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UK Government To Demand Data On Every Call, Email, and Tweet 199

judgecorp writes "The UK government is proposing a law that would require phone and Internet companies to store information on all communications, and hand it to the security services when required. The Communications Capabilities Development Programme (CCDP) abandoned by the last government is back on the table, proposed as a means to increase security, and likely to be pushed through before the Olympics in London, according to reports."
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UK Government To Demand Data On Every Call, Email, and Tweet

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  • Thank you (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 20, 2012 @09:43AM (#39099191)

    Thank you Tory Government for proving you're just as big a bunch of cunts as the others.

    • Re:Thank you (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 20, 2012 @09:53AM (#39099275)

      I wish all the old WWII guys would get in their wheel chairs, walkers, and slippers and hobble down to Parliament and scream:

      Bloody hell! What the fuck! It looks like we wasted our time and our buddies' lives fighting the Germans!

      And then flog all the PMs with their canes.

      • They'd all be wrong - there was no such war. We're at war with Eastasia, and we're friends with Eurasia. It's always been this way. You need to be reeducated.

      • by Skapare ( 16644 )

        They were not fighting the Germans. They were fighting the Nazis. It just happened to be Germans who were the largest group under Nazi control at the time. The Nazis, had they been allowed to stay in power, would be a LOT WORSE than what the UK, USA, and some other countries are currently doing to rip off people's rights. Not that it is impossible for UK and USA to get as bad as the Nazis as this certainly could happen, and is the current direction of movement. But this proposal, while a big step in th

    • The solution is only one:
      Flood them! Create that much data that they simply won't be able to keep it all.
      Only thing that is needed is some background service that logs on to fake
      facebook, email and twitter accounts and corresponds with other (also fake)
      accounts while your laptop is idle.

      Have fun sorting through the yottabytes UK gov...

      • by Neil Boekend ( 1854906 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:33AM (#39099637)
        reaction from UK government: We need a very advanced AI to sort through all that data. Let's call it Skynet.
        • We need a very advanced AI to sort through all that data. Let's call it Skynet.

          Replace 'Skynet' with 'G.C.H.Q.' and replace 'advanced AI' with 'tonnes of data entry work', and you're not too far off.....

        • Simpler reaction: make this illegal. If you do this you're with the terrorists/child molesters. Case closed.
          • by Phrogman ( 80473 )

            No thats up here in Canada. We are taking our lead from the UK and US mind you, the Harper Regime is all about removing personal privacy these days.

            • Fuck privacy, this inches towards a freedom of speech restriction!

              I always thought that Canadians had an open minded government...

              • We did. Then the country's collection of social conservatives, conned fiscal conservatives, single-issue voters, and gullible people managed to get the Conservative party (formerly the Reform party) into a majority government.

      • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

        by Anonymous Coward

        How will you know that you've succeeded in overwhelming them?

        How will you stop the bastards from stealing an ever-increasing portion of your income in order to upgrade their surveillance infrastructure to cope with the traffic?

        How will this deter unscrupulous, complicit telecomms vendors from creating increasingly efficient and intrusive forms of spy gear to meet the demand?

        Technological workarounds -- Tor, PGP, and all the rest -- are important, but they're only stopgaps. This needs to be stopped at its s

      • At that point they find something in your fake data that could be construed as incriminating in some small way, start an investigation that does nothing more than point out all the fake data you have created, then they can charge your with falsifying evidence, wasting police time, and possibly a few other odds and ends.
        • by gknoy ( 899301 )

          How is it falsifying evidence? You're not generating false data ... about the data you generate. You're just generating useless data that no one in their right mind would care about. "Your honor, I am part of BardTweets, a non profit organization of Shalespeare Fans. We tweet all Shakespeare, all the time."

          • Lying to cops is a crime. If they're investigating you, your false data will be considered lying to the cops. Three or four test cases by J Random Eagerbeaver Prosecutor will establish this, just like half the 'laws' get established. It's called precidence, and it makes up a humongous amount of English and American common law.

            Everything not forbidden is manditory. Welcome to Utopia.
            • btw, its been tested in court (in the US) and its PERFECTLY LEGAL and FINE for cops to lie to citizens.

              but don't dare lie TO a cop.

              we have such a nice balanced world, don't we?

              (cries a little)

              • Why are you so surprised? Didn't you know that THE COPS are the single incorruptible, law abiding species in the whole universe?

                Take this Terrorist into prison now!

          • They found evidence that there was need for an investigation. That evidence turn out to not be true, i.e. the evidence was false (they don't recognise truth as a tristate (true-evidence/false-evidence/not-real-so-not-evidence-either-way), so if it isn't true it is false). You created that false evidence. Therefore you created false evidence, that the authorities then acted on either because it was brought to their attention for some reason or it was spotted as part of a search for something else (or just ra
      • Coming next: The National Bandwidth Preservation Act, making it a terrorist crime to use more than X gigs per month, and for intentionally adding noise to the national security logs.

      • So all those people who annoy me with their senseless conversations in the train are actually doing a good thing?
        • Actually they are doing you a favor!
          Next time you see them don't forget to thank them.
          As for the annoyance just invest in some decent noise canceling headphones and you will be fine.

      • grep huge_database mp3

    • George Orwell - Animal Farm. Tells you a great deal about human nature and its response to power. All power corrupts, and unless you have functional reins and limits on those who are given power, it becomes, over time, ever more of a tyranny. Alas.

    • And just as stupid. I'm pretty sure real terrorists don't transfer information that is not encrypted to military levels.

      Sure....your low end terrorist wannabees will chat on facebook believing they're safe...but they're the types that will probably find something more interesting to do in a matter of days. At worst, they'll blow off their own fingers accidentally while trying to get it right.

      Meanwhile, will force ISPs to up prices to afford recording data for them - recording this data is hideously e

  • by Rogerborg ( 306625 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @09:44AM (#39099211) Homepage

    When they were in opposition?

    I guess whether it looks like a good idea or not largely depends on whether you're the one choosing the "preferred bidders". And thinking about your post-political career.

    • by Grumbleduke ( 789126 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:04AM (#39099383) Journal

      That's a side effect of two-party/adversarial politics. The party in power only opposes stuff because they see it as their job to. If the current government proposed a law outlawing the mistreatment of kittens Labour would probably find an angle to argue against it. It's because party politics isn't about serving the people any more (if it ever was), it's about beating the other party at the next election, and that means scoring points wherever possible.

      The only thing more depressing than a situation where one side opposes the exact same thing they supported when on the other side of the chamber, is when both sides agree on something, and it gets rushed through without any of the issues being examined.

      • Sad thing is you can argue against pretty much any good idea by saying there's not enough money to fund enforcement of it.

        At least you can use the same argument against bad ideas fairly effectively too. But this is the main reason even good ideas rarely make it into law.

  • Oh noes! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by AngryDeuce ( 2205124 )
  • by hcs_$reboot ( 1536101 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @09:58AM (#39099333)
    But I'm afraid they won't remove that law after the Olympics.
    • by sakdoctor ( 1087155 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:39AM (#39099687) Homepage

      The threat of terrorism is a lame excuse for mass surveillance.
      Copyright protection is a lame excuse for mass surveillance.
      Child porn is a lame excuse for mass surveillance.

      The Olympics!? They're not even trying any more.

      • If you don't support this surveillance, you stand with the terrorists and child pornographers who want to keep the children from watching the Olympics!

      • by equex ( 747231 )
        Do not underestimate the value of a sports program on TV to Joe Sixpack. It's what, 2 weeks of 24/7 sports? Most people I know would sign away their worldly possessions (except TV and fridge) to see that.
  • by ACK!! ( 10229 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:08AM (#39099435) Journal
    I remember a conversation between my wife a naturalized US citizen and her kin from the UK about security and who cares how much they know as long as you have nothing to hide. It is amazing and sad but a vision into our future. There is a whole series of reports and exposes in the British press a few months ago about how the presence of all the cameras and surveillance tactics have done nothing to make the country any safer. It is basically a giant scam to sell products to the UK government but .... now it is entrenched. Oh well this is how freedom ends right ? With thunderous applause?
  • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:10AM (#39099455)

    "The project appears to have been resurrected over fears of a terrorist attack at this summer’s Olympic Games in London and security services’ inability to track terrorist’s communication over the internet. The government has already pledged ‘unprecedented levels’ of cyber security for the event."

    And they're right! Once the Anonymous take down their systems, they will be completely secure. A malfunctioning web site has never exploited anyone's browser.

  • Hmm, only one letter away from CCCP...
    • AKA the Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik AKA the Soviet Union.

      (CCCP is the acronym for the Cyrillic spelling. My attempt to copy/paste that failed)

      • Overexplained the joke.

        My steampunk styled nixie die uses chips of a design so old, the datasheet has the CCCP symbol on. I like to brag that it is made with genuine Soviet engineering. This is half-true: The chips are actually manufactured more recently, but the mask was designed by Soviet engineers.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:37AM (#39099675)

    Governments will never stop seeking more and more power over individuals. Corporations will always serve the will of their plutocrat masters.

    Anonymity is the ONLY effective defense against power, that is why powerful interests do everything they can to eliminate it.

    "The People" who aren't in either of those camps need a means of anonymous, distributed, communication that is outside of anyone's control.

    Imagine a box anyone with a little electrical knowledge can wire into a hot outlet. Or a solar powered "wifi grenade" that can be thrown on a roof to make a node in the mesh and last until someone finds it. Set these up to connect to existing hotspots to piggyback on the "plutocrat" internet. Configure them to be low noise enough that they are difficult to distinguish from regular traffic. Add a little onboard storage and files can be "cloud stored" and impossible to remove.

    We are coming to a crossroads. The future will be either the one of the boot stomping on the face like 1984, or one where the evil men who seek power are constantly frustrated by freedom loving individuals who have a greater understanding of technology.

  • by Khashishi ( 775369 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @10:43AM (#39099717) Journal

    encrypt your phone calls, email, everything

    • The thing about encryption is that you have to convince the other party that it's a good idea too.

      Some people (your friends, family) may decide it's easier to just not talk to you any more.
    • Can only help so much if your government does not recognize individual rights. If the government went around raping dogs you could devise a sort of chastity belt for yours, but that's not really addressing the problem.
    • Sensible idea, but in the UK you can be forced to tell the court your password. So if you were ever accused of something they could get the private keys of everybody in your address book and decode all your past traffic.

      Anyway, they can't store that much data, and they are not actually proposing to: "databases would not record the content of the customerâ(TM)s communications but would store the numbers and email addresses of the sender and the recipient and [...] Facebook communications".

      So really

  • ... or perhaps just mutiny?
  • should be "Dump your Member of Parliament."

    Don't just complain about it. Run for Parliament and throw the corrupt government out. Shut down the program.

    Unfortunately you won't be able to penalize companies for cooperating with the law. But you may be able to prove corruption of your current MPs and lock them the hell up for taking or soliciting bribes.

    • Like most such spin, it makes much more sense if you turn it around. In this case, a neocon saying, "We hate our own people for their freedoms" makes a heck of a lot more sense.

  • CCDP vs CCCP. So close. (CCCP was better known in the west as the USSR, you can see it on aircraft and cosmonauts)

  • When the topic was related to Facebook's storage of user information, there was all this talk about the EU's "right to be forgotten" and how Facebook was violating this "right". Apparently this protection doesn't extend to the government.
  • The only way you'll get any info on my emails is by packet sniffing. Even then, some of them are TLS-encrypted.
  • by 3seas ( 184403 ) on Monday February 20, 2012 @02:06PM (#39101789) Homepage Journal

    how about we make all communications of public funded government, public....

  • Is it related to this []?

Good day to avoid cops. Crawl to work.
