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Microsoft Pays $44 Million To Samsung and Nokia For Mango Marketing 147

CSHARP123 writes "Ballmer opened up the company's coffers to Nokia and Samsung for a holiday blitz of Mango marketing. Hold onto your hats though, it's no carte blanche access to Redmond's Gringotts. According to a report on Mobile Magazine, inside sources claim MS has set aside £28 million (about $44 million) for the endeavor, with about £20 million of that reserved for Nokia's first Windows Phone 7.5 handset. This joint marketing effort is reportedly a broader extension of the cooperative agreements all parties agreed to, ensuring future WP devices get the media saturation they deserve. Samsung is also due to unveil a major Christmas ad push for the Omnia W with an estimated £8m spend. Maybe this is what Samsung gets for making a deal on patents to cover Android OS? Not a bad deal for Samsung."
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Microsoft Pays $44 Million To Samsung and Nokia For Mango Marketing

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  • Wow, so they gave a million bucks to every WP7 user?

    That's like a spam come true!

  • Microsoft strategy (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Emetophobe ( 878584 ) on Sunday October 16, 2011 @05:42PM (#37733722)

    Step 1. Collect patent royalties from every Android device that Samsung sells
    Step 2. Turn around and give that money back to Samsung to push Windows Phone 7
    Step 3. ???
    Step 4. Profit

    • The usual version of that meme omits a step 2. The problem is, there is no missing Step 3 in your example, because Steps 1 and 2 successfully siphon money away from Android to WP7 marketing. Whether that will translate into actual market success remains iffy, but the fact is, they've got a nice little racket going there.
      • by Locutus ( 9039 )
        isn't it usually such that vendors are paid to ship Microsoft product instead of what they had been shipping? And with all the money kicked in for putting up Windows logo's and icons( marketing kick backs ) they don't even need to sell many Microsoft devices just fewer of the competitors devices.

        SOP for Microsoft and what they call competing. They did it back in the DOS days, they did it in the Netscape days, they'll be continue to do it as long as they've got the profits from Windows streaming in to afford
    • Microsoft does not care about Step 4. It is Step 5 that you need to worry about.
  • So basically they milk money from Samsung for using Android but then bribe them into pushing WP7 by giving some of that money back? Would not make sense to at least tell them they don't have to pay the fee if they promote WP7 or is it that MS realises WP7 is going to tank and still wants that Android money.
  • I think of Mango on SNL []

  • by ppanon ( 16583 ) on Sunday October 16, 2011 @06:15PM (#37733884) Homepage Journal
    I was setting up an Internet/Wi-Fi router for a friend this weekend to replace an old flaky DLINK, and I set it up with a hidden SSID as well as a moderately secure WAP2 PSK. Then I reconnected all their devices to the new setup WiFi access point (laptops, iPod, BlackBerry, my Android phone). All except for the phone running Microsoft Windows Phone 7, because apparently there is no way to specify an unadvertised SSID in WP7. Not even if you turn on advertising the SSID, connect the phone, a disable SSID advertising again. That might not be an issue for some people who don't run unadvertised Wifi at home or work, but I wouldn't want to invest in software that encourages less secure configurations.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 16, 2011 @06:21PM (#37733926)

      1. Not broadcasting SSID is a false sense of security. Anyone sniffing will see your SSID since it's not encrypted.
      2. WP7.5 allows you to specify a SSID

      • 1. Not broadcasting SSID is a false sense of security. Anyone sniffing will see your SSID since it's not encrypted.
        Or you do not need to do that.

        2. WP7.5 allows you to specify a SSID
        A company that has been making smartphones with wifi longer than Apple, RIM, and Google put that feature in their latest update!

        Mango doesn't seem bad but really Microsoft you have no excuse for not being the best out of the gate as this time. You are the worlds largest software company and have been in this market for a long ti

    • essid_jack and similar tools will find out that SSID in a few seconds; it just has to deauth some client and let it reconnect, exposing the SSID in plain text. Not that that excuses the flaw in the phone, of course.

      • Yes, but my neighbors' 12 year old doesn't know that....

        • But he can't crack the WPA password either, so SSID hiding is useless. It's like putting a small wooden fence around a 40 feet reinforced concrete wall.

          • It's more like putting your tent behind a duck blind, instead of a small wooden fence. If they don't realize it's there, they won't start scheming how to get in. With the resources available, they can get it, but they won't even try if they're not made aware it's there. Security through obscurity, has protected me and my property while living in a bad part of Miami for over 15 years.

            • You do know that networks with the hidden SSID still broadcast tons of beacon frames, right? Many devices still show them.

              And unlike a duck blind, hiding your SSID is dangerous to you if you configure your device(s) to connect automatically to it, since they'll constantly broadcast it and in a public space anyone can spoof a SSID using a laptop and MITM you.

              • by ppanon ( 16583 )

                Of course many computers with built-in wi-fi, from Dell laptops to Android devices, have tools for easily disabling/powering off the wi-fi antenna. It's a physical switch on Dell Latitudes and an easy drop down from the notification bar on my Samsung Galaxy (and widgets are easy to get for other Android phones). Thus you can easily power down the wi-fi antenna and support chips when you're not using them. I do the same with the GPS unless I'm actually needing it for finding something.

                It means longer batter

    • Why would you disable SSID advertising?

      • by kanto ( 1851816 )

        Why would you disable SSID advertising?

        For me it's the fact that it keeps transmitting a "Hello World!" for no practical reason, guess I'm just old fashioned; I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling of safety because it's disabled, for that I have a ridiculously long and complicated password.

        • There is a reason for transmitting a "Hello World!" from the AC powered AP: It results in less battery drain on the portable devices (phones, tablets, laptops) that want to connect to the AP. That is, it requires more effort (aka battery power) on the part of the portable device to find a hidden AP than to find a non-hidden AP.

    • 5) Hidden SSID Support in Windows Phone 7.5
      Windows Phone 7.5 now supports hidden SSID, which is the ability to connect WP7.5 devices to a wireless network that is not broadcasting its SSID. But this new feature is dependent on the chipset and drivers of the device, he says, so it's not available on current WP7 devices. It could be available on new WP7.5 hardware in the future, though, according to Bryan

      Bryan also notes that "[s]ome organizations use SSID so as not to broadcast their wireless network informa

  • Microsoft spends O(billions) on advertising. $44M on a single product that needs help with traction sounds kind of light, actually.

  • OFFS what is it about fruit? Mangos, Apples, Lemons...

  • Guys finally when you get to doing the "Will it blend?" test on Mango, please use some yogurt too, and make a Mango Lassi.
  • Widespread depictions of Chris Kattan in gold Lamé hot pants, slapping his gluteus.

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