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Indonesia Moves To Ban Same-Sex Emojis On Messaging Apps ( 368

An anonymous reader writes: The Indonesian government has this week demanded that instant messaging apps available in the country remove all same-sex emoticons from their platforms, or face heavy sanctions. While homosexuality is not illegal in the country, it remains a controversial issue in the Muslim-dominated country. Now in the latest effort to crackdown on gay rights, Indonesian authorities want to ban emojis, stickers and emoticons which depict same-sex couples, the rainbow flag, and any symbol that symbolises the lesbian, bay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Apps that have been targeted by the demands include the popular Asian messaging app LINE, Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. The Indonesian Communication and Information Ministry added that a particular concern was that children would find the bright coloured stickers appealing.
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Indonesia Moves To Ban Same-Sex Emojis On Messaging Apps

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    It's OK for non-whites to be homophobic.

    SJWs have lower standards for non-whites, especially if the homophobes are Islamic - because the SJWs are awfully quiet when Islamic "culture" says EXECUTING gays is OK.

    Hell, if you're Islamic you can be misogynistic, too.

    • And Americans are awfully quiet when christian politicians harass transsexuals with bathroom bills, and christians try to introduce bills that would authorize the killing of LGBTti people [] (fortunately, after the paperwork was filed, a judge ruled the attempt unconstitutional).

      Muslim extremists, Christian extremists - they're just two sides of the same coin. Fortunately, the majority in both camps don't go along with this crap. As for the SJWs, they're so full of it that the only people listening to them are other SJW wannabes.

      • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:32AM (#51493985) Homepage Journal
        People put way too much credence on what they read on the Internet. And reading it from "multiple sources" means nothing either, because all those "sources" just copy each other.
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        And Americans are awfully quiet when christian politicians harass transsexuals with bathroom bills, and christians try to introduce bills that would authorize the killing of LGBTti people [] (fortunately, after the paperwork was filed, a judge ruled the attempt unconstitutional).

        Muslim extremists, Christian extremists - they're just two sides of the same coin. Fortunately, the majority in both camps don't go along with this crap. As for the SJWs, they're so full of it that the only people listening to them are other SJW wannabes.



        Muslim extremists, Christian extremists - they're just two sides of the same coin.


        Who was killed over Piss Christ?

        NO ONE.

        Got the balls to say how many people were killed at Charlie Hebdo?

        Got the stones to say how many people were killed of Mohammad cartoons []?

        Thank you so very much for demonstrating my point about SJWs having lower standards for non-white Islamic mores.

        You fucking USELESS idiot.

        • by Penguinisto ( 415985 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @10:11AM (#51494203) Journal


          Who was killed over Piss Christ?

          NO ONE.

          Got the balls to say how many people were killed at Charlie Hebdo?

          Got the stones to say how many people were killed of Mohammad cartoons []?

          Insults removed, but the salient point really should left intact for emphasis, as it is quite valid.

          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward


            Who was killed over Piss Christ?

            NO ONE.

            Got the balls to say how many people were killed at Charlie Hebdo?

            Got the stones to say how many people were killed of Mohammad cartoons []?

            Insults removed, but the salient point really should left intact for emphasis, as it is quite valid.

            Who would try to create a moral equivalence between Christian fundamentalists who merely say you're going to hell but still pray for you, and Muslim extremists who actually try to send you there?

            There's just no equivalence. One thinks you're wrong, the other actually tries to and often does kill. Literally, there's no equivalence. And anyone who tries to create a moral equivalence between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic extremists is at best intellectually suspect - at best.

            And that's just a nice w

            • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • by Coren22 ( 1625475 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @11:06AM (#51494625) Journal

            I would also add on to that:

            Mohammed would be proud of Muslim extremists
            Jesus would condemn Christian extremists

            Jesus taught that you should love those who are different
            Mohammed was a warlord who practiced slavery

            It is hard to believe that Islam stems from Christianity, they are opposites in so many ways.

            • by FunkSoulBrother ( 140893 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @11:40AM (#51494915)

              The common thread is that they both perverted Judaism by turning it into a proselytizing religion.

            • You might want to read the final chapter in the bible - the apocalypse. Doesn't sound all that full of loving-kindness. Also, Paul told early christian slaves that if their master would not grant them freedom, they should be content to be slaves. And this practice continued for almost 2 millennia. Or have you forgotten how runaway slaves were treated? And how they were "recruited" in the first place?

              • I'm not a Christian, but Paul was not Jesus, and didn't even live at the same time. Just because some other people took Paul's writings, shoved them into a book together with 4 other guy's books who wrote down orally-passed-down stories about some guy named Jesus, and called it "the Holy Bible" does not mean that Jesus endorsed this Paul guy who lived decades later.

                Now, I'll agree that everything in the Bible is part and parcel of "Christianity", because modern Christians believe it so, but the OP never sa

            • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • The original poster could have been more polite.

            I will still try to answer the point.

            It might not happen in your neighbourhood today, but Christianity and various other religions have been used to justify bloodshed and other atrocities. Sometimes quite recent and sometimes not that far away.

            Witch hunts might no longer happen where you live, but there are large parts of the world where they still do.
            Prosecution of gays happens in a lot of places in the world based on supposed Christian values and was the nor

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Penguinisto ( 415985 )

        There's a *huge* difference between...

        * some overheated and breathless clickbait that stretches the ideological-but-otherwise-mundane true story well beyond credibility (e.g. the example you posted), and...

        * actual, no-shit instances of overt and government-sanctioned discrimination (e.g. TFA).

        So, please, knock off the false equivalency; it serves no beneficial purpose, and actually masks the fact that there are some no-shit barbarians out in the world, some of whom run whole governments.

        Let me put it thi

        • The post about the guy introducing a bill to kill gays is a fact. Until a judge peremptorily ruled against it, even the state attorney-general couldn't have stopped it being put to a vote.
          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            by Penguinisto ( 415985 )

            So the bill literally said "kill gays" or some variation thereof, right?

            Oh, wait - it most likely didn't.

            • So the bill literally said "kill gays" or some variation thereof, right?

              Oh, wait - it most likely didn't.

              Ohh yes it does. It also called for anyone to do the same if the state refuses to enforce the law for 1 year. The actual text:

              a) The abominable crime against nature known as buggery, called also sodomy, is a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

              b) Seeing that it is better that offenders should die rather than that all of us should be killed by God’s just wrath against us for the folly of tolerating wickedness in our midst, the People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.

              c) No person shall distribute, perform, or transmit sodomistic propaganda directly or indirectly by any means to any person under the age of majority. Sodomistic propaganda is defined as anything aimed at creating an interest in or an acceptance of human sexual relations other than between a man and a woman. Every offender shall be fined $1 million per occurrence, and/or imprisoned up to 10 years, and/or expelled from the boundaries of the state of California for up to life.

              d) No person shall serve in any public office, nor serve in public employment, nor enjoy any public benefit, who is a sodomite or who espouses sodomistic propaganda or who belongs to any group that does.

              e) This law is effective immediately and shall not be rendered ineffective nor invalidated by any court, state or federal, until heard by a quorum of the Supreme Court of California consisting only of judges who are neither sodomites nor subject to disqualification hereunder.

              f) The state has an affirmative duty to defend and enforce this law as written, and every member of the public has standing to seek its enforcement and obtain reimbursement for all costs and attorney’s fees in so doing, and further, should the state persist in inaction over 1 year after due notice, the general public is empowered and deputized to execute all the provisions hereunder extra-judicially, immune from any charge and indemnified by the state against any and all liability.

              g) This law shall be known as “The Sodomite Suppression Act” and be numbered as section 39 in Title 3 of the Penal Code, pertaining to offences [sic] against the sovereignty of the state. The text shall be prominently posted in every public school classroom. All laws in conflict with this law are to that extent invalid.

      • And Americans are awfully quiet when christian politicians harass transsexuals with bathroom bills, and christians try to introduce bills that would authorize the killing of LGBTti people [] (fortunately, after the paperwork was filed, a judge ruled the attempt unconstitutional).

        Did you even read that article? "After the paperwork was filed"? What does that even mean? He filed it with the "justice department" (all lowercase) according to the article.

        So, in order to make something into law all I have to do is write it up and submit it to "the justice department", right?

        Do you understand how utterly fucking stupid that whole thing sounds? Do you know how a state legislature even works?

      • And Americans are awfully quiet when christian politicians harass transsexuals with...

        Oh bullshit. Anyone who isn't a Christian decries this crap all the time. And then, in response, the Christian conservatives all bitch and complain about how Christians are being "persecuted" for wanting to "exercise their freedom of religion". It's even an issue on the GOP side with the Presidential election.

        Did you somehow sleep through the media flap when that fat, ugly woman in Kentucky on her 4th marriage refused t

    • The fuck?

    • by sudon't ( 580652 )

      No one is perfect. I find Single Jewish Women incredibly appealing, and can forgive many of their other faults. Unless you're speaking of Stupid Jingoistic Whites?

  • by blind biker ( 1066130 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:22AM (#51493909) Journal

    I am not talking about Muslims in general, because generalizations are impossible, but Islam itself is founded on some deep insecurities of men.

    • Oh as if any other delusion is any more secure. Remember, the Christian god is a jealous one. And jealousy is usually a pretty good sign of insecurity.

      • by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:46AM (#51494063) Homepage

        Bah ... if there's a god of the universe he made it with cool shit like gravity waves and other things we can understand using things like relativity, filled it with vast and complex things to amaze and delight us, and gave us the capacity to investigate and understand it, and ponder our own place in it.

        That god is sitting around going "what the fuck are the little squishy ones on that little fucking rock doing ?"

        It's the fucking humans which are the whiny little petulant assholes who can't get over our own bullshit and fantasies about shit like this.

        Narrow minded people need to imagine a narrow minded god.

        • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @11:24AM (#51494803)

          The problem I have with the christian god is that he is inconsistent. Not only in his actions, that's normal with megalomaniac lunatics. No, in his psychological makeup.

          He's insecure and jealous. Not my idea, his own manual says so. Ok. He's got the personality of an opera diva and wants constant worship from everyone. And anyone not worshiping him needs to be converted or sent on a one-way trip to hell. Because he wants a bigger audience. So far, so sensible. Typical egotist with a megalomaniac streak, which is not uncommon with people who not only get lifted on pedestals by their peers but also have a lot of power.

          And then he does everything to make himself obsolete. Take this universe. Time and again I get to hear how this is a proof for god because it's so "perfectly tuned". Aside of being impossible to observe were it any other way (because we didn't exist then), wouldn't a god that wants groveling and worship ensure that we KNOW it's his doing and ONLY his doing, that keeps us alive? He's all powerful, and if only half the stories in his ad brochure are true he also has no problem observing any physical limitations or pesky little things like conservation of energy. It would be trivial for him to ensure we KNOW he's there.

          But instead he hides and gives us every reason to not believe in his existence because it is possible to explain this universe, from its creation to its current state, without there ever being some kind of supernatural entity required.

          How does this get together with that diva personality?

          Sorry, christians, your god makes no sense. Get a more sensible one that doesn't look like something Michael Bay would want to make a movie of (seriously, he's big with the special effects in his ad publication but poor with dialogue and sensible content... much like a Bay movie) and we can talk.

          • by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @12:53PM (#51495449)

            > He's insecure and jealous. Not my idea, his own manual says so.

            His/Her manual also says in Jer 8:8 []:

            'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?

            Blaming God because (some) Men distort the truth is tossing the baby out with the bathwater. i.e. Sacrifices were never commanded [] (Jer 7:22)

            For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices:

            Jesus clarified the spiritual immaturity & stupidity of Judaism when he quotes Hosea 6:6 []

            But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

            > But instead he hides

            If everyone knew God existed it wouldn't change a single thing. Why? Because you're forgetting about a little experiment called Earth:

            Free Will

            > because it is possible to explain this universe ... without there ever being some kind of supernatural entity required.

            And the Laws of Physics just "magically" appeared one day?? Or are you saying they have always existed ??

            The first law of Thermodynamics tells us:

            Energy can not be created nor destroyed.

            Ergo, the universe has always existed, which implies the Laws of Physics have always existed.

            Either way it takes faith to believe in an Eternal Universe or Eternal God. Infinity is curiouser and curiouser that way.

            What you are missing is that, at the end of the day, who cares where your faith is placed?? What DOES matter is your _actions_ towards others. There is a reason ALL the major religions teach The Golden Rule. Look, ALL Religions bibles, holy works, and theology can be summarized in 2 words:

            Love Unconditionally

            THAT'S the point of pure Spirituality, not the corrupted versions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam selling Heaven Insurance.

          • Oh, and not only does this dog disappear into obscurity, he actively works to *hide* his presence:

            - Fake dinosaur skeletons, complete with the carbon isotopes tampered with so they appear to be 65 million years old instead of 6000.
            - The whole geologic record for that matter, also with falsified carbon isotopes.
            - Lots of fake light inserted into space, supposedly originating from sources hundreds, thousands, and millions of light-years away. Said light is tampered with further: red-shifted to support that w

    • I am not talking about Muslims in general, because generalizations are impossible, but Islam itself is founded on some deep insecurities of Mohammed.


      As for Muslims, is there a good way of sorting out Muslims who don't believe in Islam from those who do?

  • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:35AM (#51493999)

    Religious nutjobs create law without any connection to reality. Film at 11.

  • Wow (Score:5, Insightful)

    by PeeAitchPee ( 712652 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:40AM (#51494031)
    This article is about yet another Muslim country implementing homophobic laws, and half of the comments are already immediately teeing off on Christianity without even a nod to the article itself. Nothing constructive or insightful . . . just an attempt to deflect and scream "but the other team is even worse!" Fuck you . . . you're not helping.
    • Fuck you . . . you're not helping.

      Helping what? The notion that there's a sane religion out there that exists for the welfare of the people? Hint: Imaginary friends stopped being cool when you turned 10.

  • They're worried children will turn gay because they like rainbows? I'm in awe.
    • They're worried children will turn gay because they like rainbows? I'm in awe.

      My little pony has been twisting the minds of small boys for generations now.

  • Seriously?

    I'm guessing that somebody went out of their way to look for something like this and then was "shocked! shocked!" to find them.

    Whatever happened to live and let live?

    • by naris ( 830549 )

      Whatever happened to live and let live?

      That is not a thing in fundamentalist religious nations.

  • When did that happen?

    Oh, they mean rainbows? Right!

  • Wow, it's 2016 and we're still worried about what the sky wizard thinks about where penises are or are not going. Really, this is what this is about. Let's also consider this a country whose women for the most part (97.5%) get to enjoy the practice of getting their clitorises cut off. Let that fact detonate in your brain.

    Fuck these asshats and their shitty religious ideas.
  • How long would it take to discover 3 unichar sequences like ðY'©ðY'ðY'© and ðY'ðY'ðY'?

  • Screw you, Indonesia, and have fun banning every emoticon...

    8===>--- (_._)

    p.s. screw you too, slashdot, for still totally failing at supporting basic non-US characters. That is a *remarkably* flat butt.

Hacking's just another word for nothing left to kludge.
