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SCO Lists Specific Code-Infringement Claims 780

mugnyte writes "Those tireless folks at groklaw have transcribed and published the documents from the latest IBM/SCO hearing. In it, the exact lines of the supposed Dynix / AIX / Linux logic are given. SCO claimed that Linux's read copy update, journaling file system, enterprise volume management system, AIO (Asynchronous I/O), and "scatter gather" I/O code had been derived from either AIX or Dynix/ptx. Now we can take a look at what SCO thinks makes Linux an enterprise-ready platform started at 2.4, stealing away their market share. However, IBM released these things under the GPL ... so what license did IBM really have from SCO to do this? Which raises the question, What license did SCO have from Novell to disallow this?"
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SCO Lists Specific Code-Infringement Claims

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  • by dacarr ( 562277 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:35PM (#8312619) Homepage Journal
    If Novell's letters to SCO are an indication, SCO did not have the license to deny IBM privelege of doing this.
  • Dammit! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Pharmboy ( 216950 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:37PM (#8312628) Journal
    And I wasted all my karma whoring, funny, anti-SCO lines on the OTHER SCO story today!
  • by NeoTheOne ( 673445 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:37PM (#8312630)
    who wants to bet SCO sues the government next for not agreeing with them that its infringment of IP...
  • Postal Fraud (Score:5, Interesting)

    by The Lynxpro ( 657990 ) <lynxpro AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:39PM (#8312642)
    So when are any of the 1,500 companies that received letters from SCO inviting them to purchase Linux licenses going to step up and complain to the US Postal Inspectors? To me, SCO committed fraud, misrepresentation, and extortion based upon their communications. Postal fraud is enough to send their entire board of directors to the slammer.

    • Re:Postal Fraud (Score:5, Insightful)

      by enjo13 ( 444114 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:47PM (#8312709) Homepage
      Every time we have an SCO story this is brought up.

      Postal fraud requires intent. Your going to have to prove that SCO knowingly and intentionally attempted to defraud those 1500 recipients. I don't beleive that's the case, and you'll have a very difficult time PROVING it.

      I think SCO beleives their claims (at least at the higher levels). I beleive that they THINK that they own this code and that the Linux kernel infringes on it. All of that is HEAVILY debatable, quite possibly laughable.. but attempting to enforce your perceived IP rights is not postal fraud. It's stupid, it's a waste of time, but it's not illegal.
      • Re:Postal Fraud (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Christianfreak ( 100697 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:28AM (#8312956) Homepage Journal
        Standard IANAL disclaimer: I disagree. Its been pointed out here many times that SCO wouldn't actually sell these licsenses to people. And on top of that SCO has yet to sue anyone for copyright infringement rather this whole thing is a contract dispute with IBM. So proving it was a fraudelent claim might not be so difficult.

        At any rate its a grey area. It looks like extortion but they probably could get around that charge by saying that they didn't actually take anyone's money. It looks like slander but no one has proved in court that it doesn't infringe. And as was stated postal fraud is also hard to prove. I just hope some no-nonsense judge really slaps them hard for this one.
    • Re:Postal Fraud (Score:5, Insightful)

      by xrayspx ( 13127 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:16AM (#8312890) Homepage
      To quote John Grisham "It ain't sexy, but it's got teeth".

      Good luck making that stick. As long as they show that they THOUGHT they were right, then they're clear. But I don't think they would have to, I would think it would be the up to the complainants to show that they DIDN'T think they were right. Have fun with that.

    • Re:Postal Fraud (Score:5, Informative)

      by Animats ( 122034 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @02:06AM (#8313383) Homepage
      So when are any of the 1,500 companies that received letters from SCO inviting them to purchase Linux licenses going to step up and complain to the US Postal Inspectors?

      SCO is already in trouble in Germany and New Zealand for such things. In Germany, they're under an injunction not to send demand letters to Linux users, and in New Zealand, the Commerce Commission is looking into SCO's activities. "A person or a company falsely claiming to have ownership of a product or service or the rights to payment could breach the Fair Trading Act", says the spokesperson for the New Zealand Commerce Commission. There are also unconfirmed reports of investigations by the authorities in Australia and by the US Federal Trade Commission.

      SCO's "sue and threaten everybody" strategy is backfiring.

  • by Supp0rtLinux ( 594509 ) <> on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:41PM (#8312657)
    When you're too lazy to do your homework, what do you do? You cheat. And that's exactly what SCO's trying to do. Rather than do their homework and realize they have no case, they're trying to make others do it for them, and in a sense cheating. Case in point is this article [] which seems to pretty much clearly show that SCO is full of their own crap. There's a saying that if you tell a lie long enough, you'll start to believe it. And that's exactly what SCO is doing. They're trying to push the lies so that people will believe them. In reality, its organizations like IBM, Novell, AT&T, and groklaw that are doing all of SCO's homework for them. Heck, SCO even tried to compel IBM to show source code for AIX and Dynix which would effectively cause IBM to make SCO's case for them. This is turning into nothing more than sensationalism for SCO. Any bets on how much SCO stock is sold off tomorrow?

    The only thing necessary for Micro$oft to triumph is for a few good programmers to do nothing". North County Computers []
    • by Supp0rtLinux ( 594509 ) <> on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:45PM (#8312695)
      So now they've shown the code. By tomorrow morning, we'll have Linus, AT&T, Novell, etc showing that nothing is wrong with it. And most interestingly, according to the countdown [], they only 3 hours to file suit if they're going to follow through on their 90 promise, yet its 7:45pm here in California and all courts east of here are closed. The only way they can file suit now is to do so in Hawaii where its only 4:45pm (they don't honor daylight savings time). Of course, they only have another 15min. I hope their legal counsel has offices in Hawaii.

      The only thing necessary for Micro$oft to triumph is for a few good programmers to do nothing". North County Computers []
    • by Inspector Lopez ( 466767 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @04:16AM (#8313818) Journal
      When you're too lazy to do your homework, what do you do? You cheat.

      As a Genuine University Professor, who has seen a lot of cheating ... I can say that this assertion is simply wrong. People cheat when they are desparate; when they don't understand what is going on, when they fear failing. The way you notice cheating is not when people do something right, but rather when they do something wrong. People who are clever enough to cheat well will probably observe that it is less trouble to apply their cleverness to simply doing the work, than to cheat effectively; cheating effectively requires considerable effort.

      Petty cheating persists because it is expensive to prosecute. Think about it. In the university setting, for example, faculty are rewarded for bringing dollars and fame --- not for upholding academic standards among their students. If I catch someone cheating on an exam, it is my fervent hope that they will readily admit it, because if they don't, I have to weigh the cost of spending perhaps 40 man-hours (my own time, and others) to deal with an isolated case of petty cheating --- by someone who is almost certainly headed for a dismal grade anyway. People who cheat in class do not get good grades! Seriously! There are steps one can take to make cheating very difficult. For example, if my classes are small enough (under 24 students or so), I try to have an oral final exam. Anyone who can cheat during a one-on-one oral exam, well, they have a very special gift indeed. But I need at least a half hour for each exam, and there is no putting that work off on TA-slaves.

      I have run into "malicious" cheaters, but such behavior is very rare --- at least among university students (engineers). Now, it may very well be that CEOs of modern corporations are cut from a different cloth --- Larry Ellison, for example, seems to be the very avatar of acquisitiveness --- but most people are pretty good. And flawed --- sort of like Zoyd Wheeler, in Pynchon's "Vineland."

      It's fun to beat up on people who find themselves, through a moment of weakness, in a terrible fix. We have often not bothered to understand their circumstances, nor acknowledge our own role in their predicament. Ronald Reagan, for example, liked to blow hard about the Welfare Queen, a terrible creature which exists in about the same measure as Grendel.

      For another example, consider the American Taliban, John Walker []. He's a pretty fat target for abuse; but is it so surprising to the nerds of slashdot that someone might do the things that Walker did? And then when someone like Steve Earle writes a sympathetic song about Walker, the derision is turned up to 11. (try this google []; most of the entries are either parodies or negative criticism, poisonous "patriotism" or other nonsense.)

      If the real case of Walker makes you uneasy, how about the great supernerd John Hackworth in Neal Stephenson's magnificent "The Diamond Age." Hackworth wanted nothing more than to raise his daughter well; he "cheated," got caught in one lie, tried to cover it up, and wound up spectacularly entangled in a series of punishments that lasted over a decade.

      So, anyway. It's fun to beat up on SCO, and McBride. One of the differences between most people who read /. and McBride is that very few /. readers would have the spine to stand up and assert something as outlandish as SCO asserts. To /. folk, the SCO business is all very abstract, there's a billion dollars and a corporation at stake ... but it's not our money or our corporation. It's more like the WWF, where there is an official Bad Guy who will, at the end of the evening, get stomped by the Good Guy, for the pleasure of the viewing audience.

      So, pay attention to the interesting analysis performed by Groklaw-folk, but mod yourself down if you're merely going to hurl abuse at Darl and SCO. This is a tragedy unfolding; a very human tragedy.
  • by jenkin sear ( 28765 ) * on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:43PM (#8312673) Homepage Journal
    This [] computerworld story seems to have it sorted out:

    1) AT&T licenses SysV to IBM and Sequent
    2) IBM writes a bunch of cool enterprise level stuff for their flavor of SysV, and acquires Sequent
    3) AT&T writes a letter to their newsletter ($echo) saying their license doesn't cover the derivative stuff, just the basic system
    3) IBM eventually kicks their stuff into Linux
    6) SCO buys up all the old licenses
    7) SCO says the work is derivative after all, and they ownzors it

    At some point the chewbacca defense starts to look a lot more rational.
  • by Green Light ( 32766 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:43PM (#8312679) Journal
    Here is a snippet from the GrokLaw article
    (a) Failure to timely disclose to SCO the secret IBM plan to support Linux in place of UnixWare, even though IBM knew that SCO's entire resources were dedicated to a long-term strategic plan with IBM based on IBM's representations that it was supporting UnixWare;
    (b) Intentionally diverting SCO's resources away from UnixWare competition against IBM with other potential industry partners so that IBM could gain the lead time needed to develop Linux before UnixWare took hold in the market among enterprise customers;
    (c) Making secret plans with Intel during 1999 to support Linux without notifying SCO of such plans, even though Intel, SCO and IBM were all partners in Project Monterey, and even though IBM should have known that joint IBM/Intel support for Linux was calculated to undermine the purpose of Project Monterey;
    (d) Unfairly inducing SCO to promote IBM within SCO's ISV partnerships and OEM channels, with knowledge that SCO's promotion of IBM was solely based on its expectation that IBM would perform under Project Monterey, and with knowledge that IBM had no intention of performing under Project Monterey;

    So, they are complaining, in part, that IBM tricked them: "They made secret plans, and didn't tell us!"
    • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:07AM (#8312842)
      SCO lacks standing to sue over something that happened in 1999. Caldera bought the Unix rights from Santa Cruz Operation in 2001. Any injury that supposedly occurred would have happened to the company now known as Tarantella. IBM pulled out of Monterey shortly after Caldera agreed to buy the rights from Santa Cruz Operation, but well before the deal was closed. Caldera knew IBM had pulled out long before they closed the deal. They have no grounds to make accusations against IBM.
    • by tiny69 ( 34486 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:10AM (#8312853) Homepage Journal
      So, they are complaining, in part, that IBM tricked them: "They made secret plans, and didn't tell us!"
      What The SCO Group fails to mention was that any agreements with IBM were with Santa Cruz Operations. IBM dropped out of the Moterey Project after the sale of the UNIX portion of old SCO to Caldera. The SCO Group is trying to confuse the issue of what agreements were made to whom with their name change from Caldera. Of course Caldera would be pissed when IBM dropped out of something that they just bought and had high hopes for. But IBM didn't make the agreements with Caldera. Whether any agreements with Santa Cruz Operations carried over with the sale to Caldera would depend on the wording of the agreements. My guess is that they don't, otherwise IBM would not have been so quick to drop the Moterey Project like a hot potato.
  • by schmidt349 ( 690948 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:44PM (#8312690)
    Well, it's apparent now that SCO is not claiming that there has been any "direct copying" of code from System V into Linux. Instead, they're arguing that IBM and Sequent's licenses to use System V source code prohibited them from making publicly available any portion of the source code of their "derivative work," that is to say, code that they developed based on System V.

    The problem with SCO's reasoning is that the RCU code is completely separate from System V. It doesn't contain any System V code at all. As such, it isn't a derivative work. Despite this, SCO is claiming that any code at all that IBM or Sequent developed for their respective System V derivatives (AIX and Dynix/ptx) is either owned by SCO or is to be treated under the same terms as the System V source code itself.

    It's actually kind of ironic, considering that SCO has been claiming all this time that the GPL is bad because it's "viral." It sounds to me that the System V licensing agreement, as construed by SCO, is far worse! However, given the side letter AT&T issued to IBM in 1985 telling IBM that IBM's own non-derivative source code belonged to, well, IBM, I doubt SCO's claims will bear up in court.
    • by mwa ( 26272 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:22AM (#8313217)
      I'd just like to point out that many year's ago I designed a program as follows:


      Then K&R came along, added some headers, an 'f' to "print", wrapped it in a main() function and added " World." They called their version "Hello World."

      Consequently, I own all rights to all C programs, since they are all derived from "Hello World" which is derived from my "Hello" program. Everyone using anything written in C can pay me $699.00 now, or $2000.00 sometime after I extend the original discounted price 3 to 27 times.

      I expect to be invoicing you all real soon now. Or you can avoid the rush and just reply here with your credit card information.

      Thank you for your business.

    • by Weaselmancer ( 533834 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:28AM (#8313252)

      It's actually kind of ironic, considering that SCO has been claiming all this time that the GPL is bad because it's "viral." It sounds to me that the System V licensing agreement, as construed by SCO, is far worse!

      An excellent point, and worth re-reading.


  • by fembots ( 753724 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:45PM (#8312698) Homepage
    (BIG)Assuming SCO does own some codes in Linux, and from I can read recently, Linux users seem to claim they can quickly identify those infringing codes, issue a patch and get those codes out of Linux.

    This is all fine, but I want to know if SCO can still sue for past damages? E.g. the time span that those unlicensed codes were being abused?

    P.S. This is just a question based on the worst case scenario.
  • An analysis (Score:5, Interesting)

    by IgD ( 232964 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:46PM (#8312702)
    For much of the document, SCO appeared to do little more than highlight IBM's contributions to Linux. They seemed to argue that IBM transferred ideas or programming concepts into Linux rather then cite any specific meaty line by line code examples. One key point that even SCO makes in this document is that these are features that have never been part of Unix. SCO lists a lot of Linux code however they don't seem to be able to list specifically what parts of their code were lifted. A good analogy would be 2 authors writing different books on the same subject. It seemed as if SCO was claiming ownership of the ideas as if they wished they owned the patents to them. When asked what portions of Linux they own, SCO refused stating the request was "overly broad and unduly burdensome". SCO also danced around the issue that they themselves contributed to Linux and distributed the code in question under the GPL by claiming ignorance. Once I heard a joke about someone who claimed ownership of the Brooklyn bridge and tried to sell it. How is SCO claiming ownership of Linux and trying to sell it any different from that situation?
  • readv/writev (Score:5, Insightful)

    by aurum42 ( 712010 ) on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:46PM (#8312703)
    I'll admit that I gave the Groklaw summary only a cursory glance, but it looks like SCO is claiming that the linux versions of the scatter gather i/o functions readv() and writev() (basically you pass in a vector of pointers to the syscall to perform multiple I/O operations with a single syscall) are derived from Dynix.

    Now it's not clear if they're claiming it's the implementation that's infringing (it's not exactly a hard function to code), or the interface.

    If it's the latter, they're clearly in the wrong since that interface dates back to 4.2 BSD. Much of their evidence seems rather circuitous, relying on things like individual contributors having worked on Dynix in the past. Also, for relatively simple stuff, there's only one optimal algorithm, so unless they can demonstrate things like identical variable names (above a certain length), they don't have a case (in an ideal world..).

  • by zeruch ( 547271 ) <zeruch@devia n t a r> on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:51PM (#8312731) Homepage
    ...that this has already gone farther than anyone at SCO anticipated (I'll bet a SCO license that they thought IBM would either settle or buy them out - which was a stupid assumption frankly), and now they are in a position they can neither retreat from (without instantly self-destrcuting in the process, something Boies now has too much of a stake in to allow) or advance with any real hope of winning.

    It could almost be seen as a courageous effort if it wasn't so fucktastically stupid.

    I'll bet a SCO sitewide license that Darl is starting to regret having ever shown up for this little legal soiree.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:52PM (#8312740)
    They have claimed, under penalty of perjury, in the IBM trial that they do not have a copy of the USL settlement.

    Here they make specific claims in reference to the same settlement.

    Which is the truth, and which is evidence of perjury?

  • Utah Haiku (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 17, 2004 @11:56PM (#8312767)
    SCO Submits
    Stolen IP to the Court
    Court Laughs Hard; Craps Pants.
  • misleading text (Score:5, Insightful)

    by defile ( 1059 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:00AM (#8312793) Homepage Journal

    SCO's case does not hinge on proving that AIX/Dynix code appears in Linux.

    SCO's case hinges on proving that IBM does not own the code it contributed. Which, according to the terms of the UNIX license from AT&T, IBM does have full ownership rights to derivative works.

    SCO is deliberately misinterpreting a clause in the original agreement and spinning it as hard as possible.

    Previous owners of UNIX rights have clarified the terms to be more in the UNIX licensee's favor in subsequent communications as well. It would be madness for a judge to overlook all of this if they did decide the clause was vague and needed to speculate on the spirit of the agreement.

    The million dollar question here is what the hell is David Boies doing backing these con artists? Not having an answer to that question is the only thing stopping me from shorting SCO's stock.

    • Re:misleading text (Score:5, Interesting)

      by neurojab ( 15737 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:34AM (#8312986)
      >what the hell is David Boies doing backing these con artists?

      I'm not sure he is. He has yet to appear in court on their behalf. His firm is being paid a great deal of money, win or lose.. my guess is that by contract they have to see this suit to the bitter end. I suspect they signed that contract without knowing both sides of the story. I doubt David Boies personally has any intention of polluting his reputation further with this case. When Kevin (Darl's brother) appeared in court instead of Boies, that was a possible indication that Boies wants to distance himself as much as he can from this case. Darl can't find anyone but his brother (and a couple other well paid,win or lose lawyers) to buy into his crackpot theories on "IP".

  • by beforewisdom ( 729725 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:11AM (#8312860)
    So SCO when backed into a corner and told to "put up or shut up" has a pretty weak case.

    That is no surprise to anyone in the IT community.


    It is no surprise to SCO__either__. That is why they kept their mouths shut for so long about their evidence ( lack of )

    SCO knew this going into the scheme.

    The interesting surprise to come is to see how the players from SCO are going to get out of being punished.

    They had to see this coming.

    In the bush era of no penalties for Worldcom or Enron execs Daryl may be laughing at all of us a few months from now.

    Linux may be fully vindicated by then, but maybe so will he/his buddies be......and with the money they made off of this nonsense.

    • by dbIII ( 701233 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:49AM (#8313054)
      The interesting surprise to come is to see how the players from SCO are going to get out of being punished. They had to see this coming.
      It's simple, they say something like "look what we did to the stock price, we are performers", and go onto better paid positions. If anyone raises the issue of what happened to SCO it will just be "if it wasn't for those darn kids and their penguin SCO would still be around and bigger than Micosoft, after all, we were going to bury IBM".

      In a land where even Poindexter was not tried for treason and even ended up with another plum job, Darl is safe.

    • by VivianC ( 206472 ) <(internet_update) (at) (> on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:27AM (#8313246) Homepage Journal
      In the bush era of no penalties for Worldcom or Enron execs Daryl may be laughing at all of us a few months from now.

      I'm not sure where you get your information, but Andrew Fastow (Enron CFO) and his wife are going to jail. Jeff Skilling (Enron CEO) will likely be charged this week. You can check here [].

      You may also be shocked to notice that the crimes in question took place between 1996 and February 2001. Now, who was the President during those years? []

      Now, if you want to complain about how the Bush administration messed up the Microsoft case, I with you, brother.
  • SCO = BSFMM (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Vskye ( 9079 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:23AM (#8312928)
    SCO is "so" full of it that I'm just amazed. Anyone remember Xenix? Well, a long time ago SCO support was in a nutshell $100.00 a question. I called them in regards to the "new" USRobotics HST modem support, and they couldn't figure it out. Guess what? I figured it out myself and like a idiot, sent the fix to SCO. Am I entitled to compensation? Nahhh..., was I credited... nope. This company is lame!

  • Says it all (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:28AM (#8312945)
  • Be careful! (Score:5, Informative)

    by pb ( 1020 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @12:43AM (#8313024)
    DON'T LOOK! []

    This publicly available Caldera documentation could contain items including but not limited to proprietary, unpublished SCO code, copyrights, trade secrets, and/or patents!
  • I did some checking (Score:5, Informative)

    by jaymzter ( 452402 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:00AM (#8313108) Homepage
    Here [] is an announcement of Novell selling Unixware to oldSCO. Note:

    Unixware has never achieved a substantial market share

    Another quote [], again no mention of _copyrights_

    X/Open introduces the UNIX 95 branding programme. Novell sells UnixWare business to SCO

    nwfusion [] makes this interesting distinction:

    1992 - Purchases rights to AT&T UNIX
    1995 - Sells Unixware to Santa Cruz Operation

  • WTF is 2.4 1-01 ? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by menscher ( 597856 ) <> on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:07AM (#8313135) Homepage Journal
    I wanted to see what they were whining about, so I downloaded 2.4.1. None of their line numbers make any sense. They're claiming we copied comments about Linux from them? And blank lines? Am I missing something here??
  • by loconet ( 415875 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:09AM (#8313153) Homepage
    So out of curiousity I randomly looked at some of the lines mentioned and according to SCO .. Lines copied:

    init/main.c [] (Tab 18) 30-33

    31 #include <asm/io.h>
    32 #include <asm/bugs.h>

    But ofcourse..

  • by puzzled ( 12525 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:10AM (#8313156) Journal
    SCO lost Autozone to IBM's Linux efforts. They're a huge auto parts distribution chain with about 6,000 stores the last time I looked - I used to work for a much smaller competitor of theirs that went bankrupt in the mid nineties.

    Target has *within the last month* told SCO to go pound sand and done a deal with IBM for Linux conversion. I'm not sure how many locations they have - does anyone have that info handy? Please post if you do.

    Sherwin Williams I know less about than either of the other two but IBM has helped SCO to the door there, too.

    I hope Darl & company get prosecuted but I feel bad for the SCO troops - this is exactly the same behavior (pump & dump) I saw with the auto parts supplier where I worked in the mid nineties. I wrote a perl script that calculated severance for 4,000 employees and the scumbag behind the whole scheme went right into something much nicer than unemployment and vocational training:
  • To recap (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dtfinch ( 661405 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:12AM (#8313165) Journal
    AT&T said in 1985 that additions to UNIX were not considered derivative works, only modifications to the actual code.
    IBM's license reiterates that IBM owns their contributions, and is perpetual and irrevocable.
    Novell backs up IBM's claims, and offers proof that SCO does not own UNIX.
    There was no written transfer of copyrights from Novell to SCO. SCO (old SCO, not Caldera/SCO) bought the UNIX business, not the UNIX copyrights.
    SCO failed under a court order to identify any code of "theirs" in Linux that IBM didn't write.
    They did identify hundreds of lines in Linux that IBM wrote, and own, far short of the millions of lines of UNIX code they claim were illegally copied in violation of SCO's copyrights.
    SCO does not even have a copy of the "derivative" AIX source code they claim to own.
    SCO has violated thousands of copyrights and broken many laws.
    SCO still offered the code in question under the GPL far into the discpute, and it's even digitally signed with their key.
    Etc. Groklaw explains it all.
  • by Tough Love ( 215404 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @01:20AM (#8313206)
    Well, well, well, SCO finally lays its cards on the table and what do you know? All jokers, at least all the claims about IBM's contributions to Linux. However, they do make various allegations having to do with IBM's supposed unathorized use of library code developed by SCO:

    Upon information and belief, AutoZone's new Linux based software implemented by IBM featured SCO's shared libraries which had been stripped out of SCO's UNIX based OpenServer by IBM and embedded inside AutoZone's Linux implementation in order to continue to allow the continued operation of AutoZone's legacy applications. The basis for SCO's belief is the precision and efficiency with which the migration to Linux occurred, which suggests the use of shared libraries to run legacy applications on Linux. Among other things, this was a breach of the AutoZone OpenServer License Agreement for use of SCO software beyond the scope of the license.

    Hmm, evidence seems a little thin there, actually "suspicion" would be a better word that evidence. Personally, I think SCO is just blowing hot air once again, and that IBM will simply show that and code conversions done in their contract work were done without the help of shared libraries owned by SCO, or if the customer did continue using them, that they had every right to. This should be rather cut and dried has nothing to do with SCO's ownership claims in Linux. It's just another amusing sideshow brought to us courtesy of the clowns at SCO.

    The central point of this filing of course is SCO's rejection as "overly broad and unduly burdensome" IBM's question about what specific source code in Linux they think they own rights too. If their goal is to obtain a mistrial by causing the judge to burst an artery laughing, they just might do it :-)
  • by Gary Destruction ( 683101 ) * on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @02:04AM (#8313378) Journal
    SCO Group announced today that the Open source community had code to create progams of mass infringement.

    "We will find this code of Mass Infringement," A SCO spokesperson said. "They've got to be hiding the code somewhere. It's just a matter of time before we find it."

    Last year SCO Group waged war against the Open Source Community claiming that it had Code of Mass Infringement.
  • by Eric_Cartman_South_P ( 594330 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @02:24AM (#8313441)
    Although the loss of Linux would be a bummer for sure, we still have plenty of other "open source" options to choose from:






    Windows 2000

    Windows NT

  • by Loki_1929 ( 550940 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @02:58AM (#8313542) Journal
    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this [] [points to presentation board] is a Penguin. It lives in very cold places and swims in near freezing waters. That does not make sense. Why would any animal live in such cold places, when clearly, a nice tropical beach would be a much nicer place to live?! It does not make sense! What does this have to do with copyright infringement? NOTHING! It does not make sense! A penguin lives in cold places, and it does NOT make sense. None of this makes any sense. If a penguin does not need mits, you must ACQUIT!

  • Wrong question... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Eivind ( 15695 ) <> on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @03:53AM (#8313736) Homepage
    IBM released these things under the GPL ... so what license did IBM really have from SCO to do this?

    That is entirely the wrong question. IBM wrote the code. IBM owns the code. IBM contributed the code. SCO is *claiming* that doing so violates some contract IBM has with them. The burden of proof lies on them. The question is NOT what "licence" IBM has from SCO to release their own stuff under the GPL. (you don't need a "license" to do what you please with stuff you wrote yourself.) The question is, what evidence does SCO have that IBM is, infact, violating some agreement with them by doing as it does.

  • by mabu ( 178417 ) on Wednesday February 18, 2004 @04:13AM (#8313809)
    While we're arguing about this, I'd like to remind people that they might want to check if their mutual funds are any of the ones listed below - because you'll be taking a bath soon enough: My intreptation of the financial stats [].

    Top mutual funds with [bad] holdings of SCOX:

    Bjurman, Barry Micro-Cap Growth Fund
    ING Inv Tr-Ing/Capital Guardian Small Cap Port
    Royce Technology Value Fund
    Oberweis Micro-Cap Portfolio

    Top SCO institutional stock holders:

    Capital Guardian Trust Company
    Royce & Associates, Inc.
    Integral Capital Management Vi, LLC
    Bjurman, Barry & Associates
    Empire Capital Partners LP
    Vanguard Group, Inc. (The)

    In the two months, it appears two more large scale insider stock dumps have been perpetrated (in addition to the previous months HUGE insider stock dumps):

    VP GASPARRO, LARRY 5,259 shares
    Director RAIMONDI, THOMAS P., JR. 11,841 shares (exercised option @$1.12/share - nice dump) $210,000 pocket change!

    Most obnoxious co-conspirator to the stock scam:
    Deutsche Securities - issuing an analyst recommendation "buy" on SCOX - they are probably also helping to launder money that's feeding the SCO legal campaign I bet.

The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that you are working for someone else.
