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Censorship China Social Networks

Google+ Unblocked In China; President Obama's Page Flooded With Comments 187

An anonymous reader writes "Google+ has recently been unblocked in China and Chinese netizens have found their way to President Obama's G+ page. The result is that topic after topic has hit the limit of 500 comments, most of them in Chinese. Some express political views, but many are just everyday banter or showing off."
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Google+ Unblocked In China; President Obama's Page Flooded With Comments

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:40PM (#39165417)

    China unblocks Google+ Figures no one uses it anyway. Myspace is next to be unblocked.

  • Widespread interest (Score:5, Informative)

    by sdw ( 6809 ) <sdw@@@lig...net> on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:44PM (#39165437) Homepage

    Interesting how much of the world is interested in our politics.
    Several years ago, I was walking around Porvoo, Finland, taking pictures. I talked to a few teenagers doing skateboard tricks. In their perfect English, they were very curious how we could have elected Bush II twice. It's all they wanted to talk about.

    • by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:47PM (#39165467)
      What's more interesting is how little interest we have in our politics. At least, little interest in finding out for ourselves what's going on rather then blindly following our parties marching orders.
      • by Nerdfest ( 867930 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:54PM (#39165523)

        The US now seems to treat politics like just another reality TV show.

        • by JimCanuck ( 2474366 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:18PM (#39165729)
          No mod points, so commenting, if anyone saw the debate yesterday you'd have realized how right Nerdfest is.
          • by muindaur ( 925372 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:59PM (#39166029) Journal

            Was there another final debate?

            After the final debate?

            That followed the final debate?

            That was really just childish bickering, pointing fingers, and attacks instead of an actual debate?

        • by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:43PM (#39165923)
          No, we care who wins reality TV shows. More people vote for American Idol then for their representatives.
          • by BillX ( 307153 )

            The difference being that on a reality show, even if you're not crazy about any of the contestants, voting for one and having them win is mostly harmless...

            • Very true, voting for president is guessing which one is going to do less damage, and considering all options are horrible and likely to cause huge problems, no one wants to take the blame of "I put this guy in office".
          • No, we care who wins reality TV shows. More people vote for American Idol then for their representatives.

            With the decades of bullshit that our politicians put this country through, is it really any surprise?

          • I hear this a lot but there are some problems with this stat, the chief being that people get to vote multiple times so basing the amount of votes on America Idol to the amount of votes in elections is not fair comparison.

            Also, we would probably have a higher turnout on our elections if people could phone or text in their votes like they can on America Idol. But I actually don't want people to lazy to go to the voting booth voting.

          • That is only because you can't vote for a representative by texting from your mobile phone
        • It is the best reality TV show I've ever seen. Would love to see Santorum or Gingritch win the nomination just for the popcorn value. Ron Paul would provoke an even bigger farce, since the guy actually believes in something, and it's a different planet from the status quo. What more entertainment could you possibly hope for?
      • by surgen ( 1145449 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:54PM (#39165525)

        Are you trying to say ignorance of foreign issues and jingoism isn't a the best way to form opinions on international matters? You're such a communist.

        • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

          As if the population in other countries don't actually make decisions in exactly the same way.

          • To a certain extent that's true. However, the US raises it to high art...
            • Re: (Score:1, Informative)

              by Anonymous Coward

              On the other hand, few Europeans can place and name all 50 American states as well as their capitals, yet they somehow feel Americans should be able to do this for Europe. They don't realise that the pride they take in keeping track of what happens in Germany when they live in Spain is just like an American reading news about the state next over.

              • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

                by Anonymous Coward

                There are only 35 (give or take one or two, I can't count) states in America.

              • Name all EU countries? No. Name the major US allies and trading partners and their categories, yes. US states? Sure, any EU citizen can name all of the ones that are constitutionally allowed to define foreign policy on their own...
              • Few Americans can place and name all 50 American states as well as their capitals. If Europeans can name even a fourth of them they're doing better than a good many Americans. Ask them about Europe and they'll say things like "that's in England right?"
      • by PolygamousRanchKid ( 1290638 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:58PM (#39165557)

        What's even more interesting, is how little interest our politicians have in us.

        As opposed to their own careers and their paymasters.

      • by apt142 ( 574425 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:02PM (#39165589) Homepage Journal

        I blame this on only having two political parties. Since each party only really has one competitor, it boils down to us versus them rhetoric.

        With a viable third or fourth party, I think we'd see less "that party wants to eat your children" attacks and more stands on what they believe in. Because it's much harder to go on the attack against two or three opponents, the merits of a particular stance would have to take center stage or least get out of the back alley behind the concert where it's drinking it's cheap whiskey and crying itself to sleep.

        But, for that to happen we'd need to have less of a winner takes all approach to our election system.

        • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Hi, UK here.

          We had a third party, the Liberal Democrats.

          It all kind of went downhill when they did the exact opposite of the thing that they explicitly said that would do. [telegraph.co.uk] They pretty much do everything our highly unpopular Conservative Party tells them to. In doing so, they forfeit the tiny bit of credibility that fell to them mostly by default, after our previous highly unpopular Labour government departed.

          • Seriously? So far the Liberal Democrats, with about 30% of the popular vote and about 20% of the seats in Parliament have achieved about 70% of their manifesto pledges. And yet somehow the press lambasts them for not achieving everything. Meanwhile, no one complains at the number of election pledges that Tories have broken...
            • by manicb ( 1633645 )

              UK student here. If the tuition fees U-turn was simply a party "manifesto pledge" that they had to compromise on, that would be acceptable. Painful, but acceptable. This defence that "you can't expect us to achieve everything we want to if we don't win" is a straw man used to deflect valid criticism. The NUS pledge was a personal pledge written in unambiguous language and signed by every subsequently-elected Liberal Democrat MP.

              “I pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative.”

              They can't reasonably claim to have been tricked into agreeing to this, and the

        • by SeaFox ( 739806 )

          I blame this on only having two political parties. Since each party only really has one competitor, it boils down to us versus them rhetoric.

          Kind of like our ISP situation, then?

        • I completely agree. I find two party systems encourage going negative. It doesn't matter how bad you make yourself look when attacking the other party, as long as you make them look worse.

      • Perhaps it's because we really have no actual sway over it anymore. The government has become so detached from its citizens that it makes it very hard to participate in it outside of your local community without a boatload of money.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      they were very curious how we could have elected Bush II twice

      Because the alternatives were Al Gore and John Kerry.

    • by Leafheart ( 1120885 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:10PM (#39165651)

      I can only speak for me, but I wage that it helps to a lot of other Brazilians. Your politics reflect on ours.

      Recently, one of our center-right parties renamed themselves Democrats (yeah, you read right, center-right) and have tried to mirror the Democrats politics here. And even without taken them into considerations, a lot of politics and companies keep an eye on what is going on there to try to mirror it on national legislation. Thing about things like SOPA, had it passed, there would be a hard push to implement similar language here. So your politics directly influence ours indirectly. And also directly.

      Let's say for example that Grinch becomes president and he works on his campaign promise to invade Iran. Suddenly it is a new Middle East war and again we are thrown on the Iraq war cycle of problems on the international scales. So yeah, we need to pay lots of attentions to your politics.

    • Interesting how much of the world is interested in our politics.
      Several years ago, I was walking around Porvoo, Finland, taking pictures. I talked to a few teenagers doing skateboard tricks. In their perfect English, they were very curious how we could have elected Bush II twice. It's all they wanted to talk about.

      They were probably interested because it directly impacts them. It's something I think our politicians don't think about enough. If we decide to go start a few wars around the world we bring all of our allies with us whether they like it or not.

    • by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:33PM (#39165857) Homepage Journal

      If your government and corporations didn't interfere with the rest of the world's nations, believe me, we wouldn't give a shit about American politics.

    • by Charliemopps ( 1157495 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @02:35PM (#39165871)
      Did you point out that we're only give 2 choices every 4 years and those 2 choices are usually almost identical?
    • Interesting how much of the world is interested in our politics.
      Several years ago, I was walking around Porvoo, Finland, taking pictures. I talked to a few teenagers doing skateboard tricks. In their perfect English, they were very curious how we could have elected Bush II twice. It's all they wanted to talk about.

      I thought Bush was only actually elected once, for his second term... (As a non-American, I can't complain about his presidency too much, as his decisions made my country's economy much stronger by comparison.)

      Same thing when I was living in South Korea. So much attention is paid to American politics. There were massive protests in the streets during August's protest season over some American policy.

      I find it odd how defensive Americans get when we talk about their politics. Just because you happen live

    • by Idimmu Xul ( 204345 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @03:25PM (#39166195) Homepage Journal

      Seriously, it's a form of voyeurism for a lot of us non-Americans. How badly can you fuck things up this week? Tune in 24/7 for as much as you can read!

      The really scary thing is watching our own governments follow your mistakes after :(

    • On vacation in India I met 2 Norwegians and a Dutch guy that were on holiday from working in Dubai. (Oil). They were very interested as well. They were actually super freaked out about Palin being on the ballot (this was 2 weeks before the election). The best thing I could do was just talk about America, while they sort of understood US politics, they really didn't have any idea how non homogenous the US was in terms of everything. I also had to explain how large and spread out.

    • by alonsoac ( 180192 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @04:14PM (#39166503) Homepage Journal

      Part of this is because of the influence the U.S. has on our countries. I guess we need to keep an eye always looking at you to know if you are planning to sign a free trade agreement with us, change the amount of monetary aid you send our way, pass some law that makes us outlaws, try to change our style of government or just bomb us. You have the power to change our lives maybe more than even we do.

      • Yea, and it seems like more and more our government is spending our tax money changing the lives of others instead of our own people. Why can't we improve our bridges and schools rather than build them for our new found "allies" after bombing their previous government into submission?

    • Well of course. What happens in the USA effects us all.

      Whether it's
      financials. Dollar fund routing going througj the usa,
      Who's going to be bombed next,
      Technological developments,
      The influence of usa tv,
      what's happening with the internet ivluding riaa, dns and new standards...

      So while it's not everything, many things are USA led. There's so much reach from the usa the whole world is effected and cannot escape. Is venezuela a notable exception? Iran?

      Some of that is natural dominance (silicone val

    • by TheLink ( 130905 )

      Why should it be surprising?
      1) The USA is the most powerful country in the world, has nukes, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, etc.
      2) Of the world's total military spending the USA is 43%, China at second place is 7.3%[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures [wikipedia.org]
      3) The USA is one of the few countries in the world that regularly exerts significant military, covert and political influence on other countries, including countries far from its borders. Sometimes for good reaso

    • Have you ever thought that it's because "your politics" influence the whole world in very relevant ways? Specially considering the warmongering attitude and the very real ability to see it through.

  • Apparently a commenter added that Obama could, and should, be a member of the communist party. It would be fun to see fox news take that and run with it.
    • by sdw ( 6809 )

      Would he be eligible to run for Premier?
      This could have some possibilities in 4 years...

      • by zill ( 1690130 )
        In case you didn't know, he was referring to the Communist Party USA, not the CCP.
  • 500 is a lame limit (Score:5, Interesting)

    by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:49PM (#39165477) Homepage Journal

    (it's per post though).

    pretty nice way of "occopying" something though. one comment explaining something..

    We have no chance to occupy our president Hu. He hates Internet and has no account on any sns website, so we can just occupy Obama, forgive us.

  • Brazilians use Orkut, Chinese use Google+. Good for them, but great for everybody else -- we just continue not using Orkut or Google+.
  • Not surprised. (Score:5, Informative)

    by pushing-robot ( 1037830 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:51PM (#39165507)

    I seem to recall plenty of people milling about when the Berlin wall came down. When you give people access to something formerly restricted, plenty of people will show up just to say they were there.

    The Internet will be an interesting place on the day the "Great Firewall" finally gets shut down for good.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 26, 2012 @01:58PM (#39165561)

    I feel solidarity with these chinese people who wrote to Obama just to say "we need freedom"... (This theme is also relevant to me as I was born in another totalitarian regime, the soviet one, a year before it broke; now we still have to build our country and resurrect its culture, persisting against all the pro-soviet-russian forces (i'm from Ukraine.)

  • Somehow, I imagined about 3,000 posts telling Obama where he can get "cheapest WoW goldz and Diablo III beta invites with special pet!" and lots of replies like "ni hao" and such.

    I was very disappointed in not seeing those.
  • I'm far more interested in why G+ has been unblocked, while FB/Twitter/etc. are still firewalled. Did the Chinese gov't realize every post having a real / potentially verified name attached is more convenient than the site being inaccessible?

  • by NicknamesAreStupid ( 1040118 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @03:34PM (#39166259)
    Force choices onto the electorate and make those choices bad. Many will quickly grow cynical and weary, finally giving up on the process. That leaves the few to rule, using the 'elected leaders' as front men who can easily be replaced due to their lack of credibility. Of course, that would never happen here.
  • DOS (Score:4, Insightful)

    by goodmanj ( 234846 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @04:45PM (#39166671)

    Interesting. Half a billion people exercising free speech is indistinguishable from a denial-of-service attack.

    Our society and the way we structure our conversations, both on the Net and off it, aren't really equipped to deal with the problem of billions of people trying to have a conversation in the same room. We need a new way to think about mass communication in a way that doesn't cause information overload. I wonder if self-moderating systems like Slashcode are part of the answer...

  • by alienzed ( 732782 ) on Sunday February 26, 2012 @05:04PM (#39166827) Homepage
    What I find disturbing is how much money and effort is put into this 'race' to the top. If half that money or energy was put into actually making things better, the country would be in much better order. What ever happened to people doing good things without doing so in the only way that ensures THEY get credit. What we need are more "do-gooders" and less "talkers-about-doing-good".
  • I just checked. It still does not work. Part of the problem is that Google appears to only have a small allocation in P.R. China. As such most attempts to use it time out.

    Back to the point, I am still unable to access it.

He who has but four and spends five has no need for a wallet.
