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Sony Books Piracy

Hacked Sony Emails Reveal That Sony Had Pirated Books About Hacking 59

An anonymous reader writes Sony has done a lot of aggressive anti-piracy work in their time, which makes it that much funnier that pirated ebooks were found on their servers from the 2014 hacks that just went on to WikiLeaks. Better yet, the pirated books are educational books about hacking called "Inside Cyber Warfare" and "Hacking the Next Generation" from O'Reilly publishers.
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Hacked Sony Emails Reveal That Sony Had Pirated Books About Hacking

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  • Is this Slashdot or The Onion?

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Is this Slashdot or The Onion?


    • by dinfinity ( 2300094 ) on Saturday April 18, 2015 @09:55AM (#49499983)

      One of my highschool teachers when inquired as to why he was allowed to drink coffee while we were not, responded with this:
      "Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi."

      I've always detested this way of thinking, as it is just a stupid rationalization for the real reason: "Whatever, fuck you, I can get away with it."

      • by Anonymous Coward

        Evidence, please? Unless you were on Sony's servers, or were the person doing the hacking, it seems to me that someone could insert whatever the hell they wanted into this cache of files. CEO of Sony watches nasty porn! -- says anonymous person who could've added the files and who apparently already has a grudge against Sony to begin with.

      • you weren't allowed to drink coffee in high school? is that a mormon thing?

      • by hawguy ( 1600213 )

        One of my highschool teachers when inquired as to why he was allowed to drink coffee while we were not, responded with this:
        "Quod licet Iovi non licet bovi."

        I've always detested this way of thinking, as it is just a stupid rationalization for the real reason: "Whatever, fuck you, I can get away with it."

        That's not a rationalization for "Whatever, fuck you, I can get away with it," thats exactly what it means.

        But really, what other answer did you expect? Sounds like you were disappointed that he didn't make some attempt at rationalization and instead he told you the truth.

        • No, that is not what it means.

          There are legitimate cases where the proverb applies and he was very clearly implying this was such a case (his added reasoning was that teachers were better able to handle coffee without making a mess than adolescents). In fact, there are many legitimate cases encoded in law. One need only look at age limits to see that this is the case, although the juxtaposition of 'god' and 'cows/oxes' is perhaps too inflammatory for the proverb to be used often.

          Anyway, my point is that a l

  • I see no evidence, or even any indication, that Sony Pirated that book. It could have been purchased by Sony, or even by an employee, and was saved in a private folder on a server share.

    Wikileaks, on the other hand, has now very clearly pirated the books.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Doesn't surprise me. Who else would fear piracy the most, other than someone who'd do it themselves, if they could get away with it.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Most books on computing and "IT security" can be found right from Google as direct download links right from the search results. You don't even have to tip toe into and around spammy sites anymore. This is really true for any generally popular computer book.

  • by CanEHdian ( 1098955 ) on Saturday April 18, 2015 @10:07AM (#49500023)
    Slashdot is linking to Daily Dot is linking to a tweet from the author is linking to a pirated copy of the book!!! AARRRHHH!!!!!!!! They're all going to be charged with Conspiracy to Contributory Indirect Copyright Infringement of whatever the MPAA/RIAA/*AA write in their next bill to sign by their politician/employees.
  • Maybe 15, 20 years ago, I remember reading that someone had opened some (Win 98? Me?) binaries in an editor and found evidence of a warez signature. Google is failing me -- anyone remember this??
  • by Anonymous Coward

    grand theft auto, a game about robbing raping and murdering, contains a copyright notice.

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
