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Yahoo! Bans "Allah" in Screen Names 1072

szembek writes "According to The Register it seems that Yahoo! is banning the use of the string "Allah" in all screen names. The issue apparently became apparent when Linda Callahan attempted to use her surname in her screen name. The following link has an interesting list of terms that Yahoo does allow, and ones they don't."
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Yahoo! Bans "Allah" in Screen Names

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  • by AllPowerToAllah ( 956167 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:01AM (#14768085)
    ...slashdot hasn't!
  • Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by raider_red ( 156642 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:03AM (#14768107) Journal
    Is apparently allowed though.
    • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Ubergrendle ( 531719 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:12AM (#14768207) Journal
      On the whole, Christians don't threaten death to company executives or members of the press if they disagree with their opinions. Jews, Christains, Atheists...there's lots of wackos amongst those groups, but in the last few decades radical islam wins hands down for self-righteous violence and terror.

      Make no mistake -- Yahoo is behaving cowardly in this instance. This has nothing to do with respecting other cultures, and all about avoiding undue attention to the corporate entity. Clearly in this case, terrorism has be effective.
      • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:20AM (#14768294)

        A theological perspective [] on the difference.
      • Clearly in this case, terrorism has been effective.

        Terrorism is effective- and market-based economics IS HIGHLY COWARDLY. The proper response to terrorism isn't self-censorship- it's more and bigger terrorism. You find out what the terrorists care about and you take that away as spectacularly and explosively as possible. Then it's up to them to decide whether they want more terrorism or to take the cowardly stance.
        • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Xiaran ( 836924 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @12:00PM (#14768696)
          However ignoring demands and dealy harshly with the IRA would seem to contradict what you are saying here. What really started working with the IRA was discussion and resolution(after Maggie "we do not deal with terrorists" Thatcher left). It hasnt been always smooth and a perfect prcess... but there are a lot less bombs going off in London these days. And offshoot nutter(ie The Real IRA) seem to be geting stamped out(I suspect by the actual real IRA combined with law enforment).

          Im not suggesting that this is always the way to go. However I think it would be a more positive step to allow some other hope for people who firmly beleive that their only option to fight back is to wire exoplosives to themselves and walk into crowed cafes or crash airliners into large, occupied skyscrapers. There will always be nutter prepared to do this for their cause... but the nutters need a support network. A support network involves money and people. The IRA got into trouble when their US fundign started drying up. But there were still nutter to blow stuff up. Its because the animosity and hatred become an instituion. Its viewed as a good thing to hate the english/americans/whoever.

          I should disclaim that I am half Irish and my mother was born in Belfast. She left when she was 6 but was raised in a firm republican family(my grandmother was buried with the flag of the Republic. Her sister was killed and her brother maimed by a pub bomb. My great grandmother ran a safe house and stored guns for the IRA against the blacks and tans during the civil war). For many years my mother would not become a citizen of Australia as it would involve swearing an oath to the queen. She had no rational reason to hate the english, and she is not a bad person, but she did. It was ingrained that deeply from a distance of thousands of miles from The Troubles. Later in life she realised this... and became a citizen. Ive witnessed levels ranging from dislike to hatred for the other side. Of course its a lot less these days. I wouldnt say that I understand where a young palistinian young is coming from... I obviously can not... but I know something about irrational disputes that get ingrained in people... and in families.
          • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

            by bheer ( 633842 )
            > However ignoring demands and dealy harshly with the IRA would seem to contradict what you are saying here.

            Talks with the IRA were a lot more effective because of the sustained campaign. Bad cop/Good cop works, but you've got to do the Bad Cop routine first otherwise the Good Cop finds out nothing.

            Also, the tactics Islamic terrorists use make the IRA (who routeinely warned the police to evacuate before the bomb went off) look like newborn kittens. Sorry to bust your Irish pride.

            And the other problem is
          • Im not suggesting that this is always the way to go. However I think it would be a more positive step to allow some other hope for people who firmly beleive that their only option to fight back is to wire exoplosives to themselves and walk into crowed cafes or crash airliners into large, occupied skyscrapers. There will always be nutter prepared to do this for their cause... but the nutters need a support network. A support network involves money and people. The IRA got into trouble when their US fundign st
          • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Deliveranc3 ( 629997 ) <> on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @02:30PM (#14770150) Journal
            Agreed some of the issues involved here are totally bizarre.

            Like not being allowed to see or hear ossama's messages, we know they're out there but no where can you find them subtitled or dubbed or directly translated in any way.

            All you get are summaries from the news, holy crap the public doesn't know anything about why he's upset and no one has gotten upset?

            They actually got the most recent one on the net and in it he was talking about being denyed the option of peace talks... super.
      • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

        by LWATCDR ( 28044 )
        You have a point. Islamic people have every right to be upset, angry, and to peaceful protest and or boycott groups that they feel violate their beliefs. It is no different than the people that rant about Fox news and refuse to watch it or get one of the Fox news blockers. When they cross the line to violence then they go too far.

        I am a christian and go to church every Sunday. So I will set the record straight. There are at least a few "Christians" that would threaten the same kind of violence as these Isla
        • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Plunky ( 929104 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @12:06PM (#14768765)
          I am a christian and go to church every Sunday. So I will set the record straight. There are at least a few "Christians" that would threaten the same kind of violence as these Islamic extremists. Thankfully the seem to be a lot fewer of them.

          Clearly this is not true. You can buy T-Shirts with pictures of Jesus on them in all sorts of poses, there are millions of Jesus jokes. South Park (I just heard on the radio) has an episode called 'Bloody Mary' that appears to be parodying his mother. Where are these "Christian" extremists exactly, and whose embassies are they burning?

          • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Troed ( 102527 )
            You need to meet the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. link []

            In particular, the LRA abducted numerous children and, at clandestine bases, terrorized them into virtual slavery as guards, concubines, and soldiers. In addition to being beaten, raped, and forced to march until exhausted, abducted children were forced to participate in the killing of other children who had attempted to escape.


            The LRA rebels say they are fighting for the establishment of a government based on the biblical Ten Commandments

            • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Informative)

              by broter ( 72865 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @02:09PM (#14769967) Homepage Journal
              can someone please tell him it's the same god ... ?

              No we can't, because they arent the same and never have been. The Muslim god, Allah, is based off of a member of the local pantheon at the time their prophet. The Christian god is a bastardization of the Hebrew god which is the result of a Monotheistic push from a violence minority starting roughly around the time of the biblical exodus. Some theorise that is was the result of the Egyptian cult of Aton, started by Akhenaton, that drove a murderous sect of Judeism (see Mose's responce to the Hebrews' rejection of his 10 commandments) to become Monotheistic.

              So you see, there's good evidence that, although they all hold the same philosophy on rigorism, the various branches of monotheism are only related by their violent means of enforcing believe (whether used internally or externally)

              But your milage may vary.

              • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Informative)

                by mrops ( 927562 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @02:16PM (#14770033)
                Ok... So far have only seen non-muslim point of view... If you do know about islam... it is the same god because islam says Both Jesus (know as Isa in Islam)... moses (know as Musa) and Abraham (Ibrahim), david (dawood), john (jahn), Joseph(yusuf).... were all messengers of the same god.... The god of Mohammad... So again... depends how you look at it.. Based on Islam... they are all same god. And then... Whats in a name, rose by.....
            • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

              by mortonda ( 5175 )
              can someone please tell him it's the same god

              Um, it's not. Depending on which part of the koran you read, Islam can be sightly polytheistic, and "Allah" came from the name of the "moon god". My first google search yields: this link []

              Christianity and Islam are not at all compatible.
            • The Lord's Resistance Army is a truly bizarre creolization of fundamentalist Christianity and animistic witchcraft [] much like voudon and santeria only with a lot more insane brutality mixed in. Christianity's been the excuse used by a lot of brutal warlords in the past, but I'm not sure that I'd blame Christianity for this one because this is a really, really weird offshoot of the religion.

              The LRA is truly one of the worst horrors of the modern world, and I think it's a real shame that no one with the milit
          • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

            by crabpeople ( 720852 )
            "Where are these "Christian" extremists exactly, and whose embassies are they burning?"

            Nah muslims are poor. They can afford petrol bombs and IED's. Christians on the otherhand, fund companies like lockheed martin and then bomb whole countries into submission with their weapons. Who needs to raze an embassy when you can bomb whole regions and torture the ones that survive?

        • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by pjl5602 ( 150416 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @12:08PM (#14768778) Homepage
          There are at least a few "Christians" that would threaten the same kind of violence as these Islamic extremists. Thankfully the seem to be a lot fewer of them.

          I see it a bit differently. If a nut did something violent in the name of Christianity, the vast, vast majority of Christianity would denounce the act and the practitioner. That doesn't seem to be the case with Islam. I'm not sure of the reason. Maybe they agree with the sentiment. Maybe they're scared of being targeted themselves. I'd like to think it's the latter rather than the former.

          • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Struct ( 660658 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @01:00PM (#14769305)
            I think that people are people wherever you go. It doesn't matter whether you're a Christian or a Muslim, and both religions have had their ugly moments. The key difference between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists right now is that Christain fundamentalists typically have a pretty decent quality of life, and Islamic fundamentalists don't. The Christian fundamentalists are capable of the same self-righteous rampaging as the Islamic fundamentalists, but the Christian fundamentalists have so much to lose right now, it seems unimaginable to behave that way (who can afford to burn down a building and go to jail when they're working off that second mortgage?). If you took all of the wealth in the US and Europe and handed it over to the Middle East, I have a feeling that you'd soon see an awful lot of poor, desperate, angry Christians burning flags in the street while a bunch of well-fed, well-clothed Muslim families watched from their living rooms and wondered what in the hell could possibly make those Christian lunatics so rabid.

            Fundamentalists of any religion are crazy, and poor, desperate fundamentalists of any religion are dangerous.
            • by sita ( 71217 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @05:09PM (#14771665)
              The key difference between Christian fundamentalists and Islamic fundamentalists right now is that Christain fundamentalists typically have a pretty decent quality of life, and Islamic fundamentalists don't.[...]If you took all of the wealth in the US and Europe and handed it over to the Middle East, I have a feeling that you'd soon see an awful lot of poor, desperate, angry Christians burning flags in the street while a bunch of well-fed, well-clothed Muslim families watched from their living rooms and wondered what in the hell could possibly make those Christian lunatics so rabid.

              The wealth of the US and Europe is handed over every day to the Middle East. At about $60 a barrel. Many of your top-brand islamic fundamentalists their pockets with your money. In fact, the GDP per capita of Saudi Arabia is $12900, that is 13 times that of Mali ($1000), a peaceful stable secular democracy. The Malinese are (mostly) moslem, but very nonfundamentalist. If you want a poor Christian country, there is Malawi ($700). Comparably quiet.

              No, being the haves or have nots doesn't seem to be the explanation. Try again.
      • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Tom ( 822 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:52AM (#14768613) Homepage Journal
        On the whole, Christians don't threaten death to company executives or members of the press if they disagree with their opinions.

        On the whole, muslims don't, either.
        Some fanatics, yes. But right-wing born-again christians also not only threaten but on a few occasions have actually killed abortion doctors or activists and others they dislike.

        Jews, Christains, Atheists...there's lots of wackos amongst those groups, but in the last few decades radical islam wins hands down for self-righteous violence and terror.

        Depends on
        a) how much you believe the mainstream press is reporting truth and how much you think they report whatever will make more sales
        b) how many of the people who use religion as their cover you actually consider to be religious fanatics
        c) Whether or not you take into account the prejudice and hatred against all muslims, because prejudice doesn't run through a "are you a radical?" checklist first.

      • Christians don't threaten death to company executives or members of the press if they disagree with their opinions.

        You don't know anything about US abortion clinics do you?

    • by saskboy ( 600063 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:13AM (#14768211) Homepage Journal
      I'm expecting a flood of Allah and YWHW Slashdot registrations today.

      Muhammed is said to be unimpressed with the maturity level of the average Slashdotter.
    • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by peter303 ( 12292 )
      When I first heard this name often given to Latinos, I thought it might be blasphemous, but got over that quickly. That is the greek versus of the common hebrew name. In the 1990s the hebrew name was the top ten US boys names: Joshua.
    • Re:Jesus Christ! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Cromac ( 610264 )
      Jesus Christ! Is apparently allowed though.

      Of course it is. Haven't you noticed it's perfectly Ok to insult or discriminate against Christians it's muslims who seems to feel they have some right not to be made fun of and justify going on a killing spree over a cartoon or probably a screen name eventually.

      Some Christians do talk about killing abortion doctors but very rarely actually do it. How many people were killed or injured by muslim fanatics in just the last few months? How many by christian fanat

  • Why Allah? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Physician ( 861339 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:04AM (#14768113) Homepage
    Why is the name of Allah banned while the use of the god of other religions is not? Who should feel slighted? Muslims or others?
  • This is sad. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Pantero Blanco ( 792776 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:05AM (#14768129)
    Yes, I know they're a business and can make their own rules (within some common sense boundaries), but it's still sad to see them giving in to this sort of crap. For fear or profit, I don't know, but it's still ridiculous.
  • by Hoarke42 ( 77421 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:06AM (#14768138)
    I've run into problems with my last name ("Marcum") due to the last three characters.

    It's still not as bad as Blizzard's, filtering out words like "basement".

    Ignoring the whole political issue of it, if they are going to filter a string, they should at least allow common legit strings that it is a substring of.
    • Ignoring the whole political issue of it, if they are going to filter a string, they should at least allow common legit strings that it is a substring of.

      And there's no excuse for it. I had to write filters for domain names and while it induces some complications, the proper use of regex's and lookahead assertions made it a lot easier. If you take into account that a particular string may appear within another common string, you can tease it out and compare it to the string as a whole. You have to have a

    • I ran Geeklog for my personal website. I was really surprised one day when my post ended up talking about airplane ****pits. (I'd think that anyone that can be trusted to post articles could also be posted to not post "censored" content?)

      Another time, I got really frustrated with the language filters on a forum I used to run, and set a filter to "censor" various letters of the alphabet and replace them with others. I wouldn't recommend trying this one, as it meant that all posts on the forum were complete g
  • by GeekBoy ( 10877 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:07AM (#14768150)
    Here we go again, Good thing Yahoo doesn't have embassies to torch. :)
  • by Ender_Wiggin ( 180793 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:09AM (#14768172)
    Oh all the Muslim-bashers and Islamophobes are going to come out of the woodwork.

    Let's look at the article

    Nor will Yahoo! accept yahoo, osama or binladen. But it will accept god, messiah, jesus, jehova, buddah, satan and both priest and pedophile.

    I guess Yahoo is trying to avoid the trolls and hatemongers. You can't have a screenname "I<3Osama," but you can have a name with Jesus in it. I suppose that makes sense from a certain standpoint, Jesus is a popular hispanic name (but so is Osama and Usama as a male name in the Arabic world).

    I could have iHeartJesus, but not iLoveAllah?
    • Oh all the Muslim-bashers and Islamophobes are going to come out of the woodwork

      And so will all the dhimmis [].

      I am a gay man and an atheist who has no intention of following any superstitious belief, Islam included.

      The penalty for homosexuality under Shari'a (Islamic law) is death. I learned this from a discussion I had with a muslim from

      I am also an adoptive parent. Shari'a does not recognize adoptive parents. I learned this from the same discussion.

      It is permittable for a Muslim to lie to a
    • by CyricZ ( 887944 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @12:23PM (#14768924)
      Avoiding the "trolls and hatemongers" is, like it or not, completely against the concept of freedom of expression.

      Freedom of expression very often involves ideas which many may find "offensive". That's just part of the game. To try to filter out that which is "hate" is a pathetically useless exercise, and inherently against liberty.

      Yahoo!, if not the entire Western world, must make a decision soon. Either they will have to fully support freedom of expression, or fully disregard it. Of course, disregarding it would basically mean an end to what has allowed Western civilization to progress over the past few centuries.

      This mixing of some freedom of expression here and there, if you say the "right" things, but none for people saying the "wrong" things, will only lead to strife.

      Anyone who truly supports such ideals as freedom of expression and freedom of speech must be willing to accept that there will be people who speak out against Islam. There will be people who speak out against Christianity. There will be people who speak out against fish and chips. And if you really do appreciate freedom, then you will not only accept the right of such people to make their points known, no matter how much you disagree with them, but you will actively encourage them to express themselves. That is true freedom, my friend. Self-sustaining freedom.

  • why? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by bogaboga ( 793279 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:12AM (#14768197)
    I am wondering why. IS it because they (Yahoo) "respect" Muslims and wouldn't want to "offend" their religion? We all know about the cartoon saga. For those who do not know, Allah is God in Arabic. Arabis is the language the Quaran was [originally] written in.

    Or do Yahoo fear losing revenue from Muslim countries...or do they fear a bomb?

  • Not trying to be flamebait here, but there is some serious problems with the way Yahoo! is doing business. Censoring the word "allah" on one hand but handing over journalists to the Chinese government on the other. Does anyone at Yahoo! have a friggin clue?

  • Sad, really (Score:5, Insightful)

    by a_nonamiss ( 743253 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:15AM (#14768242)
    I read this article yesterday, and it's sad, really, that is allowed, but is not. It's an example of an idea that probably started as a noble concern. (I would imagine that someone tried to sign up for in order to troll on a forum somewhere.) But in the processm you come up with something that is really unsolvable. The solution here seems to be that you ban the 7 naughty words (as determined by the FCC) throw in a couple obvious ones (administrator, security, etc.) and leave it at that. If you try to ban certain words, there is way too much grey area. Do you ban the word breast? How about the Yahoo ID breastcancerawareness or chickenbreast? There are just a few areas in life where a couple simple rules won't solve the problem. I am well aware that even banning the 7 naughty words isn't enough, (I could sign up for, and people would understand what I'm getting at.) but that's really as far as you can take it.
  • by Rob T Firefly ( 844560 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:15AM (#14768243) Homepage Journal
    This is NOT your personal war! Those people have rights!
    • This (Score:3, Interesting)

      Oblig.: []

      I know what you're thinking... did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, I've kind of lost track in all the excitement myself. But seeing as this is a 44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and will probably blow your head clean off, you have to ask yourself one question... do I feel lucky?

      Life was simpler when street crooks and S.P.E.C.T.R.E. were the bad guys, and our heroes always won.

  • Terorrism works... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by toupsie ( 88295 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:16AM (#14768247) Homepage
    Sad part of Yahoo! (got to remember the exclamation point!) buckling under like most of the western media over Mohammed cartoons is that it shows to terrorists and their lackeys is that terror as a political tools works. It's not kooky right wing christians that are the biggest threat to our freedom of speech. It's fundamentalist Islam that seeks to regulate western speech with threats of violence from the middle east.
    • Sad part of Yahoo! (got to remember the exclamation point!) buckling under like most of the western media over Mohammed cartoons is that it shows to terrorists and their lackeys is that terror as a political tools works. It's not kooky right wing christians that are the biggest threat to our freedom of speech. It's fundamentalist Islam that seeks to regulate western speech with threats of violence from the middle east.

      Brilliant point.

      People do cry about the religious right, but if they had the power people
    • by Guuge ( 719028 )
      I seriously doubt that terrorist organizations consider the Yahoo screen name issue a victory. After a full day of sending lackeys out to blow themselves up, what Islamic terrorist doesn't want to kick back on Yahoo and shoot the breeze with AllahIsGreat and ILoveAllah? Now they'll have to switch to MSN.

      If Yahoo were to ban the use of "Jesus" in screen names then you'd see some outrage from those "kooky right wing christians". (It's a war on Jesus! We're all being persecuted!) People like you would blame
      • by toupsie ( 88295 )
        I seriously doubt that terrorist organizations consider the Yahoo screen name issue a victory. After a full day of sending lackeys out to blow themselves up, what Islamic terrorist doesn't want to kick back on Yahoo and shoot the breeze with AllahIsGreat and ILoveAllah? Now they'll have to switch to MSN.

        I think you are missing the point. Yahoo! is making a business decision based on a perceived risk that if they do not capitulate to the whims of fundamentalist Muslims, they will invite threats to their bu

  • by clickety6 ( 141178 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:16AM (#14768248)
    .. she doesn't live in Scunthorpe as well...

  • Reminds me of AOL... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Iphtashu Fitz ( 263795 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @11:23AM (#14768323)
    ...when they banned the term "breast" in all their forums in an a misguided attempt to keep their service as family-friendly as possible. The result was that all the members of a breast cancer support forum had to suddenly start referring to themselves as survivors of "hooter cancer" until AOL finally realized they had f*cked up pretty badly on this one.

    Sounds like the guy who created/designed the username filter for Yahoo was hired right out of college with little or no real-world experience, or at least no imagination whatsoever...
  • sigh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by kook44 ( 937545 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @12:02PM (#14768718)
    Is there any doubt that we have lost the war on terror? should we even bother fighting it anymore? We repeatedly show these extremist nutcases that they can get whatever it is they want by terrorizing us. Every article about these ridiculous cartoons on ends with a disclaimer: CNN has chosen not to reprint the cartoons out of repect for Islam when all I can read is CNN has chosen not to reprint the cartoons out of fear of getting firebombed proof that we have lost: Yeah, Osama may be on the run in remote areas of Pakistan & Afghanistan, but it takes me 40 mins to get through security at the airport, and I have to have my personal belongings searched to ride the subway.
    • Re:War on Terror (Score:4, Insightful)

      by vertinox ( 846076 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @01:51PM (#14769813)
      Is there any doubt that we have lost the war on terror?

      Well put it this way...

      WWII: 1941-1945
      War On Terror: 2001-2006(+)

      If we can defeat two of the most powerful nations on earth in 4 years, but can't beat a handful of men in 5 years, then we are doing pretty badly as a nation.

      If I hear the words "War On Terror" in 2011 out of a politicians mouth, I'm going to very pissed.
    • Re:sigh (Score:3, Interesting)

      by deacon ( 40533 )
      Of course we should. There is lots left to lose:




      Pork Rinds


      The current paint in the ass inconveniances are petty compared to the stoning of gays and beheading of adulterers and rape victims, which will be de rigur when sharia law is imposed.

  • TheoCrapitocracy (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Doc Ruby ( 173196 ) on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @12:54PM (#14769249) Homepage Journal
    Now we see how perfectly compatible is fascism with theocracy. Corporations will do whatever is necessary to enforce religious laws to protect their profits. When the international currency, oil, is controlled by theocrats (Christian, Muslim or otherwise makes little difference), corporate lawmakers will enact those laws, or enforce them privately.
  • by merc ( 115854 ) <> on Tuesday February 21, 2006 @01:27PM (#14769564) Homepage
    Does this mean that all users from Wallah-Wallah, Washington and Tallahassee, Florida are prohibited from having accurate Yahoo! profiles?

    When you ban the word "Allah", it means you can't say "Fuck Allah".


The shortest distance between two points is under construction. -- Noelie Alito
