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Education Cellphones Privacy United Kingdom News

UK Schools Consider Searching Pupils' Smartphones 283

An anonymous reader writes "What right to privacy do school pupils have on their mobile phones? UK education officials are considering ways to clamp down on cyber-bullying and classroom disruption by allowing teachers to search and delete content from student handsets if it is deemed unsuitable. However, questions remain whether such a move would give teachers too much power and infringe on student rights."
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UK Schools Consider Searching Pupils' Smartphones

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  • by fuzzyfuzzyfungus ( 1223518 ) on Monday March 07, 2011 @07:13PM (#35412848) Journal
    On the one hand, a proposal to allow teachers to search smartphones is an expansion of the invasive-yet-dubiously-competent surveillance state. Therefore, our limey friends on airstrip one have an obligation to adopt it, it's in their national character or something.

    On the other hand, such a proposal will, almost certainly, provide teachers with a supply of kiddie porn, thus abetting the paedophile menace, perhaps the only thing that your average Daily Mail reader fears and loathes more than immigrants on the dole...

    How will they decide this one?
  • Re:Sigh (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Nikker ( 749551 ) on Monday March 07, 2011 @09:14PM (#35414236)
    You can predict the mental out come Johnny in either situation and that seems to be where we are falling short. By treating Johnny as a slighted traumatized victim before he himself has had a chance to reconcile the situation is what is getting us into this sheep culture to begin with. The reality is there will always be aggression between children as well as adults but indoctrinating a victim mindset is the worst possible method since it effectively eliminates the potential for the person being attacked to attain a positive state on their own and if that fails then intervene.

    All in all neither of you are correct because both of you make predictions based on outcomes that could go either way or neither but recommend or endorse solutions for your one outcome alone.

After an instrument has been assembled, extra components will be found on the bench.
