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Aimee Deep Interview 412

LawGeek writes "Aimee Deep is probably most famously known as the highly attractive cover-girl of Madster (formerly known as Aimster). Since being involved with Madster (her father's business), she has had the opportunity to become more interested in legal and business issues surrounding the music distribution business and now blogs on the subject. Greplaw editor Mikael Pawlo recently interviewed the 18-year old Ms. Deep on various topics."
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Aimee Deep Interview

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  • More Aimee Pictures (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:02PM (#6087560)
    Some more images for you tabbed browsing pleasure: eetop.jpg [] aimstergirl03.jpg [] aimstergirl05.jpg [] aimeeGif2.gif [] aimstergirl10.jpg [] aimstergirl12.jpg [] aimstergirl01.jpg [] aimstergirl06.jpg [] aimee1.jpg [] aimee3.jpg [] aimee2.jpg [] aimeeGif1.gif [] aimstergirl07.jpg [] aimstergirl02.jpg [] aimstergirl08.jpg [] aimstergirl11.jpg []

    Posted anonymously because I don't want people to think I am this good at finding pictures on the web. Google helped :)
  • Uh oh (Score:4, Funny)

    by cscx ( 541332 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:03PM (#6087562) Homepage
    You post something like this on Slashdot? I hear the wrists flailing away as a rush of furious masturbation is about to begin...
  • by deathcow ( 455995 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:04PM (#6087563)
    Kick her out of my download queue for eating crackers.
  • Aimee Deep? (Score:5, Funny)

    by ( 637314 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:05PM (#6087569) Homepage Journal
    Lord have mercy on all the jokes that come with that last name.
  • by mrjive ( 169376 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:06PM (#6087574) Homepage Journal
    Does her father know she dresses like that?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:07PM (#6087580)
    My father asked me to wear a bikini for some pictures on his company's website. Too bad I'm a guy.
  • Attractive?? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by leandrod ( 17766 )
    Judging from the photo at the linked home page, people's tastes are degrading so much as to warrant my suspicion about us slipping into a new Middle Ages.
  • Er... (Score:2, Funny)

    by Synithium ( 515777 )
    It's like the co-founder of the company I work for. Whenever some buzz issue comes up he is an instant expert on it.

    On a side note, this chick is hot.

    Mod this down please, i can't believe i wrote it.
  • Heh, met her (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Ryvar ( 122400 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:12PM (#6087606) Homepage
    Back when her father was just starting Madster I met him and Aimee while the guy working behind their local CompUSA's Upgrades (read: Help) Desk (Albany NY region) - got to chatting about filesharing and some of the finer legal points (particularly the differences between what we do see and ought to see) of it with them.

    I dunno, she just wasn't that hot in person . . . a little too much makeup. I honestly think her father encourages it - he seemed quite proud of her being all tarted up (and I say this as a completely amoral individual - it was a bit ridiculous).
    • First of all... He worked at the CompuUSA in Albany?? I've gone there so many times, and to think I could have met a (semi-)famous person.

      Second of all I remember trying aimster about two years ago and thinking how great it would be to have a tool in conjunction with aim so that I could share files with my friends on my buddy list.

      I soon found out that aimster had very very little integration with aim, and aim's file transfer capabilities. They made it seem like it was almost like an (unauthorized) ad
  • Uh... (Score:5, Funny)

    by cybermace5 ( 446439 ) <> on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:14PM (#6087612) Homepage Journal
    She says she hopes to fall in love, and asks "Any takers?"

    *raises a hand*

    Please please please mod me up to +5, so if she reads Slashdot she'll see my post!

    C'mon guys...
    • Re:Uh... (Score:5, Funny)

      by fobbman ( 131816 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @12:05AM (#6088008) Homepage
      Ya might wanna know that she's been file shared a bit herself, if ya know what I mean.

      Better scan for viruses before you stick that on your hard drive.

    • I live in Albany, which is about a 15 minute drive from Cohoes. I'll rent you a spot in my parents' basement so you can stalk/meet her. $50 bucks a week. Ill knock it down to $35 if you can get naked pictures or her.
  • Is it me or did she basically sound like a giddy 12 year old in that interview. Usually it helps to answer the question the interiewer is actually asking.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    use their body and fliting to get ahead, don't they ever want to be judged by their mind and merrits? even when you click the link for the interview her picture still stays there taking up half the frame, like its part of the content or something, and the first question is just flirty remarks.

    That being said my nipples are hard and she has a great future ahead of her.
    • use their body and fliting to get ahead, don't they ever want to be judged by their mind and merrits?

      Actually, this just proves that she's savvy and cunning. Knowing that her readers are, for the most part, socially inept mysogynistic pseudo-geek losers, she panders directly to the one body part she *knows* isn't getting any action, while at the same time taking pains not to appear too intelligent - and thus threatening - to the woman-hating/fearing readership.

      About the only men she's going to insult wi
    • [Why do so many women] use their body and fliting [sic] to get ahead,

      Umm because it works?

      don't they ever want to be judged by their mind and merrits?[sic]

      Are the two exclusive? I don't think so.

      There is a school of thought that says 'if you've got it, flaunt it' and I'm not saying I completely agree with it, but it's certainly a satisfactory behaviour as long as others do.

  • by heli0 ( 659560 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:21PM (#6087647)
    I finally figured out who this chick [] is from this story []. It's "Aimee-Deep-Boobies-for-the-boys.png []

    I talked to her agent. If you want her to model with guns for you it is $500/hr.
  • Uhh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ogre2112 ( 134836 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:25PM (#6087664)
    Who gives a shit?

    No, seriously. This is like interviewing Anna Nicole Smith. She got famous from
    showing her tits, and now all of the sudden we're supposed to be interested in her message ?
  • by CptChipJew ( 301983 ) <> on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:26PM (#6087674) Journal
    I wouldn't have my own daughter parade around like that.

    I say this of course, because she has a spare tire. ::drum roll::

    Really though, Madster must be low on funds, because you can hire perfect 10's with much lower morals to do this stuff. I mean, look at the Linux Girl []. Yum.
  • Don't forget (Score:5, Informative)

    by Evro ( 18923 ) * <evandhoffman@FOR ... m minus language> on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:26PM (#6087675) Homepage Journal
    Everything you think you know about aimster is a complete lie. See my journal [] for details. In short, she had nothing to do with Aimster, nor is her name even Aimee - that was a fabrication to evade AOL's trademark lawyers (which failed miserably, which is why it's now called "Madster" - her name is Madeline). Aimster/Madster is operated by a thief and a felon [] (his "business partner"). As far as I can tell, the "music pundit" site is written by a third party - probably a professional writer - with all website "comments" being filtered by "Aimee's" dad.

    I find it sad that Greplaw would stoop this low, but since John is a Harvard alum I guess it's easily possible that he arranged this "interview" to drum up press.

    As for the interview itself, I would like to know how it was conducted. It looks to me like it was conducted over AIM, in which case I'm sure John either wrote the responses himself or was standing over the typist's shoulder coaching him/her. If it was conducted over telephone or in person I'd be very surprised.
    • No one can be told what Aimee is. You have to see her for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Naturally someone working for the RIAA would post things like this to discredit her.
    • Re:Don't forget (Score:2, Insightful)

      by 1029 ( 571223 )
      As for the interview itself, I would like to know how it was conducted. It looks to me like it was conducted over AIM, in which case I'm sure John either wrote the responses himself or was standing over the typist's shoulder coaching him/her. If it was conducted over telephone or in person I'd be very surprised.

      Wow, rather intimidated by good looking women aren't you? So let me get this straight, from the lack of evidence to suggest she is a brainless twit, it would appear that she couldn't have typed th
    • For so many reasons, This [] page comes to mind.
  • I'm 18 and a Senior at Cohoes Public High School in Cohoes, New York. When I graduate, I hope to start a publishing company so that I can - yes, you heard right - make money from selling copyrighted art.

    With a name like that the only "art" you're gonna sell is porn.

  • Aimee who? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by mnemonic_ ( 164550 )
    Has anyone heard of this person? Does anyone care?
  • Meh... (Score:2, Interesting)

    Kinda off-topic, but if she's 18 now, and she's been a "poster girl" for, nevermind.

    I worry about the sexualization (sp) of underage girls on the internet. I remember those "post pictures of hot chicks" threads at the Something Awful forums that had way too many underage girls. Perhaps an unspoken fetish?
  • by tsvk ( 624784 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:41PM (#6087736)
    • she's really cute, pretty and good-looking
    • she's 18
    • she seems intellectual and bright (has a position regarding Internet rights, privacy, is pro-EFF and anti-RIAA/MPAA, etc.)
    • ...and yet she's single and needs to bring that forward by saying "Any takers?" and "I'm looking for Mr. Right." in an interview?

    I don't get it. She's like the Slashdotter's perfect girlfriend.... Erm.... Well... BTW, anyone have her phone-number?

  • folks i read that damned interview and i gotta say that i am STUNNED... stunned that someone like greplaw would actually conduct such a vapid lacking-any-form-or-substance interview with what seems to be yet another airheaded bimbo... was it just me or was that interview painful to read.. i kept getting visions of Melody from Josie and the Pussycats (the comic book not the movie).. YMMV

    the interview was poor, and i would agree with teh poster who said this was probably done on AIM with her father looking
  • Damnit (Score:5, Funny)

    by mao che minh ( 611166 ) * on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:48PM (#6087760) Journal
    I just got done doing the boyfriend thing and taking my girl and her little sister to "Finding Nemo". We got back and I fired up the computer, and was browsing Slashdot. She was like "what is that site anyways" (because it is up in a browser almost everytime she goes to use the computer) and I gave the canned response "it's a site where a lot of us computer pro's come to discuss technology and what not. Nothing that you would be interested in". She has found my hidden porn archives twice already, and I could see her growing skepticism.

    So I show her the newest story, hoping to clarify things, and click the link.....up comes a woman looking alot like her (my type: tanned, "hand sized", long hair....).....thanks a fucking lot guys. I'm gonna have to spend like $50 in flowers and shit now!

    • Could you kindly point out where these "pro's" have been hiding? Thanks.

      And don't blame Slashdot for ruining your relationship. This site certianly isn't for people who have lives.
    • She has found my hidden porn archives twice already, and I could see her growing skepticism.

      There is no point in hiding things from girlfriends. You will hide it. They will find it. That's just the way they are. The first time you left your girl home, she looked in your closet, she went through your stuff, and she pressed the redial button on your phone. A few months into the relationship, she will have found everything.

      Hiding and denying things is only giving her the power to manipulate you. Hopefully

  • by WIAKywbfatw ( 307557 ) on Saturday May 31, 2003 @10:56PM (#6087787) Journal
    Highly attractive? Well, that's open to debate. Let's just say that I wouldn't look twice at her but, from the posts I've seen so far, there are obviously some people out there who would kill their mothers to meet this girl.

    Speaking of "girl", that's exactly what she is: a girl and not a woman. If a thinly-veiled opportunity to lust over someone who's not even out of her teens is considered "News for Nerds" or "Stuff that matters" then is it any wonder that Slashdot is often laughed at by more mainstream news outlets and (IIRC) blocked by some parental control software? And I haven't even mentioned sexism.

    Anyhow, all that could be excused if she had something useful (informative, insightful, interesting, funny or any combination thereof) to say. But, clearly, she doesn't. What next: interviews with Cameron Diaz on her favourite websites?

    Seriously, between this story and the earlier story about (shock, horror) a review of a mobile phone [], this must have been a seriously slow news day. Personally, I think it's sad that the Slashdot editors haven't yet grasped the concept that publishing for publishing's sake is a mistake rather than a necessity.
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) * on Saturday May 31, 2003 @11:10PM (#6087835)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Cohoes?? (Score:2, Insightful)

    I am just surprised that she lives that close to me! (Cohoes is a town just north of RPI, and about ten minutes down the road from Albany) I feel a bit too old for an 18-year-old geek model, though.

    Is it suddenly not acceptable for slashdotters to joke about the stereotypical single-34-year-old-living-in-mom's-basement image? Seems like I see a lot of posts on here along the lines of "hey, she's not so hot, I can do better than that!" No, you can't. That's why you're posting to slashdot. If you could, you'
    • Is it suddenly not acceptable for slashdotters to joke about the stereotypical single-34-year-old-living-in-mom's-basement image? Seems like I see a lot of posts on here along the lines of "hey, she's not so hot, I can do better than that!" No, you can't. That's why you're posting to slashdot. If you could, you'd be doing something else on a saturday night. :)

      /me watches as his carefully crafted dream world where he isn't a total loser crumbles noisily around him.

      Why'd you have to go and do that, huh?

    • I think the problem is that, at least in the photos linked to earlier in this story, she's posed in all these silly mullet-head cheesecake poses, which basically make anyone look pretty bad unless they have the cheesecake look -- which she doesn't.
  • by ahbe ( 621886 )
    Ok, Just for the record I am a happily married straight male. As I was browsing through the posts, most of them sound like a bunch of sex crazed 16 year old boys. Ok, this might be a long shot, but are there any girls who read slashdot? Ok stop laughting, I'm serious. I would like to know what the ladies of slashdot think of this Aimee Deep girl. Once you take away the tits, whats left?
    • a girl's reaction...

      From the interview and her website, she seems wicked shallow. Please excuse my geek-girl preconceptions, but I doubt she is all that geeky... offering kisses and posing in bikinis? Her opinions are not well-developed, either, or at least she doesn't take the opportunity of the interview to express them: "They're only like the greatest, coolest civil liberties group on the whole planet." (on the EFF []) Also: would a geek willingly make themselves look stupid? She did't seem to listen

    • by Anitra ( 99093 )
      a teenage girl. Which is exactly what she is. No, she's definitely not a geek (sorry). She does seem to know a little bit more than her peers about copyright and the courts.. which is to say, not much. There's some intelligence there - whether it's hers or she was fed some answers, I can't tell. I hope she doesn't go into a career in modeling, especially if she does actually have some brains.

      Finding out that most of those pictures were taken while she was underage... all I can say is her dad must have seri
    • I would like to know what the ladies of slashdot think of this Aimee Deep girl.

      Well, since you asked...

      Being a teenaged girl does NOT let her off the hook. You are a combination of what you do and how you communicate it.

      Aimee Deep is clearly just a "scene whore." Big deal. She'll probably grow up to be one of those women "in IT" who've never written a line of code in their lives. Typical.

      When I was her age, I:

      • had already been accepted to several top engineering schools
      • was already at
  • by ites ( 600337 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @03:14AM (#6088482) Journal
    LawGeek writes "Aimee Deep is probably most famously known as the face that demonstrated that geeks are easily manipulated by a sweet smile and the promise of a pair of tits. It says here that I'm supposed to call her "highly attractive", and that's fine, cause I've had a few, and goddam, even my cat is starting to make eyes at me. Anyhow, back to the quote whoring. Since being exploited by her obnoxious dad (boy, do I hate that bastard) as a cheap and nasty (can I say "nasty"? I mean, she's actually quite sweet, especially when she does that "can I sit on your lap and get a lolipop thing") cover girl for his cheap and nasty Napster knockoff business. He keeps telling me some big corporation is going to buy his company for billions. Damn, where was I. Oh, yeah... Since being exploited from the underage of 16 as a face for her dad's corrupt and tortured business dealings, lots of geeks seem to have gotten the hots for her. Something to do with her pics appearing on a.b.p.teen, maybe. So, we've decided it's time to give her a brain as well as tits, and we've now invented an "interview" (haha!) with my old buddy Mikael Pawlo, who will do anything for a couple of gins and a quick one behind the bar. Oh shit, can I delete that? Anyhow, he "interviewed" the girl, which took about five seconds. "Maddy," he said, "Is your dad home?" "Uh, dunno, lemme see... yeah". "Right, get the fuck off the phone and let me talk to him!". "Hey, you don't have to talk to me like that, you motherfuck, I'm famous!" "Yeah, whatever, just pass him to me"...
  • A Quip (Score:3, Funny)

    by RoninM ( 105723 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @04:54AM (#6088804) Journal
    Says she, "I may look different, but I still feel the same on the inside." To which I say: I'll be the judge of that.
  • by The Bungi ( 221687 ) <> on Sunday June 01, 2003 @06:08AM (#6089018) Homepage
    Is how this ties into "my rights online"?
  • Is she real? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Azathoth!EDC ( 222280 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @09:08AM (#6089419)
    What nobody seems to have pointed out are that the two images of "Aimee Deep" - one on, and one on - don't look like the same person!

    Exhibit A []

    Exhibit B []

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