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Crime Japan

Yahoo! Japan May Have Had 22 Million User IDs Stolen 28

hypnosec writes with report of the possible theft of up to 22 million user IDs revealed by Yahoo! Japan. That scale is massive, but, he writes, "According to Yahoo, the information that was stolen didn't have passwords or any other information that would allow unauthorized users to carry out user identity verification." A story at the Japan Times adds a bit more detail.
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Yahoo! Japan May Have Had 22 Million User IDs Stolen

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Is there anybody else that read at first the title as if "Yahoo!" and "Japan" were actually in separate sentences?

    Being so glad about stolen user IDs seemed *really* weird.

  • And? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by dshk ( 838175 ) on Sunday May 19, 2013 @03:40AM (#43766771)
    So 20 million Yahoo user names are revealed. Why is that interesting at all? I guess if I write a script which loops some id for a yahoo info page I get a similar list. Maybe a Google search is enough. Or do not contact external service, just guess: take all Japanese names, append one or two digits to it. Mostly these are valid names.
  • "According to Yahoo, the information that was stolen didn't have passwords or any other information that would allow unauthorized users to carry out user identity verification." So yahoo is forced to disclose a data breach by law. But they add to it the nothing important was taken. I would like you to think for your self for a minute. Does a burglar go around robbing homeless peoples shopping carts? People go after what has value, and they stole something. This story should read Yahoo Japan tries desperate
  • "According to Yahoo, the information that was stolen didn't have passwords or any other information that would allow unauthorized users to carry out user identity verification."

    There is so much bullshit here that you could grow world-class pumpkins that you need a crane to lift on to the flatbed truck (being careful, because it can crack under its own weight, *and then your fscked.).

    Yahoo has been terrible at keeping control of this stuff, like the *other* massive leak they had just a year ago.

    I used to be

  • "Yahoo! Japan May Have Had 22 Million User IDs Stolen" Why are you cheering for crime? ;)
  • Lean in, then fall in, on your ass.

  • Boy, they should really leave Yahoo and hop on Tumblr instead. Oh wait...

If it's not in the computer, it doesn't exist.
