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Government Social Networks

Snapchat Joins the Gang, Releases Transparency Report 12

Snapchat has released its first transparency report, detailing the number of requests for data it's fielded from law enforcement agencies both in the U.S. and elsewhere. For a service sometimes vilified as a conduit for shady dealings, Snapchat received surprisingly few police requests from U.S. agencies (just 375, involving 666 accounts). Perhaps agencies are put off by the small number of Snapchat messages that may be vulnerable to such requests.
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Snapchat Joins the Gang, Releases Transparency Report

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  • by Bruce66423 ( 1678196 ) on Monday April 06, 2015 @02:10AM (#49412811)
    Obviously dodgy...
  • Snapchat, an application that emphasizes on short lived messages. No wonder search warrants will be a hit and miss! Unless you resort to the typical trick of wiretapping, that is, have another copy of the messages go to an interested party unbeknown to you.

    I foresee the US government asking for these messages to be to sent to the NSA as bad as requesting a backdoor to all non-military devices that use encryption. You surely heard about politicians asking for backdoors already, haven't you?

Blessed be those who initiate lively discussions with the hopelessly mute, for they shall be known as Dentists.
