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Censorship Crime

Two Gunman Killed Outside "Draw the Prophet" Event In Texas 1097

cosm writes: ABC news reports that two armed gunman were shot and killed outside a "Draw the Prophet" event hosted in Garland Texas. From the article: "The event, sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, featured cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and scheduled speakers included Dutch MP Geert Wilders, who has campaigned to have the Quran banned in the Netherlands. The winner of the contest was to receive $10,000." In light of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks, the Lars Vilks Muhammad drawing controversies, and the American show South Park's satirical depiction of the state of Muhammad phobia in the US and elsewhere, is there an end in sight to the madness associated with the representation of this religious figure?
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Two Gunman Killed Outside "Draw the Prophet" Event In Texas

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  • by phayes ( 202222 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:15AM (#49609223) Homepage

    were slow at the draw - texas style...

    • by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:30AM (#49609265)
      After the Paris "Charlie Hebdo" shooting, it was obvious that such an event, in Texas, would be well protected against similar attacks. Isn't that attack another proof that fanaticism == stupidity?
      • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:34AM (#49609279)

        Well, when all you have to convince people that they should work for you is promises of eternal bliss after death without any kind of proof, you can't really expect nobel prize material to flock to you...

        • by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @03:16AM (#49609497)

          Well, when all you have to convince people that they should work for you is promises of eternal bliss after death without any kind of proof, you can't really expect nobel prize material to flock to you...

          Not sure that's the only reason. Some of these people are just looking for something in which they can get deeply involved, out of the ordinary society stuff. They would actually love being enrolled in some armies to fight for a country, kill or be killed, but they just don't see themselves fighting for our western countries. So the actual reason may not really be Santa Claus / God / Mahomet / [...] and the "eternal bliss", but just the desire to fight for something in which they feel more free than within the regular organized and stricter western armies.

        • by NotDrWho ( 3543773 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @08:45AM (#49610561)

          One of the biggest problems in any polygamous society is getting rid of young men. Every man with 4 wives leaves 3 angry, young, horny men in his wake who got no wives. So Islam came up with the perfect solution, Martyrdom! Just blow yourself up in some mall and get all the virgins you want!

          Dumb motherfuckers.

          • by ShanghaiBill ( 739463 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @10:21AM (#49611467)

            One of the biggest problems in any polygamous society is getting rid of young men. Every man with 4 wives leaves 3 angry, young, horny men in his wake who got no wives.

            This is not only a problem in polygamous societies, but also in countries with gender selective abortions, including China and India. There are already more than 10 million "missing" women in China, and the problem will get far worse in the next decade, as millions and millions of young men reach maturity to find there are no women available. This is very likely to have a destabilizing effect throughout East Asia, since unattached young men tend to support political leaders who advocate nationalism, militarism, and confrontation.

        • by ultranova ( 717540 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @11:05AM (#49611899)

          Well, when all you have to convince people that they should work for you is promises of eternal bliss after death without any kind of proof, you can't really expect nobel prize material to flock to you...

          But that's not all fanatics have. It's just local flavoring. What their message is is the same as always before: "All your problems are caused by group X. Join me and take your revenge!"

          Such memetic viruses don't strike at stupidity but at lack of self-awareness and -control - in other words, immaturity - and consequently, being smart - even Nobel-smart - doesn't help protect against them. In fact, should the infection take hold, all that intelligence will simply be used to construct elaborate rationalizations of the fanaticism's guise which make it even more virulent.

          Fanaticism is a memetic disease. If you have lots of angry young people, you get outbreaks, just like with flu. And sooner or later one of these outbreaks mutates into a form that can cause an epidemic, or perhaps even a pandemic. In the 30's, we got fascism which eventually mutated into nazism; in the middle of the century we got small outbreaks of red terrorism, but thankfully general prosperity made the population too resistant for transmission to continue except in much-diluted form; and right now we're seeing an epidemic which is parasiting on Islam. Islam itself isn't the problem, it simply provides a new outer form - like robes for a ringwraith - for the same force that was behind Hitler and has now returned for round n+1. But the heart of this darkness is the same as it has always been.

          The question is: what to do about all this? Is this some kind of inevitable function of human biology or merely an artifact from our cultural past? Would it be possible to rid the world of suhc maladjusted memes once and for all, or perhaps develop memes that work as antidotes - for example, surely knowing all this helps notice when someone's trying to pull the trick on you? As noted above, greater general prosperity would help a lot, but is not foolproof, is already being worked on, and perhaps most importantly, current iteration of the fanaticism pandemic seems to be evolving to get around it - bin Laden came from a very privileged background, and many people who have lived their entire lives in the West have gone to join Isis.

      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        "Texas". That's really the only part of that sentence you need. I would be surprised if the people attending and local homes weren't about as well armed as the police in the article.

        • by Wycliffe ( 116160 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @09:33AM (#49610929) Homepage

          "Texas". That's really the only part of that sentence you need. I would be surprised if the people attending and local homes weren't about as well armed as the police in the article.

          Even if I wasn't normally armed, there is no way I would go to a rally like this without a weapon.
          You basically knew you were walking into a war zone. My guess is that the reason it was held
          in Texas was exactly because of the available gun laws, the death penalty statutes, and other
          similiar laws. This was pretty much a honeypot operation with the SWAT team on standby.

          • by tranquilidad ( 1994300 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @10:41AM (#49611669)

            Your guess is wrong. It was held at this venue because of a "Stand With The Prophet" event that was held at the same place after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. The purpose of that event was to highlight that the media and American Islamaphobes are the reason that Islam has such a bad reputation in the west. More can be read here [].

    • by pitchpipe ( 708843 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @03:00AM (#49609407)
      I guess to see this coming would have required an actual prophet.

      Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:16AM (#49609227)

    They place containers of corn in plain site of their blinds for weeks, then hide out on opening day of hunting season and take the deer by the dozens

    Seems like they were baiting for 'terrorists' in a similar way

  • Suicide mission (Score:5, Interesting)

    by CaptQuark ( 2706165 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:16AM (#49609231)
    The unfortunate part is the two gunmen knew this was a suicide mission before they attempted the attack and decided a less violent form of protest didn't convey their message well enough.

    • Re:Suicide mission (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:34AM (#49609275)

      I don't care what your belief is, there is a right to turn up and speak your mind. The alternative is a cult - an unquestioned entity that demands belief based on no facts. If your only response to criticism is bullets then your argument is weak, and what you believe in is worth no more than some madmen willing to defend it with bombs, death and fear. Unscientific dross. State your point and then leave. If your point doesn't hold water then we're under no obligation. Killing us won't prove your point, it just reduces our number but not our resolve.

      Do they deserve to have a voice? Yes.

      Do they have the right to be heard? Yes.

      Do their words have to be heard? No.

      Say what you will but don't expect everyone to listen.

    • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:36AM (#49609289)

      The fortunate part of suicide missions is that there is a very small percentage of repeat offenders.

    • Re:Suicide mission (Score:5, Insightful)

      by phayes ( 202222 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:36AM (#49609295) Homepage

      I see nothing unfortunate in two men willing to take lives over cartoons being killed themselves before they were able to kill anyone.

      You find drawings of Mohammed offensive and want to organise a non-violent protest? I support your right to do so.

    • The message is murder. Don't let the bullshit about cartoons fool you.

  • by frovingslosh ( 582462 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:24AM (#49609249)
    There, I fixed it for you, and in a way that will give greater understanding of the religion and its "prophet" who married a 6 year old.
    • by quenda ( 644621 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:38AM (#49609303)

      its "prophet" who married a 6 year old.

      Oh please. Political marriages of young girls were common in those days. He waited until she was nine to consummate it.

      • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 04, 2015 @04:04AM (#49609669)

        its "prophet" who married a 6 year old.

        Oh please. Political marriages of young girls were common in those days. He waited until she was nine to consummate it.

        Ummmmm no they weren't. It was one of many scandals that pedophile Mohammad explained away with "Allah told me to do it". Mohammad had a "revelation" to marry her.

        It simply isn't a case that "That's what they did back then". The Koran very explicitly states that Muslims must follow the "sunnah" or example of Mohammad. It is in the Koran so that means FOREVER! These are recorded in what are called the hadiths (orally transmitted information about Mohammad's life and actions) . So Muslims are OBLIGED to do everything contained in hadiths that are sahih (trusted). Mohammad was recorded literally dozens of times as having sex with a little 9 year old girl in these sahih hadiths. Ever wondered why ISIS, the Taliban and other fundamentalist Muslims are into marrying little girls. Just following the example of pedophile Mohammad which is FOREVER.

        So marrying and having sex with little 9 year old girls like Aysha is a "perfect" example for Muslims THEN NOW AND FOREVER.

        It gets even more disgusting and worse!!!!!! Mohammad was even more depraved than "merely" having vaginal sex with little 9 year old girls.

        He was performing "Muta Kathat" on Aisha when she was 6 when he first married her. BTW, "Muta Kathat" was anal sex and masturbation between the thighs.
        Ask a Muslim about "Muta Kathat". They either will honestly not know what it is (fewer than one or two percent have ever read the hadiths or Mohammad's biography the sira.. only about 10% of Muslims have ever read the Quran!) or they will lie about it with the hope that you didn't actually check out what was written (and Islam obliges Muslims to lie 'if of help to Islam' - rather difficult to get converts when your founder in the modern day would be on a sexual offenders register or with a prison file stamped "never to be released").

        Not only was he performing pedophile sex acts with a little 6 year old girl (yes, it's 6, not 9!!!), he was performing pedophile acts on little boys, The hadiths explain that one away with some nonsense about the "miraculous and soothing effects" of Mohammad's saliva.

        Further, Mohammad was a necrophile, having sex with his dead aunt Fatima "to make her a mother of the believers".

        He even was a cross-dresser, dressing up in the clothes of his wives. His favorite dressing up was in the clothing of the above mentinoed Aysha. You may start asking questions of Mohammad being married for more than 10 years with more than 10 wives yet only achieving one child!

        I didn't even discuss other parts of Mohamamd's "achievements" such as his rapes, his murders of old women poets for writing satires, his genocides against other tribes or his banditry.

        No, I'm not "anti-muslim". I feel that Muslims are in fact the biggest victims if Islam. Imagine belonging to a cult (yes, Islam fulfills all the academic criteria of being a cult such as death if you leave it, exclusivity, avoiding association and marriage with non-members, substantial efforts into recruitment and so on) whose Koran tells you that family members are OBLIGED to shun you if you leave and even tells its members to kill you if you don't recant on your decision to be an apostate. Please take your bigoted "raghead" comments elsewhere (I didn't say "racist", Islam is not an ethnicity, it is a "faith").

        Posting as an Anonymous Coward for good reason. If you think that fundamentalist Muslims get upset about cartoons, you should see them when you point out explicitly where in the Koran, the hadiths and the sira the things I mentioned above are said.

  • 'armless (Score:5, Funny)

    by GoddersUK ( 1262110 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:38AM (#49609301)

    tfs wrote

    two armed gunman

    What other kind of gunman is there? If they were unarmed they couldn't be gunmen. I guess it could mean two-armed gunmen, in which case all is forgiven.

  • Schmuck bait. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Shadow of Eternity ( 795165 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:44AM (#49609325)

    You would think even people stupid and fanatic enough to do this would know that Texas is the wrong place to try and pull a Charlie Hebdo.

  • by NostalgiaForInfinity ( 4001831 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @02:47AM (#49609341)

    The controversial event, where attendees competed to draw the prophet Mohammed, which is explicitly banned in Islam and seen as a sign of grave disrespect,

    No, it is not "explicitly banned in Islam".

    It may or may not be a sign of "grave disrespect", but so what? Having your beliefs disrespected is part of life, whether you're a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, or atheist.

    • by meglon ( 1001833 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @03:28AM (#49609555) []

      The difference between Muslims and Christians (especially those in the US), is that the most conservative Muslims actually try to live they way their religion teaches (including not just the Qur'an, but the Old Testament as well), and yes, idolatry is a very serious no-no. Just think if the most conservative Christians would actually live the way Jesus taught.... putting all their energy into feeding the poor, housing and clothing those without, helping the sick... instead we have the most conservative Christians doing pretty much everything opposite of how Jesus' teachings go; they're just not as dedicated as the conservative Muslims are.
  • Idiots (Score:3, Insightful)

    by tsa ( 15680 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @03:06AM (#49609443) Homepage

    I think they're all childish idiots. The people attending that meeting, with their provoking "who can draw the best Mohammed cartoon." Come on, your days at high school are a very long time away and you should behave like an adult now. And the idiot Muslims who think it's necessary to shoot everybody who doesn't have their opinion. We don't live in the Middle Ages anymore you idiots. And if you like killing so much why don't you kill some of your own kind? You're very good at that, we see that daily on TV.

    And now get off my lawn, all of you! Crazy children.

    • I think they're all childish idiots. The people attending that meeting, with their provoking "who can draw the best Mohammed cartoon." Come on, your days at high school are a very long time away and you should behave like an adult now.

      Why shouldn't we provoke them? It's a nice, relatively controlled environment with security guards who were able to take them out. We provoke them, they try to murder us, we kill them first. It seems like a very nice system, really. We really should start setting up more jihadi honeypots.

      The alternative is what... having these lunatics walking around in our society, on the *brink* of being murderers but not quite there yet, ready to snap on some other occasion when there isn't a SWAT team nearby to t

      • by thesupraman ( 179040 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @06:14AM (#49610053)

        Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps part of the reason they as so god damn fucking angry is BECAUSE of the dropped bombs?

        I just wonder, how many years of bombs being dropped on your families would it take for you to consider a driveby on the people doing it?

        But no, its the RELIGION thats the problem.. cannot be anything else.

    • Re:Idiots (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Loki_1929 ( 550940 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @07:57AM (#49610329) Journal

      I think they're all childish idiots. The people attending that meeting, with their provoking "who can draw the best Mohammed cartoon." Come on, your days at high school are a very long time away and you should behave like an adult now.

      Regardless of their motives, I'm glad they held this event. Two people who were ready, willing, and able to murder over cartoons being drawn were lured into a death trap. Good. Let them burn in Hell (if such a place/state exists).

      The events may be childish, but when it brings out murderous fanatics and gets those fanatics killed before they can kill innocent people, then by all means hold them every day of the week and twice on Sunday. My good friend Darwin has informed me that eventually, we'll run out of murderous fanatics.

  • Shooters? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by enriquevagu ( 1026480 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @03:16AM (#49609493)

    "two armed gunman were shot and killed"... by whom? Who were they? After reading the article it seems clear that the two gunmen killed were religious fanatics, and the killers were police officers who were defending the event. This should be in the summary, I think

  • by He Who Has No Name ( 768306 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @03:21AM (#49609519)

    "is there an end in sight to the madness associated with the representation of this religious figure?"


    But you won't like the answer and it's not politically correct. Ergo, our current political establishment refuses to even admit its existence.

  • by Chas ( 5144 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @04:31AM (#49609725) Homepage Journal

    That's like trying to rob the donut joint across the street from a police station...

  • Liberty (Score:5, Interesting)

    by AndyCanfield ( 700565 ) <> on Monday May 04, 2015 @06:02AM (#49610007) Homepage
    Reliance upon the government to protect you after you have insulted someone is not freedom. Freedom requires courage, and sometimes the price of courage is high. Ed Snowden is my hero - he paid the price.
    • Re:Liberty (Score:4, Insightful)

      by TubeSteak ( 669689 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @07:48AM (#49610291) Journal

      Reliance upon the government to protect you after you have insulted someone is not freedom

      What exactly is it that you think Government does?

      Because collective security is the most basic function of Government.

      As an example, if you insult the King of Thailand, the only thing keeping the Thai government from crossing borders to take you in for prosecution is your government.
      Or do you think you can defend yourself against the resources of a nation state?

  • Wait, what? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by soccerisgod ( 585710 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @06:34AM (#49610097)

    So..... these guys set up an event supposedly to protect free speech and all, and then they invite a guy "who has campaigned to have the Quran banned in the Netherlands."

    I can't put my finger on it but something here doesn't fit :P

  • Irony? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by davydagger ( 2566757 ) on Monday May 04, 2015 @11:01AM (#49611861)

    The event, sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, featured cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and scheduled speakers included Dutch MP Geert Wilders, who has campaigned to have the Quran banned in the Netherlands.

    so aparantly they don't really care about freedom. The irony is biting. Cut off your nose to spite your face. While I certainly believe its OK to draw Muhammad, even lampoon him.(along with any and all other religeous figures) and in fact I promote it, you're a total hypocrit if you want to ban the koran. In fact you've proved your just as crazy as the gunman.

Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.
