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Government Microsoft United States

Microsoft Is Bringing OpenAI's GPT-4 AI Model To US Government Agencies (bloomberg.com) 8

Microsoft will make it possible for users of its Azure Government cloud computing service, which include a variety of US agencies, to access artificial intelligence models from ChatGPT creator OpenAI. From a report: Microsoft, which is the largest investor in OpenAI and uses its technology to power its Bing chatbot, plans to announce Wednesday that Azure Government customers can now use two of OpenAI's large language models: The startup's latest and most powerful model, GPT-4, and an earlier one, GPT-3, via Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service.

The Redmond, Washington-based company plans Wednesday to release a blog post, viewed by Bloomberg, about the program, although its doesn't name specific US agencies expected to use the large language models at launch. The Defense Department, the Energy Department and NASA are among the federal government customers of Azure Government. The Defense Technical Information Center -- a part of the Defense Department that focuses on gathering and sharing military research -- will be experimenting with the OpenAI models through Microsoft's new offering, a DTIC official confirmed.

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Microsoft Is Bringing OpenAI's GPT-4 AI Model To US Government Agencies

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