Coming to a Desktop near you: Tempest Capabilities 111
AftanGustur writes "New Scientist has an interesting article about a new toy we will all want. It's a card that plugs in one of your PCI slots and allows you to scan the EMF spectrum and read your neighbours terminal. In about 5 years you might be able to get one for just under £1000. (Modern Tempest Hardware costs about £30000) " Excellent. Now I won't have to read over Rob's shoulder all the time.
Laptops and Tempest (Score:1)
Another Microsoft conference (Score:3)
Re:Tempest (Score:1)
Re:Laptops and Tempest (Score:2)
For that matter, light is EMF radiation, so unless you have your LCD in a coal-mine, it's reflecting EMF all the time it's switched on.
Then, there's the fact that screen monitoring isn't the only monitoring you can do. I used to use a radio, tuned into the bus for the PET, as a sound card. Worked surprisingly well, for all that very clunky metal shielding. What's to stop a much higher-quality receiver from seeing the data, in an unshielded box, being sent TO the LCD, or to any other device on the machine?
It's a mistake to assume that Tempest technology is single-function and that that single-function only works in a single situation.
Keyboard Eavesdropping... (Score:2)
Use a Dvorak
Re:Tempest (Score:1)
More Information (Score:3)
A good example of how it can be used was given during the October 1996 episode [thecodex.com] of Discovery Channel's "Cyberlife" show.
A couple other decent sites with more information about TEMPEST are:
The Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page [eskimo.com]
TEMPEST monitoring in the real world [thecodex.com]
5 Years (Score:3)
In about 5 years, I expect to have a flat-screen (19"). These don't work on LCD, do they?
Also due in about 5 years...
**A robot that cooks and cleans and has a cute, cartoon personality.**
**Cars that fly**
**One supreme Linux Distro**
**A final end to the DOJ MS trial**
Hat=Old (Score:1)
I can see a future where either:
Echelon, hell. Beware thy neighbor. Shame, iddnit?
Legal stuff (Score:1)
Is it legal to use this kind of equipment, and if so, what is it legal to read?
Random number generating keyboard warriors (Score:2)
And keyboards are also troublesome. They rely on a scanning signal, which radiates the pattern of keys being pressed. So the patent suggests using a random number generator to continually distort the scanning signal.
That's one of the the most vague things I've ever read in my life. That's like saying "I didn't want anyone to see me when I robbed the bank, so I used a random number generator to distort the police radio signal." It's apparent that they have some particular application of a random number generator in mind and that it is probably effective, but how on earth it's applied is neither implied nor apparent.
Does any have a clue what they're referring to?
Isn't it a little hypocritical . . . (Score:1)
The truth of the matter is still the information war. We don't object to the act of spying, we just want to make sure WE'RE doing the spying, not the guy next to us.
Predicatable retro-gaming joke... (Score:2)
I have an Atari Jaguar with Tempest capabilities...
anti-tempest wallpaper (Score:1)
Suggestion (Score:1)
Even still -- in this light, I'd like to get anti-aliasing integrated into my X server. We've still got some time, anyway.
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Tempest shielding (Score:1)
LCDs / laptop displays are a first step to reducing possibly compromising signals. LCDs work with a much lower signal level than CRTs (thus lower emissions) - but while they are harder to scan LCDs it still is possible.
The only way to prevent emissions is to shield the computer. L0pht had pictures of a do-it-yourself shielded computer about a year ago, but I was not able to find it again (shielded too well, eh?). While the CRT is the foremost target for shielding (because its emission levels are the highest), one has to shield all and everything.
Shielding with metal enclosure AND mu-metal (for magnetic shielding): CRT, CPU box, printer, modem.
Shielding with metal enclosure should be enough: keyboard + mouse - a trackball might be better because of heavy/stiff shielded cables,
connecting cables (any - video, printer, serial, network).
A big no-no are radio keyboards or mice - or wireless LAN. The reason should be obvious.
Not that obvious are "leaks". Do not forget to cover floppy + CD-rom doors with a radiation lock (at least a proper door) - and build radiation locks / traps / grids for ventilation in- and outputs.
Practical side-effect of a highly shielded PC: it mutes (compromising) radiation as well as (ventilation/hard disc) noise. A good workstation is quiet - in both, EMF and noise emissions.
Re:Hat=Old ; paranoia=warranted (Score:1)
Re:Keyboard Eavesdropping... (Score:1)
That would probably take nearly as long to figure out as the Cryptoquip in the morning paper. If someone is going to the trouble to sniff your keyboard, assuming they can't solve a monoalphabetic substitution is wishful thinking.
Now, if you put a one-time pad in the keyboard driver, you could fool them. Of course, it would slow your typing down a little, but you'd probably get good at it eventually. Might even break 1wpm....
Re:Random number generating keyboard warriors (Score:2)
Instead, keyboards should be scanned in a random pattern, and the time of keyboard clicks will not be helpful to determine what key was struck.
Re:Random number generating keyboard warriors (Score:2)
Both keyboard and PC share a (pseudo) random number algorithm. When you power on, they negotiate a seed. At every keypress and/or clock tick, they both move on to the next random number, which will stay in sync. Keypresses are XOR'd with the random number before transmission.
Hence, the snooper needs to work out what the pseudo-random number algorithm is, *and* calculate the seed, in order to glean information from the RF emitted by your keyboard.
Oh yeah sure .... (Score:1)
Tempest isn't exactly foolproof (Score:2)
tempest isn't there to read text off your screen. it's there to show that your screen is on in the first place and that it's doing something, and that something matches patterns kind of like typing. so if you say "i was in bora bora the day that system was cracked" they can ask you, "then who was typing on your computer?"
Tempest Attacks (Score:2)
Also, he demonstrated displaying one thing on your screen, and another thing on the attackers screen, which has the potential to be used two ways: either to foil an attacker, or the possibility of a Tempest virus, which secretly transmits your cryptographic key to the white van waiting outside, while displaying something else altogether on your screen!
Ross Anderson's homepage [cam.ac.uk] has links to his papers on this topic.
Hardware Advanvements (Score:1)
Re:5 Years (Score:1)
** Another MacWorld keynote by Apple interim CEO Steve Jobs
Re:5 Years (Score:1)
And where's our bloody moonbase?
Re:5 Years (Score:1)
Read some of the articles on the Complete TEMPEST Information Page [eskimo.com] if you want to really scare yourself. Convieniently, there are also links to companies there who produce TEMPEST-spec computer equipment and peripherals.
Re:Laptops and Tempest (Score:1)
I had a friend who used to scan frequencies to hear the noise from various devices. He always had a hard time finding the frequency of a laptops LCD, but he never had a hard time finding frequencies given off by cpu's, crt's, people, and other electrical devices.
Re:More Information (Score:1)
To be completely anal about it, TEMPEST is actually the set of standards and practices to stop people from being able to eavesdrop on you using the technique you mentioned. The actual process of doing it is often refered to as "Van Ecking" or "Van Eck Phreaking" after Wim van Eck, who brought the issue in front of the public (read: non-spook circles) in a paper written in 1985.
Another thing (Score:1)
To see some pictures of a real TEMPEST shielded PC take a look at some of the old IBM PC/XTs they have at http://www.meco.org. Last Friday I saw a pretty rare SPARCstation. It was a TEMPEST shielded SPARCstation 2. Really heavy machine and a bit larger than a normal SPARCstation 2 due to the shielding. The floppy and power switch were located behind a 1/4" solid aluminum door on the front panel. It was used by the Navy. Maybe next time I'll pick it up and take some pictures. The thing has got to be a rarity.
Re:Laptops and Tempest (Score:2)
You're right, of course, a laptop won't be detectable at the same range as a CRT, but the actual range isn't fixed, as the radiation doesn't just stop.
(eg: If you rigged up Jodrel Bank to a Tempest device, you'd probably be able to capture an LCD on the moon, with only minimal distortion. Jodrel Bank's resolving power would be the key factor there, rather than signal strength.)
Using a primitive, unfocused arial, a low-power amplifier, and minimal screening, you're probably right on the estimates - 1000 yards for a CRT and 10 yards for an LCD sound about right. Rig up a squarial or a satellite TV dish, beef up the amplifier, and improve the screening and you can probably add at least one, maybe two, orders of magnitude.
computing in a vault (Score:1)
And viola! We have the ultimate personal fallout,bomb,terrorist,privacy shelter.
Beats the purpose of living.
Space:1979 (Score:1)
have you looked at the date lately?
It disappeared after a big explosion a couple of months ago.
Come on, lad, get with it!
Re:Tempest (Score:1)
Wasn't proof against extreme conditions, though -- I accidentally knocked a cup of coffee into an unpowered keyboard once, was a royal pain to clean up (I counted some 50 screws just for the keyboard case.)
Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:2)
But in any case, local jamming should be much simpler/cheaper than shielding. Anybody knows if this is a viable option and if not, why?
Different ways of displaying? (Score:1)
As far as the monitor information is concerned, what if the display was generating by modulating a "white noise" signal? In other words, you start out with a white noise signal, & direct it preferentially toward different parts of the screen to vary intensity (I'm assuming you could deal w/color issues in this somehow).
I guess this would be like the old vector-tracing scopes, except the phosphors would probably decay a lot more rapidly, allowing the pictures to be to be changed more quickly. The random nature of the base signal might make the picture a little more "fuzzy" (depending on the precision of the modulation electronics). As a good benefit, you wouldn't have any problems with refresh rates - since a "refresh signal" wouldn't really exist.
Re:computing in a vault (Score:1)
I once worked in one of those things for a month. Yes, there were chaps in green outside guarding us with rifles and big dogs too.
Despite the fact that the Tempest shielding manual read awfully like Reich's instructions for building an Orgone Accumulator, I continually felt like crap. I never saw daylight, I breathed more ozone than orgone, and Navy issue coffee is the worst stuff anyone ever fed coders on.
Re:Random number generating keyboard warriors (Score:1)
Faraday Cage Time (Score:1)
Now I just need to slap some ferrite cores on all of my cables, make sure all my power runs through an active UPS, and turn my computer room into a faraday cage.
Unfortunately, this is no laughing matter.
It is actually slightly frightening that the price of this technology is dropping, if anyone can save up and buy this type of device, nothing is safe.
I know that my bank does not use tempest resistant equipment. Here's a scenario: Thief leaves a tempest scanner in a lunchbox computer (mostly shielded of course) in his car that happens to be parked next to the bank or a vulnerable atm machine....a week later he records the acct#s to mag cards and writes a list of pins. Then in person, at an ATM that dosen't have a camera (yes there are a few of those still out here in rural america) and empties the machine.
Another scenario: Snoops watch neighborhood computer use and start extoring money out of people that look at naughty porn.
Another scenario: A small startup firm is cash strapped, but has developed a crucial piece of software for this new technology. Snoops lift the software, business plan, and pricing scheme out of the startup's computers. Well funded snoops beat the startup to the punch and the startup goes out of business.
A scenario that would be very likely: A competing local company pulls a customer list off of your computer, along with your price list, vendor list, and all of your other vital information.
It changes the picture completely. I can secure my computers to a reasonable extent, but can my Bank, ISP, Phone Company, Power Company, Credit Card company, etc.
Then again, we could just drive past microsoft and grab a copy of the source code for windows too!
Who is vulnerable to tempest? (Score:1)
But I have a hard time believing that this is really a threat to my right to privacy at least for the moment. This card certainly would be if someone really wanted to see me entering my pin in an atm, or my credit card number when I was buying at amazon or whatever. But that's not really an issue of rights or whatever, it just means that petty criminals are going to have access to this technology and then the nightly news will have something new to stir up paranoia about and every company will make a tempest shielded laptop for everyone and then nothing will come of it.
I'm afraid that this is not really about rights so much as vulnerabilities to crime and fraud. If you are a terrorist or a revolutionary or you are worried that you will be spied on while you are using your computer to plan or talk about crimes, stop. If you are a known terrorist or revolutionary then do not use computers, meet your cronies in dark back alleys and you are fine.
I think we (I am assuming most of you are not criminals) are only really going to be at risk when the technology comes to the point that the police can troll up and down the streets in vans and then bust in on anyone they can catch doing something wrong. And I bet that violates the watcha-callit... Constitution thingy.
So in the mean time I guess I can just keep an eye out for the flowers by irene vans outside my house and go on with my unshielded self.
Re:Keyboard Eavesdropping... (Score:1)
But then again, you could always get a manual typewriter.
I wonder what the frame rate for quake would be
Re:Faraday Cage Time (Score:1)
" know that my bank does not use tempest resistant equipment. Here's a scenario: Thief leaves a tempest scanner in a lunchbox computer (mostly
shielded of course) in his car that happens to be parked next to the bank or a vulnerable atm machine....a week later he records the acct#s to mag cards and writes a list of pins. Then in person, at an ATM that dosen't have a camera (yes there are a few of those still out here in rural america) and empties the machine."
because of this:
Does your atm print your account number on the screen? anywhere?
I guess it could be grabbed off the card reader, but I'm not sure about that. Because the card reader is in the machine and most atms are embeded in concrete and metal at least. Not the ones in delis tho. They are more or less just computers in a shitty metal tool box. And it's the same with the atm keypad, if your pin isn't in clear text on the screen (the biggest target) then there is much less chance it's gonna be grabbed from the keypad. (I am just guessing, so someone tell me I'm wrong and it's just as easy to grab the radiation from anything that gives it off.)
And if you want to defeat the atm cameras wear a hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses and a hankie over your mouth. Bound to work fine.
I don't want to be Big Brother (Score:1)
Re:Suggestion (Score:2)
Of course it's possible! It'll mean a reworking of X font handling mechanisms, and it'll certainly be a lot of work, but it definitely *is* possible.
Re:5 Years (Score:1)
** Netscape 5.0 released
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
Umm, did anyone read the article? (Score:2)
BFD. Ham radio people have been making stuff like this for years. Maybe not so nice a version, but hey...
Of course, it is a difference when it's a mass-market item, and more people have the ability to hack away at the software.
Anyway, basically the card is a variable tuner to go through the spectrum and see what's out there. Pipe any signals you may find into the system and decode to your hearts content...
It's pretty entertaining what's out there on the airwaves.. Fun with HAM radios.
Re:Suggestion (Score:1)
"You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
Re:Legal stuff (Score:1)
Re:Legal stuff (Score:1)
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
Could lead to EMF security... (Score:1)
Re:Tempest Attacks (Score:1)
Some good stuff on that site, well worth looking at.
A quick introduction to Soft Tempest (in HTML, Anderson seems to like PDF) can be found here [essential.org]. It's particularly interesting how the project was started:
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
Remember, the signal (from the monitor) is transmitted dozens of times a second. So unless you scroll real fast, the attacker will be able to get hundreds or thousands of readings. This, combined with some suitable filtering, allows you to detect a very small signal in a lot of noise. (Ask you local astronomer for examples.) To beat this, you will need a LOT of noise.
This equates to a lot of radiation. And this has a couple of disadvantages:
1. Radiations seems to be bad for us biological beings. While some of the talk about radiation causing cancer etc. may be overblown, I wouldn't really enjoy sitting next to a nice powerful radio emitter all day.
2. Powerful electromagnetic radiation tends to screw up delicate electronics. Like computers. So you need to shield your computer, anyway. Just what you wanted to avoid.
See another screen--for free (Score:1)
Think "desktop telnet": you can view (and manipulate) another computer's desktop remotely. Yes, you do need a password and the computer's IP, but how many of us here are spies? (You can all put your hands down now.)
You can view a Windows machine from *NIX, a Mac, and vice versa. No need to install expensive, proprietary software to see those X apps run. (Unless you really need a lot of speed.)
Okay, I'm starting to sound like a marketroid. But seriously--this rocks. We're using it at my school, and we love it.
Oh, did I mention it's GPL'd?
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
A valid point. So a white-noise generator is not such a hot idea. How about, then, a generator that simulates a hundred computer monitors at the same time, transmitting some (relatively stable) junk dozens of times a second?
Basically, if you have two emission sources that look like monitors, how do you know which one is real? Or if there are two hundred emission sources (logical, not physical) -- how do you know which is real?
Cryptonomicon (Score:1)
Vertical sync & resolution (Score:1)
Would hard-to-find resolutions/refresh (Eg. 1600x1200/120 Hz) make it harder to intercept ? IMO, the eavesdroper would have to have at least a monitor as good as that one, am I right ?
Re:Spy equipment should be illegal. (Score:1)
Re:Vertical sync & resolution (Score:1)
Re:Spy equipment should be illegal. (Score:1)
I'd rather equip computers with Tempest shielding, so they don't broadcast their signals out. Even if Tempest were illegal, there'd be nothing else to stop someone from building a receiver.
Tempest is a standard and a device (Score:1)
As the layperson uses it, it is the device that spies on these electronic devices.
Tin Foil (Score:1)
Re:More Information (Score:1)
The G-Man's books [rtis.com]
"That was my skull!"
Re:Tempest isn't exactly foolproof (Score:1)
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone said "Information wants to be free".
Re:Random number generating keyboard warriors (Score:2)
Howerver, there is a much simpler approach to reading a keyboard in a hard to read fashion: you don't scan! Instead, pressing a key ties the row and column together, and thus pulls the column up and the row down. You read the row and column with comparators, and thus no scanning. We do this on the equipment I help design because since we are measuring radio signals, we cannot be trashing the spectrum up.
IIRC, one time they did a Tempest survey on a computer that passed with flying colors, not because it didn't emit any signals, but rather because it threw out so much hash you couldn't recover any useful information from it.
Sounds like the old TRS-80 Model I: plastic case with no sheilding at all. You could pick one of those babies up on an AM radio for a quarter mile!
Re:Who is vulnerable to tempest? (Score:1)
Passive versus Active information gathering. Hell, you're BROADCASTING your private information. It's like, if a cop walks by your house and hears a woman screaming, he's got probable cause to bust in.
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone said "Information wants to be free".
Re:Laptops and Tempest (Score:1)
Reality, though, is that the technology is there, and whether it's legal or not, it's wise to guard against it if you've got something to hide (and yes, there are plenty of legitimate reasons for having something to hide). -Drayke
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
Re:Vertical sync & resolution (Score:1)
No. All the analyst needs to do is to look at the analog waveform and measure the number/rate of horizontal and vertical sync pulses. This could be automated without much difficulty.
Re:Tempest shielding (Score:1)
Hmm, with Intel building more and more space heaters, we'll need power supplies that cool without fans (heatsinks to external fans?). Or, having to put signs up - "CAUTION: HOT SURFACE" all over the computer, just to dissipate the megawatts of heat the next chip produces [Could it be that *intel* is intentionally trying to spy on people by making it impossible to shield a computer completely?
Tempest joke (Score:1)
Re:Tempest Attacks (Score:1)
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
Re:Can you jam Van Eck emissions? (Score:1)
It'd probably be cheaper for them to build monitors with proper shielding so there's no emissions for the Van Eck devices to pick up.
Re:Sat owners & cable descramble guts tried that o (Score:1)
And that is where I and the courts disagree. IMNSHO it is up to the `victim' to deal with shielding or scrambling the signal. I don't see anything more wrong with intercepting radio EMF than visual EMF; certainly there are laws against going up and peeking in someone's window, but I'm hardly spying someone if I see them in a public place or my from the privacy of my house. It's as if they were living in a glass house; just as there ought to be walls that can't be seen through with visual light, there should be walls (i.e. Tempest shielding) that are opaque to Tempest-range radiation.
Tempest shielding (or jamming) ought to be ubiquitous. Even assuming that Tempest equipiment and the use of Tempest were banned, there would be nothing to stop one from procuring (buying on the black market, or simply building it) and using it - unless you propose permitting random searches?