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Lawyers Close Up Renegade Olga 9

jjv411 writes "Anyone who plays guitar should note that RenedageOlga has shut down the TAB listings on its website. This is a huge inconveniece for me. Anyone else have any thoughts?" Guitar tab archives seem to have a very short half-life on today's internet.
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Lawyers Close Up Renegade Olga

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  • sounds like the kind of work freenet was built for. Maybe one of the two people that have ever used freenet will put it on there.
  • Note: That link is to actually to
  • But I'm afraid that if I post it on /., it will get shut down, too.

    Oh well, at least there's Usenet.


  • Point your browsers at:


  • shit.


  • okay, so i'm just retarted.


  • TAB like MP3's are not going to go away because some yutz shut down one OLGA site. There are loads of OLGA mirrors and folks who have saved every TAB they ever got their grubbies on. It was the same many years ago when Olga first got in trouble from the recording industry greedhead$ but if anything it got bigger after it's obituary.
  • First of all, OLGA still seems to be working fine. Second of all, as others have pointed out, there are mirrors. And lastly, I think it has become a great shame that so many guitar players rely so heavily on tablature. Maybe if it ever does get closed, it will give people an incentive to start learning more songs by ear! After all, music is all about the ear, and not how to look at numbers on a screen. What's even worse, it's a VERY simplified notation, without timing. I imagine that the large number of people who have know idea how rhythm works is due partially to this.

No problem is so formidable that you can't just walk away from it. -- C. Schulz
