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Dutch Judge Cracks Down on Hyperlinks 441

The webzine Radikal (mirrored in Holland, because it has been banned in Germany) published several articles on disabling railroad trains (in the context of preventing shipments of nuclear materials); the German national railroad discovered it, and the fun has been going on ever since. Rejo Zenger writes "Today a dutch judge ordered Indymedia NL on the request of the Deutsche Bahn to remove some links from a page on their website. These links were pointing to the mirrors of Radikal sites. A few of these sites were containing two articles that have been forbidden in court before. The links were indirect links (surface links) instead of direct ones to the articles (deeplinks). So, none of the links was pointing to the offending articles directly! The judge "orders Indymedia immediately after receiving this sentence to remove and to keep removed the hyperlinks, which are placed on (a) website(s) under the control of Indymedia, if those hyperlinks lead directly or indirectly to the Radikal articles [...]". This is BAD. As almost all links indirectly point to the Radikal articles we can abolish the web now. The announcement, Dutch with English to follow shortly. The decision of the judge (dutch only)." Indymedia's press release (English) covers it pretty well. Update: 06/21 19:54 GMT by M : My summary in the first sentence has been corrected.
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Dutch Judge Cracks Down on Hyperlinks

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  • by phil reed ( 626 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:43AM (#3743526) Homepage
    Better drop that link to Google then.
    • I would have sworn a while back that some study showed that there was less than 6 degrees of separation in 99% of all pages.
    • But that's old news [] ("Google has also cut access to one or two pages cited in Deutsche Bahn's request letter").
      • No, not correct:

        When trying the search for "kleiner leitfaden" (which is German for "handy guide") in Google Groups you will go to here [] , then choose the third message and look at the Complete Thread. You will go to here [] , than scroll up and you'll see one of the forbidden articles.

        Then, try the same "kleiner leitfaden" in Google WWW. You will go to here []. . The seventh link is pointing to here [] and again you will have the article in front of you.

        Then, enter the title of the forbidden Indymedia site in Google WWW. The first link, try the Cache: here []

        Enough said.

  • What if a dutch judge ordered the same of a US site? Would it carry any weight? I know our(US) laws dont have much weight in southeast asia...
    • The US courts don't recognize foriegn court rulings (of this sort,admiralty law is somewhat different). Yahoo US can't be required by the French to remove auctions of Nazi items, even though those auctions violate French law, because Yahoo US is in the US and not in France.
  • That indirectly part is pretty suck, but at least the judge isn't trying to judiciate the other site (eg exercising control over his jurisdiction, not trying to extend it via the net).
    • In the same sense that it'd be ALMOST good if the Ayatollah only issued fatwa-death sentences against Iranians? Please.

      It'd be better if he'd issued the order against the Germans outside of his jurisdiction - because that would be a tacit acknowledgement that he can't do anything to stop the speech he's trying to censor; the dutch courts don't have freelance assassins to enforce their will. Instead, he's issued a boneheaded ruling that will have an actual, chilling effect on free speech. In what sense is that ALMOST good?
    • But suppose there's a local version of Google, or Yahoo, or some other search engine... would a ruling to remove their links also effect the parent site?

      Like any talented dog, it can do flips. Like any talented cow, it can do precision bitmap alignment.

      All I can say to that is...


      Apple hardware still too expensive for you? How about a raffle ticket? []

      Let "them" know you're not a terrorist! []
  • dutch != deutsch (Score:3, Informative)

    by bzzzt ( 313005 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:45AM (#3743539)
    The Deutsche Bashn is the german railroad. Radikal is a german newsletter. Only the website is dutch...
  • Indirect Links (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Black Aardvark House ( 541204 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:47AM (#3743557)
    The verdict is surprising, since Indymedia NL does not link directly to illegal articles. Until now, only direct links to illegal material were forbidden in the Netherlands.

    But how many "degrees of separation" (consectuive link-jumps) are needed until the linking is permissible. Six?

    Though I'm not in the Netherlands, I cannot see how this can be logical. One might be able to extend this ruling ad infinitum.
    • Re:Indirect Links (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Maran ( 151221 )
      You're looking at this the wrong way (and so is the judge). Even with all these indirect links, even if it's 10 or 20 pages deep, there has to be a direct link at the end of the chain. Break that link, and the rest of the chain doesn't matter.

    • by efflux ( 587195 )
      This is mostly a repost of a comment I posted on the Indymedia NL website, but here it is for the slashdotters...

      A comment on the Indymedia NL webstite state that:
      This ruling [will] have severe consequences for every person or organisation that has placed links on the Internet.

      Definately, It does. Now, I wonder shouldnt Indymedia NL, or other vigilantes (wink), now take this to the very people involved? Namely Deutsche Bahn and any Websites that may exist for the Nertherlands legal system. Perhaps it can be discovered that they too, have indirect links to the banned materials? This may take some searching, and if I knew some German, I would do this myself. Of course, if anything was found as such Indymedial NL should be made aware.

      So perhaps, if the very legal system or even the plantiffs can be found to be guilty of the same action Indymedia NL has been penalized for, perhaps the ruling can be showed for what it is. Inane.

  • by frankske ( 570605 ) <> on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:47AM (#3743560) Homepage
    Dutch != German!

    The Radikal magazine is german, DB (Deutche Bahn) is german, but the articles where published on a Dutch site ( So please get your facts strait!
  • what about the URL (Score:3, Insightful)

    by LtBurrito ( 267305 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:48AM (#3743577)

    Does putting a URL without making it a link (so that it has to be cut and pasted) count as linking? It's splitting hairs, but it's just conveying info that way, not linking...
  • So where does it stop?

    The mirror is out of the country. Okay I can't linke to the mirror, but can I link to an underground news site that has a linke to the mirror, that has a link to the "BAD!" information!!!

    Or do I have to link to a site that a 12 year old made for his little sister, that links to a wired article, that links to a slashdot page (They totally steal their news from here. P.S.- Hi wired!) , that links to a pr0n site, that links to THIS slasdot article, that links to google, that links to the Queen of Englands home page, that links to the mirror?

    So move the link out. And then when re-legislated, link out again. When the laws become too impracticle to enforce they collapse.

  • press release: Judge orders Indymedia NL to remove links to Radikal mirrors
    Indymedia NL 21.06.2002 01:55

    Amsterdam, 20 june 2002

    The court case, initiated by Deutsche Bahn (German Rail, DB) against
    Indymedia NL, has turned out negative for the latter organisation.

    Indymedia NL regrets the facts that the judge in the verdict does not
    elaborate on which kinds of links are permissible and which are not. This
    ruling will therefore have severe consequences for every person or
    organisation that has placed links on the Internet. Due to the structure of
    Internet, it is possible to reach any website on the internet, by way of
    combinations of links and indirect links.

    Deutsche Bahn insisted a couple of weeks ago that Indymedia NL should
    remove a number of indirect links of mirrors of the website of the
    periodical Radikal. Through the linked start page, numerous articles are
    available, including two articles concerning ways of blocking nuclear
    transports. These two articles have been ruled illegal in the Netherlands
    by the same judge on April 25th 2002. Indymedia NL refused to adhere to the

    In the verdict of June 20th, the judge has ordered to remove the hyperlinks
    and to keep them removed, in as far as these hyperlinks lead to the Radikal
    articles, either directly or indirectly and notwithstanding whether these
    hyperlinks were placed by visitors. If Indymedia NL does not comply with
    this order, a penal sum of 5,000 Euros per day can be imposed. The judge
    ordered that, like an Internet Service Provider but just as much like the
    editors of a newspaper, Indymedia NL is, in principle, responsible for the
    content that has been published with its help.

    The verdict is surprising, since Indymedia NL does not link directly to
    illegal articles. Until now, only direct links to illegal material were
    forbidden in the Netherlands. Out of this verdict however, it follows that
    indirect links to illegal material are also forbidden, because Indymedia
    NLs links only point to copies of the front page of the German periodical
    Radikal. It takes more clicks to reach the illegal articles.

    Indymedia NL considers the ruling a dramatic limitation of the
    possibilities of the Internet and the freedom of speech. Indymedia NL will
    probably try to appeal this decision out of principal considerations.

  • Sigh (Score:2, Funny)

    by st0rmshad0w ( 412661 )
    I think I need to walk away now, go live in the woods away from human stupidity, before I have a 'Scannrs' moment.

    Would the last of you to leave please lock up and make sure the internet is switched off?
  • The problem is... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by OmniVector ( 569062 )
    that too many people in power are too ignorant of technology. No one would be dumb enough to ban a website link directly or indirectly of a website in the U.S., because in the long run it doesn't matter. The judge thinks the Internet is some tangible force he can control through judiciary action. On a side note, I thought Denmark was one of the more tech-savvy countries (even more so per capita than the U.S.A). Scratch that off my list of assumptions :)
  • Whats really sad.... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Vengie ( 533896 )
    Is that this is one of those "grey" areas when personal feelings are concerned. Sure, there is the concept of "shipments of nuclear materials" but who gave you the right to disable railroads? Its more than a bit disruptive, illegal and a bit extreme. It _FORCES_ the issue of linking and affects privacy/copyright issues that otherwise might not come up. I'd like to see legal, legitimate and non-ethically dubious websites forcing these kind of issues; the KPMG scandal with deep linking produces a clear "bad guy" and throws support in favor of free-for-all hyperlinking. Things like this will continually push Government and Law Enforcement in favor of a "less fair" approach.
    To Summarize: If you're going to disable national transport, don't be surprised when someone attempts to stomp you out by any means necessary, uncaring of who's rights they trample on, since you didn't seem to have any regard for property rights. Its your _VIEW_ that nuclear material shipments should be don't have the right to physically disable the trains.
    • Are you sure that the intent is to actually de-rail trains or is it to demonstrate that shifting nuclear material around by train is not as safe as is claimed. If a few scruffy anarchists can distribute the instructions around imagine what someone with the will to kill could really do to the trains.

      Forget making dirty bombs.
      Train hauling nuclear material I Choo-Choo-Choose You.

      Things like this will continually push Government and Law Enforcement in favor of a "less fair" approach.

      If only history supported your hypothesis. Govts. seem to be in a war against their people. Honesty and political transparency is considered a Bad Thing by those in power. Deals are cut, money changes hands under the table and taxpayers are ripped off and / or killed. You can find thousands of examples all over the place. Govts. only fall under continual pressure.

      Writing letters to your local MP is *not* pressure. Your political representatives are not representative. The sheer fact that they are aligned to a political party discounts them from even being considered as representative.

      Which of your politicians has the political clout to stand up against this kind of transportation of nuclear waste?

      Their party loyalty is stronger than their integrity, never forget that, ever!
  • I can't make heads or tails of this one. Is the judge saying the sites can't be linked to because they contain articles that the court doesn't allow?

    Or is the owner of the site being linked to complaining about links (the old "You can't see my ads crap")

    The latter case is simply stupidity and can be ignored. The first case is scarier since it flies in the face of free speech. Of course I'm no expert on European laws but isn't there a way to fight that?
    • It's the former.. But be assured (I'm Dutch, so I've read the judgement), the judge made a carefull balance between FoS and public safety (combined with the fact that another judge already ruled in favour of the German Railroad).

      Altogether.. this isn't a final verdict, it's a so-called 'short thinggy' .. I don't know the translation, but it's a brief look at the case without long formal hearings, normally only used where time is most important (i.e. strikes, not-payed wages). Both parties can continue with a regular procedure (the 'bottom-procedure', no pun intended), which could take months or years.

  • whew (Score:5, Insightful)

    by BreakWindows ( 442819 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:53AM (#3743615) Homepage
    Don't worry it's only's not like this could ever happen in the US. []

    Once again, let's review what the web is for:

    bomb recipees: OK
    nude teens: OK
    KKK and Nazi sites: OK
    anything that interrupts wealthy corporations making money: Forbidden
    Monkey knife fights: OK, as long as you aren't fighting the Railroad's monkey

    • by juuri ( 7678 )
      anything that interrupts wealthy corporations making money: Forbidden

      Well duh, the world's new government is capitalism so of course each individual country is going to try its best to foster an environment best suited for corporations to make money. This is how you increase the standard of living for each citizen under this system and until something better comes along we can all expect money making institutions to get many more protective laws.
      • Re:Well of course. (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Hard_Code ( 49548 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @02:27PM (#3744966)
        "This is how you increase the standard of living for each citizen under this system"

        Well, this is how you increase a small number of people's standard of living astronomically, and others, questionably if at all. Average standard of living is not the only measure, there is also mode and standard deviation. We can give the wealth of the world to one person and our "average" standard of living will be the same. But this will be far from optimal.
  • by chabotc ( 22496 ) <chabotc@g m a i> on Friday June 21, 2002 @10:54AM (#3743627) Homepage
    Now the germans are also going after google, since they do have archived pages of the offending website!

    Get the goodies [here] []

    There reasoning seems to be that it is illigal for google to have a 'cached' version of the page, since the page was ordered changed (the removing of the hyperlinks).

  • If the ruling is posted on-line and the defendant proceeds to link to the ruling, would that be against the ruling? I'm assuming here that the ruling specifies the articles that cannot be linked to. If it specifies them as a URL, then it would be illegal for them to link to the ruling.

    Wow, the judge really screwed this one up...
  • by ryanvm ( 247662 )
    What's more puzzling is why American web-forum Slashdot [] chickened out of linking to any Radikal mirrors [] as well.

    So Dutch National Railroad, let's see you do something about this [].

    [Heh - there's nothing so brave as using someone else's liability to make a political statement.]
  • In case I use information from a book in there to find another book elsewhere and use it for bad things!
  • Some more background (Score:5, Informative)

    by rigolo ( 416338 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:03AM (#3743690)
    Maybe it is good to have understand the whole story from the beginning ...

    It starts way back in 1997 when the German magazine places some of their issues online at a dutch ISP (XS4ALL). In these issues they describe how to derail german trains.

    A German Court rules that these documents are illegal and these publications are illegal in Germany. German ISP are orderded to block the URL to XS4ALL. Because blocking something on the internet is virtually impossible these blocks were lifted because a lot of people started to publish mirrors of these documents.

    Back to April this year ...
    The German Railroads suddenly notice that these documents are still online and available and through a (dutch) court order forces XS4ALL to take these pages down.

    XS4ALL is applealing this decision and they are still in court (you can check the XS4ALL pages at [] )

    At the same time Indymedia plublishes a list with mirrors where these documents can be found ...
    and that is now illegal to. They want to appleal, but as always .. money is an issue ..

    I hope this helps.

  • by JPZ ( 42691 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:06AM (#3743714)
    "As almost all links indirectly point to the Radikal articles we can abolish the web now."

    The ruling states that, although the links themselves were indirect, they were accompanied by detailed instructions on how to locate the pages in question. It was this combination which the judge ruled illegal, not the actual link per se.

    This aspect should go down well with the Code=Speech crowd: source code (in this case a direct link) is essentially the same as a description/poem/diagram describing same.

    • This aspect should go down well with the Code=Speech crowd: source code (in this case a direct link) is essentially the same as a description/poem/diagram describing same.

      Yes, you're right. The judge is showing that the code and the hyperlinks are a expression of the intent of the person writing. THAT SHOULD BODE WELL WITH MOST GEEKS.

      But, you see, most geeks (IMHO) are radicals in their mind and want to see their world altered in their own image instead of really wanting people to act individually as they wish.

      You raise a good point, but when you come down to it, you are going against their anarchist roots with such a statement. They secretly want the world to be the geek universe, where their minds are paramount, and all else is trivial. Too bad the world would rebel against them just in the same way they did against Hitler when his ideas were applied en masse.

      Not to say that I don't agree with some of the geek ideals, some are really appealing, but I would rather let the world protest and then weed out what the world wants to see, instead of trying to stop railways with lethal effect.

      Unfortunately, all of life is a struggle to get what you want out of the herd at the expense of the herd for yourself. That is, until you realize that THERE IS NO HERD BUT PEOPLE... PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE HAPPY AND PURSUE THEIR DREAMS AND IDEAS. Most of the geeks I know are so dejected by their mental differences between others that they see most strangers as idiots, dangerous, or worse yet some kind of meat puppet useful only to the geeks personal end.

    • by bluebomber ( 155733 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @01:52PM (#3744739) Homepage
      The ruling states that, although the links themselves were indirect, they were accompanied by detailed instructions on how to locate the pages in question. It was this combination which the judge ruled illegal, not the actual link per se.

      So text like:

      Go to google. Search for "how to derail a train". You'll see interesting articles in the first ten hits.

      would also be considered illegal? (As opposed to linking like this []; and, of course, assuming such search terms led to the desired page.)

      How about:

      On the internet there is information about how to derail a train.
  • by Stonehand ( 71085 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:10AM (#3743736) Homepage
    ...otherwise it's trivial to circumvent the prohibition on direct links only.

    For instance, suppose linking directly to document A is banned. Then the hosting site could simply create a page with a "wink wink" link to document A, and the site against which the injunction is placed could link the the page with the "wink wink" link, with identical intent as with a direct link.

    In other words, it's perfectly reasonable for a ban to also include indirect links OF WHATEVER LENGTH (arbitrary numbers of pages of "Are you sure? Are you really sure? etc") so long as intent is clear (e.g. putting up silly links to Disney on each of the "are you sure" pages should not absolve them). One can even make a case for neglect if the linker should have known better according to a reasonable-person standard.

    Of course, even if the ruling notes this justification -- I don't read Dutch, and I'm leery of trusting a web translator on legalese -- Indymedia isn't exactly an independent with regards to their own case, and probably wouldn't mention this.
    • Wrong conclusions (Score:2, Insightful)

      by pslam ( 97660 )
      Three courses of action:
      1. Don't ban links.
      2. Ban direct links.
      3. Ban indirect links of any length.

      Banning direct links obviously doesn't work, which is why you say it's "reasonable" to also ban indirect links of any length. So option 2 is obviously out. That leaves us with:

      1. Don't ban links.
      2. Ban indirect links of any length.

      There are many examples, papers, discussions etc on how most web pages are indirectly linked to another. Following your own logical progression, it would therefore be "perfectly reasonable" for a ban to include the entire web. Obviously that would be silly. Which leaves us with the remaining option:

      1. Don't ban links.

      It's as simple as that. This is why law is in general really twisted and complicated - it gets far too wide reaching otherwise. Sounds to me like this judge hasn't quite grasped the consequences that result from this. Or the logic, for that matter. IANAL, blah.

  • Look at the verdict! (Score:5, Informative)

    by morie ( 227571 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:10AM (#3743738) Homepage
    The verdict mentions the sites as well and should therefore be illegal!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If normal people can't view information on how to disable railroad trains, then only the terrorists will be able to derail trains...

    ... oh... wait....
  • by Stonehead ( 87327 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:14AM (#3743772)
    Sorry, but I want to defend the judge a bit. For some stupid reason, this information has been ordered to remain secret. Just like Americans would hide information on their president's plane from terrorists. The judge didn't say anything about hyperlinks in general, he only spoke about Indymedia's intent. Even if it wasn't a link but a Javascript-generated rot13ed copy sung as a MP3 but clearly marked as illegal, it should be judged that way. Case by case, without generalizations. Free speech is an important right. But that's what we have judges for. (As much as I hate them, and yes, I'm Dutch.)
    • >Just like Americans would hide information on
      >their president's plane from terrorists.

      that's the difference..

      we can't play soccer, we can't smoke pot, but damnit, we DO know how to keep secrets.

      and if some kind of secret did get out, we'd route around it, not depend upon draconion "people are stupid except for the communist/socialist leaders.. who are smarter than the peasants".

      this judge is a moron.. the train people should fix their problems... whatever it is.
  • Did they - and if they didn't, why didn't they - demonstrate to the court the absurdity of what they are asking. Simply pick half a dozen or so government sites and show how, within five or so links they too link to the pages the court wishes to censor. Even better if they can show such links from the court service's web site.
  • Let's give them what they want. Everyone should remove links to the complaining web site, let them drop off Google (which rates pages on how many links point to it).

  • Train train (Score:4, Interesting)

    by wytcld ( 179112 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:28AM (#3743866) Homepage
    Underneath all of this is a silly premise. Does anyone need instructions to figure out how to derail a train? Let's see, it runs on two rails which are attached to ties in a certain way. So you either move a rail, or undermine the roadbed, or foobar a track junction or switch, or put something on top of a rail that's big and strong enough to send the wheels off. If the German government is counting on keeping trains secure by not having instructions up on the Net, they must estimate that the people who'd derail them are unusually stupid - and yet they expect they'll know how to read?? Reminds me of an article in yesterday's NY Times about how the Germans are following around a guy they know financed Mohammed Atta, but won't arrest him because they have such a respect for individual rights there. Maybe Germans really are stupid enough to need a manual to figure out how to derail a train?? If you live in Germany, feel very secure.
    • Re:Train train (Score:3, Interesting)

      If you want to derail a train, it isn't as easy as moving the train track. Train rails are mildly electrified so that a break in the rail will signal an alarm telling the trains in the area to stop. The signals sent down the rails can also tell if something metalic is on the tracks (completing an electric circut).

      The censored article doesn't tell you how to derail trains. It tells you how to make the trains stop by falsely triggering these alarms (among other things).

  • by unformed ( 225214 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @11:33AM (#3743898)
    Of course, there's a lot of people who claim that information like this should not be released because of the damage it can cause. Yes, I agree. The people erleasing the information should have better judgement; BUT the people should not be arrested either.

    Let me explain:
    There's also a lot of people who claim guns should be illegal; I beg to differ (and this is an easier analogy).

    Criminals will get guns regardless of whether they're legal or not. Most criminals don't even get guns legitimately; they're usually stolen from gun shops, other people, or bought from gun shows, where they don't have to follow the 7-day laws. Either way, they're acquired through the black market. Criminals (or at least intelligent criminals) don't just go out and buy assault rifles, because they know they can be traced.

    If guns were criminalized, all it'll do is prevent legitimate owners from purchasing them for self defense. Now our problem is the personality of this country (the states) where crime runs rampant, the punishment doesn't make sense (I'd get more time for trafficking weed than killing someone), so people don't really have a reason to act responsibly.

    In effect, if someone really wants to derail a train, they -will- find out; however, people who know should show enough responsibility to not tell everybody, as it can easily become some twisted game for a bunch of teenagers. As they've obviously shown, they don't have that responsibility, and of course, the government wants to punish them.

    What it comes down to is we need to reevaluate our moral responsibilites, and keep the government out of it...

    I dunno, I think I'm just rambling now, but it sense (to me) at one point....
  • It sounds like they don't have that whole "freedom of speech" thing the same way it exists in the U.S. Yeah, there's a lot of corporate hoo-ha on trying to limit freedom of speech, what is speech, and so on, but I don't think this case could ever fly in the US. So my advice to the Dutch and the Germans would be to get protected speech.

    My other bit of advice would be to find the dumbass who think's it's a cool idea to derail trains carrying NUCLEAR MATERIAL and explain to him why having a freightcar load of NUCLEAR MATERIAL spilling onto the ground might not be a good idea.

    The biggest problem (and greatest benefit) with free speech is that everyone gets it. Even dumbasses who want to dump a bunch of radioactive crap on the ground. Anybody who would even consider doing something like this has got to have fecal material in their cranium.
    • Maybe it would be a better idea to find whoever decided that carrying NUCLEAR MATERIAL (I'll shout if you do) on trains that any dumbass can derail was a good idea, and knock some sense into them?

      Aynway, the horse has clearly bolted, shutting down the whole damn internet won't put it back in the stable. Anyone who wants this information probably has it by now, the judge has only made things worse by drawing attention to it in this way.
  • Granted the subject matter involved is spooky, and I really dont want anyone monkeying with any train with a nuclear payload, but still.

    We're back to ANOTHER linking issue! WTF? Did the New York Times ever go down for doing the same exact thing as 2600?

    The principle issue at hand is the general ignorance (about the net and how it works) of those who create, enforce, and rule on the laws.

    There are a great number of people with a decent level of understanding about the internet, and sufficient common sense to know what just is a Very Bad Idea(TM). But basically none of them are in lawmaking bodies around the world. They aren't greatly organized, they don't have a powerful lobby, they don't pack the monsterous cash warchests that the corps have. So what happens?

    You get:

    1)Trigger situation - someone does something somewhere related to computers or the net that some other body disapproves of, legal or otherwise.

    2)Very Bad Law - disapproving body (often big corp) goes after (paid for or otherwise) new law that is so over the top that it looks completely loony to anyone who understands the technologies involved.

    3)Uproar - you and I and everyone else wets themself laughing then realizes that there could be very bad consequences.

    4)Sacrifical Lamb - some poor bastard (usually the poor soul from item 1) is hung out to dry while courts and lawmakers argue point they likely don't understand, insert paid experts from all sides. And lawyers, lots of lawyers.

    5)Bad Law - eventually everything settles down and Very Bad Law goes away, but Bad Law is put in its place. Compromise isn't always a good thing.

    Most Bad Laws regarding technology that we have now are actually the sons of Very Bad Laws.
  • Slashdot's hesitance (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Snafoo ( 38566 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @12:24PM (#3744209) Homepage
    notice how Slashdot didn't link to this Zine, either.

    (Let alone deep linkin)
  • It's not hard... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by lith2k ( 184946 )
    Most railroad tracks have a very low voltage current running through them so if a track breaks, they can tell there is a problem before a train crashes. All you have to do is get a few feet (maybe 6 or 7) of some pretty thick metal wire, solder/attach both ends to the track as far apart as the wire will reach. Get a big sledge hammer and knock the track apart. The wire will carry the voltage accross the break in the track so the train company won't think anything is wrong.
  • Solution! (Score:2, Funny)

    by Com2Kid ( 142006 )
    Since the US seems dedicated to making the rules of the DMCA apply around the entire world, I say that somebody ROT13's the thing and if anybody tries to break it, they sue for bypassing encryption without autherization!

    How do you know that they broke it? Well simple, who ever sues you MUST have broken the encryption in order to know what was in the file!

  • I agree, it seems logical. 'dutch' and 'deutsch' really look simmilar, but they are NOT. The text on /. makes one mixup after the other so let's put the things in the right place.

    People from the Netherlands (Nederland) are dutch (nederlands). (The word 'Holland' is ufed to refer to the western part is the Netherlands.)
    People in Germany (Deutschland) are german (deutsch).

    Radical is a german bulletin which was posted on The atricles in question were on disrupting the german railways. The 'Deutsche Bahn' (in germany, not dutch) found the articles on the dutch server and asked xs4all to remove the articles.
    Xs4all is really cool. It was started about 10 (more or less) years ago by a few hackers who wanted legal and cheap access to the internet for all.
    Anyway. The german railroads asked the dutch to take off the Radical site.

    I hope it helps to understand the article.
  • These guys were trying to cause a nuclear or enviromental accident? Why? What the hell is the point of that?!?!
  • This story is fake! It has to be fake. It must be fake.

    As every Slashdot reader outside of the United States will tell you, the United States is the only nation in the world that restricts freedom of speech. Prominent Linux kernel hackers are boycotting the US but not Holland. Microsoft, RIAA and MPAA are in the US, not in Holland. So this story can't be real because it's set in Holland.
  • I totally agree! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by attackiko ( 170417 )
    I agree with those smart people! The best way to show the dangers of nuclear energy is to derail a train and let the contents spill over a large area. That'll show the government!
  • by g4dget ( 579145 ) on Friday June 21, 2002 @03:54PM (#3745454)
    The links in question point to a few editions of an on-line magazine that suggests that people derail trains carrying nuclear materials and tells them how to. I don't see why it would make much of a difference whether it would point directly to the page in question or just to the index--the article isn't hard to find, and the content is infamous for this.

    Now, should such content be published and widely accessible? If the article is bogus and does not describe a real threat, it doesn't matter. Now, let's say that the article described techniques that actually work. It was published, what, five years ago? If it still poses a threat, we have to conclude that this kind of transport just cannot be made safe, in which case it shouldn't be carried out. If a bunch of adolescents can describe this in a low-quality rag, real terrorists can certainly figure it out as well. Whichever way you look at it, the article should not pose a threat to actual nuclear transport or rail travel.

    This just goes to show again that security through obscurity is as stupid when it comes to physical security as when it comes to computer security. Sadly, much of our government spooks are living by that principle, and we all pay the price, both in loss of civil liberties and loss of life.

You must realize that the computer has it in for you. The irrefutable proof of this is that the computer always does what you tell it to do.
