anonymous reader was the first to notice that Apache 2.0 Alpha 4 has been released for all you apache type folks.

IBM donates B2B technology to Apache

Lev_Arris writes "According to this article on the Heise newsticker (in German) IBM have donated their Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) implementation to the Apache project. SOAP was originally designed to help business 2 business communication take place between incompatible systems. (via XML) With this move, IBM again show their support for the most widely used webserver software after having integrated Apache into their WebSphere package two years ago. "
The Media

Internet.com Launches Apache Today.

Cy Guy writes "Internet.com has announced the launch of Apache Today. Per the announcement, Paul Ferris, Apache Today's editor has the following goals for the site: 'A place where honorable discussion can take place...; A place where any item about Apache can be found...; [and,] A wide, diverse spectrum of views and styles.' "

PHP 4.0.0 Released

Rock-n-Rolf writes " Another PHP 4.0.0 has been released. The web site doesnt show it yet but php-4.0.0.tar.gz can be grabbed from the ftp server here. " Update: 05/22 07:46 by H :Folks, I've been told by the PHP folks that this is *NOT* the final release - so I've changed the title. I'll be updating this story with more information as it comes in.Update 05/22 3:30 by jimjag: The actual 4.0.0 version is out and has been released. The PHP site now reflects the news. If you're still running PHP 3, PHP 4 provides a substantial improvement!

Final Release Of Apache JServ, 1.1.1

prac_regex writes "Apache JServ v-1.1.1 is out and with it the retirement of JServ is publicized. The project is merging with the Jakarta project to create the most stable servlet production and development environment for everyone's favorite Webservers. Let's all pray for the best... " JServ will still be around until Tomcat becomes as well tested, so there's no need to panic :) ...

ApacheCon Europe 2000 Call For Papers

In support of the upcoming ApacheCon Europe 2000 conference, scheduled for London, England, Oct. 25-25, 2000, the ApacheCon Conference Committee has released a Call For Papers. During the CFP for the Orlando Conference, they received more than double the available open slots. Send in yours!

PHP 4.0 RC2 Is Out

mjgamble writes: "PHP 4.0 Release Candidate 2 is out. Check it out here. From the site: Highlights of this release include support for new Web servers (Zeus, Netscape Enterprise, Apache Win32 module), improved portability of the Unix build framework and tons of bug fixes. We expect this to be the final release candidate before PHP 4.0. " I've found the PHP4 RCs to be extremely stable. If you are only familiar with PHP3, take a look. You should also look at the Zend site, to read more about the engine behind PHP4.

www.apache.org Defaced.

Yesterday, due to system-level misconfigurations, www.apache.org was defaced after a root-level breakin. Those responsible for finding the holes and the ASF have been in cordial contact, and the holes have been plugged. In the process of doing that, FTP and other services on www.apache.org have been stopped. A mirror of the defaced site can be found on the Attrition.org mirror site.

3rd Alpha Release of Apache 2.0 Announced

The latest alpha release (that's number 3) of the new Apache 2.0 server was announced today by the Apache Software Foundation. Noteworthy in this release are numerous Win32 fixes and some core module improvements. This is still a developer's release, as it's alpha status should indicate.

Using Microsoft Tools To Design Web Sites That Work w/ Apache? 37

Grimster asks: " As a new Web hosting company/ISP we're just now getting to the point of being asked for "E-commerce" and other database requiring Web sites. Currently we're running Solaris 7 on Sparc, Apache + PHP + Frontpage Extensions + SSL, and a MySQL database. The problem is, our Web designers want to use MS Access to create the databases and then deploy those onto our Web sites, both for our customers as well as for our own projects. I've been scouring the Web and all resources trying to find out what (if anything) I can do to support this approach to Web development, and so far I haven't really found anything "good" or even possible to allow this. The question is, how can my Web designers use MS Access and Frontpage to create these Web sites and my Apache server support this, without paying Microsoft Tax by being forced to build an NT + IIS + ASP Web server? I really hate the thought of having anything critical running on NT. Any hints, solutions, antecdotes, and advice on this subject will be utterly appreciated."

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