RFID Tags on Mach3 Razorblades Snap Your Photo 579
peteo writes "Think RFID tags are harmless? Look at how they are being used in the UK: "At the Tesco Cambridge store, a camera trained on the Gillette blade shelf, and triggered by RFID tags, captures a photo of each customer who removes a Mach3 pack. Another photo is taken at the checkout and security staff compare the two images to ensure they always have a pair"
According to the spokesman,"there are certainly not any privacy concerns" in relation to these tags. He adds that there is plenty of in-store signage indicating the supermarket's use of CCTV cameras. ""
Buh-wah? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:3, Interesting)
I read that Gilette is buying 500 million RFID tags and will start putting them in their razor packages. At that quanitity its sitll cheap but reduces losses. Up to 20% of their razors are stolen in a year so its worth it for them to o something.
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:5, Funny)
That is, of course, after you show two forms of picture ID, at least one showing you with a beard. They then perform a cursory measurement of your existing stubble and review your past purchases of razor blades to determine whether you actually need the blades or not. Cap it all off with an American-as-apple-pie dirty look and you've got your shopping experience.
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:4, Funny)
I did. Now I am sitting in this cell at the airport.
Re:The real reason! (Score:3, Funny)
Hmm quite a failed logic. Bin Laden and Co. don't shave because they believe it's against their religion. If they don't shave, why would they buy Gillete Mach 3s?
That's why they need the cameras. If an unshaven guy who looks like a terrorist buys a razor then it must be for some nefarious purpose, such as sticking it in Halloween candy.
Re:The real reason! (Score:3, Insightful)
They are... (Score:2)
The worst part is that I tried to downgrade to a cheaper shaver. It seems that they not as good and do not hold as long...
A losing battle against facial hair... (Score:5, Funny)
All this for something that you're using to cut off a part of yourself that grows back in a short time.:P
Before even taking into account physiological differences due to genetics, no matter how much you spend on the blades, you're going to have to shave again tomorrow (some men even sooner). Which is why I gave up the price battle and just use an electric razor for most times, and a pack of the cheap safety razors around for use other times. If my body is going to force me to spend money, I'll certainly make it as little as possible.
Neck-beard UNIX guru (Score:5, Funny)
A solid beard lets you look sage while stroking it and giving a measured Hmmm and a nod, while you try to figure out what the hell to do next.
Alternately I could extend my moustache to a Fu Manchu and try out for the next Evil Overlord position that opens up. (I've got the laugh, but an extreme moustache is a job requirement, bastards.)
Re:Neck-beard UNIX guru (Score:3, Funny)
Obviously, by using the RFID/Video technology, the FBI will be able to compile a database of all the clean-cut Americans that are not Muslim extremeists.
So get down to Tescos and have your picture taken NOW, or you may be extradited to Guantanamo Bay in real quick time!
Re:A losing battle against facial hair... (Score:4, Interesting)
Razor Blades, in my mind, fall somewhere around cigarettes and crack. I asked for a pack as a stocking stuffer last Christmas and was promptly told that things that sell for $25 deserve their own box.
The solution: (Score:4, Informative)
It's a lot of fun, too. Not to mention a lot of time and effort -- but if you have the time the results over electric and the Mach 3 are nothing short of fantastic.
Re:A losing battle against facial hair... (Score:3, Informative)
A lower user id and good karma will only get you so far.
Re:They are... (Score:5, Interesting)
When they're in stock. And they *are* placed at the checkout lines (though at the Ralph's where I shop, they're out so you don't have to ask for them, provided there are any left in stock), which has reduced shoplifting but the damned things are so popular that I've taken to shopping for the eight packs when I can and looking for replacements when I start in on the second cartridge of four.
The Mach3 has got to be one of the best examples of taking a common product and making a seemingly simple change that makes the product indispensible overnight. I picked one up a few months after they came out, and I can't believe I used to put up with other razors. Now if I use a normal two-blade razor, even one of the better ones, I tend to see shaving nicks all over the place. I know of a lot of women that use the Mach3 (or its successor for women, the Venus3) as well because it's less likely to leave nicks on their legs and under their arms.
Re:They are... (Score:5, Insightful)
The funny thing is, this is preceded by
Of course, these statements are essentially contradictory. Obviously Gillette does not have a monopoly, because there exist alternatives. They apparently offer a superior product, but at a higher cost. The whole point of the free market is, you get to choose what you pay for. If the cheaper blades were as good, people would move to that system and Gillette's price would come down.
Are you alleging that Gillette somehow uses its market presence to squeeze out the other players?
Not every high price indicates the boogey-man of "monopoly". Higher quality sometimes demands higher price.
Re:They are... (Score:4, Insightful)
Damn straight. After using the Mach3, going back to ordinary razors just didn't cut it.
Re:They are... (Score:3, Interesting)
No, what you are referring to is not a monopoly, but a cartel, where competitors collude to fix prices and, sometimes supply.
I kinda doubt this is happening, but I do agree the prices are exorbitant. But damn, how ironclad are the patents on the Mach series blades? Why doesn't somebody reverse-engineer these baddies and put up some competition? I did try a storebrand work-alike of the older Gillette l
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:2, Informative)
It's a big problem everywhere. I worked security in grocery stores for a while, and there were weeks that they lost thousands of dollars in these blades.
The next biggest item for shoplifters.... big packs of chewing gum. Go figure (actually, another big flea market item)
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:3, Interesting)
Imagine this scenario:
Isn't civil disobedience grand? :
Re:Buh-wah? (Score:3, Interesting)
Waitrose have a camera on the razor blades... (Score:5, Interesting)
Last week I asked why. The cashier said it's because kids go in and steal them a lot, then come back the next day and ask for the money back (a pack of 8 is rather expensive, and they are easy to slip into pockets). So Waitrose watch the blades carefully and always check reciepts.
Re:Waitrose have a camera on the razor blades... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Waitrose have a camera on the razor blades... (Score:4, Interesting)
I'd also be suspicious of a kid (which makes me think of up to 12 or so rather than 16) returning razor blades anyway!
Welcome back sir! (Score:5, Funny)
Is this really so much worse... (Score:5, Interesting)
...than plain old CCTV? Alright, so it's a little unsettling to think of someone with a photo of you taking something off the shelf comparing it with other photos to see if you bought the thing... but odds are if there's a CCTV camera then they're watching you as you take things off the shelf then, too.
Hmm. Doing this without telling people, however, is certainly cause for objection... there should be a sign of some sort, I suppose...
I would imagine that legally it doesn't require anything more than 'CCTV in use on these premesis', since the camera would have been there anyway...?
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:5, Interesting)
My understanding at the moment is that you do have to display a sign in the UK if you're filming the public. I doubt you have to do anything extra if you're attempting to link this footage with what's being taken off your shelves too though. It's no doubt being rolled out all over the place already.
I've already quit my job to avoid having a need for one of those identity cards, I've already sent back my driving license and made do with a push bike to stop them tracking me by my number plate, and I got my mobile crushed last week. Looks like I'm going to have to start an allotment now too!
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:3, Insightful)
Ah, yes, well, RFID tags in general -- I was just commenting on the photograph part. RFID tags that stay in place could be bad... but in this case, they're part of the packaging, surely? And so not really a problem... who keeps the packaging for their razor blades?
Here's the problem I see.. (Score:3, Insightful)
At the Tesco Cambridge store, reports the magazine, a camera trained on the Gillette blade shelf, and triggered by the tags, captures a photo of each customer who removes a Mach3 pack. Another photo is taken at the checkout and security staff compare the two images to ensure they always have a pair.
So you and your wife are shopping, you drop a pack of blades in your common cart, then you go out to the car. Meanwhile your wife gets to the cashier, and her photo sure
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:5, Insightful)
Um... Most of the major supermarket chains in the UK, including Tesco and Sainsburys, have a "loyalty card" scheme that allows them to do just that, in exchange for a small discount on your shopping. These are used to target advertising, adjust product lines according to customer demand, etc. They don't tell you in as many words that this is what the cards are for, but everyone with an ounce of brain matter knows it, no-one really makes a secret of it at the stores, and it seems the vast majority of their customers voluntarily get such a card, supplying the required information in exchange for a discount.
So yes, they can theoretically track every new purchase you make, as long as you use the card with it. That's the whole point. If you don't like that, don't get the card, but the vast majority of people don't seem to care.
I'm curious to know what they gain by this arrangement, though. There are already scanners on the door at that Tesco (my local branch, half a mile from my home) that are supposed to detect anyone walking out with security tagged goods that haven't been paid for, and a security guard by the door. (The same is true of pretty much every major supermarket over here, and most high street clothing stores etc. where there's a big risk of theft.) What does this gain them, a picture if someone manages to get through the alarmed section and past the guard without setting them off? In that case, what if someone else picked up the tagged item, got photographed, and then replaced it on the shelf, prior to a second person stealing them? Oo-er, doesn't sound promising. Maybe I'll just buy my razors from Sainsburys (the other big supermarket, half a mile in the other direction) instead...
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:3, Interesting)
For example, I drink
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:3, Funny)
And to get it you HAVE to give them name, address, phone number, date of birth, sex, etc. Which they have of me, just not the correct ones
No, you have to give them a name,name, address, phone number, date of birth, sex,etc.
After I went through the Great Dictators of History (tm) series (all of whom seemed to move to the US and by cheap beer at Krogers - except for the African ones, who buy expensive beer with the millions they have after
Comment removed (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:2)
And that's not counting the cameras IN the store...
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:3, Interesting)
Continuous non-discrimatory survellience is fine by me, but this idea clearly has iss
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:4, Interesting)
What you could do is consistently pick up the razorblades every time you visit, place them on another shelf whilst you are shopping and check out without buying them. Then, write to Tesco's Data Controller and ask if they are holding any information on you. Tell them what you have been doing and state that you believe they might have a photo of you. Pay the £10 charge and supply a photo of yourself to help them check. If a few thousand customers did this, they would probably find running the scheme very expensive. They might also be unable to respond within a reasonable time (not sure if there is a statutory response time). That would then put them in breach of Data Protection law.
Re:There's a flaw here... (Score:5, Interesting)
That's really going to screw up any "photographic auditing" system!
Re:Is this really so much worse... (Score:3, Interesting)
Most stolen item in Britain (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Most stolen item in Britain (Score:5, Funny)
Though I agree with another poster. It is just a scam. I mean you can buy 100x the weight in metal for the same price... there is a problem
Which is why people shouldn't shave. Too much hassle and really does it matter? Stop feeding stupi corporate three-razor extra-close super-smooth this bitch will fuck you if you use them razor companies.
Re:Most stolen item in Britain (Score:3, Funny)
It gets worse [miami.com]....
...and it's not toothpaste! (Score:2)
Re:Most stolen item in Britain (Score:2)
Why the hell does australia care what the most shoplifted item in britain is ?
Don't worry (Score:5, Funny)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Obvious problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Besides, it won't be long before they can track items anywhere in the store with RFID, at which point when you put your 8 pack of blades in with the potato chips, they'll send a stock boy out to put 'em back.
Re:Obvious problem (Score:2)
The only language stores understand today is "I'm going to sue your ass!"
and that crap about the cutomer is always right? and that dreamland idea of customer service....
I have seen lots of people harased by the no-training no-wage no-brain store security over honest mistakes.
and a friend recently had to sue the local chain store after the turd-security harassed his wife to tears about a forgotten bag of dogfood under the cart, wh
Re:Obvious problem (Score:4, Insightful)
Needless to say its very hard for the manager to explain the automated bar bill that appears as a result.
The police aren't the only problem with RFID though. If I have the RFID data for a range of products I can do several things that favour the criminal - consider a mugger sitting with a PDA zapping people going past and getting valuations on them..
Estimated $350
Take the ring, take the phone
Teenage kids (or bad newspapers) using RFID to obtain the colours of passing womens underwear and bra size is at least merely going to irritate rather than get people targetted.
Re:Obvious problem (Score:2)
There's the end of shopping with your SO (Score:5, Insightful)
- Serge Wroclawski
Re:There's the end of shopping with your SO (Score:2)
Re:There's the end of shopping with your SO (Score:4, Insightful)
The thing is, it doesn't. If they build a technical mechanism to catch shoplifters and that mechanism isn't reliable, it's not your problem. "Crime" is a concept defined by law, not technology.
Sure, they might not want to give you this impression, but it's their responsibility to prove that you are guilty of something and if their technology can't give enough proof, the technology is nothing more but a way to scare people. Picking something from a shelf may be proof in some cases, in some cases it isn't.
If you know that you've not stolen anything (which should be rather easy to know...), stand up for your rights if you're accused of something.
Re:There's the end of shopping with your SO (Score:4, Insightful)
Yeah, because people are never wrongfully accused, or convicted, based on incomplete or even entirely false evidence.
Personally, I can't afford the legal fees I'd need just to be able to shop in the UK. I take things off shelves all the time and put them back in the wrong place.
well... (Score:5, Funny)
Simple solution (Score:5, Insightful)
When you go shopping, always have an accomplice - (s)he picks up the blades, hands them to you somewhere else in the store, and you take them to the checkout.
Of course, this would happen 'accidentally' quite often anyway, but it's always good to make more trouble for stupid schemes like this.
Re:Idiot (Score:2)
So, what would happen if we round up 30+ slashdotters and have all of them pillage the rack of razor blades, only to put them all back and pillage some more? You know, with a bunch of beach balls and a large amount of beer we could have a great time while pillaging razorblades!
and yes, screwing with them making the "tactic" a pain in the arse is the best way of getting rid of it.
Kinda like when at work they went sweeping for 802.11 access points. they discovered 10,000 of them in my office alone
Re:PILLAGE AND PLUNDER! (Score:3, Interesting)
Well, I'm pretty sure I know at least a dozen other /. readers in Cambridge besides myself. ;-)
It's a shame Tesco shut five minutes ago. Might have been fun to print out this article and the various comments posted on it, and go have a word with their manager...
Hmm.. (Score:2)
All I can say is..
Not necessarly a good wow, it is rather impressive 'tho..in a Klez kind of way. I do not think that this is TOO much of a worry as is, at least in this case.
But the technical potential?
If I worked at one of these stores... (Score:2)
I know EXACTLY where I'd put the price sticker when I was walking by with a sticker gun.
Any other fun non-destructive vandelism/protest ideas?
Ryan Fenton
Re:If I worked at one of these stores... (Score:2)
Technological approach again (Score:5, Insightful)
[This trial] is not to do with security or theft, it is a supply chain trial."
But they then say security staff use it. So what is it for? What supply chain information does it give them that they can't get from the till receipts?
My local supermarket (Safeways, Shepherds Bush) had huge shoplifting problems with razor blades. Rather than implementing this (presumably expensive) scheme, they took the simple step of moving the blades behind the counter at the store pharmacy. Shoplifting drops overnight, no added cost and no privacy concerns.
Being used for security (Score:2, Interesting)
If they wanted to test it for the supply chain side, they would put them tags in a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk. Something high volume that would let them track some real sales and put their system through its paces. not some gimmicky, expensive razor blades that maybe a couple people per day purchase.
I can see the press conferences now...
Shop Spokesman: We are not using these RFID tags for security purposes. It is just pure coincidence that we happen to pick the "most
Why ? (Score:5, Insightful)
So why do they need the photos for ?
Marketing ? But for customer group identification one photo would be sufficient.
What if you take it back later? (Score:5, Insightful)
God , i would love to be able to make trouble about that. If you live in England , try it and if they mark you as a thief then unleash all your fury. (and i don't mean "Slashdot reader mode" fury. i mean "Quake 3 mayhem mode" fury).
Scenario (Score:5, Interesting)
What happens now?
Re:Scenario (Score:3, Informative)
If you read the article, you'd know the whole thing is supervised by human operators. It isn't a case that a machine automatically matches faces and raises an alarm. Presumably one of them would simply ask.
Re:Scenario (Score:5, Funny)
Well, even if you didn't read the article, you've got to realize that there will be a human in the loop somewhere. We aren't quite up to replacing security guards with ED-209 yet.
Customer: "It's right here."
Customer: "It... It's right here!"
Robot: "3...2...1... I AM NOW AUTHORIZED TO PREVENT SHOPLIFTING WITH PHYSICAL FORCE." (gatling guns spin up)
Customer: "Aaahhh!!!"
Re:Scenario (Score:4, Interesting)
I know, your time is valuable, blah blah blah, but it's damned rude and inconsiderate.
Re:Scenario (Score:3, Insightful)
It infuriates me as a customer to see people dumping stuff back on shelves like that, especially perishables. But someone making such a protest with non-perishable razor blades isn't being inconsiderate (and neither person is committing a crime AFAIK). You would punish protesting customers for the sins of the inconsiderate ones. Stores would trash our privacy to punish shoplifters.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Cigarettes (Score:3, Interesting)
Is it some kind of subtle lure? Do they fear the drop in sales resulting from the less control of POS presentation? How would that stack up against the losses from shoplifting?
Collecting RFID for further shopping (Score:5, Funny)
UK highest crime (Score:2)
oh my my my
Gillette UK Customer Phone number (Score:2, Informative)
Questions? Comments? 0800 174543 (UK Only)
Why is this not harmless? (Score:3, Insightful)
You'd think people would be declaring this a privacy *win* since you'll be video taped less now, and only at the points that matter.
Re:Why is this not harmless? (Score:2)
Re:Why is this not harmless? (Score:2)
Ever see the cameras above the checkout? They can do it already, and they don't need the help of RFID tags either.
booyaa naked jet fighter pilot guy (Score:2, Funny)
Right now, I want to be like the naked jet pilot, but I'm not like the naked jet pilot. He has three blades on his razor and I have only two.
You know who I'm talking about? The naked jet pilot on the Gillette commercial? He's got a uniform and a plane and then -- whoah! -- it all disintegrates and suddenly he's standing naked on what looks like the set of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? tenderly caressi
Subvert the process (Score:2, Redundant)
From the article- (Score:2)
Of course there are not any privacy concerns, from their point of view. They don't give a damn about *our* privacy concerns.
My understanding of RFID tags.... (Score:3, Interesting)
I don't see why a picture is necessary. If someone has an RFID'ed item (say in their pocket), it should get scanned and charged for just like an item being held in the hands or resting in the cart. RFID SHOULD potentially eliminate shoplifting, with NO privacy concerns.
Imagine going into walmart and instead of each item being scanned separately, the cashier just aims the scanner at your cart, then you, and instantly everything is added to the total. No questions about what you may have slipped into your pockets because it just get's added. The scanner makes no value judgement.
RFID can be used to make life simpler, as long as we don't start using it to invade privacy.
Why is this relevent to the linux community? (Score:5, Funny)
Also, simply using the Tesco Online Grocery Shopping [tesco.co.uk] system would get round the problem.
Easy to abuse. (Score:4, Interesting)
As little added value as possible (Score:4, Insightful)
No, I do not have a loyalty card. No, I do not want an application form. I would tell you why, but then I would have to charge you at my usual hourly rates...
Misunderstanding (Score:2)
You can "check out" any time you want! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:You can "check out" any time you want! (Score:4, Funny)
We are all just prisoners here of our own device.
Fun hack to fight RFID. (Score:5, Interesting)
Another cute device but trickier to make might listen for RFID codes to start and jump in in the middle drowning out the last half of the code with random garbage.
Re:Fun hack to fight RFID. (Score:3, Interesting)
The only place in a store you could routinely recieve tag codes without your own transmitter would be near the checkout registers or perhaps the exit scanners.
I guess a small reciever run by 9V battery could be double-stick ta
Algorithm for Stealing Razor Blades. (Score:3, Interesting)
why this is a silly idea...
1) Go to the razor blade stand - pick up a pack of blades - get
photo taken.
2) Hand pack of blades to your wife as she's buying cornflakes in
the next aisle. Say "Honey - please pay for these - I have to go
to the store next door."
3) Leave store.
4) When they stop you leaving the store and accuse you of not paying for
the blades you picked up - tell them that you left the blades in the
Cornflakes aisle. Let them strip-search you - you don't have
the blades. Make a terrible fuss.
5) They let you go with profuse apologies.
6) Your wife then leaves the store - with pack of blades in her pocket
'forgetting' to pay for them. Nobody bats an eyelid because her photo
didn't get taken at the razor blade shelf.
So why don't they simply correlate the RFID tags that they detect going
through the exit of the store with an RFID tag on the till reciept and
directly check that every tag that they detect as marked as being in the
store's inventory is also in the database as having been sold against
that reciept?
Nobody's privacy is invaded - it's all perfectly anonymous.
I don't see the need for all the photography and consequent invasion of
Mischief! (Score:3, Insightful)
Or just keep picking up packs of razor blades, wandering around the store for awhile and putting them back on the shelves. Or wave a packet of razor blades back and forth in front of the sensor to keep taking photographs.
In some stores, you can go out to the exit side of the checkout e.g. to go to the tobacco kiosk - there is only one exit, with security guards in attendance. You could sneak packets of razor blades out of the main sales floor, then pass them backward through the checkouts, triggering the cameras as you go. Put the blades back on the shelves.
If there is an easy way to kill the RFID tags or blind the sensors {this will require experimentation} then maybe this can be done right there in-store.
Yes, there is plenty of potential for fun to be had with these things.
Buy blades. Jam the system. (Score:3, Interesting)
I think I will push Mach 3 RFID tags into, oh, a bunch of banannas. Or a loaf of bread. Drop it into a shampoo bottle. And if WalMart starts RFIDing underwear, it will be even more fun...
Alternatives to the way it might work... (Score:3, Interesting)
Now the store saw him pick them up, but didn't notice the remainder of the interaction with that particular pack of razor blades. Now you've just tweaked the system.
So if I don't set them back down in the same isle I could get searched as I walk out because I didn't purchase razor blades?
Re:Honestly, (Score:5, Interesting)
But RFID adds so many issues, the fact is the rfid is unique and can be followed back to your residence if you have the right scanners so you now have a photo an item if this information is gathered elsewhere you can follow individuals and some facial recognition elsewhere and tie down a persons where abouts with other rfid purchases that may be worn, in theory at least. How close is that theory from reality and should the philosophical and political issued be discuessed now or later. I personally believe if this debate is not stated more clearly and in a broder context of these few products we see on the market the later systems we fear will be in place before we have a voice to do anything about them. But who knows the future is unwritten.
CCTV can also ID you (Score:3, Interesting)
The tax is politically unusual in that Milton Friedman, a conservative economist at the University of Chicago, came up with the idea and Ken Livingston, a socialist, implemented it.
Re:Religious-centric god-nazi (Score:2)
Lost i t? My God, no! (Score:2)
Don't you realize how important the data built up on that card is to the store? You can't just throw it away like a common piece of trash!
You've got to trade it to somebody else!
That way, the store can have a fine old time pondering why a loyal customer has gone from purchasing beer to bottled water, or has suddenly developed a taste for Norwegian Yak cheese. Has it been a while since your favorite soda's been on sale? Trade with a friend who only buys the competition's brand.
Re:Obviously... (Score:4, Insightful)
Until Fritz and Berman pass the Digital Millenium Shopping Act that makes it a felony to "circumvent" (or obfuscate) any hair brained "shoplifiting protection system" even if you don't steal ANYTHING.
Sooner or later the day will come when we are guilty of a crime for simply making it DIFFICULT for private and government authorites to track our every move...