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Government Transportation

Russia Says Drivers Must Not Have "Sex Disorders" To Get License 412

mrspoonsi writes Russia has listed transsexual and transgender people among those who will no longer qualify for driving licenses. Fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism are also included as "mental disorders" now barring people from driving. The government says it is tightening medical controls for drivers because Russia has too many road accidents. "Pathological" gambling and compulsive stealing are also on the list. Russian psychiatrists and human rights lawyers have condemned the move. The announcement follows international complaints about Russian harassment of gay-rights activists.
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Russia Says Drivers Must Not Have "Sex Disorders" To Get License

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @12:38AM (#48772323)

    ... Putin don't drive!

  • Pedophiles (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @12:40AM (#48772327)

    Will this include the typical Russian Elite who purchases small girls for sex?

    • Re:Pedophiles (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @12:46AM (#48772355)

      Never. Rules are for the little people. Much like the "free market", "competition", and "taking risks". That kind of nonsense is for you and me.

      For them, it's quite another story!

    • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

      they don't drive, they have drivers - and escorts. and not just the escorts of the call girl variety, but like, 3 G mercs. because, you know, it's Russia. Plenty of the Russian elite emigrate just to feel safe.

      • they don't drive, they have drivers - and escorts. and not just the escorts of the call girl variety, but like, 3 G mercs. because, you know, it's Russia. Plenty of the Russian elite emigrate just to feel safe.

        Most of the elites have been under forced foreign divestiture rules the past couple years, in anticipation of sanctions, so those still there are mostly stuck now.

  • Counter Logic (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @12:40AM (#48772331) Journal

    no longer quality for driving...transgender...because Russia has too many road accidents

    Man, I'd be a better driver with my wanker removed. "Distractuious" women have caused most of my near misses.

  • source? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by xfizik ( 3491039 )
    Can't seem to find a link to any official government document about this. On the other hand, people tend to readily believe anything about Russia.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @01:26AM (#48772493)

        The second page of that document contains a list of disorders, as classified by the ICD-10, that prohibit one from driving -- numbers in the right column. The descriptions are here:


        As you see, F60-F69 includes all of the following:

        (F64) Gender identity disorders
        (F64.0) Transsexualism
        (F64.1) Dual-role transvestism
        (F64.2) Gender identity disorder of childhood
        (F65) Disorders of sexual preference
        (F65.0) Sexual fetishism
        (F65.1) Fetishistic transvestism
        (F65.2) Exhibitionism
        (F65.3) Voyeurism
        (F65.4) Paedophilia
        (F65.5) Sadomasochism

        • by dbIII ( 701233 )
          F65.3 seems to be providing half the packets on the internet. Ever looked at a picture of someone having sex? You can be defined as a voyeur for that if someone nitpicks enough.
          This "mental disorders" ban is fucking insane, but it makes the sort of reactionary pricks that push this sort of thing look "conservative" to their support base. Yet another symptom of what happens when a state is under the control of a very small number of powerful people.
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          The CD-10 is an international standard WHO document.

          If the world is so hung up on this, then perhaps they can take it upon themselves to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from their own book of definitions.

          Chess, anyone?

        • Having a fetish is a disorder? That's... going to cover a really huge percentage of the human species. Maybe it doesn't count if you don't act on it, but it's still a preference (as in, "Disorders of sexual preference")...

    • Obligitory: "I soviet Russia, the government readily believes anything about YOU".
  • Impaired driving (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @12:51AM (#48772371)

    And yet alcoholism is not on this list of disorders that lead to increased road accidents...

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @12:58AM (#48772401)

    The Russian economy is collapsing, the Ruble has plumetted, all because the entire economy depend on gas and oil sales and the price of oil has dropped due to fracking.

    Putin, the election rigger, is to blame. So how do you draw attention away from Putin's failure to run the economy?

    So his spin men have chosen a minority to attack, in this case transgender people, so he can whip up the homophobic portion of Russia and get them arguing with the more tolerant people, and nobody is looking at him, his failure and his corrupt dictatorship.

    • by Rei ( 128717 )

      Putin, the election rigger? Oh please. It's clearly legitimate that 99,5% of Chechnyans voted for "The Butcher of Grozny". Turnouts of over 100% in some precincts in Grozny, well, people were just *that* excited to get to vote for him!

  • The Russian government has gone off the deep end. I guess they read Hitler's playbook.
    • Promoting "family values" (and subsequently bashing / prosecuting anything that falls outside the norm of those values) is a tried and true way for politicians to ingratiate themselves with their "conservative" (for lack of a better term) constituency. It costs nothing in terms of money and political capital, if they play it right. President Fattah el-Sisi recently did the same by sharply (an unexpectedly) ramping up prosecution of homosexuals in Egypt. Not a priority for him, but a cheap way to win some
  • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @01:25AM (#48772489)

    Fetishism, exhibitionism and voyeurism are also included as "mental disorders" now barring people from driving.

    Since Putin apparently likes to ride around half-naked on horse-back?

  • by presidenteloco ( 659168 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @01:26AM (#48772491)

    are generally full of fear and insecurity.

    Even though they act tough.

    The Russian government is rabid with fear at the moment.

  • I have never seen a transgendered on any of the dashcam videos showing those Russian traffic accidents. Lots of drunken or sober morons, some hetero distraction going on, but none of that "pervert" stuff.
  • At least the pictures from his famous historectomy. Think it can be found at goatse something.

  • it crushes political maturity and instead offers worship of one super strong super tough exkgb goon putin, like north korean cult of personality bullshit

    rather than diversify the economy it tries to become a petrostate (now with crashing oil prices)

    it panders to simpleminded fears and hatred now with gays and sexual minorites, so it is culturally and socially rotting too

    is russia trying to weaken as best as it can?

    with a surging imperialist china, which has a border dispute with every single one of its neighbors: stealing land from india, stealing philippine/ vietnamese/ japanese islands, etc... how long until china says "fuck it" and just flat out takes siberia from sick pathetic dying russia?

    • No-one can invade Russia. They have nukes. Lots and lots of nukes, combined with a leader unpredictable enough that he might actually use them. The deterrent works.

      • a weak, poor country can be defeated in myriad ways

        china doesn't have to militarily invade siberia. it can just corrupt officials, pay russian legislators to make laws friendly to it, own all of the companies operating in siberia, flood the area with immigrants, etc

        such that the map may say russia, but for all intents and purposes, it will be china's siberia

        russia showed us how to unilaterally take another country's sovereign territory with crimea

        flood the area with your own citizens. then they simply announce what country they really are a part of after some political turmoil in the country's capital. which, weak as russia is, should be easy for a rich china to corrupt


        http://abcnews.go.com/Internat... [go.com]

        sure, texas being snatched form mexico wasn't bloodless, but by the time the mexicans put up a fight, it was too late: the immigrant population had already tipped allegiances

        the change will be slow and inevitable. nobody will nuke anyone because it won't be an overnight military invasion. just immigration leading to gradual social and political realignment, helped along by corrupting influence

        http://www.nytimes.com/roomfor... [nytimes.com]

      • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

        actually the real deterrent is that if you invaded, you would need to take care of the russian common folk.

        there's a 833 mile border between Russia and Finland. one thing russians are good at is keeping the russians on the russian side of the border...

    • by dbIII ( 701233 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @03:16AM (#48772861)

      is russia trying to weaken as best as it can?

      It's a common side effect of a leader removing any potential competition for his job.

    • by Rei ( 128717 )

      Nobody's going to be taking anything from a nuclear armed state. The most I think anyone would ever dare do is covertly support breakaway rebel movements, but even that would be extremely provocative.

      That said, there probably will be an upsurge in internal rebel acticity in Russia as they lose their ability to pay off local tribal leaders with oil money like they've been doing extensively of late....

  • The fact that Putin is a psychopath should disqualify him from a drivers license.

    • by MrKaos ( 858439 )

      The fact that Putin is a psychopath should disqualify him from a drivers license.

      But that should not disqualify him from being gay.

  • Like a certain russian leader...

    But then, I guess they have drivers.. :P

  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 09, 2015 @02:14AM (#48772637)

    Looks like a woman, drives like a man? An accident waiting to happen. You don't want to play chicken with the rooster.

  • by vanyel ( 28049 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @03:09AM (#48772829) Journal

    They should ban politicians with mental disorders such as fixations on other people's lives - such cause far more harm to society than any other class of people.

  • by Bearhouse ( 1034238 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @03:18AM (#48772867)

    Which is the point...Putin is an unreconstructed Chekist and will continue to distract his oppressed population with this and other nonsense, plus of course more serious meddling like Ukraine and Syria.
    Since the average Russian is typically homophobic, racist, and "patriotic", this is an easy play.
    Putin is mired in corruption, has totally failed to deliver on economic & political reforms and re-balancing the economy and the Ruble is tanking in the wake of falling oil prices.

    So expect plenty more of this rubbish.

    Actually improving road safety would involve "hard" stuff like tackling endemic police and court corruption, drink driving (although the legal limit is theoretically zero), anti-social attitudes and quasi-mafia idiots driving too fast in SUVs equipped with automatic weapons and large lights on the back specifically designed to blind people following them.

    Ever wondered why you see so many youtube videos of "funny" things on Russian roads? It's because many people have dashboard cams to support their case with the insurance company when the inevitable accident happens; it really is that bad.

    • If Americans were required to carry a dash camera for insurance claims, I am sure you would have seen on youtube plenty of the American road stupidity too.

      The dash cams simply prove that Russians are the kind of people who tend to cheat the system, be it the government or an insurance company, if you take their word without a recording. Probably a result of 70 years of living in a massively corrupt country where everything is a state property and therefore can be stolen. Sometimes I think that the millions

  • Great idea (Score:5, Insightful)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @03:35AM (#48772945) Journal

    You know, maybe next we should just put them all in camps, concentrate them, so they're away from "decent" people. And then, perhaps, make them wear something so we all know who they are, like a pink triangle or something?

    Of course, these are all just temporary measures; I'm sure we'll ultimately come up with a better Final Solution...

  • At least they are being consistent in placing anyone that's a little bit different out of society.
  • by dltaylor ( 7510 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @03:55AM (#48773033)

    Resident or expats, please try to fill in the blanks.

    Is there simply enough anti-homosexual bias in Russian culture, as in much of the USofA, for Putin to make political "points" by picking on them?

    Is he thinking of using a relatievly powerless "out" group for a Kristallnacht if the economy experiences problems due to falling oil prices?

    Pay-back, which he is known to do, for not supporting his acquisition of power?

    Wild idea: is he thinking he can pressure homosexuals to produce more children as as some sort of social "cover", to build a population for a war?

    Something else?

    • Russia is simply showing its true colors. "Homesexual" is pretty much a swear word in Russia culture.

      Many people in the West think that Putin is oppressing the democracy-loving Russians, but in reality, 90% of Russian MPs, most mayors, all governors, the military, and the executive branch of Russian government think like him and support him. Most people who live outside of the liberal Moscow and St Petersburg cities also support him. This law wouldn't pass without and overwhelming popular support.

    • by Bearhouse ( 1034238 ) on Friday January 09, 2015 @05:51AM (#48773445)

      Resident or expats, please try to fill in the blanks.

      Is there simply enough anti-homosexual bias in Russian culture, as in much of the USofA, for Putin to make political "points" by picking on them?

      Lived and worked there for a while.
      Short answer is "yes". Putin flogs the image of the bare-chested "hero" and protector of family "values".
      (The reality of course is that he's a botoxed crooked womanizer...)

      But note: Most educated middle-class Russians detest Putin and his clique and are pretty nice people on the whole. Unfortunately, they're also mostly very racist and homophobic, (including the women). Of course, the same applies to many other places; India and the South of the USA spring to mind...

    • Some time ago, the Soviet power allowed the prison moral "Ponyatiya" to escape to the wild, which is quite understandable due to repressions. And according to Ponyatiya, there is an hierarchy between the inmates where passive homosexuals are in the lowest position and are untouchable, except as a sexual object. The popular hate to homosexuals has no connection to Christian moral.

      About the Gay Pride: I think it's proven that the Gay Pride has no relation to the homosexuals and is the movement paid from abroa

    • Expat.

      Is there simply enough anti-homosexual bias in Russian culture, as in much of the USofA, for Putin to make political "points" by picking on them?

      Yes, there is enough anti-homosexual bias. Remember that it was criminalized in the USSR since Stalin (IIRC it was the only country in the Soviet bloc to do so), so the decriminalization was not a super long one, and it was never combined with effective propaganda of tolerance, so even when legal it was socially frowned upon. Probably about the same level as some of the more backwards Southern US states like Mississippi or Alabama. A certain degree of religious conservatism played into it, too, especi

  • They can simplify... Not allowed to drive if Russian or in Russia.

    Everyone over there is utterly insane when behind the wheel.

  • There people listed as "female" are not allowed to drive.

So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of money? -- Ayn Rand
